Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 05, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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At Least One Regiment Likely
to Be Added to the State
Body This Winter
Bills are now be
reglments, by one regiment or may
t be two, in Certain contingencies. If
complete regiments are authorized
sanitary detachment and machine l
gun units will be incorporated.
Nothing has been received from
Washington regarding the plans of
the War Department relative to
State Militia and as the brigade Is
now fully organized and equipped it
will be continued until the National
Guard returns. The act creating
the Reserve Militia provided "That
whenever the Pennsylvania Guard I
shall have been restored to state!
status or shall be enabled to re
sumo Its state organization, there
upon the term of service of the
Pennsylvania Reserve Militia shall
cease, subject to the discretion of
the Governor as to the time and
manner in which same shall bo
mustered out."
New Investments —Tho State In
surance Fund Board has Just pur
chased $48,000 worth of municipal
bonds for the permanent invest
ments of the Fund.
Plenty of Police —Vacancies exist
lng In the four troops of the State
Police for the last six or eight
months will soon be filled and a
waiting list be re-established ac
v cording to people at the offices of
the Department. The signing of
the armistice and the preparations
lor demobilization of the army have
caused numerous applications for
enlistment in the state force to be
made. The.department sent a num
' ber of its men into the army and
has been unable to hold many men
after their enlistments expiro be
cause of the desire for active ser
To Meet Tomorrow —Plans were
completed to-day for a Joint con
ference of members of the State
Board of Public Grounds and Build
ings and the mayor, couneilmen,
solicitor, engineer and city clerk of
llarrisburg to the share of tho Capi
tol city in the plans for Capitol
park extension, including the Mem
orial Bridge to the soldiers and sail
ors. They will meet Friday after
noon at the Capitol where the plans
prepared by Arnold W. Brunner, the
architect, will be shown and the
ideas for the bridge which ts to be
memorial to the soldiers and sailors
outlined. The city will he asked to
participate in the building of (he
Hie Skip Stop—The skip-stop
prpblem, which is agitating Phil
adelphia, will bo considered by the
Public Service Commission when it
meets here Monday in executive
session in the report of Examiner
■ M. vale on the complaint of
Think—Have You Fnished Your "r
% Shopping Your
ITo You, Lady— \ fM
| i4nd to Mr. Man— "
A Christmas Message liTilll If
j the globe ■ I
I It's a CHRISTMAS SALE of all our 1
highest grade Fur Trimmed Coats At \
prices that will gladden the heart of 7
| every woman who wants to buy a coa* '■ .
or any longs to make "her
happy for Christmas. " M&J!/*
<£* . >
J A charming conceit by Doucct, of rich blue silk velourj with deep 2
shawl collar, cufts and pockets of rich Beaver; deep angles of fur at bot
torn lined with Japanese Pussy Willow Silk. Originally priced at >
J $150.00 : ....... . NOW $112.50 t
J A Cavalier Coat of finest, softest, Crystal Cloth, trimmed with deep 2
* Hudson Seal collar, cuffs and pockets. Lined with beautiful Japanese ♦
1 ussy Willow Silk of handsome design. A Premet model. Originally >j
t P riced at $122.50 NO }V $97.50 I
*£ A wonderful Coat of Algerian Suede Cloth with deep collar and cuffs "t
,> of finest Jdudson Seal. Gorgeous French Silk lining. Originally priced *
$128.50 . $97.50 I
£♦ i]>
% A rare model of Taupe Suede Velour with double panel back—deep !>
* Hudson Seal collar—fur covered pockets and angle fur cuffs—fur facing * 2
* at end of panel. A Paquin model. Originally priced at $125.00 NOW $107.50
<♦ A striking, model of Taupe Wool Velour, elaborately trimmed with N *
£ Hudson Seal—deep fur collar and exquisitely Ikied with silk. Originally *
t priced at $112.50 NOW $87.50 t
* A charming French Evening Wrap of Castor Kersey adorned with %
finest Beaver Fur—huge, warm, cozy collar and muff cuffs. Loose '*
*♦ Dolman effect. Originally priced at $l5O NOW SIOO.OO *
* Stunning Coats of Suede Velour, trimmed with finest Hudson Seal I
f originally priced $94.50 NOW $67.50 i
£ Elegant Coats of Wool Velour with deep collars of Hudson Seal— £
£ handsomely trimmed. Originally priced $65.00 NOW $52.50
*. |
Smart Styles of Coats at . Coats For the Little Miss
| $25 to $49.50 $lO to $22.50-' |
* -An assortment of smart Coats in Chic, youthful models, including t
£ the most fashionable models—of Sil- the very popular Army Trench Coats +
* . -vertones, Velours, Kerseys, Cheviots . —Velours, Cheviots, Burella Cloths %
* and Pom Poms. Many fur trimmed. and Velvets—many fur trimmed. ' *
residents of White Hill and Eberly's
Mills agaUisf tho stops of the Valley
Railways Co. The company con
tends (hat the stop complained of
was established and others aban
doned by direction of the fuel ad
ministration. The complainants say
the stops abandoned were tho most
Not Figli 11 ng— Representative
George W. Williams, of Tioga,
much mentioned for speaker, who
was here for several hours, told
l'rlends that ho was not making any
light for speaker. •
Appeals Dismissed. The State
Compensation Hoard to-day has
dismissed appeals in the cases of
John 1.. Harrigan vs. United States
Shipping Board and A. Schwartz vs.
American Shlpbuild Co..Philadelphia
cases. In the former ase the claim
ant was refused compensation by
Referee Graham who found that in
being hurt in getting ofe a truck
used to carry men to a shipyard
Harrigan was not In the course of
employment. The pluce of the acci
dent was miles uway from the yard
and there is nothing to show that
the truck was controlled or Its driv
er paid by the Shipping Board.
No Navy Inductions.— State draft
headquarters to-day issued notice
that all calls for induction into the
Navy have been canceled and no
more orders will be issued for In
duction Into either Navy or Marine
Corps. Voluntary enlistment of reg- ]
istrants into the Navy will be per
| mitted without notice to locaL
I boards. Local boards will not get
notices hereafter of registrants dis
charged from the Army or Navy.
Local boards have also been inform
ed that as far as the public is
concerned all records of the draft
are to be considered scaled from
December JO;and when records are
completed the.v are fo be held by
boards until notice is sent from
headquarters what to do with them.
Boards aro urged by Major W. G.
Murdock in a circular issued to-day
to dispense with unnecessary clerks
at the earliest possible moment, but
not until records are up to date and
reports furnished.
Better Conditions. —Better influ
enza conditions are reported from
tho towns in the Lebanon Valley, j
Local boards arc enforcing their
own regulations.
Going and Coining. Governor
Brumbaugh and men of the state
administration and Governor-elect
Sproul and men ol' the coming ad
ministration will attend the Five
O'clock Club dinner in Philadelphia
Saturday afternoon.
IxK-'iU Cases.—'Applications have
been illed for pardon of Theodore
Miller and William Todd, of this
city, serving time for theft of a
New Bank. The Silver Creek
State Bank of New Philadelphia, has
been chartered with $50,000 capi
After Doe Killers. State game
wardens have been told to exercise
vigilance and arrest men charged
with killing does. No mercy will
be shown them.
Huston, Mass. Advices from the
Federal Food Administration to the
local offlclaD state that all steam
trawlers under government charter
during the war will be returned to
the naval districts from which they
were taken as soon as the district
commandant sees no further uso for
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
Col. Demming Says State Is
Richer in That Respect,
Than It Realizes
Thirty-eight varieties of moneral
water are to be found in Pennsyl
vania, according to a compilation
made today for Smull's legislative
handbook by Col. 11. C. .Demming.
tho geologist and miVieralogist of
this city. They arc to be found all
over the state, very few counties
being without some kind. Sodium
chloride is to be found in every
county by deep boring. The col
onel mentions hot springs found In
Allegheny, McKean and Washing
ton counties and the warm springs
Bedford and Bradford counties
have several varieties, while Cum
berland, Franklin, Fulton and Jun
iata valley counties have different
kinds and Allegheny, Crawford and
Venango arc given as containing
some varieties. Lithia springs are
in Bucks, Cumberland, Delaware,
Montgomery and Northampton.
Bradford has the alkaline springs
and counties ( in the western part
of the state are given as containing
lodo-bromated waters with chaly
beate in Bedford, Cumberland, Jun
iata, Mitflin and Perry. Bradford
and Dauphin have springs of calcium
magnesium, magnesia and chlorido.
The two former are at Highspire
and tho latter In Conewago town
ship, Col. Demming says.
The Colonel says that Pennsyl
vania is overlooking good business
as tho mineral waters in this state
are tho same as thbse which have
made Europe fumous.
!Xtv York. The executive cpm
mittee of the American Alliance for I
Labor and Democracy is opposed to I
any attempt to lower the standard of ■
living by lowering wages and has i
adopted resolutions against Bolshev
Sloan's Liniment scatters!
the congestion and
relieves pain
A little, applied without rubbing,
will penetrate immediately and rest
and soothe the nerves.
Sloan's Liniment is very effective
in allaying external pains, strains,
bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore mus
cles, lumbago, neuritis sciatica, rheu
matic twinges.
Keep'a big bottle always on hand
for family use. Druggists every
I , "The Live Store" N "Always Reliable"
I Why Not "An Overcoat?"
II I V\ ,be chosen than an"Overcoat" from this
tHs ; 1 "Live Store" —We sold hundreds of overcoats • •
P x& \ this fall, but we are going to sell more Overcoats
\ • during December than we have sold all season;
the weather is just getting primed for a good ■
/\ klong cold spell and the men who have been
"putting off" buying an overcoat will begin put- I
ting "one on" before many hours are around—
-1 There are going to be a great many "overcoats"
sold f°r Christmas gifts, and when it's all said
it's a mighty sensible investment to buy clothes.
4ili"1 You can't put your money anywhere where it
| will bring such lasting returns as when you buy H
Hart Schaffner&Marx I
Society Brand Clothes
fH fm 1 Our ability to handle so many
■ 7 'j good lines as well as our prices on high
/ j£l' , grade merchandise have set the "tongues a
/ /< wagging" —We have been able through keen
J j jm foresight and enormous purchasing power to
i \ / / §■■ |Sy give our customers greater values and it has been
t appreciated to such an extent by the buying pub
lie for miles around this part of the country, that
this "Live Store's" business has shown a tremen
pPf! dous increase We like to operate this way, for
|IhS3 gH<t ji we want volume and we're "getting it" through v
flj| f fjll'l square-dealing as well as the "good will" of
||j | fr| thousands and thousands of pleased customers.
I Try the Dependable Doutrich Service
I That Everybody Is Talking About
I The "Silk Shirt" Festival — : t |
j What a display of Silk shirts! It's a characteristic of this I
I C "Live Store" to do unheard of things Last Christmas the manager of the shirt I
j department wanted to make his department the busiest place in the store and 1
/ i that is how the "Silk Shirt" festival happened—lt was such a marvelous success '
i that we're going to repeat it this year—The man who receives any one of the
i silk shirts from our .1
I Famous "Rainbow' : Division I
will be a proud fellow on Christmas day and happier still the day he puts it on* | I
c for there's no selection of "Silk Shirt" anywhere compared with this array of ,
j beautiful "crepe-de-chine," "Fibre," "Tub Silk," pussywillow and broadcloth i
( silk shirts at this "Live Store's" Silk Shirt festival. See our big window display.
I 304 Market Harrisburg, I
Street Pa.
jCF g^= | •
.V. .. , / . '
DECEMBER 5,1918.