Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 09, 1918, Page 11, Image 11
BANK'S CASHIER ADMITS LOOTING Under 'Sweating' Process Act ing Employe Reveals Plot to Police By Associated Press Pittsburgh, Dec. 9. —Police offi cials announced last night that, af ter several hours of "sweating," Frank Petrone, acting cashier of the Bridgevllle First National Bank, had confessed, explaining fully how and by whom plans for the sensational robbery of the institution last Fri day morning had laid. it is now assured that not more than $24,000 was taken and of this amount half was recovered in a trunk at the home of Petrone's aunt. Acting on hints contained in Pe trone's confession, Robert H. Braun, chief of county detectives, has rush ed men to an Ohio town to appre hend the prisoner's alleged accom plice. Paul McGann, a clerk in the bank, present at the time of the robbery, actually was held up at the point of a revolver, bound and gag ged. He did not .know Petrone's connection with the affair, the con fession is said to explain. It is stated that the accomplice for whom the officers are now searching an Ohio city, carries $4,- 500 of the banks' funds with him. " DILL'S Balm of Life (For Intern*! end Extern*! U*e) is the one remedy that should always be on the home medicine shelf. Invaluable when used externally for Neuralgia, Soreness Sprains, Rheumatism An emergency remedy that you can obtain now at your druggist or dealer in medicine. Use internally at once accord ing to directions that come with the bottle for indigestion and internal pains. Use as a liniment for rheumatism, soreness, etc., and notice its quick effects. Prepared by The Dill Co., Norristown, Pa, Also manufacturers of those tried, reliable Dill's Liver Pill® Dill's Cough Syrup Dill's Worm Syrup Dill's Kidney Pills Ailc * your druggist or dealer in medicine •? The hind mother a I way kept u Fight to Win! The Nation demands strong men—strong women and robust children. Wisdom suggests that every proper means of safeguard ing the vital forces and building up of resistance, be utilized. SCOTTS EMULSION affords definite help to those who are "fighting to win" against the inroads oi weakness. AK Scott's, abundant in tonic nutrient properties, builds up the body by Nature's methods. A l/j Scott & Bowne, Bloom field, N.J. 18-1.4 "OUT OF DANGER" Then to , get back health and strength is the next thing for Doctor and patient after grippe, influenza or other wasting diseases. A good tonic is needed and the Medical Profession is a unit in en dorsing Iron, Mux Vomica, Gentian, Capsicum and Zinc Phosphide for this purpose. Many preparations containing Iron, however, are very constipating, but thia is overcome in Dr. Chase's Blood iffict Nerve Tublets by the addition of Aloin. These Tablets contain nil of the above important tonics in easily as similative form and have no harm ful or unpleasant after effects. These tablets are safe, sliro health builders and their use Is strongly advised just at this time. Weigh yourself before taking them and note how quickly they com mence to do good. Nearly every druggist sells Chase's Blood and Nerve Tablets at sixty cents a box. Special strength, ninety cents. ( ** KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy—lf You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The £ecret of keeping young is to feel young—to do this you must watch your ' liverand bowels—there'snoneedof hav ing a sallow complexion dark rings I under your eyes—pimples—a bilious I look in your face—dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doc torwill tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from in active bowels and liver. • Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician 1 in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on ! the liver and bowels, which he gave to bis patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub* i etitute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring | about that exuberance of spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be en joyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tabletß by their olive color. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. MONDAY EVENING, SLAYING OF DOE TO BE PUNISHED Hunters Do Not Need to Kill Female; Bucks Arc Plenty, The iirst week of Pennsylvania's deer season of 1918 has been marked by so many reports of killing of does that game protectors and men who have been engaged either for special services or as volunteers to prevent violations have been in structed to follow up every case and make prompt arrests. In some sec tions reports of half a dozen does being killed have turned up, most of the killings being due to care lessness. "The reports coming in of killing of does are most regrettable," said Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, secretary of the State Game Commission. "The deer season has another week to go and there are plenty of bucks. People do not need to shoot does. We in tend to prosecute every case that we can because the law to protect the does wus one of the best for sports men and the man who kills a female deer deserves all the punishment he can be given." Dr. Kalbfus got a report a day or so ago of a man appearing at the office of a man connected with the gume commission and announcing that he had killed a big bull elk in mistake for a giant deer. He was so frank about it and explained his mistake that he was let go with the tine that the law requires. There was nothing else to do. Many deer are being killed and some-tine bucks are reported shot in the first few days at well-known camps. Deer have been numerous and have gone close to camps. Reports have also come of the kill ing of more bears than usual in the northern counties. These reports show that good-sized bears were shot. "There were many ring-necked pheasants shot this fall and it is due to the propagation plans we have followed out. Where the birds were released and looked after they were to be found. It was the same with quail, but there was more pheasant shooting than for a long time in some parts of the state," says Dr. Kalbfus. "It will be some time before we get in all the reports but I am satisfied that we had the best wild turkey shooting in a long time, probably the best ever known in the state. There were lots of the birds and the hunters went after them," Dr. Kalbfus commented. Fully a third of the arrests made lately by state game protectors have been for violations of the game code. In the summer time the prosecutions were mainly aliens for possessing firearms, a drive being made in this direction as a war time measure, but now the arrests are for violations of the game laws and some flagrant instances have been reported. From fifteen to twenty arrests have been reported for killing grouse on which there is an absolutely closed season and the men arrested for this offense ap peared to think that they were be ing discriminated ugainst in spite of the state-wide effort to protect the bird. I As a general rule, however, there have been many sportsmen who have gone out of their way to see that grouse are not disturbed. Quite a few instances have come to light where sections where grouse are known to be has been marked and not entered by hunters. The number of licenses issued is one of the notable things about the hunting season which is draw ing to a close. The number fs close to that of last season and all estimates that there would be a drop because of the number of men in the army have gone awry. In the southwestern part of the state almost every county has run ahead of the number of licenses issued a year ago, the lower Susquehanna valley counties being up in the 10,- 000 class. The total number of li censes issued in Pennsylvania this year will be an interesting table. Wild migratory birds other than game birds seem to have materially increased in Pennsylvania during the last year, except the bluebirds which were hard hit by the severe winter. The weather is also blamed for the scarcity of rabbits. The in crease in wild turkeys in the face of the terrible cold and deep snows of last winter is due ilrst to the closed season eight years ago and the feed ing of the birds by game protectors and sportsmen and others who were supplied with funds from the license revenue for the purpose. LEADS MEN WHEN CAPTAIN IS KILLED [Continued from First Page.] to Inspect the defenses of that sys tem. Our attack of September 29tli was directed against what was prob ably the most highly organized sys tem of field defenses ever con structed. In that battle the 107 th Infantry attacked on the left half of the divisional sector of 4,000 yards, and during its advance had to defend its flunk against heavy forces of the enemy operating from Yand huille and holding back the division forces of the enemy of our left. In the face of veritable hurricanes or Are from weapons of every caliber and class, the regiment by the lead ership of its officers and the gal lantry and determination of its men broke the back of the main defense ]lne resistance, and at the same time shattered all counterattacks di rected upon its flanks. "3. Almost continuously since that time, the division has been fighting and marching, and the 107 th Infantry has continued its inspiring record for discipline and cheerful endurance in battle. Lying In shell holes at night, attacking at dawn, fighting all day against the most de termined and cunning machine gun resistance, supported by artillery— repeating this the following day un til the relief which meant lying in other shell holes and pits in a posi tion of close support—to experience these privations, with confidence and cheerfulness unimpaired, requires physical fitness and spirit in super lative degree, and well indeed have you demonstrated their possession. *'4. In the ten days of operations in which you played so prominent a part the division forced the crossing of the, Le Selle river, captured Bandival farm, the town of Arbre Guernon and in co-operation with flanking divisions compelled the en emy to retire to the Canal De La Sambre. It also captured many hun dreds of prisoners, and a great amount of war material. In the op erations of the past month the regi ment has written some brilliant pages of regimental history. All honor to the memory of those gal lant comrades who died in the ac complishment of what was achiev ed." For advising his fellow country men to resist the solicitations of vic tory loan canvassers, one Nagel, a wealthy German-Canadian farmer, has been fined-1000. STATE TO PROBE COST OF PLAGUE Health Department Will Take Steps to Ascertqjn Influ enza Expense I Steps to ascertain Just what the recent Influenza epidemic cost the Keystone state will be undertaken within the next week by the State ' Department of Health in the form of a survey which will reach into all activities in communities. It will be launched just as soon as the questionnaires regarding the num-1 bcr of children that have been left orphans or partly orphaned by the plauge are received and will go into social, economic and other phases. The public cost will be ascertained through official chann els and and of various organizations will be sought. Peo ple at the Capitol say that the sur vey will be the iirst of the kind ever attempted in the country. A statement issued at the Depart ment of Health says: "Professor J. P. Lichtenberger of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsyl vania has been engaged to under take this work and a lprge corps of clerks, stenographers' and other officers of the State Department of Health have been designated to co operate in gathering the data neces sary to determine this cost. Inquir ies will be sent out durigg -the com ing week to physicians, health offi cers, undertakers and nurses and later to the heads of various busi nesses and industries. Careful esti mates as to the loss of life in the various age groups and in various occupations will be made. Esti mates as to the duration of fatal and nonfatal illness with the loss of earning capacity will also be worked out in detail. The cost in actual loss of life will be determined in the various age groups and even details as to the oost of burial will be carefully itemized together with a tabulation including loss of time of friends and relatives attending funerals. "Studies will be made as to the cost of nursing, doctors' fees and medication. Business losses in the line of production, mining, manu facturing, transportation, retail business, theaters, saloons, hotels and restaurants, and finally a tabu lation will be made of the expendi tures made by the State Department of Health in association with other state agencies and by the local boards of health and local commit tees in charge of emergency hos pitals. If possible the losses in pub lic education will also be deter mined and a method will be worked put for ascertaining the per capita cost of the epidemic. "Professor Lichtenberger has al ready begun this important work and the results of his investigation will be made known from time to time as fast as the data is received and compiled. When the work is completed a full report will be made public. "Dr. B. Franklin Royer, acting Commissioner of Health, asks that all citizens of Pennsylvania who re ceive letters from the department asking for information and data concerning the cost of the epidemic will please co-operate with the de partment of health by furnishing this information as completely as possible and without unnecessary delay." Labor Board Rebukes Bethlehem Steel Co. York, Dec. 9.—The 'National war labor boafd made public here last night an order denying: the re quest of the Bethlehem Steel Company that the board's examiners be with drawn from the company's machine shops, and that it be permitted to "make the necessary arrangements of our working forces to meet the new peacetime conditions." The order, which was in the form of a letter to IS. G. Grace, president of the 'Bethlehem Steel Company, is signed by William Howard Taft and Basil M. Manley, Joint chairmen of the board. It takes sharp issue with Mr. Grace's statement that the com pany is "unable to adopt" the finding of the examiners In favor of the ma chine shop employes, "as it was pre ceded by the cessation of hostilities." The board characterized his letter as "a refusal to respect the authority of the war labor board," which, it is declared, will continue until Presi dent Wilson proclaims the signing of the peace treaties, and insists that its findings be carried out "fully and promptly." ' i Mr. Grace's attitude, the board held, invoices the good faith not bnly of the Bethlehem Steel Company, but of the goverment as well. Asserting that its action %> assum ing supervision of labor problems at the Bethlehem plant resulted from representations of war department officials that "conditions in the Beth lehem Steel Company were greatly en dangering the successful prosecution of the war," the board said it ex erted every resource to keep the men at work. Mr. Grace, it was said, per sonally approved a system of col lective bargaining which' brought about greater industrial effort on title part of the workers. "You now wish to repudiate that system' of collective bargaining," the communication says, "and ask that the board's xemalners be withdrawn." "The findings of the board do not require you to continue in your em ployment any man whose services are no longer needed becauso of the cancellation *of war contracts. The board does require, however, that you carry out in good faith the findings of the board upon the basis of which your employes consented 'to remain at work, and thus maintained the production and profits of your com pany. "If the award should now be repu diated your workmen would liavo every reason to feel that they had been deceived and grossly imposed upon by the company, by the war labor board and by other govern ment officials who persuaded them to remain at work on the assurance that they would be justly dealt with." KNIGIITS OF COLUMBUS TAKE COMMUNION At the semi-annual communion day for members of the council, 100 members of Harrisburg Council No. 368, Knights of Columbus, yester day morning attended mass and par took of Holy Communion at the Sacred Heart Church. It. J. Seltz, Grand Knight of the Council and E. K. Eckenrode, delivered short pa triotic talks. The sermon was de livered by the Rev. Father Smyth. For the purpose of stabilizing la bor and- promoting efficiency, thrift and economy among negroes, rep resentative negroes of Greensboro, N. C., formed an organization. HARRISBURG &&&&£ TELEGRAPH FIGURES SHOW 400,000 DOGS Thousands Killed When Own ers Did Not Pay Neces sary License Fee ! made at the State Th o us a n da of dogs whose owners' did not pay li cense on them or who were with out owners were shot, especially in the sheep-raising counties. The code placed the enforcement in the hands of the Secretary of Agriculture and early this year it was necessary to call in state police to shoot dogs where local constables and officers refused to kill the un licensed animals and to prosecute owners and keepers of dogs who would not secure licenses. Some of th* constables were also arrested. These steps together with the move ment among farmers to increase the number of sheep in the state brought about a change In sentiment and twice the number of dogs licensed last year were registered. In some of the sheep counties ownerless dogs which menaced flocks of sheep were hunted down. To Send Blanks.—The question naires prepared by the State De partment of Health's committee to secure from teachers in rural schools statement of the number of children left orphans by influenza will be mailed the latter part of this week from the Capitol. They will go only to the teachers of one room schools in the country districts as the conditions in the cities will be reported on by the Red Cross. Sev eral studies of the effect of influenza on business and other conditions will be launched shortly. Governor In New York.—Gover nor Brumbaugh will speak In New York to-night. ' WOVXDRD IX FRANCE Liverpool, Pa., Dec. 9.—Word was received here Saturday that Russeli Arnold, son of Mrs. Alvada Arnold, has been wounded in action in France. COLDS 0 Head or chest— •re best treated' ' P&MPK "externally"— h Ml) NEW PRICES—3Oc. feOc. $1.20 JUuniper Tar W A Colds ' ffig) |w JIL Throat Mrs. David Martin, * w a. 807 S. Front Street, Nashville. Tenn., Whites: I had a very bad cold, some thing like "GRIP," and after using Juniper Tar I have entirely recov ered." Buy It Today, as Colds Lead to Grip liO Doses, 30c fIF YOU HAD A NECK LONO AS THIB FELLOW. AND HAD ORE THROAT SI, INS 1 LINE IULD QUICKLY RELIEVE IT. 35c and 60c. Hospital Size, $l. ALL DRUGGISTS. Look out for Span ish Influenza. At the first sign of a cold take CASCARAg quinine! Standard cold remed" fjr JO yeare- 1., tablet form—aafe.ture, o opiatee— break. up a cold I in 34 hour.—relieve. grit U ? deer. Money beeklfltfeU. The cenuine t .heel Red top with lit. Hill', plcti . . At All Drop Stor . I THE SIMPLE MONUMENT | is better than none at all. If you have loved ones In the Si lent City why. not order a mom orlal to them now? Our work is of known excellence and those ' who know will testify that our I charges are always reasonable. I. B. DICKINSON Granite, Marble and TUc 505-13 N. THIRTEENTH ST. Harrisburg, Pa. i|p- 2 "The Live Storz" "Always Reliable" I Bring Them to Doutrichs That's what a great many people are doing just now For the past two days Christmas $ saving fund checks have been finding their way to this "Live Sto*e" for this is the favored store for men's gifts we'll either exchange these checks for merchandise or gladly give you the full cash value—we're glad to see that so many thrifty people have prepared themselves by saving in this way so they could enjoy America's Greatest Christmas No matter whether you want to make a purchase or not, don't hesitate to bring your Christ mas-saving fund checks here However if you are thinking about a pleasing gift for father, husband, brother or son, you'll not be disappointed when you look over our enormous stocks of | "Suits and Overcoats" j Gloves, Hats, Pajamas, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear Sweaters, Handkerchiefs, Silk and Wool Scarfs, leather goods, jewelry and don't overlook the workmen Blue chambray and black sateen shirts, overalls and corduroy trousers, all these suggestions are worth while thinking I about and furthermore there's no need to go shopping around, you can supply all your wants in one store where they sell only de pendable merchandise. | 7his Is the Store Everybody Is Talking About j || p jHave You Been To I I The 4 Silk Shirt Festival?'' j 304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. DECEMBER 9, 1918. 11