6 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS OF INTENSE INTEREST Miscellaneous Shower For Mrs. George Windsor A delightful miscellaneous sliowtr was given by Mrs. William I*. Wind eor, #d, 440 North street, In honor or Mrs. George Ross Windsor, 1002 Derry street. Mrs. Windsor, who was for merly Miss Bess Huber, was the re cipient of many beautiful gifts. Among those present were: Misses Idle Reel, Helen Wagner, Margaret Reel. Liydla Gilchrist. Louolla Tuivs. Helen Windsor. Mrs. John David Kllnollne, Mrs. E. Ralph Kulp. Mrs. W. J* Windsor, Jr., Mrs. Ross Reel, Mrs. Mabel Ossman. Mrs. Percy Smith, Mrs. Rose Huber, Mrs. Charles Tunis, Mrs. 11. C. Herehey, of Lemoyne, and Mrs. John rentnger, of Lancaster. HO Mil AFTER HONEYMOON Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Johnston. Who were married in St. Peter's Cath olic Church, Ellzabethtown, on No vember 10, have returned from an ex tended honeymoon trip and are re ntdlng at 1430 Market street. Mr.. Johnston is chief of registration at tho Stuto Draft headquarters and lias many friends in this city. He was appointed from Philadelphia last year. AT OHIO CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. D. I*. M. Raker have returned after a motor trip to Cleve land. Ohio, whoro they attended the convention of the National Associa tion of Accredited Commercial Schools of America, which was ad dressed by Dr. Glenn Swiggett. United States specialist on commer cial education. r^lowers-i Surely Flowers are essen tial for the homo and dinner table this week. We have the choicest Cut Flowers I from our own greenhouses. SeiiMonnble Flowers Decorative Plant* Ferneries and Flower Basket* i Flowers und Plants For All 1 Occasions I I L LOCUST ST. AT SECOND \] W FOR H The Doll ShowwEEK Watch for the doll show this week. Dolls in {' all sizes, from one inch to 30 inches; socket heads; a limited supply in three sizes; kid bodies; doll pacifiers, rattles, milk bottles and ' hot water bottles, knitted sacques, leggings, SfH sweaters, bootees, caps and mittens, doll Zi' ■ S • LU wigs, bolls to be repaired not taken in after December 10. _ , The Marianne Toy Shop (fjbJ 220 LOCUST STREET — Jj Says Paris to the U.S.A. "We Want Shelltex Shur-ons" Quality appeals to the French. Quality that is dapper and goodlooking. Then, too, the rims prevent lens break age. Our boys (the Yanks) did not have to wear Shelltex long before inqueries began to come in from "over there." Think of it, men, the fashion center of Europe has come to us, but you beat them to it. You realized FIRST that genuine Shell .x had a style appeal in addition to quality. Says Belsinger to Harrisburgers We have always been the home of "Shur-Ons" and now we are more prominently the "Shur-On" store of Harrisburg. We have always maintained high ideals in the service we provide and by our thoroughly modern and exclusive optical store have achieved supremacy in this line in Harrisburg. Our prices have always been reason able and always will be. And you can depend on the quality and fit and service of the glasses we provide for you. It is not only our purpose to satisfy YOU, as one of our clients, but to sat isfy you so completely and surely that you will GLADLY TELL others of the confidence you have in our service. It is our policy to tell you frankly whatever condition of your eyes we find upon examination, whether we furnish you with glasses or not. J. S. BELSINGER Registered Optometrist and Optician 212 Locust St. Next Door Jo Orpheum The Home of "Shur-Ons" * Reading and Sewing Glasses As Low as $3.00 0 ' - MISS BLANCHE A. DAVIS Miss Blanche A. Davis, a graduate and registered nurse of a Baltimore, Md.. hospital, who had enlisted as a Red Cross nurse, and was assigned to duty at Camp Meade, has been releas ed from further duty on account of the demobilization of the troops. Miss Davis' only brother, Blair J. Davis, of the Three Hundred and Fifteentli Aero Squadron, arrived from France on the steamer Mauretania. which docked at Hoboken on Monday. The Davis family reside at 2307 Logan street, having recently moved to this city from Waynesboro. C. Irvin Reel, now stationed at Camp Holabird, Md.. has returned to camp after spending a five-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Reel, 14 33 Berryhill street. GOVERNOR TELLS OF STATE'S HELP Harrisburg Chapter D. A. R. Hears Fine Talk; Tea and Music Complete Afternoon Every Pennsylvania!! must feel the greatest prido in his own state tor tho wonderful record it has made in furnishing men, food and supplies of all kinds to the Allies in the great war and matching its Civil War record of men in service. Governor Brumbaugh, who has just been appointed war historian for .the state, gave a most Interesting account of "Pennsylvania's Part in tho W'ar" this afternoon at the Executive Mansion before Harris burg Chapter, Daughters of the American Reyolution, the guests of Mrs. Brumbaugh. The hostess ifras charming in a rose embroidered cfepe frock with brown velvet girdle and touches of fur. The guests were presented to her by Miss Cora Lee Snyder, regent of Harrisburg Chapter, D. A. R.,' who also presided :U the meeting. An informal program began with singing "The Star Spangled Ban ner" followed by the ritual and a report of the last chapter medting by Mrs. Mary Boyer McCrea. re cording secretary. The regent spoke of plans for the state conference postponed from October 21 to January 27, the ses sions to be held in the new Penn- Harris Hotel and announced the fol lowing local committees: Conference Committees Program—Miss Cora Lee Snyder, Miss Caroline Pearson, Miss Helen Bruce Wallace, Mrs. Johit Fox Weiss, Miss Mary Jennings. Finance —Miss Pearson. chair man: Mrs. Henry McCormick, Mrs. E. C. Kunkel, Miss Margaret Ruth erford, Mrs. George Preston Mains, Mrs. Charles A. Kunkel; Mrs. John V. Boyd, Mrs. A. P. L. Dull. Mrs. S. J. M. McCarrell, Mrs. Henry B. McCormick. Miss Wilhelm. Hospitality—Mrs. Samuel F. Dun-' kie. chairman; Mrs. Arthur H. Bailey, Mrs. James B. Mersereau, Mrs. W. Spry Hurlock, Mrs. C. M. Rhodes, Mrs. William R. Denehey, Mrs. Samuel Z. Shope. Mrs. John M. J. Raunick, Mrs. Rudolph K. Spicer. Reception—Mrs. William Elder Bailey,, chairman; Mrs. George Douglas Ramsay, Mrs. A. Wilson Norris, Mrs. Joseph A. Thompson, Mrs. Anne Wallace McLain, Miss Ellen Iv. McCulloch, Mrs. Paul Voorhies, Mrs. James H. Darling ton, Miss Mary Harris Pearson, Mrs. Robert H. Irons, Mrs. S. J. M. Mc- Carrell. Mrs. William Mrs. Daniel H. Hastings. Hall and Decorations—Mrs. Er=rn=-.nf==irimrr^arff M .* CENTRAL HIGH NOTES At tho order of D. D. Hammel- • baugh, secretary of the school board, tffe regular drill for the Senior boys | wan culled off yesterday afternoon. Drill may bo held on Wednesday, but there Is a general feellrig' among tho boys that the weekly drill ifiay be discontinued entirely. • P. D. S. Meet* The Phllonlan Debating Society met last night at the home of William K. Mcßrlde, 18th and Reglna streets. Harold Connor and George Pulas were, taken Into tho society. A midnight dinner followed the lultinticm. Those who helped lay It to the new mem bers were Clyde Hocker, Stuart Wag ner, Robert Crist, Milton Potts, Carl i Stoner, Arthur Hlbler, Fred Snyder, I Rtcliard Qulgley, Louis Rimer, Alton ' Smith, Gilchrist Brinnlnger, Harry Good, Paul ltoeder, "Buzzie" Wlngerd and William Mcßride. C. A. #. Have Novel Party A motely crowd gathered last even ing at the home of Miss Eleanor Eby, of Cottage Ridge, who entertained the C. A. O'ers at a part/ in place of the regular Monday meeting. Dances are few In the season between Thanksgiving and Christmas so the girls decided It was tip to them to furnish their own entertainment. As a result the following guests enjoyed a delightful evening: The Misses Hazel Collier, Charlotte Grove, "Bet ty" Howard, "Peggy" Good, leata Lot, alias Gertrude MeDevitt and lona I Ford better known as Virginia For- i , rer, "Cy" Lloyd, "Pikey" Peake, Charles Ferguson. , "Mid" DeShong, "Jack" DeVout, "Bud" Crabbe and Private "Mac" Downe's. S. S, S. Society Meeting. The S. S. S. Society of Central High School met last evening at the home of Miss Elizabeth Balmer, of North Seventeenth street. The mem bers enjoyed an evening of social stunts. Refreshments were served to the following: Sarah Hess, Eleanor Baxter. Ivy Hiester, Mildred Shupp, Sarah Barr, Florence Dlffenhach, Mir iam Goshorn, Mary MeDevitt, Anna Makllbon, Harriet Swartz, and Eliza beth Balmer. Miss Pearl Garner, of 'Poughkeepsie, N. Y„ is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Martha Storer, of Green street. Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Earl Sehock, j Twenty-first and Pine streets, Phila delphia. spent Sunday in Harrisburg as the guests of Mr. Schock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olive D. Sehock, f>oB I North Third street. .> Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wahl and daugh ter, Miss Janet Wahl, of Bellevile I Road, are home after spending the Thanksgiving holidays in Allentown. DECEMBER 3,1918. Trio of the Mark Family in Government Service ' Mrs. 11. B. S. Mark, of the Rode armel apartments, has received word of the arrival overseas of her son, Capt. Coleinan B. Mark of the 119 th Sanitary Corps, who sailed from Ho boken, N. J., on the Sunday prior to the signing of the armistice. The arrival of Captain Murk, in Charge i of eight linndrod men, records the I presence of two" members of the Mark family in Franco on overseas duty, and the third member to have had the privilege of being "over there." Rbgimentnl Sergeant Major George Arthur Mark, of the 307t1i Engi neers, has been in France since last June, sailing from New York in I May on the day before his elder j brother, W. Earle Mark, of Buffalo, N. Y„ left France for. the states ! after an eight months' tour of duty as a Y. M. C. A. secretary with the American army. All of the trio are natives of sons of the late Major P. (5. Mark, and grandsons of Colonel j .1. M. Mark, both of the gallant 93d Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol ' unteers, in the Civil War. wammmmmsma Start these chilly days off with a cup of delicious, hot GOLDEN ROAST COFFEE 32c lb. at all grocers R. H. LYON Importer Hamsburg THREE ELECTED TO v IIOAKU OF GOVERNORS David E. Tracy, Frank Payne and Walter P. Mnguire were elected to the board of governors of the Harrlaburg Club, at a meeting last evening. An Informal banquet was served prior to the election. The Philadelphia Eye-Sight Specialists Optical Sale Continued The results obtained from our Special Sale more than exceeded our expectations. For the benefit of the many peo ple who called when we were busy and whom we were unable to wait upon, we will continue our Special Offer Through the Entire Month of December W will examine your eyes by our scientific system and fit you with first quality spherical lenses and guaranteed frames, all com plete, us low us as $2.00 You can save from' $3 to $5 on your glasses. We examine the eyes by looking into them, taking t.ho exact focus und shape of the eye, and guarqn tee satisfaction in every case. Our business Is built on ethical principles und we realize that sat isfied putlents will send t lie i r friends to us, therefore we take great pains to give you the best possible service. The Philadelphia Eyesight Specialists 310 Market St. Second Floor Harrisburg, Pa. Office Hours. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Philadelphia Office: 15 IT l'assyunk Ave.