Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 06, 1918, Page 18, Image 18

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Secretary Reports to President
on Transport Sending of
Class* Name to Senate
4i,>' Assosmttd F'fss
Washington.'Dec. 6.—Messages di
rer tlut the disposition of official busi
ness have begun to reach the White
House from President Wilson at sea
aboard the transport George Wash
ington, Secretary Tumulty, who went
to New York to see the President
off for the peace conference Wednes
day. got back to his desk to-day in
time to handle the first of the in
ft Is Understood that all the wire
less dispatches so far have dealt only
with routine executive business and
that oxoept for a report on the nom
ination of Carter Glass, as Secretary
of the Treasury, it has not been nec
essary to bring any matter im
portance to the President's attention.
Mr, Tumulty expects, however, to
communicate with his chief almost
ss freeiy as though he were in the
White House. A special code for the
purpose has been devised by cipher
experts, and the executive messages
ore given priority over ail other
busin-v-s through the naval radio.
The appointment of a new direc
tor general of railroads, it was said
to-day, probably will be delayed at
least until near the first of the year.
The Philadelphia
Eye-Sight Specialists
Optical Sale Continued
The results obtained from our
Special Sale more than exceeded
For the benefit of the many peo
ple who called when we were busy
end whom we were unable to wait
upon, we will continue our
Special Offer Through the
Entire Month of December
We will examine your eyes by
our scientific system and fit you
I with first quality spherical lenses
and guaranteed frames, all com
plete, as low as as
You can save from S3 to $5 on
your glasses.
We examine the eyes by looking
into them, taking the exact focus
and shape of the eye, and guaran
tee satisfaction in every case.
Our business is built on ethical
principles and we realize that sat
isfied patients will send their
friends to us. therefore we take
great pains to give you the best
possible service.
The Philadelphia
Eyesight Specialists
310 Market St. Second Floor
Harrisburg, Pa.
Office Hours. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
I'hihtdelpliia Office:
154" I'assjunk Ave.
M 1 Ijjl Do your Christmas shopping now and carry all your parcels.
You Pay Less for Better Quality at Miller & Kades B
The "Leader" Columbia Grafonola !
And Ten Double Records
(20 Selections) ' ~ SSM'
$l.OO a Week °* |jjj|j
| For Only fl
$93.50 y I ®
There will be real delight in your home this Christmas it you have a Columoia j'
Grafonola no matter whether it be an $lB.OO one or a $350.00 one. We have them all
—and sell them on convenient terms. Hie "Leader" outfit we mention here is, how
ever, our best seller and consists of the full cabinet Grafonola shown, in either oak,
walnut or mahogany, and 10 double records (20 selections.) The "Leader" is an ex
tremely artistic model and has a rich, mellow tone. The three-spring motor's a marvel
of accuracy. The cabinet at first glances, shows that none but the most skilled crafts
men have had a hand in its design and finish truly it is an instrument for the finest '
home. Hear a demonstration in our luxurious soundproof booths.
Furniture Department Store 7 North Market Square_
MOnly Store in Harrisburg That Guarantees ' MirP
to Sell on Credit at Cash Prices
Unpaid Bills For Highway
Construction to Be Basis
of Actions in Courts
Suits for the collection of thou
sans of dollars due to the Common
j wealth as the unpaid shares of bor
i oughs and townships in Central
> Pennsylvania will be entered here by
the Attorney General's Department
in the next few weeks in the clearing
i up of the accounts outstanding in the
' closing of the present state adminis
tration. A number of suits were
| brought about a month ago for the
collection of similar charges and the
coming list will close up.
j It seems to be the plan to have till
! these accounts brought into court
before the end of the year so that
. the new administration will be able
I to start fresh with its work. In most
of the cases the boroughs and town
; ships signed up for the road con
struction and have failed to pay. The
' counties he ve met their shares, but
i the smaller municipalities have been
disinclined to pay, although some
of them have been asked half a
dozen times. Some eight or ten years
ago a general roundup was made
i of counties and townships which had
! been allowed to drift and thousands
of dollars had to be sued out.
The maintenance work to be done
naxt spring is being listed at the
Highway Department, but nothing
Will be undertaken until after the
first of the year and then only as
j weather permits. Maintenance and
' repairs of the state highways has
! been a very expensive proposition
i this year and more money has been
spent on the upkeep than the whole
• appropriation for the department
' amounted to half a dozen years ago.
! The Lincoln highway alone cost
i three-quarters of a million dollars
j in round numbers to get into good
j shape for winter after the abnorm-
I ally heavy traffic due to the thou
j sands of motor trucks and motor ve-
I hides which used it this year. In
other sections the maintenance aiso
cost a large amount of money and
the State Treasury statement shows
j that heavy drafts have been made
upon the almost $4,000,000 received
from automobile registration.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Temple,
city, were given permission to adopt
3-year-old Hilda Marie I-awson.
Catarrhal Deafness
and Head Noises
If you have catarrh, catarrhal
deafness or head noises caused by
catarrh, or if phlegm drops in your
. throat and has caused catarrh of the
t stomach or bowels you will be glad
to know that these distressing syrap
-1 toms may be entirely overcome in
: many instances by the following
treatment which you can easily pre
pare in your own home at little test.
Secure from your druggist 1 ounce of
ParmintMDouble Strength). Take this
home and add to it pint of hot
water and a little granulated sugar:
stir until dissolved. Take one table
; spoonful four times a day. An im
provement is sometimes noted after
the first day's treatment. Breathing
should become easy, while the dis
tressing head noises, headaches, dull
ness. cloudy thinking, etc.. should
gradually disappear under the tonic
action of the treatment. Loss of
smell, taste, defective hearing and
mucus dropping in the back of the
I throat are other symptoms which
: suggest the presence of catarrh and
which . iv often be overcome by this
treatment. It is raid that
neariv ninety per cent, of sll ear
I troubles are caused by catarrh and
there must, therefore, be many people
whose hearing may be restored by
I this simple, harmless, home treat-
I inent.
Lemoyne Soldier Diet
of Pneumonia in France
Leinoyne. Dec. 6. —Guy Ttelman, 1
Company E, Three Hundred and
Fourth Engineers, died in France
September 30. according to word re- 1
celved from the War Department by
his brother, James Heltnan, of this
place. Bronchitis and pneumonia
caused his death. Air. lielman was!
widely known here, where he had
' many friends who will l>e grieved to j
learn of his deatli>
State Sues For Four
$5,000 Fines a Day
Suit was to-day entered by the j
Attorney General's Department on
behalf of the State Bureau of ftaii
-1 ways for the collection ssooo
penalty for failure to tile annual re
ports against the Xorristown Transit
Company, with offices in Philadel
phia; Fowlerville Telephone Com
pany, Fowlerville, Columbia county;
Farmers Interurban Telephone Com
pany, Irwin; and Portersville Tele
phone Company, Portersville, Butler j
Henry J. Wenner was to-day ap
pointed a justice of the peace for,
Upper Macungie township, Lehigh
Complaint was entered before the
Public Service Commission to-day
that the supply of water of the
Heights Water Company, which op
erates in the Eighth ward of Leba- |
non, is impure and inadequate; that j
the district has been without water |
on some days and that rates are too I
high. Residents of the ward are the'
Notices of Increases have been |
filed with the Public Service Com- i
mission by the Home Water Com-1
pany. Royersford and Spring City: j
Fayetteville Water Company, which
establishes a minimum rate of s2 j
per quarter; Olyphant Water Com- j
pany; Moosic Mountain Water I'om-,
pany, Winton: Consolidated Water,
Company, Oarbondale; Scranton Gas I
land Water Company, and York j
j County Gas Company,
i Capitol visitors included Dennis J. |
Driscoll, prominent Elk countian, •
and Representative C. Jay Good- j
nough. of Cameron.
Auditor General Charles A. Snyder j
has sent letters to county commis-;
sioners notifying them thac if mer- .
cantile appraisers in their 1919 re-1
turns do not show increases over the j
totals for this year, the department I
I will refuse to approve vouchers for j
: payment of postage, mileage and ad- j
vertising the appraisers' lists until i
jan investigation has been made to J
determine whether the returns are j
i correct.
The communication states that it'
I is a potorious fact that some apprais- .
i ers accept returns from merchants!
'which have not been sworn to. or I
returns of nominal amounts. The!
I commissioners are urged to name aj
I competent person to make a fair
Bugle Calls Herald the Com
ing of the Auto Trucks in
Waste Bag Collecting
Huge auto trucks are making the
rounds of the city this week. They
are collecting, from house to house,
the bags tilled with waste which tho
residents of Harris burg have saved
in the Nursery Home of Harrisburg
waste bags. From eight in the>
morning until the middle of the aft
ernoon housewives may expect to see
a truck stopped at their door nml
receive a call from one of the col
lectors. -
Besides the crew of collectors of
bags, each truck is manned with a
bugler. His function is to announce
the approach of his truck by a blast
on his bugle. Thus housewives are
warned of the coming of the col
lector before he actually reaches
them. This feature is picturesnne
and unusual and adds to the effi
ciency and speed of the collecting
process. .
The committee in charge reports
a general spirit of enthusiastic sup
port of the campaign. Harrisburg
people are eager to do' their bit to
swell the collection, for the success
of the campaign will bring many
and far-reaching good results. I"
tilling the waste bag which has been
left at your home —
I—You help the Nursery Home of
Harrisburg to do their invaluable
work of providing a day-time home
for little children whose mothers
must work, enabling them to keep
their families together and not to
give them to orphanages.
2—You help to conserve the na
tion's resources by putting back into
the channels of trade things that
have served their usefulness in their
present form, yet which can he con
verted into new and useful forms.
S You rid your home of old and
useless accumulations that arc now
in the wav, and you have the assur
ance that "they will be disposed of to
the best advantage for a worthy
———— —
By Associated Prtsi
Washington —Names of American
i soldiers released from prison camps
iin Germany began arriving ut tl>c
1 War Department to-day. The first
'list included twenty-one from the
I smaller camps. Word of the release
I of the 2,300 Americans at Rastatt is
expected momentarily.
Washington General Pershing's
-report to the War Department on the
I progress of the American Arm> of
i occupation in Germany tells of the
I armv continuing its advance into
' Germany on the general line Glaadt-
Wa lien hour n-Daun - Raversheuren
j Ringelkof."
Washington—At an executive ses
sion late yesterday the Senate re
iferred the nomination of Represent
ative Carter Glass, of Virginia, to be
Secretary of the Treasury, to the
Senate Banking Committee, the usual
routine. Leaders expect prompt con
! firmation.
| Washington—That the decision of
' the War Department that the bodies
! of Americans who lost their lives in
: France should remain buried in that
' country until after the end of the
| war was reached in agreement with
I the government of France, is dis
closed in the annual report of Major
: General Harris, adjutant general,
j made public to-day.
Washington—J. Harry Covington,
1 former chief justice of tlje District
lof Columbia Court, was named to-
I day by the War Labor Board as um
j pire in the case of paper mill em
. ployes in New York and New Eng
i land on receipt of advices that the
' men had gone on strike.
Washington—Wage increases for
employes of street railway compa
nies at Buffalo, N. Y.; Ottumwa,
lowa, and Detroit. Mich., are pro
vided in an award announced to
day by the War Board.
Washington Abandonment of
construction work on fourteen pro
jects was announced to-day by the
War Department. The projects in
clude: New work on the Aero Man
ufacturing Company plant, Philadel
phia; the Marlin-Rockwell plant for
bomb-loading, Delaware City, Del.
[Continued from First Page.]
in charge of the entire "Hill" dis
Mrs. C. H. Hunter, who will direct
activities in the district south of
Forster street.
Through these three officials the
huge organization is to be formed
which will cover the entire city in
the membership campaign. The col
nels will name majors who will be
in charge of wards; the ward ma
jors will appoint precinct captains;
the captains will select block lieu
tenants; the lieutenants will name
block workers.
In every one of the over 400 city
blocks there will be one house
where volunteers may go to enroll in
the Red Cross.
Colonels Confident
The three colonels named yester
day by Chairman William Jennings
are confident of success.
"I know the 'Hill' district of the
city will live up to its splendid rec
ord of the past," said Colonel Cul
merry to-day. "In every war-work
campaign the 'Hill' lias set the pace
for the balance of the city, and it
will continue to do eo."
"The up-town district is going to
show the balance of Harrisburg the
meaning of the phrase 'universal
membership,'" declared Colonel
Markward at noon, following an in
terview she had with Mrs. Lyman D.
Gilbert, chairman of the Harrisburg
Chapter, at Red Cross headquar
ters. "Our section of the city lias
been most loyal to the Red Cross
and the lntimute knowledge we all
have of the good work it is doing
will mean 'hundred per cent, blocks'
in large numbers."
Mrs. C. H. Hunter of the down
town district—that section of the
cJty south of Forster. said:
"We intend to make it unanimous
down our way. No section of Har
risburg is more patriotic than the
down-town district, and when the
memberships are counted It will be
found that we have done our part."
The committee In charge of the
campaign yesterday decided that
volunteers may enroll in the Red
Croßs Thursday and Friday of next
Here are the facts about the vol
There will be a house on every
block in which memberships will be
Keystone Division Suffers
More in Battle
Corporal Guy W. Ziegler. who is
a member of Company A, 107 th
Machine Gun Battalion, is rapidly
recovering from the effects of being
gassed and from wounds, in a base
hospital in France. This informa
tion was contained in a letter recent
ly received by his wife, who resides
at 1248 Walnut street. .
Corporal Ziegler entered an en
gagement October 1. He was slight
ly wounded in the hand on that day.
but after having the wound dressed
entered the lines again, October 4
he was badly gussed and has been
In a hospital ever since. In the
letter to hts wife he stutes that on
the day he was gassed he was in a
barrage tire from 5 o'clock In the
morning until noon. The dead were
lying about three deep, declares
Corporal Ziegler in his letter. "There
are only two kings of soldiers." lie
states in his letter, "the quick, and
the dead. 1 tried to be quicker than
any of the Germans." The cor
poral's condition Is so Improved that
he expects to be out of the hospi
tal soon. .
Wounded and Gassed
Amoflg the names on to-day's
casualty list are those of two Hnr
risburgers: Private Samuel B. Wer
ner was gassed September 6, and
Ralph Rode, R. F. I). No". 5. Roth
are reported wounded. Private Wer
ner was passed September 6. and
has since been in hospitals in France,
the gas having affected his eyes. A
telegram was received from the
War Department November 27.
Private Werner is a member of the
103 rd Field Signal Battalion, 28tli
Division. He was formerly a mem
ber of the old Eighth Regiment, and
was in training at Camp Hancock.
According to latest -reports he Is
improving rapidly, being located at
present in a convalescent hospital
a short distance from Paris.
Corporal Rode is a member of
I Company D, 7th Infantry. He was
gassed in June, but is reported to
have recovered. In a letter to his
[parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rode,
I he stated that he is feeling tine and
[weighs fully 183 pounds. He train
ed at Camp Greene, and sailed over
j seas in April.
I taken.
i -Memberships are a dollar.
There are to be no junior mem
berships, hut adults who have
"hearts and dollars" will enroll
their children as though they, too,
were adults.
Volunteers will be given buttons,
receipts cards and window emblems.
They will place the emblems in their
windows so that during the week of
the regular drive —December 16-23,
solicitors will know the home has
been covered.
During the week of December 16-
23. block teams will cover the four
sides of their blocks and the streets
and courts inside each block. Those
who have not volunteered their
membership will he enrolled.
"I-et me call one fact to the at
tention of the people of this chapter
district," said Chairman Jennings
to-day. "This campaign is not for
money: it is for membership. These
memberships are 31 each. Of each
dollar.so cents will stay In Harris
burg ..Chapter,"
Bargains in Women's Coats & Suits
That Makes It Possible For You to Buy For Your Winter Needs at Prices That
effects Big Savings—Today and Saturday Will Be Busy Days—Come Early
Handsome Sealette Coats. A Nutria Coat . CICi.93 Beautiful Silvertone Coats
Specially Priced 7-5 VAM-K " For Women and Misses ,
m B • S - A truly splendid coat value. Beautiful in /. m
af design, color and trimmed with black fur col
• lar. large cuffs and fancy silk lining. Any * ra
woman would be proud of It, goes without L J 0
Value $85.00 I •
Regardless of where you may go you will Plush Coats ''Tt 5 Values $95.00 to $125.00
not find a handsomer Coat. Full length, with " Of the most approved styles—and would be
large collar, belt and cuffs, and lined with Hegnl-rWoSV-li.es aPOlssesi c Sits. saUn lining'and button
Skinner s Satin lining. p- ur co u a r, belt, plush cuffs. trimmed.
w mtgSXr^atP^ mm • Another Silvertone Coat Special Lot of Coats fi.95
Keramie Extra Quality Coats, Offering. Spe- /I p. 95 At This Sale U
Special /l j cial at * ™ Values up to $12.95
at Value $69 00 Every one of these Coats are of exiraordtri
\r , a>or on ar >' duality materials. J u ®t the thing for
Value $85.00 Iti pekin blue, with large Beaver collar. young school misses. In dark colors. Large
Has large lovely fur collar, belt and cuffs, pockets, satin lining, button trimmed, and collars and cuffs. Belted model. Not _ many
lineil with the famous skinner Satin. You some trimmed In Eastern mink. A big value to select from —mothers snouia snop eariy 10
must see it to appreciate it. at be sure and get one for her girl.
J Exc A* cnt , Y a tt s Are Panne Velvet Coat Suits Special Lot of go
Uttered In inese
Black and Blue $150.00 Values, Q Q£s Coats B#
Broadcloth Coats Special this Sale CFO.CJU •
Special at , __ _ the-minute models.
23.95 to 29.95 S Xgffi. 72.95 T hi. Sale lu#"
Their wearing? qualities /111 r
are unsurpassed, and no In glowing tones, fur collar and cuffs, best and * 1 CIO QH N # I/'
matter what the occasion, the season's newest MulT Pockets. A wonderful JjpCCIHI M l
are always proper. value. r lII' I
Extra Quality and Thoroughly Smart Suits For Women and Misses lljlj ]
$33,95 to $69.95 faf
A smartness In the tailoring that only experts can work out. The finest values at the price end
with variety great enough to "fit In" with individual tastes. To see them Is to admire them. \|
Silvertone, Velours, Broadcloths, some fur trimmed and others plain.
Another Lot of Serge Dresses, C 7 ? £%fi to tlQ %f) Special Sale of
SILK SKIRTS Specially Priced * 1 * : * 1 QHlr
Values to $8.95 ~ OilIV. OIYIIIS
Special While * £ (-{- A Wide Variety 01 1 QC to ft ? 7 $6, $8 and $lO values, ,
They Last .. iPO.OO Priced at from. . & 1 1 1 while they 0Q QC
Have pockets, some figured , ,/).) .rrj
materials, belted and plain mod- last |
Beautiful Waists, Georgette and Crepe 0O i
Beautiful Tricotine de Chine; values up to $5.59. Special , I
Dresses LaCtICS
2 Q!i"S™#9s JAMES H. BRENNER Bath Robes :
Tricotine of Itself is such a 6 Sollth FOUTth Street J™"? d Ual " '
handsome fabric that it requires v wveeva* * w w , ]t material. Special, • i
but little trimming. Just right <
formaf'dress" occasfonsT and TWO DOORS FROM MARKET ST. $3.95 to $6.95
Wood-Chopping Bee at
Wildwood Park to Start
With Contestants on Edge
B. F. Barker, manager of the Mil
ler Auto Company, and captain of
the businessmen's gym class team
which Is to compete for the prise In
the Y. M. C. A. wood chopping bee
to-morrow afternoon, read in last
night's Telegraph that the Rotary
Club and Klwunls Club are racing
for a box of socks and a box of cigars
and protested.
"Let us in on this game," ho
shouted. " 'Doc.' Miller, physical di
rector of tho "Y" has been training us
for a month to punch the hoart out
of any tree in Central Pennsylva
The tight is going to resolve itself
into a three-cornered battle, says
Captain Darker and In a few min
utes after the businessmen get to
work, he claims there won't be any
such thing as a Klwanian or Uo
The Klwaniatis and Rotarinns are
not a bit daunted by the cluints of
the businessmen. Captain "Bill"
German, of the Rotary team, this
morning announced the personnel of
his gang. He will he the boss, "Ed"
Eraser, lumberman, the trainer, and
"Juck" O'Neil, Frank Suussaman,
Rttfus McCord and Captain Leon
Pitcher will handle the saws. Wield
ing battleaves will be "Rert" Dick
inson, Joe Wallazz and "Bob" Lyons,
"Bert" Saul and "Dwight" Raker
will be in charge,of the hospital de
tachment. "Bill" ltobison will bo
waterboy. The team is thoroughly
Notwithstanding the formidable
statements of the ltotarians, Cap
tains Barker and ScTimidt, of the
Kiwanis, are not scared. The party
will assemble af, noon to-morrow at
the "Y" building, Second and Lo
cust streets. After a walk around
they Will start for the scene of oper
ations in Wildwood Park and spend
the afternoon there making the
1 chips fly.
County commissioners awarded a
j contract to J. E. Baker, of York,
Vigorous Men
and Women Are
in Demand
If your ambition has left you, your
happiness has gone forever unless
you take advantage of H. C. Ken
nedy's magnificent ofter to refund
your money on the tirst box pur
chased If Wendell's Ambition Pills
do not put your entire system In
tine condition and give you the
energy and vigor you have lost.
Be ambitious, bo strong, be vigor
ous. Bring the ruddy glow of health
to your cheeks and the right spar
kle that denotes perfect manhood
and womanhood to your eyes.
Wendell's Ambition Pills, the great
nerve tonic, are splendid for that
tired feeling, nervous troubles, poor
blood, headaches, neuralgia, restless
ness, trembling, nervous prostration,
mental depression, loss of appetite,
and kidney or liver complaints; you
take them with this uudersiundlng,
in two days you will feel better.
In a week you will ieel tine, aud
after taking one box you will have
your old-time confidence and ambi
tion or the druggist will refund the
price of the box.
Be sure and get a 50 cent box to
day and get out of the rut. Remem
ber H. C. Kennedy and dealers every
where are authorized to guarantee
DECEMBER 6, 1918.
to-day, to furnish a carlo;; d of
crushed stone to be used In resurfac
ing the roadway and npproaclu s of
the concrete bridge front Mlddletown
A Diamond
—The finest of
all Gifts.
All the cunning and skill of the world's craft has
never brought forth an article that can vie
with the diamond as a gift.
Every year its popularity gains.
To-day is no exception to the rule of the past. TKfe
diamond is as it has always been—as it alwayt
will be the finest, most desirable, most ac
ceptable of all gifts.
But the diamond should be chosen with care.
It fs a gift not only for the life-time enjoyment of
♦he recipient—but an heirloom that may pass
from generation to generation.
It should, therefore, be worthy of the history which
will surround it.
And here Tausig diamonds and Tausig service is of
distinct value to you.
The stock of mounted and unmounted stones com
prises such a wide variety of weights and sizes
as to meet your particular requirements.
What is of utmost importance, however, is Tausig
service a service that represents to you just
what the stone actually is.
You can choose here with the full assurance that
you will know just what you are buying,
whether your purchase amounts to $5.00 or
Diamond Rings .. $lO to $B5O Diamond Scarf Pins,
$7.50 to $2OO
Diamond I.nvalllores, $5 to $350
, Diamond Cuff Links, $6 to $35
Diamond Brooches. .
$7.50 to $5OO Diamond .Mounted Jewelry of
all kinds $5 to $5OO
Diamond Earrings,
ft*.so to $BOO Vmnounted Stones, $lO to $5OO
Jacob Tausig's Sons
Diamond Merchants and Jewelers
to Royalton and the appro aflM* rfl
the iron bridge at the aqueq®ey
About fifty tona will be needed <*o9
the repairs. ..