Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 06, 1918, Page 15, Image 15

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Vost Office Department Seeks j
Surplus Men and Equip
•. ment From Army
New York—The immediate es
tablishment of fifty new air mail j
lines is contemplated by the Post j
Office Department and will be ef-1
fected almost at once through the
use of army airplanes, equipment)
'> and trained personnel if the War |
Department can be induced to turnj
over its surplus planes and fliers. ;
Necessity for rapid action has arisen.'
according to the Aero Club of,
America, through the fact that hun-)
dreds of army aviators have been;
notified that they must resign, with- j
in a few days or Identify themselves>
with the regular army.
According to Captain B. B. I.ips
ner, superintendent of the aerial i
mail service, who came to New York'
to consult with aircraft men whose :
aid in extending the service he de
sires to enlist, ample authority al
ready exists for the army to turn
over to the Post Office Department
all the essentials of a nation-wide
air service. He declared the last gen
eral army appropriation bill pro
vided that such disposition should
be made by the army of all* super
fluous material which it did not re
quire for actual combat and train
ing purposes. Captain Lipsner said
that Secretary Baker is in cordial
sympathy with the expansive pro
gram of the air service.
Development of air mall service
to a point where rapid transmis
sion of millions of letters from New
P-ngland to the far South and from
coast to coast will he but a matter'
of weeks or months may already be
on the verge of accomplishment. I
according to Henry Woodhouse arid
other leaders here, as they said last
night it was possible favorable aetlbn
already had heen taken by the Wig
Department on the request of the
Aerial Mail Service for Its flyers,
planes, and general equipment. They j
pointed out that the recent reslgnu- j
tlon of John D. Ryan, Assistant Sec- !
rotary of War and Director of Air- 1
craft Production, and with him of'
a number of minor chiefs of the!
army air service, had possibly ob- 1
scared for the moment favorable!
fiction already taken by the Wnr De-1
partment. If this Is not so, Mr. |
uoodhouse added, their going!
would delay such action, only mo- i
tneutarlly, for the army eouid not!
'il" R 'j' act ' on Us men and planes, I
Alan p. Hawley of the Aero Club
or America last night sent this tele-1
gram to Secretary Baker!
"Hundreds of army aviators who!
have been, notified that they must
decide In a few davs whether to!
resign their commissions or Join the 1
regular army have npnlled to the!
Aero Club of America for positions, j
Most of them are anxious to Join the
Aerial Mall Service therefore, we!
urge that the time In which theyj
inuat place their resignations with'
the army be delayed long enough to'
permit them to connect themselves j
with the Post Office for aerial mall I
"Second Assistant Postmaster j
Oeneral Praeger and Captain B. B.!
Lipsner, the superintendent of the!
aerial mall service, have boon pre
paring for exaetly such an emer-!
gency, and they are ready to estab-|
llsh fifty aerial mall lines through
out the United States and employ
1.000 military aviators to carry mall.
You can hasten tho establishing of
these aerial mall lines and employ- i
lag of these aviators by turning
o*%r to the postal authorities 500 [
of the airplanes which the array:
cannot use at present, nnd which
will deteriorate nnd be wasted un.-1
less they are turned over to the
Dost Office.
"We know from the hundreds of!
requests received from the Cham-!
bers of Commerce throughout the |
United States that tho country as a |
whole wants the extension of the!
aerial mall service, because It has!
been run at 100 per cent, efficiency!
for six months and promises to solve
some of ahe most difficult problems!
of mall Transportation and distri
Captain Lipsner said last night:
that the 100-per-cent. success al
ready scored by the air mail service,
without the loss of a man or a ma- I
chine, amply justified its ambitious I
program, and that the millions of;
letters already transported afforded I
Indisputable evidence thJt the busi- j
ness public is eager for „extension j
of the service. He said that already
highly trained fliers and mechanics'
ere returning from the battlefields'
* of Europe and are eager to ture
their training to good account.
In defining the equipment |
which would be most valuable to
the postal men, Captain Lipsner
mentioned the vast 1 accumulation of:
Instruments of all sorts, as well as
lundreds of Handley Paige planes
which can carry one and one-half
tons of mail at the rate of 100 miles
'in hour, more hundreds of De Havi-
Jands, each of which can transport
*,OOO pounds of mail at the rate of
f4O miles an hour, and numerous
fether twin-motor types of airplanes
feadlly adaptable to the mail serv
The first of the new routes, said
Mr. Woodhouse, who is in close
touch with the department's plans,
will be along the "Woodrow Wil
gon Airway," mapped and named
Otter the President in 1917 by the
Aero Club. This represents a zone
•Ighty miles in width extending
New York to San Francisco,
And a line through it touches the
most Important cities in the States
Df New York. New Jersey, Pennsvl-
Yanla, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana. 1111-
tools, lowa, Nebraska, Wyoming,
Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and Cali
fornia. The airway zone extends
forty miles on each side of the line
00 the air traveler can get to . the
ggtreme edge at either side of the
-one In less than a half-hour's fly
Within this zone the new routes
Are to be that from New York to
Chicago, which already Is being
established; another from New
York to Boston, a third from Chicago
to Omaha and Denver, and, later,
to San Francisco, and a fourth
from Washington to Chicago by
Way of Wheeling, West Virginia,
Not long after these ars In opera
tion the department contemplates
establishing another from Washing
ton through some of the southern
gtatss, but development work on.
this has not progressed no fur as
■j>n the others. _
"The Live Store" . "Always Reliable"
Store Open Store Open
America's "Greatest" Christmas
Do you know that "old Santa" came near being side-tracked this
year? Yes I do mean it, for down at Washington they said, look here "old
Santa * you'll have to stop giving so many gifts this season because Then they gave their reasons on
account of the war, etc. I said "all right" you can count on ME to do anything to help win the war *— But when this news
flashed across the waters and bells began to ring and the whistles blew, I knew there would be something doing in the good
old winter time. ,
■ ;
I had to get busy since that "grand and glorious" news came over the wire, for I'm expect
ing a lot of boys home for Christmas 1 don't want to disappoint a single person this year, it's going to be the greatest Christ
mas America has ever seen Why shouldn't it be? Harrisburg is going to get a double portion of my Christmas buying, because there's no city
from Maine to California so well prepared with such good merchandise of useful gifts for men The first thing I noticed when I came Here was
Silk Shirt Festival
Not a lawn party—no, no—an immense, big window full of "Silk
Shirts" 1 hadn't thought so much about" Silk Shirts" until that dUplay attracted me.
§Some of you will be smiling when you see the "Rainbow" stripes before your very eyes on Christmas day ammmmmmmm,
and the wonderful "Victory" ties beside it Take it from me They have some selection This store {glggm 1
"everybody is talking about," I heard of Doutrichs long before I arrived at Harrisburg.
Men's and Boys' Bathrobes
You'd scarcely believe that they could weave so many colors in
# one piece of cloth those "Navajo" Indians c ertainly have the art to produce beautiful
fabric and when you see them made up you'll agree that you never looked at a more pleasing lot of Bath
Robes No wonder there was a crowd of women folks around this section of the store yesterday,
Watch This Busy Store To-morrow
f V
Market Street
v J
h j
DECEMBER 6, 1918.
( .
Pa. .
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