Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 06, 1918, Page 11, Image 13
WOMEN MUSTNT . BE DEMOBILIZED SAYS DR. SHAW No Pence That Ignores Them Can Represent Aims Wc Fought For Washington Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, chairman of the Women's of the Council of Na tional Defense, has Issued a state ment pointing out reasons why there should be no demobilisation of the woman power of America. The following letter was sent to all r state chairmen o# the W omen's Committee. "During the movement of the na tion from a war basis to a peace basis great changes must inevita bly take place—changes economic, Industrial, social. No thinking per son can expect that the change will be altogether back to a pre-war basis. The women can be no more relieved irom their obligation to see that these changes make for a rich er heritage, healthier environment After the Grippe To regain your health and strength j r~aln you must take a tonic, and for. this purpose the Medical Profession! Is prescribing Iron, Nux Vomica, J Gentian, Capsicum and Zinc Phos-| phlde in some form. Many prcpa-1 ( rations containing Iron are very j constipating, but this is overcome by the addition of Aloin in Chase's! Blood and Nerve Tablets, which con- i tain all of the above tonic remedies.; In these Tablets you have all that Is good in tonic medicines without any harmful effects. They are safe and sure health builders and at this particular time it would be hard to overestimate their value, i Weigh yourself before taking them , and see what you gain in weight and strength. Nearly all druggists sell Chase's Biood and Nerve Tablets at sixty cents a box. Special ninety cents. CELERY mm A LAXATIVE TEA If 101 l SulVer I'roiy Constipation, I p m-t stomach or liiactite Liver, Give Celery King a Trial. If lu Want Genuine Itelicf unit Wtpit IS Quick. It's a purely vegetable remedy, gentle and effective that drives im purities from the bowels and makes you feel better right away. Brew a cup of this pleasant remedy when you catch cold, get feverish and are out of sor . Use it for sick headache! to give you a sweet breath, clear skin and healthy appetite. caat&i' i i m nc A ra a rJ i\o |y La H I 7 a v .... ■ n m - : ' r Q s j" n Qj| Men's EvCretts, in Illaek Little Gents' and Youths' and Tan jfeiSE**' 'JSj 2-Biicklc liigli-Cut Boots, $1.45 and $1.69 s $2 9 .95 2. Also Men's Romeos. ■ I L li i $1.98 and $2.50, f 3r /' J no S^ l i"siSf. A /• I $4.50 A Full Line of Men s I-ell t ■ Slippers. Women's /# ■ Men's 2-Isuekle lilgli-Cut Children's Plain anil Eur- 1 Boots, Trimmed Felt Slippers A $4.50 Rlld $4.95 I.ike AlKive tut, /JAjjjjf A Full Line of I.itle Gents', f Youths'. Hoys nn<l Men's 9oC UP (s- Scout Shoes Women's Gumnetal and -rjiiii _ A Ff" Line of Women's Viie Iviil Slioos, Military \t / T%l Comfort Slioi-s, Lace or lleel .Wing Tip, like ml, Button, Cushion Soles, J -'M M anil Rubber Reels, Sp """' J $2.95 and $3.45 tDTiaa/O M'frHSm Children's Scullers, in Tan ' ■' y :'M and Mahogany, Women's Dull Kid Boots. $1.98, $2.45 and Button or Lace, Cuban or Jf\ iJL OQC Spanish Heel, Palin Toe. & Not all sizes. JVs I? ~~~——■——————. jfrC SMK-J Children's and Misses Tan Special Saturday, ah English Slioes, All Lrnther, With Cloth Tops. All Sizes, djf) nj? 9." ~,> to 2 ' $3.65 ' FRIDAY EVENING. and freer opportunity for their chlj dron than thiy wore from their ob ligation, now faithfully porformed, to see that their soldier sons had every protection, physical and moral, thrown about them, both In tfoo camp and on tho firing line. They cannot neglect their duty to tho sons und daughters Of the men ! who vvjll not come back to them, nor i can they meet the returning soldiers t with anything less than an honest ! "We have, done all we promised : you." * "For these reasons it is impera ! tive that there shall beTio demobili zation of the woman power of America. It must remain organis ed, equipped and ready for act Jam. We do not know tho program rhat will be laid before us; we cannot sav what our part in it will be. There will bo those things that women have held dear; the safe guarding of little children, tho edu cation of youth, the health of a peo ple and such great tasks as supply ing to every willing worker a job. providing for the whole world. But what we know is; There can be no great performance In .which women do not play a part." Dr. Shaw enumerates the ways iff which the women of America have helped bring about a victory. She names tlie saving of "food, entering industry, muking bandages for the wounded, selling and buying bonds, giving up husbands, brothers and sons. "In war time it was found that what had been called 'woman's in terests' namely, food, thrift, health, morals—were tho interests of a whole people and had an inte gral part in the organization for victory. It was found also that they were intimately tied up with great financial, industrial programs. In peace time they will no less be the interests of the whole nation, and in the realization of our war aims they have an Important place. "No peace that ignores them, no program tliut overlooks them, can claim to represent the aims for which we fought. It therefore be- | comes the duty of the womanhood of America to interest itself vitally"! in the terms of the peace and to prepare ourselves to perforin our obligation to mifko victory com plete." Much Rheumatism Local Druggist's No-Cure No-.My Offer Attracts Many Sufferers If there are any rheumatic suf ferers in town who have not availed themselves of Kennedy's gonorous offer they should do so at once. Kennedy's Mediclhe Store states that if Rhegma. the guaranteed pre scription for rheumatism, does not give any purchaser quick and joyful relief, Kennedy's Medicine Store will return the purchase price without i any quibbling or red tape. Rheumatism is a dangerous dis- ] ease, and anyone who has the slight est taint of it should drive it from the system as soon as possible. Read what Riieuma did for this sufferer: I have been laid up lor .one year with chronic arthritis. I had doctors galore, also spent four months in Hie sanitarium hospital at Troy. N. Y v but had practically no relief. Then 1 started taking Riieuma. I have now taken five bottles, and can go without crutches or other aid. which j 1 could not do lot She last nine months. 1 highly recommend it. and I would gfadly answer any questions 1 asked, on receipt of stamp for post ; age. This letter may be published as a benefit -to sufferers from rheuma tism in any form." —Thomas 11. Ed dy. Schuylersvllle, N. X. Good druggists everywhere sell Rheuma. A large bottle is inex pensive and sufficient for two weeks' [ treatment. 650 AMERICANS TOLL OF DEATH IN WORLD WAR 25 Pennsylvanians Killed Action, Department Fig ures Show Washington, jpec. fi.—Twenty-five j Pennsylvanians were killed in action ! out of the 205 reported. The cas- j ualty lists to-day total 1,750 names. : The summary follows: Killed in action,> 205 Died of wounds 41 Died of accident und . I other causes 5 I Died of airplane accident, 3 Died of disease, i. . 296 | • Wounded severely, 105 Wounded (degree unde termined) 390 Wounded slightly, 58S Missing in action 117 , Total, 1,750 The following are reported this afternoon: DIED OK DISEASE • Privates Andrew J, Nash. Philadelphia. Vincenzo Sperduto, Erie. WOUNDED SEVERELY Saddler Frank E. Ho user. Easton. Privates Gubastlano . Promodonl, North Philadelphia. Albert S. Hendricks, Haysville. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Lieutenant Paul C. Ward, Furnace. Sergeants Anthony J. Farrell, Hermyn. Walter F. llenrle, Philadelphia. George A. Bonner, Peckvilre. Hale Coughlin, Wilkes-Barre. Walter Leach, Mansfield. James Joseph O'Hara, Philadel phia. Henry J. Saunders, Pittsburgh. Corporals Bernard Herzer, Ephrata. John E. Bloomgreen. Hallton. James Dunn Gill, Meadville. William *F. Kast, Dushore. Mechanic Walter O. La üb, Philadelphia. Privates Lewis 11. Whildin, Hansford. Mark 1,. Adams, Williamstown. Harry 8.. Berg, Kutztown. Arthur AV. Brozell, Girard, Erie county. Nicholas Brumbaugh, State Line. Earl K. Sousiey, Hamburg. George Mordan, Bloomsburg. Samuel J. Price, Philadelphia. Joshua M. Bennett, Philadelphia. Carlton S. Hooker, Alba. Jesse E. Butz, Newport. Alexander Chaffaio. Wyndmoor. Luiggi Di Giovanni. Treverton. Austin Hudson, Philadelphia. Russell E. Lec, Philadelphia. John G. McKean. Milton. Clyde G. Moui, Pittsburgh. Donienick Rosatto, Birdsboro. Isaac Foor, Everett. Harry F. Jordan, Scranton. Frederick L. Mette, Austin. Louis Francis Pariat, Swlssvale. Isador Bladish, Munhall. Marion E. Ferguson. John Paul Orendosh, Pottstown. • WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Captains George Nichols Dietrich. Hazleton. Thomas C. Ross, Philadelphia. - j Lieutenants Olin Frisbie Harvey, Jr., Scranton. Arthur L. Criswell. Washington. Law Warburton Bowman, Pitts-- ton. Sergeants * Robert C. Jones, Media. Edward Lebarton, Pittsburgh. Fred Turner, Wycomlng. i George I). Ambrose, Lieonier. Robert C. Hoffman. Pittsburgh. Oscar Ralph Felbush, Wilkes- Barre. Richard P. Betz. Philadelphia. Corporals George R. Inke, Jr., Philadelphia. Cleon F. Book, Lancaster. William James Ferguson, Green-; ville. Elza ITager, Elliottsvllle. . Edward A. Marcheck, Pittsburgh. Harry AlOysius Sicius, Philadel phia. John E. Barrett. Philadelphia. Philip J. Scott,' Monongahela. Roy C. Price, McKeesport. John F. Courcey, Chester. John Kusaek, Plymouth. Harry Carroll McCoy, Pittsburgh. Frank Coin. Philadelphia. Harry F. Lowery, Meyersdale. Frank H. Showman, Connellsvillc. Joel Francis Williams, Kane. Mechanics William Bryan, Waynesburg. Oscar Lewis, Holly. Privates David Brooks, Philadelphia. , Leo Joseph Burke, Scranton. George Wilson Chapin, Meadville. Phi ip Chiosso, Philadelphia. William Fringer l'lickinger, York. Eugene Haley. Dußois. Norman I. Harris. Philadelphia. I Nicholas Di Marco, Philadelphia. Mi.es Forney. Frackville. Stanley Glnicki, Aeosta. Thomas Gould, De Lancey, Jeffer son county. Joseph P. Keegan, Girardsville. Kirk, Oxford. Anthony Mackewicz, Plymouth. Joseph A. O'Donnell, Philadelphia. | Antonio Sivo, Philadelphia. Lewis R. Smay, Portage. Samuel 15. Werner, 100 l State St., Han-isburg. Harry H. Young, Shippendale. Howard Walter Myers. Reading. Clare John Sherretts, Llncsville. Alfred D. Swigart, Kittanning. Linwood W. Taylor, Philadelphia! ■ Bennie Lasof. Philadelphia. John Warren Schell, Erie. William J. H. Sunderland, Jersey Shore. Gust A. Johnson, Houtzdale. . James F. O'Malley, C'arhondale. Frank Shefsky. Pittsburgh. Reese Miles, Plymouth. Randall H. Wlllison, New Bethle hem. John Curry. Philadelphia. Leroy 15. Johnson, Washington. William R. Rhoades, New Flor ence. Nicholas Van Balen, Coraopolls. Thomas Innes, Philadelphia. John Babchaik, Zuzeren. Ercil Bollendorf, Philadelphia. George IT. Chappcll, Danville. Thomas A. Barton, Philadelphia. Dumenico Damore, St. Mary. The following v were reported this naming: f KILLED IN ACTION Lieutenants Walter Moyer Godshall, Richland town. Charles C. Smith. Philadelphia. Daniel P. Lafferty, Philadelphia. . Sergeant Elwood T. Abbott, Andalusia. Corporal John Snyir, Duquesne. Saddler Ralph H. Cowell, Fairview VIJ. IaBC Privates Roy E. Bell, Hollidaysburg. Carl Connsll, West Philadelphia. Guydl Contl, Fraeport. Louis Henry Ennis. Phoenixville. Isaac Gomsey, Jr., Nunty Glo. Arthur Griffiths, Pittsburgh. Mont J. Bishop, Cams City. Joseph A. Collins. Dunmore. Elmer J. Depp, Pittsburgh'. Joseph Devers, Minooka. Henry A. Donnely, Homestead. Joseph It. Finn, Pittsburgh. John W\ Howard, Philadelphia. Charles Taylor Obourn. Lcechburg. James C. Ozman, Brookvllle. William J. Swoboda, Philadelphia. Evert Charles Slgworth, Liektng vllle. Walter Szynumski, Chester. Morris Ulanossky, Aliqnippa. DIED or WOUNDS Privates Frank A. Ernst, Pittsburgh. Clarence L. Schorman, Bradford. William McK. Henninger, Phila delphia. DIED FROM AIRPLANE ACCIDENT Lieutenant George B. Merrill, North FJnst. DIED OF DISEASE Corporals Martin Julius F'edor, Portage, S X, /m X.A / 106 / / PERPUMES XJ*//^/ X / Market / Broad jf JiX, / / aKCV buy your /V>X QL CL X X CHRISTMAS X X M / X 3 X St X X PERFUMES / / / > / / / NOW Cigar Specials 7 Havana Tucks l 7 Even Steven ■ 7 King Oscar 7 (icncral ilartranft 7 Sweet tilrls A H A m 7 Counsellors 7 La Ttftons 50 for $2.45 3 Mojas .... 25? 3 Girards 25? Big Candy Specials Lady Helen Choc- £* Q olate Cherries UjC Milk Chocolates, CQ Fruits and Nuts ... Di/C Bolton's Milk Chocolates, Cor dial Fruits and Nuts *7/1 Covered With Cream • %J C Dental Preparations Lyon's Tooth Powder . . 17? Pebeco 1 ooth Paste . .. 36? Kolynos Tooth Paste . . 21? Sanitol Tooth Paste . .. 24? Sanitol Tooth Powder . . 24? S. S. White Tooth Paste. 17? Forhan's Tooth Paste. 24?, 38? Colgate's Tooth Powder, 15?, 25? Stern's Tooth Paste 28? Corn Remedies Pierce's Corn Plaster, 10?, 19? Blue Jay Corn Plaster IS? Ice Mint ..... 34? Tiz 19? Calocide Compound .... 21? Allen's Foot Ease . . ... 19? Hair Preparations 50c Herpicide '39? 50c Parisian Sage . . ... 42? 50c Hay's Hair Health, 39? 50c Mulsified Cocoamit Oil. 36? 75c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, . 49? Danderine 12?, 67? 75c Damschinsky's Dye, 59? 50c Damschinsky's Dye, 39? Pinaud's Eau de Quinine 89? Walnutta 38? Parker's Hair Balsam .. Potter's Walnut Stain . . 79? Brownatone 24?, 84? Toilet Soaps Cuticura Soap 19? Resitiol Soap 18? Hobson's Soap 21? Palm Olive Soap, 15c size. 10? Woodbury's Soap 21? Ivor}- Soap 6? Lava Soap 7? Life Buoy Soap . .., 7? Face Powder Pompeian Beauty Powder. 39? Mavis 38? Lov' Me 68? Woodbury 19? Melba 42? Melbaline ....... 21? I Sanitol 24? Satin Skin 2.1? La Blache 39? Pussy Willow 34? Swan Down .... 13? La May 19? Freeman's 19? I No Mail Orders Filled $l.OO Nuxated Iron 79c 35c Fletcher's Castoria 26c 25c Mavis Talcum 21c $3.50 Whirling Spray , Syringe $2.25 $l.OO Pinaud's Lilac Water 74c 75c Mary Garden Talcum 48c 35c Drug Club Coffee 22c $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk Hospital 1 $2.79 Mellins' Food 53c Horlick's Malted Milk 75c Horlick's Malted Milk 38c 21c Eskay's Food Eagle Milk 22c Cambria county. John M. Greenville. George A. Wolf, Philadelphia. Privates Judson A. Barrett, Iverrmoor. Altobrando Dloarlo, Pottsville. William A. Moses, Blairsville. Edward Curtail, Mlnersvllle. George X. Means, Connellsvllle. Tony Raab, Madera. John Smiley, West Chester. WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenant Joseph F. Murphy, Philadelphia. ' Sergeants Robert S. Butts, Philadelphia. Aaron C. Swinehart, lsincaster. Meelutuic Charles Jacob Schuefer, Pitts burgh. Privates Gerinano Demeo, Johnstown. Clurence R. Dubbs, Duncanville. William Fowler, Belle Vernon. John R. Fredd, Pottstown. Ralph C. Graham, Flrabor Creek. John Carl Longer, Pittsburgh. Fred Schlemer, Ridgway. George Edward Seifert, Pitts burgh. Bronislaw SZezepkoski, Erie. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Rubber Goods Special $1.38 Ice Bags 74? $2.50 Davol Household Foun tain Syringe $1.65 $1.25 Dark or Red Brown Water Bottles . 68? $2.75 Goodrich Water Bottle, No. 35 $2.38 $1.50 Wonpiece Water Bottle. No. 20 98? v $3.00 Vaginal Douce Syringe. 52.25 Anticolic Nipples 4? Hvgeia Nipple and Bottle, complete 25? Elastic Trusses $2.28 Ear - and Ulcer Syringes. 19? 25c Infant Rectal Syringes. 19? 35e English Breast Pumps, 28? Saturday Sale Imported and Domestic Perfumes Azurea Ext., bottle ... $1.68 Floramve Ext., bottle .$1.79 Piver's Safranal Ext., bottle. $1.79 Piver's Le Trefle Incarnate Ext., bottle $1.79 Vivaudau's Mavis Ext., bottle, 42# Cotv's L'Origpn Ext., oz.. $3.48 Cotv's Jacqueminot Rose Ext.. J. $3.48 Hudnut's Violet Sec Ext.. oz., 68# Hudnut's Gardenia Ext., oz., 68# Hudnut's Mona Lisa Ext.. oz., 68# Hudnut's Wood \ iolet Ext., oz 68# Djer Kiss Ext., oz .... $1.35 Houbigant's Ext., oz., $3.19 Marv Garden Ext.. oz., $2.28 Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Ext., oz - 59# Azurea Toilet Water Eau Vegetale $1.09 Piver's P o in p e i a n Toilet Water $1.34 Piver's F lor 'a iVi ye Toilet Water $1.34 Hudnut's Gardenia Toilet Water 77# Hudnut's \ iolet Sec Toilet Water 77# Mary Garden Toilet Water. $2.68 Djer Kiss Toilet Water, $1.68 Djer Kiss Toilet Water, Eau Vegetale 98# Pinaud's Lilac Toilet Water, 74# Colgate's Caprice Toilet Water $1.35 Colgate's Violet Toilet Water, $1.35 Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Water $1.35 Colgate's Dactylis • Toilet Water '.... $1.35 Colgate's Lilac Toilet Water, 75# Fiancee and Garden Fra grance Perfumes are manu factured by the old and con servative house of C. B. Woodworth Sons & Co.. of Rochester, and are madd from pomades. These po abides come in direct contact with natural flowers that are gath ered by French peasants along the Sunny Riveria and they are far superior and more last ing than the foreign perfumes. Fiancee Christmas , Pack ages, containing 4 oz. Toilet Water, I oz. Extract, 1 pkg. Face Powder $9.38 4 oz. Fiancee Toilet Water, 1 pkg. Fiancee Face Powder, $4.89 lUlph Rode, R. F. D. 5j Harris -1 burg. Wagoner Richardson Shoemaker, Philadel phia. Privates Jesse R. Brooks, Juniata. Francis J. Connell, Philadelphia. Frank A. Glennon, Philadelphia. Ivan Lambert, Stoyestown. William F. McMenunln, Philadel phia. • ' Lewis M, Shoemaker, Mertztown. Charles Slmeral, Versailles, Alle gheny county. John H. Willis, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Lieutenant Kenneth H. Morton, Philadelphia. Sergeants Horace W. Breece, Berwick. John J. F'ord, West Pittston. Corporals Melvin Black, Johnstown. Adam Eidenmuller, Jr., Pitts burgh. William J. Scott, Philadelphia. Charles 11. White, Hazelton. Privates Jacob Walter Smith, Grcencastle. F'rederick J. Linibach, Point Pleasant, Bucks county. 69c Family Bulb Syringe, 48£ $1.50 Wonpiece Fountain Syringe, No. 2 l > 98^ $2.00 Goodrich Fountain Syringe, No. 42 ... $1.48 5-qt. Fountain Syringe I lose, 23 £ Princess Bulb Syringe . I Rubberset Shaving Brushes, 42? Finger Cots .... 5? $4.00 Hospital Fountain Syringe $2.68 $2.50 Wonpiece Bottle Syringe, No. 29 . . $1.48 $2.50 Wonpiece Bottle Syringe, No. 33 . ... $1.58 Household Rubber Gloves, Pair 33? 4 oz. Fiancee Tdilct Watrfr, 1 glass jar Fiancee Talcum, 1 pkg. Fiancee Face Powder, $6.34 Garden Fragrance Christmas Packages, containing 4 oz. Garden Fragrance Toilet Water, 1 oz. Garden Fra" grance Ext.. 3>4 oz. Garden Fragrance Talcum, 1 pkg. Garden Fragrance Face Powder $5.39 4oz. Garden' Fragrance Toilet Water. I pkg. Garden Fra grance Face Powder $2.68 Fiancee Cold Cream ... 68? Fiancee Greaseless Ceam, 68? j Garden Fragrance Ext., 1-oz. bottle ; $2.38 Garden Fragrance Ext.. Vj-oz, bottle $1.38 Fiancee Extract. 1-oz. bottle. $3.34 Fiancee Extract, )S-oz. bottle, $1.98 D'Alane Lilac Extract, 1-oz. bottle $3.34 D'Alane Lilac Extract. j4-oz. bottle j. $1.98 Garden Fragrance Toilet Water. 3]/- oz $1.38 Fiancee Toilet \\ ater, 4 oz.. *53.34 Lily" of the Valley Toilet Water. 3'/ 2 oz $1.38 Lilac Mauve Toilet Water, 3J4 oz $1.38 Rose Jacqueline Toilet Water, 3y 2 oz. $1.38 Jasmipe Ariadne Toilet Water, 3 1 / i oz $1.38 Arabian Bouquet Toilet ' Water, 4 oz $1.38 Fiancee Peach Blush Rouge. 6B? Creams Ingram Milkweed Cream, 38?, 73? Cucumber Cream 39? Hind's Honey Almond . 38? Creme Elcava 44? Melba Skin Cleanser . . 50? Peroxide Cream . .. 19? Amonized Cream .. 68? | Household Necessities Bay Rum, imp., 6-oz hot., 40? Bay Rum, imported, pint, 79? Mo'th Balls, lb 18? Sulphur, lb. 12? Turpentine, pint . . .... 23? Migraine Tablets, 100 in bot tle 35? Pill Cathartic Comp., 25 in bottle 19? Pill Asafoetida, 5-gr., 100 in bottle 84? Tablets Asafoetida, 2-gr., choc olated coated, 100 in bottje, 48? Tablets Cascara Sagrada Ex tract, 5-gr., chocolate coated, 100 in bottle 38? DECEMBER 6, 1918/ * Myron Mursteln, Sharon. Francis Dow Rowley, llortons. Charlie Shllmslti, Pittsburgh. Pasco J. Casino, Hazleton. George J. Costello, Pittsburgh. I Fllmer O. Dewitt, Wllllamsport. .MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant Daniel J, Quinn, Johnstown. Corporal Peter Adtun Flinsig, Lancaster. Meelianlc Nils J. Hallberg, Pittsburgh. Privates Leo A. Moran, Philadelphia. William H. Emery, Philadelphia. Edward Huss, Scranton. John Hutche.v, Scranton. Charles Park Kenner, Pittsburgh. Joseph Zitomer, Philadelphia. -INDICT MILLIONAIRE'S SON Doston, Dec. 6.—Two indictments ] growing out of charges that he falsi- j tied his income tux questionnaire as j regards the size of his income have ! been returned by the Federal Grand I Jury against Lewis F'oster Curtis, of i Newtonville. Curtis is the son of i Thomas P. Curtis, millionaire, of this city, is one of the prominent members of the Boston Athletis As- Special Sale Drugs F. E. Cascara Sagrada, Aro matit< 3-oz. bottle . .. 25? Ess. Peppermint, 3-oz. bottle. /■ 60? Aromatic Spirits Ammonia, 2-oz. bottle 35c Castor Oil, 2-oz. bottle, 20? Sweet Spirits of Nitre, 2~oz. bottle 35<p Spirits Camphor, 3-oz. bottle, 60? Tr. Arnica, 3-oz. bottle .. 6(*C I Tr. lodine, 2-oz. bottle . . 35? j Comp. Licorice Powder, 1 oz., lOC Comp. Licorice Powder, 2 oz., 20 c Epsom Salts, lb 15? Ess. Pepsin, 3 oz. .. .. 40? Patent Medicines Sal Lax, S ami I).. .• • 19c, 38c, 75c Kilmer's Swamp Root. . . .12c, 81c Wumpolc's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil 413 c Pink ham's t'eg. Comp 81c Ilromo Seltzer 19c, 38e Omega Oil, 35e 28c Hick's Capudlnc. 25c ..21c Nelson's Hair Dressing 21c i)il"s Balm Life, 35c ..- 28c Horlick's Malted Milk, 31 75c K,v Lax 9c. 17c. 34c Sal llcpalica, 25c 21c Bliss Native Herb Tablets, SI. ,79c Pearson's Creolin 19e, SBc Diapepsin ...31c Dean's Kidney Pills 12c Mayr's Stomucli lleinedy 81c" Quaker llcrl> Extract . . 79c Bell-Ans 53c Malcna Salve 7c S. S. S 71c .lad Salts 53c Mcrcolizcd Wax 59c Saxolitc 48c Phenol Sodlque 9c, 38c Pierce's Favorite Prcs ription, 79c, Pierce's Golden Medical Disc., 79c I.yso 19c, 38c, 75e 11. D. D. for cczt'mn. ,21c, 38c, 07c Aspirin Tablets, 14)0 89e Milk's Emulsion 12c, 81c Limestone Phosphate 38c Glyco lliymoliiu- 2ie, 12c. 84c Chichester's Pills 31.53 Glide's Pepto Mangan 95e llccf, Iron and Wine 84c Nature's Itemed)' 17e, 34c, 4J7c Atwood's Bitter 21c lick man's Alterative. ... .417 c $1.19 Bcccliam's Pills • 17c Cuticura Ointment 38c Siissiifoln 17c Absorbent Cotton, lb 40c Glover's Mange 34c Hall's Catarrh Cure 51c Good Samaritan Ointment 24c Zcino r ,24e and <S7c Doan's Hegulcts .. .. • 23c Liquid Veneer ..' 17c and 34c Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy, 28c Chamberlain's S. and L. Pills. . .23c Wendell's Ambition Pills 38c Powers' Asthma Remedy 34c J. and ,1. Kidney Piasters ltie llolTs Malt ami Iron' 38c Lavorls 18c and 38e Sani-Ehish . 19c Eormamiitt Tablets 39e Vsaline Oil 38c McNeil's Pain Exterminator, 28c, 56c Sal Ilepatiea 39e, 79c Mentliolatiiiu 17c, 34c Drake' Croup 38c Pllicx 42c Carter's Ten 40c Bacon's Celery King 19c Tons Pine 24c, 42c Piso's Cough 21c Lax. Ilromo Quinine 19e Hill's Cascara tjiilniiic 18c Shlloh's Cough Remedy... 19c, 38c St. Jacob's Oil 28c, 42c Palmer's Skin Success 2ie Safety Razors $5 Gillette Razor ...... $3.98 Durham Duplex Razor, 84? Talcums Colgate's Talcum 18? Hudnut's Talc 19? Mary Garden 48? Trailing Arbutus 38? Melba Talc 21? Lov' Me Talc ... ...... 21? Williams' Talc 18? |J. & J. Baby Talcum .. 15? sociation, and is known throughout the country as a crack wing shot. Jr. Howard o|wy rrcoinme<e4 OXIDAZE FOIS COUGHS, COLDS Bronchial Asthma T on of mimir and krr(ln eonTUaaf kirn < would unfair. quickly and aural* •lop n bud oonih oud lira inaianl relief II BiuntUtlAilboia, Guoroutood Hoi allM Hero ia abaolufe proof from naora. f IVafrrburi/. Ct.—So astliru* thanks to Oxidttf Client, li". l a.—Wo llnd It all yon claim. tuewlrick. Col.— Am well plrased with reiralta. CirchviUe. O.—More help thnn from anything, i Somerset, Mas).— It gives full satisfaction. Detroit. Mich.—ll has benefited me greatly, i Worcester. Una).— ls worth thousands torn®, heene. X. H.—l speak in higlieat praise of it. Feu ton, Mirh.— l got nearly instant relief. . • I llovetl, Mich.— For asthma, bestthing l'vefoaa® Cincinnati, o.— lt is a wonderful medicine, i Sniff As Dentin, X. Y.— Delighted with Oxidase, j Rochdale, Mas). —Congit gone, gained eight IDS, I j Signed letters on flic. Order todgjjl Uou,r bark II .1 fatla. All Dralllslsg G. A. Gorgas None Sold to Dealers Bromo Seltzer 19c 60c Parisian Sage 42c $l.OO Listerine 75c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 36c $1.20 Bromo Seltzer 75c 50c Orchard White 34c $1.20 Miles' Nervine 89c 30c Miles' Anti-Pain Pills 23c 25c Tintex 21c 25c .Nature's Remedy 19c Cutex Cuticle Remover 24c Nail White 24c Manicure Set 38c Manicure Set $1.19 Attar Tropical Talcum 19c 11