Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 09, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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Disturbers Cheer the
Bolshevists and Show
Contempt For Anthem
Boston, Dec. 9. A free-for-all
fight occurred last night in Faneuil
Hail when policemen in answer to
a riot call expelled about 100 dis
turbers from a meeting at which
members of the Italian labor mis
sion to America were the guests.
The riot call was sent in when the
disturbers cheered for the Bolshe
vlkl, refused to stand when the
"Star Spangled Banner" was sung,
and threatened an Italian band until
it played the Italian "hymn of the
The meeting was called to enable
the Italian mission to extend the
greetings of King Victor Emmanuel
to Italian workmen here.
Harbor Craft Sounds
Welcome to the Sierra
Bearing Yankee Troops
By Associated Press
New York, Dec. 9. The United
States rniy transport Sierra, with
33 officers and 1,531 privates and
noncommissioner officers aboard, ar
rived here to-day from abroad. The
troop ship was welcomed by the
screeching of the whistles of har
bor craft and the shooting skyward
of myriads of streams from tire boat
nozzles as she passed the Statue of
Uierty on the way to her dock in
Poincare Raises Petain
to Rank of War Marshal
Mot/., Deo. 9.—President Poincare
yesterday in the presence of a large j
crowd on the purade ground hero <
presented General Henri Philippe
Petain with the baton of a marshal
of France, thus carrying out for
mally the elevation of General Pe
tain, the announcement of which
was inaae last month when he en
tered Metz.
Said That Epidemic Cost More
Lives Than American Loss
in Battle. Danger Not
Over. Great Care Nec
essary to Prevent
Further Outbreak.
The appalling ravages of Spanish
Influenza in tins country are perhaps ,
best realized by the statement re
cently made, that more deaths have
resulted in little more than a month
from this disease than through our
whole eighteen months participation
in the battles of the European War.
Our greatest danger now, declare
authorities, is the great American
tendency to forget easily and to be
lieve the peril is over. Competent
authorities claim the coming of cold
weather is very apt to bring a re
turn of this disease and there should
lie no let-up throughout the winter
months of the following easily ob
served precautions, remembering that
Influenza is far easier to prevent
than cure.
Influenza is a crowd disease. Avoid
crowds as much as possible. Influ
enza germs spread wiien ignorant or
careless persons sneeze or cough with
out using a handkerchief. Cover up |
each cough or sneeze. Do not spit on ]
the floor, sidewalk, in street cars or
public places. Avoid the use of com- I
flion drinking cups and roller towels]
in public places. Breathe some reliable ]
germicidal and antiseptic air to de- |
stroy the germs that do find lodge-I
nient in your nose and throat.
Remember, no safer precaution
against Influenza could lie employed •
in this manner than to get from the]
nearest drug store a complete llyomei
Outfit consisting of a bottle I
of the Pure oil of llyomei !
and a little vest-pocket hard !
rubber inhaling device, into which it ]
few drops of the oil are poured. You i
should carry this Inhaler about with j
t ou during tlie day and each half hour
in* so put it in your mouth and draw
deep breaths of its pure, healing germ
killing air into the passaged if your]
nose, throat and lungs.
By destroying germs before they
actually begin work in your blood,
,\ou may make yourself practically
immune to infection.
All these suggestions about Span
ish tntluenza are equally true in tlie
prevention of colds, catarrh of nose
and throat, bronchitis and even pnt-u- I
mania. Don't become careless. Do |
> our part. Keep the germs away.
S'oq may save yourself a serious ill- !
liess and the loss of several weeks |
work. On sale by 11. C. Kennedy.
Reports Show That Strength,
Energy and Ambition Re
turn Very Slowly to Grippe
After an attack of influenza, doc
tors advise that nature be assisted
in its building-up process by the
use of a good tonic —one that will
not only put strength and endur
ance into the body, but will also
help to build up and strengthen the
run-down cells of the brain.-
One of the most highly recom
mended remedies to put energy into
both body and brain is Bio-feren—
your physician knows the formula
—it is printed below.
There's iron in Bio-feren—the
kind of iron fliat makes red blood
corpuscles and creates vigor. There
is lecithin also, probably the best
brain invigorator known to science.
Then there is good old reliable gen
tian, that brings back your lagging
There are other ingredients that
help to promote good health, as you
can see by reading this formula, not
forgetting kolo, that great agent
that puts the power of endurance
into weak people.
Taken altogether, Bio-feren is a
splendid active tonic, thut will
greatly help any weak,, run-down
person to regain normal strength,
energy, ambition and endurance.
Bio-feren is sold by ail reliable
druggists and is inexpensive. For
weakness after influenza patients
are advised to take two tablets after
each meal and one at bed time—
seven a day, until health, strength
and vigor are fully restored.
It will not fall to help you, and,
if for any reuson you are dissatisfied
with results, your druggist is author
ized to return your money upon
request—without any red tape of
any kind.
Note to phys,clans: There Is no
secret about the formula of Bio-feren,
it is printed on every package Here
it is: Lecithin: Calcium Glycero
phosphate: Iron Peptonate; Manga
nese Peptonate; Ext. Nux. Vomica;
Powdered Gentian; Phenolphthaleln;
Olearsin Capsicum; Kolo.
■(Rod Cross Plans to See That J
No One Is Overlooked
on Christinas
3 j Disconsolate Harrlaburgers, who !
had no opportunity to send Christ- j
5 mas boxes to soldier friends over- |
j seas have been asked by the liar-
I risburg chapter, American Bed
Cross in a statement issued this
morning, to contribute gifts to the i
boys on this side of the ocean. The '
: plea is the outcome of a letter front I
. L. W. Guild, Associate Field Direc- j
tor of the American Red Cross, at j
Camp Dee, Va., in which lie re-
I quested the local chapter to send |
> 100 Christmas boxes for the boys |
1 ; at his camp. Contributions of ]
, j money or gifts toward the parcels']
. | will be received at the chapter's
j headquarters in the basement of the j
1 j Public Library.
: [ In his letter Director Guild gives j
lan outline of what is suggested fori
; tlie boxes. Re says:
"We are planning a real victory j
Christmas for the sick arid wounded]
.s-iidlers in this hospital to include
; also the men who with most unset- j
! tish devotion have cared for their '
i comrades through the trying days of;
~ the epidemic of influenza.
! "Many of these are from your
, I own locality, and we feel that you j
i will therefore, wish to share in this :
i happy privilege of sending a cheery
Christmas greeting to them.
"The idea is that every patient •
and detuched medical mnn shall |
receive a 'Victory Christinas Box' j
consisting of the following simple j
"One large for two small) pack
; ages of cigarets.
"One package of chewing gum.
"One box safety matches.
"One cake plain chocolate.
"One stamped Christmas card. I
"One small cake toilet soap.
"One-fourth pound pure Christ
; mas candy.
"Two white handkerchiefs.
"(A card of Christmas greetings j
from the donor might also be in
Local Industries Will
Absorb Men Laid Off
by Pipe Bending Works
j encouraging reports from the heads
of local steel and shell-making plants,
to the effect that there will lie work
for all during the period of readjust
ment following the war, were made
lust night. It was said that the labor
laid off by one plant would quickly be
absorbed by others. At the Harris
burg Pipe and Pipe Bending plant,
300 men were laid off when tlie plant j
went from three to two eight-hour
shifts. William P. Starkey, general I
manager, will make a trip to England •
to secure reconstruction contracts. At I
the Central Iron and Steel Company,
where the men are working on .Ship
building Corporation contracts, it is]
predicted that the work will last for
many months. The Bethlehem Steel)
Company plant, at Steelton, does not
anticipate laying off men. as it has
j work for an indefinite period.
[Continued from First Pago.]
1512 South Twelfth street,
j Third Ward —Mrs. Edward Spon
sler, 23 South Front street. Airs.
I Sponsler also has the First and Sec
ond precincts of the Second ward
: and the First precinct of the Ninth
| ward.
Fourth Ward —Mrs. Mabel Cronise
Jones, 105 Locust street. Mrs. Jones
also has the Fourth precinct of the]
| Eighth ward.
! The majors whose names are given .
above have charge of the organize- i
tion of the campaign in their oivn ;
wards. Each will name precinct cap- !
tains. These precinct captains will I
name block lieutenants. Each block I
lieutenant will name ten or a dozen !
I block workers.
Headquarters on Every Block
I Volunteers may enroll at any time i
] this week at headquarters, Third and j
] Locust streets, or they may enroll I
Thursday and Friday at headquar- I
! ters on their own block,
j There are 403 blocks in the city!
l of Harrisburg. On each of these.)
j blocks there will be a house or other j
place in which volunteer member
ships will be received.
Who Wants Xo. I?
While a large number of volunteer
memberships have been sold during
| the last week, and a constant stream ]
jof volunteers is finding its way to ]
Third and Locust street headquar
ters, membership Xo. 1 has been held I
out; and is for sale to the highest
"X have received some fancy offers i
for this membership ticket," said]
] Vice-Chairman Mercer B. Tate this
morning. "These offers I am tabu- |
lating; and the highest bid received j
by the end of the week gets the I
Xo. 1 tipket."
Buy Cards For Soldiers
The thirteen employes of the Wil- |
liam Strouse store who are now in
service in the Army and Navy have]
been enrolled as Red Cross members, j
William Strouse Saturday purchas- j
ing memberships for each of them.
The United States Tire Company'
lias bought memberships for each!
employe of the firm in this district, j
"Getting out of bed at 3 o'clock |
in the morning, Harrisburg on
November 11 cheered itself j
hoarse, paraded, waved flags and i
banners, and quite generally con- i
vlneed the world that it was glad
peace had come," said Mayor
Daniel L. Kiester to-duy.
"For twenty hours, hand-run
ning, the city celebrated.
"Now it has an opportunity to
show that its enthusiasm of No
vember ] 1 was not simply an
otuward display.
"I hope that every man, woman
and child in the city of Harris
burg who, on November 11, man
ifested his or her delight in the
signing of the armistice, will, be
fore December 23, prove that his
or her enthusiasm was not mere
ly u passing emotion.
"Were we in earnest?
"Tf we were we will join the Red
"The memory of that celebra
tion will linger longer if the cele
brators are the possesors of Red
Cross membership cards.
"Harrisburg was unanimous In
its celebration of November 11.
Harribburg should be unanimous
In Us Red Cross membership."
Seven of American
Destroysr Crew Lost
Paris, Deo. 9.—One officer and
six men of the American destroyer
Lansdale were drowned Saturday
when attempting to rejoin their ship,
according to a Havas dispatch from
They were of a party of thirty
officers and men who hod spent the
afternoon •in the Moroccan seaport
and were returning to the I.ansdale
when their hoot capsized in a
Dives, Pomeroy 8c Stewart
Store Hours: 9'to 5.30, Saturday 9 toj) _
Men's Handkerchiefs Give a Friend Several Books of Fiction Silks in Dress and Waist
cue,- 200 Titles Now Selling at 60c £SS2£££L.
If >ou lia\e any clou > a )0 J doubt die family who would appreciate such a. gift
to a man—well you can settle that: t A,,d thcy are all worth read,n S for the - v come fronl a pleasing variety of patterns in silk* of
right licte and decit cto gm ntn < 1 t[ ic pens t>f such writers as Wells, Grey, Porter, Tark- LAST OF THE finest quality await your selection iicre.
CaMCIS. , £5 LONG lANFS . r t * i i/i aii i GREAjjT SwyTC Black Crepe tie Chine, 40 inches, yd..
xt.it I arc 3 feature of our " TURNING nigton, Reeve, Locke, Atherton and other notable sjf $1.85, $2.00. 92.25 and $2.50
Notably good grades arc a lcauire oi uu H 1 ■ *" mack Crepe Meteor, 40 inches, yd.
showing in the Men's Store, and they arc —writers. a M 1 , „ , , $2.75 ami $3.00
,1 ft ore da t orices that cannot be matched for .tfqpfissg -A £ kiack Satin Duchesse, sc inches, yd..
OSSJISB T1 " <* " — f,cM ,hat ,vi " "M*" l lhe fej&t :4 jr.* 8.;,. .82
Plnln white Initial Hemstitched llandk_er- -7183t8 * leaders of fiction—and the prices per volume is only 60c. ,eiKh Hatin Florenfce - 36 inches, yd"
fill/ ih if. linzpn box, 70C y-—■ lt . _ o UNCI N.LOO
chiefs at, ,a itjajfgggk j „ .Satin de Chine, 36 inches, yd $2,75
Open Work Initial Handkerchiefs, Ft?! .fMTt,. Choose from these and many Others: Black Peau de Sole, 36 Inches, yd.,
18c: 3 roi - - $1.85, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00
Hand Embroidered Initlnl Fine Cambric Hani ■; Xorth o( . ~i ftT. T i l ror, Rertrand W. Sinclair. The Shepherd „r the llills, Harold Bell Wright. ' uffeta, yd to $3.00
kerchiefs. Special ",Y Yi ' ' i.i~r. The Major, Ralph Connor. ,J.J ,C of Ban Matthews, liaroid Bell Wright. Beautiful Stripe Tub Silks
Woven Colored Border Initial [ jiandkiere hie rs. <n )( . u (m u>r I .eg ion, Zane Grey. Ill© Thirteenth Commandment, Rupert Hughes. Colored Satin Strine Tub giiVo .
Special I8t i for once to Every Man. Larry Evans. of Kentucky. Elizabeth Calvert Hall. yd °. .. '.f n . Silks, 32 inches,
White Handkerchiefs, neat colored initial, 25c M r. Brltllng Sees It Through. H. G. Wells. 1 oked Jrails and Straight, William MacLeod . la „ HabutaY Satin' St'ripe' Tub Si'ik'ai' inches
Plain white Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. The Insidious I>r. Fu-Mnncliu, Sax Kolimer. , , yd '
Be, 12Jic and l.e Paradise Garden, Geo. Glbba. Hfeksthe Subjugation of Mutt Pensley, Louisine Tub Silks In rich' dark' YrrcY 3fi
White Handkerchiefs with nent woven colored Joyful Hcntlierby, Payne Krakine. L *-^ n B e# . Inches, yd., io on
. , ih< and 25c Tlie Winning of Barbara Worth, liaroid Bell Wright of Saskatchewan, Harold Bindloss. Jaitonese Creoa d r , hirlr'.'K 'A ...s—oo
b<m,ers , •' • •• •' ," ' ' Vt ™© lS ornic Rainbow. Gene Stratton Porter. l'laamsted Quarries, Mary E. Waller. stHpw finches vd C,epPS With : atln
('olored Border Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Rex Bcach . The Phanton. Herd. B M. Bower. Pll?n whhe Pongee ' for ' Yh'iriinV ' Y'fi 'i'
\ew ChronicicH of Rcbccca # Kute Douglas W iggln. rite liouitd from the North, Ridgewell Ciilluni, yd 36 inches.
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store The Light of Western Stars, Zane Grey. Andrew the Glad, Maria Thompson Daviess. Plain white La Jer/ Va inoi,o' \'.A
The Awakening' of Helena Richie. Margaret Deland. A GiW of the Limlierlost. Gene Stratton Porter. Plain white Silk Broadcloth shfWlne' ' .of 2
• Mrs. Red Pepper, Graee S. Richmond. Michael O'llalloran. Gene Stratton Porter. "loa.icioth sliutlng, yd., $2.00
. -j XT ii' Under the Country Sky, Grace S. Richmond. The Secret of the Storm Country. Grace Miller ' eloy ® Stewart Street Floor
StamnPH N OVPItIGS J? OF Til© Harvester. Gene Stratton Potter. * ~,.M ) l Ue '
XAVJ Somewhere in Red flap, Harry Leon Wilson. Flie Spur of Danger, C. C. liotehkiss. n • ri 1- ,
t-i TA C< Tlie Tarzan of tlie Apes, I . Perch of the Ievll, Gertrude Athei ton. Jt\ain GctD6S IvIRKG ChlldrPD FTRrmv
FVPW )JTV SPTVIGP The Return of Tarzan, * „ , Hie Fortunate Youth, William J. Locke. ... . . vjtiiiui CllllcLppy
HiVtil y rJcXy The llensts of Tarzan, | Ldgar Rice lunougis. "Christine", Alice Cholmondele.v. 'be happiest little girls to be found on
Stamped Corset Covers ot line Nainsook mm !. Tr .„, „ llph Connor. SP. , SSS?iRISrfcSC!? Cliristmas morning will be those who find a
with enough floss to complete the gat- The Xe'er-do-Well, Rex Beach. Tlie Song of the Cardinal, Gene Stratton Porter lam ca P e or coat among their gift tilings
tOe m H"tP The Sword or Bussy. Robert Xeilson Stephens. The Snow-Burner, Henry Oyen. And how practical a rainv dav mrm.ni
gaiments, .>u< to .(? A Girl of the Blue Ridge, Payne Erskine. Keeping up with Lizzie, Irving Bacheller. w : th ,i lp ra :' na Yt' ,:„ \ } - garment is
Gowns and combination pieces Sylvia of tlie Hill Tops. Margaret R. Piper. Skinner's Dress Suit. Henry Irving Dodge. , ai P atlc ""g down and school a
.Stamped /'Owns aim 1... ' nt .|,|„d the Bo'tcd Door. Arthur E. McFarlane. Dad.ly-Ixmg-I.egs, Jean Webster. good step from home,
with floss, 111 gift boxes, JpI.UU to IPI.OU Tl|C S ,| VCI . Horde. Rex Beach. Seventeen. Booth Tarkington. ' Raincanps and fnata r . n
PUTT unrM'C PT *V APRONS Molly-Make-Believe, E'eunor Hallowell Abbott. The Romance of Flninc, Arthur B. Reeve. . . 1 , oats, stze.s Oto 14 J'ears
LrllLUKc-IN o rLev i Firing Ri. s Own Shoes. Henry C. Rowland. The Turmoil. Bootli Tarkington. Wine, navy and tan, to
Soap Bubble Aprons of fancy water-proof The Spoilers, Rex Beach. Just David, Eleanor H. Porter. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor
material, with bubble pipe and soap $'•
. .... n e .,i,fnmnf rioth* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street I-loor
Dolly s Wash Day Aprons, of wateipioor cioin,
with toy wash board, pins and clothes line, $l.OO A bet 01 F UTS FOT Children'
School Aprons of pink or blue linen with tiac- . , , . .
ing Slate, pencil, ruler, crayon and watch, $1.50 # And how inexpensive they really arc is the
Novelty Scarfs and cushions Grocenes For the Christmas Season
Linen and crash Library Scarfs in stenciled . a beautiful squirrel or rabbit muff aud scarf
Bsc to $2.00 Refiners Cane ar.d Maple Syrup; gallon California Budded \\ alnuts and Almonds, at
Stenciled Cushions •">"© to $l.OO fijo >)(> I], I'.a tn . ..
Tapestry Library Scarfs $3.00 to $O.OO fdUS, Other Good l'Ul'S:
Combination Tapestry and Velour Library Scarfs, Sweet Florida Oranges, dozen. Selected-Filberts, Ib.l 29 i Marmot Sets. ... * 557 7fl
S5 00 to $O.OO o' )••••••••••••••,. p 9. F\/
Marquisette .Library Scarfs. .... ..$O.OO to $9.00 2>C to .()<' SunsllillC Fruit Cake, 2 lbs. to 5 lbs., at 15J.50 atld $14..10
Tapestry and Velour Cushions $3.00 to $3.00 c pa | Pf l Sweet Grane Fruit 4 for 23* $1.39 to Ifl Coney Sets $4.9. r
Fancy and Khaki Fe t Cushions, embroidered Sealed Uiape ltuil, •+ ipx.ojz klWhite (Ymev Sets eo r-<v
in service emblems $3.00 Leggett s Plum Pudding, can, to 09C Sliced bellow brce leaches, can, 20<* \\ nite coney sets $9.50
Service Cushions, of satin $3,00 Ntltna Sets $14.50 to $20.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor
\ If That Gift Is For a Rich Gift Bed Spreads
4? i ~ 7 \ Traveler Select a Trunk . Moderate
/l flul ' \ Some of them arc of extra 11 . B
I ! ' i \ Trunks for the man who knocks about from Kalamazoo line quality, fresh from
I 111! i I I I \ . - ~,,,,, t.. .. •„ England—and some arc c=-. ' 89l
n !j i / r x l \ to lumbuctQo —and fussy trunks all dolled up for a wonian s & Y- W ||aS
}j{ .j; i | j i j f from our own good niakcm JT/jL I
A wonderful variety of well-built trunks attractively weK
/ steamer Trunks covered with heavy duck, heavy corners, val- ., S.3U and $7.00. '. ■ 5
0: /iff./' / ance clamps, brass locks, 32 inches $11.50 Scalloped and cut corners, Y j"- v'sl 1•, \r I
iiiSK&llfiW/ 36 inches SRSO, $0 50, $.700 a„d $7.50. ' BOS®!
s&jrzmim 11 '< 411 in,.),PS $11.50 English satin quilts, famed for . j /
■ ** 4O nche " ''' ' extra lino yarn, close weave and I / I
'/ Steamer Trunks, of vulcanized liber, $16.50, $18„>o and 5.0.00 equislte patterns; heipmcd; $B.OO { j I
.Dress Trunks, canvas covered; heavy corners, brass trimmed; $O.OO, $lO.OO and $12.50. ~\J
iIW straps around'body of trunk, 32 inches $12.00 Scalloped and cut corners $ll.OO, $12.00, $ll.OO and $15.00
■, n -1 • , 30 incites *•<> Crib Spreads
Chairs and Rockers oi Quality * l,o ° s tin ochet
Wardrobe Trunk, completely equipped for protecting garments, • •••• •• •
and Di<=;tinptivp Simnlicitv #:J7 ' r,w ' ,,owo ' s T°' S "°' HW a,MI s#o ' oo mip ort 0 rt LL?t y Wih■ spVek'tiV. *::it-:-::7:?C
dliU. J-ZIOLUIG Ll V C kJlll l/ t y Dives, Ponieroy & Stewart, Basement Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor
Xo worthier gift can be given to some member of youf
family than a chair and rocker or a davenport. Many styles A J. • T Q ITU™
are here to choose from. 113111 J-JCtllipb TUX IdD It?,
Mahogany Fireside Chairs and Rockers with soft spring RTICI
~ , " tr t ' ered with hiL'li radc 9 PrCLCtICCII Gljt TlllllQS Oj V An ideal gift to a home that is supplied with either elec-
Overstufted Cha.rs and Rockers covered with high g.ade . J Hnnlih l Fnr WnmPH I tricity or as - Thc des * s are artistic and the decoration
tapestry, $29.00 | (JUClllty tOT W0771611 | features well balanced.
High Back Overstuffed chairs and Rockers with loose J Handkerchiefs Gloves Novelties f Lamps For Reading Purposes
cushion spring seat and fine tapestry upholstering, $35.00 SI Ever so many things that a woman wilt appreciate are Finished in antique bronze, Verde green, polished copper, Ardus
. „,,j T>Qr>ft ftn „ v £ to be found in ample variety, and for discriminating jVt brown, Londuha green and gold and Flemish brass. The shades
High Back Overstuffed \\ tng ( hairs and itockeis, ?| shoppers a few hints are offered from a wealth of rare are of art glass in panelled and dome shapes, complete for clec
spring seat covered with fine tapestry S3.OU TK gift , tenlg __ tripity or gas $7.50 to $35.00
Genuine Leather Rockers with spring seat and back; frames tf. Handkerchiefs Pique sewed Kid Gloves. $ Boudoir and Desk Lumps with shades to n.atch $2.50 to $O.OO
Genuine i-ea v C((l . A fA in tan and black, pair, vR I be Wallace Electric Lamp can be used as a desk lamp or fast
are golden oak or mahogany w Hand embroidered nnen $2.50 $ ened to u dresser, bed or back of chair; it folds together and can
\ll Over Spanish- Leather Rockers $45.00 Uf Handkerchiefs of tine qua!- Two-clasp Kid Gloves, in be carried in a bag.; adjustable to all positions $.1.50
... , ui t. i V* itv . 25c and 35c black with white embroid- 'Si Mahogany and mahogany finished floor lamps In the newest
Extra Fine Leather Rockers with loose Cushion seat and , '*' '''"" ' . . ... ery or white with black; $ carvings $B.OO to $25,00
565.00 and $75.00 Linen Handkerchiefs wit $2.75 ff Shades for floor lamps of silk; some with silk fringe and gold
$5O 00 to $165 00 iff initial 25c, 35c ami 50c Two-clasp Kid Gloves, in aij braid .$6.00 to $15.00
Davenpo s .p ' Colored embroidered white and black; pair, $3,25 r JJ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement
Brown Fibre Davenports, 78 inches long $19.00 * Handkerchiefs, 3 in gift s , vect Moat IJoxes 4
Cedar Chests in twenty-two styles $16.50 to $lO.OO 9 box> , ...50c, 75c niul $l.OO , ... ... ,
o on ©red with silk and vr ■ ■ nttt " ytt'ii t• $ .
Three-piece Cane Llvirigroom Suites, % Gloves tapestry, separate compart- H ,\7'Ziy , \7' WARIQII WI I 11 I Ibn Kaoa
$155.00. $178.00, $lOl.OO and $250.00 X _ , ments of glass and china, M Ej\VL y YV Ulllclll VV 111 ijIKG 1 fIGSe
7| Washable cape skin $3.50 to $O.OO w
Dives,- Pomeroy & Stewart. Fourth Floor . Gloves, in white, tan and Cretonne Doily Rolls, 1 C* y IL* mT\ n D/ , Tn/ln
\ grey $2.00 and 92.23 85c, $l.OO mid $1.50 V Ott/V JD LULlStsb
Send Him a Victory Card \ jji many Georgette Cre p e
fMany a soldier boy had hoped to eat '\ yr Showing as there are of /
his Christmas dinner at home so we owe \ f t. Crepe de Chine and they / ffj \
it to them to try to make them happy I 15051 13t j j
man be accompanied,by a greeting card. \Mt nc st >'' cs to choose I JU
Greeting cards with holders for Thrift \o, broidery, or beads or with
and War Savings Stamps, 50 and'loo finely clustered tucks, ef- x[! ||^^/
Box of four Narcissus Bulbs, with greetings 25c color combinations.
window Box, 7-inches long with 4 bulbs and greeting $1.25 Special Christmas values, $3.50 to $12.50
Dives, pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor , • Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor
• .
heavy sea.
The destroyer was launched at
Qulncy, Mass., July 22 lust. It was
named in memory of Lieutenant
Philip Van Horn, I.ansdale, U. S. N.
who was killed while suppressing
an insurrection ill Samoa in 1899.
Civic Club Appeals For
Clothing For Tuberculars
Emphasizing the fact that their
campaign for warm clothing for tho
tuberculosis patients in sanatorium 9
rill close to-nigiu, the Civic Club I
committee, in charge of the drive, to
day issued a last-minute appeal for
more clothing. It was stated in tlie
appeal that Harrisburg has been very
generous in sending clothing, but it
is necessary to contribute more if
Harrisburg expects to go over thc
Contributions of money or clothing
may be sent to Mrs. Robert It. Irons,
chairman of the committee, sit the
Civic Clubhouse. r
Zelda J. Richmond, aged four,
daughter of Robert L Richmond. 43'
Ilummel street, sustained lacerations
about tlie mouth yesterday afternoon,
when she ran into the street in front
of 'an automobile driven by W. Star
rer. 444 South Founrteenth street. She
was treuted at tile Harrisburg Hos
pital und taken to her home.
J. ('. Hoffman, foreman of the Ninth
street steam heat plant, was pre
sented with u purse, containing 650
by employes who gathered at his
home, 730 South Nineteenth street.
Engineer Samuel McMorrls. Worm
leysburg, made the presentation ad
DECEMBER 9, 1918. "
Constantine Sternberg to
Give Recital This Evening
Constantin Sternberg, numbered
among tlie world's best-known piano
composers, will present his piano
conversazione in Fahnestoek Hull to
night. A pupil of Moscheles and
Hauptmunn at the Lelpsie Conserva
tory of Music and later of Kuliak
unJ Liszt, he became widely known
while he was In his teen". Tie held
■the position of court pianist at Meek
lentnirg-Schwerln, and later an ex- *
tended concert tour came to Phil
adelphia where ho founded the
Sternberg School of Music.
Referring to his evenings of
"piano-conversazione" critics say
"he has a style of expression easily
understood and extremely interest