Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 06, 1918, Page 11, Image 11
CONVICT SCORES IN TILT IN COURT WITH A LAWYER Burns, in Confessing to Save Baksa Girl, Amazes and Amuses Courtroom New York. —James F. Burns, in Sing Sing under the name of Began, ■tonfessed in court that ho and not Baksa murdered Mrs. Helen Hamel, for whose death the firl was being tried. His native acuteness made him a pert and fascinating witness. lie ifgued with the judge, upset the prosecutor by his knowledge of, law, blandly confessed to numerous srimes, including the robbery of the home of one of the alienists who recently examined him, and when pressed too hard took refuge in technical objections, in which Judge Rosalsky was forced to sustain Him. He time and again provoked laughter by his unexpected frank ness and evident pride in his pro fessional accomplishments. Burns' reason for confessing, he (aid, was pity for the girl and a desire to see Justice done her. al though in the next breath he admit ted that perhaps he wasn'f the sort of person who would be interested In justice as a general proposition. "Did your conscience trouble you?" asked Assistant District At torney Talley, rigorously probing for his construction of a motive. "Well," said Burns easily. "I dop't know as I have any. from what I've heard." Tells of His Exploits He crooked one leg over the other as he told of his many midnight ex cursions into other people's homes and of a career so successful that he was able, when he chose, to buy an expensive automobile in which he could trail his other prospective victims and become acquainted with their habits. He smiled easily as he told of going about with Brooklyn detectives on the occasion of his last convic tion, and pointing out to them houses he had robbed. "One of them was. I think, the home of a minister next to Judge Dike's." he said re'miniscently. "Why didn't you rob Judge Dike's?" he was asked. "Well. I would have, but he was In." he said quickly, and a laugh rippled over the court in which Judge Rosalsky joined. The only things Burns refused to divulge were the name of his part ner In the Hamel murder, or details of the crime he committed in the days when he spent part of his time following Mrs. Hamel in his auto mobile. The morning of the mtir der. February 13. ho and his partner went down to West Thirty-third street about 11 o'clock and stood for a time across the street watching the Hamel house. He had a re volver and a blackjack in his pocket. "We saw two men enter and my partner went in about half past 1- ( or so. or 1 o'clock. I stood outside , ten"'f r fifteen minutes before I en-1 tered." * "How did you go in." "I went in through the door, he i said, yawning. > ' Did you see a girl?" "No. rot until we went out." "Did you see anybody gQ out?" "Yes. a woman." She dashed out a door leading into the hall near the front of the house, he said, and he followed her to the street to see if she went In the di rection of the West Twentieth street police station. Then he went back and saw his partner again. He had hold of Mrs. Hamel. Saw Her "Cave In." He Says "I saw a struggle going on, and then she sagged, sort of caved in, as I went in the room." At this point Judge Rosalsky again took occasion to vvarn him that his testimony could be used against him. but Rums repeated that he appeared voluntarily and that he fully appreciated what the effect of his testimony might be. • What did you see in the kitchen, or do after you saw your partner and the woman?" •T tied a towel around her neck, he said. Then Burns ran upstairs and took what money and jewelry he could rind. He went outside, signalled to his partner and they both left. Later they met in Harlem, at a place he refused to mention, and divided up the money. He didn't get as much as he expected, he said, because he forgot the mattress in which was $2,400. "Do you care for this girl?" "No; why should I care for her? I never saw her before." "You know of your own. knowl edge that this girl didn't kill Mrs. Hamel?" "I do. I ought to," was the reply. When Mr. Talley took Burns in hand it was with the attempt to show that writing letters confessing crimes was almost a habit with him. He admitted that in April of this year he had written to District At torney Swann that he had informa tion about the murder of Harry Cohen, called Harry the Yot. a gam bler whose death had never been cleared up. Had a Motive Cor Lying He said ije had to'd detectives that he had pegged a bullet Into the Yot. but that it was not the truth/ that he had an object In doing It. Burns had a lively little tilt with Mr. Talley when the prosecutor tried to rtnd out where It was. that Burns had twice tried to commit sui cide by,his concession to Mr. Talley to "bring it out in your own wa.v." A little later Mr. Talley took up his last conviction In Brooklyn, when there were Ave .other indictments against him. Burns took a plea of guilty and said he was told that the other indictments would be quashed. He had been convicted six times. "You knew you would be sent up for life as an habitual criminal?" asked Mr. Talley. • "I knew better." he snapped back. "I knew I could not." Amazement on the part of the prosecutor, and Judge Rosalsky asked him why he made such a posi tive statement. "I had only been convicted twice for felonies." he explained. The law requires four convictions before sen tence as an habitual criminal. "Well, he is certainly right on the law." commented the Judge with a laugh. Mr. Talley attempted later to And out what his object was In telling District Attorney Swann why he said he killed Harry the Yot over a divi sion of the spoils of a burglary, but after Burns had protested and ex plained privately to Judge Rosalsky what his reasons were he was sus tained In his refusal to answer. "Do you think It worse to admit , burglary than to admit murder?" he was nskedl "Why. yes, of course," he replied. FRIDAY EVENING. "I might get twenty years for this and then 1 would have It w-rappsd around my neck for the others." "I take tt that you mean you are fumtliur with the laws of commu tation and compensation?" asked Judge Kosalsky with a smile at hts precocious witness. Soutter's 25 Cent Department Store | Buy Here Not A/one Because Prices Are Lower, But because Qualities Are Better ~j Thousands Of Gift Articles For Every Member Of The Household Have Been Gathered Here In Greater Array Than Ever Prices, As Usual Here, Are The Lowest For High Quality Good Jewelry at Lower Prices Dependable Jewelry of excellent quality is always to be found in our Jewelry Department. Its quality and low pricing are re sponsible for the enviable growth of this bratich of our business. Cull Links 25c and 50c Scarf Pins 25e and 50c Tie Clasps 35c Bracelets 25c, 50e, $l.OO Lavalllcrcs 25c, 50c, $l.OO Brooches 25c. 50e, $l.OO laee l'lns 25c and 50c Lingerie Clasps 25c and 50c Bar Pins 25c and 50c Beauty Pins 25c and 50c Mourning Pins 25c and 50c Match Safes 25c Beads 25c and 50c Earrings 25c and 50c Gold Filled Lockets, 25c, 50c, $l.OO. Useful Gifts in Dry Goods 36 inch silk poplin, the newest shades $l.lO •10 inch all silk pongee ...$2.00 36 Inch silk mcssalitie, all colors, $1.59 and $l.BB. 36 inch silk tafTctas all colors. $1.59. 40 Inch crepe dc cliinc... .$1.59 40 Inch georgette crepc.. .$1.79 27 inch China silk 65c 36 inch striped talTctas... .$1.69 36 Inch plaid taifclas, $1.69 and $1.98. 36 Inch brocaded silks 7oc 32 iuch silk shirtings $l.OO 36 inch silk and cotton crepc dc chine 55c 36 inch silk and cotton pongee, 55c. 36 inch Premo silks 48c 36 inch lingerie cloth, all shades, 45c, 27 Inch chilTon silks S9c 36 inch pcau dc soie $1.98 36 inch black silk tafTct-is, $1.23, $1.48 and $1.59. 36 inch black silk inessnline, $1.19, $1.39 and $1.59. 36 inch black silk niolrc. .$l.OO 30 inch black silk leiigaline, $1.50. 27 inch cot'.nn hack satia.. .69c White Ihtcili. plain mi l checks, 29c, 39c .i d 5 >c. White novelty voiles, 29c, 39c and 50c. White French nainsook, 35c, 39c and 49c. Gift Articles in the Household Department Glassware, in Candlesticks, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Putter Dishes, Sugars ami Creams, Water Pitchers, etc., at prices starting at 15c. Cut Glass Vinegar Cruets, Cream Set 9, Etc., at Special Prices Cut Glass Sherbets, 25c, 29c, 35c and 39c Cut Glass Iced Tea Glasses, 29c Cut Glass Goblets 27c Cut Glass Baskets, 39c, 69e, 51.19 Chlnawarc, In Salad Dishes, Spoon Trays, Smoking Sels, Sugars and Creams, Vases, Cups and Saucers, Celery Dishes, Berry Sets, Ash Truys. etc., starting at 25r. Boasting Pans, BeiPn Kettles, Jelly Moulds, Coffee I'ots ami other Utensils needed for Iho preparation if the Lhrls'in:i feast, starting at 10c. Jardinores, 35c, 50c, 75c and 89c Bread Boxes, large sizes, at spe cial prices. Christmas Crepe Pnpers .. 10c BOOKS-BOOKS-BOOKS For All Ages—Old and Young Of unusual Interest Is our exceptionally large collection of Books for every age, from tho tot up, Including the inost popular fiction and new war-time series. War Boots * Fairy Tales Mother Goose Rhymes Ruth L •elding Girt Aviators Motor Myitis Khaki Girls Camp Fire Girls Boy Scu 'ts Motor Ranges Pony Riders Battleship Boys Dave Daring Books (Submarine Boys Bungalow Boys Uncle 8a ni lloys Boy Inventors 5c up to 59c i 'Yes," suhl Hums decidedly. That was ths reason he wouldn't tell where he got $1,680 which he i gave his partner to buy a aven passenger car with. "On the ground that It would In criminate you?" asked Judge Uosul i sky. "Yes." said Burns, chuckling. Ink Stands 25c Hat Pins 25c Rings for women and children in plain band, signet, cameo and stone settings, 25c, 50c and $l.OO. Coin Purses 50c Jewel Cases 25c and 50c Fold Finish Bends, 25c and 50c Gobi and Silver Frames, 25c and 50c. Ash Trays 25c Cigar and Tobacco Jnrs.... 25c Cigarct Holders 23c Nickel Soap Dishes 25c White liladras 50c Colored stripe madras, 50c, 59c White French organdies, 50c, 89c Dress ginghams, stripes and plaids, 390. 50c, 69c. 36 inch percales, light and dark, 39c. 41 inch colored voiles 50c Wool batiste, black and colors, $l.OO. Navy blue serges, 75c and $l.OO Black serges 69c, 73c, 85e Worsted plalil dress g00d5..75c White Turkish towels 25c, 29e. 39c, 65c aud 88c. Fancy Turkish towels, colored borders, 19c, 39c, 50e, 65c, 75c. 88c and 98c. Wash cloths to match towels, 10c, 12}£c, 15c and 19c. Khaki Turkish towels 55b lluck towels .. 19c, 25c and 35c Mercerized table damask, linen finish, 69c. 75c, 89c and $l.OO Linfecl napkins, 12}4c, 15c, 17c Bed spreads, full size, $1.48. $1.98 and $2.25. Crib blankets $1.50 Baby blankets $1.50 Bureau scarfs 39c Scarfs and shams 25c Pillow cases, 39c, 43c, 47c, 52c and 58c. Men's and women's umbrellas, $l.OO. SILVER-PLATED WARE Knives and Forks .... 15c, 25c Teaspoons 8c and 10c Tablespoons .. 15c, 17c and 20c Itcrry Spoons ... . 25c Butter Knives 15c sugar Shells 15c Children's Sots 50c ALUMINUM WARE Berlin Kettles, at special prices. Tea and Coffee Percolators, at special prices. Cake Cutters, Spoons, ladles, Jelly Moulds, Piatcs, Cups, Funnels, Saucepans, etc., 10.? np Covered Buckets, 1 and 2-qt., at special prices. Coffee Canisters, at special prices Tea Kettles $2.25 Double Boilers, $2.25 and $2.49 Muffin Pans, 75c, $1.19, $1.25 Collanders $1.19 Peter Rabbit Books The Three Bears Bunny's Playmates Dolly Dimple ' Little Prudy Mother Bunny lire Story Books | Letters and Rhymes I'oolish Fox Story of tlie American Flag Story of tlie Liberty Bell story of the White House Paper Books Board Covered Books Linen Books Paint, Drawing and Puzzle Books ttARRLSBTTRG TELEGRXPH Antics in Airplane For Wilson Costly New York—For one "zoom," two tallspins, divers volplanes und other amlcs in the air above President Wilson's head as he stood on the Whether it be father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife, rela tive or friend, you will find something here worthy of the recip ient, worthy of you as the giver. And please bear this in mind—it is the policy of this store at all time to sell more advantageously to the customer, without any sacrifice in quality. That policy has been carried out in the pricing of our Christmas stocks. There is much to be saved by doing your Christmas shopping here. Ribbed Underwear Makes an Acceptable Gift Excellent Qualities Here at Very Low Prices Ladies' Fancy Top Vests. 59c and 69c Indies' Combination Suits, $l. $1.25, 51."9, $1.59 and $1.69 Indies' combination. Deccc llned, shott-skeve, low Fnion Suits $1.98 an-; $2.25 Ladies' Wool Fnderwear. Vests and Pauls .. $1.98 and $2.25 Misses' Vests and Pants, 50c and t',s'.- Misses' Union Suits, 89c, $l.OO, $1.25 *11(1 $l-39 Infants' Vests and Pants, 50c and 65c Dainty Neckwear For Gift-giving Holiday Neckwear in all the ncwe-t and latest styles, a large assortment for gift pur poses 25c, 50c anil 98c Windsor Tics, plain colors and plaids 29c, 35c and 50c Boudoir \;aps. In plain net, shadow laec, China Silk, Crepe de Cliinc and printed effects, at very special prices Silk Moussclinc Senrfs, nil col ors 50c Peter Thompson Ties, red, blue and black 50c ami 85c Ruffling nnd frilling. 50c, 75c, $1 Silk Moussclinc Scurfs, nil col ors 50c Millinery Tlie newest shapes and best quality's in women's, misses' and children's Trimmed Hats, In wide assortment, at spe cial low prices. Every worn nn should buy herself a gift from these attractive offer ings. TOYS—DOLLS—Games Santu Cluus has brought from his workshop to this store for the coming Clu-istmas a wonderful collection of Toys, Dolls and Gaines that surpasses anything we liavo ever shown heretofore. Aside from tho Games, old and new, all of which are to lie found here, are many new War Games apropos of the times, There are • Checker Bounls, Crokinolc Boards, Dominoes, Lotto, Blocks, uml so we might go on Indefinitely, Prices start ut 10c. Toys Include nil the usual p'easure-brlnglng articles to tie found at Christmas time, and, in uddltion, many new War Toys. Soldiers, Cannons, Guns, etc., that will bring smiles to the youngsters' faces on Christmas, Prices start at 10c, Dolls are to he seen In an unusually noteworthy array in dressed Dolls, Hag Dolls and Celluloid Dolls, at 29c to 9Se, Prices will prove as pleasing na the articles. 125*11 Georgo Washington on Wednesday, Lieut. Fred Kelly, the crack hurd ler from tho I'uciAc coast, has been ordered to remain two weeks on post at the ilaceltuirst camp. Lieut. F. 1.. Prltchanl. Kelly's chum, reported tills ut the dinner of the 62nd Aerial Squadron in Healy's. Lieut, Prltehurd. who Christmas Ribbons A-Plenty Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, nil widths, in all colors to match faney work, in complete as sortments 4c to 79c Fancy Ribbons .... 29e to 59c Moire Ribbons .... 25c to 59c Baby Ribbons, ail colors .. 2c Wnsji Ribbons. white, pink, light bsuc and lavender, 5c to 250 Jaeqnard Ribbons . . 42c to 79c Plaid Ribbons .... 29c to 50c Special lot of Fancy Rihous, sl)c to 69c Toilet Articles Will Be Well Received Colgate and Brown Perfumes and Toilet Waters hi fancy boxes S9c, 40e and se Colgate Soaps, cake, 10c. 13c. 25c Tnlcum Powders, 10c, 15c, 17c, 18e, 210, 25c and 89c. Soap Boxes 25c mid s'c TOILET ARTICLES IN OLD IVORY FINISH Tfa.vs, Toc, 25c, 50c and $1.06 Buffers 25c aud 50c Nail Files and ... .25e Shoe Btitloners and Horns. .'l3c Powder Boxes and Hair Re ceivers.... 25c. &0c and SI.OO Picture Frames. ..29c, 50c. 85c Mirrors 230 and 39c Manicure Sets, 59e, $l.lO, $1.39 Combs 29c and 30c Brushes 23c, 50c, 50c Military Brushes , . .25c and 50c Manicure Scissors 39c Bottle Holders ........... .50c Everyone Appreciates Good Hosiery Ladies' Black Lisle Hose, 190, 25e, 29c, 45c, 50c, 59c, 75c, $l.OO. Children's plain nml silk lisle Hose, black, tan ami white, 59c, 69c nnd 75c Ladies' Silk Root Hose, 33c, 39c. 75c, 98c and $1.23 Ladies' Wool and Flccce-llned Hose, 29c, 39c, 45c, 50c, 600 and 750 Children's Hose, 29c, 33c, SVC, 45c, 55c, 59c, 69c nnd 75c. Infants' Hose, 33c 89c and 500 SOUTTER'S % 25c Department Store Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market St. Opposite Courthouse . was in the airplane as observer, said he had been ordered to report to his commanding officer. In two weeks i.leut. Kelly piloted the machine, and, his friend told a reporter, "zoomed up from Mitchel Field 250 feet or so "Zooming." lw explain ed, means to strain the plane be yond its tested endurance "and get Pare Christmas Candies There will lie lots of Candy to buy for Christmas, and you should he sure of its purity. All of our Candies meet tin- pure food laws—aud fresh stocks ar riving daily is ail important factor. Wide assortments in Chocolates. Hard Candies, etc.. may be had at our usual low prices. , Cloves The Service able Gift For Ladies, Misses and Children lailles' Fabric Gloves, black and gray, all sizes 50c Ladies' Chamoisctte Gloves, black, blue, gray, tan and white, all sizes. 75c und $l.OO Misses' Wool Gloves 85c Ladles' Woo! Gloves Sse Children's Mittens, 15c, 25c, 29c and 35c Box Stationery, Christmas Labels, Cards, etc. Plain White Box Stationery, 15c, 25c, 29c mid 35c Celebrated Pineapple Linen Box Stationery, in white, blue, lavender ami pink, box, 85c Pineapple Linen Correspond ence Cards, l>ox 85c Faucy Holly Boxes, 3e, sc, Bc, 10c and 15c Calendars 15c Chi istnins Bookie's Laliels, lags etc. .. lc, 3c, se, Bc, 10c Children's Stationery 10c Postcard Albums 39c Pli .10 and Snapshot Albums, • 15c, 19c, 2lie and 39c Houvjr Winpping Cord .... 5c Green, red and colored cord, Hie Rlbbonzenc 100 White Tissue Paper, roll. So Tourist Cases . ~, • 39c and 50c School Companions 10c, 29c ami 59c School Bags 25c ami 50c Miscellaneous Gift Articles Comb and Brush Sets, 25c to $l.OO Hair Brushes , , , , '3sc and 50c Combs, sc, 10c, 15c, 19c and 25c Ladles' Handbags, 25c and 50c Pocket books, 25c, 50c, 59c, $l, $1.19, $1.89, 82.50, 3.88 and $1.98. Music Rolls 25c Novelties In Shell Goods, in Braid Plus, Back and Side Combs, Barettes, etc., 10c, 25c and 30c I .miles' Fancy Gurters, 23c, 50c Clothes Brushes , , 250 unci 50c Shoo Trees, enameled white, pink and Bine , . 25c ladies' and Children's Belts. Hie, 250 ami 50c Shirred Ribbon Elastic Web bing, all colors, yard ~, 39c Hand Mirrors, 25c, 50e and 59c .Military It-rushes , . 25c uml 50c DECEMBER 6, 1915. away with It." I.leut. Prltchard would not suy whether or not they had permission to take out tho air plane, but did not cbnccoi that they had no orders for what followed. When 1,300 feet above tho ship, Lieut. Kelly, according to his friend, did a tailspln. Then he came down and passed so close to t lie ship that President Wilson could return Muslin Underwear A Gift always welcome New Lot of Corset Covers, lace ami embroidery trimmed, 25c, 35c ami s!>o Complete stock of Brassieres, Combination Suits, Princess Slips, Gowns, etc., all useful articles, at our usual popular prices. Lingerie Corset Covers *. Rile and SI. OO Special Combination Suits, boxed 59c and Sl.Otl ladies' flesh-colored Gowns !>Be lace Camisoles 52.25 Ribbon and l'lict Camisoles $2.50 Useful Gifts in Art Needlework Large assortment of Sweet Grass Baskets, all sizes, at special prices. Fancy Turkish Towels, 39c, 50c, 65c. "sc, 88c, 98c I .ace-trimmed and scalloped Sciirte 25c Hand-crochctcd Doilies, 10c and 25c Stamped Turkish Bills .... 25c large made-up Crctouuc laun dry Bags ~.. 75c Felt Slippers for ladies, misses and children, in all sizes. I/ice-trimmed Scarfs, 50c. 75c, 98c and $1.39 Children's stamped, made-up Dresses, special, 50c, 09e, 75c and 98c Gifts in Men's and Boys Furnishings at Low Prices Boys' Kid Gloves $l.OO Boys' Gauntlet Gloves, 50c, 75c, 980 and $1.25 Boys' Wool G loves 39c Men's Heece-llnetl Fabric Gloves, 89e, 50c. 650 ami 75c Men's Fiber Silk Hose, all col ors 39c Men's Silk Hose, all colors, 48c Mep's Mercerized Hose, ull col ors 39c Men's lis!c-iinlsl Hose, all col ors 25c Men's heavyweight Wool Hose, 75c Men's Cashmere Wool Hose, 75c Men's Brighton and Boston Garters 25c Men's Lincoln double-grip gar ters 350 Men's Boston silk, double-grip Garters 50c .Men's Silk Arm Bands .... 25c Men's Silk Lisle Arm Bands, 25c Men's B-oxed Suspenders, 39c and 59c Hundreds of Holiday Handkerchiefs For Men, Women and Children A Greater Assortment Than WeVe Ever Shown Before Ladies' Handkerchiefs, plain and embroidered, each ~ 5c Ladies' Handkerchiefs special assortment • 10c Ladles' tine Handkerchiefs, with embroidered corners, 12>4c Ladles' Handkerchiefs, high class novelties, luiml-cnthroid ered corners 25c Children's Handkerchiefs, plain and embroidered 5c ladles' Initial Handkerchiefs. all letters 15c and 250 Children's boxed Handkerchiefs, 15c ladies' embroidered Madeira Handkerchiefs 25c Ready-to-Wear for Gift Purposes For Ladies, Misses and Children Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, 59c to $1.25 ladies' Gingham and Percale Aprons, , 39c. 50c, 59c, 69c and 85c Ladles' White Aprons, 39c, 50c, 59c and 75c Ladies' black Wal-ts 48c Ladies' black Skirts, 98c, $1.29. $1.48 and $l.BB ladles' Knit Skirls 500 Ladies' black Aprons, 39c, 50c and 98c Girls' Bungalow Aprons, ' 42c. 59c and 750 Children's Aprons, 2 to 6 yrs., 25c, 35c Hiid 59c Children's black Bloomers, 2 to 18 years ........ 35c to 75c Children's Dresses, 33c to 75c Boys' Blouses , 50c Boys' Hats ...... 50c and 65c Middy Blouses. 32 to 43, 50c to 65c llaliies' Knit Caps, 29r nnd 59c Baby Slmm's nml Moccasins, 20c Cart Slips 25c ami 50c Baby Teething Beads, 15c. 25c Baby Cup Strings . 25c I'.wby Rubber Toys '2sc, 29c Pleut. Prltchard's salute. Lieut. Prltchard sakl Mra. Wil son became so nervous at the antics the plane cut that she went below. The machine circled about the ship and cavorted In the air. Krcatly to the amusoment of every one, espe cially of the two tilers. The disillusionment came when they' returned to Mltchcl Flold. Woolen Jap Novelties, 10c to "5c Japanese Lunch, Fruit ami Sandwich Muskets .. 25c up Jap" Fern Baskets, 29c, 39c, 49c Decorated Flower Baskets, 59c Special lot ot silk-covered, felt Cushions .... $1.49 and $1.09 Special lot of salesmen's finish ed models, consistint; of Cush ions, Center Scarfs, Luncheon Doilies, Children's Dresses, Nightgowns and Ladies' L'n derwenr, at exceedingly low prices. Cretonne Shopping Bags, 25c to $2-25 Japanese Silk Lamp Shades, 89c, 98c, $1.39 and $1.55 Moil's combination sets of Gar ters and Suspenders, in holi day box ....... .75c and 980 Men's combination sets of Gar ters and Silk Arm Bands, 750 Men's Belt u:a! Garter Sets, $1 Boys' Silk Four-In-Hainl Ties, In Christmas boxes .... 39e Men's Silk Four-ln-Hand Ties, nicely boxed .... 59c and 50r Men's Shield Tcek Ties .. Si' Men's Club and Bat-wing Ttes. In plain and fancy colors. Sic Men's Silk Knitted Mufflers. ' gray, black and \yhitc, sisi> Men's Silk Knitted Mufflcra, .In green and black. Na( and black, blnck and white, and black and purple ...... St.9* Men's Silk Knitted MufTlers, In black, gray and white. St.so Men's Silk Maffile, in black Navy and gray .. 75c and Kse radios' Embroidered Madeira Handkerchiefs, 55c, S for SI I.adles' boxed Handkerchiefs, 5 In a box, sfteelal 29e l.adics' Silk Handkerchiefs, 10c radios' Crepe de Chine Iland kerehlefs....... ,15c ami 25c Men's all-lhien llamlkerehiefs, 15e, Uo hnd 25e Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, all initials 15c and 250 All-silk Handkerchiefs, In plain, embroidered ami initial styles 53c\ 89c, 50c Men's bordered Silk Handker chiefs 29c and 50c Men's blue ami red llamlker ehiefs 10c and 15ot Rubles' Silk Caps .... 25c, 50c Children's Knit Toques, 20c and 50c j Children's Sweaters, 25c and "5c , llaby Sacquca .... 50c and 75c i Baby Drawer Leggings ... 50c .i Baby Bootees, 10c, 25c. 20c, 38c, 50c and 65c Baby Flannelette Barques, 25c Baby Flaiineleltc Kimonos, 38c, 50c and 00c Baby Short Dresses, 50c, 50c, 75c and 85c Baby Ixing Slips, floe, OBc. 70c and 850 Baby Ix>ng Flannelette Skirts, 50c uiul 75c Children's Flannelette Skirts, 3 to 14 years 50c Baby Bibs, 10c, lSc, 10c, 25c, 30c, 50c Baby Battles, 10c, Isr, 25r, 50c Children's, men's and women's Slumber Slippers, I Of, 25c and 350 Baby Comb and Brush Sets, 35c, 50c and 750 Carrnigc Robes 60c Carriage I'illow Slips ..... 20c 11