Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 09, 1918, Image 9
: k< Stradivara" | V)Jj j jf j^i ; Large cabinet model. Adam style, in any W\/B j || finish, as illustrated, and ten tfl AP* ,\ /\jß| | ||j :§ £ double-fated records. Price... *P A v/O R Q Q j *. \ Xmas Club Terms; $5.00 down ig| % $5.00 monthly. Delivery made ppppP 4 \ Our store is brimful of many useful gifts J | J8 • t The Home of the Stradivura ,•-*■* —* .LI jffJ I HOOVER , 1 FURNITVkE CO. - We Witt Gladly Cash Any $ : '1415-19 NORTH SECOND ST.'', f rL - , c rL , a , Store Open Evtrj Evening; 1 nt4l ( hrlatmni \* tlYlStlTlClS uQVlflgS Cfl€CnS ,U qwKOii MILLION LARS :| Savings Funds j 1-RIBUTED | WEEK 5f This Vicinity j Appears on These Pages § >h Your Check I lgly all year, in the XMAS FUNDS | visely—if you intend spending any § m will find clothing for the entire § ich of everyone. \ I Boys' and Girls' Outer Apparel | tis at present, and we have re- $ nent. Now is your opportunity. | * ere7o have yo H i V^/1 Xmas Check cashed-r-we will .£ irket Square gladly do so for yoa. { I ' MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG tdSSftj TELEGRAPH r " " 11 ■ • ■ = POINDED 18,1 . MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 191 S. HARRISBURG. PA. M I TJlll Store Gladly § I Cash All Kinds of $ I Christmas Savings Checks | | Bring your Christmas Say- .3&s|filPii r I •i ings Checks to this store dur- f f 1 ing the day as this store will § I NOT be open any evenings pre- III * f ceding Christmas, and store $ 1 closes Saturday evenings at six. jf Do your Christmas Shopping as early as possible. It's to 5 # ' your advantage as well as for the benefit of the salespeople. I Liven Up Your Home This j: I Christmas With Real Music! | !, 4 TALKING MACHINE IS THE IDEAL INSTRUMENT. £ \Ye seli the' celebrated Columbia Grafonolas, Sonora and Starr : makes. These machines rank among the best on the market. 5 ' Remember, we carry one of the largest stocks of machines and j|; records in the city.- l 'l % Join Our Christmas Club Now Forming | We will gladly take Liberty Bonds as cash. Keep your bonds , . £ if you can, but if you want to dispose of them we will take them w |f at their face value, We will also gladly cash your Christmas Sav- X ings Club checks. 1 $8) Spangler Music House | 5 fy 2112 North Sixth Street # Shoes Fori j I Jyfjj Christmas j ® While wishing everybody a "Merry J f* ! = J I Christmas" we desire to call attention to \ ; £ the fact that Christmas Day is just around i tt the corner, and that it is now high time to consider just "What I I to Give". \ * After you have thought and thought and looked at a thous- '& and useless articles, come here and make a selection from our | if lines of Choice Footwear! You can't do better for Our Good j Footwear is always appreciated by Everybody! jj Practical Gift Suggestions j Street Shoes, Storm Shoes, Dress Shoes, School Shoes, Com- j| ; fchrt Shoes, Felt Slippers, Dress Slippers, House Slippers, Bed 't • Room Slippers, Baby Shoes, Arties, "Storm Gaiters, Rubbers, etc. M Come see how well we can please you with a choice, sensi- ble and "Just Right" Christmas Gift for anybody. . # GOHO'S SHOE STORE f -1307 Derry Street | Open Evenings Bell Phone 2386-R f DECEMBER 9, 1918. | I Gift Suggestions I j J That Are Sure to Please 1 1 Uk HIM I [ ; M '.f \ and at the same time be : M [ j|: nWIV^UriAJjK something that he will be A V IV 111 V S a k' e to use a °d r.ipreciate. :* | g jvVt\IJZD NECKWEAR W & 1 GLOVES HIRTS I ■5/ HATS AND CAPS 1 | Gents' F aU V B Drop in —we are sure to have something to please you. .til | CONSYLMAN & CO. I f 1117 N. Third Street f p We Will Gladly Cash Any Christmas Savings Club Checks |a( I I i SISSS %; # An Every Day \ \ Christmas Gift ]; \" A\ * What can be more useful thnli A Jmti l \ I\\ a I'HANTZ PREMIER Electric, . •*' jlj \i! T.J Cleaner as a Christmas gift? 'M 1- '/>■_ I Pdf Y It Is a gift mother, sister or wife a.< \ can make use of every day in frtrt*} tk A '*■>▼. *.• ', Akj die year—a gift that makes her * jjr V t ' he hOnU • jif Make This 1 i W A Brighter Christmas f know of no better way for a "Brighter mr W Christmas" than for you to have a pair ,® 5 of Glasses that fit your eyes. Glasses make a 'M: I '£: very substantial Christmas gift, too. Give A [V father or mother a pair of Glasses for Christ- I t3k mas. Have them come to our exclusive I Optical Store. We are sure to give them '• m I : M complete satisfaction. & II J.S. BELSINGER § I REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST AXD OPTICIAN* \g[ S W 212 Locust St. Next Door to Orpheum | v[ The House bf "Genuine Shure-Ons" '■s { 'jß: WE'LL GLADLY CASH YOUR CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CHECK \ K f II Remember Your f 11 Soldier Friend | ■ g It will be a long time yet g • 5 to him before he gets home. A \ p - Why not send him a gift !?• j § that he will appreciate, one 4 l k that will bring cheer every .% 6 day? A subscription to ff i I The Harrisburg Telegraph | ■ || Central Pennsylvania's Greatest Daily