14 SPROUL FILES FOR $5,662.77 • New Governor Says Contribu tions, Except $l,OOO, Turned Over to State Committee Governor-elect William C. Sproul to-day filed his expense account for his election, certifying to expendi ture of $3,662.77 and receipt of eon • tributions of $5OO each from T. De- Witt Cuyler and Arthur E. Newbold and stating that all others made to him were turned over to the Repub lican State Committee, which will account for them. The new Governor certified to $l.- 800 given to E. J. Fry-singer. In charge of publicity; $250 contributed to the Republican State Committee; $5OO contributed to the Delaware County Republican Committee and $326.25 traveling and other personal ex , peases. His account contains a crit icism of the form of the blank for making returns of expenses. Charles B. Lenahan, candidate for supreme court, certified to an ex penditure of $1,485.65 with $223.12 due for printing; Joseph W. Bouton, candidate for supreme cdurt. to $l.- 052.38 expended; Congressman-elect M, M. Garland to $1,000: J. Calvin Stray'er, Democratic candidate for Congressman-a t-large, to $163.05, Thomas Patterson, treasurer Simp son committee of Allegheny county, to $768.97 contributed and expended. Birch Wilson, treasurer of the executive committee of the Socialist party, certified to receiving and dis bursing less than $l,OOO. Governor HrumlumsrU In-day an- I nounced the reappointment of Thomas J. Lynch, Bethlehem, to be a member of the State Water Supply Commis sion. Mr. Lynch, who was formerly executive clerk to Governors Stuart and Tener, has been secretary of the commission for several years. ' Be hus long been connected with the state government and has many friends in Harrlsburg. K. Bradford Brown. of Milllintnnii. was appointed coroner of Juniata county to take the place ot his broth er the late D. P. Brown, who died be fore lie could qualify. The new truck company of the Pennsylvania Reserve Militia, which is stationed in this city and command ed by Captain It. C. Batley. who or ganized the unit, will be formally %nustered Into the state service at the Harrlsburg Armory to-morrow night. Adjutant General Beary will probably attend. The members of the truck company have been in ser vice during the influenza epidemic, Captain Batley having been in charge of hospitals at Steelton and in west-, ern counties. The Stale Treasury started • tl" the new fiscal year with payments of $300,000 to-day. The counties of Heaver, I'nrl.on, Clearfield, Luzerne. Warren and "Wayne have not yet tiled their re, turns of the November 5 election. The official count will be started as soon as all of the returns are in hand. G. 1„ Xyee, of Bimliklll. I'ike county, to-day filed complaint with the Pub lic Service Commission against the Delaware Valley Railroad discontinu ing train service. He claims that he •has large timber contracts and that it would seriously affect hint as ,\ell as others. Rates of the Susquehanna County Light and Power Company, were attacked by Montrose business firms. The Public Service Commission lielil e brief hearing session to-day and then went into executive session on c ases argued last week. The applica tion of the borough of Middleburg to purchase the water pla**t in that town and conduct it as a municipal enterprise was presented. LEGAL N f Schcffer, -mail clerk; B. Frank Relief 1 ! for. deceased: George W. Seheffer. printer; Martin 1,. Sclieffer. printer; j Louis K. Seheffer, printer; Emily D.. 1 widow of Captain Uotjjge A. l'rooks; ! , Maria Seheffer and Thomas Jefferson< l Seheffer. All wero residents of Hurrisburg | until their deaths, anil their liyes are 1 intimately interwoven with the his tory of the city. They are the do- ] ; soendants of one of the oldest and > ! best-known families in llarrisbtirg. ! 1 Thomas J. Seheffer was educated ] jin in the public schools. He learned I printing from his father, but his: ! health not permitting hint to follow: i it. he took up bookkeeping. From j i 1875 until 188:!, he acted as manager j iof the Daily Patriot. After the I ! death of his father in 1885, he took j ! ch # rge of his business, j He was active in the Democratic j i party years ago. He has served two | terms in tho Cltv Council, was chair-1 j man of the railway committee, and ; ' was on the highway, finance and j | sanitary committees of City Council, j ■ In July, 1895, he was elected to the j | schoo' boarll from the Third ward. , He was tr member of Grace Method- ! Ist Church. , It was perhaps in his management j jof the store at 21 South SCcond j 'street that Mr, Seheffer was host | I known. H's father, a native of Ger- j i many, learned printing from Ous- j ' tavus Peters and afterwards became i I a member of the firm of Seheffer and i | Lutss, general printers. Eater he was I j partner In the firm of Seheffer and I Beck. He made his own inks and ■ electrot.voes and wis the first man jin America to print in colors. He J nrinted snoh toy books as "Cock i Robin." "Mother Goose" and others, j and establ'shed the bookstore in I Second street, which he managed | until his death in 1883. Rotary Sneakers See Prosperity For City in Reconstruction Period, Members of thee ITnrrlshurg Rotaryj ! Club, prominent '.n their 'lnes of j I trade, speaking before that organlza-1 i lion at thee noon luncheon to-day on l ! the eondition of business during tine reconstruction period, one and nil; I voleed the belief that trade will be j good, priees will*be general'y .nnin-l j tatned. labor well paid and the com- 1 ! munlty in general prosperous.* Most j of the speakers felt that 1 nmeedie.te-; Ily after the holidays there might! 1 come for a brief time tt period of j i uncertainty in which manufacturers! ! and merchant sare finding their bai-1 lance and feeling out peace-time: | markets and demands, hut that ill's ' would not continue very long andi ; would l>e followed by good time*. I Among the speakers were Roe j ■Moss, advertising; John 8. Musser, j president of the Dauphin Electrical Supplies Company; El nford S. Scott,j | general superintendent of tlie Ha"- 1 i rlsburg Botler and Manufacturing! Company, .and E. S. Herman, presl-l : dent of the John C. Herman Co'm -1 i pany and prominent in maiiyuislncas! enterprises. The vlpe-presldet presided In tho nbsence of Ell N. Hershey. who is 111. The club will meet to-morrow even ing in the Y. M. C. A. building- EMU "VXVST XX. VK&DE SHOPS FILLED WITH HOLIDAY SPIRIT [Continued from First I'agc.] ilo themselves tn their observance ofi Christmas. Task Easier The lifting of restrictions on mer chants and merchandise wifli the ending of the war, have malle the task of Christmas shopping easy for patrons ud merchants. The ban on many articles much desired by the shoppers, but hitherto tabooed | i because of their being inessential to I | the wVnir.?; of the \v;ir, has been i lifted, and householders find almost I normal condition under which to do! their shopping. Merchants ure gratified over the] ' apparent willingness of the eon- I suniers to "do their Christmas! i shopping early."' Thousands of j article.* for Christmas use, which in former years would have been pur chased at the last minute of busi ness before Christmas, and iieing ! purchased in local stores every day i The campaign of publicity waged j by various brunches of the federal war government, has instilled a knogledge of the edviaability of ' early Christmas shopping every : where, and it is readily apparent in I the increased volume of buying be ing done a month before Christmas. Shopping Earlier While the armistice has been | signed and employers of labor are I looking forward to a relief in the ! labor market, the early shopping i this year has been, and merchants | expect will continue to be, highly 1 instrumental in solving the labor I problem. With extra clerks and de ! livery labor hard to secure, it is 1 hoped that the early shopping will continue to such an detent that the ■ usual great rush of orders will be eliminated at the last minute, and I the usual necessity for a great num ber of extra clerks and help, will be ! eliminated this year. , Merchants report that in spite of the limited closing hours, which confines their business to the hours between 9 and 5.30 o'clock and 9 until 9 o'clock on Saturdays, neces i sary because of the necessity for I fuel conservation, the receipts from business uansacted daily arc larger j than corresponding days of previous I years. Business men are unanimous in ! their opinion tltV- the commercial ! and labor markets show unusual ; stability, us is evidenced by the volume of safes and satisfactory re ceipts their books show for the first ; few weeks of holiday buying. lIHAVEN FOll HUXTRS Dawson, Alaska. —Migrating curi ; bou along the Yukon river near the ! American-Canadian border were so thick last week thut the United 'States Government steamboat Gen ! erul Jeff C. Davis bad difficulty in navigating ainqpg the animals swim ; tiling the river. Thousands swarmed the shores and waters. Members of the crew said they lassoed a dozen ! and hauled them aboard for fresh , meat. HUFFS HAVK MAJORITY Oklahoma City, Okla. —On the face of completed returns from every ■! county in the state, the Suffrage : Amendment to. the Oklahoma Con stitution, voted on November 5, re ceived 106,909 votes for, and 54.481 against. The State Election Boarjl estimates the total vote cost in the ! elections to linve been 197.613, giv- I ing the Suffrage Amendment a clear j majority, ![ ' MARKETS I Now York, Dee. 2.—Wall Street. — | Heaviness of specialties created some i' unsettlement In the general list in I the lirst half hour of to-day's stock i market. Speculative issues, such as I Lackawanna Steel, Royal Dutch Oil I and Beet Sugar lost 114 to 2 points, i Shippings,were moderately firm with' 1 Studebaker, L'. S. Rubber, American | Wool and American Sugar, but U. 1 1 S. Steel and high grade rails show- ! ed no pronounced trend aside from Canadian Fan he's decline of two j points. : | ! new York Stocks Chandler Brothers and Company, j 1 members of New York und Pliiladel- j I phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar- ' Uet Spuare, Harrlsburg: 330 Chestnut I street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, 1 New York—furnish the following i 1 quotations: Open. 2 p. m. |' Allis Chalmers 26-% 27 j, Amer Beet Sugar 51 61% :] American Can 42% 42% j, Am Can and Foundry .. 82*4 82% ', Amer Loco 60 44 60% h Amer melting 8144 8144 ]| American Sugar 112 112 j' Amer Woolens 52 52 Anaconda 64% 041s I; Atchison 9316 93 j, Baldwin Locomotivo ... 72 71 16 i Baltimore and Ohio .... 5446 54*4 j] Bethlehem Steel 03 46 61144 Canadian Pacific 159 100 Central Leather 58% 5814 Chesapeake and Ohio ... 58% 58 j Chicago It I and Pacific 27 26 7„ j Chino Con Copper 37% 37 46 : j Corn Products 4016 4644 J Crucible Steel 55*4 5546 j ' Distilling Securities .... 46% 40 ] ! Erie 18% 18% I | General Motors 12544 12544 ; Goodrich B F 55 55% | I Great Northern pfd .... 97 46 97% j (Hide and Leather 14% 14% I Htde and Leather pfd ... 73 46 j I Inspiration Copper .... 47% 47%! ! International Paper .... 30 30 | Kennecott 35 34% | I Kansas City Southern .. 20% 20% < Lackawanna Steel 08 68% I ; l.ehigh Valley 60 00 I I Maxwell Motors 27 46 2746 j Merc Mar Ctfs 2846 27% | Merc Mar Ctfs pfd .... 117 116% | I Mex Petroleum 156 15646 1 i Miami Copper 25% 25 i I Midvnle Stele 44 43% r ' New York Central 78 46 78 I N YN H and H 35 4a 354s j Norfolk and Western i. 106 106 j Northern Pacific 95 44 9546 I I Pennsylvania Railroad . 46% 47% j Pittsburgh Ccial 45 76 45% i I Railway Steel Spg 71% 71 Ray Con Copper 2144 21% I Reading 83% 84% Republic Iron and Steel . 74 74 74% ' Southern Pacific 102 103 j Southern Ry 29% 30 46 ! Studebaker 50% 50% j Union Pacific 129% 12944 U S I Alcohol 96 46 96 | U S Rubber 74 46 13 IT S Steel 9t% 95% I U S Steel pfd 111 46 111 % Utah Copper 77 77 Virginia-Carolina Client . 52% 53% ; Willys-Overland 24% 2446 ■ Western Maryland 13% 1346 ; George E. Foss New. Secretary of State Chamber of Commerce ■ ♦ j George E. Foss lias been elected ! spctetary of tbe State t'htmber of j Commerce and will tak up his duties : next Monday at the headquarter.'} of j the organisation in this city. He sue | feeds Paul Littlelie'd, wiio has re j sighed. Mr. Foss has been vecrefnry | c.f tbe Chamber- of Commerce of | Springfield, Mass., is a member of toe ' Rotary Club of that place and comes ! highly recommended by the business | men with whom he has b en usso j elated. U. S. Senator Knox i Condemns the President I' Washington, D. C., Dec. 2.—There i ! is strong opposition at the Capitol f j to the President's plan for going to I I Europe. Virtually all the Republican . j members and many Democratic mem . j hers look with disfavor on the pro , | Ject of the President going out of the -l country for six weeks during the sit s ting of Congress at such an import ant time. t , Many Senntors are especially dis- I pleased because the President has ig l] nored the Senate in the formation of . | the American Peace Delegation. Sen ] j ator who has served as Secre l tary of State and Attorney General, I contemplates making a speech in I which he will condemn the President for leaving the Senate without rep ! reaentation on the - Peace Cotnmis ' | sion. Senator Knox has gone ovfcr ' i records and plans to show that the > Si-nate should be recognized as part 1 i of the treaty making power of the ■ | nation under the Constitution, and 1 ' that It should be represented. • | REES IX RATTLE ZONE ■ ! Poplar RltilTs, Mo.—Louis Knott, 1 i writing to his brother, Lee Knott. ' | from France, tells of beiqg out on a ! scouting party in the edges of No ! Man's Land when he heard a famil i air sound, yet strange considering i I the surroundings. It was a beehive ' j full of working bees. Ho says he i j stopped, thought of all the good eats • surrounded by the array of mlniu •! ture bayonets, and then had a happy idea. He slipped on his ever-handy 1! gas mask and proceeded to the at >l tack. In a few moments he had ten • I pounds of honey, which furnished an • I unusual wartime and battlefield J meal. Persius Lays Bare German Navy Bluff London. Captain Persius, the German naval critic, chose the 1110- I inent when the finest vessels of the | German navy were to be sui rendered | to tbe Allies to publish In the Berlin 1 Tagebiutt an article containing reve ! lotions regarding the German fleet, i Captain Persius says the hope that | tho German fleet would be able In [ a second Sltagerrak battle to beat I the British fleet rested upon the bluff '.and lies of the naval authorities. ! In August, 1914, Germany had j about one million tonnage in war i ships, he says, while Great llritain had more than double that, and, j I thanks to the mistakes of von Tir-! j pitz, the Gorman material was quite I i inferior to the British. In tho Ska-1 Igerrak battle, he declares the Ger-j I man fleet was saved front destruc-1 tton party by good leadership and j I partly by favorable weather condi- Itions. Had the weather been clear |or Admiral von Scheer's leadership less able, the destruction of the | whole German navy wostbl have re- I suited. The long-range British guns |would have completely smashed tho i lighter-armed German ships. As it • was, the losses of the German fleet •were enormous, and on June 1. Cap -1 tain Persius says, it was clear to I every thinking man that the Skager jrak battle must be the only general j naval engagement of the war. On all sides, continues the writer, ; Admiral von Tirpitz was advised to construct only submarines, but lie! j remained obstinate. On October I,] ; 1915, several members of the Relchs- f | tag made an earnest appeal to the; ;nrmy command —not to the nava'l ; staff—with the result that an order I was issued terminating the construe-1 | tion of battleships in order that the! j material might be used for the mak-I |ing of U-boats. In the meantime so great a scarcity of material had, 'arisen that it became necessary to j i disarm a number of the battleships land take the metal. In this manner. ! |at the of 1916, twenty-| jthre- battleships had been disarmed.! jits well as one newly-built cruiser. | At the beginning of this year, Cap- ' i tain Persius states, the German navy j I consisted only of dreadnoughts and [battleships of the Helgoland. Kaiser and Markgraf types, and some few! I battle cruisers. All the ships which I jvon Tirpitz had constructed from i '1897 to 1906, at a cost of innumera- j ! blc millions, had been destroyed, and ; the U-hcats that had been construct- 1 led had proved unable to fight against j British warships. Admiral von Capelle during .his period as head of the navy, says Cap- j [tain Persius, constructed very few submarines, work being continued I only on the construction of subma rines of the large type, but in official I quarters it was still stated that Ger | many possessed an enormous nuni i her of U-.boats, and that the losses I were virtually nil. . That was not true, the writer ntl- Imlts. In 1917. lie staes, eighty [ three submarines were constructed, j while sixty-six were destroyed. In [April, 1917, Germany bad 120 stibma- I lines and in October 140. In Fchru j ary, 1918, she had 130, and in June of the same year 113. according to Captain Persius' figures, j Only a sma'l percentage of these submarines were actively operating [at any given time. Captain Persius [ declares In January, 1917, for in | stance, when conditions wore fa vo ra il ble for submarine work, only 12 per | cent, were active, while 30 pel - cent. I I were in harbor, 38 per cent, were ('[under repairs, nnd 20 per cent, were - 1 j "incapacitated." Submarine trews, t' | lie says, were not sufficiently educat -! Ed and trained, and they looked with -[distrust upon the weapon. In the ■'Oast months, be reveals, it was very f I difficult to get men for submarine "'work, as experienced seamen looked "! upon tho submarine warfare as po ' litirnl stupidity. "j Captain Persius tells of the mutiny [that broke out at the beginning of I November, when the Germany navy | was ordered out for attack. Had the [seamen obeyed, tho writer remarks, M innumerable lives wou'd have been I lost, and he declared that "every 2 ! thinking man. therefore, is of the 1 | opinion that the seamen on Novem -3 her 5 rendered an invaluable service , I to their country." ! Delegates Named For National Convention of Chamber of Commerce Warren It. Jackson, Francis J. Hall f anil L. J. Sackpole have been selected . as the three local representaives of the country's more tlian 300 industrial ' war service committees who win as • senible for a great reconstruction i conference at Atlantic City, Wednes t day, Thursday and Friday. The meetings have been arranged *)>>' the War Service Execuive Committee of " the Chamber of Commerce of the riUnied States. e Tlie meeting will bring together t from 2,000 to 3,000 industrial leueders to discuss problems that have arisen 8 with tiie wur. National councillors 1 of he chamber, representing the more than 1,100 commercial aiul-in dnstrlal organizations which com prise its membership, wtli meet at tbe same tme and place. . The main purpose of the confer , ence will lie the detarmlnaton of prac x tlca methods whereby industr may , co-operate still'more closely with tbe government through a more central " lzcd scheme of organization. This * probably can lie accomplished best 5 by the creation of a federation of 3 all the war service commlteea. Ques -4 tlons of reconsruction. too, will be taken up. Questions foremos at this time In ' the minds of every businessman will r lie dsucssed at the conference by the - best authorities that can lie ussent , bled.. Speakers who alreeady have .accepted Invitations to appear In : | elude Secretary of Cmmcrce William * C Redfleld, Al C. Bedford, James A. Farrell and l'aul Warburg. I CEI.EIIH \TK VICTORY The Festival of Chanuka and Vic- ] torv celebration at the Cliisuk Em- | ' unah Temple. Sixth and Foruter I streets, last night, was well attended. | i A patriotic address was delivered by i I - py v "Hr-ny I TVVV- tJ 'yyV'^V'^V < y''T--y-i''PVTT* ' Chestnut Street Auditorium Harrisburg < t THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 5 < (■HAN'I) OPENING MUSICAL EVENT OF SEASON < : JOSEF ROSENBLATT < Fain ojs Jewish Cantor Tenor '< !„ POPULAR PRlCES—Tickets $l, $1.50 and $2 < On snip .'it Ml 1.1,E1t & KADES. MARKET SQUARE, nml at ( j NATHAN' GROSS, N>. 2015 North Sixth Street, where diagram >. showing locution and pikes ran lie seen on and after MONDAY, < DECEMREH 2. A li BOOK-BINDING j "yU-%1 HERE is no need that you lose valu- H % 1 a,)lc literature because time has ( p r TUSSSh dealt harshlywith your treasured :i books. Likewise, you may have y your collection of magazines or H papers bound into one, two or as g many volumes as vou like by bring- sjss ing them to our bindery. Or you may have the worn covers of your gift-books rebound so as to be good = as new. We do all manner of 5 216 Federal Square Harrisburg, Pa. | i . 2 I D. B. Kieffer & Co's j | 16th Annual C! saTe g o? ul 19181 l Head Acclimated £ .!' i & <% Western Horses, 1 | and mma vi' Colts and Mules J |At Public Sale! I Friday, Dec. 6, 1918 [ ■|l ai 9.30 A.M. , 'if Middletown, Pa. , % We Will Sell the Following Live Stock: 1 , 1 f Three carloads of fresh shipped Western j W Horses and Colts bought direct by \V. M. S "I JBWWW Grove, who ysed his best judgment in buy- 1 S .jmflilffi ln S these three loads of Western Horses and f E Colts that grow. Each and every one a m \ Rifeli 1 ." pSttCSi good one. They consist of the good, big, J $ lTm rugged Feeders, Farm Chunks, Wagon * ft a£Mf ff Horses, All-purpose and Carriage Horses a iI 1J an 'l Colts, the kind that have the size, shape, M p weight, foot and muscle, and are made right ; 'from the hoof on ui> with two good ends M B an,! a middle. Will have some very e' % closely mated Teams in Rays, Grays and Blacks that have the W ' ] i s'ze and weight: a'so some real good, big, shapey Mares with * ! jl shape and class all over. These Horses nnd Colts range in ago W \ from 2 to 5 years old, and will have them weighing front 1,000 % j M to 1,000 pounds each. ■ x \ 125 Head Acclimated and Commission Horses € *, P , in(l Mules of all kinds. They will consist of good, big. finished I 1 1 'k Draft Horses, weighing from 1,400 to 1,600 pounds each, with the J 11 / size weight, and finish to themselves: General Purpose Horses, C £ I Fai nt Chunks, Single-line Leaders, Wagon Horses, Carriage and J - ! I fancy Driving Horses. These Horses range in age front 1 to 7 * ,i I . years old and are broke to all harness. A'so a .lot of odds and M - i P ends of Horses and Mules of all kinds, all ages and faults, front # VX, a real good, thin Horse to the High Dollar kind. 5 | MULES MULES MULES MULES I " M We will have a lot of Mules of all kinds, tanging in ages front f s C 2 to 10 years and weighing from 1,400 to 2,500 pounds to the & ; M nalr Will have some good, smooth Mare Mules, suitable for the f " £ Southern trade. Also a lot of good, young Unbroken Missouri I " a Mules Commission Horses and Mules of all descriptions con- £ i K signed by private parties, consisting of the good, big, finished K ■ ' a Draft Horses, Farm Chunks. S|ngle-line Leaders. Drivers nnd a J £ lot of High Dollar Horses and Mules of all classes. K •I £ ~ s Remember no Commission Horses or Mules will be C i | accepted alter December 5, 1018. 1 1I £ We start selling promptly at 9.30 o'clock A. M. with the West- % " 9 crn Horses and Colts, then the Draft Horses, All-purpose Horses £ 5 ' C and Fancy Drivers. At 3 o'clock sharp we start on a large assort- \ ,! J nient of Mules and then the High Dollar ones. # jj|D. B. KIEFFER & CO; | Rabbi Romanoff. Fetaures of the cele bration were a pageant by children, the .singing of Rev. M. Abramson, who officiated, and the musical selections c f the large choir from New York city.