16 U. S.-BRITISH WORLDCONTROL NOW PROPOSED Williams Tells Senate Two Nations Are Equipped by Sea Power and Resources Washington.—A league of nations consisting of the United States and the British Empire, which other nations might join or fail to join as they pleased, but which could dominate the world and enforce peace through sea power and con trol of raw materials, was suggested in the Senate today as a very prac tical solution of the problem of maintaining tiie world's peace by John Sharp Williams, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee and probably President Wilson's closest friend in the upper house. Believing that what -Mr. Williams was saying may have been inspired by the President, who it is thought talked with the Mississippi Senator on this question, and with hint only of the entire membership of Con gress. Senators pricked up their ears at this suggestion. SCHWAB PLANS FOR PEACE WORK [Continued from First l'ugc.] SSOo,(X>O,OOU by th- government and the probability of the cancellation of 1200.000,000 more by the Emerger.?y Fleet Corporation, and with the le lease of enormous quantities of tlte raw product, it became imperative that immediate steps be taken for the readjustment of the enormous facilities of the company. The rea sons for Schwab's resignation we. e made known on Monday when the an nouncement of the cancellation of the huge government contracts .-as riadi. known. Engaged almost entirely on war work, steps were taken almost !m- ' mediately after the cessation of hos tilities by officials of the Steelton plant to again place some parts of k their plant on peace work. Several & weeks ago the ftrst rails were rolled j D 1 y the company for a period of four years. But much work remains to 1 be done at Steelton to bring ti. i plant back to a peace basis as there does at other plants under the control of Schwab, and so his resignation. Tills will be the first time for years that any quantity of Iron and steel has been available for any but war , purposes. Enormous amounts of it j will be necessary to care toy con- | struclion work long delayed because i of the inability to secure the neces- I sary material, and to care for recon struction work, and it is to secure some of these peace contracts that Schwab will first devote his attten- ' tion. In tlie cancellation of the war eon tracts. the steel companies get an ad- | from the government for' work already done on the war eon traits or special plant extensions made to accommodate the war needs 1 of the government. Actual loss will , he suffered only by the speculative i companies organized in a gamble on I g..vrnment war contracts. Companies ! of this kind which did not do actual I government work but only speculated ! on getting war contracts, will not j be reimbursed. "But any plant which has begun i v ork on a contract for us or has made j monetary Investment on definite au thorization from us, will be compen sated by the Emergency Elect Cor- ! puration," said Charles Piez, who j took chwab's place as director gen- j eral of shipping yesterday. "We may j l.uy their plants from them and j charge off the loss as a prat of legi- j limate war loss." , Mr. Schwab is now in Ohio on per- : soiial business, but Will return to I Philadelphia. Thursday, to take for- j mat leave of the Emergency Fleet I Corporation. Edward X. Hurley, i chairman of the shipping board, who | appealed In vain to Mr. Schwab to re- I main in his position as director gen- : eral of shipping, gave high praise to I Schwab for Ills work in the war. In | a telegram to Schwab's office y ester- : uay. Hurley said: "You . generously answered your | country's call in the time of urgent need. We have established a fine rco- J I ord of shipbuilding achievement, an 1 j 1 am personally grateful to you >r the patriotic sacrifices you have madj I for your country, and for the fine ; and unselfish way in which you work- ] ed by my side. You can have the ' knowledge in leaving that a fine or ganization remains in the fleet cor poration to carry on your work. 1 will count on you for the aid and j solution which you can still give us I from the outside." SALOONMEN BLAMED FOR BOOTLEGGING | [Continued from First l'ugc.] rooms. For a time, conscientious ; hotel proprietors complied with the j request, but the increased amount , of drunkenness among soldiers is j sufficient evidence to the police that j the suloonnicn have relaxed their ■ v igilance. At a conference with Mayor ] Keister some time ago, representu- ■ tives of the local liquor dispensers 1 and retailers, agreed to do all In their power to curb the pernicious practice of bootlegging. Mayor Keis ter said to-day they have conformed to their agreement for the most part | but there are many saloonkeepers j who persist in selling liquor to be i carried away from their premises J without making any effort to de- ! terniine the responsibility of the j L purchasers. , Mr. Keister said that with the I slight relaxation of discipline attend- ; ant upon the signing of the armi stice, and with the great influx of j soldiers home on leave for the holi- | days, and still others corning home following their discharge, the cam paign against bootlegging must be I carried on without letup. He pointed I out that even following their dis- | charge, ex-soldiers and sailors may | not purchase liquor as long as they 1 wear the uniform of t.he army or navy. Bootleggers have been* heavily fined in ihc police campaign to break up the business here. LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Elizabeth Holland, late of llarrisburg. Pa., deceased. I.ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION upon the said Estate have been grant -0 to the undersigned. All persons liuving claims or demands against said Estate will make known the . seine, and all persons Indebted to said li-ccdent will inake payment, without tr delay, to CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY. llarrisburg. Pa.. 1230 North Third Street. V • ! TUESDAY EVENING, HAHIUSBURG TEUEGRAPE: DECEMBER 10, 1918. M'ADOO PROMISES RAIL SERVICE IS TO BE IMPROVED Washington, Dec. 10.—Restora tion of normal passenger service | now has been undertaken by tiie j railroad administration, said Direc ! tor General MeAdoo. A number of | trains, he announced, will be added to existing schedules within the next j few weeks. j "The war now Aieing practically over," he said, "it will be the policy ' of the railroad administration dur- I ing the remaining period of federal | control to give to the public the j best service of which the railroads | are capable. | . Wilson's Advisers of Industry Are to Meet With Him in Sessions By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 10. —The Indus i trial members of President Wilson's j "war cabinet," \vhich met at the : White House every Wednesday dur ing this country's participation in the war, will join the President as a I unit in Paris and act as his advisers at the peace conference on economic, ; industrial and reconstruction prob | lems in Europe affecting the future | peace of the world. Those who will make up the party , to sail upon word from President ' Wilson are Bernard M. Barueh. ' chairman of the War Industries I Board: Fuel Administrator Harry A. Garfield, and Vance C. McCorniick. j chairman of the War Trade Board: I I Edward X. Hurley, chairman of the! Shipping Board, and Food Adminis trator liet'bcert ('. Hoover, already ( ill Europe. Huns Not Wanted Here; Immigration to Be Curbed With Germany crushed and beat- j en into insensibility, from hence forth a second or third rate power: ; with Germany bending double un der a frightful load of debt and ; overwhelmed with gloom; with j Germany the prey of Bolshevist ; terrorists, who will find it quite as easv to plunder and murder tier- > mans in the years that are to come j as it has been to rob and kill \ Frenchmen and Belgians in the j years that are past—with all these ; things happening in Germany, it ' may lie assumed that large numbers of the inhabitants of that wretched country will make an attempt to leave it at the earliest possible mo ment. Where will they go'.' Surely not to any of the allied countries in Europe or to their col onies—not just now. Not even to tiie new nations that are being born out of the wreck of Austria-Hungary. ! Not to any of the countries with j which Germany was allied, for these j countries will be revolutionary, pau per lands for years to come. Is it ; not, therefore, reasonable to sup- I pose that many of them will try to | come to America'.' America luis plenty of room for. immigrants. America wants im- I migrants. America is rich. Amer- j ica is orderly and free. America is easy, tolerant, long suffering and j quick to forgive. These facts can j hardly be overlooked by the Ger- : man who has it in mind lo leave Germany. It is accordingly likely, that he shall very soon have to de cide what, attitude shall be toward! these people. Do we want them or! not? Most emphatically we do not want • those German soldiers who during the four years last past have looted ! homes, tortured prisoners, raped j women, and bayoneted babies. In j other words, we do not at least j nine out of len German ex-soldiers. ! Further, \ve do not want any one . from Germany v.ho defends now or ever has defended the fiendish Hun : fighting of the Kaiser's barbarous j Government. Such people would be ' dangerous citizens. Given the op- j portunity. they would meet certain- i ly commit in America the crimes ! they have committed or condoned j in Europe. Undoubtedly there are still decent j men and women in Germany. But ; they are very greatly in the minor- j ity. There is no reason why we I should oppose the immigration of | this class. But those who are de- , cent cannot object If we demand ; proof of their decency before we permit them to come in. Their • examination should be rigid. If there is the slightest evidence that j a would-be Immigrant has commit- i ted or condoned atrocities during this war, or that he believes Ger many was in the right in her attack on civilization, he should not be permitted to enter our gates. Little Son Sends Daddy Pershing Christinas Box *l3 . General Tershing is to have a reg ular Christmas Just like the other boys over there. His little son Warren has seen to that. In a package conforming to the regulations regar ding the size of gift boxes to be sent overseas, Warren sent his daddy a la yer of candles, a layer of candled fruits, a knife three linen handkerchiefs and a pair of silk socks. That's all he could cram into the box. As rapidly as/ possible service will be improved, although the trains which were run under private con trol merely for competitive reasons, will not be restored. Such service was unnecessary. "Plans already have been made for service to California. Florida and the southeastern states during the coming winter. The public may be assured that the railroad admin istration will do everything possible to meet the need of the traveling public." , Deaths and Funerals CHESTER LLOVD PLEAM Chester Lloyd Pleam. employed atj j the State Arsenal in Die Adjutant j General's Department, died last night 'at his home, 1138 Zarker street, of | pneumonia, following an attack ofj ! influenza. Mr. Pleam, who was 21 years old, was born in Marietta, at-; ! tended tlie public schools there, and ; later graduated from Conway Hall,' Carlisle. He attended the Second Re-. 1 formed Cliurcli In this city. Mr Pleam was thought well of in the Adjutant, i General's Department, and had form- ■ ! tiij- been employed in the Stale High-j way Department. Mr. Pleam is survived by his wife, j i two children, and his parents, Mr and; (Mis. Reuben H. Pleam, who resides I .it 11*18 Chestnut street. The funeral! (services, which will be private, will j be held Thursday afternoon at 1 j o'clock, the Rev. Alfred N. Sayres, i j pastor of the Second Reformed! (Church, ifficiating. The body can iie i viewed Thursday morning from 10 tic 12 o'clock. It will later be taken by ; Hoover and Suns, undertakers, to_ | Marietta for burial. S tM I EL K. FI RMAN Samuel K. Furnian, aged 50 years, 27 North Sixteenth street, died Mon day afternoon after a week's illness. I Funeral services will be held Friday ; afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Wal-1 1 ti r S. Dunlop, pastor of the Market | Square Baptist Church, officiating, i Services will be in charge of Perse j Vera nee Dodge. No. 21. F, and A. M. ; Burial will lie in Paxtang Cemetery. ; Mr. Furnian was in the Pennsyl vania Railroad mail service for more than 23 years. He is survived by \ daughters, Mrs. Ethel I- Henry and, Catherine, and a son. Paul H. Fur nian. CHARLES M.I,F.N LIGHT Funeral services for Charles Allen' I Light, of Lebanon, will bo held Thins-' jfiay at his late home there. He was! I h member of a prominent Lebanon i | county family and was the son of the j late Harry Allen Light. He was also! ! a brother of Simon P. Light, an at- j i tornev. who is well known in Har-! jiisburg. He is survived by his wife, i Mid three sons, two sisters and two ' brothers. He was prominent in i hurcli and Masonic circles. Mrs. L. j G, Staulfer, of this city, is a sister. AIRS. SMI All R. SMILE) Mrs. Sarah E. Smiley, aged 71: | years, widow of Henderson Smiley,] 1 died yesterday afternoon at the home ! of Iter daughter, Mrs. John E. Ileller, !22 Altoona avenue, Etiola. Funeral i i services will be held Friday morning! iat 9.80 o'clock. Tiie Rev. Mr. Gleam. I j pastor of the Enola United Brethren I | Church, will officiate. The bodv will] ihe taken to Duncannon by Hoover i and Son for burial. ASKED TO KKTUKX WEDNESDAY CLUB MUSIC The members of the Wednesday ! Club Chorus are asked by the di j restor. Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris to re j turn at once to the Y. M. C. A. any j of the Christmas song books taken i front rehearsal last evening. Mem i hers are asked also to call at the Y. : M. C. A. for new music tft be pre ! pured for next Monday's rehearsal. 11. A, MAI KEY TALKS j Hurry A. Mackey, chairman of the j Workmen's Compensation Board, is 1 ]in Washington to-day, where he j made an address to a Congressional ] committee on the "Re-education of ! the Industrial Cripple." He was also i invited to discuss the Smith-Bank head bill, which is now before Con gress. The Dill is for the purpose of providing federal money to the state for the re-educational of industrial cripples. IL MARKETS'] NEW I ORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Phlladel- I phla Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar j ket Spuare, llarrisburg; 336 Chestnut j street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. ( New York—furnish the following it quotations: Open 2 p. m. I Allis Chalmers .< 30% 30 [ Amer Beet Sugar 61% 63V, j "j American Can 47% 47% I .j Am Car and Foundry ... 87% 884, ( ;] Amer Loco 64% 6. % j j Anier Smelting 85 85-,. , ij Amer Woolens 37% 57%' i, Anaconda Gtr% 6? t Baldwin Locomotive ... 7G'7% ] ' Baltimore and Ohio .... 55% 5% ! Bethlehem Steel B 67% 68% ) Butte Copper 20% 20% California Petroleum ... 22% 22% I Canadian Pacific ICQ , 160 ' t Central Leather 63 64% '] Chesapeake and Ohio ... 58 58 j Chicago it I and Pacific . $8 277 a ' Chlno Con Copper 38% 38 % ! Col Fuel and Iron 40 40% I Corn Products 45% 48 j Crucible Steel 68% 59 ] .! Distilling Securities .... 50% 50% ! Erie 19* 19 % ' i General Motors 127 130 ;] Goodrich B F 56% 56%! Great Northern pfd .... 97 97% i Great Northern Ore subs 31 74 31 % 1 Hide nnd Leather 15 15% ! Hide and Leather pfd .. 75 75% j Inspiration Copper .... 48% 48% | International Paper .... 32 32 >] Kennecott 35% 35% 'Kansas City Southern ..21 21 ■ Lehigh Valley 60% 60 Maxwell Motors .". 28% 29% 1 Merc .Mar Cafts 27 27% | Merc Mar Ctfs pfd .... 114% 114 ) | Alex Petroleum 161%' 161% i Miami Copper 25% 25% I ] Mldvalo Steel 45% 45% ] New York Central 78% 78% ; N Y N II and H 36 35% ' Norfolk and Western .. 107% 106% ! Northern Pacific 96 96% . ] Pennsylvania Railroad . 47 47 ] Pittsburgh Coal 47% 47%. | ' Railway Steel Spg 74% 75% | i Ray Con Copper 22% 22% ' i Reading 84" 85 | i Republic Iron and Steel 77 77% ■ Southern Pacific 103 103 ] ' Southern Ity 32 31 % ] , Studebaker 61% 53% : Union Pacific 130% 130% j I U S 1 Alcohol 104% 103% j I U S Rubber 74% 74% i | U S Steel 97% 97% ] U S Steel pfd 112%. 113% ; | Utah Copper 79% 80% Virginia-Carolina Client. 54% 54% Westlnghouse Mfg .... 43% 44 Willys-Overland 26% 27 Western Alaryland 13% 13 j PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Phlliideliiuiii, Dec. 10. Wheat —j j .So. i, son, l eu. $2.24. 1 Corn—Tlte market is steady; No. 2. j yet to it. us lo grude turn locution, j ti.Oo ig 1.7 0 , No. 3. yelloW, sl.ssts I. •0. 1 , Oats —• The market is higher; | i No. 2, white. 8J: s y8oc; No. ), unite, i iSo%:ußlc. The market is stAWWtt4*U, iut( UitlA t | ! 36®37%c. Lggs —.Market steady; Pennsylvania ' Ultu uilltl itfcui'lJ/ Uidia, Arte cuaea, ' 121.004y-t.su per case; do., current re. I ceipt* tree cases. $20.7. per case, Western, extiu ursts, lice caseo, j $21.004521.60 per case; Uo., firsts, tree cases. $20.40 4y20.70 percase; lancy, se lected, packed. 76®78c per dozen. ' Kcfincu sugars Aturget steady; ! powdered, 5.45 c; extra fine grunuiat j eu, i>2,,e, ! Live Poultry Alarkct weaker; j fowls. 274(-32c; spring chickens, 24' ' 29c; fowls, not leghorns, 31b 32c; white j It'lSAlUl'ii** I jd'Hlbl i3Wi MGCUtI ti j I roosters, 20#21c; young, staggy roost i ers, 204(!2lc; old roosters, 2049 _ic; ! sp* iiio c ..tokens, nut teg nor us, Jutt---, i While leghorns, 294j/3OC; ducks. Peking ' spring, 32b'36c; do., old,, 3035 c. Indian > Runner. 28b30c; spring ducks. Lung ' Island, 314j!3Uc; turkeys,) 25®28c, lieu, tv, -sid o.e. western, ] 32c. Dressed Poultry—Higher; turkeys, spring, choice to fancy, 40b 12c; j turkeys. Ileal! killed. Inn .u good, 35d' ' 39c; turkcys.common. 30b33c; old lur- 1 keqs, 34® 37c; towls easier; fresh kill- . cd fowls, fancy. 35®35%0; do., smaller! sizes. 26®/31%c; old roosters, 37c; broiling cliickens. western, 42®i44c, roasting chickens, 29®36c; ducks, 40® 42c; western, ducks, 38® 40e; geese, zl ® 32c; dressed Pekin ducks, 34®J6c; i old, 30®32c; Indian Runners, 27® 1 i 21 %c; spring ducks. Long island, Ju® i | 40c. I I'otatoes The market is dull;. I New Jersey, No. 1. 75®90. 1 per basket; do., No. 2. 40®60c ,u Ma.i.,l, dp.. jOO-11. I. Sgs, No. , l-.OO'u d.uu, extra quality; No. i. ; t i-3t>'u 2 26. Rnnngy l\nn> ine lbs.. ' No. 1, $2.40® 2.75; do., per 100 lbs., No. 2. $1.35®1.76, New Jersey, No. 2, 100 in. ! No. 1, $2.15®2.40; do.. No. 2, 100 ibs.! $1.25® 1.75; western, per 100 lb a „ $1.2; I i.uu, .tiuinc. per 10c !0„., M.tuai 1 1 80; Deiuware .n Maryland, per \I>J i 1,.-., urn nri.iu; Michigan, I $1.50®1.70; Florida. per btnrsi ' ii.co ,1 4.00; Florida. pet hushen ' hamper, 7u®B6c; M' • !u, per ISo-.0. i Lugs. $i.50®3.00; North Carolina pet barrel. $1.50®4.t'0; squill Carolina, per I haMek |l.((y4iM; Nortolk. pel oar- ' barrel. $2.00®3.75; fancy. Macungie, No. 1„ per barrel, $2.95®3.10; do.. No. 2, per barrel, $1.25® 1.50. Flour Firm, winter wheat, new 10'J per cent. Hour. 10.25® lt'.Us p. r barrel; Kansas wheat, new, $10.85® 11.20 per uarrei, current receipt., new, $10.85® 11.20 per barrel." Buy Tn- marl..-i Ulli , ; nintlty No. 1. large and small bales, $33.00® 34.00 per ton; No. 2, small bales, s3l on ® 32.00 per ton; No. 3. $25.00® 26.00 per ton; sample. $12.60® 15.50 per ton; no grade, $7.50® 11.50 per ton. Clover Light mixed. $30.00® 31.00 per ton; .No. 1. light, mixed $27.004/I'B.oo per ton; No. 2, light mix ed. $25.00®26.00 per ton; nogrude I I" ' lull. • Tallow The market is steady, prime city. In tierces. llic; city special, luose, 16^4c; prime country, 15c: dark, 14®.14>xc; edible in tierces, 18® 18% c CHII AUO CATTI.K , liy Associated Press Chicago, Dec. 10. (U, S. llureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts 42,000; market strong to a shut., higher than yesterday's average. Butchers, $17,504/17.75; light, $17.00 17.60: packing, $16.85® 17.40; throw outs, $16.00® 16.75: pigs. good to choice. $14.25® 15.50. Cattle Receipts. 25,000; good weight steers, eanners and calves steady; other classes slow to lower. Beef cattle, good, choice a/ul prime, $15.00® 10.75: common and prime. $9.25® 15.00; butcher stock, cows and heifers. $6.50® 13.75; eanners and cut ters, $5.75816.50; stockrrs and feeders, good, choice and fancy, $10.00 Temple at Chestnut street hall to morrow evening at 8 o'clock officer! and representatives to the Imperial Council will be elected. Notice of thf meeting has been issued over tlif numes of C. E. Covert, potentate, and F. J. Smith, recorder. SIAMQf! iJlfi SEALS A STENCILS Ilk sa| W MFG SYHBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ il \i 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. If