Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 30, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Founded JBSI
Published evenings except Sunday by
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What a man docs for others not
tchat they do for him, gives him im
. yr-; ■ ' '
OF all the community activities
during the war period nothing
lias been so productive of good
will and neigliborlincss as the com
munity "sings." These singing car
nivals bring together the people in
such a way as to enrich the friendly
intercourse of the people and those
who have given of their time and
effort in this direction must realize
how greatly what they have done
has been appreciated throughout
the city.
Now that active hostilities have
ceased, may we not hope that the
community singing will be contin
ued in some systematic way? There
are many fine singers in Harrisburg
and --these should take the lend so
that there may be no difficulty in
perfecting such an organization as
will give force and effect to the
These things do not happen, as
many people suppose. There are
always in the background agencies
at work which lead to the results
which are so generally approved by
the people.
It ought to bo a comparatively
easy matter to arrange a series of
singing events, and we
Know of no better use of the school
buildings than their utilization dur
ing the evenings and when the
schools are not in session in this
A community which expresses its
aspirations in sung is likely to bo a
contented and happy community
and much of the finer sentiment j
which has been developing during j
the war will remain with us so long j
as the things that encourage good j
will are promoted through a spirit j
o< co-operation among all classes j
of our citizenry
It has been suggested that the
Kaiser te ser t to Molukai, the leper
settlement, hut who has anything
against the lepers?
THE tremendous approval of the
$50,000,000 loan for good roads
in Pennsylvania is an emphatic
endorsement of the whole highway j
movement. Due.r,g the active prose
cution of the war the great im
portance of substantial highways
I was constantly brought' to the at
tention of those who had anything 1
to do with the transportation prob- 1
lem. Had it not been for the better i
roads constructed during recent [
years the United States never could j
have accomplished what was
achieved in the sending of an army
fully equipped and maintaining that
army overseas.
Now that peace is dawning and
we are looking toward the develop- j
ment of our commercial and *indus- I
trial life it Is quite as Important to ;
give full effect to the highway j
movement. Motor trucks, automo-[
• biles of every kind and the general !
use of vehicles In markotlng the
products of the farms have demon- ;
etrated the wisdom of the good j
roads agitation.
There are still those who Imagine I
that too much money Is being ex- j
peuded In road building, but these E
never stop to ccns'der the millions
which are saved to the consumer
and producer through substantial
Pennsylvania, above all other
states, must open up In every direc
tion the roads that have been so
long neglected. This city is par
ticularly Interested In the William
Penn Highway which had tts Incep
tion at a great meeting here two
years ago. It ought to bo completed
within the next year or two and
then will follow the Susquehanna j
trail, north and south, and tho lm-1
provement of the Lincoln Highway I
WH'k >ea ts a* )ili„ r—-id |
s '■
. during the war. But we must not
be satisfied with the efforts of the
, State only; Dauphin county must do
' its share and all the other counties
in this purt of Pennsylvania. Un
• less they co-operate with the State
■ the great road-building movement
• will not reach the proportions which
1 the new day demands.
■ G. A. Kissel, president of the
motor cgr company bearing his
name, recently declared;
Ono of the great lessons at home
which the great war will teach is
that of good roads. Ask any of
the soldiers from "over there'
when they return how they found
the roads and highways of Eu
rope, and ask especially the engi
neers and members of the motor
corps what, in their estimation,
was one of the greatest advan
tages the Allies had in the' trans
portation of food and suplies, and
they will state that, outside of a
1 never-ceasing flow of motor
trucks and equipment, the excel
lent highways and roads permit
ted the uninterrupted use of this
equipment. I believe it Is up to
us to take this lesson to heart and
apply it while we have time. ,
What Mr. Kissel has said Is simply j
' an expression of the opinion of all j
i Intelligent persons who have made j
any study of the highway problem. .
"Cross-country operation of mail j
motor trucks," according to the (
Commercial Vehicle, "is proving [
vey successful, as shown by James ;
I. Blakeslee, Fourth Assistant Post
master-General. One truck route
between Washington and Philadel
phia, without direct rail connections 1
and costing $BOO monthly for opera
| tion, has in eight months paid a:
monthly revenue of $16,000. An
other route into Washington, where j
twenty-eight parcels dally were.
moved in the first month, now shows
a ton of traffic each way In every
twenty-four hours. Seventy lines
now operate over the country, all
but one cast of the Mississippi River.
Plans are being made for a com
plete system that brings up visions
of $360,000,006 yearly revenue, this
amount' being estimated provided
the entire country is once properly
established with a network of roads
und' truck routes. Mr. Blakeslee
plans to rebuild the thousands of
army trucks now in France after i
the war, and to utilize these also
for this work."
Tho Dauphin County Commis
sioners will be In line with all
progressive officials when they get
up front In the good rpads parade.
And think of George Washington
being compelled to carry a Henry
White to an American peace confer
an outrageous thing in the ap
pointment of Heniy White, a pro-
Germany if there is ono in America,
to represent this country in Paris at
the peace conference. The President
was forced by public cpinion to ap
point a Republican as a member of
the delegation, and he has insulted
the party by naming a man whom
tho whole Republican electorate of
the country repudiated long since.
White, it is true, was an ambassador
to Berlin in President McKinley's
time, but his daughter married an
officer who was a member of the
Kaiser's Prussian bodyguard and at
once lost favor with those who, hnd
honored him. He is no more a rep
resentative of the Republican par'y
than the President hiiyself is.
But if the President has insulted
the Republicans of the country, what
| has he done to the country as a
! whole, and to our allies? What will
! the world think of a President of the
j United States who will deliberately
j choose from the abnndnnce of splen
did material at his hand a man to
represent this great ration at the
peace conference who i a personal
frter.d of the ex-Kaiser and who said
upon leaving Germany at the out
break of the war: "I will never for
get the impression which I received
of the moral grandeur of the German
nation Every American who knows
Germany will be a fi 'end of Ger
many. I cannot believe Germany
can be defeated."
i And this Is the "American" the
| President is sending to "represent"
i vig at Paris. Will he go as a special
: envov of the United States or as a
special pleader for Germany? And
: how much weight will such an Indi
vidual have with our allies? And i
[how will our allies regard a Wesl
! dent who displays such a lack of
t common sense?
| No wonder McAdoo got out of the
} Cabinet. (
The American people at the No
' vember elections showed themselves
j to be out of patience with Mr. Wilson
I and his policies. They are being
. forced to a place where their lack of
patience will be replaced by Indigna
tion and disgust.
It is admitted that Harrisburg does
not pay its policemen enough, but
then, on the other hand, some of the
policemen are not giving evidence of
earning vc-rv much. Those who let
vice flourish under their very noses,
for example. Good pay and good .ser
vice should go hand in hand.
Harrisburg manufacturers and busi
ness people are more than pleased
; with the outlook and we may expect
I the city and all of Central Pennsylva-
I nla to move forward toward Its ulti
mate development as the very heart
i~ m Industrial and manufacturing
State. Those who have held up enter
prises for the period of the war are
now getting busy, and the architects
tell us that scores of projects wh|ch
were suspended are going forward
with a rush.
Is President "Wilson playing for the
German voteT If so, he is welcome
to it.
The weather in Peru appears to be
By the Ex-Committer man
Terms of twenty-five of the mem
bers of the State Senate and of the
whole of the membership of 207
members of the House of Represen
tatives of Pennsylvania will begin to
niorrow. Under the constitution the
terms of the legislators begin on
"the first day of December next
after their election." although the
' General Assembly in which they
I were chosen to sit will not begin un
j til the first Tuesday of January.
I The members of the State Senate
j chosen to fill vacancies were selected
at special elections according to law.
j They will serve out the terms of
the men who died or resigned.
The time for filing expense ac
counts for the recent election will
expire Thursday, December 5, under
' the act of 1906. A. number of the
I state candidates and the state com
j mittees have to file their statements.
—Owing to the delay of counties
I in filing their official returns of the
i election of November 5 at the State
| Department the computation of the
official vote of Pennsylvania will
be thrown into December. George
D. Thorn, Acting Deputy Secretary I
of the Commonwealth, has sent word
to the officials of some of the smaller
counties asking them to expedite
their returns as the official soldier
vote was available last Friday. The
big counties, including Philadelphia
and Allegheny, have filed their re
turns. In addition'to the vote for
Senate officials the vote on two con
stitutional amendment propositions
must be computed.
—Men active in • political affairs
I and who keep rods and reels on'
hand for a summer's fishing are of [
the opinion that Nathan R. Buller,
the State Commissioner of Fisheries, I
is pretty certain to be appointed for j
a full term as Commissioner by Gov- '
ernor-elect William C. Sproul when i
he takes office. Mr. Buller, who was
one of the eight state ofiicials who
failed of confirmation in the last
Senate because of antagonisms, has
attended strictly to business since
his appointment last July and from
all accounts there has been recog
nition of his ability in influential
—fudging from tho manner in
which applications for rooms are!
coming to Harrisburg there is going!
to be a record-breaking crowd at I
the inauguration of William C.
dproul as governor on January 21
and the new Penn-Harris hotel,
which is to be opened in time for
ihe assembling of the Degislature
will do much toward relieving the |
shortage of hotel accommodations
in Harrisburg. The reservations i
are being made from every section
of the state and many prominent
men are coming for the ceremonies.
—State S major William E. Crow,
the chairman of the legislative com
mittee in charge which will be
named, will soon meet the new gov
ernor to talk about the details of
the day's program. There will bo
i Dig parade and many features.
The parade will probably break the
record for size. Returning troops
and Reserve Militia nmy participate
as well as clubs and other organi
—Capitol Hill is unusually filled
with rumors of changes and 3hifts
in the State government these days,
but little real information lias come
here. The belief is generally that
there will be a general reorganization
of departments on Capitol Hill to
bring them down to date. Interest
Is high in the reports about the
Labor and industry and Agriculture
—One story heard liero is that
Thomas J. Dynch, secretary of the
State Water Supply Commission,
will be one of the deputy attorney
generals. Mr. Lynch was executive!
clerk under two governors and is a.
member of the Dauphin bar.
—The Capitol people are awaiting |
a visit from the new governor which |
it is believed he will pay before the
session opens.
—The Pittsburgh Post indulges in
this editorial on the War Service
Hoard: "Governor Brumbaugh may
iliink he Is going to enjoy a $19,000
pension after his term of office, but
tho sentiment arising indicates that
the people have other notions about
Mr. Wilson's Denunciation
Woodrow Wilson, when president
of Princeton University, wrote a book
entitled "Cnnstttutional Government
of the United States." It was first
published in 1908, and reprinted in
1911 and 1918. The following quota
tion is taken from page 71 of that
There are illegitimate means by
which the President may influence
the action of Congress. He may bar
gain with members, not only with re
gard to appointments, but also with
regards to legislative meusures, Ho i
may use his local "patronage to assist
members to get or retain their seats;
hemay Interpose his powerful influ
ence in one covert way or another in
contests for places in the Senate. He
may also overbear Congress by arbi
trary acts which Ignore the laws or
virtually override them. He may
even substitue his own orders for
acts of Congress which he wants but
cannnot get.
"Such things are not only deeply
Immoral; they are destructive of the
fudamental understanding of consti
tutional government and therefore of
free public opinion, to bring thoir
own punshment, to destroy both the
fame and the power of the man who
dares to pracitce them.
Inspiration Night and Day
A North Carolina newspaper says
"all poets who love to drink in sun
shine ought to spend the fall in the
mountains." These mountains are
also wonderful .in the f%U for such
poets as love to drink in moon
shine. —Houston Post.
Where For, Berger?
Since Victor Berger, Socialist con
gressman-elect from Milwaukee, is
reported under indictment on
charges Involving violation of the
espionage law, it appears Just a lit
tle uncertain whether he will go to
Congress or to tail,—New Orleans
Got-F COUR&6 _ (CADpYLGSS) I lU"* 1 - \ | rORO /
Ybu REALH6 You HAUE Btreu t " " "—' *"* l v.r J
&oS"PeoDeD uot* NOM- payment ' I | THINK HE"'3 \ )
OP Vtou.R House ACCOOMT AMD I PoSTSTD Too i \ f)
AM . AWFUL assessment. YOO V fa
Feeu A 5 TMOU6H Yoo uiefte id hdt.yd
eot?RYSoDY'S AfJD THEY Y (Pb\ K fffi/WJ
_ ALL URSE You- ,
Just now a most difficult issue is
thrust upon the American people for
solution. For the first time in our
national life we have fought in a foi
eign war. We entered the unpara
.eiled conflict just in time to turn the
defeat of our Allies to a glorious vic-
Yoi four years we produced and
.allied to the four corners of the
earth foods and medicines to save mil- i
lions of people from starvation. j
For four years we have met tnc
nost cruel and gigantic forces of evil
.hat sought to defeat our charitable
work and further made war on us.
After a preparation for fort> years,
Germany suddenly launched themost
cruel, heartless war on innocent na
Rons' that the world ever witnessed.
She began at once to Kill, pillage,
'rope, murder, rob. burn po.son and
destroy life, property. the '
helpless, aged and young alike, bhe
violated all laws of "('ods'
as Si
rrr "ji
*he S c Y"i "'Kanim-ad/' shei asks of her ,
[his °s C u r r? an j y uSlice is our duty. What;
the one great defini- 1
tlon. -'JusUcc is the granting to each,
P T.°sUceVan aUHbute of God. In
repentencc; then „ hou ia repent.
Is right that Germany h< hr_ r rg _
her victims from whom
is°n 0 a y'et l( ih pj r st' n ?et "me^iKk
to be fed l.y u "' ne'ed to be fed
does Germany • e *\- KO s ),e reaped
now?. Three m own soil,
harvests °f France and Kus
"la d f Sh? eries for broad right after
her harvest time. , nj? w hy does
If Germany 'sK'am^ng ;rlcans
she. not a PP l ° , _ j an q and ask
are lining within her Know
them to plead her case.
Belgians, Armenians an!i
French? „„-/wer be led in pref
ere^ce 11 to h" innocent victim he has
bl There*
brought is not for
ur/l'r'crfmeT alone, but tlr
axrif" ■-,
iuirai pVt" •!>' ir " m
the righteous first j
the guUty. He sa . thP Kingdom.'
Then\o'?he' wicked he said. "Depart
from nae." Belgium, France.
Sntil K they change in mind, heart and
soul ' <5 B. BIDIiOCK. ,
Pastor M. E. Church.
Marysville. Ps-
„ KoHS
andl former rtud;nts
ar l lifers in Rosenwald school.
? jiiLtriluited among the colored
his disti South roanv Christ-
Ohlld ?membrances of one kind and
TTiaj v,or which have been sent to us
for* that purpose by generous friends
of rmHf -Mnred 'people of the rural dls
.rlTro of the SouUb I *'•* to say.
£ ,i Hv*n freely of their meager re
-J. as well as of their time, to
.ources, as weii wa| . reUef move .
help In the • f t hem. this has
ment .' Jf,eh sacrifice and privation
""fi 1 ". 1 many such homes and others,
and In many ,jttle to remind the
iilff™ 2r .K I.PP% Chrlotmft, ....
cee Institute 10 cu. o(ir m
in.nrmed ary thrown. U)
.irri child ran and to take .pains to see
that thev reach those who are worthy.
!n tVihitilne them over as wtfie a sec
d'stributtng ut)l ag possible,
tion of the ' h-tnoever, no matter
Anything whatsoever. a
home which otherwise might he neg
cMed at the Christmas season,
lected at i trll lv yours.
R R. MOTON. Principal.
Tuskegce Institute. Alabama.
Only One Flag
There is room in tills country for
only ono flag, and that is the flag
of the republic of the United States.
When four million soldiers from over
here and over there return to civil
Mlfe raising any banner antagonis
tic to tho flag these men have fought
for is not going to be the favorite
outdoor sport of the people who be
lieve in safety first.—National Re
, publican.
Liquid Fire and the Huns
A FORMER Harrisburg Tele-|
graph reporter, now of the I
American gas and flamo regi
ment, writes of his experiences in i
France up to Oct. 25, as follows;
"Wo have been In the line again i
since I last wrote you,but have come
back and are now some distance
back of the lines. Rumor has it
thai wo are shortly to go into winter
quarters, and if we do, 1 thihk that
we will have seen the fighting front
for the last time. The Germans are
fighting desperately, it is true, but
they haven't enongh men to relieve
those in tho line often enough, so
that they can't hold a position very
long, no matter how impregnable.
1 ant sure we are now on the last
lap and hope it will be a short one.
The men of our company arc being
called for leaves of seven days, given
at various places such as Paris, Nice,
and Aix Les Baines. I haven't de
cided where I want to go, but think
it WUI be Paris. I shall likely
about the middle of November.
Only a certain percentage are called
to go at a time.
"I feel sure the worst of the fight
lpg is over for us. Out of the 250
men who marched out of camp on
Christmas day In our company, there
are only 70 odd left, The rest are
all replacements. If I could tell you
of the attacks wc have been tn, and
all the fionts we HUve been on, you
would Indeed be suprisod.
"Our work in the last few attacks'
Wealth is no disgrace.
Notwithstanding the soap box ora
Who seldom come nearer to soap
than the box.
We are not going to esteem such
things as great riches
And so-called "society" and such
Material und foolish gew-gaws as
As we did before war's leaven
Lightened life's loaf,
But neither, let us trust.
Are we to become bolslicvlki.
The ono who prates loudly of
"The brotherhood ofman,"
And thinks it mean the destruc
Of property, invariably will be
To bo one who hates wealth
Because he has been too lazy too
To acquire any of it.
A gift of a hundred-dollar bill
Usually would convert one of this
To the side of capitalism over
Common sense and the saving
grace of humor
Usually come to the rescue
Of the* American people in every
And will not fail us now.
That we must reconstruct our na
tional life
Along new lines. Is undoubted
And, we fancy that in the new
time that's coming
Wc may laugh equally at tlio strut
ting importance
Of the nian of millions who ac
quired them by accident
And the unwashed orator who re
gards labor
As his greatest enemy and his mis
To save mankind that docs not
wisli to be saved,
By spouting like a spern whale.
[N. A. Review's War Weekly]
That tho President may not leave
the country during his term of pffice
has ever been accepted as an unwrit
ten law almost as binding as though
it were specifically incorporated in
the Constitution itself. So firmly Is
this opinion rooted that there was
severe criticism of President Roose
velt when he went to the Canal Zone,
notwithstanding ihe fact that ho was
continuously under the American
flag during his entire absence. There
was even adverse comment when
President Taft crossed the Rio
Grande to meet Mexican represen
tatives on the very border itself.
Had either of those Presidents pro
posed to absolutely expatriate him
self and sojourn in a foreign coun
try 3,000 miles away for a period
of several weeks, or perhaps months,
it is not difficult to imagine the
storm of protests that would have
been stirred up. And, to our think
ing, the protests would have been
wholly Justifiable, Just as they would
be Justifiable were Mr. Wilson to
absent himself from the country.
/I Sufficient Reason
One good reason for barring the
red flag from street parades is that
It gives the police too much to do
to protect it.—Buffalo Enquirer,
i lias been all flame and smoke screen
I work. We advance and burn out
; machine gun nests with liquid lire
i and throw out a smoke screen for
! the Infantry to advance. Believe me,
j there is no glory and glamour to our
, lighting. It is facing the cold stcoi
and seeing tho sights and sutferings
tho hardships that eventually break
men's spirits. This is the greatest
game that human beings ever engag
t ed in. A football game used to give
me a feeling of thrill and exhilara
tion, erpecially when our team
swamped another team. But war
is a different game. To stand out
there on a front lino* and see tho
• liquid fianio trickling down through
i the trees upon the men in the ma
-1 "hine gun nests and even seeing the
Boche tumbling from the limbs as
a dead bird from a nest, and then
i seeing them running out of their
! positions, and again hear the big
whoop of the infantry as it rushes
out to occupy the position, gives
one all sorts of thrills and emotions.
At times there is a grand and glorious
I feeling about it, but when you look
' around and see the toll of the game
and realize the price that is being
paid, that feeling of exhilaration
oozes out. One fellow who came to
us recently was killed tho first day
up the line. Was he fortunate?
"Things look fine just' now. Every
one is in good spirits and with seven
I days of absolute independence, we
i are all feeling like tho cock of the
t walk." _.
[From tho New York World]
Tn tho address of King Albert of
' the Belgians in his ancienf capital
j this sentence evoked a storm of ap
! plause from all the members of
"The Government purposes to
the Chambers to lower, by pa
triotic agreement, the ancient
barriers and to ifluke the con
sultation of the nation a reality
on the basis of equal suffrage
for all men of tho mature age
required for the exercise of
civil rights."
The words "equal suffrage" are
the core of the statement. The Bel
! gian franchiseas it existed in 1914
I was complicated. The male citizen
i had a vote at twenty-five years; at
| thirty-five, if married or a widower
! with children, he had a second vote;
; certain educational or property
I qualifications commanded a maxi-
I mum of three votes. But there were
' further conditions. Electors of Sen
ators had to be thirty years old,
und there wero elaborate provisions
: for proportional representation.
! Compared with the Prussian
three-class vote, the Belgian system
! was liberality itself, since almost
| half the voters had at least the
second ballot, but franchiso reform
i was' tho chief subject of political
discussion when the war smashed
everything. It is resumed at the
first passible moment and in the
right way, with an authoritative
i promise to the world cs well as
| Delirium of equal suffrage
The Soldier King whose first
' speech in Parliament afti r four
• years of exile is a counsel and pledge
'of democratization sets a good ex
ample to neighbors who aim at re
establishing the old autocracy of
birth and wealth or at establishing
a now autocracy of anarchy and
[From the Boston Globe]
The wheel of time has made a
giddy revolution. Into the capital
city of Belgium rides Belgium's
King, acclaimed by a liberated
I people. Over the border, in Hol
land, a crownless refugee, dwells
Wtlhelm Hohenzollern. That com
plete reverse of fortune which we
behold in Shakespearean tragedy in
the course of four acts has been
enacted before our eyes in historical
fact In four years.
King Albert himself might well
have doubted most of the time dur
i ing the past four years that he
| would ever tiead the soil of his
; capita' city again as monarch of
Belgium. A nation more utterly un
der the heel of the conqueror
modern history has rarely exhibited.
Her King 'was an exile, reigning
over the remnant of his army in a
bleak summer hotel on the sands of
the Channel coast.
His return to Ms palace in Brus
sels is the triumph of a different
sort of kingship than that typified
by his exiled neighbor. King Al
bert "played the ganve" He was
the friend, the servant, the cham
pion, tho comrade of his homeless
people. He shared the fatigues and
privations of those floodecL lands
where tho Belgians stood fft buy
on a pathetic wisp of their own soil
through four desperate years.
The reversed position of the two
kings, after tho shouting and the
tumult die, is a hint that jußtice
may not after ail be so blind.
[From the New York Globe]
The President, announcing a de
cision generally expected since he
asked the public to give him counsel
which has not been regarded, is to
sail for Elurope. The reason he
assigns is the difficulty of discussing
by cable "the greater outlines of
the final treaty about which he
must necessarily be consulted." Yet
tho unprecedented absence from the
place of duty assigned him is not
to be protracted. The plan is to
take part in the preliminary dis
cussions and then to allow the rep
resentatives of the United States,
when the real decisions are likely
to be made, to carry on tho work
under cabie instruction.
The judgment has been general
and freely expressed against the
President's attendance. He will be
tho only official head of a nation
present, and will outrank the other
conferrees. This will not be agree
able to other peoples although, of
course, politeness will forbid open
protest. The real Influence of this
country is thus likely to be dimin
ished by putting minor matters to
tho front.
The President's personal partici
pation will probably strengthen the
suspicion that a disposition exists
on this side to "liog" the peace set
tlement, a suspicion unfortunately
developed by persistence in separate
negotiations with Germany. The
President in his pre-election state
ment put in the record his convic
tion that failure to elect a demo
cratic congress would be a repudia
tion of his leadership. This was
not true, but it opens the door to
possible inquiries as to whether or
not the President in conferences
authentically expresses the views of
America. The German problem and
the peace problem are much nearer
to Europe than to us, and our asso
ciates did the greater part of the
work, and it will do this country
no lasting good to appear in the
role of trying to dictate.
When tho President shall return,
leaving behind the formal peace
delegation, the American represen
tatives • will bo much dwarfed.
What the President has said, witli
varying Interpretations, may be
quoted to them. Jn tho confusion
their weight may be less. In all
the affairs of life a delegate may
often achieve more for his principal
than can the principal himself by
direct participation. It is of doubt
ful wisdom to make it too openly
appear that our negotiators are to
lack power The treaty necessarily
must be one of which the details
are greatly important, and a full
statured, aggrandized, and inde
pendent delegation is desirable
when details are under discussion.
As tho President's journey is not
likely to have a good effect abroad,
it is certain to have a bad effect at
The Power of Right
[By Theodore Marburg, ono of the
organizers of the League to Enforce
Pe:ne and among the best known
of American publicists.—The Edi
Long before the United States en
tered the war some of us ventured to
express the fact that, while wrong
often triumphs locally, wrong uni
versally recognized as such co Id not
triumph; that to doubt it was to
deny that reason ordered tho unj
ver o, Was there ever a more strik
ing Instance of this truth than in
the persons of two men—the ex-
Bmperor of Germany and King
Emperor William scorned the
Belgian King as wholly incapable of
opposing successfully the will of the
mighty German Empire. Ho bade
Albert stand aside or he would force
hts way through his little Kingdom.
This threat he carried out to the ac
companiment of blood and lust and
cruel oppression. But back of the
Kingdom of Belgium was the king
dom of God; and what is the posi
tion of the wo men to-day? Al
bert re-enters his beautiful capital,
while Belgium is crowned with un
dying fame as having dont a "bi/fjer
thing than Thermopylae." The ex-
Empcror is a fugitivo on the face
of the earth. Is there in the whole
of history a more convincing ex
ample of the power of right?
"I want to get this cheek cashed,"
said a young wife to a clerk at the
bank, according to the San Fran
ciso "Argonaut"—though it is hard
Lo believe this heroine was an
up-to-date California woman. "Yes,
madam," was the clerk's reply;
"please indorse it." "Why, my hus
band sent it to me; ho is Just away
on businesa" "Yes, madam; but
Just indorse it. Sign it on the back,
please, and your husband will know
that we paid it to you." The young
woman went to the dcßk and in a
moments came back with tne check
indorsed, "Your loving wife, Sophia," j
Stinting (Eljat
[ Tho State Game Commission will
not pay $1 per bead for rabbits for
propagation in any district in Penn
sylvania. It will pay thirty cents
which is considered liberal and
some men who sought to do a lit
tle business with Dr. Joseph Kalb
fus, secretary of the commission,
found that he was as familiar with
ways of catching rabbits as he was
in tho days when he hunted in tho
Fa* West, for some time there
huvo been efforts under way to in
duce the state authorities to dis
tribute "cottontnlls" In some sec
tions where the rabbits have been
growing scarcer, but where tiny are
still known, offers to catch rab
bilt for tliu pin pose were tentative
ly made and when the state off'aers
euid they would buy they were stun
ned by tho demand for a dollar a
tall. There has been rabbit
hunting In some sections, hit in
opinion of Game Cominlssln* offi
cers rabbit cutchlng wotii<f be a
moro profitable operation.
To-day marks tho end of tho
small-game season in Pennsylvania
except rabbits and ducks. The bear
season will run until the middle of
December and the'deer season bo
gins on Monday morning and will
also run until the lifteenth of tho
month when the open season for
everything except wild water fowl
will close. This is tire second sea
son under tho new game code and
the plan of having the small game,
except rabbits, plose up with No
vember and the deer season when
the leaves are well off the trees,
seems to have met with general ap
proval. There have been quite a
few accidents reported, but not as
many in beli. • o' game officials as
there would have had deer
hunting been authorizetf for Novem
ber. It is too early for any reports
on the small game shot, but from
all accounts the bag of pheasants
has been fair and quail good whero
the birds were fed. Few violations
of tho closed season on grouse were
discovered. All game protectors and
all men officially connected with tho
game service hove been asked by
Dr. Kalbfus to make reports to him
on the game killed as soon as pos
sible after the season closes and
then the veteran secretary will pro
ceed to show what a line food sup
ply is to be obtained from the wild
life, which he has been doing with
increasing success within recent
The movement for consolidation
of reports of various branches of
the state government and for the
elimination of useless or untimely
material has been given nn Impetus
by the appearanco a few days ago
of the report of the Adjutant Gen
eral for 1912. This gave in detail
the work of the National Guard and
the general orders, records andppe r
sonnel of six years ago. It Is prob
able that one of the tlrst steps of
the new administration will be to
reduce the reports and where they
have not been issued promptly to
consolidate them. This will almost
assuredly be done in the case of tho
Adjutant General's Department as
copy for a couple of years is in the
hands of the printer. Owing to tho
increased cost of papers and material
and labor. >...0 general printing has
been decreased, but at the Capitol
it is regarded as likely that more
cuts will be made.
Hardly a day goes by now with
out some men within the draft age
write to Major W. G. Murdoch
wanting to know if he can not get
into the service. Instead of men
wanting to got out, as was the case
with numerous instances the last
year, there are many who, having
been examined and classified, desire
the credit of having been in service
at least for a week or so. Un
fortunately there are no inductions
open now.
• • •
Professor A. E. McKlnley, of the
University of Pennsylvania, who is
In charge of the collection of data
relative to the war for tho War
History Commission, has sent letters
to some of his friends in this vicin
ity, calling attention to the import
ance of soldiers' letters as showing
their side and also giving the clue
to important events. There are
many which have come to Harrls
burg which would be Invaluable if
they could be put into the hands
of the commission which has head
quarters at tlie building of the His
torical Society of Pennsylvania In
—Ex-Auditor General A. E. Sis
.jon, of Erie, has been abided to the
State War History Commission.
—General C. B. Daughert.y, of
Wllkes-Barre, is compiling some
memories of his service in the Na
tional Guard and the Spanish War.
—Senator \V. C. Hackett, of Eas
ton, is an authority on the history
of his county. lie comes of a fam
ily long identified with it.
—Superior Court Judge Prank M.
Trexler has a fondness for tho his
torical data of the Lehigh Valley.
—Bishop P. M. Khlnelander
wants the Episcopal cathedral to bo
built on the Philadelphia parkway 4
to bo a denominational memorial
for tbat community. '
■ —Emerson Collins, deputy at
torney general, is an authority on
the history of the we3t branch
—Colonel C. A. Rook, of 'tltc Gov
ernor's stall and editor of tho Pitts
burgh Dispatch, is in Prance.
—That llarrisburg made
6tecl which was used for tho
army in Siberia?
—The so-called yellow fever epi
demic in Harrisburg In the nineties
had ono of the highest mortalities
of any outbreak.
Mr. Wilson at Paris
[New York Times]
The resolve of the President to
attend the Peace Conference at
Paris is not shaken by the expres
sion of a very general if not sub
stantially unanimous public disap
proval. Deeply as they regret Mr.
Wilson's decision, many Americans
will admit the force of Mr. Stetson's
observation "that the President is in
a much better position than any
body else to determine whother he
ought to go abroad or not." It will
be tho prayer of the American peo
ple that, in the decisions taken, con
cerning the end of the war, Mr. Wil
son may have an Influence as bene
ficent and successful as that which
he exercised while it was la pre
press, \