Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 02, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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luurdock Shows How Hun
dreds Secured Additional
Educational Advantages
Pennsylvania furnished 7,669 men
for the student officers' training
corps and sent 9,577 men to tech
uical schools for specialized training
v.T a mechanical character by the op-
W'f eration of the draft system during
the period of the war, according to
figures made up by Major W. G. Mur-
Uock, the chief draft officer. In the
case of the men sent to technical
schools the groat majority received
instruction of a 1 valuable nature and
~ educational advantages while serv
* ing in the army, said the major in
commenting on the fact that many of
the men sent to such institutions had
been out of schools for sometime.
The total number of men furnlsh
' ed to the several student officers
camps and the technical schools •es
tablished by the army at colleges in
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Easton,
Erie, Lancaster, State College* and
other places, was 17,246. The men
sent to the technical courses were)
all white men, qualified for general
military service and with grammar
school educations as first require
ments. They were inducted or draft
ed under twenty-tlve calls and many
of them are serving with the army
In France or in charge of repair and
maintenance work of motor trains,
vehicles and army property at var
• ious camps and stations in this
According to a financial state
ment just completed Major Murdock
disbursed $1,797,983.71 in 24,405 bills
incurred in the administration of the
draft system in Pennsylvania. He.
says "with approximately 225,000
men inducted into the service the
cost per man to date is $B, but it is
estimated that by the time all bills
are paid the average cost per man
will be about $10.." It was neces
sary to retu.rn to local boards for
correction approximately 12,000 of
the 24,000 paid.
< Local boards are being asked to
expedite the classification of t\>e reg
istrants within the limits to be listed
and to prepare for the final induction
M report.
Rome Makes Ready to
Greet the Wilson Party
. fly Associated Press
Home, Dec. 2.—An apartment is
being prepared in the Royal Palace ,
of the Quirinal for the disposal of
President Wilson and Mrs. Wilson ,
during their stay in the Italian cap
ital, according to the Messaggero.
< Although no official itinerary for
President WilsonTs trip to Europe |
has been made public, it has been
said unofficially that in addition to [
France, England and Belgium, the; i
President and Mrs. Wilson probably
would visit Italy. A dispatch from
Turin last Friday said that President
Wilson would bo made an honorary
citizen in all the townships in the
Piedmont prov'nees of Northern Italy i
and that copies of the resolutions>
granting him freedom of the towns ! i
would be handed to him "at a solemn j •
ceremony when he passes through j<
Turin on his way to Rome."
Mrs. Beulah Mclntire,. the singing i
evangelist, will sing to-night and i
Thursday and Friday nights at the
I'nited Brethren Church, Wormleys- ,
burg. Evangelistic services are being ]
conducted at the church this week. ,
To Cure a Cold In One Ony
(Tablets). It stops the Cough and 1
Headache and works off the Cold. '
V. W. GROVE'S signature on each '
box. 30c. l
A Gray Hair 1
A prtpnoition for rntorlnj nutural color to eray or ,
tided heir, (or rtmovlnj dendrutt end SI * he'rdreS" (
tee/ore', 4 ready touee. PhlW £... N.werk, N. J. ,
A Health Builder
For Weakened Lungs
Where a continued cough or cold ! 1
threatens the lungs, Eckman's Alter- 1
ntive will help to stop the cough, ;
, strengthen the lungs and restore .
health. 80c and $1.50 bottles at drug
lists. or from
—— 1
35c and 60c. j 1
Hospital Size, $l.
You Need Not
Suffer From Catarrh!
But You Must Drive It Out of
Your Blood to Get Rid of It
You have probably been in the
habit of applying external treat
ments, trying to cure your Catarrh.
You have used sprays, washes and
lotions and possibly been tempo
rarily relieved. But after a short
A, time you had another attack and
why. Y%u must realize
that catarrh is an infection of the
blood and to get permanent re
lief the catarrh infection must be
driven out of the blood. The
you come to understand
this, the quicker you will get it out
of your system. S. S. 8., which has
I Harrisburg's Leading and Accredited Business College I
Bell 485—Day and Night School—Dial 4393
v ■ Write, Phone or Call—Send tor Catalog a
■K A Representative Will Call Upon Request
Impressive Services Held at
Majestic Theater For
Departed Members
Impressive memorial services were
held by Harrisburg Lodge No. 12,
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks, in the Majestic Theater yester
day afternoon for the members of
the organization who have passed on.
Tribute was paid to seventy-five de
ceased brothers, thirteen of the num
ber dying within the past year.
William H. Opperman plpyed the
opening number, "Allia Marcia,"
while the fnembers of the lodge filed
in to their teats. Miss Margaretta
Kennedy, 'crtlist, played Schumann's
beautiful "Traumerci," and the Rev.
George Edward Hawes, pastor of
Market Square Presbyterian Church,
pronounced the invocation. Miss
Helen Kanders, dramatic soprano
and a jnember of the Now York Met
ropolitan Opera Company, sang
"Hear Ye. Israel" from Mendel
ssohn's "Elijah," singing it with
beauty and intense feeling.
Scrantoninn Speaks
Opening ceremonies by the lodge
officers were followed by Miss Ken
nedy's playing of "Entritt," frofn
the "Suite in Walde." Lodge officers
participated in solemn memorial ex
ercises in memory of the deceased
members of the order. Following
these exercises. Miss Kanders sang
"Morning Hymn."
In an eloquent memorial oration,
Frank Loughran, member of Scran
ton Lodge No. 123, outlined the prin
ciples and Jhe service of the order.
He said:
"The B. P. O. E., since its incep
tion, has set aside a period of com
memoration for their dead. Some
one ljas called the period in which
we live the golden age of fraternity.
Here in the United States there are
more than 300 fraternal organiza
tions. It is said one out of every
four of the adult population is a
fraternal member of some such fra
ternal body. This desire in men to
associate themselves together is not
a development of recent days, or
years, or centuries, but dates back
to* the very dawn of antiquity.
"The primary, object was protec
tion. Early in human history man's
immunity to man began to assert
Itse'f. In union men found first a
feeling of safety that later developed
into strength and power. The avowed
purpose of the B. P. O. E. is in ad
ministering to those who are weak
ened in body and distressed in mind:
to aid by charity those who are
I worthy and whom the hand of fate
| has pressed back to the wall to de
velop in men love of country; to
I quielten ttie patriotic pulse of the
nation and to cultivate tho social side
of life. These aims and purposes are
substantially set forth in what the
order terms its constitution.
"What, then, is Elkdom?" the
speaker asked. In answer he stated:
; "The Benevolent and Protective Or
. der of Elks rests its arch upon the
eternal principles that man never
|dies. And this principle divides itself
into dual channels. First, in the
sublime belief that an Omnipotent
i rules the universe and that it is the
destiny of man to win happiness in
the realms of never-ending day.
"Second, in namely, that man
never dies in the hearts of those who
love him. And in the last hour of
each passing day, at the chimes' toll
of eleven, we turn from life's pur
suits and life's pleasures to drink the
silent toast to our departed brothers.
So in the last month of each year,
we assemb'e in formal session be
neath the draped antlers and beside
the flag-covered altar now eclipsed
in roll of black, to attest that death
is not tho end."
Closing Ceremonies
At tho close of the address. Miss
Kennedv p'ayed with grace and skill
Handel's beautiful "T.argo." She
was followed by Miss Kanders. who
sang "These Are Tliey Which Came,"
from Gaul's "Holy City." Miss Kan
ders has a gloriously beautiful voice
—pure, sweet and clear in all regis
ters. Tho many musiclovers present
were highly pleased with her sing
I Closing ceremonies, in which lodge
I officers participated, were followed
by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne."
Mr. Opperman played the closing
number, "Coronation March."
The committee in charge of yester
dav's memorial services included the
following: Abner W. ITartman, es
teemed leading knight, as chairman;
James J. Carroll, representative:
Clarence H. Sig'er, treasurer, and
Edwin J. Lewis, ex-offlclo.
Services will be continued at St.
Mary's Catholic Church to-day and
to-morrow, as a part of the Forty
Hours' Devotion. The service began
yesterday morning, when high mass
was celebrated by the Rev, William
V. Daily. In the evening the Rosary
sermon and benediction were given.
The services continued to-day. and to
morrow celebrate mass at 5:30 and'B
a. m., Rosary sermon and benediction
at 7:45. A procession of children and
clergy will precede the sermon Tues
.Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
been in constant use for over fifty
years, will drive the catarrhal poi
sons out of your blood, purifying
and strengthening it, so it will carry
vigor and health to the mucous
membrances on its Journeys through
your body and nature will soon re
store y.ou to health. You will be
relieved of the droppings of mucous
iin your throat, sores in nostrils, bad
breath, hawking and spitting.
All reputable druggists carry
S. S. 8. in stock and we recommend
you give it a trial immediately.
Thv chief medical adviser of the
company will cheerfully answer all
letters on the subject. There is no
charge for the medical advice. Ad
dress Swift Specific Company, 432
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
( Chairman of Compensation
Board Makes Interesting
i I Qbservations
The real test of
j \Y\ whether eompensa
i S\\\ tlon can be srant
'l j ed t0 <le P endentB of
I a ra " r ° a <J employe
killed while en
i ln courße °f
ll h ' B wo '' ,t f° r a " ne
Jf*ag?[fli jljlf ill carrying Inter -
jfigmsllKlJlj'iitfc state commerce Is
"the work the em
; teteßßßte -* ploye was engaged
in at the very time of his accident,
without regard to any artificial ref
> erence to subsequent employment"
' according to an opinion handed down
[ today by Chairman Harry A. Mackey
i of the State Compensation Board, ln
i dismissing objections of the Phila
, delphia and Reading to the award of
compensation for Ruth L, Frye, of
I Marysvilie, whose husband Preston
i Martin Frye, was killed in Ruther
; ford yards in August. The man's
I duties were to "drop" cars in a clas
sification, yard and he had reported
for work. There were no cars to hg
"dropped" and while waiting orders.
Frye was killed. The company
1 raised the claim that the man was I
engaged in furthering inter-state I
commerce work. The referreo held
1 he was not.
Mr. Mackey discusses the trend of
decisions and says that while laws
are liberal and constructions equally
so "now It is quite natural and
proper that the same object should
restrict the terms of (compensation)
acts to as narrow a compass as pos
sible in order to widen the oppor
tunities of workmen's compensation
laws and to include within its terms
a large class of beneficiaries who
otherwise would be cut off with no
compensation for injuries suffered
in tho course of employment if. ad-
Judged an inter-state activity with
out the negligencA of the employer."
In conclusion Mr. Mackey says':
"Inter-state commerce is a question
of fact and not intention, and, until
a man actually performs some work
we can not classify him merely upon
the probility that had he not met
with an accident there would have
been no order intervening between
his intention and the actual under
taking. "Decisions referred to are
held by Mr. Mackey to "indicate that
the real test is the work the em
ploye was engaged in." He quotps
from a court decision that "He who
waits, also serves."
Deer Season. Pennsylvania's
deer season opened today with hun
dreds of men in the Woods, accord
ing to reports of the State Game
Commission. Many of these men are
camping on sites for which permits
were grapted by the State Forestry
Reservation Commission for hunting
on State lands. In spite of the fact
that over a quarter of a million
Pennsylvanians are in the army the
number of hunters licensed this year
is about the same as previous years
and reports indicate that the deer
hunters are dut in force. Many are
bound for the South Mountain region
and the Juniata valley have passed
through here the last few days.
Licenses Moving. Over 1,000 au
tomobile license tags were, sent early
today frofh the new quarters of the
State Highway department's auto- '
\ mobile division to persons who had I
filed early applications for the plates
and it is expected to ship hundreds |
daily until the end of the year. The I
automobile registration bureau is I
now in one building with its cleri
cal, shipping and storage forces and
the movement of tags will be facili
tated. Pneumatic tired vehicles will
taken care of this week, solid tired
cars being eared for Saturday, while
motor cycles wilt be listed later in
the month.
Warns of Dnngers.—Dr. B. F. Roy
cr, Acting Commissioner of Health,
has issued a warning on the dangers I
of tuberculosis following influcnra
and urges that people undergo phys
ical examination. He offers the tree
use of the state's establishments.
I sing Armory.—The Carbondale ar
mory of the Reserve Militia has been j
turned over to the school board ofj
that place for use as a high school.
AI lie y Chairman. —Chairman Ainey, I
of the Public Service Commission, has
been appointed chairman of the com
mittee to act on the skipstops in Phil
Hud No License. —The State Medl- I
cal Bujeau has caused the arrest of
Jacob Rehiteld, charged with prac
ticing medicine without a license in
Philadelphia. This is the first of u
• cries, it is said.
RuekK Men Mad. —State Game Coin
mission authorities have started an
inquiry into the charges made by
Bucks county sportsmen that some j
justices of the peace have been deal-j
ing unfairly with men accused of i
violating game laws.
To Huy Chemicals. —AS a result of |
the decision of the Public Service j
Commissidh dismissing the complaints
,ngainst the fire service main charges!
of the Springfield Consolidated Water!
Co.. there will be appeals to the Su
perior Court, and meanwhile the niu* I
niclpalities will buy chemical flee!
engines and establish their own fire
service, independent of the water
company as far as possible.
Jitney Week.— This will be Jitney
week in .the Superior Court at Phila
delphia and the appeals will .e heard.
Tho Harrisburg cases are on the list,
Grent Work on Lake. —Commission- i
er of Fisheries N. R. Duller reports
that the tako of. white fish and her
ring eggs on Lake Erie during the'
last three weeks has been for in ex- j
cess of what was .anticipated. Thero
is not an empty Jar on the batteries
at the Erie station, and the following i
hatcheries have also been supplied |
with all the eggs of this species that
they can take care of: Union City,
Pleasant Mount and TorreJdale. Tho j
output of these fish for tho coming >
year will be considerably above the I
average, and It is the constant stock
ing of Lake Erie which has made it
• uch an excellent fishing ground.
Ida Yocum Received
Attention From Nurses
A statement was issued to-day by
Miss Mary W. Miller, of the Visiting
Nurse Association, in which denials
are made concerning the treatment of
Ids Yocum, 2249 Jefferson street,
whose case was cited in the local
papers recently. Th* statement is
signed by Mary W. Miller, and states
that the visiting nurse bathed her,
changed her clothing and gave her
other attention from November, 1917,
to June, 1918, a period of eight
months. Later she was admitted to
the Harrisburg Hospital for special
treatment, and was there for forty
three days. The superintendent then
adds: "She was then under our care
until she was able to take care of
herself. She is now able to bathe
herself and clean her room, but she
needs institutional care. The directors
of the poor refused an application to
admit her to the County Home last
June" ' • I
I Where Will I
I Your Money? I
Christmas buying should be a matter of deep concern
this year with you, for practical, sensible and useful gifts are in order more 4 I
than ever before and if you want your dollars to go farthest it will pay you to come to this
"Live Store" where stocks are larger and assortments better The fact that we are doing / I
a large volume of business means much to the Christmas buyers You'll save time and a
great deal of anxiety by coming here.
Try This Dependable Doutrich Service /
• . * •
I Doutrichs is the "largest" and "best" Men's Store in Central I
Pennsylvania —We do the things our customers want us to and have them feel that we
value their patronage Buying is a very easy matter at this "Live Store" for no matter what you purchase
here we guarantee that it will give you the service and satisfaction you desire If you happen to make a
selection that is not pleasing to yourself or friends, don't hesitate to "bring it back," we want everybody
pleased and satisfied with what they get here.
I This Is the Store Everybody Is Talking About g
Under this liberal policy this "Live Store" has had a
phenomenal growth and we can only hope to maintain and prosper as
I long as we give you the same square-dealing, honest representation and greater values
that has been responsible for our marvelous success Every indication points to an ex
. ceptional holiday season, we are enjoying the greatest year in our history It's been the
"victory" year crowned with well-earned sucess, because every loyal American put time,
energy and effort back of the government for the freedom of the world.
"Stetson Hats" "Monito Hose" "Manhattan Shirts" I
Harrisburg, IN OT 304 Market I
Headquarters For Hart Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Clothes I