Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 11, 1918, Page 12, Image 12
12 FOLK SONGS WILL MARK CHRISTMAS TREE PROGRAM Vulctide Celebration to Have Real Old-Fashioned Flavor To make their part of the Yuletlde celebration this year one that will long be remembered as well befits the occasion in such a year as this, Harrlsburg's Municipal Christmas Tree Committee Is getting down to hard work In preparation for It. One good, big, old-fashioned celebration, and probably two. around the tree are being arranged. Something new in such meetings RELIABLE PRESCRIPTION FOR THE KIDNEYS For many years druggists have watched with much interest the re markable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medicine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder do the work nature Intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on Its merit and It should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish (Irst to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Btnghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention the "Harrisburg Daily Telegraph." A MiISEM F-NTS ORPHEUM FRIDAY DEC. 13-14 SATURDAY MATINEES DAILY' The Federal Ainus. Co. Offer THE BRUTE M OF os 2 BERLIN MM \ Flay that every Red Blooded American Should See Not A Moving Picture Matinees—2s and 50 Nights—2s, 50, 75 / i I COLONIAL CHARLIE CHAPLIN j in his latest motion picture scream, "SHOULDER ARMS" | See Cluirlie fight the Germans alone—also Mrs. Charlie Chaplin (Mildred Harris) in "Borrowed Clothes" THURSDAY ONLY ALICE BRADY IN "IIER BETTER HALF" "N R-E-G-E-N-T LAST DAY—DO NOT MISS IT The best l'arnmount-Artcraft Special that has ever been made. "Huns Within" Featuring Dorothy Glsh anil George Fawcett ADDED ATTRACTION Mack-Sennett Comedy Tomorrow and Thursday Marguerite Clark -IX "Three Men and a Girl" In her newest and latest. First I presentation in Harrisburg. Adapt ed from the play. "Three Rears," by Edward Childs Carpenter. Do they walk into her trap? Do I they! These men were pals. See | the picture. MneU-Srnnett Comedy Saturday Show Enid Bennett —l\ "When Do We Eat" AdtnlMNlon—lOo, 20c, find war tax. HOW WEAK, NERVOUS WOMEN QUICKLY GAIN VIGOROUS HEALTH AND STRONG NERVES 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS A Vigorous, Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health-Col ored Cheeks Come in Two Weeks, Says Discoverer of Bio feren. World's Grandest Health Build er Costs Nothing Unless It Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long For. It Is safe to say that right here In this big city are tens of thousands of weak, nervous, run-down, de pressed women who In two weeks' time could make themselves so healthy, so attractive and so keen minded that they would compel the admiration of all their frienda The vital health building elements that these despondent women lack are all plentifully supplied In B<->- Xsren. wrLLUNr-sIJAY r,v niNiiNlj, will be attempted by the committee I this year, It was announced nftsr the meeting of the general committee last evening. Speaking Is to have very little part on the program. A brief prayer and short Introduc tions by Flavel L. Wright, chairman of the general committee, will be the only oratorical efforts of the evening. Carrolltvg of good old-fashioned carols of their childhood by the big crowds anticipated, Is to form the big part of the evening meeting. That the entire assemblage may have an opportunity to sing these half-forgotten carols, plans are be ing made to have the words cast on a huge screen. This celebration will take place on Christmas eve about the site of the big tree. An other meeting will likely bo held to enliven the New Year's eve observ ance. The Moorhead Knitting Com pany chorus will be present to lead the singing. Have Two Sites The site for the erection of the big tree has not yet been definitely selected. The choice has been nar rowed down to two places, Front and Market streets, the site of other years, or Market Square, with the committee favoring the latter. This location will be the choice in the event that traffic can be handled after space has been allotted for the tree. The definite location will be announced after a conference of committeemen with the mayor and police department heads. A giant sixty-foot spruce tree, just cut near Covallen, Perry county, has been offered to the tree com mittee, headed by Frank B. Musser, and its acceptance is practically cer tain. This tree, or another in the event that this one is not accepted, will be moved to Harrisburg at the earliest practicable moment that the committeemen may start deck ing it in most gorgeous array. It will be lighted every evening during the holidays. To complete final arrangements for the big municipal celebration an other meeting of the generul com mittee will be held on December 20. Committees to arrange the neces sary details announced last evening are: Committee on Arrangements— Mrs. J. W. Kelly, chairman; Mercer B. Tate, F. H. Hoy, Jr., Mrs. Wil liam Henderson. Finance —E. P. Herman, chair man; Paul Johnston, J. F. Dapp/K. H. Irons. Tree—F. B. Musser, chairman; S. S. Rutherford, George G. Mc- Farland, A. H. Bailey, Warren R. Jackson. Singing—Mrs. William Jennings, Miss Cora Lee Snyder, W. C. Alex ander. Decoration—L. L. Ferree, chair man; S. O. Rutherford, Dr. H. M. Kirkpntrick. Publicity A. Bdyd Hamilton, chairman; William S. Worst, H. Lowengard, C. L. Shepley, V. Hum mel Berghaus. f v JUNIPER TAR The Dependable Remedy for All COUGHS COLDS Sore Throat 60 Doses, 30c jr 'JUNIHIRTAjO AT DRUGGISTS L NaofooiKD COWUFO T , . _ Vara* UCOHOI J Keep Juniper Tar a fe*. **./ In the medicine, chest for eraerren- AMUNKMKNTS VICTORIA TODAY AND TOMORROW MADAME PETROVA in "Tempered Steel" Also a New Serial. "THE HAND OF VENGEANCE" based on the exploits of Sherlock Holmes FRIDAY ONLY JANE AND KATHERINE LEE in "TELL IT TO THE MARINES" Admission, 10c Jt 20c & war tax *• MAJESTIC HOMER 11. A MARG. MASON J KEELER In a One-Act Travesty of "The Eternal Triangle" 4 OTHER EXCELLENT ACTS Including HOWARD AND SADLER GILLEN AND MULCAHY M c R A E ANDCI.EGG wild SPANISH GOLDINIS E JIMMIE LUCAS If you are ambitious, crave suc cess in life, want to have a healthy, vigorous body, clear skin and eyes that show no dullness, make up your mind to get a package of Blo feren right away. It costs but little and you can get an original package at any druggist anywhere. Take two tablets after each meal and one at bedtime —seven a day for seven days then one after meals till all are gone. Then if you don't feel twice as good, look twice as attractive and feel twice as strong as before you started your money Is waiting for you. It belongs to you, for the discoverer of Bio-feren doesn't want one penny of it unless It fulfills all claims. Note to Physicians: There Is no secret about the formula of Bio-feren, It is printed on every package. Hers It is: Lecithin; Calcium Glycero phosphate; Iron Peptonate; Mang anese Peptonate; Ext. Nux Vomica; Powd. Penttan; Phenolphthulein; Olearuln Cansictim: Kola. I |^AMUSE|FLJMENTSF^ High Class Vaudeville To-night Homer Mason and Marguerite Keeler in "The Eternal Triangle;" Gillen and Mulcahey, in a singing and piano act; Howard and Sadler, sing ing comedienne; Spanish Uoldinis, Novelty entertainers; Mcltea and Clegg, bicyclists. Change of program to-morow, with "Jimmie" Lucas and Company, and four other acts. ORPHEUM Friday and Saturday, with daily matl ne ®B—"The Brute of Berlin." three days, starting Monday, Decem ber 16, with daily matinees "A Little Mother to Be." „ , COLONIAL To-day Mildred Harris in "Bor rowed Clothes." and Charlie Chaplin in "Shoulder Arms." Thursday Alice Brady in "Her Bet ter Half." Friday and Saturday Mae Marsh in "Hidden Fires." REGENT To-day Special Artcraft Picture, "The Hun Within." Thursday and Friday Marguerite Clark in "Three Men and a Girl." Saturday, only Enid Bennett in "When Do We Eat?" VICTORIA To-day and to-morrow —Madame Pe trova in "Tempered Steel." Friday—Jane Lee and Katherine Lee in "Tell It to the Marines." Saturday—Theda Bara in "The Clem enceau Case." A new war drama, "The Brute of Berlin," will be the offering at the Orpheum, Friday and "The Ilrutc Saturday, with daily of Uerlln" matinees. While the play may be described as melodramatic to a certain extent, yet it is strictly historical and deals with actual facts as they are present ed to-day In Belgium, that unhappy land of devastation and ruin. The story, of course, centers around the Kaiser, and is an awful indictment of that vicious founder of the greatest military system and autocratic gov ernment the world has ever known. The locale of the play is Belgium, and while the auditor is given a vivid and most realistic presentation of scenes that have happened recently in that unfortunate country and at times are apt to arouse him to the highest pitch of righteous indignation, yet there is enough genuine, clean comedy in the bill to make the performance alto gether a very acceptable and enjoy able one. Every act on the Majestic bill the first half of this week is a winner. Homer Mason and Mar'gue- Al flic rite Keeler are presenting Majestic one of the most entertain ing little comedies seen at the Majestic (.'lis season. Grouped around this act are: Mcßea and Clegg, clever bicyclists; The Spanish Goldinis, in an excellent vaudeville novelty; Howard and Sadler, the popular sing ing comediennes, and Gillen and Mul cahey, who entertain in a pleasing manner with songs and piano-playing. To-morrow there will be a complete change of program, with the popular Harrisburg favorite, "Jimmie" Lucas, on the bill. Lucas is a well-known "nut" comedian, and never fails to score a hit. McCart and Bradford will present their comedy playlet, entitled "love, Honor and Obey." Nichols and Wood are a comedy blackface team who will be on hand with a lot of good material. El Cota, xylophonlst, will lie an added attraction on the bill. One other act completes the vaude ville roster. Harrisburg's favorite. Marguerite Clark, will appear in her new Para mount photoplay. "Three At the Men and a Girl," a charming Regent story. The famous director, Marshal Neilan, directs Marguerite Clark in "Three Men and a Girl." When it is known that many of the famous successes scored by Alary Pickford were directed by Mar shal Neilan, then it may he assumed that "Three Men and a Girl," the lat est Paramount starring vehicle for Marguerite Clark, which was directed by Mr. Neilan. and which will be shown at the Regent Theater for two days, will be equally successful. The leading man is Richard Barthelmexs, the famous Broadway stage success, who has been seen to excellent ad vantage In many of Miss Clark's pic ture successes. Depleting the role of a beautiful, high-strung Southern girl, who is plunged into the whirlpool At the of theatrical life in Alun- V let or in liattan, with all its many temptations; Its evils and Its good, Madame Petrova is due to appear at the Victoria Theater to-day and to-morrow in "Tempered Steel." Of the many emotional purts which this noted Polish actress has played, this role is declared by critics to be one of the very best she has inter preted. It is different from her usual work, but calls forth all the remark able dramatic powers which have gained Petrova the fame she has ac quired. "The Hand of Vengeance." a thrill ing detective serial, based on Sher lock Holmes' exploits, will begin to day at the Victoria, while another episode of "A Fight for Millions" is to be shown to-morrow. To-day Is your last opportunity to see Charlie Chaplin, the world's great est comedian, and his bride At the on the same bill at the Culuniul Colonial Theater. The pic ture was shown to capacity houses the two days it played, and many were the favorable comments heard front the picture fans. Charlie Chaplin is seen in his newest and funniest motion picture scream. "Shoulder Arms." Come and see Charlie fight the Germans all alone. Mildred Harris (Mrs. Charlie Chap lin) Is seen as the girl who sought happiness In a house of glass, a Lois Weber production. "Borowed Clothes" is the story of a girl who sacrificed herself to satisfy her parents' ambi tions. Thursday only, Alice Brady will be seen In "Her Better Half." Marguerite Clark in "Three Men and a Girl/' at Regent Notable support has been provided for Marguerite Clark in her new photoplay. "Three Men and a Girl," which will be shown at the Regent to morrow and Thursda>. The leading man is Richard Barthelmesx, one of the "most prominent screen players in the country, who has been seen to ex cellent advantage in many of Miss Clark's picture successes. Percy Marmont, a widely-known player, has a strong role, while Je rome Patrick, who played in "The Three Bears," the story of which has been picturized for Miss Clark, has a splendid part. Others in the cast in clude: Ida Darling, Charles Craig, Sydney D'Albrook, Betty Bouton and Maggie H. Fisher. The scenario wus written by Eve l.'nsell, and Marshall Neilan was the director. The story deals with the trials of a trio of women-haters, who are ulti mately forced to confess that their pretensions are„ false when they meet Sylvia Weston, the role assumed by Marguerite Ciark. The picture is one of unusual interest and displays Miss Clark at her best. CONDUCTOR SERIOUSLY HI RT George W. Bennett, 2313 Jefferson street, is confined to his home with several broken ribs as the result of being thrown from the freight train, of which he was conductor, in the Pennsylvania yards Saturday at mid night. Bennett, attempted to re move a lantern from the rear end of the train. In doing so he was hurt by a telegraph pole and thrown to the ground. tt.„ McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. HARRISBURG 8S6&& TELEGRAPH HEARST FOE OF HIS COUNTRYMEN SENATORS HEAR Outlines Cartoon Showing Japan Ready to Stab Amer ica in the Back fly Associated Press Washington, Dec. 11.—In its in vestigation into German propaganda the Senate Committee received fur ther evidence of the activities of William Randolph Hearst to-day. George Sylvester Vierick, editor of Vierlck's Weekly, formerly the Fa therland, whose name has been men tioned several times in the inquiry, sent Hearst a message from New York, under date of March 1, say ing he believed the story of the Zim inann note wos a "hoax" and that document was "planned by British agents." Under date of March 3, Hearst sent these messages to Carvalho: "I feel Congress should remain in continual session and protect the people's liberty. This making a dic tator of President desperately dan gerous precedent. It may do no immediate harm with a good Presi dent but it may do immense injury with some bad one. * * * Wilson is federalist as I wrote in first year of his term and as Francis showed in alien and sedition editorial. The federalists are autocratic in ten dency. * • * President of this re public to-day has more power than any king in any constitutional mon archy in the world. If gets more he will be a dictator and possibly a despot. It is the duty of true Demo crats to be vigilant especially as all these encroachments in popular rights are being made in the name of democracy." "MeCay could make strong eight column cartoon occupying in depth two-thirds editorial page, showing smaller figures Uncle Sam and Ger many shaking their fists at each other, on left side page and on right sido big head and shoulders of Ja pan with knife in hand leaning over into picture and evidently watching chance to strike Uncle Sam in back, title of picture to be quote Watchful Waiting unquote, subtitle quote Look Out Uncle Sam Your Neighbor Ja pan Is Eagerly Waiting an Oppor tunity to Strike You in the Back." Under date of March 4, this tele gram was sent to Carvalho; "Think beneficial thing Senate not to give President great powers de manded. If my telegram of yester day explaining my opposition to such powers and advocacy of extra ses sion wus not printed in Sunday pa per, please elaborate it somewhat and make it an editorial approving action of Senate. Speak very high ly of Wilson, say he is good Presi dent and undoubtedly meant to use power for good purposes but the precedent is a dangerous one to establish und Senate did well to re tain its powers and rights and pro tect the liberties of the people. 'Say that the few senators who voted to retain the rights and func tions of that body oonstitute a roll of honor. They did not lack respect for President, hut they had a great er respect for the institutions found ed by the fathers. The day ' 'I come when theii action will be cj tend ed by all the people. Prit, 'heir names." On February 25 Hearst soi. a telegram to Carvalho asking him keep standing in tfie "evening j., pers the verses printed in America:* reproduced from Harper's Weekly during Civil War and referring to shipments ot arms by England to the South." Carvalho protested the next day in this message: "Cannot fine; Harper's Weekly poem in America. Found one.repro duced in Fatherland from Harper's Weekly 1863 attacking England for sending arms, etc., therefore in eon sequence of sinking of Laconia to day with Americans aboard and President Wilson's address before Congress urge that wc not use this poem, if it is the one you mean, as under present conditions it is bound to hurt papers. Bulk of public be lieves country is on verge of war with Germany and this poem prominently displayed will be re garded as our taking Germany's side. 'Star Spangled Banner' is be ing run top of column morning edi torial. Referendum canvass under way." By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 11. Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, chairman of the foreign relations committee, ad dressed the Senate to-day in re gard to the mention of his name among advocates of a munitions em- DON'TTIT ATOLD GATHER HEADWAY Nick it right at the start with Dr. King's New Discovery Go after it hard. Relieve it or a cough or a mild attack of grippe or bronchitis, promptly, pleasantly, ef fectively, economically. Loosen the stuffiness, check the sniffles, the tight feeling, the irritation, the watery, inflamed eyes. It takes only a little of Dr. King's New Discovery to help the usual cold and cough discomforts If taken ac cording to directions. A large bot tle lasts long and is pleasant for young and old. Keep It handy— colds and coughs come unexpect edly. suddenly. Stir Those Torpid Bowels Enjoy the freedom of the regu larity mado possible by mild yet positive acting, natural, pleasant, comfortable Dr. King's New Life Pills. Not habit-forming, but a sys tem cleanser that promotes health ful results. All druggists. Do you enjoy hot lemonade and a WKtiV l blistering foot* bath ? Better re suits are obtained taking, before bed-time Lane's cold and grip Tablets. They are pleasant to take, and you will wake up in the morning surprised at the amount of re lief obtained. Thousands use them and they are guaranteed. Sold by druggists everywhere. bargo In documents produced be fore the Senate judiciary commlt tee'sGerman propaganda inquiry. He said he had no disposition to criti cise the placing of all German docu ments in the record but that It was evident the Germans had used the names of many public men reck lessly, the climax of absurdity be ing reached when they recorded Professor Albert Bushnel Hart, of Harvard, as willing to co-operate with them. In 1914, Senator Hitchcock said, he proposed a munitions embargo bill, us a measure for strict Amer ican neutrality. Later, he declared, German propaganda and criminal I acts in this country and atrocities ' abroad caused him to change his ! attitude. "Like other Americans," said the i Senator, "I have passed from one phase of the situation to another— , peaceful neutrality, armed neutral- : ity, wur. I supported in the days ! of our neutrality the embargo idea j —and as an American 1 declined to associate myself with those who be- J came partisans of Germany." Referring to the letter of a Ger- I man agent dated July 22, 1915, say- j ing Senator Hntchcoek "seemed strong" for the embargo movement and had said it would "sweep the United States," Mr. Hitchcock point ed out that he had introduced a bill j for a munition, embargo, more than I eight months before and had made a speech in the Senate in the bill's behalf. On February 17, 1915, the measure wus rejected 51 to 36, as an amendment to the shipping bill. "The part I took during 1914 and 1915, in favor of prohibiting the ex port of arms and munitions during our neutrality has never been a sub ject of concealment or apology on my part," said Senator Hitchcock. "It became a campaign issue In 1916 when I ran for re-election and the fact that I was re-elected by a com fortable majority indicates that my course and my motives were under stood and approved by the people of Nebraska. "My stand was taken in 1914 as an American for neutrality. The Germans in America took theirs by forming the embargo conference in 1915 as partisans of Germany. They were supporting my bill, but I de clined to go to their conferences, conventions or meetings, though I was often invited to appear as a speaker. I made my only speeches here in the Senate or in defending my course later before my constitu ents. "In those days the country was under a pledge of neutrality by vir tue of the President's proclamation which was made when the war broke out. We should no doubt have remained neutral at least nominally and officially if Germany had not by a series of outrages made our attitude llrst difficult and then impossible. "My attitude naturally changed with changing conditions. I stood first for a strict peaceful and im partial neutrality even to the ex tent of selling no arms and ammu nition and lending np money to either side. "Next when Germany began a systematic attack on our commerce, I was ready to fight to protect our neutrality. "I supported the President's re quest that we authorize him to as sert and protect our neutrality by arming our merchant ships, and I had charge in the Senate of what was known as the armed neutrality resolution which died so dramati cally here in the senate at noon on March 4, 1917. "A month later when the Issue Changed from armed neutrality to war 1 hud charge of the declara tion of wur which was briefly de bated and passed by the Senate, April 4 1917," NOT A PARTICLE OF DANuRUFF OR A FALL'NG HAIR Sa* your hair! Double its beauty in just a few moments. "Danderine" . makes your hair thick, glossy,, wavy and beautiful. Within ten minutes after an ap plication of Danderine you cannot iiind a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and. your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see ntw hair, line and downy at first—yes—but really new hair — growing all over the sculp. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strength ens them. Its exhilarating, stimu lating and life-producing properties cause the hair to glow long, strong and beautiful. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth .with Danderine und carefully draw it through your hair, .taking one smull strand at a time. The effect is amazing—your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, und have an ap pearance of abundance; an incom parable luster, softness and luxuri ance. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter for a few cents and prove that your hair is ns pretty and soft as any—that it has been neg lected or injured by cureless treat ment —thut's all—you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Danderine. L. i —IMMBPS IN MEMORIAM of the departed we make and erect monuments of all descrip tions. We shall be pleased to submit plans qnd estimates, guaranteeing that both work manship and ' charges will be found satisfactory. I. B. DICKINSON Granite, Marble and Tile 505-13 N. THIRTEENTH ST. llarrlsburg, Pa. Several New Names Are Carried in Casualty List Corporal Charted Andwer Wood, eon o f Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette N. Wood, 220 North Market street, Mechanlcsburg, was severely wound ed In action In France, to-duy's olfi clal casualty list reports. Ho was a member of Company a, 112 th In fantry. Oltlclal mention is made In to day's list of the severe wounding of Corporal Frank J. Constantine, son of Mrs. Bessie Constantine. The mother was notified about a week ago that her son had been injured I on October 12 and was recovering in | a base hospital in France. Truining j at Camp Meade and Camp Greene, he went overseas in July with Com-I pany G, 30th Infantry, with which I he was solving at the time he was injured. Other casualties included in to day's lists are: Private George L. Stauffer, son of Mrs. William Stauff er, of Dillsburg, killed in action; Private Major B. Williams, Cham bersburg, wounded, degree undeter mine; Private Harry B. McCune, Co lumbia, wounded severely; Private! Joseph Maleskie, Williamstown, j wounded, degree undetermined; i Lieutenant David M. Wallace, Mld dlctown, wounded slightly; Corporal I Wilbur liockenberry, Duncannon, I wounded slightly; Private Alfred O. j Wilson, Chambersburg, wounded j slightly. MILLION AWAITS AN OWNER Neiv York, Dec. Xl.—One million dollars held by a local bank as de pository for the former imperial Rus sian government awaits the claim of a Russian regime recognized by the United States and the Allies, accord- BROWN & CO. nMI Uptown, Lower Expenses, Lower Prices Harrisburg's Largest Uptown Store We Can Save You Money in Your Christmas Shopping. Be Suie to Visit Our Store ~ % | J illfil M£Dougalls^Mious |LSI ' v Kitchen Cabinet -V carload just received for Christmas. JS3ES Nothing more acceptable to mother. Beau li J--"- IsLjJSp tiful in appearance and saves work every day pFg CasA or cn the Club Plan Blankets, Comforts, Indian Blankets Pictures Pictures Your money will go farther in a picture ■ 'lSiiw ill than in anything else, besides providing ■ a mighty pleasing and acceptable gift. 3,000 in Our Stock, Every One a Real I *IF Picture at Specially Low Xmas Prices II Useful Christmas Suggestions fig I Look over this list carefully. It may 'Mla| have the very thing you want to buy. 4| I ' Tables, Dining Chairs, Living Room Suits, Davenports or Davenport Suits, tf&OysJsisyGtSirS. Christmas Rockers, Bedrc/om Suits, Brass or Iron Beds, Living Room Tables, Dress ers, Chiffoniers. \s28 m to $70 00 \ I A Big Line of Go-Carts Just Received / (Mb. . y- % The "Quicker Yet" Electric Washer Vfi JPR J • Will Make the Greatest Christmas Present ou Ever Gave Your Mother, pWrni l| ' ■ 1 1 rd&tia- " --35 V. \\e have Just received another carload—one hun \ HI I 1 ffM\ U;' < ' i'V'J dred machines—ready to deliver. Jil I I MuTreiy :V *' % Y% They are made in different styles, made of I-onlsl- Hi lifi ana cypress, the best wood In the world for wnshtub purposes; water has no effect on It, as it does on i/M IliMljMilEj Igfflual Itoth wringer ami washer run by power, together IfvA M jT IK or alone—the wringer both slides and turns, thus Ij '.V Jyjg allowing you to wring from one tub wliilo tlio other j There are no lielts, gears, pulley or any working 11 * 11 parts exposed on these splendid machines. We have 11 tliein here In operation. Come to the store and let ' -phere Is nothing that money can buy that will meau so much to a woman as n power washer. It is ™* or * Give Her an Electric Washer—She Deserves Your Very Best svnui VX'HITI.' ui FHTRir Time nrlce $05.00; Cash price, 10 per cent off, or $85.50 nSir vn o—Thm- PLATFORM KI.KCTRIC —Time price $100.00; Cash price, 10 per cent off, or SOO.OO TIME PRICE MEANS 10% DOWN AND 10% PER MONTH With a $lO Cash Payment You Can Give Her the Rest Electric Washer for Xmns—The Best Present of All COME SEE THEM—OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS WALTER S. SCHELL Quality Seeds 1307-1309 MARKET STREET—HARRISBUP.G DECEMRER 11, 1918. Ing to lawyers who announced yester day that the Tennessee Copper Com pany had given the bank a check for that amount In settlement of a -suit brought against It by the govern ment of the former Czar. TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR In a list of local banks and the total of their certificates of Indebt edness mude to Insure the success of the Fourth Liberty Loan, published In last night's Telegraph, it was in advertently stated that the First National Bank's total was $302,000. Old Herbal Remedy Used For 40 Years in Relieving Diabetes The most satisfactory results have been obtained in combating Diabetes by observing certain dietary rules and the judicious use of Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy, an herbal preparation of 40 years successful sale. Following is a letter front a grate ful user: "This letter is the best proof that I am still alive. Your medicine is a miracle to nte. My weight was reduced front 157 to 114 pounds when I left the hospital. I left there Aug. 6th In despair. Hund reds of people that knew me said I would never live to return to my studio. After leaving the hospital, 1 saw your "Ad." in the paper. I began its use, and at once com Through a typographical error,""-the figure "1" was dropped. The total should have read $1,302,000. £OLDST Head or chest— are best treated "externally"— K™ Mfv) NEW PRICES—3Oc. 60c. 51.20 rnenced to improve, and now every body is saying to 1110 that 1 look better than ever before. I tip the scales at 132 pounds and I am back working again to the astonishment of all. 1 feel splendid and people say I am looking better every day. I must tell you that every word I have written is true, and I can prove it by hundreds that knew of my con dition. Jules • Friquet, 611 West First Street, Los Angeles, Cal." Warner's Safe Diabetes Kemedy 1s made from herbs and other bene ficial ingredients and has been on the market 40 years, a true indica tion of its value. Get a bottle today. Sold by leudlng druggists every where. Samphe sent on receipt of ten cents. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. 206, Rochester, N. Y.