Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 07, 1918, Image 1
Madmen Army Disarm isjSoldiers fort# Wtifar Cars and Equipment Befovi rtm^iwi^ !lk HARRISBURG iSj§Bll TELEGRAPH jft \ ®ie olac-Independent. ' > / LXXXVII— No. 269 14 PAGES °"S.!B?K SS*K fSStS'.IVSSSJff" HARRISBURG, PA.. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7. 1918. , "'&8WB iffISSSH&oW "WeffifflP HOME EDITION REPUBLICAN VOTE IN PENNSYLVANIA BREAKS RECORDS Sproul and Beidleman Have Majorities Greater Than Ever Given in State ROAD LOAD'S VICTORY Senator Beidleman Leads His Ticket, With One County lo Hear From Governor-elect William C. Sprout and Lieutenant Governor-elect Ed ward E. Beidleman received great er majorities at the November elec tion than ever recorded in Pennsyl vania in belief of officials at the State Capitol who to-day tinished the official computation of the votes returned by all of the counties ex cept Luzerne where the soldier and sailor vote is in question in the courts. Without Luzerne Senator Sproul received a total of 535,901. while the total vote for all of his opponents was 37,944 and his plu rality over Eugene C. Bonniwell, 344,255. The same counties give Senator Beidleman a total of 537,- 53" votes, a plurality over J. Wash in \ a Logue of 272,059. The com bined vote of his opponents was 313,- 956. The Republican candidates for t'ongress-at-Large won by large ma jorities and Judge John W. Kephart i led the field with 209,696 votes for | Supreme Court, Alexander Simpson, i Jr., having 147,753. The road loan amendment to the constitution is shown to have been ' carried in the sixty-six counties re- | porting by 258,892 majority, while j the Philadelphia debt limit amend- < ment, the second on the list carried by over 135,000. The aggregate vßte of the sixty six counties was announced as fol- \ lows: Judge of the Supreme Court i Edwin M. Abbott 40,355 , Joseph W. Bouton 26,722 . Henry Budd 10,961 1 A. V. Lively 7,925 | Edward J. Eox 69,872 [ John W. Kephart 209,696 i Joseph J. Kintner 11,093 Charles B. Lenahan 59,827 j Alexander Simpson, Jr. .. 147,753 ; Judge Superior Court Stephen H. lluselton 103,656 j William D. Porter 400,830 j Governor William C. Sproul, R 535,901 j Eugene C. Bonniwell, D. .. 291,746! Charles Selil, S. 18,346 E. J. Fithlan, P 26,857 I Robert C. Macauley, S. T. . 977 ! Scattering ' 18 I Lieutenant Governor E. E. Beidleman, R 537,53 d J J. Washington Logue, D. . . 265,480 Ualton T. Clarke, S 21,078 K. E. Whittlesey, P 25,483 ! William R. McKntght, ST. 1,933 Scattering 12 1 Secretary of Internal Affairs James P. Woodward. R. .. 534,663 i Asher R. Johnson, D 260,850 I William Adams, S 21,848 ! T. H. Hamilton, P 24,993 | Jerome C. Rels, S. T 1,486 Scattering 7 | Representatives in Congrcss-at- Large William J. Burke, R 530,815 j Thomas S. Crago, R. 513,243 I Mahlon M. Garland, R. ... 514,917! Anderson H. Walters, K. .. 510,697 1 Joseph F. Gorman, D 263|464 I Fred Ikeler, D 252,081 I J. Calvin Strayer, D ' ijamuel R. Tarner, D 253|04 6 i Cog. M. Bixler, S 22,709 I John C. Euler, S j Henry W. Schiegel, S 2L358 ; Harry T. Vaughn, S 20,623 ! O. D. Brubakcr, P 28,495 I Albert Gaddis, P 24,690 j Elisha Kent Kane, P 25H96 i E. L. McKee, P 23,206 John W. Dix, S. T 2 054 ' Oliver McKnight, S. T. . RBB9 i Calvin B. Power, S. T. ... 1,448 ' Lewis Ryan, S. T 1902 I Scattering ' 49 I Proposed, Amendments to the COM- j stitution No. I. y. es 374,694 i ■ No - 115,802 No. 2. — es 256,553 I No 119.655 j ' CANDY FOR YANKS GOES IN A HURRY i By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 7.—Nine mil- i lion pounds of candy for the armv ' has just been ordered bv the War 1 Department. ami R was an nounced to-day that a consider 1 able part of it would be rushed overseas In time to insure a plen- ' tiful supply for Christmas. Other I special purchases for the expedl- 1 | tionary forces include 565 000 I j gallons of pickles. I THE WEATHER] For Hnrrisliurg mid vleinltyt I loud.v mill wnriuer to-night, with lowest terniicrnturc nhout 341 degrees; Sunday mini, cloudy, . I For Eastern Pennsylvania! Cloudv and wnrmer to-night; Sunday portly cloudy; warmer In rust port lon | moderate south and southwest winds. Illver The Susquehanna river anil all Its ! branches will rail slowly or re main nenrly stntlonnry. A stage of about 4.05 feet Is Indleatril for Hnrrlsliurg Sunday morning. tlenernl Conditions The storm that was central on I I Ihe New England eonsl, Friday ' ' morning, has moved olf seaward, | and the high pressure nren from ! Ihe central part of the country |' has drifted eastward to the At lantic coo-* No Wonder the Grindstone Hummed I • Eli N. Hershey is president of the Rotary Club but he ground the axes for the Ktwanis choppers just the same. Howard C. Fry resented the allegation that-he was putting as many nicks in his trusty blade as he was in the fallen tree. DUNDOFF FIGHTS HARD TO ESCAPE | DEATH PENALTY [Father of Steclton Youth Tells l on Witness Stand of Fight in Store i Vasil Dundoff, the Steelton youth I who is on trial for his life, charged : with murder, may know his fato late ] this ufternoon or early this evening, i All the testimony in the trial hud i been heard at noon to-day, and court jadourned until 1.30 o'clock, Judge IS. J. M. McCarrell announcing that I the attorneys should limit their ar | guments to the jury, making it as I short as possible. Both District At torney Michael K. Stroup and Wll i liar H.Earnest and Oscar G. Wicker [ sham, the latter two attorneys for I the defendant, ugreed. | During the morning session of I court many character witnesses were i called for the defense, all of them j testifying that the defendant up to jthe time of the shooting had been j known as an honest, industrious I youth. Among these witnesses were many prominent businessman and I officials of the borough. Has Good Character County Treasurer Mark Mumnia, I formerly tax collector in the bor lough, said he had known the family | about six years and knew Vasil to be lone of the best young men in Steelt j ton. When cross-examined by the I district attorney, Mr. Mumnia said I the youth's reputation was as good jus the best. Others called by the I defense were M. R. Alleman, Chief jof Police Grove, Irvin M. Durnbaugh, ex-chief of police; Claude Brinscr, Prank Knoderer, Matthew M. Cu- Isack, postmaster; Edwin M. Bennett, lit postal employe, and Benjamin P. j MoNenr Jr. Counsel for the defense | also said he intended to call William jH. Nell, president of the People's Continued on Page 2 i Output of Red Cross Is Steadily Growing Despite Signing of Armistice j The* largest monthly total of pro | duetlon in six months was announced | this morning by the llarrisburg ! chapter. American Red Cross, as the | result of the past month's efforts of | Red Cross volunteers, toiling in har mony with the "carry on" policy of j the organization. For thq montii of I November, .12,755 articles is the sum I total of the chapter's activities, us i announced in the report of the Woman's Bureau, made public to jday by Miss Anno McCormick, di | rector, and Mrs. G. H. Orth, execu i tive secretary. i Despite the announcement that I armistice terms are signed and peace jis here, it is the Red Cross policy outlined in the report to carry 6n | activities. A glance at the report. ! giving the number of articles turned I out, is sufficient evidence to show I that the local chapter is in hearty I accord with this policy, j The total work accomplished by i workers In the knitting department I was 3,173 articles; surgical dressings total was 21,682; miscellaneous arti cles, 355; hospital garments and sup plies, 5,926, and refugee garments? 1,619. Two hundred sweaters and four comfort kits were presented to soldiers. Sock machines turned out 157 pairs during the month. Ninety four cases, containing a total of 48,- 76T artlc'es, were shipped during the month. Yankee Officers Meet Coblenz Burgomaster; Enemy Gets Out Today By Associated Press Amsterdam, Dec. 7. —Five Amer ican officers arrived at Coblenz on Thursday and conferred with the burgomaster, ihe local German com mander and the railway authorities, according to the Cologne Gazette. The newspaper says (he last Ger man troops will leave Coblenz to- 1 day. British troops entered Cologne at 4 o'clock yesterday afternooa ——— c SAYS HE TRIED TO SAVE PARENT 1 r ~i , f > :l VASIL DUN DOFF PENN-HARRIS TO BE THROWN OPEN ! ON DECEMBER 31 Public Inspection to Be Per mitted Between 3 and 5 of That Day ij ' ! | After a conference between tlie • 1 owners and the officials of the Unit j ed Hotels Company, which will man- 1 age the new Penn-llarris Hotel, it has been definitely decided to have | ! the formal opening of the city's lead- j | lug place of entertainment on New 1 | Year's eve, December 31. From 3 I ! | to 5 o'clock on the afternoon of that i j day the hotel will be opened for in- j ■ | spection by the public, the sentiment' I' of all concerned being in favor of ] f 1 the people of llarrisburg and Cen- I Mtral Pennsylvania having the first | f view of the splendid building and Its I • I appointments. [j At 7 o'clock the formal reception j fi to the directors and stockholders1 I will be given, to be followed with i dancing in tb great ballroom. There s will he special music and it is inti ■ mated that a distinguished singer • will add to the pleasure of the eve ■ nlng. ! The formal reception and dinner II on New Year's eve is to be followed - by a larger banquet to Which some '[hundreds will be Invited under the t j auspices of the management of the • | hotel. This banquet will probably 1 i take place within a month after the ' formal opening. , ONE MAN WILLING TO WORK \ ;j FOR THE CITY WITHOUT PAY; JlSo the Job Goes to Dr. J. B. Lawrence, Who For Four Years More Will Help Ailing Feet of Coppers •I I For four years more Harrisburgl i patrolmen will be able to laugh at I | corns, chilblains and bunions—the j terror of every man who has to j | spend as many hours on his feet as! ! the policeman does in his day's I i work. j This morning Mayor Keister an-' I nounced the reappointment for the j ■ four-year term of Dr. J. B. Law- 1 I fence 204 Market street, as official' i chiropodist for the police depart- i ment. I Any policeman who has an aching bunion or a cmarling corn may go ito Dr. Lawrence and have his feet i J treated free of charge. "N T 0 police-I j mun can keep his mind on his dutyii ; and on a hurting corn nt the same j time," said the Mayor to-day, "und | the services of Dr. Lawrence baveji ARMYOFY.M.C.A. WOOD CHOPPERS ENTER WILDWOOD Wood For Winter's Burning, Fiercely Attacked by i Valiant Band AYililwood Park, Dec. 7.—Wild- j wood Park, the most beautiful of | I-larrisburg's many natural preserves, | has been Invaded byan army of wood-; choppers, several score strong, who | allege they are the representatives j of the Central Y. M. C. A. and aig! here to chop wood for the "Y" flre-t place. They further state they have been sent here to stage the first an- | nual woodchopping bee. Among the gang of men who in- j vaded the park this afternoon are I prominent Harrisburg businessmen, . including J. William Bowman, Eli i I N. Hershey, John S. Musser, Frank i | B. Musser, Charles L. Schmidt, W. H. German, B. F. Burker and others j whose names are familiar through- j out Central Pennsylvania. The party I reached here shortly before nooii, with Captain B. F. Barker, who states he heads a businessmen's | team, driving a seven-ton Mack truck ; in the lend of the parade. Following ' j him came Charles L. Schmidt, weli j known florist, in a small delivery! truck, and A 1 K. Thomas, cashier! of the East End bank, who also drove ; |an immense truck. Questioned by I j u representative of the Harrisburg | ; Telegruph as to what the object in bringing the trucks is, they explain- • ed they arc going to transport wood ! from the park via autotruck. It was explained that the wood will he used I to replenish the Harrisburg Y. M. | c - A. fuel supply and will be placed I in the "Y" fireplace during the win- 1 I ter. I The army of amateur lumberjacks! carries with it a fully organized hos- ; I pital detachment, a chaplain and a! j commissary department. Dr. Harry | Continued on Page 2 Spanish Influenza Still Claims Victims in City; j One Death at Hospital; j Spanish influenza continues itsi j sporadic outbreaks in various por- j tions of the county, and seems once' again to bo tuking Its toll 01 lives.! One person died, und tw 0 new pa-1 jticnts were admitted to the Harris-! I burg Hospital in the latest appear-' ance of the dreaded disease, during j the twelve hours preceding noon to-! day. Mrs. Laura Bishop, 213 Hummel' street, was admitted to the hospital I In a dying condition at 10 o'c'ockl last night and died at 2.30 o'clock' this morning. She was the wife of' Frank J. Bishop, a brtdgebuilder. The two other enses admitted were' Raymond Hackett, 126 State street,! who is employed in the State High way Department, and Peter Baker,; a farmer, living neur Duncannon. 1 j been so much appreciated by thei I men during his first term that I ; have decided to reappoint him. He J |is the only man on the city roster I i who gets no salary." "Every man ought to perform i some public service, 1 think." said Dr. I-awrence. byway of explana ! tion. "This is my bit. The men I , need the attention and their salaries', are not so largo that they can afford ! i to pay, and I suppose If I asked for! a salary it would be only the first of; ; a long series of requests of the kind, so I do the work for nothing and ' get my pay in the smiles of the men! -and say, if you think the friend- 1 ship of policemen Isn't worth some-! thing. Just you go ask an officer to l < guide you to a chiropodist's office I i and observe what he says." (DUTCH ARE TO GIVE \r~ \: .Crown Prince Censured !B.v Associated Press LONDON, Doc. 7.—An extraordinary meeting of tlie German eub inet was summoned at Berlin on Thursday evening to tliseiiss the possibility of the Allies occupying Berlin, owing to Germany's alleged inability to earr.v out the terms of the armistice, aeeortllng ' to Amsterdam advices to the Express. MUNICH, Dee. 7.—The interview with Frederick Wi'liam, the former German crown prince, obtained by The Associated Ihress, was ; published here in part to-day and has drawn out displays of unger 1 from the local press. "If the former crown prince really made such statements lie lias done his reputation a had service." says the Ncucste Naeliriehten. "His belated excuses and attempts to clear himself make such a disgusting Impression that no one need to grieve [ over his flight to HoMaiul." STAPLE BUSINESS j | FIRST CONCERN OF LABOR AND CAPITAL Plans Made Por Getting Pack to Peace Basis That Will Pro- ' j vide Work For Returned Soldiers; City Delegates Home I The Harrisburg representatives to | the great Congress of businessmen at | Atlantic City have returned home and | report the convention the most im- ' portant as to its discussion and re sults ever held in this country, it j is expected that the local Chamber jof Commerce will lake immediate j steps to form a committee on reor- J gnnization of industry and commerce I with a view of readjusting the after j war conditions. This program will be I followed in all the communities I throughout . the country and it !s I hoped in this way to prevent the I demoralization that sometimes fol ■ lows war. This would include plans for as ] simulating the returning soldiers and PRESIDENT GETS SEA LEGS ON IN j TRIP TO FRANCE 1 Wilson Cheerful Under Bright Skies and Ocean Sunsliinc on Third Day Out On Board (lie U-. S. S. George Washington, Dec. 7. President i Wilson's third day at sea found iiim , much improved in health. His cold : is yielding to treatment and ids voice 1 is rested and much stronger. Having cleared Ihe work which i had accumulated at his desk, the I President yesterday enjoyed a day ' of recreation and exercise. His ship 1 ran into somewhat better weather 1 this morning after a night of heavy j weather. In the afternoon he prom ! enadcd along the decks and joined i a party at the rail watching the j Pennsylvania the flagship of Admiral i Mayo's squadron, rise and fall on I the heavy swells. The sea was bright with warm sunlight. Mr. Wll i son engaged in the conversation on timely topics, swapping stories and experiences with those on board. Hears Interesting Stories The party included ottieers in the ' lower grades whose stories of ex j periences in the submarine zone are I tremendously interesting. When it : was learned that a film starring a I famous comedian was to be shown I during the evening on board the I ship, the .President announced thnt i he intended to be present, evidently j anticipating the entertainment with I pleasure. While Mr. Wilson was on deck, he | earnestly conferred with Jules J. ! Jusserand, the French ambassador to the United States and Count Di | Cellere, the ltnlian ambassador at j Washington, and had a short c.on : versation with. Secretary of Stale | Robert Lansing and Henry White, j colleagues of the President on the 1 peace commission. No formal con j ferenees have been held so far and it i seems apparent thnt plnns for the peace negotiations have been well i laid out. I Keeps in Touch With Affairs ; Mr. Wilson has been solicitous of the comfort of those accompanying I him and is personally seeing that all l orders are carried out. Ho reads i every wireless message received and peruses the ship newspaper with much interest. Before leaving the George Washington lie intends to inspect the ship from stem to stern and meet the officers and crew. Paris, Dec. 7. —The program for President Wilson's visit here is not J yet fully settled, according to Marcel Hutin of the Echo De Paris. He ' says however, the eruck troops form- j | ing the guard of honor already have ! I been selected. Tt is probable that ] I President Poincare will give a ■ ! lunch for Mr. and Mrs. Wilson on | | Saturday. December 14, the day they | I arrive in Paris. j American Army Enters Fortress on Rhine Amsterdam, Dec. 7.—American 1 troops on Wednesday entered Mainz, i | capital of the province of Rhenish I | Hesse and ono of the principal for tresses of Germany, on the left bank j | of the River Rhine, according to the semiofficial Wolff News Bureau of j Berlin.* [ thus overcome the effect of sudden j | demoralization of large forcer. The | j purpose is to provide employment - ! promptly for all who have been serv- f | lng the country since our entrance ! I into the war. Seek I'enoe Flans It would be difficult to cover the ! j Important action of the convention i in any brief way, but In addition lo ! the decision to sehd a strong commit- | tee of business leaders to Europe to keep in touch with the peace confer once, recommendations were made urging the government in the cancel lation of war contracts to promptly and equitably adjust these contracts Continued on I'age 2 j KEYSTONE BOYS TO BE IN ARMY ! j. OF OCCUPATION t 28 th and 79th Divisions As-J signed to March nto Ger many by War Dept. , | Washington, Dec. 7.—Five addl t j tionni divisions have been definitely t ! resigned to the American army of I ! occupation now advancing into Ger > ! irany. General March announced to j day. They are the Second and Sev i | enth regulars, the 28th (Pennsyl ! j vania) and 32d (Illinois) National I Guard and the 79th (Northeast Pcnn i | sylvania, Maryland and District of . ■ Columbia) National army. These five divisions have een given the task of occupying Luxemburg, ' ; General March announced, and go ' i | to specified areas around Montmedy, < ' ! St. Mihiel and Longuyon. They form j 1 j the second line of the army of oc- ' ' | cupation ready to reinforce the oth er army on the Rhine If necessary. The official composition of the 1 j American army of occupation, the i Third army, as reported by General i Pershing, follows: , j First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth ' and Seventh regulars. . ! Twenty-eighth. 32d (Michigan and ; | Wisconsin): 33d and 42d (Rainbow) 'National Guard; 79th, 89th (Kansas, j Missouri, South Dakota, Nebraska, , j Colorado, New Mexico. Arizona) Na j tional army. Major General Joseph Continued on Page 2 jßain to Puncture Week j of Fair Weather; Snow to Fall in Northern Penna. ■j i By Associated Press ! j Washington Dec. 7. —Weather pre- I dictions for the week beginning Mon- | :. day, issued by the Weather Bureau j 1 I to-day, are: North and Middle Atlantic states I | Generally fair weather will pre-, ; vaii except about the middle of the j I week, when rain is indicated, proba , bly snow in extreme north districts. Temperatures somewhat above nor -1! mal. • City to Do Its Share in ' Extending Capital Park: Mayor Daniel L. Roister and other | | city officials who spent yesterday i' ! afternoon in conference with George ' 1 A. Shreiner, superintendent of pibllc!, | grounds and buildings, over the i | plans and sketches for the Cupltol J' i Park Extension improvements, have < | given assurance of their hearty sup port of the state in the project. City ! I Council will meet Monday afternoon!* lat 3 o'clock to confer on the pro- < posed plans. 1 The necessary ordinances and ac- 1 4 i tton to transfer the Walnut street;' ; bridge loan will be enacted and the j < 1 people may vote on the matter wiien i the special election for Senator Is; held in the winter. This would put :' j everything on a definite basis and , i the details of the pluns could be! j rushed so that contracts be let early | * ; in the coming year. I < Governor-elect Sproul is greatly „ J interested in the Capitol Park plana, j < WILLING UP KAISER HOLLAND SUGGESTS HOHENZOLLERNSBE EXILED ON ISLAND ' Would Place ex-Emperor and ! Crown Prince in East or West Indies For Life ALTERNATIVE IS SURRENDER TO WORLD COURT Of JUSTICE By Associated Press ?' London, Dec. 7. —lf the Allies insist upon the delivery of the I lormer German emperor and crown prince to an international court j of justice, Holland will yield, but will lirst urge that the Allies ; content themselves with an undertaking by Holland to intern : them for life in one of the Dutch colonies, according to an Amstcf | dam dispatch to the Express. Holland, it is understood, will suggest that Herr Hohenzollern ! and his son be placed on an island in either the East or West Indies, where they will be guarded by a Dutch fleet. It is also anticipated that Holland will be asked for compen- I sation lor permitting a violation of her neutrality by allowing j German troops to pass through the province of Limburg on their j retreat from Belgium, and receiving German ships from Antwerp. This compensation says the correspondent, possibly may be j the cessation of certain territory along the Belgian frontier owned j by Holland since 1839, perhaps the southern part of Dutch Lirrr j burg, the population of which region is claimed to be principally | Belgian. ■ 4*4*4* 4* $ * X T nounccd to-day at' the Harris-' <H !"** •£ | *jj" burg ] Bending Works that one of the -9j| X eight-hour shifts will be laid off after December -16. This wk Jy ;%ay • of cm;'-'; ' ' "'t of X. ;4 ttibc ' ■ lesvefor Europe in the interests of jf?ii j s v^ X -.ffu.- businrsi, It Was learned- • II | T ; TURKS MASSACRE IO.OOfc ARMENIANS. *■ X 4 Amsterdam—Turkish fortes massacred 10,000 Arm©- JS| * V 2J .'ans while evacuating, the towns of Baku, Olti and 'Ar*!* *S* hen, in tHe titti&xus, according, to reports recei'vod-by jfi e4 ,r\e Vorwaetts of Berlin. A • • 3? J J FIRE DOES LITTLE DAMAGE $ M Hat rb burg—An alarm turned in from Box 45, Sev-'jH 4it enth and I ,V X ' department. A dresser on-ft i 4* • * r a heuse tn-MoKke avenue, near Peffer.street, wa 1 • ' ' K lr 4 rite oi t , 4 T * * 4 RONEY AND MACKEY TO REMAIN , 4, Philadelphia—Wilhani C Sprqul,- governor- to- J g ]|* day announced the names of'two state officials who will ift <j * be reappointed, and Indicated that Dr. Edward Martin, , p | of Philadelphia, will be the next state health commis- fW< 4* sioner. The men • ore of reappointment ate William J, 'Z 4 Ronev, manager of the State Tnfurance Fund, and Harry vj I t Mackey, chairman cf the Workmen's Compensation .4 KS * * * }4 Board. The governor-elect also made It plain that be e|i 14* - -. favors changing the Workmen's.Compensation Board int. ( 2 a,new department. "Just as rapidly as , possible I will Ej 4 give assurance to mrv of the state officials that they \ & -re to x.etai", office during" my administration." said the * * $ ! * * T gcrverncr-ele - * 2 33 J CITY CELEBRATES BRITAIN'S DAY jL Harrisburg—The city to-day js celebrating. Britain's i* * T day. A bi<, dinner in the Y. M. C. A. will mark the even- [* ► 4 | Y ing program. Religious services will-be held, to-morrow j &, morning . ii.3o in St Paul's Episcopal Church. • ' — i. * * j MARRIAGE LICENSES C a, Oory Dmitri* mill UrMvn 10. Heaerjr, Harrlnburgt Hilar w * * { Shriller, Wiijnc, and Adellnr H. Reawer. I'nlon Depoalti Hearr OH- * ► T* *'• UnrrlNburii, mill l.laa Kdnuada. Dmiphlni Oearce t,. Raker r Shlpprnnliura;, nu.l Mary U. Hrlman, I rnnklln countyi frank * * f; Plneher, Wnahlncton, . C„ and Mary M. Colemnn, Wtlltamapart. ► X ► . - a a u a a n a u a a a b. naaaannnnik--^.