Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 05, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
Influenza Epidemic Takes Toll of 350,000 Lives Washington, Dec. 6. Between 800,000 and 350,000 deaths from In fluenza and pneumonia have occur- mfMJWrEjMfBjMJMjmJMfMrSJWJMfM/IMJM/MirM/iM/MIMJM, Store Open Friday 9 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. !|Now For the Big* Start of the Christrias Buying Here Tomorrow! These Extra Specials iso piece, of Finel VWI 7A TTf k/1 IV? * : 100 Fine Taffeta ] These Extra Specials | | on Sale , Neckwear |ifMp|\ AUI rl/il\ |N HH] on Sale M 4 Georgette Crepe Collars, satin I JL ___ __ . :i : .' J fetn Petticoats: tilted top, tail f"N • I 1 collars, round, square and tux- W ~K _ru. • 41, MBBIJU ored and pleated flounce, com- TN • 1 1 11, tu rriday Unly s&. 8h " p < : pUin and ,aco trim - co,or — Navy - Brown rriday Unly g Js Choice. Ffld.y Only, P? /£Vk 0-*#®s R I 1 §■% I x I/ fl VS /fj Friday Only. || nj House Bath Robes rv ad V/XXJLVAW Ai. 11l AM M M Bungalow Bath JSi I JSS.US 95c LSTfe[| FCONOMYCARNTVALtf $3.89 1 S3 chambray house Kobe* round & J 1 V I f 1 Vl#/ f % M V/fm. fXJ. 1 1 Til L/ LLv" S Bungalow Corduroy bath II HI Dresses in check iu,De " rou "° *" KAUFMAN'S. First Floor. M V\ A Im. -A. JiAIFMAX'S, Second Floor robes, loose and IS U plaids, stripe & >iuare collars. ________—U IIIMHHWyKI aprons. In fitted waist: col- S| Kg plain colors, cord trimmed & * stripes, trimmed ors, tan. liglit |il| K | belted and 81l- cord and tassel ,i = - = I . , . , „ t blue, pink, JA |U lie Burke mod- . I ln blue, full cut, mai.se, green, Sa j§! els, sizes 3S to sizes as to to. m V * All IV T* 1 WN 1* 1 1* 1 HP! • I • W w sizes 38 to 44. olive; sizes 38 to 111 157.9-5 slss ■ FURS-—20% Off cj >TI - 9 ~j 5 | m Dolls4Bc, 69c, 98c § Extraordinary Economy Carnival Offer GJ Long Cotton ftl 4 n [y Kimonos Petticoats IfcmfllltWpf IU _ ' Regardless of Price or Value Pants Pants ill Ladies' Flan- B A big line—big in variety, eompleto dressed and undressed fp SS 111 nelette kimonos Cotton taffeta IS IgHj in quality and finish; American manufacturers have made re- fm M I i* 1 II i* C i Corduroy Sizes 32 to 42 nil U loose back and Petticoat, black A gbi markable progress, thus perfecting a very fine line of char- ViummIIIAIIO \Anvfp ntlf* A/lnf fn S square collar sa- wlth colored de- fl 11 fig acter novelty sleeping-eve BABY DOLLS, etc. b&PSXy I1|?1D tUOUS OCBTIS 311 C IYIUTIS SiiAs W J 17; strongly made, fine rib. SS hi tin trimmed, col , h BLAPK Aitrntciv . *i-poq k/UIUM IUVMU L/VUI U MllVt IMHiav /l S / made, taped drab shade; sul- Kl nj or" Copenhagen signs, pleated & |fl I I Moanns FLYER ' JuvendeTty 1 e.. * . V V { l ~ ?, d,r a b phur dye cordu- M lijflit blue, tuck flounce, | I I Trnins with oar* distinctive up-to- H I F\ 1| D T PV PAMtTV TT T QTPHT VMY * PRN UAV f shade, pants cut ro> ,at an ex- Kl pink. gray, sizes sizes .>6 to 40. ■ f With easel stands. nd track com- the-niinute mod- KegQ lioll BLACK CONEY LUSTROLYNX ( RED rOX HU I full. A wonder- traordinary low Ki| 111 3S to 44. • , 4SC, OSe to pletc, Tiic, use, els. 9l.ufi. gti.os, OT APV TTOV TfTT CDNFV WKi " ul bargain- price. I|y tS ~, , ... Friday Only Child S Desks 82.03 01.4S to 83.93. 814.05 to 824.03. BLACK. PUX KH CUIMKY IHi _ Friday Only Golden Oak <v>d ; LamagCS NATURAL WOLF • 'HA Friday Only Friday Only ° n ' "" 7 C " Ho \VAGOR7*" F, 81EI)8 A1 A coi nTFP^ V et QS <R4Q<; ATM IIS is an opportunity that cUjnands yo'ur instant nttor'.lon. Furs at <£ 11 Q OOQ 4y4tvV $3.95, $4.95, Well made and All Coaster style. 77, qto.yo, qil.yo, I tho ) ie j g ht of the winter season at clcan-cut rctluct ins of 20 per tP Itl t/ tPutUt/ hi ...... s „„„,t F . nor tn <tino<; f 01 "*; with t ba l l * extra strong and _• £<> slzc ®; e fi 0 r t Q nr cent, off the regular prices means a large saving.- Remember that ' S ... . ... , _, ||U Second l loor Second $6.95 to 3>10.95 bearing wheels. well finished, each. | 81 J3. 83.95 to 85.05 to 82.1*). u | 91.48 1 Ijl II when furs are in such great demand. The sale starts Friday. 1(9 ■■■■■■■■■■ fy Girls' Children's —k n„....c..t. - =kai FMAX'S— second Floor Children's Silk £.'lr3 | The Economy Carnival Caps the Climax of Coat Sales For This Season :jSS| r e nd d pi! Rio 14 zes §>•••- own Big Stocks in this Big Event. Three Big Lots. Three Great Big Values. All are wonderful models 'VI-y 0..y, H sst Friday Only ' ,i> "• 0 C 3 k . „ a j r , gg i:! It COATS "ft COATS £ COATS % !H?| I 111 111 Mil mtm ill / , ECONOMY CARNIVAL LOT 1 / ECONOMY CARNIVAL LOT 2 ECONOMY CARNIVAL LOT 3fV ™ S SatCCn Ladies / ,j' U-j-ljl -y Velour,. Cheviots, Kerseys, Egyptian Pluahc, Pompons. Velours. Kerseys. Meltons and Velours. Cut Bollvias, Broadcloth,. Pompons. Ladies Ladies Bloomers Gowns \ l/T 1 m, il Corduroys, with self collars or big plush \V- -■* Salts Plusiics—full iincd or half lined Kit icunas. Kerseys and Salts Plushes. Many of ,t. 7i i"ll/jP V OlOves Gloves XTjJ o \ ~ c . v. i. i ii * . - --4 ■V V ' Coney collars, . N'utrai collars, phish or self theni lined throughout while otliers are lined |JJ' IV. 7 ... „. ir , t h , IM r■, dies' and ladies' Flan- Smart, belted models for misses and "OA .& > collars. In navy, burgundy, dark brown, hunt- .... . _ collara ot N Utr ia Fl 0 ml.- wT i,l T5 P ail-8 La * Ladle, and l-ames rian women. Many are half lined with guaranteed ers green, taupe,, reindeer, gray or black. 1111 ,°„1 ,„! collar, of Nutria. iv it S.',?! m JY AV ® die,' Black Kid Kl misses slum- nelette Gowns. I —) ~ e All of the season s best colors SS/ I A Complete size assortments for misses or Coney. Plush or material. A wonderful style ,<[J] [LSi S, h „ a ..^l° e Gloves, 2-clasp. IM mering black pink and blue /. I I 7|[ I 'i i I\\ women. assortment for juniors, misses and women. J Gloves 'u self 3- ro w white ?2ji Sateen Bloom- stripe, high neck / i. EJ ||. I V A . 1 , StitehiJtg in Sack'" M?fs 5V il SH I s sl4-50 II sl9-50 ■ $24-50 B *2s Second Floor Second 1 loor )yA m fj JjJ First Floor Flret Floor Rj C CHILDREN'S 9C-95J fCHILDREN'S §Q. f CHILDREN'S fcHILDREN'S f CHILDREN'S ?-| A-00l [CHILDREN'S ?Q 95 % P Ladies Muslin COATS. 2to 6... O COATS. Bto 14. . O COATS, 7t09, 1 Z COATS. 2to 6.... O-- COATS, Bto 14, 1U COATS, 7to 9.... O Ladies Burson Petticoats Gowns Ladies* Flan- Muslin gowns, 2to 6. J I black. Sizes Sto 14. Burgundy and green: 7to 9. J I Burgundy; sizes -to 6. J! to 14. J V naN - v * fcizes sto 9. Ladies' heavy Ladies' Black jSjl nelette Petti- square neck. J ' J d ? u £VL ®L lk Burson Hose. 111 coats, light and trimmed with ■' KAI FMAX'fi-Sccond Floor. : ela.u. in' gray f ,„ ub lc ,ole and Hi grev colors. lace and inser- ===== — == —— == — =================^ and black, self . , Scalloped edge. t d ion - r t J b b ° h n r • 1 If 1 F1 stitching. heel. - Extra Special Economy Carnival 1000 Pair Silk Hosiery F r "Zr" M 69c 89c over2<MMßright\]Ll A ICTC In The Economy Carnival Friday BUYS SIUKUY UVtKtOATS $1,23 47c i n- -- New Stylish "Aidld Boys' Polo $4.95 -- 1 ffl EnveloDe Corset Silk Lace Hose; dou- Silk Hose; double h °gh B p°nceS OvPtTnAh Tt t. t Tj- . m Envelope corset base, high spliced heel; garter top; In VVWtUdW •• • II Lot o£ Ladies' M S Chemise Covers . , A sole, high spliced heel . gar ter top; in white, gray, flesh. Ages 3to 8 years. Odd lots of good, J Corsets Underwear |j m Envelope Corset covers, Erar * r ° P ' black, white, gray, tmper 'f ect ions; Fit-' heavy Overcoats; button to the neck; \6/f\ I 75 high grade" Ribbed 8 V°e"ti liy of nainsook and 2SE , L . . WIF Am dlh 'Friday. $2.59 $2.49" day only, 51.75 belt back. £II I orßetß, I ? n i rt n r, o n d S ' '\?i CC h longcloth, lace and ribbon in- Th'ntf 'wgmf* \ *k' >Jh Anrl All pa^r Friday, pr. pair VXAKJAI £ made and full 'long iSI fii-fflUaf-ffiK sa?wA-w 8 w x V K ® .! BnW Lnmr SA 95 Av/Y srssrs! KSK''^SS;! Is 36 t0 44> 46 - r r-f, £ 1 „ ■ double sole, high spliced heel; double sole, high spliced heel, h*l Friday tinly Friday Only f j '.aMMf ▼ '* Hi COtOIS garter top; in black and bronze:! garter top; in black and white; /\ ~W Jf I I Friday Only > Friday Only, ||l K fi7 . oo p \rPI si.49|;;r r : *•-" Overcoats . . 'JI- t1 IQ , "' k 1 | 67c 23c $ S l - 19 69c I rf| S ' f °" d ,loor Floor Y ♦y.o value. . t:f \ Fir.t Floor Flr.t Floor |j] [y Sac( l ues Sweaters in" Holly boxes, made of fine Messoline, 8 il". crepe . - r\ AnnPt{l.Cl C I. •! L ' SuitS Combs M hj sweaters! ' 6 but- . sheer voile with high, square Z* MOTG I OOIX ,(JUU lUI TS tOatS g^ k adl Ladle,' large |l I)'S-1 1 _Ji l and round collars. Pleated, fronts, combination and zrv 1 a 7to 17 years. Newest Winter Mack- Vk f® vwffl Union Suits, low white Dressing ||| hi "'' lar: color,, r.'rt, embroidered end lace trim- square collars—round-square ItGaG Y JT I*l clil V inawSl new models. A Splendid bar- RtJ VTO / aid tiht eV kne" Combs: aeaorted ah B SE. - - Sffif -- fronts: aizee 30 to 62. J [ ® """ jiofiS ' Joe nwe Gloves Men's & Young Men's Suits & Overcoats " Pr „.,. . lT -g hi 7Qr Qsir - a y/i '"j lonhie Men's and Young Men's Men's .and Young Men's • QQ II "oC O I * K gray Tnd ijid Glove,.-i/brown Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats $1.45 38C (| [U s """' F """ Waists of Georgette Waists of Georgette ,*£,1.7'1 LoJ Oned>|4* CA Lot Twod>|o AA j ' -n,rimd*m an ,l crepe chine —em- and crepe de chine of extra two-clasp. Ing stitching. Taupe; in jelf onfi CHoiCG w * V V Choice (PiO* VV MBIMHBMBMi ■■■■■BBBBBBI rWMran'e Te,fr,„.c' broided and nlcated fronUt. finality, beaded self colored FRIDAY. FRIDAY, contrasting stitching. VxlltJlA-e f UU,tC IS? Children S Infants ' emhroided and pin tuck 4 • 454 * Ck*74* A splendid assortment of new Wonderful values; splendid sty- Toilet Hand 19 Sweaters lace trimmed round, square fronts, round. V and square .>2.49 pair >1.98 pair 9*<?pair models. lish models.. P IVODCS an j V-neck; round and neck;- round and sailor col- ——— g e j Mirrors gl Child ren's square collars; colors, white, lars; colors, white, flesh, tea Laidles* Woolen Golf Gloves, Ladles' White Kid Washable n __ _ _i . r% yt g\ is !l' P " on combfns: eiderdown bath flesh, maize, tea rose, navy rose, taupe, grey, pigue. navy in oxford and khaki f-| Q Glot with Qf PJ [* OUU Fairs Men S I rOUSerS at Meta , Back 60 Ivory Back UM h| tlon in colors. robes embroid and b ' ac "k; sizes 38 to 46. and black; sizes, 38 to 46. shades. Friday at, £ black stitch- jf # Worsted, Cheviot and Corduroy Trousers at till, low price. Brush and Comb Beveled Hand jwl lis :°?i erod in pink and J ■ Pair • Ing; t tiday. . Sets. I'ut up In Mirror,; medium JiM m !|nd white: sizes blue. cord and KAIFMAVS-Swnnd Floor- - KAIFMA vs—Klr.t finnr - "■ -WW. V'—w~) box, complete size; a wonder- i $2.69 $1.49 ' Assortment of Practical Articles For Gifts and Household Use in the Big Economy Carnival in the Bargain Basement < o4 07/ 1 lM * 'folding STAIR UNBLEACHED MIS- BLACK MESSALINE UNBL EA C H Ef-D ELECTRIC IRONS— GRAY BLANKETS PLAID BLANKETS TAPESTRY RUGS -r COLORED ELECTRIC M Dl wY Seeond Floor Second Floor I GATES, holding gates LIN. I nbleached Mus- SILK Good quality SHEETING. Brown Westlnghouse Electric V/001-flnish gray blon- Wool - finish plaid 27x54 Printed Tapes- LIGHTS for t.hel KM,™ ' K-Ir 2S ||| for top of stairs; are lln. very fine quality Silk Messaline: good Muslin Sheetiag, 76 In- Irons, fully guaran- kets; 66x80 inches: Blankets; beautiful try Rugs, good assort- Christinas tree; all W irl [m QjSBHBHIH I well made and finished, brown muslin. 36 in- quality and fine assort- ches wide; very extra teed, with cord and at- good assortment of colors; size 66x80 In- ment of Oriental pat- Tungsten lights. ft |!U SS. : Special, each, I-riday ches wide. (12 yards to ment. Special, yard, heavy quality. Special, tachments. Special Fri- borders. Special. Frl- ches. Special, pair, terns. Special Friday 8-llght cord com- 1 Ms Infants' Children's onl> '' FridaV°only > ' Special Friday only. yard. Friday only, day only. day only, pair.- N.Friday only, only, plete— ■ Slip-on Manicure jfl Shoes Leggings I 25T 95c | $1.19 155 c | , (t , i iSi Infants' shoos Children's - —— - - The well- 5 pieces to the |||| S white and knitted leggings | ; ' q and pop- set. white Pa- S Coffee Csmralal [JT L lift MA L|M dlommom; tev? 1 I Prlda, Onl, f ON 1 5 , j.Jir'M.oK.V' .V, TtO f' M si 47 O 151 4Q I OF ALUMINUM robnd and oval. 1 §WW' 1 OTa Q ts. P flv. %6-CUp 5ize...51.59 95<t ( $1,481 HM f _ _„ _ _ w Jg t Seeoad Floor Second Floor 11| ' $1.39 $1.98 First Floor First Floor ii" •i ' '• ri iitfili 1 THURSDAY EVENING. red among the civilian population of the United States since Septem ber 15, according to estimates to day of the public health service. These calculations were based on reports from cities and states keep ing accurate records, and public health officials believe they are con servative. The epidemic still. persists, but according to reports reaching here, deaths are much less numerous, LADLE IX IIEAKT OF A TREE Altoona, Pa., Dec. 5.—A steel la- HATtRISBURG t&f&l TELEGRAPH die, seven inches long, supposed to have been used by in melt ing lead Tor bullets many years ago. was found Imbedded In the heart of a red oak tree being saw ed up for stove wood by Policeman John Gartland and Max Lender at the latter's home atSouth Altoona. Rings on the tree indicated that it was more than 100 years old. The implement, made from finest .char coal steel, is believed to have been driven into the tree when it was a sapling. It Killed One Day Before Soldier-Husband Returns Atlantic City, Dec. 5—T. C. Wliea ton, enlisted in the Army* assigned to the department of chemistry in DECEMBER 5, 1918. Washington, wired his young wife that he would be hojne to-day, hav ing obtained his relense from serv ice with the colors. Yesterday afternoon the young woman was killed in her automobile which was run down by a pussenger rain on the Pennsylvania ruilroad ■ ' at the' Thirty-fourth street crossing. Ocean City, after she had done shopping in anticipation of her hui band's roturn from service. Ilel mother, Mth. J. E. Baner, of Beaa* ley Point, was seriously Injured. Mrs. Wheaton's baby was nol hurt. 5