Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 09, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Patriotic Entertainment and
Pennsy Men's Glee Club Con
cert Tomorrow Evening
A brilliant and impressive sight
will greet the large audience attend
ing the Pennsylvania Railroad Men's
Glee Club concert, and entertainment
to be given in the assembly ball, of
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church,
West State street, tomorrow night,
at 8 o'clock, under the direction and
training of Miss Ivie M. R. Cook.
This musical event promises to be
one of the most attractive of its kind
ever held In Grace M. E. Church.
Promptly at eight o'clock the en
trances of the assembly will be
opened and as Mrs. Forster is sing
ing, "Flag of the Free," to the Lo
hengrin wedding march. Miss Ruth
Miller, who has been chosen as
"Goddess of Liberty," will enter, fol
lowed by Red Cross nurses and Girl
Scouts, carrying large silk Allies'
flags. Then will follow the grand
entry of the children's chorus, all
dressed in white and bearing U. S.
flags, followed 'by a large chorus
of Boy and Girl Scouts. They will
inarch in strict time to the "Stars
and Stripes Forever," by Sousa,
played by the Updcgrove orchestra,
wipding through the aisles and to
their places on the platform. This
will be an inspiring sight and when
they surround the Goddess of Lib
erty, and sing songs of "Your Land t
and My Land," enthusiasm runs
high. The grand final given by Miss
Cook's Girl Scout class, will bring
a t mcaning to its hearers not soon
to be forgotten.
Popular Glee Club
In addition to the Pennsylvania
r.ailroad Men's Glee Club, which has
a membership of twenty-live male
trained voices; there will be spe;al
numbers by assisting artists. The
Updegrove's orchestra. Miss Mar
garet Vaughn, hurpist; Miss Mar
garetta Kennedy, violin-cellist; Miss
Aldah Kennedy, pianist; Mrs. Wil
liam K. Bumbaugh, soprano soloist;
Mrs. Harry G. Keffer, reader; Miss
Jean Moses, the little girl soprano,
who will be soloist for the children's
chorus and many other entertaining
This concert and entertainment is
given under the direction of Miss
Ivie M. R. Cook, and is for the bene
fit of the Red Cross.
Tickets at a nominal price may
be secured at Rose's, Walnut and
Second street, or at the door the
night of the concert.
The Wellesley Club of Central
Pennsylvania met Saturday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Raymond
L. Gillespie, 23 41 North Second
street. The president, Mrs. George
Hartman, of Lancaster, presided.
Resolutions of regret were passed
on the death of Miss Anna Margaret
Miller. The open meeting is to be
held at the Easter recess this year
rather than at Christmas time, as
in former years. Present at the
meeting were: Miss Anna Sener
and Miss Virginia Sener, of Swarth
more, Miss Anna Shund and Miss
Rebecca Griest, of Lancaster; Miss
Vtrg'iiim brast. Miss Hessie East, Miss
Marion Heck, Miss Edith West, Miss
Katherine Andrews and Mrs. Hor
ace M, Wltman.
Owing to a meeting of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Women's Relief
Division for War Relief Department
No. 7, to be held In Philadelphia
Wednesday, Mrs. Andrew Dillinger
announces that the regular monthly
meeting of Tuesday and the sewing
Wednesday will be omitted this
Mending of soldiers' garments
will be done as usual Friday after
noon at the Pennsylvania P. R. R.
Y. M. C. A. in ltelly street. All
workers are urged to come.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Prosser, David
Roberts and Miss Rertha Berry have
returned after a week-end motor trip
to Delta, Pa.
Mr. und Mrs. Elwood Lake and
small daughter, Miss Phyllis Lake,
went home to Elmira this morning
after a brief stay among relatives in
the West End.
Miss Emmeline Bordner and Miss
SeHna Bordner, of Buffalo, are stop
ping for a few days with their aunt,
Mrs. Howard Fordhant, of Green
Mr. and Mrs. Lynne Thatcher and
small son, Paul B. Thatcher, of Co
lumbus. Ohio, are in town for a brief
visit among old friends in suburban
[AH announcements under Ibis head
ing must be accompanied by name
to assure accuracy. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Patterson,
1323 Klttattnny street, announce the
birth of a daughter, Dorothy Jean
Patterson, December 4, 1918. Mrs.
Patterson was formerly Miss Mable
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Trulllnger
announce the birth of a daughter,
Dorothy Jane Trullinger, November
28, 1918, at the Keystone Hospital.
Mrs. Trullinger was formerly Miss
Mabel Whitcomb, of this city.
Christmas is on at our
Locust street store. Place
your orders early and get
the best—
Pottery, and a great variety
of I-'loral Novelties.
■ii * —Mi flf
r \|
Star Carpet
Cleaning Works
Let Us Clean Your Carpets
We also do general upnoietering
sad recovering automobile tope.
Eleventh and Walnut Sts.
Moth Phases
Beautiful Musical Production at Camp Hill
r tt™
" - - - • -■
On Saturday afternoon Mr. and
Mrs. C. O. Shaar gave some of the
Camp Hill folk a glimpse of their
cleverly arranges musical comedy at
a special matinee to the children.
The grown!\jis who were privileged to
be present pronounced the whole
program far beyond the usual ama
teur production, both in conception
and in beauty of effect. An interest
ing bit of light on the whole thing is
the fact that Mr. Shaar on hearing
the popular song. "Smiles," for the
first time, immediately saw the pos
sibilities of building a dainty bit of
comedy around it, with Miss Betty
Patterson as "Smiles," and "Before.
After and in the Meantime" is the
result. The program will be repeated
fits evening and to-morrow evening
in the High School Auditorium.
The entire program is charming
and graceful and the musical num
bers are exceptionally good. The
soldiers' quartet is particularly fine.
This quartet in one scene appear as
choir boys and "The Holy City" as
sung by Sergeant Roberts is in it
self worth the price of admission.
A noticeable feature is Miss Elea
nor Watts, the dainty litle ingenue
who captivates every masculine Heart
in the audience. Miss Armstrong
sings "The Projhecy," with most
dramatic effect, and is a typical
gypsy. Miss Mary Bell Corbett, who
has taken Mrs. Howard Sigler's part
at a moment's notice, Is admirable
as usual in both songs and acting and
Miss Virginia Shaar, as a great pink
rose, gives the "Danse des Petales" ;
with grace and perfection.
The program includes:
"Before. After and in the Mean
time." arranged and directed by Mr. I
and Mrs. C. O. Shaar; stage manager,
Charles Goodman; assistant stago
manager, Martin Bowman; business
manager, Herman Kiehl; secretary
and treasurer, Frances Gibbs; assist
ant secretary, Mrs. Howard Sigler.
Cast of characters, part 1 and 2;
I—A siren; 2—A Red Cross worker,
Miss Corbett; I—An ingenue;
2—A motor messenger, Eleanor
Watts; I—A Ballerina; 2—A sailor
lassie, Virginia Shaar; I—ABady of
ancient aristocracy; 2—A war widow,
Mrs. Wormell. I—A1 —A fortune telling
gypsy; 2—A Y. M. C. A. entertainer,
Martha Armstrong; I—The ponies;
2—The Red Cross nurses, Louise
Crook, Gretchen Deen Virginia'
Shaar, Helen Bowman, Mary Coop
er, Betty Patterson, Margaret
Hughes, aMrgaret Asseln; I—Flower I
girls; 2—Red Cross helpers, Mary;
| Concerts Are Pleasing
to Large Audiences
| The last in a series of two concerts
jby Betsy Lane Shepherd, soprano,
Sara Gurowitsch, 'cellist, and Helene
Whittaker, pianist, was given Sat
urday night in Fahnestock Hull un
j der the auspices of the W. C. T. U.
| The artists displayed exceptional
| ability in this closing program, evok-
I ing floods of applause from their
The program presented follows:
Prelude in G Minor, Rachmaninoff,
i "If 1 Were a Bird," Hcnsclt, Helene
Whitaker; "Quel Ituscelletto," Para
i dies, "Chanson Triste," DuPare, "Yes
Yeux," Rabey, Betsy Lane Shep
herd; "Variations Symphonique,"
Boellmann, Sara Gurowitsch; "Aria,"
selected, Betsy Lane Shepherd;
"Hungarian vßhapsodie," Popper,
Sara Gurowitsch; "Bercepse,"
Chopin; "Impromptu in A Flat,"
Chopin; "Etude," Chopin," Helene
Whitaker; "The Fount of Bimbini,"
Cadman; "The Fairies," Mabel
Wood-Hill; "The Mistletoe," Bain
brldge-Crist; "The Wind's in the
South," J. P. Scott, Betsy Lane Shep
herd; "Allegro Appassionato, Saint-
Suens; "Russian Melody," Paul Juon;
"At the Fountain," Davidoff, 'Sara
Gurowitsch; songs of the nations:
"Woe to You Traitor" —Russian folk
song; "I'll Follow You," Irish, Flor
ence Turner- Maley; "The Mother
Heart," Scotch, Stickles; "Echo
Song." Norwegian, Throne; "I'm the
Captain of the Broomstick Cavalry,"
Carrie Jacobs Bond, Betsy Lane
The Norwegian Echo Song was
particularly delightful. In it Miss
Shepherd brought forth colorature
ability. Her singing of the little
song by Carrie Jacobs-Bond was
another, beautiful selection. Mrs.
Bond is a representative American
composer and this is one of the
finest of her songs.
The members of the Dorcas Bible
class were entertained by Mrs. H.
D. Hammond and Mrs. Carl Gage
at the home of the latter, ICOB For
ster street at the regular monthly
meeting. At'er the business was
transacted light refreshments were
served to the following: Mrs. J. T.
Burnite, Mrs. Crans, Miss Kirk
wood, Miss Mary Rehn, Mrs. Joseph
Rehn, Mrs. Stvuffer, Mrs. B. F. Fry,
Mrs. W. J. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs.
G.: W. Wirt.
Liuetenant Benjamin Ayres, of
Worcester, Mass., and Lieutenant
Edward Bream, of Carlisle, were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph H. Hosmer, of 605 North Fif
teenth street. Both lieutenants
trained at Camp Grant, Illinois, and
Plattsburg where they received
their commissions. Lieutenant Ayres
will resume his studies at Dartmouth
College, where he is a senior, on his
return home.
Miss Anna Bradley, of 1526 State
street, spent the weekend with
friends in Mercersburg.
Miss Rose Garonzik, of North
Third street, spent the weekend with
Lebanon friends.
Miss Edna Forrer, 2418 North
Sixth street, spent the wekend with
Mrs. Charles Robb. of Dauphin.
IJ Smith. Marlon Milhouse, Alberta
| Asseln; I—Choir boys; 2—Soldiers,
U. S. soldiers from the Aviation, in
, eluding the now famous quartet,
, First Sergeant Sherley E. Pariitt,
1 Sergeant David L. Mulaney, Corporal
Clyde E. Corbin, Corporal Humph
rey J. Roberts, Private Elmer M.
: Uchaman, Private Louis! Malzon; an
Oriental Princess, Anna Smith; at
tendants to princess, Mary Margaret
! Yinger, Roberta Hamme, Helen
. Coloviras, Elizabeth Coloviras.
Synopsis. Part I—Place, Camp
Hill; time, any time previous to
; America's entrance into the war.
Part II —Place, every place; time.
Chaotic period of feverish anxiety,
when America hung in the balance.
Part III —Place, Camp Hill; time,
any time after America's entrance
into the great struggle.
The Sequences of Songs and
Dances—Leads fromjhe Hilarity of
several years ago to the Prophecies
and Rumors of War—through the
several days of chois, while the fatal
decisions were being awaited —to the
I War Activities of Red Cross and all
War Associations.
Musical and Dance Numbers
Part I —"The Kiss of Dawn," the
Ponies: "The Song of the Siren,"
Mrs. Sigler; "You Make Me Feel So
Foolish," the Ingenue; "The Gypsy
Song," Miss Martha Armstrong;
"Danse des Petales." the Ballerina;
"Robert of Sicily," Mrs. Warmell; as
sisted by choir boys; Corporal Rob
i erts will sing "The Holy City;"
| "When All the Little Ships Come
j Sailing Home," ensemble; prophesy,
? here's a Long, Long Trail," the
. psy and- entire company.
Part II—"A Prayer in the Desert,"
the princess and attendants.
• Part III —"Smiles," Bety Patter
son, assisted by Red Cross nurses and
soldiers; "God Bring You Safely to
Our Arms Again," Miss Corbett; "Tffe
Hose of No Man's Land," the Motor
Messenger; "The Sailor's Joy," the
Sailor Lassie, "The Laddie in Khaki,"
the Y. M. C. A. entertainer; selected,
soldiers; "The War Rosary," the
war widow; "The Flag We Love," i
ensemble, words and music by Prof. 1
Kurzenknabe, Camp Hill; prophecy
fulfilled, "Keep the Home Fires
Burning," Miss Armstrong and en
tire company; finale.
In the cut above depicting "The
' Smiles Chorus," are Miss Betty Pat
terson as "Smile's," the Misses
Gretchen Deen, Mary Cooper, Mar
-1 garet Asseln, Helen Bowman, Mar
: garet Hughes and Louise Cook.
Women to Hear About
Reconstruction Wo*k
; A public meeting of great interest
: free to all, but intended especially
as a woman's meeting will be held
jat 3.30 o'clock, Friday afternoon,
December 13, in Fahnestock Hall.
! The meeting dealing with recon
: sWuction work, will be held under
I the auspices of the, Red Cross, War
I Aid and Civic Club. The two noted
I speakers who will address the meet
ing ill speak at noon at the recon
[ struction luncheon at the Chamber
of Commerce. One of these, Michael
Dowling, of Olivia, Minn., lost both
hands and feet some years ago while
'doing farm work. Nevertheless he
had the pluck and energy that en
abled him to secure a good educa
tion, to make a living and to become
a useful citizen. What he can tell
about reconstruction work is inten
sely interesting and practical. H. It.
Heydon, chief of public education
for the Red Cross crippled institute,
will be the other speaker, and both
addresses will be illustrated by ster
eopticon views There is no' charge
and it is hoped that Fahnestock hall
will be filled. The subject of recon
struction work is of vital import-
Miss Rauch to Sing
For War Aid Meeting
Miss Jean Rauch will sing at the
| meeting of the National War Aid
to be held in Fahnestock Hall to
morrow night. A number of other
features are planned for the gather
-1 ing; including current events by
! Mrs. Anna Hamilton Wood.
A particularly interesting part of
the meeting will he the reading of
letters recently received from the
boys overseas. Mrs. Jennings, the
chairman, has urged mothers who
have recently heard from their sons,
to bring the messages.
excellent program was given
last evening at a liousewarming and
victory celebration ,at The Lebanon
Y. M. H. A. Among the Harris
burgers present the following took
part in the evening's entertainment:
Miss Clarabeile Cluster gave several
.'focal selections accompanied by
Aliss Sarah Baturin and Rabbi Louis
J. Haas gave an address.
On Monday of next week, Decem
ber 16, Governor Brumbaugh will
address the Civic Club at its regular
monthly meeting. The meeting will
open ut 3 o'clock a half hour earlier
than usual and the Governor's ad
dress will be the first thing on the
prog.Tm in order that he may take
a tram.
Dr. and Airs. James Edward Dick
inson, of 228 North Second street,-
are guests of relatives in Hornell,
New York.
Airs. Henry Blake Bent and Mrs.
Philip T. Meredith are home after
visiting Airs. William Godfrey in
Philadelphia. Airs. Godfrey was for
merly miss Marian Angell of this
Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall and her
mother, Airs. Spencer C. Gilbert, went
to New York this'morning to Join
Mr. Hall, who lias been there on
business for several days. 1
Fine Christmastide Program
Being Arranged For Mar
ket Square Church
A Christmas recital which prom
ises to be of more than ordinary
beauty will be given by active mem
bers of the Wednesday Club at
Market Square Presbyterian Church
Monday evening, December 23, at
8.15 o'clock. There will be no tickets
or admission fee and members have
been granted the guest privilege.
The program follows: , Two organ
numbers by-Mrs. J. K. Henry; solos
by Mrs. Roy G. Cox, Mrs. Wilbur F.
Harris and Mrs. Robert B. Reeves;
cello number. Miss Margarettn Ken
nedy; trio, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Harris
and Miss Seaman; quaftet for organ,
harp, cello and violin by Mrs Henry,
Miss Lenora Fry, Miss Margaretta
Kennedy and Miss Sarah Renter.'
The Wednesday Club chorus will
sing several carols and as a closing
number Miss Margaret Lang's "The
| Heavenly Noel" with Mrs. Arthur
i H. Hull as soloist.
Have You Contributed
to Salvage Campaign
i On Saturday six culls reached Red
Cross headquarters, asking that the
! Salvage wagon stop and get new spa -
j pers, etc. Two postal cards contain
' ing the same request also rebelled
' the chairman at 105 Locust street.
1 This is an improvement over other
| days of late, but the number of calls
I should be trebled. The Red Cross
i will rely greatly during the coming
i months upon its salvage income. Un-
I fortunately many people have lost
i interest because the war has ended,
j but Red Cross work must continue
j for,months yet. If you have news
papers, old magazines, rubber, rags,
! tituoil or nny old metal phone the
j Cross, 4884 and ask the wagon to
j come for the articles. They can also
| be left if you wish in the vestibule to
; the basement of the Public Library,
i which is Salvage headquarters.
Daughters of 1812 Hold
Annual Election Tomorrow
I On Tuesday afternoon at 2.30
i o'clock the annual meeting of the
! United States Daughters of 1812 will
!*be hpid at the Civic Club. Miss
! Fox, chairman of the nominating
I committee will present her report,
I and annual election of officers will
I follow. There will be several musical
i numbers by Miss Elizabeth Ross, and
j the talk of the afternoon will be a
• discussion of recent Current Events
Iby Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones. Mrs.
! James Barr Mersereau, the retiring
! regent and who has refused a re
[ years and who has refused a re
| nomination, will preside. Members
j are privileged to bring guests.
I Other numbers on the program
i wil be a reading by Mrs. Harry G.
! Keffer and an original war poem by
! Mrs. Anna Hamilton Wood, entitled
j "Homeward Bound."
The Camp Hill branch of the Red
i Cross under the direction of the
jchairman, Mrs. Robert L. Myers,
will work Tuesday afternoon and all
day Thursday. Members are ask
ed to spend as much time as pos
sible in the workrooms in order to
finish this month's allotment of
Under the direction of Miss Ma
tilda Ritter, troop captain, Oak
Troop No. 4, Girl Scouts of Stevens
Methodist Church will hold Its regu
lar meeting this evening. The girls
are asked to bring their ukuleles
with them so practice for carolling
on eve may be begun.
Mrs. L. M. Kay, president, an
nounced the regular monthly meeting
of the Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society
to be held at Kesher Israel Syna
gogue, Capitol and Briggs streets,
Tuesday evening, December 10, at 8
o'clock. All members are urged to
Percy L. Leidlch, son of Dr. P. G. j
j Leidich. Front and Vine streets, a
i first class sergeant of the Medical
i Corps, who has been in training at J
I Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C., is
] expected home soon. Before enter
ing the service he wus associated
with his father in business.
The Ladies' Aid Society of St.
Mark's Lutheran Church, West
I Eairview, will hold a bazar and
sauerkraut supper In the tire en
ginehouse Friday evening, Decem
ber 13.
Miss Pauline Strominger, of Brook
lyn, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Newton, of Green street, for the re
mainder. of the month.
Miss Sara Cooper, of Asbury Park,!
is spending a few days with Mr. and I
Mrs. Edward N. Cooper, of Camp
Mrs. Charles C. Linton, of 10071
North Second street, is home after I
visiting old friends in Hoilidaysburg j
and Johnstown.
Miss Pearl Thompson went to;
Jacksonville, Fla., this morning, to
remain for the winter with her aunt, j
Mrs. Blair Camber, who is winter-1
ing at her suburban bungalow.
Dr. J., M. Campbell, of Paxtang, I
is seriously ill at .his home with in- |
Lieutenant and Mrs. L. W. Frasier. j
of Philadelphia, spent the weekend |
with the former's parents, Mr. and i
Mrs. Warren Frasier, of 711 North ;
Seventeenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slaymaker,
of 1526 State street, returned after;
a weekend visit in Philadelphia.
■ Miss Evelyn Speakman, of 709 ;
| North Seventeenth street, has re- j
; turned ofter a visit in Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. John Slusseb and !
j family, of 42 North Summit 'street, i
I spent the weekend In Pine Grove.
Ralph Davis, of McAlisterville,
i Pa., has returned home after a short |
visit with relatives here.
Donald Wieland, of 1010 North :
Sixteenth street, returned home Frl- '
day night from Camp Hancock, Au- j
gusta, Ga.
Edward Garman, of Penbrook, is J
home from Camp Hancock.
Harrlsburg Garnets are scheduled i
to open their season with the strong I
Stewartstown five, champions of
lower York county, on Saturday, De
| cember 21. They also will be the
i Christmas day attraction at Lancas-
I ter, playing the fast St. Joseph Cath
' olic club (fuintet of that city.
Annual Event to Bo Given by
Central High Club *
An interesting program has been
arranged for the annual DolL show
to be held in the John Y. Boyd Hall
at the Y. W. C. A. by the Central
High School Girls' Club to-morrow
evening, f
Dolls large and small with golden
curls or, ebony looks, blue eyes or
brown—dolls of every description
have been dressed by the girls and
will be on display. After the show
they will be given to the Associated
Aid to be distributed among orphans
throughout the city.
A small admission fee will be
charged. The program follows: Piano
solo, Miss Margaret Martz; vocal
solo, "Honey Mine," Miss Doro Billet:
reading, Miss Mabel Thompson; "The
Legend of the Christmas Rose," told
by Miss Marian Marts, delegates to
Camp Nepahwin" will entertain the
uudience with several camp songs
and Mrs. K. J. Decevee will load the
singing of several old Christmas
carols. *■
ij Steelton News
I Captain Hutchinson, Veteran
of War, Is Prominent
London Attorney
I Steelton Is to hear something un-
I usually good end interesting In the
! way of a war speech to-morrow
| night, when the speaker at the Red
i Cross Christmas rollcall mass meet
j ing will be Captain S. J. Hutchinson,
lof London. In military circles, Cap
! tain Hulchinscn is known as a sea
toned veteran of the war, a graduate
of the Queen's University Officers
Training Corps, captain in the Lon
don Irish Rifles, for some time mem
ber of Lord French's stao. on the
Aerial Defences of London ngainst
German Zeppelins. Mobilized with
the Irish Utiles at the very outbreaK
| of the war ho has seen continual
service from that date to the time of
his being wounded in Festubert.
! He was present at the first German
| gas attack, and witnessed in addi-
I tion, many incidents of battle some
interc.-rting, ethers gruesome and woe
ful. In political circles, Captain
Hutchinson is better known as At
torney C. J. Hutchinson, member of
the Knglish Bar at London, candidate
for the British Parliament from Hills
borough, County Downs, Ireland.
He is a big figure in English poli
tical life, and is at present a mem
ber of the military staff of the Brit
ish War- Mission to America. Since
his arrival he has made ad
c r?sses before the staff of the Uni
ted States Treasury, the United States
I Shipping Board, and other officials
iof the government. It is unusual for
j a speaker of this kind to be willing
I to speak before a mere Red Cross
I' mass meeting, and the officers of the
local chapter are to be congratulated
on their success In securing him.
| The meeting will be held to-mor
|(ja>w evening In 'he high school audi
torium, and will be open to the pub
-1 lie without any price of admission.
Many Activities in the
Churches During the Week
This will be a busy week for the
! churchgoers of Steelton, most of the
I borough churches having unounced
| special functions of various kinds,
j In St. James' Roman Catholic
I Church there Is being held to-day
! and to-morrow Forty Hours' Devo-
I tion by priests from the Community
i of the Holy Ghost.
In Trinity Episcopal Church there
I will be a vestry meeting in the ree
! Tory this evening. Tuesday night,
j the congregation will attend the spe
cial missionary service in St. Steph-
I en's Church, Harrisburg. On Thurs
; day evening from 5 to 8 the women
i of the congregation will give a din
! ner in the parish house, and on Fri
j day evening there will be a meeting
| of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, in
i the parish house.
| In the First Methodist Church on
, Thursday there will be served both
j a dinner and supper, and a special
| entertainment given In the evening
i for the benefit of the social room
; fund.
St. John's Lutheran Church an
nounces that P. O. Osterhaus, a
rep-*ntative of the War and Navy
Commission on Training Camp Ae
| tivities, will speak before the Broth-
I erhood Bible Class this evening at 8
j o'clock. A church council meeting
j will be held at 7.30 this evening in
I the church, while the Ladies' Aid of
j the church will meet this evening at
! the home of Miss Agnes Herman.
| The intermediate Christian Endeav
! or will hold a social Friday evening
| at the home of G. M. Long.
Injured Woman Found in
Street; Claims Holdup
Late Saturday night the police were
! called to South Front street, and found
| a colored woman slightly injured. Pp
j on being questioned, she said that she
I had been assailed and held up by two
! men and two women. Inasmuch as
!~ho money wus taken from the woman,
' the story is not taken very seriously.
| Mike Budnic was held up by two
negroes in South Second street, near
;J!offer. and relieved of $25. One of the
! hold-up men covered Budnic with a
revolver while the other went through
I his pockets and took his money and
| a watch. They have not been caught.
| Mrs. W. H. Nell, chairman of x the ]
j Red Cross Rollcall for the local chap
> ter and its auxiliaries, has called a
j meeting of the canvassers, captains
; and lieutenants for this evening, at 8!
! o'clock, in the Red Cross lleadquar- j
| ters, in Harrisburg, street. She has '
' made a special appeal to have all can
| vassers attend so that they may re
i celve full Instructions on the work to
j be done.
The Steelton Club hunters, who
maintain a hunting camp at Pine]
Grove, returned home Saturday
morning, bringing with them the]
only deer shot by them during their!
entire hunting trip. The deer is a
President Issues Red
Cross Message to U. S.
\t asliiiigtoii. Dec. 9.—President
Wilson, in a proclamation made
public yesterday calls on every Am
erican to join the American Red
Cross during Christmas roll call w
eek, December 16 to 23, and thus
send forth to the whole liutnan fani
ly the Christ-mas greeting for which
it waits and for which it stands in
greatest needs. The proclamation,
prepared before the President depa
rted for Europe, follows:
"To the American people:
"One year ago twenty-two
million Americans, by enrolling
as members of the Red Cross
at Christmastime, sent to the
men who were lighting out but
tles overseas a stimulating mes
sage of cheer and good will.
They made it clear that our
people were of their own free
choice united with their gov
ernment in the determination
not only to wage war with the
instruments of destruction, but
also by every means in their
power to repay the ravages of
the invader and sustain and re
new the spirit of the army and
of the homes which they repre
sented. The friends of the Amer
ican Red Cross in Italy, Belgium
and France have told, and will
tell again, the story of how the
Red Cross workers restored
morale in the hospitals, in the
camps, and at the cantonments
and we ought to lie very proud
that we have been permitted to
he of service to those whose
sufferings and whose glory are
the heritage of humanity.
"Now, by God's grace, the
Red Cross Christmas message
of 1918 is a message of
good sized buck, and was shot Fri
day morning by Kasimar Posiga.
The club members arp now looking
forward to a venison dinner to be
given something this month.
The regular monthly meeting of
the borough council will be held this
evening. Several important matters
are to be acted upon, among them
the street car ordinance which was
delayed for some time.
On Saturday noon the fire com
panies of town responded to an
alarm on Ridge street. The fire
proved to be but a flight blaze and
was extinguished with little diffi
culty. It was in the home of Mark
Carter, 16 ltidge street, and but little
damage was done.
Itaimondo Lucia, the four-year
old son of Maria Lucia, of 567 South
Second street, died Saturday morn
ing. Funeral services were held this
morning in St. Ann's Roman Church,
the Rev. Sama officiating.
Private J. William Cuddy, for
merly assistant manager of the local
Woolwouth Store, returned home
yesterday, having been discharged
from the army. He was repairing
arms in the Bowmun Technical
School, Lancaster.
Miss Blanche Tressler, of New
Rloomfield, spent the week-end with
her cousin. Miss Blanche Kelt, on
North Second street.
Ralph, Hutchinson, U. S. Navy
spent Sunday with his mother.
Guy Leldigh of the U. S. Ship
Gibbone> spent Sunday with his
We have just received several car
loads of seasoned oak and chestnut
wood sawed in stove lengths and
ready for immediate delivery. Phone
us your order.
Jay Snyder, employed in Harris
burg, spent the weekend here' with
his family. ,
Game Warden S. Maurice Shuler is
spending the week at the State Game
Reserve in the upper end of the
Dr. and Mrs. .1. R. Richards, of
Philadelphia, are visiting here with
Mrs. Richard's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L C. Relfsnyder.
Miss Alice Freed was a recent visi
tor with relatives at Harrisburg.
N. H. Miller, employed at Harrls
burg, spent the weekend here with
his family.
Ramsey Williamson is critically ill
with pneumonia at his home in Pine
The Rev. G. H. Knox and fandly,
spent a week with relatives at Har
rlsburg and Lancaster.
The nationalization of Canadian
coal mines and all essential indusr
tries is called for by the Amalga
mated Mine Workers of Nova Scotia.
FJk, The "Quicker Yet"
Electric Washer
■ r-4l Will Make the Greatest
(j . Christmas Present
/I = nr|#jl *gsZ\\ J T ?^j r You Ever Gave Your Mother,
I' lit IHb HaP'' M Wife or Sister
I jßnl|l|[j ■■ | UPm SSpS--- Wo have just received anotlicr cnrldftd—one liun-
I ml I 111 I l|y:;:l' drcd machines—ready to ilcllver.
\l Mill 111 *Vv They arc made in different styles, made of Loulsi
\ It t ''iy'l ana cypress, the best wood in the world for wnslitub
VtdVtt" m * ~u\ Pf'P o * 6 *! water has n> elTect on it, as it does on
' Both wringer and washer run by power, together
|| or alone —the wringer both slides and turns, thus
lV allowing you to wring from one tub while tlie other
1 ' — 1 There are no twits, gears, pulley or tuiy working
parts exposed on these splendid machines. We hnvc
"N them here In operation. Come to the store and let
■ a & us show them to you.
IK x There is nothing thnt money can buy that will
■*" mean so much to n woman as a power washer. It Is
This Is One of the Different Styles of a Hfesaver to those who have been doing washing by
"Quicker Yet" Washers handpower. It Is a money saver hi laundry bills.
Give Her an Electric Washer—She Deserves Your Very Best -
SNOW-WHITE ELECTRIC—Time price $05.00,; Cash price, 10 per cent off, or $BB.BO
ELECTRIC NO. 2—Time price $00.00; Cash price, 10 per cent off, or sBl.o'J
PLATFORM ELECTRIC—Time price .$100.00; Cash price, 10 per cent off, or $OO.OO
With a $lO Cash Payment You Cun Give Her the Best Electric Washer for Xnuis—The Best Present of AU
Quality Seeds
■-V s '
DECEMBER 9, 1918.
peace us well as a message of
good will. But peace does not
mean that we can fold our
hands. It means further sacri
fice. We must prove conclusive
ly to an attentive world that
America is permanently arous
ed to the needs of the new era,
our old indifference gone for
"The exact nature df the fu
ture of the Red Cross will de
pend upon the program of the
associated governments, hut
there is immediate need to-day
for every heartening word and
for every helpful service. We
diers and our sailors are still
Uiers and our saliors are still
under orders and still have
dufies to perform of the highest
consequence, and that the Red
Cross Christmas membership
means a great deal to them. The
people of the saddened lands,
moreover, returning home to
day where there nre no homes
aiuist have the assurance that
the hearts of our people arc
with them in the dark and
doubtful days ahead. Let us. so
far as wo can. help them back
to faith in mercy und in future
"As president, of the Red
Cross, conscious in this great
hour of the value of such a
message from the American
people, I should be glad if every
American would Join the Red
Cross for 1919, and thus send
forth to the whole human fam
ily the Christgias greeting for
which it waits and for which it
stands in greatest need.
Dr. John Hoval Harris Gives
Result of Poll of Both
Philadelphia, Dec. 9.—While, the
opponents of the proposed prohibi
tion aiYKtidment to the Federal Con
stitution have, ever since the Novem
ber election, been confident. that
there will not be enough votes in the
Pennsylvania Legislature to ratify.it.
Dr. John Royal Harris, State Super
intendent of the Dry Federation of
Pennsylvania, in a statement Issued
yesterday, predicted the adoption of
the amendment by this state.
Dr. Harris claims 110 member? of
the House have been elected, who
w.\re pledged to ratification, and that
therg are twenty-three Senators who
are certain to vote fhe same way
and that more than the remaining
four required to reach the total of
twenty-six which is necessary to
adopt the amendment in the Senate,
will be secured from other Senators
whom he claims will in all probabil
ity support this measure.
f"A great many conflicting state
ments have been made," said Dr.
Harris, with regard to the complex
ion of the next Legislature, on the
subject of ratification. 1 have pur
posely waited until I could make a
careful analysis and certain investi
gations before publicly stating my
views on this important question. As
a result of the study I have been
making since the election, I am able
to say that it is my firm opinion that
ratification will carry. There can be
no doubt in my mind that this meas
ure will pass the Hoftse with a com
fortable majority. • There are 110
inemberfe whom I am sure will vote
to ratify. It is in the Senate that
the only possible doubt exists, and
there 1 feel very hopeful that the
result will be the same as in the
Governor-elect Sproul's firm atti
tude on this question cannot fail to
be the deciding influence in our fa
vor in the upper House. He made
this question one of the principal is
sues in his campaign and the Re
publican party by supporting him so
generously, supported his views on
"The Senate will contain forty-four
Republicans, many of whom were
the Governor's associates while he
sat in that body. We have heard
from several that they will be guid
ed very largely by his wishes in the
matter, and from his public an
nouncements before and after his
election, there can be no doubt that
his wishes are that ratification be
passed. Senator Sproui was the
party's platform in the recenj elec
tion and by his decisive majority he
became the leader of the Republi
cans in Pennsylvania. It is not think
able that the Senators of his party
will seek to discredit his leadership
by failing to follow his wishes on
William Schaeffer Says He
Took Machines Only
For a Ride
Three alleged thieves were arrest
ed and brought before Mayor Keis
ter for a preliminary hearing In po- .
lice court this afternoon, by City De- N
tectives Oscar W. Carson and George •
John J. Kisella, Newark, N. J.,
answered a charge of felonious en
try jvith intent to rob; William
Schaeffer, 330 Delaware street, was
fcharged with the larceny of two mo
tor trucks from Gately and Fitzger
ald Company's garage at Middle
ttown, hnd George Wertz, South Car
lisle, was charged with stealing an
overcoat from his foreman at the
Penn-Murris Hotel.
Kisella, it was said to-day, has
been charged and convicted of lar
ceny before,' in other cities. Detec
tives Carson and Shuler arrested him
on the information made out by Miss
Minnie Starry, who boards at 1169
Market street, charging that he
feloniously entered the house and
stole a signet ring. It is said when
he heard Miss Starry coming up
stairs, he hid in a clothes press, and
escaped past her, through the back
door and byway of the second story
balcony, when she entered the room.
Williaf Schaeffer was arrested by
Detective Shuler, at his home, 330
Delaware street, charged with the
theft of two trucks from the Gately-
Fitzgerald garage at Middletown,
where he was employed. He said lie
took the trucks yesterday, not with
any idea of stealing them, bpt for
a ride. He served ten months for
the same offense previously. July
24, 1917, he was arrested for steal
ing Kdward Rouse's automobile, and
serving four months, and June 10,
1918, was arrested for the theft of
Dr. G. A. Dnpp's machine from in
front of the house at 1827 North
Third street. He served ten months.
Wertz came to grief when he tried
to sell the overcoat he is charged
with having stolen from his fore
man. Tlte overcoat was found in a
cement bag at the Penn-Harris this
morning, where Detective Carson
made the arrest. Wertz is a plaster
er at the Penn-Harris.
Courthouse Notes
Corporation Dissolved. A decree
in dissolution for C. 1,. Bailey and
Company, Incorporated, was signed by
the Court. The company is no longer ,
in business. Until a few years ago it
controlled the Chesapeake Nail Works
In the southern part of the city.
(•uiirdlaiii Named. Upon petition
of Mrs. Sarah M. Sparvcr, a grand
parent, the Camp Curtin Trust Com
pany was named as guardian of three
minor children of Mrs. Edna M.
DeWcese, lute of the city. •
Attorney lli'tiirns Krom lump.
Lieutenant Joel Claster, a member of
tjie County Bar, who was training at
Camp Johnson, Jacksmiville, Fla., has
returned, and will rffsume his legal
practice, after spending a week with
his parents, at Lock Haven. He is
associated with Oscar G. Wlcker
Charter Annulled. Upon petition
the charter of the Lawrence Power
Company, which was granted April 11.
1905, was annulled in quo warranto
proceedings in the county court.
company was originally organized
furnish water power in Wayne town
ship, county.
Seek Divorce. Four libels in di
vorce were filed in the following
cases: John E. I.ongenerker vs. Julia
I.onenecker. infidelity; Melvin IT. Me-
Farland vs. Elsie McFarland, inlidel-
Ity; Lemuel O. Linn vs. Helen Linn,
desertion; Majy Blchell, vs. Edward
W. Bichell, desertion.
To Fill Wheel. Jury Commis
sioners and President Judge George
Kunkel will nil the jury wheel on
Wednesdav and grand, petit and tra
verse juries for the January court
sessions will be drawn on Thursday.
Marietta. Pa., Dec. 9. —Personal
effects of the late Jacob Smith, of
Denver township, attracted a large
number of curio buyers from all sec
tions who wanted the old "prairie
schooner," or Conestoga wagon, in
his possession. There was lively bid
ding, and finally Dr. S. G. Burkhol
der, of Reading, paid $lO2 for It. He
also purchased a set of team, bells
for $2O. There were sold many relies
which could not be replaced at higli
I.ewlstovvn, Pa., Dec. 9. —ChargiV
with burning his restaurant build
ing and contents, at Mt. Union, c
week ago, for the purpose of collect
ing the insurance money, P.itrieh
Galassy, was g ven a hearing before
Justice O. J. Cassidy, and remanded
to jail in Huntingdon to await trial.
-Deputj; State Fire Marshal Gilbert.
Greens'burg, made the information. A
woman clerk" In the restaurant was
the principal witness against Galassy.