Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 09, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
TWO SCORE STATE mm. MEN FALL IN WAR ON HUNS , Reported in Lists of Cas ualties Cabled by Pershing ' Washington, December 9. The eumber of the casualties given out by the War Department to-day are reported as wounded. Forty Fennsylvanians were killed in ac tion, out of the 336 reported. The irotal number of names in to-day's lists is 3,046. The summary fol lows: Killed in action 336 Died of wounds 97 Died of accident and other causes 2® Died of airplane accident Died of disease • $ Wounded severely ...... 531 Wounded tdegree unde termined 1,139 Wounded slightly 165 Missing in action 37b Total 3.046 The following' names were re ported this afternoon: KILLED IN ACTION. Captains. Frank F. Battles. Philadelphia. | Lieutenants. • Thomas E. Hazlett. Greensburg. Sergeants. Philip M. Bertram. Wilkes-Barre. Walter C. Graham. Pittsburgh. Joseph Michael Shedlack. L'tah ville. Corporals. Harry J. Franks, Reading. Land is K. Groff. Lancaster. Bernard J. Thomas. Philadelphia. Morris C. Prye. Lebanon. • ITivate*. John A. Poll. York. Bernard M. Punlap, New Holland. : Norman A. Guillarmod. Hilltop. I William B. Hawk. Welisboro. j Samuel Jones. Philadelphia. Charles E. Lindsay, West Decatur. Edgar A. K. Bauer, Bernville. Saverio Cardamone. Pittsburgh. Theodore O. Brown. Pine Grove. Lawrance A. Cahill, Philadelphia. Jeremiah Creamer. Nazareth'. Alexander Dimaulo, Chester. | James O'Neill, Philadelphia. ( Steve Smakula, Throop. Howard R. Suplee. Philadelphia. Frank L. Tebay, Euclid. Albert E. Gibson. Philadelphia. Horace H. Hoover, Bloomsburg. Leon Bering O'Bryan, Elkland. John F. Rabb, Bethlehem. Howard W. Long, Reading. Herber J. Simon. Philadelphia. j Andrew F. Sniotzler, Phillipsburg. i Christ E. Sterritt. Pittsburgh. John A. Wentling. Chambersburg. ; Ray Woodworth. Cochrantown. John D. Cindis, Philadelphia. Antonio Ferise, Belie Vernon. Ralph A. Haag, Mount Aetna. Russell J. Hart. Fairchance. John Manion. Carnegie. WOUNDED SEVERELY. Major. Harry D. Parkins, Pittsburgh. Lieutenants. Edmund W. Gilpin. Philadelphia. Arthur R. Sayres, Brvn Mawr. Sergeants Major. William C. Davies. Pittsburgh. . Sergeants. Edward J. Ryberg. Warren. George M. Gauss. Myerstown. Clarence J. Collins. Sunbury. 4'orporals. Ed G. Presoloid. Cymbria Mines. I ■ HEALS ECZEMA On little boy when six weeks old. j On face and back in a rash. Itched so badly had to put gloves on bands to keep bim from scratching. Clothes would stick and had to bathe him twice a day. Very cross and fretful. Tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment, i In a abort time saw a great change and now he is completely healed. From signed statement of Mrs. H. ; Woods, 2059 E. William St.. Phila delphia, Pa.. Jan. 20, 1918. Most skin troubles might be pre- : vented by using Cuticura Soap and Ointment for every -day toilet purposes. •.apU luk Trm bj Mill Addreu poM-rmrd "CDpt B Pottos " Sold everywhere. Soap 2jr. Omtnscct _o and We. Taicon Sc. WHY COUGH ANIT COUGH AND COUGH? Dr. King's New Discovery removes the danger of neglect Coughing until the parched throat grows painful should not be per mitted. It should be relieved before it gains headway with a dose of Dr. King's New Discovery. The same with a cold or bron chial attack. Millions have used j this well-known remedy for half a century regularly without thought of change. Sold by druggists since 1869. An all-iruportant adjunct to any family fnedicine cabinet. The Burden of Constipation is lifted, comfortably but positively, when you treat your bowels with Dr. King's New Life Pills. The liver gets busy, digestion improves, the sickly, sallow skin is freed from bile. Get a bottle today— start the day right. Woman's Faith Helps Husband 'I owe my good health to my /ife who had faith in a newspaper •d she saw of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. I was down so badly with stomach and liver trouble after ** years of suffering and trying Ftery known remedy that I had no faith in anything. This medicine has certainly been a 'Godsend' to me." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and in testinal ailments, including append! cltls. One dose will convince or money refunded. G. A. Gorgas. H. C. Kennedy. Clark's Two Drug Stares •nd druggists everywhere. , MONDAY EVENING, Edward Sainual Sunday, Harris burg. Privates. Thomas C. Catanach, Philadel phia. Lewis Heileman, California. Herbert J. O'Connor, Philadelphia. Joseph W. Wilson. Philadelphia. Evan Lewis. New Castle. Winfleld G. De Long. Reading. Albert V. Hallani, Bridgeport. Mechanic-. Maurice J. Davidson, Fairfield. Privates. Jan Krasowski. Wlndber. Rio Nardini. Shamrock. Edward Sockle. Coaidale. Michael Dougherty. Larksville. Petro Ptleggi. Pittsburgh. Walter F. Raglan. Philadelphia. August Silicki, Plymouth. William G. Yarnall, Cochrantown. Charles Rosenberger, Pottsville. Thomas P. Lyons. Sharon. Alexander Racsowski, Erie. John William Wooley. Chester. Joseph Bogdon, Nanticokc. Harvey A. Brown. Kelton. Gustave A. Dlerolf, Philadelphia. Charles A. Fisher. Wyndmopr. George Schoffel, Evans City. Herman Hllliard Snyder, Belle Vernon. Carmine Di Cariantonio, Chester. Martin J. Keisic. Drumore. John A. Waite. Bellefonte. Joseph H. Davison, t'niontown. Alex Malinowski, Erie. Charles Mrozinski. Natrona. George C. Percy. Oonnellsvl'.le. Arnold D. Hall, Dalton. Henry J. Hartstein, Pottstown. William S. Kidgen. Shenandoah. Charles E. McFadden. Altoona. Stephen Charles Sandala, Rodney. James Joseph Troy. Philadelphia. Sterling L. Morelock, Hanover. Daniel O'Keefe, Philadelphia. Harry M. Phillips, Greensboro. Pete Russell, Charleroi. George Tylavsky, Pittsburgh. John White, Philadelphia. Horace W, Wineholt, Bridgeton. I-eo Alawitch. Plymouth. Edwin J. Campbell, Philadelphia. Carrol H. Clawson, Springboro. Walter Flindt. Philadelphia. : Alexander M. Scherer, Allentown. Geo. G. Ayres. Trowbridge. Bernard L. Kost. Johnstotvn. Charles Longstreth, Claysville. Michael J. Cromshaw. Cassandra. Walter S. Dagg, Washington. Harry J. Weber. Darby. I George H. Bosley. Connelsville. Elmer Lawrence Burlcw, .Lewis- I town. Joseph Dominick Chicano. Phila delphia. Frank A. Elschlager. Pittsburgh. Alexander Kaluznv, Pittsburgh. Mike B. Kassab. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY. Sergeant-. George J. McLaughlin, Philadel -1 phia. Corporals. Peter Paul Strunk, Portland. James Alfred Truesdale. Erie. James R. Truxall, Greensburg. ITivatos. William Ruth, Swarthmore. Ben Short, Patton. Lawrence C. Stark. Franklin. Elmer Clayton Sturtz. Wellsburg. Robert Gage. New Castle. William J. Currie. Philadelphia. Bloc Tuccio. Philadelphia. Michael J. Walsh. Chester. Calogero Amico. Pittston. Otlen E. Carpenter. Harrisbnrg. John Henry Zamborsky, Pitts burgh. Missing in Action. Sergeant-. Joseph R. Fitzgerald, Philadel phia. Oliver E. Kline, Bernville. John D. Patterson. Philadelphia. Corporals. Benjamin F. Perry, Pittston. Vincent W. Blake. Arch bald. Vincent Roblaskt. Pittsburgh. Privates. • Albert Whitman. St. Marys. John H. Dugan. Mt. Carmel. Richard Gassest. N'ewmanstown. Cornelius Griffin. Philadelphia. Francis T. Jones, Philadelphia. Albert Whetzel. Coal Center. Harry S. Whysong, Beaverdale. Martin L. Lloyd, Olyphant. Ferdanando Lolli, Philadelphia. Melvin L. Lowrev, Sabinsville. Petro Scalero, New Castle. Stewart F. Shermeyer. York. Frederick J. Coheen, Allentown. Francisco Geremita. Pittsburgh. Roy G. Gundaker, Erie. Kennith L. Hoffman. Reading. Lewis Longobardo. Philadelphia. Joseph D. Mahon, Philadelphia. Tony F. Martinchok. Swayersville. Ray D. Morris. Washington. Benjamin Raymond Ober, Onset. John Osush, Philadelphia. Earl S. Riffle. McClellantown. Clyde H. Kemmerer. Easton. George F. McDonnell, Philadel phia. Frank J. McGuire, Philadelphia. Frank McGetrick, Failsington. Stanley Michalowski, Dickson City Joe Moxallis, Plymouth. Dominico Netti. Old Forge. William F. O'Hara, Philadelphia. Reed C. Overholser, Reading. Webster F. Snyder, Lehighton. Homer C. L'ber, Volant. Edward J. Connelly. Middleport. Tobio Di Pietro. Philadelphia. Harry J. Dunkenfield, Philadel phia. Harry N. Gauger. Pottstown. Joseph L. Ginley, Girardvllle. Vincent Giordano, Philadelphia. Israel Greenberg, Philadelphia. Walter Krapchak. Mavfield. William H. Wright, Chester. 2—ADD CASUALTY The following were reported this morning: DIED OF WOUNDS Sergeant- Robert Christie, Arnot, Pa.. Joseph Haiveck, 419 North Fourth street, Allentown, Pa. Ralph E. Zinkham, Fourth ave nue. Freedom, Pa. Corporals Harry H. Johnson, box 31. Cheat 1 Haven. Pa. Cook Robert W. Black. 118 West Pine avenue, Washington, Pa. Privates Otis L. Oanady, 618 Park Road, Ambridge, Pa. Clarence Hughes, Bierer avenue, Unjontown, Pa. Wililam W. Fahey, 436 Birch street, Kennett Square. Pa. Frank John Goodman.. 518 South Fifth street, Reading, Pa. Jesse P. Kerschner, 48 Howard street, Archviile, Luzerne county. Pa. Charels Lentz. 486 East Jefferson street, Wiliamsport, Pa. Joseph F. Murphy, Ashville, Pa. Howard S. Schappeli, 122 Third street, Hamburg. Pa. • Sterling W. Seitz, Yoe.fPa. James Bmith. 812* Tinicum ave nue, Philadelphia, Pa. Jessie E. Thomas, Main street, Shickshinny, Pa. DIED OF DISEASE CorjioraLs Robert H. Polock, 3412 Powei ton avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Privates Clarence H. Atkins, 803 Carpenter Way, Pittsburgh. Pa. Otto Aicope, 18 Wharton street, Philadelphia. Pa. Michael Di Lullo. 837 League street. Philadelphia, Pa. Edward Guinther, 203 River street Honesdale, Pa. WOUNDED (Degree Undetermined Lieutenants • Benjamin R. Brown, 1112 Main street Honesdale. Pa. Raymond I* Young, 238 Bouik Fourth street, Lowlsburg, Pa. John T. Knight, Jr., 1501 Spruce street, Philadelphia, Pa. Lieutenants Jack Alen, Jr.. 2406 North Third street. Philadelphia, Pa. Glenn Q. Alison, 6 Argvle street, Hartrsburg, Pa. Levi Dudley Coles, 1744 North Sixteenth street, Philadelphia. Pa. Mechanics Frank P. Friel, 6353 Elniwood avenue. Philadelphia. Pa. Ralph Graham Corriston, 54 00 Thompson street. Philadelphia, Pa. * Cook . .Jacob D. Gauger. R. F. D. 2, Con shohocken. Pa. Sergeants John B. Connelly, Broadway, East McKeesport, Pa. Hary R. Miller, £5O Chestnut street. Bloomsburg, Pa. John H. Snedeker, 11. F. D. No, '4. Beaver Falls, Pa. Ralph A. Honk. Progress, Pa. Richard M. Haines, Picture Rocks. Pa. -Samuel W. Houser, 4 24* Bailey avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa. George D. Hancock, 411 Steven son street. Savre. Pa. Harrison D. Johnson, Millersburg. Pa. Wililam W. Wright. 1218 South Hanson street. Philadelphia. Pa. Frank Addison Bonesky, 55 Cham i'Soutter's 25 Cent Department Store | Buy Here Sot Alone Because Prices Are Loßut Because Qualities Are Better With Its Thousands of Gifts One Might Wellf Think This Store Santa Claus' Headquarters | With a score of departments teeming with gift upon gift articles—totalling ji into the thousands, your Christmas shopping is simplified here.. Such a range of | * **" 'v§jjr choice make it possible to select appropriate gifts for every member of the family § ._ anc j the prices keep your total expenditure well within your limits. f Hundreds of Holiday Handkerchiefs . Gifts in Men's and Boys Useful Gifts in Art Needlework 1 C. For Mcn f ]Voni€ti and Children Fhythqliitios nt I mi) Pyipps ai __ lUI IllollllliyO Ul Li\JLU M I (LCu Large assortment of Sweet Grass Woolen Jap Novelties, lOc to 75e w W A Greater Assortment Than We've _ . „ Baskets, all sizes, at special Japanese Lunch, Fruit and *IR ft • -j - Boys' Kid Gloves SLOO i Men's combination sets of Gar- prices. ■ • Sandwich Baskets .. 25c up ®L -m kver onown tie tore Boys' Gauntlet Gloves, tors and Suspenders, in holl- Fancy Turkisit Towels, Jnp Fern Baskets, 29e, 39e, 49c , 'I i 'idie-' Handkerchiefs. plain Ladies' Einbroide,etl Madeln. 7*' flBc and sl '; 3 day box 75c and 98e ' S9e, 50c, 65c, 75c, 88e, 98c Decorated Flower Baskets, 59c M f f 5c Uandkerehlcfs. 35c, 5 for 81 Boys Wool Gloves 3c Men's combination sets of Gar- Lacc-trim~icil and scalloped Special lot of silk-eovcrcd, felt 5k t -r je? tut „■*- ~ | \ embroidered e-orners \ iSc Men s S.lk Hose, all colors, 48c • Christmas boxes . . *• , mndc , Octonne ° aB ' Center Scarfs, Luncheon „ dL. ehief.. Ideh- Men's all-lh.cn Handkerchiefs, Men's Mercerized Ilosc, all bol- Men',. Silk Four-In-Ha.id lies dFy Bags 75c Do,,les ' Children s Dresses, X D' "3SL noveßk>s Cr h nd-embri.id- * lac. tUe and 25c ors 39c ~iccly boxed 3Uc and 50e Fclt slippers for ladles, misses Nightgowns and Ladies' Un- I L . orncr9 ' 25c Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, nil Men's lls'e-iinisli Ilose, all col- Men's Shield Tcck Ties .. 25 | and eliUdieu, in all sites. derwear, at exceedingly low ' f Cldldrcn's Handkerchiefs, plain initials 15c and 25c ors 25c M cn - S Club and Hat-wing Tic- i I.ncc-trimmcd Scarfs, prices. 9 i- an d embroidered 5c All-silk Handkerchiefs, in plain. Men's heavyweight Wool Hose , n p , a , n ani) ran ,. y C( ;iors, 25. •• • 3Wt '> 75e - 080 and Sl3s Cretonne Shopping Bags, 'M ** Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs, embroldercil and iiiial 75e sj , k Kntnpt , Mufrier- Children's stampcl, made-up 25c to $2.25 if ' a n letters 15c ami 25c styles 35c, 39c, oOc Men's Cashmere Wool Hose, 75c HI, . Dresses, special, Japanese Silk Lamp Shades, ,U M Cliildren's boxed Handkerchiefs. Men's bordered Silk Handkcr- Men's Brighton and Boston , 30c > U9c > 75c and 98c 89c ' 98 °' *1" 19 aad $l-55 'JS: g Children s ooxco zz c|lic r s 20c and 50c Garters 25c Mc " B sl,k Mufflers, in j ' if- Ladles' embroidered Madeira Men's blue and red Hantiker- Men's Lincoln double-grip gar- green and black. Navy and | ft Handkerchiefs 25c chiefs 10c and 15c tors 35c black, black and white, and j w* .fc Men's Boston silk, double-grip black and purple tf.H jft 1 Box Stationery, Toilet Articles Will Miscellaneous Gilt | i Christmas Labels, Be Well Received '"> | w 4rtic,M I Cards etC. . . Colgate and Brown I'eiTemes should be sure of its purity. All ft jf; ' _ ' roiM Waters la fancy Comb and Brush Sets. of oup inwt t i lc pure ft Plain White Box Stationery boxes 39c. 40c and 50c 25c to $l.OO Btock * • 15c, 25c, 29c and 25c Soaps, cake, 10c. 15c. 25c 1 .. . r pu <lio 25c and 50c i i iif ft f Cclcbraled Pineapple Linen Box Xalciinl Powilers . 10 c. 15c, 17c, Tf)VC DM I Hair Brush s . Jsc an, 500 riving dally Is an important || Stationery, in white, blue, 18c. 24c, 25c and 30e. • I\J 1 U mmm U\JLiLtiJ mmm \jCLTll£S Combs, sc, 10c, 15c. lc and 25c factor. Wide assortments in #f- S lavender and pink, box, 35c soap Boxes 25c ami .Vc Ladies' Handbags, 25c and 50c Chocolates. Hard Candies, etc., '& Pineapple Linen Correspond- T OILET ARTICLES IN OLD Santa Claus has brought from his workshop to this store for the Pocket books, 25c, 50c, 59e, $l, may be had at our usual low cnce Cards, box IVORY FINISH coming Christmas n wonderful collection of Toys, DAlls and $1.49, $1.89, $2.50, 3.88 and prices. ft # Fancy Holly Boxes, Trays. 10c, 25c, 50c add $l.OO Games tl:at surpasses anything vvc have ever shown heretofore, $1.98. ''S. ,w r . , ' ' Jsc Buffers 25c and 50e Aside from the Games, old and new, all or which are to lie found j Music Rolls 25c , ft A-. I!I .. t.ti.l. Nail Files and Cuticles 25c hero, are many new War Games apropos of the times. Tlicrc are . Novelties in Shell Goods, in fjlOV€S / tie o€tVlC€- 5 Christmas Bookie s Jo ' * Bultoncr . an ,t Ho'iis 5c Checker Boards, Crokinolo Boards, Dominoes, Lotto. Blocks, and Braid Pins, Back and Side rr-t. r fJ- # M Tags etc. .. lc. Sc. sc, BC, lOC shoe Buttoncrs ami tt urns.. zac so we might go on lndcllnltcly. Prices start at 10c. < able Gift For LadieS. A ■JP Children's Stationery 10c Powder Boxes and Hair Be- Combs, Bareltes, etc., wv.t v.. m : Postcard Albums ......... 39c ccivers... .25c, 50c ami $l.OO Toys include all the usual p'easurc-briiiglng articles to be found at 10c, 25c and 50c MitSPS find Children /j: fl'h .to and Snapshot Albums, Picture Frames,. .29c, 50c, 85c Christmas time, and; in addition, many new War Toys, Soldiers, Ladies' Fancy Garters, 25e, 50c UHW 15c, 19c, 29c and 39c Cannons, Guns, etc., tliat will bring sinilcs to the youngsters' ... „. ... ft Heavy W lapping Cord',,.. 5c Mirrors —c ami 39e faces on Christmas. Prices start at 10c. Clothes Brushes .. 25c and 50c Ladies' Fabric Gloves, black and Green, red and colored cord, 10c Manicure Sets, 59c, $1.19, $1.59 Shoe Trees, enameled white, gray, all sizes 50c M' I > Kibbonzcne l ()c Combs 29c and 50c | Dolls are to be seen in an unusually noteworthy array in dressed pink and Blue 25c r nfJio l.' Chnmnisetie Gloves ft J 1 White Ti-sue Paper, roll, 5c „ - n ,, -, n ,. Dolls. Hag Dolls and Celluloid Dolls, at 29c to Oho. . . , ~ . Ladies Cliumoisette uiove., W 1 Tm/rist Cases 3c and 50c Brushes.. 250, oOc, o9t Ladies' nnd Children's Belts. blat . k( blue( gray> (an and \ i School Companion's Military Brushes .. .25c and 50c Prices will prove as pleasing as the articles. 10c, 25c and 50c white, all sizes, 75c and $l.OO Sk 'it ' 10c, 29c and 59c .^. , " iors i" 50c Shlercd Ribbon Elastic Web- Misses' Woo! Gloves 35c ;W * School Bag, " ad 60c ' ,iott,e Uo,dCrS 50 ° I : bing. all colors, yanl ... 39c Ladles' Woo. Gloves 350 # ' Hand Mirrors, 25c, 50c and 59c Children's Mittens, A | Ready-to-Wear for Gift Purposes BOOKS-BOOKS-BOOKS —-- -1 % For Ladies, Misses and Children For All Ages—Old and Young I il.dib' Bungalow Aprons, Bal,!es' Silk Caps .... -B. Pk ,)f unusual lutcrcsl Is our cicoptlimully large oullorllon of Hooks GOOU LiOWeT L 59c to $1...> children s Knit Toques, f or every age, from the tot up, including the most popular llction ladles' Gingham and Percale c and 59c alld llew war-time series. ' ! D * # Aprons, . Childrens Sweaters. 25c and <sc ryirpc 39c. 50c, 59c, 69c and Boc Baby Sacqucs 50c and \oc War Boo*u Peter Rabbit Books ' w Indies' WdtejAproM. llb, Drawer Leggings ... 59c Fairy Talcs The Thr-< Bears Dependable Jewelry of excellent quality is always to be found J Indies' black Waists 48c j'tK;. 3Bc, 50c and 65c ly mcs Bunny's Play mates % i n our jewelry Department. Its quality and low pricing: are re- Indies' black Skirts, _ . Flannelette Sacqucs, 25c . ,>0,,, UUn P ,c sponsible for the enviable growth of this branch of our business, ft." qkp %i 29 SI.4H and $l.BB * Glr! Aviators LUtle Prutly * jntf indkS" Knit Skirts 50C U-by Motop ;t^ds . Mot|icp Cuff Links 25c and 50c Ink Stands 25c indies' black 9(jc Baby Short _ Khaki Girls Mrc Sto- Books Scarf Pins 25c and 50c H at Pins 25c g: Girls' Bungalow Aprous, „ , S9 ?' 59t< ;5c a,u, 85c Camp Fire Girls Letters and Hhymcs ,C c,us,)s "' ' ''' ' *'' c Rings for women and children jL Girls Bunga 42c s#c and - 5c Baby Inng Ml|m 80, Sco ts Foolish Fox Bracelets 25c. 50c, $ .00 ln |)lu h, band, signet, came, W : Children's Aprons. Bab Ixjne claim clot tc Skirts, Motor lUngcs Stor, of the American Flag. 2S 50c SI 00 nn,, St ° ,lC SCU, " gS ' 25c ' 50c ft --a -' to 50c and 75c 1 Pon, Riders Story or the Libertv Bell Brooches 25c, oOc, $l.OO ami $l.OO. -h 'IS years 35c lo 75c Chddren sJdannclette Sklrts Battleship Boys Stor, of the White House Lh^ri^Clasps'''' and s(te Co,nPu " e " 50c W Children's Dresses, 33c to Ba|)> n| [ g Dave Daring Books Paper Books Bar Pins 23c ami 50c Jcvvcl Cases*. 23c and 50c jg r- 9 joe and 65c l°e, 15c, 19c, 25e, 3c, 50c Submarine Boys Board Covered Books i„„r. ii n ' \r and 50c ' FoUI F,n, sli Beads, 25c and 50c ft; SX Kr., p„,„r 2 —1 n.Kinct 1: „!# fniis *>9C HTM I 59C OlUllluCr lip|M rS. g M&tCll SUICS . •*>C g> Ilaby Sliocs ami' Mi;" aslns. 29c _ , [<■£? Boy Inventors Books . Reads 25c and 50c Ash Trays 25,:% Cart Slips 25c and 30c Bab, Comb andjhrush I Earrings 25c nnd 50c Cigar and Tobacco Jars.... 25c .yt SsSSK'Ss 5c up to 59c , f Christmas Ribbons SOUTTER % S Dainty Neckwear For I A-Plenty ffiLSSsL Gift-giving | tff 1 \V 1 (Iff |TV . , n. Holiday Neekyvcar in all the newest and latest L: Satin anil Taffeta Ribbons, all widths, in ail col- mm 11 - /TP I |Af|!)|*fmATlT .IIAPP styles, a large assortment for gift purposes, ft ors to match fane, work, In complete as- BJ ■■ UUJiai UIIUUI k/IUIU 25,., 50c and 98c m sortments 4c to 79c H ft B| II Windsor Ties, p'ain colors and plaids. v> Fancy Ribbons 29c to 59c ■ IHi /I Tf/I rv y. If) • 29c > Ssc antl 500 ft Moire Ribbons 23e to 59c 1\ maMM \JU nOYO P 1)0Y\) f 1/111 fC nArfinift 11/91) Houdidr Caps, in plain net. shadow lacc, China TL Baby Ribbons, all colors -c II NlmlHll FM Tr flCf t. X/l/C I \ UUy MO l/Uf cUIII L/U V Silk, Crepe do Chine and printed effects, at #. Wash Ribbons, white, pink, light b'ue anil lavjen- l\ , 4 /# •' very special prices. 1Y 3c to 25e Silk Mousse'l no Scarfs, all colors, 50c v Jacquanl Ribbons 42e to 79e *ll CM la Pi A •• P ,1 t-.ter 1 iion.pson 'lies, reil blue uud black, -jf Plaid Ribbons 29c to 50c /IS YlQrlfaf St (Innncitp Lo Un lift USP 50c and 85c £ : Special lot Of Fancy Ribbons, .. 50c to 89c LaXU lIICII fICI vJI. V[I{JUJHC UUUIUIUUJC Ruffling and frilling 50c. 75c, $l.OO 9 HjLRRISBURG irfES&t TELEGRAPH | bersburg street, Gettysburg, Pa. David A. Dtlworth, 3471 Ligonier j street. Pittsburgh. Pa. * Clyde L. Fulmer, 25 Center street, | 1 Tamaqua, Pa. Henry Stanley Lawrence, 1319 j Main street, Peckvile, Pa. Wiiiam E. SneilakeV. 5414 North Fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa. I James J. Cluncey, West Chester, j Pa. I Herbert I.ehr. 2212 South Twenty ; third street, "hiladeiphia. Pa. Corporals Jacol> Elmer Stanley Potts. Piney, ! Creek. Pa. Bernard Mulholland, 717 Cherry ' street. Norlrstown, Pa. George A. Praetorius. 260 North Pennsylvania avenue, .Wiikcs-Barrc, i , Pa. Edmund Jeuks, Jr.. 120 North j | Sixty-first street, Philadelphia, Pa.; Patrick Cavanaugh, Oak Hill, i Elizabeth. Pa. Clarence H. Sehupper, 612 Court street. Honesdale. Pa. Earl A. Adams. 534 Railroad nve-1 nue. Sunbury, Pa. George Gibarty, Ernest. Pn. I Fred S. Kromer. 428 North Sov : entli street, Allentown. Pa. : Benjamin D. Elpern, 300 Lud'.vig 1 street. Greensburg. Pa. Felix Raymond, Campuzano. C22S I Spruce street, Phltadelphla. Pa. ' Paul V. Weary*. 1468 North Wil ton stret, Philadelphia, Pa. David Goldberg. 2031 Gyrmantovvn avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Verne A. Knarr, R. F. D. 1, Tyrane, Pa. Privates Paul C. Duvey, 667 First street. BradOck. Allegheny county,' Pa. George B. Henry, 2'430 Gaul street. Philadelphia. Pa. James A. O'Donnell, 2029 Oaki'ord stret. Philadelphia, Pa. Clinton Stibblebine, 1000 North Sixth street. Reading. Pa. Edward Brendllnger. 1632 South I Twenty-seventh street, Philadelphia, j Pn. John 11. Chisholm, R. F. D. 1,1 | Easton. Pa. James B. Clark. 7040 Pascail j street. West Philadelphia. Pa. James Davis. 911 West Linden | stret, Scranton. Pa. Tony Defigio, 1314 South War ! dock street, Philadelphia. Pa. Roy S. Diehl, Mount Wolf. Pa. Luther Dixon. 1701 Atlantic street. | Philadelphia, Pn. Clinton E. Fetterman, 401 Kath ryn street. Fountain Springs. Pa. Sylvester Furlow, 625 North Ninth street. Reading. Pa. • William Galloway. 7126 State Road. Philadelphia, Pa. George Burragin. 1010 East Third street, South Bethlehem, Pa. Adam Cvatlna. Wiiiam Pinkosky. DECEMBER 9,1918. " | 532 Paml street. Scranton, Pa. < Ben. Harrison. 116 West Eleventh street. Homestead. Pa. Herman F. kleara, 5811 Race ; street, Philadelphia. Pa. Henry Atherton, Dubois. Pa. Wiiiam F. Chamero.v. 1445 Zar ker stret, Harrisburg. Pa. Raymond Andrew Gleason, 1412 Kerbaugh avenue. Philadelphia, Pa. Raymond Harter, 1218 Green, stret. Reading. Pa. Wililam lavuehli. 4 317 EdKemont street. Philadelphia, Pa. , j Nathan Evans Blankle.v, 3400 I North Twenty-second street, Phlla i deiphiu. Pa. Salvatore Fratto. 3240 Rothpletz I street. Pittsburgh, Pa. l! Walter Fulton. 27 Union street, i Shnrpsburg. Pa. j John Given. Red Lion. Pa. | John Franqis Martin, 112 Clarion I stret. Oil City, Pa. Frank Picrson, Sox 4 40, Connells- I ville. Pn. Joseph Strange. 3539 Aspen street, I Philadelphia. Pn. I Bolestav Cuchinski. Ellsworth, Pa. Benjamin C. Leah, 144 Ridge avenue, Milton, Pa. ] K r al E. linvis, 11 Altoona avenue, 1 Enoln, Pn. Judson E. Godett. 1733 North [ Eighth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Raymond Gordon, Corydon, Pa. John Robinkko,. 208 East Noble street. Hnzelton. Pa. John A. Schlegel, R. F. D. No. 1, Pllow, Pa. Joseph T. McAdams, 104 Bridge street. Phoenlxvile, Pn. Wiiiam A. Rnffensberger, Arendts ville. Pa. Elmer Roles, R'. F. D., Milroy, Pa. Miehnel Smolio. 112 River avenue, Whitaker, Pa. Clarence Walters, Gay street, Roy ersford. Pa. Charles W. Clark, 1 Granite streot, Philadelphia, Pa. William l.awrenon Donnelly, Kushequn, Pa. Roy E. Fink, R. F. D. 10, York, Pn. Joseph L. Hassen, Jr., 205 Idaho street, Farrell, Pa. Joseph Moore, 1133 Wolf street,' Philadelphia, Pn. Willford ti, Curry, 5302 Angora Terrace West Philadelphia, Pa. Sabatine Agostinelli, 1926 South Warnock street, Philadelphia, Ta. James F. Bonner, 411 Washington street, Freelnnd, Pa. John B. Youngmnn, 103 Bloom street, Danville, Pa. James A. Johnson. 1311 Kenil wortb street. Phllndelphla, Pa. William J. Knepper, Mountain, Berks county, Pa. John Lubar, 2402 Orthodox steret, Frankford, Philadelphia. Pa. John B. Recsner, £l7 Hummel avenue, Lemoyne, Pa. Joseph Shutyt, box 121, SUr Juno lion. Pa. Thomas P. Wachtor, 1044 Fourth avenue, Now Kensington, Pa. Jqmcs Bashore, Mexico, Pa. Andy Cectllo, Handre Hotel, Pitts burgh. Pa. Alexander St. C. Chestnut, 2089 j South Twenty-third street, Philadel phia, Pa. Charles O. Graham, Hllltown. Bucks county, Pa. Emll Laret, box 138, Castle Shaa non. Pa. Dominick Acinapure. 1306 South Juniper street, Philadelphia, Pa. Htlry S. Purbaugh, liyndman. Pa. Michael Rainone. 5231 Hazel ave nue, Philadelphia, Pa. George B. Uhior, Pine Grove, Sehuylklll County. Pa. • aJkUhSul] INDIOEST)O'/ J Hot water Sure Relief RELL-ANS LfFOR INDIGESTION' 7