Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 06, 1918, Page 17, Image 17

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    THE GLOBE Think—have you finished your Christmas Shopping—Your friends have. THE GLOBE
The Gold in the Air Hpl!*
Suggests an Overcoat From The Globe
Whether you buy for yourself or whether ""she" buys
for you an Overcoat coining from THE GLOBE will sjl
prove a sensible, practical useful article. 'i£gt\ I
Our tremendous assortment of styles and ( luahty-suregi %
fabrics makes it easy for anybody to select an Overcoat that
will give several seasons' satisfactory service. ,
Form-fitting Overcoats Far-collar Overcoats I T
Loose-boxy Overcoats Smart Ulsterettes I I
Storm Ulsters - Montagnac Overcoats fc b
Far-Lined Overcoats Chinchilla Ulsters r If-
Military Style Overcoats Chauffeurs Overcoats L '
*25 *25 *3O *35 *4O to *lOO Jg^k
Our Sale of Silk Shirts at $t),45
Adds Another Notch to Our "ffi ~
Envious Record of Value-Giving
It's a timely sale, too —hundreds of dozens of SILK and_ $5.00
FIBRE SILK SHIRTS right in time for Christmas buying. y
V WK" " It's a sale that will make men who wear them and women who buy VdiU€S
\Y\VwC \ / shirts for men wonder how such remarkable values are possible up
der present conditions.
1 On account of the extremely low price None charged None
sent C. O. D. None on approval.
Gift Things Sure to Please "Him M
We're splendidly ready to serve you with the greatest assortments of sensible, practi
cal, wearable gift things for men we've ever shown. Among them are—
Bath Robes— House Coats—
— You can just bet THE GLOBE A House Coat brings your ZtoflTx
|wl Bath Robe will please "him." Beau- thoughtfulness to "his" mind every /j Pjy l/V
pattern blanket robes corded t ' me he . we , ars jt ; Handsome House ■
lum~ /awl „.;.i ... i • it Coats in duo-tone effects shawl
/ edges - with buttons and girdles - col , ar and peaked , , mo( , cls _ gIT r£/
V- wonderful colorings including the braided or silk cprd edged. $6.50 * fIT H
new army shade khaki. $5.00 to to $2O. Exceptional vahics at 1/Jk Vj
p 'jjPj" $12.50. Extra Special values at $8.50. .
liXft ? " 50 *
Of*. tu tn Mackinaws—
Mufflers— THE GLOBE is the Harrisburg
Beautiful Silk and Silk Knitted home for the famous bigger-than-
0- Mufflers and Reefers in a wonderful the-weather Patrick Mackinaws. A fflgg|HS|
\ vj\ range of attractive designs and col- Mackinaw will surely make a hit
/\1 y ors. $1.75 to $7.50. ' with the outdoors fellow. Plain and
I it Khaki knit Mufflers with infantry KgSP&Sr
Lj\ and cavalry borders are very special- Patrick Mackinaws, $2O. 1.
w* ly priced at $3.50. Other Mackinaws, $12.50 up.
Fancy V ests— Sweaters
A-y t~\ c T— .... Every man has use for a Sweater
One of our Fancv \ ests will be a „•' c . u j . -r —wßyv.
J —get it at Sweater Headquarters if \
v. e!come change for him makes y OU want to satisfy "Jiim."' Slip
/ v a m an feel as though he dons a whole overs Y-necks military button- f
KafatSaji new outfit. Many attractive styles in to-neck and coat styles all weaves
str 'pes atu l plain effects—also Even- a " college, khaki and plain colors. ,
. ,n £ Dress \'csts in white silk and Men's Sweaters, $5.00 to $lB.OO. W
otlier fabrics. Splendid values at Boys' Sweaters, $3.50 to $lO.OO. |Ym
$3.50 to $7.50.
jt/ffr. Ni{*ht Shirts and
Hosiery—. Pajamas- /ft nk
L Where is the man who cannot ap- Warm, comfy Night Shirts and LI ljfv\llj imV ! ■
preciate an attractive holiday box of Pajamas are always acceptable gifts ' ff
' ft] socks - lisle - silk or woolen- for men ~ one -piccc Pajamas are the W J
'HOLEPROOF and other famous OuUngTbnnel
makes, including MON I TO, to $2.00. Pajamas, $2.00 to
to $1.50 per pair. $5.00.
v The Globe is the Store to Buy Xmas Gifts
That W ill Make Your Boy Happy
Ask Ls About Our Thrift Stamp Plan
A Mackinaw— A New Suit—
Make it a J'atrick Mackinaw From THE GLOBE will be a O r Any of These
they're best made of the famous gift that will make this Christmas Sensible Bovs' Gifts
• tli 1 ' \ all-wool Patrick cloth plain and one long to be remembered
□nw 4 ~0 p'aid effects. matchless suits for style and serv- Bath Robes
Patrick Mackinaws, $lB.OO. ict. $lO to $3O Neckwear
Other Mackinaws, $7.50 up. . g-~y - Pajamas
'IV\ \ l'\ A f\ 4. A Gorduroy Suit— * Blouse Waists
GGJLL- J An LlVCrCOat""" No boy is "easy" on his clothes Stockings
M" A good, warm, military style —for school or knock-about THE Hats
If HI Overcoat will make any boy happy GLOBE CORDUROY SUITS arc Belts *
—all sizes. $lO to $3O without equal. s7.£o to $15.00 J
Highway Department Plans
Call For an Elaborate
AlllO ut of Work
1 The state of
\.\* t /'J J' om,B - vlvani:l will
InSNNa A miles of snow
t fences along its
. mnin highways
I when the pro-
I * ram outlined by
( "j ] eorfre 1!ilc8 '
f 1 "h' ® B ' ° ll 0 r 'h
- tenance and snow
removal, i conpleted> Several
miles of these fences have been tin
-1 ished and plans have been made for
j others. Sonic of the stretches along
tho Lincoln Highway which gave
trouble last winter have been lined
ith the fences and the others are
' being locatod in sections along other
> roads where the snowstorms have
j blocked traffic. The bulk of the
, fence® will be erected where it has
been tound that the outlay for con
struction is cheaper than the cost
1 ol labor and horses in moving snow
in winter to keep roads bpcrt.
Tractors wiit be tried out for
snow removal for the first time.
Last winter tho Lincoln Highway
as kept open by trucks which drag
ged tho big plows. The State Coun
cil ol National Defense will turn
over several of the state's biggest
tractors for the use or the State
Highway Department.
To Discuss Plans Governor
Brumbaugh will preside at the
meeting ot the State Armory Board
when it meets here Tuesday to dis
cusk plans and specifications for the
four new armory buildings. A
building program for tlie next two
years will be discussed and recoin
mendattons made for the Legislature
! early in the new year.
Pardon Itonrd Several first
degree murder cases will probably
lie listed tor the December meeting
ol ihe State Hoard or Pardons io be
■ held just a week before Christmas.
A large list is being prepared for
the meeting which will be the final
, session of tlie board us at present
| constituted.
Big Conferences—A series of im-
I poriant conferences in regard to
I street railway and other cases pend-
I ln r kciore the Public Service Com
• mmsion will begin in Pittsburgh to
i day. No hearings are being held
confern?. XCePt al Pitt - sbul 'fi-h and the
conferences on procedure will prob
; ably last until to-morrow night,
i „ J' 1 ® Problems— Chief Sew
of the Department of
i Mines, and Deputy Frank Hall are
i iiT burgh this week meeting
I *'A , n h n he '-numinous inspectors and
attending the sessions of the Amer
ican Mining Institute. Mr. Button
| made an address at the supper
: g " en by the institute, Wednesday
Split Allies at Peace Table
Germany's Last Hope
Germany's well-known cleverness lias worked out a grand plan that causes her to look for
ward to the future with confidence. She hopes to achieve at the Peace Conference what four
years of the sword have not been able to get for her. Secrecy being essential, the whole scheme
with typical Teuton finesse is loudly trumpeted through the German press and proclaimed from the
rostrum, so that if we are not warned at least it is not their fault. It seems as usual that Germany
is staking her all 011 one throw of the dice and this time the little game is to cause dissension among
the Allies at the Peace Table and particularly between America and Britain.
In THE LITERARY DIGEST this week —December 7th—there is a very striking article
consisting of translations from the German press showing how Germany hopes to gam big advan
tages when America and the Entente "start-to squabble among themselves."
Among other articles of timely interest in this number of "The Digest" are:
Remobilizing Industry For Peace Conditions
When the Army Will Return and How Our Soldiers Will Be Absorbed Into Industrial Life
Why Mr. McAdoo Resigns
The End of the German Navy
Breakers Ahead For the League of Nations
How Canada Handles Her Disabled Soldiers
" A Bridge That Works Like a Kite
Nature's Primal War
Germany's Aerial Prophet
The Greeks in America
(Prepared by U. S. Bureau of Education)
Seeing the "Mote" and Forgetting the "Beam"
The War's Cost in Human Lives
Many Fine Illustrations, Including Humorous Cartoons and Half-tone Portraits
Your Best Way to Follow the Work of the Peace Conference
The eyes and hopes of the entire world are to-day
centered upon Paris, whither the delegates of the vari
ous nations are journeying to the Peace Conference
which is to remold Europe and decide, perhaps for
centuries to come, the destinies of our planet. The
news that comes forth to the waiting millions from
the historic halls of Versailles will be in many ways
the most important evej published in its far-reaching
December 7th N mber on Sale To-day—All News-dealers—lo Cents.
T The TF\e -
j ifc^ , is*lT v V 8 /ffißi
jJL | "" Vr H * \ j
JfUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publisher! of the Famou NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK
evening, at the Fort Pitt Hotel. The
sudden return to peace conditions
has to some degree disturbed the
mining industry, as the operators
realize that they will soon be called
upon to meet the old-time compe
tition in disposing of their output.
This requires quick and decisive ad
justment of the methods that have
prevailed under the war program.
The situation is further complicat
ed by the labor supply. The release
of thousands of miners from the
service and the cessation of opera!
tlons by tho many small wagon
mines scattered over the bitumi
nous region, will, perhaps, make
labor plentiful and may precipitate
trouble regarding -the wage ques
To Start Early —The papers are
now being prepared for the test suit
to be launched by Walter 11. Gaither
to test the legality of the creation
or the .War Service Bureau by the
State Council of National Defense and
it inuy be started within a week, al
though it is also possible that it may
wait until January. The State Coun
cil of National Defense does not in
tend to close up all of its activities
on January 1 by any means notwith
standing. statements to the contrary.
Governor to Spcnk Governor
Brumbaugh is on his way to New
York to attend the meeting of the
committee of fifteen arranged by the
United States authorities to dtscuss
Immigration and educational matters.
To-morrow he will attend n dinner
tobe given to him in Philadelphia
by his staff and on Monday will speak
in the Second Presbyterian Church,
of Newark, N. J., under auspices of
the Presbyterian Union.
BupitiueNkmcn—The Public Ledger
to-day says that Governor-elect
Sproul plans big businessmen for the
Insurance and Banking Departments.
The identity of the men to fill these
toles which has been much predicted
all over the state, is not disclosed.
Tuxtiit Boomed —Ex-Senator Ernest
U Tustin, well-known here, is being
strongly boomed for mayor of Phila
Tenehers Meeting Some of the
most prominent men in the state, in
cluding Stuart, E. T.
Stotesbury and others active in af
fairs will speak at the mass meeting
in behalf of the teachers' salary in
crease bill to-night in Philadelphia.
Other meetings will be held in other
Draft History —Final reports and
histories of the operation of the draft
in each of the 282 districts of Penn
sylvania as compiled by the members
of local draft boards will be perma
nently filed in the State Library, ac
cording to an announcement made
here to-day by Major W. G. .Murdoch,
the chief draft otticcr. It has been
suggested that the members of local
boards in assembling their data in
clude newspaper extracts and photo
graphs and that J;very line of activity
connected with the draft, legal and
medical advisory, board of instruc
t'on and organizations and commit
tees which cared for welfare of draft
ed men be given notice. "Too great
modesty may result in an injustice
being done to the board's community"
said Major Murdock in discussing the
r DECEMBER 6,1918, **
idea of having the history of the draft
in each district made up by the men
in charge of the operation of thc.se-l
loctlve service law.
To Shorn Vegetables Vegetable
growers of the state have named a
committee to arrange for a state
wide vegetable show at the time (he
state farm products exhibition is held
here in January under state auspices.
The committee in charge consists of
S. Herbert Starkey, Bustleton; J. R.
Bechtel, State College, and L. H.
Hart man, Etters.
Tngs Away Ahead Shipments of
"Brother Feels Sick! He * •< . j
■ % ' VI"• I
Wants a Candy Cascaret n
To Mothers! > You will avoid worry and troubla
by giving your children Cascarets instead of nasty
Castor Oil, Calomel and Pills. Children look upon
Cascarets as Candy and never refuse them even when
sick, bilious, feverish, constipated. Besides Cascarets
cost only 10 cents . box.
Nothing else works the bile, sojir fermentations and poisons from a child's
tender stomach, liver and bowetrjpke good old harmless Cascarets. They
never gripe, never injure, never disappoint '/he worried mother. Give Cascarets
to children aged one year and upwards. Directions on each 10 cent boxt
Htf WE CAN ijif
Holiday Greetings
Name Cards or
your Stationery
jsp Tlie Telegraph Printing Co., KJJSSfIJJS ggg
Bolsheviki Mutterings Heard
Belgium's Troubles Not Yet Over
N Saving Coal With Heat
Is Influenza a Chinese Plague?
Maeterlinck's New Plan For Picking a Wife
Lore of the Chanteya
Changing Heads of the Mormon Church
Wilhelm's Sacrilege Avenged
News of Industry and Finance
The Best of the Current Poetry
effect upon humanity at large. This news will be re
ported fully and impartially from week to week bv
THE LITERARY DIGEST, with the views of noted
authorities of all shades of opinion, so that the readers
of the world's greatest news-weekly may have the best
possible opportunity of forming accurate judgments as
to the decisions handed down. If you wish to keep in
intimate touch with these great events read "The
1019 automobile lloenee tare bare I
gone ahead of the shipments In the ■
first week of the shipping period of
last year according to figures at the
State Highway Department. At the
close of business on December ♦ last
year 12,870 pneumatic tired
tags had been sent out and on the:
same day this year 14,549. Almost I
100 more solid tired tags have also
been issued. The receipts from ap
plications for new year tags have j
thus far amounted to $216,000 or $B7,- j
500 more thun for the same date lastf