Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 06, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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Cantor Rosenblatt Delights
With His Wonderful Voice
and Rare Interpretation
To the small handful of Harris
burg music lovers sprinkled through
the seats of the Chestnut street
auditorium last night there came a
full realization of the marvelous
powers of the human voice when
Josef ' Rosenblatt. Jewish tenor, ap
peared tn recital. Seldom, If ever,
has there been so rare a musical
treat provided for the peoplo of this
city and it is to be regretted that
the opportunity was not seized by
the thousands who love real melody
and artistry.
Cantor Josef Rosenblatt is pos
sessed of a- brilliant, beautiful voice
which has won him renown in the
operatic centers of the world. Sev
eral months ago he sang here in
Kesher Israel Synagogue and the
fortunate few who heard htm were
loud in their praise of his magni
ficently beautiful voice. Despite the
fact that there wore no more than
700 hearers, the singer overcame ull
difficulties, singing across empty
seats (and this is a big task) and
sending his voice to the balconies
where a few were seated.
Sings Own Compositions
Iligh points in the program were
the singing of the cantor's own com- !
positions, two beautiful Jewish songs
which captivated his audience. Mas- j
senet's "Elegie" and Gretchanipoff's i
"Lullaby" were sympathetically pre- j
sented. The playing of his accom
panist, Stuart Ross was of a high
order, shining brightly in four solo
numbers played by the pianist. These
included the difficult "Soiree de
Vienne." "Habanera," "Country
Waltz," and Chopin's "Octave Etude
in F Major," the last being an espe- ,
daily difficult selection. The program ;
for the concert included:
"II mio bei foco," Benedetto Mar- |
"Ov Haraehmim," "Omar rabbi '
cello; "Aria, Pearl Fishers," Bizet: !
Elesor," Rosenblatt: "Elegie," Mes- j
senet; "Auf dem Pripicuk," Folk
song; "Eili Eili," arr. by Rosen- !
Matt, Cantor Rosenblatt: "Soiree de j
Vienne, Liszt: "Habanera," char
brier; "Country Waltz." Weber- :
Ross; ''Octave Etude, F No. Major," j
Chopin, Stuart Ross, pianist.
"O Columbine," Leoncavallo; j
"Questa O Quella," Verdi; "The
Eternal Lamp," Medvedieff; "Lulla- !
by," Gretchaninoff: "Good-Bye,"
Tosti, Cantor Rosenblatt.
At a meeting of the Harrtsburg ;
Association of Organists held last
evening at the Parishhouse of St. \
Stephen's Episcopal Church plans
were made for a series of recitals at ]
the Y". M. C. A. and concert recitals j
by Heinroth, of Pittsburgh, and Kin- !
der, of Philadelphia.
The following officers were elected: j
President, Alfred C. Kuschwa; vice- j
president. Frank A. McCarrell, sec- !
retary, Mrs. Henry H. Lentz; treas- j
urer. William R. Stonesifer.
r " ■ ijosi—s— j
Christmas is on at our I
Locust street store. Place I
your orders early and get f
the best—
Pottery, and a great variety I
of Floral Novelties.
oiifiifrrumil I
We Want Everybody
In Harrisburg
To Be Thoroughly Acquainted
With Belsinger Service
Saturday Only
I ,
for sewing and reading,
properly fitted to your eyes. ,
Gold filled finger piece, eye jfc
glass mounting and spheri- v'*' jgsM
cal lens, complete,
We have built up an optical business of which any con
cern may well be proud.
The fruits of our efforts are two-fold. Firstly, we
SATISFY our patrons. Secondly our business
grows steadily LARGER.
Our business has grown to be one of the largest, if not
THE largest in Harrisburg and is founded strictly
We have the most modern features for examining
eyes. No optometrist should be without such
instruments if he realizes how important his mission
is to the people he serves. We REALIZED our
mission in the optical field from the start. No
improvement in our line escapes our critical investi
gation. We are here to serve you and our equip
ment is complete.
Our long experience and thorough training in this work
is your assurance that when you entrust your eyes
to us we give them conscientious, careful and expert
Our service is high grade in every particular. If you
do not need glasses, good. If you need
them our moderate prices for glasses and complete
examination make it imperative to you that you
should have us attend to your eye troubles at once.
Registered Optometrist nnd Optician
212 Locust St. Next Door to Orpheum
The Home of "Shur-Ons"
Eyes Examined (No Drops) Glasses Fitted
Prominent Singers in C amp Hill Entertainment
Every one is eagerly waiting for
Saturday afternoon, when the llrst
presentation of the patriotic musical
extravaganza, "Before, After and in
the Meantime," will be given in the
high, school auditorium at Camp
Hill for the benefit of the Camp Hill
branch of the Red Cross. There
will be a series of beautiful tableaux,
songs, dances and drills, with some
artistic pageant effects arranged by
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Shaar. Miss
Martha Armstrong, who sings "The
Prophecy." is a soprano of much
ability and her reading of the future
in "The Crystal" is a bit of clever
acting. While telling of the many
things to conie, the gypsy implores
the crowds to cast aside gayety and
turn to serious matters. She is re
buffed by the hilarious throngs with
Home From New England
After Visiting College
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan E. Hause, of
Bellevue Park, are home from New
England, where they visited their
daughters, the Misses Marjorie nt\d
Frances House, students of Smith
College at Northampton, Mass. On
Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mrs.
Hause entertained some of the Har
risburg girls at dinner and later
Miss Dorothy Helman gave a tea for
the Harrlsburgers. Among her guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Hause and the
Misses Hause, Miss Martha Miller,
Miss Nancy McCuliough. Miss Mary
Elizabeth Dietrich. Smith students,
and Miss Pauline Kast, of Holyoke
Miss Josephine Eschenbrennan. of
the National Child Labor Association,
was speaker yesterday afternoon at a
conference dealing with child wel
fare conditions at the Civic Club.
A discussion concerning the prac
'ieability of presenting the child
abor and welfare exhibit and pa
geant for a week during the Legis
lature was an interesting feaiture.
The following were at the confer
Mrs. William Henderson, Mrs.'W.
O. Hickok, 111. Mrs. Henry .F.
Quickel, Mrs. Frederick E. Downes,
Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, Mrs. Mabel
Cronise Jones, Mrs. James I. Cham
berlain, Miss Anne McCormick, Aus
tin Milter and Rabbi Loois Haas. v
Mrs. E. E. Curtis and daughter.
Miss Mary Elizabeth Curtis left this
morning for the Pocons where they j
will reside for some time.
i .
the chorus: "When All the Ships
Come Sailing: Home." Again she
begs them to heed her, singing
"The Wail of the Long. Long Trail."
Miss Mary Hell Corbett, who has
more than local fame as a singer,
will take a prominent part in the
program, posing in the picture and
singing "The Song of the Siren" and
"God Bring You Safely to Our Arms
The entertainments opening to
morrow with a children's matinee
at 2.30 o'clock, will be continued
Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Harrisburg Red Cross rooms, from
! Mrs. Cadwallader at West Fairview;
! Mrs. William Nell and Mrs. Harry
Watson, Rteelton; Mrs/Edith Felght,
I New Cumberland, and Rose's, this
j city.
! Concert This Evening
as a W. C. T. U. Benefit
| Harrisburg is going to have the
i privilege of hearing to-night a real,
j dyed-in-the-wool American girl whose
I instructors were American and whose
! voice has set commenting
i highly. The songstress is Betsy Lane
| Shepherd, soprano, who will sing in
; Fahnestock Hall under the ayspices
|of the W. C. T. U. She will be as
: sisted by Helen Whittaker, pianist (
I end Sara Gurowitsch, 'cellist. Tin
j artists will also appear to-morrow
1 night in the same place and under
j the same direction.
| Miss Shepherd is a staunch, sturdy
..Pennsylvania girl with a remarkable
sweet voice to which critics have
been exceedingly well disposed. In
I tact these same critics have called
j her voice "liquid gold," and the New
j York Mprning Telegraph, recognized
i as a high authority, says "she proves
J that English may not only be sung
j but sung beautifully."
Miss Whittaker and Miss Guro
witsch will have prominent parts on
! this evening's program as well as
j to-morrow night concert. As the
! opening number Miss Whittaker will
i iday "Hungarian Rhapsodic No. 1-2,"
by Franz List. Miss Gurowitsch-will
' play amOng other numbers the de
| ilghtful "Andante (Molique)." She <
I has a deep, warm glowing tone which
j it is said is highly pleasing even to
! the untutored ear.
At a' meeting of the R. F. O. M.
Club, of the V. W. C. A. last evening
many promising plans were discussed
for the winter's activities. Supper
was served to the following: ,Mrs.
Lusk, Mrs. Griffee, Miss" Fry, Miss
Carrie Miller, president of the club;
Miss Ruth Sebold, Miss Marguerite
Flagel, Miss Celia Suter, Miss May
Bard, Miss Bessie Smith, Miss Pearl
Hoover, Miss Amelia Jamison, Miss
Marie Hutton, Miss Delia Fox, Miss
Grace Owen, Miss Mae Patterson, Miss
Edith Wilson.
The supper committee was com
posed of Mrs. James Lusk, Mrs. Clar
ence Griffee and Miss Anna Fry.
j A delightful miscellaneous shower
| was given by Mrs. Harold Sherk, 122
' North Eighteenth street, last even
| ing, in honor of Miss Mary H. Sherk,
1 whose marriage to Robert Herman
| Marks will be an event of early win
' ter. The guests were: Mus. Charles
I Lease, Mrs. Earl Killinger, Mrs.
j Harry Sherk, Mrs. Thomas C. Black.
: Mrs. Walter Stahley, Mrs. William j
j Habbyshaw, Miss Marcella Forman, |
1 Miss Lavada Forman, Miss Elizabeth
i L'lrlck, Miss Mildred Leas and Mrs.
, Ada Marks.
| TSeymour P. Nlssley returned to
I Portsmouth, Va., this afternoon after
1 visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
! S Nissley, 1714 State street.
! Corporal John S. Morgenthaler and
I Private Theodore Morgenthaler, of
I the S. A. T. C., Dickinson College, are
I spending the weekend with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L.
Morgenthaler, 213 Hamilton street.
Miss Adele Cluster, of Cottage
Ridge was among the gupsts at the
big military ball in Carlisle last even
Sergeant John Gilbert, of the S. A.
T. C.. Dickinson College, is a week
end guest at the Morgenthaler home,
j 213 Hamilton street,
j Miss Lenore Rosenthal, of North
] Second street, attended the military
1 ball in Carlisle last night.
I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Houser, of
j Pittsburgh, are visiting their rola-
I tives, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Richards, of
Green street, for a few days.
| Mr. and Mrs. E. Frank Hall, 2303
| North Sixth street, were called to
Rahway, N. J , by the serious illness
| of their daughter, Olive B. Hall,, a
! teacher In the schools of that city.
| Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Yearick, 1914
! Park street, have taken a cottage at
; Palm City, Florida, for the winter.
, Miss Anna M. Seibert Is In Erie,
: Pa., on business.
| Mrs. Sarah Lelb, of 204 Herr street,
is home after a visit with her son.
j William* Lelb in Hazleton.
Mrs. S. B. Tourlson, of Philadel-
I phia, is a guest of her sister, Mrs.
; Harry F. Beck, 1720 Herr street.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orth and Miss
j Heleti Orth, of Washington, D. C.,
! and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Hubley, of
Renovo, are guests of Mr, and Mrs.
!J. Henry Splcer, 204S North Second
1 Miss Clara. V. Mehaney, of The
! Donaldson, is home after a visit with
1 her sister, Mrs. Millard F. B. Bing
j ham at Eastern Shore, Md.
i Miss Edna Barrlnger went to Pltts
burgh to-day to remain for several
weeks. •
Mr. and Mrs. Robeft D. Hall, of
Buffalo, N. Y„ are guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Watson Jenkins, oj Green street
for a few days.
Members a*lid Wives Are the
Guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Edson J. Hockenbury
Mr. and Mrs. Edson J. Hocken
bury enter:! ined the members of tho
Rotary Club and their wives at a
venison dinner in Chestnut street
hall last evening, nearly two hun
dred guests being In attendance. It
was the ilrst affair of the kind the
club has held since the United States
went to war, the Club having elimi
nated all evening functions during
the period of the war dug to
the activity of its members in war
work and the eo-operatlon of Rotary
clubs all over the country in the ob
servance of the Federal Food Admin
istration's regulations.
The dinner was served in the
Zembo Temple dining room and the
venison was prepared by Frank Da
venport, a Rotarian expert in that
line. At the head table with Mr. and
Mrs. Hockenbury sat Air. and Airs. J.
William Bowman, Air. and Mrs. Rob
ert Hunt Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Pres
ton Crowell. Captain and Mrs. George
F. Lumb, Air. and Airs. George S.
Reinoehl and Air. and Airs. G. M.
Stelnmetz, the men being members
of the Bullhead Fißhing Club of
which Air. Hockenbury is honorary
president: the Rev. Dr. Lewis S.
Aludge, pastor of Pine Street Pres
byterian Church, who said grace,
and Charles W. 8011, who led the
singing, and Mr. and Airs. Norris S.
Longaker. Air. Steinmetz, vice-pres
ident of the Rotary Club, presided in
the absence of Eli N. Hershey, who
was sick.
Due Whole Peer Served
It required an entire deer, of more
than 150 pounds in weight, to serve
the Rotarians. Air. Hockenbury told
the story of the hunt. He was called
to Alaine to direct the putting over
of the big United War YVprk drive
last month and after ho had seen the
state safely over the top, the third
in the union, he and his assistant
'•= pent four days hunting in the woods
:t the Forks of the Machlas camps,
situated by lakes and streams in the
forests of Aroostook county, of
which Henry Rafford is the proprie
tor. Air. Rafford has spent his whole
life in the wodds and is one of the
best guides and hunters in Maine.
Mr. Hockenbury and his companion
got four deer during their hunt, Air.
Hockenbury killing one on his way
out of the woods. It was this deer
that was served last night.
Mr. Hockenbury told of a tame
deer that spends Its days in tho Raf
ford camp and its nights in the
woods with the wild deer, returning
at the beginning of each hunting sea
son and remaining until the cabins
are closed for the winter. When he
concluded his address John H. Nixon,
in the guise of a constable from
Alaine, attempted to arrest him for
killing the aforesaid tame deer, but
was tinally bribed off by the Bull
head" members with enough money
and tobacco to keep him in bacon
and "chewing" plug for a year.
I. B. Dickinson sang several very
delightful solos and Preston Crow
ell, the Alark Twain, Jr., of the Ro
tary Club, spoke at some length on
"Hunting and Fishing With the Bull
head Club," letting out a few se
crets in a way that brought tears of
laughter to the eyes of his hearers.
Norris S. Longaker, chairman of the
entertainment committee, under
whose direction the dinner was ar
ranged, presented Mrs, Hockenbury
with a basket of liowers.
Those Present
The following guests were present:
Mr.- and Mrs. Arthur D. Bacon, Mr.
.and Mrs. Cameron L. Baer. Mr. and
Mrs. James W. Barker, Mr. and Mrs.
E. B. Black, Ashmore Blake, Charles
W. 8011, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Brlck
er, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wm. Bowman, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Bruaw, Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
J. Consylman. Mr. and Mrs. David
W. Cotterel, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C.
Cranford, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Crow
ell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Davis,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Davenport
and Mrs. Davenport: Clark E. Diehl,
Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Dickinson, Mr. and
Mrs. P. G. Diener, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. D>oehne, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph W. Dowdell, A. H. Dinsmore,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Eby, Mr.
and Mrs. Errol B. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs,
Carl G. Ender, Mr. and Mrs. Guert
W. Ensign, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S.
Essick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. For
ney, Wm. H. Fetter. Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar K. "Frazer, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam H. German, W. L. Garrison. Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur H. Hall, Mf. and Mrs.
Harry J. Hamme, Daniel D. Hammel
baugh, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Herman,
Mr. and Mrs. Edson ,J. Hockenbuey.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Holman, Mr,
and Mrs. Harry L. Holmes, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd C. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel H. Hughes, Mr. and
Eeaumont R. Hunter, Todd Hender
son, Mr. and Sirs. John W. Jacobs,
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jobe, Dr. and Mrs.
Frank B. Kann, Dr. C. E. L. Keene,
Mr. and_ Sirs. Charles H. Kehr, Mr.
and Sirs". Charles H. Koch, Sir. and
Sirs. John H. Kreamer, Sir. and Sirs.
Paul L. Kunkel, Sir. and Sirs. Fred
S. Lack, Dr. and Sirs. J. B. Lawrence,
Sir. and Sirs. Elmer E. Lawton, Sir.
and Sirs. N. S. Longaker, Captain and
Mrs. George F. Lumb, Sir. and Sirs.
Robert Hunt Lyon.
Sir. and Sirs. Wm. Rufus SlcCord,
J. F. Mclary, Sir. and Sirs. Fred. H.
Slarseh, Sir. and Sirs. Frank A. Slosh
er. Sir. and Sirs. Alfred W. Moul, the
Rev. Dr. Lewis Sludge, Mr. and Sirs.
George W. Slumma, Sir. and L. W.
Melius, Sir, and Sirs. A. W.. Slyers,
Sir", and Sirs. John H. Nixon, Sir. and
Sirs. John T. Olmsted. John F.
O'Neill, Captain L. D. Pitcher, Sir.
and Sirs. D. L. SI. Raker, W. Grant
Hauch, Sir. and Sirs. Andrew Red
mond, George \V. Reily, Sir. and Sirs.
George S. Relnoehl, Sir. and Sirs. Fred
E. Reidenour, Wm. SI. Robison, Mr.
and Sirs. James W. Roshon, Sir. and
Mrs. E. Fred Rowe, S. S. Rutherford,
Prof, and Sirs. Bertram W. Saul, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Frank Saussaman, Sir.
and Mrs. C. Linford Scott, "Dr. and
Sirs. S. Z. Shope, Sir. and Sirs. Wal
lace G. Starry, Sir. and Sirs. G. M.
Steinmetz, Sir. and Sirs. Charles J.
Stevens, Dr. Haryoy A. Stine, George
P. Titlottson, Sir. and Sirs. Brook
Trout, Sir. and Jlrs. Al. K. Thomas.
Joseph H. Wallazz, Shirley B.
Watts, Mi*, and Mrs. George E. Whit
ney, Mr, and Mrs. H. M. F. Worden,
Sir. and Sirs. Charles Sir. and
Sirs. Flavcl I* Wright und Mr. and
Sirs. Jos. P. Yuengel.
The party broke up with the sing
ing of song. "The Mighty Hunter."
written by Lee Moss to the tune of
"The Long, Long Trail," the chorus of
which went something like this:
There's a long, long tale unwinding
From the land of his dreams.
Up among the Maine woods
In the bright moon beams:
Oh he plunged right in the forest
Never did he fear;
Hocky's a mighty hunter |
> -a k Uroiurht Uank Sous LU ,-ttuua.
Asorbtbly Exercises
It was announced at assembly to- j
day that students would be able to
purchase tickets for the Tech-Johns- \
town game of Saturday for a nominal
regular price.
At the request of the Junior class,
Mr. Severance announced that there
would be u class dance at Ilandshaw's
Hall this Friday night. Sourbler's
three-piece orchestra will furnish the
music. Tickets can be purchased at
tho door on Friday night, the price
to all except Juniors being nominal.
Prof. Bertram Saul presented last
year's varsity girls team with their
"H's." In a short preliminary talk
he pointed out the many benefits de
great use lor diagnosis was cspe-,
rived frdm the cage , game. The
eially pointed out by Prof. Saul,
which,, ho stated, was one of the
greatest assets a person can have in
social or domestle life. The girls
who won their "H's" Were Miss Bertha
Mower, Miss Grace Roblson, Alls*
Mildred Shupp, Miss Virginia Walts,
Miss Anna Immanucl and Miss Ua
chael Longsdot f.
Demos thoidnn Society
The Demosthcnian Literary Socie
ty held its rirst meeting last evening
at the home of Miss Mary Orth, Hi SI
Broad street. Although no coro
mittee had been previously selected
to help her Miss Orth arranged a
delightful program. As site read
Chaucer's description of the Canter
bury Pilgrims the members had the
pleasure of seeing them in charac
teristic costume. Carl Stoncr, us
the studious clerk of Oxford; Harold
Conner, tho chivalrous, knight;
Lloyd Cover, as the squire; John
McClintock, the cook; Katherine
Worley, as tho gentle Prioress, and
Esther Magill as the Wife of Bath,
all delighted the audience with their
presentations. " Miss Esther Magill
as the Wife of Bath amused the
audienco by tho woeful story of her
many husbands.
The 'Knights Tale" by Charlotte
Ferguson; the "Story of Griselda,"
related by Katherine Huzen, and (he
"Pardoners' Tale" told by Mildred
Donmoj er were pqually good.
J. M. Barrle's one act play "Rosa
lind," read by Miss Orth, created a
diversion and gave the listeners a
taste of modern writing.
The following officers were elect
ed: President, Karl Stoner, and
secretary, Merle Smith. The pro
gram committee chosen comprises
Charlotte Ferguson, Katherine
Wharton, Joseph Mjnnich and Win
ston Romig.
There will be a meeting of the
Federation of Industrial Clubs this
evening at the Y. W. C. A. The pro
gram follows: Supper, 6 o'clock;
gymnasium classes, 6.45; the open
forum, 7.40; classes in Bible study,
French sewing and Current Events
at 8 o'clock. The Rev. E. R. Wor
rell, one of tho temperance secre
taries of the Presbyterian Church,
will address the open forum.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Deal, 2229
North Second street, announce the
engagement of their daughter, Miss
Eleanor Grace Deal, to Lieutenant
Edward Rowse Herman, son of Mr.
and Mrs. B. N. Herman, 1916 Green
street. Lieutenant Herman Is now
attached to tho Utilities Branch of
the Q. M. C. at Camp Hancock.
Tho O. T. T. Club met last even
ing at the home of Miss "Teddy"
Reel, 255 Boas street.• The evening
was spent in singing and dancing.
The following were present: "Kitty"
Walters, "Billy" Fray, "Jiggs" Zer
by, "Jackie" Myers and "Teddy"
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the Sixth Street United Brethren
Church will hold a Seven Point So
cial at the home of Miss Marguerite
Shenk, 2124 Green street, next Tues
day evening. The entertainment will
mark the close of a seven-day mem
bership campaign.
' St. Andrew's Parish House, Nirfe
teenth and Market streets, was the
scene of a big Christmas sale this
afternoon and evening held under
the auspices of the Woman's Guild
and St. Andrew's Guild. Supper is
to be served from 5.30 until 8 o'clock.
The monthly meeting of the Na
tional War Aid will be held Tuesday
night in Fahnestock Hall, it was an
nounced this morning by Mrs. William
Jennings, Chairman. The gathering
will be an informal get-together af
fair with a number of special features
including several musical selections.
L. A. Irwin, chief clerk of the
Labor and Industry Department. S.
S. Riddle, engineer; William Lauder,
chief of industrial bureau, and John
H. Walker, of the bureau of inspec
tion, are attending a conference at
the Bellevue-Stratforcl, Philadelphia.
Mrs. Joseph A. Hayes and small
daughter. Barbara Frances Hayes, of
Philadelphia, are visiting their aunt,
Mrs. Charles F. Etter, at 208 Pine
street. Lieutenant Ilayes, of the
Ordnance Department, who spent
Thanksgiving here, has returned to
his duties for the Government.
Mrs. Elwood Klngsley, of Green
street, was hostess at a luncheon of
ten covers this afternoon in honor
of her guests, the Misses Claire and
Grace Borden, of Baltimore. The ap
pointments were of greep and white
with chrysanthemums prevailing in
the flowers. The guests enjoyed
cards afterward.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Luther Rog
ers. of Market street, started this
morning for an extended western
trip, incfuding stops in Pittsburgh,
Indianapolis. Chicago and Denver, on
the way to CnMfornia, where they ex-'
pect to spend the wihter at Los An
geles and San Francisco.
Kenneth Faokler and his son, .Tack
ton D. Faekler. of Oswego. N. Y.,
arc In the city for a short stay among
relatives and old friends.
Miss Jane Houston returned to Car
lisle to-day after spending several
days with Miss Charlotte Crabbe at
ISSI Whitehall street.
Wright's Orchestra
of Columbus, Ohio, at Wlnterdale
Hall. 15 JCorth Market Square.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday eve
nings. December fi. 6, 7. A wonder
ful dance attraction. Admission BO
and 76 cents.
Wright's Orchestra
of Columbus, Ohio, a
'l'hur. FrL, Sat„ Dee. 3, 0, T
Wonderful Daoee Attraction
Admission BOe and T3e
lo ■■ —-g
Jealous Lover Murders
Woman Who Cast Him Off
Dy Associated Press
Palmyra, N. J., Dee. 6.—Mrs.
George Hartley, aged 40, was shot
and killed last night just outside her
home hero by Frank Haines, Sr., in
a fit of jealous rage. Haines then
shot himself In the left breast and
•ran two blocks to -the home of an
uncle, where ho cut his throat, with
a butcher knife. He is In a serious
According to the polico Haines had
been forcing his attention on Mrs.
Hartley and two weeks ago was
held In bull for annoying her.
MAY 111 I(J) LARtikH
' Although one of the largest govern
ment stations in the country, addi
tional buildings may be erected at the
Middletown Ordnance Depot to take
care of the increasing supplies that
are being stored there. This is the
belief of persons who are In touch
with the situation, who state that
Washington may soon authorize the
construction of additional facilities.
HOY E. Will.Sl,Ell
I* AT) Ell (a O ICS O PEll ATI OX
Roy IC. YVhlsler, of Wllllamstown,
,r <
| Everybody is glad
! the sugar restric
tions are lifted so \
they can get good jteQ&wu
i caitdy. Messintcr's for/
Home Made Can- Tj -
j dies are mo r o fTir
popular than ever
Week-End Specials
Golden 110d —A delicious confec
tion; cream cocoanut center,
covered with a brittle molasses
jacket. Special, AQr
; pound **57 C
Old-Fashioned Yellow Jack—An
old-time molasses velvety chew
ing taffy. Special. "-lit**
i pound ODC
:td St. Nt llriggH. Hell Phone tiltl'-T-.l
Your dollar has more cents in our
combination Dress and Suit Sale
Quality Cloths- —Real Values
H off \ off
All Suits, in navy, black, oxford, silver- A'l regular Dresses under $50.00 in
tone velour desirable shades plain Jersey, Serge, Gcotgette, /Satine and
' and fur Collars, $29.75 to $139.75 combinations - desirable shades, in
T T navy* taupe, black, etc.
Just Arrived —
S29.7S, $39.75, $47.50 and $75.00
50 Georgette Blouses, in flesh, white, u<ls '
bisque and maize—rolled or flat collars, 20% REDUCTION on all Fur Sets
beaded and embroidered values $5.50 and remaining Coats in Hudson Seal
and $5.95. Special $3.95 and Marmot.
No approvals, none laid away, reserve d or exchanged. Alterations at cost.
Our 14th Annual Optical Sale
Starts Saturday, Dec. 7, and Will Continue Till Xmas
Over fourteen years in Harrisburj? establishes us with a reputation for hor.est values and
prices and fair dealing methods. During that time we have fitted thousands and thousands of
people of Harrisburg and vicinity.
Our optical sale is an annual event and is looked forward to by expectant eye glass
wearers. While the cost of optical goods is much higher than formerly our big stock, which
was bought before the increase, enables us to quote you prices lower than the average.
M| fill We have twenty-four different styles to
Ta iivi , . , 1 .r.!,
H • vr vr select from, Rims and Rimless.
n:ieti fnaiuiiMHii gpcLTuuicH H . Your eyes examined and fitted with first
cin a n n unc E <| B iU j-our%Tc-' i quality spherical lenses for sewing and
with first qunllty *pherlcnl ifi reading .. . !p^5U
lenses for rending and FREE—A gold filled Chain or Automatic
sowing, for Holder given away with every pair of Nos^
- Glasses.
REMEMBER this sale will positively be the last time that we will ever be able to offer
you dollar glasses..
Two Eye sight Harrisburg's Leading Eyesight Specialists oopen\^(Hl; 0 o pen \^ (Hl ; and
Specialists in __ , Sat. Evenings
Attendance 320 Market St, Over The Hub Until 9 O'clock
superintendent of the Lykens Valley
Street Rallwae Company, WM suc
cessfully operated on -for appendi
citis in the Harrlsburg Hospital this
morning:. Relatives brought him to
llarrlaburg at 9 o'clock this morn
ing. Mr. Whlsler formerly was a
resident of I.einoyne, where he still is
widely known.
Children's Hair Cutting
Mornings. 9 to 12 O'clock
Voting ..nily I'hone Appointments
Attendants Suggested
MAfc'S Hair Dressing Parlors
3-1 It. 3d St. * Rntlre 2nd floor
. (Sit; 1
raj Hand Embroidered ; |
,f j Suggestion^\ !S|
M* I ;
jO Night Gowns $2.25 to $5.00 I j
VQ Envelope Combinations, $2.25 to $4.00
Infants' Dresses $1.85 to $3.50 If ;
w Centerpieces—all prices. J M >
jylj " Handkerchiefs—all prices. Fty
Orders Taken For Embroidering Monograms !
fVomans Exchange
Star Carpet j
Cleaning Works
Let Ua Clean Your Carpets
We also do general upholstering
and recovering automobile tops.
Eleventh and Walnut Sts.
Both Phones