THe*lßeal I Of Harrisburg | | Everything Imaginable For the Kiddies | I s^ n / j ivwt our Toy Depart* Wlten you want Sport- Ctk>n . Ot JZ?HL £2 quality and merit, our ft is sttrc to contain just , ... ; v what you wont. store can supply you. We carry a full line. HEAGY BROS. | Sporting Goods Store jf Open Evenings. 1200 North Third St. ft WE WILL GLADLY CASH ANY XM% SAVINGS fcLI B CHECKS ft I s TOYS I For the Little Folks | We are displaying a large assortment 5 of toys on our first floor. gjßte Dolls 50c up 8 IMp Teddy Bears $1.25* ft t Stoves 29wor, but Because Qualities Are Better ; !f, ft .We Will Gladly Cash Yoar Christmas Savings Club Check ft I If You Expect to Use Your | I Christmas Club Check for | Gift-Buying, This Store f I Will EnaWe You to Save a I I " 4/, 't W Liberal Portion of It. | 5 Thousands of Gifts to Select From At Liberal Savings ft ft Gifts for every member of the family, from the youngest to the oldest — ft f Gifts lhat possess the quality you demand as the giver—Gifts that for utility ft and beauty will bring pleasure to the recipient-r-Gifts' of every description and ft in such a wide range of prices that you .arc certain to find something desir- ft fablcat the price you can pay. -ft And wljat will add to the pleasure of selecting from our enormous stocks ft ft are the unusually low prices wc are quoting. jX 5 For Details of Items and Prices See Our Large ft w Advertisement on Another Page of This Paper ft I 0 *> SOUTTER'S lc to 25c $ I L EmSaj) - DEPT - STORE | Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 8 ft 215 Market St. Opposite Courthouse : § imiiiimiiiiiw iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwimiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiinwißiiiiiinMWßiiiirimiiuiwmiiiin> j and you give her the Best I j | I I Beats-Sweeps-Suction Cleans j | 0 I Let Us Demonstrate i Y 1„ . I &. i Harrisburg Light & Power Co. ! f S*l I n I CTEGED I Finest Reproducing Phonograph JL m. | v TAe Art^2Z lce ,Mch 1 been devoted to the production 1 ft ' reproduction of every tone and \ ft ft shade of sound. All the world's greatest artists sing best for the ft jf Steger. It plays all disc records CORRECTLY; there are no parts to £ S change. Hear and play it yourself at Yohn Brothers. 8 f • LIBERTY BONDS AND XMAS SAVING I ft * / CHECKS ACCEPTED ON PURCHASES ft : ' Sold Exclusively By ft Emerson V LI D D C Trade Your Records IV/IT Aw IV • Piano on a P ft 75c 8 NORTH MARKET SQUARE Phonograph 1 ttARRISBURG TELEGRAPBT | Garments of Quality Bring Your Chritmas Club Check Here g „ WE'LL CASH IT FOR YOU / iGive HER Something From the Ladies' Bazaar, > I And Your Gift Will Carry Lasting Pleasure TIMELY SUGGESTIONS TO GIFT BUYERS ttLOI'SES—In every wunted model and fabric, from the plain voile QC„ to (1 QQC to the elaborate Georgette STOC Iof3o j SKIRTS—In wool matt-rials and silks of every description, smartly 0g to 95 lIATII ROBES—I-'or nun and women, In heavy blanket eloth; all £0 Off to QC _ colors wSJews# W • ewO \ jZ PETTlCOATS—lleatherbloom and silk, in ninny g£ to Jg C)g Buy Better T 1* I } Buy Here % G°°d s Here [adies A „ d y ou I For LtSS 8-10-12 S.FOURTH ST. Buy Wisely I ONE-HALF; 1 - ■ IDOL | In Christmas | TO BE DIS 1 THIS I By The Banks iv. \ Any Merchant Whose A( j Will Gladly C %i 'o I . You Folks who have saved unti: f —be sure you spend your monej ;r come to " Livingston's for here 1 ;jj family at prices that are within i 1 Our stock of Men's, Womeifs I was never more complete thai; I duced our goods in every depai We will cash your Xmas- T § Savings Check whether you care I A▼ Al V. I to b "y or not • v . ' I**-'1 **-' 7 and 9S. 1 # % DECEMBER 0, 101?. '