Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 29, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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    Allied Capitals Protest
Peace .Censorship
Washington. Nov. 29.—The pros
pect of a repressive censorship of
press dispatches dealing with the
peace conference is causing protests
in Paris. London and Washington.
In Paris, despite the armistice, the
censorship has suddenly become
more extreme than at any time in the
war. The cause for the reversal of
Clemeneeau's recently aunouueed
abolition of political censorship is
Impossible to discover.
American correspondents in I.on-1
don have organized a corporate body |
to tight the reported seizure by •
Creel's Bureau of Public Informa
tion of iwo of the four available
transAtlantie cables during the peace
conference and to obtain proper ,
means of communication with the
Vnited States.
In Washington. Senator Hiram
Johnson, of California, assailed the
administration for "Prussianizing j
news" and for suppression of open j
discussion of world peace problems.
Rely On Cuticura
For Skin Troubles
JUI2"T.£r.Ty ors;®et SJt Nt\ fh!cTir'£.
irp'eevh free c IVpt E feet** '
There Is No Necessity For
Doing Without
New. Snappy Shoes
For the Holidays, When
We Can Offer You Such
Values as These
For Very Little Money
Women's tan ami black Eng
lish. military heel, wing ti|>—-
as shown.
$4.95 and $5.50
Women's black and tan
boots, vici ami calf leathers,
Louis, or Cuban heel.
$5.50. and $6.45
Men'* l,unmrtal
A fuU line of children's tan
and black school anil dress
Wagoner Harry F. Belnn, For-,
mer Railroad Employe,
Tells of Experiences
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Rehm. of I.uck- j
now, has received many interesting;
letters from her son, Ha'rry F. I
Rehm, Headquarters Company, 79th |
Division. 'Somewhere in France,"
The young: man. a son of Mr. and i
Mrs. William Behin, was employed
by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- ;
panv as a brakeman in the yards
before entering the service and was j
a well tknown baseball player and
most efficient pitcher. He was in !
training at Camp Meade, leaving
for overseas service last July. Behni j
is now a wagoner for his di\i-;
In a letter written October 10 he
says in part: "It does me goods to ;
get letters from home in this lone- j
some land, for while there are lots ,
of the boys around at times." when j
night comes it is really lonesome, i
* * • I have washed in shell I
holes, slept in shell holes and dodg
ed in shell holes from shells, so
that I'm getting to just love shell
holes. • * • I'll try to tell you
something about our life over here.
Sleep Where Fortune Directs
"We sleep any place we happen
to stop, barbs, manure piles, shell
holes, dugouts, trenches, shelled
towns, piles of wood, any place at
all. • • • The villages are
built of thick stone, old houses such
as one sees in the movies and any
where near the front the towns are
all blown to pieces. Some were so
heavily shelled by gunfire and bombs
that there wasn t even a piece of
roof left on a single house. When
we started our first drive, for miles ;
and miles the shelling was so heavy j
that after we drove the Huns back,
the shell holes were so thick that |
one edge of a hole touched the next j
hcle. You can see for yourself j
this is no place for a delicate per- '
son when the shells start to whue- 1
e-e-e and then throw the shrapnel \
and gas around us. Right here is.
where the Yanks get good and mad, j
mad clear through.
Watches shells Burst
"The first shell fire I was in it j
frightened me some and I crawled
in a hole and watched them burst- i.
ing around me and I surely thought >
of all you folks at home, especially j
mother. Then my nerve came back I
and I felt 1 would like to go right j
on to Berlin without stopping, and
now I don't mind them as much. I
* * • As to the weather there j
is rain most all the time. I have j
seen about half of France and if 1 i
stay much longer will see the rest
and part of Germany, I suppose, j
But I have seen enough and we are i
all ready to come home as soon as !
the dove of peace flies over the land. !
* • • I have seen some sights j
here that I will never forget as long '
as I live, even though I'd be a thou
sand years old. For there has been
lots of bloodshed,' and I'm glad l!
have good, strong nerves so that I
can stand any ordeal. I have se'en !
some of our boys under shell tire !
but a few hours and taken back i
wrecks from shell shock.
Promises llochc Helmets
"I am sending you a souvenir of
France and will later send a Boche j
helmet so you can hang it with the ;
service flag you have for me, in J
the window. Go to ail the lectures j
you can, for all the stories you hear j
about life here are all too true—this j
way you wiii know what is really go- j
lug on over here.* • * I enclose i
a coupon for which you can send
me a little Christmas gift. I will
be glad for anything but really
would like another wrist watch for
mine is on the burn. Whatever you
send I will appreciate you may be I
sure. Mother Dear X am sending
you a clipping of a poem I ran
across in a newspaper which I
thought nice and very true and my
sentiments to the word, especially
" 'We fight for every mother as she
Her babe to sleep upon her throb
bing breast:
We battle for the womanhood of.
For Liberty, for Honor and for
Be proud, O Mother dear that you
gave birth
To one who lived to enter such a
"This leaves me well with the
hope of a speedy return home.
"Your son.
To Fill Big Contract For
British War Tanks Soon
N'cw York. —It is learned by the
Christian Science Monitor's local bu
reau that the British government has
ordered the construction in the
L'nited States of 20,000 tanks, of a,
size between the largest and the
whippets, and that the cessation of
hostilities has not caused the cancel
lation of this order. Ineed, it is de
clared that the tanks will be so con
structed that, if not used for war
purposes, they can do service as
tractors in the production of food
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. 1
| A. S. Patterson Will Address
First Meeting in the
_ i
! The committee on arrangements!
|of the Y. M. C. A. Self Expression i
| and Debating Society announced to-'
day that Andrew S. Patterson, presi-!
I dent of the I'ipon Trust Company,;
will be present at the opening ses- .
! ston on .Monday evening. December J
12. He will deliver a short address on !
| the value of public speaking from j
; the standpoint of a businessman and .
I banker. <
i General Secretary Reeves deserves'
I much credit for his foresight in •
| making this work a part of the
IY. Id. O, A. curriculum. In discus
sing the matter to-day he said: "Dr.
! Becht's idea of a Y. M. C. A. parlia
! ment has met with instantaneous re
! sponse. The idea is to conduct the
sessions so that every man will feel
it his duty to take part in the pro
ceedings. From time to time cer
tain members will be asked to give i
dramatic declamations. On another j
occasion a man will be selected to,
give ten minutes of instruction in;
public speaking: later on a mem-1
bcr will be asked to inform the so- i
ciety as to the best places to get ma- i
| -.rial for an address, how to use the !
dictionary, the library, etc. After,
I the class gets in full swing, a peace!
j celebration will be staged, one mem- j
ber representing General Pershing. I
i another the Governor of the state, i
I another a French hero. etc. The
I program committee will, of course.'
| be open to suggestions at all times."
Be a Belle
of the Ball
1 Let Stuart's Calcium Wafers'
| Drive Away' Pimples and
Skin Eruptions and Give
You a Complexion
That Is a Marvel
of Beauty.
seni for .1 Free Trial l*ackgt.
Nature decreed that every woman j
should have a clear, smooth, deli
cate skin. If it is blotched with
pimples, blackheads and other such!
eruptions, it is simply an evidence!
that the skin lacks certain elements I
that promote and preserve skin
health. And the greatest of these
is the wonderful calcium sulphide in
Stuart's Calcium Wafers. It is one
of the natural constituents of the
human body. Your skin must have
Ht to be healthy. It enriches the
blood, invigorates the skin health,
dries up the pimples, boils, ec
zema and blotches, enables new!
skin of fine texture to form
and become clear, pinkish, smooth j
as velvet and refined to the
point of loveliness and beauty. To
use these wonderful wafers means;
to become the belle of the ball. Stop
using creams, lotions, powders and j
bleaches which merely hide for the I
moment. Get a 50-cent box of Stu-I
art's Calcium Wafers at any drug j
store today.
And if you wish to give them a j
trial send the coupon below.
F. A. gtonrt Co.. 712 Stuart Hldg., J
Marshall. Jllvh. Send me at once,
by return mall, a free trial pack
age of Stuart's Calcum Wafers,
Name ..
City State
An old enemy is with us again,
and whether we tight a German orj
a germ, we must put up a good
tight, and not be afraid. The tnr'lu
enaa runs a very brief course when
the patient is carefdl, and if we
keep the system in good condition
and throw off the poisons which tend
to accumulate within our bodies, we!
can escape the disease. Remember i
these three C's—a clean mouth, a,
clean skin and clean bowels. To
carry off poisons from the system
and keep the bowels loose, daily
doses of a pleasant laxative should
be taken. Such a one is made "of
May-apple, leaves of aloe, root of
jalap, and called Dr. Pieice's Pleas
ant Pellets. Ilot lemonade should
be used freely if attacked by a cold,
and the patient should be put to
bed after a hot mustard foot-bath.
To prevent the attack of bron
chitis or pneumonia and to control
the pain, Anuric tablets should be
obtained at the drug store, and one
given every two hours, with lemon
ade. The Anuric tcblets were first'
discovered by Dr. Pierce, and, as'
they flush the bladaer and cleanse
the kidneys, they carry away much
of the poisons and the uric acid.
It is important that broths, milk,
buttermilk, ice cream and simple
diets be given regularly to strength
en the system and Increase the vital
resistance. The fever is diminished
by the use of the Anuric tablets,
but in addition, the forehead, arms
and hands may be bathed with
water (tepid) In which a tablespoon
ful of salaratus has been dissolved
in a quart. After an attack of grip
or pneumonia to build up and
strengthen the system, obtain at the
drug store a good Iron tonic, called
"Trontic" Tablets, or that well
known herbal tonic. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery.
■B H SB g| m gl k
B mi
321 Market Street I
Elmo Face Fowder 23c DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HUW 11 Kit(y G<)rdon „,„ $1.25 I
Gordon Allah Face Powder .... S9c There is no good reason why yon should not plan those gifts now, get Mary Garden . . ..y $2.85 I
Flormye Face Powder sl*9 them off your mind. Suitable, sensible, useful gifts will be none too plenty Mary Garden r,..w $3.98 H
La Trefle Face Powder $1.19 this season You'll find better selection now, avoid the crowds and help the Houbigant's Quelques Fleurs $7.98 H
T F p CC P ° wd " S '\ ' Government conserve labor by making it unnecessary for merchants to em- Houbigant's Quelques Violets $5.69 I
La Blache Face Powder 39c ploy extra people and keep open extra hours tQ take care q{ -Eleventh hour" Houbigant's Quelques Ideal .. $5.78 H
Swansdown Face Powder ~.. 13c shopping. Some suggestions:— ' Houbigant's Rose $2.67 ■
Flora Sweet Face Powder 55c . El
Ven Dome (Mio) Face Powder. 98c COLGATE'S ECLAT GIFT BOX "" ' Sa " ' H
Petahs Face Powder 49c FAfF POWDFR
Fascination Face Powder 49c Each box in an individual carton. Contents— r/V\*E. r\J WU£.lt . I
Valeska Suratt Face Powder ...43c ~ a r,. rance R ° s ? and Monad {No l 5 Eclat Extract Houbigant's Eau Spiriteuse .. $1.15 I
Mary Garden Face Powder .... 79c" Gift Boxes contain corresponding items Pn .., a ~ „ Tarni ,,. m ; nn , , Q H
Freeman's Face Powder ..19c ~ _ 0 , J 1 cake Eclat Toilet Soap Cot y ß La Rose Jacqueminot $3.39 gg
rreeraan s race o a Radiant Rose. Splendor and Violette , „ , . _ . 0 , . Mrs Vernon Castle $3 45 H
Pussywillow Face Powder 34c , M . r f 1 small bottle Eclat Sachet ; mrs - vcrnon vasue E3
LA™ ipMav! 111 l S 43c asfo™X\T7,. < "gular-oU. box Eclat Talc. . O-ldinr Farrar $4.67 1
Hud™u. Gardonil 83c lightly higher price. 1 No. 6 hot. Ecla, Toilet Water Floramye $ .1, |
Hudnut Sweet Orchid 83c * Azurea M- 98 |J
TAI ✓>* T** DAU/nFDQ Cashmere Bouquet. Caprice, Dactylis, Eclat, Italian Violets, La France Rose, Ea Trefle Vegetable ........ $1.19 m
TALCUM POWDERS Lily of the Valley, Monad Violet Floramye Vegetable $1.19 &
Garden Allah Talcum 21c Each bottle is metal-capped and is in ahinged cover box. Styles which have | Azurea Vegetable $1.29 I
Mary Garden Talcum 48c enjoyed great popularity in the past and will probably be Pompeia Vegetable .... t .-.. $1.19 g
Waltz Dream Talcum 23c bigger sellers than ever this Christmas Houbigant's Ideal $4.98 |j
Jess Talcum (Tins) :.. 13c Coty's Lorigan v. $1.90 g
Jess Talcum (Jars) 21c Djer Kiss gift packages put up in handsomely decorated boxes, containing Coty s Jacqueminot Rose ... $1.90 I
Hudnut Talcum (Tins) 19c Soap Talcum p owder . Face Powder, Toilet Water, Extract. Sachet, Etc. Mrs. Vernon Castle $1.98 ||
Hudnut Talcum (Jars) 43c Prices s'* 79 and s<!.4B Kitty Gordon 98c H
Babcock Butterfly Talcum .... -22 c ' Mary Garden 79c g
Babcock Corylopsis Talcum ... 15c ~~ I Azurea • $1 19 H
Babcock Violet Elice Talcum .. 13c Roger and Gallet gift packages put up especially for Holiday purposes in Flora sll9 gi
Palmolive Talcum 19c beautifully designed silk-lined boxes, containing Extract, Soap, ! La Tre f le J ■
Djer-Kiss Talcum 35c Face Powder, etc., of different odors and assortments Manon Lescaut $1 15 H
Hobson's°Soap'*.*.'..".'.*!!. 20c Mary Garden sets arranged in a beauti- Houbi t - s Heliotrope $1.19 I
Packer's Tar Soap 18c red satin-lmed box containing Toilet Gordon $1 25 B
Colgate's All-Round Soap, 3 for 25c ater ; Extrac i'. Pace PV 14 ' P " Mar y Gardn 83c |1
Dr. Sayman's Soap 3 for 29c tfl! IRWj special price, $..98 and $10.98. Floramye ' ...' 75c 11
Life Buoy Soap 2 for 15c
Jergen's Violet Glycerine 3 for 25c ' Rigaud's Extracts, Toilet Water, Etc. FYTPATTQ (' I
Jergen's Geranium Bath 3 for 25c , Rigaud's Violet Extract $1.25 LAIRALI3
~ u Rigaud's Vioktt Toilet Water $1.25 Azurea ~,.r , $1.75
opFriAl /'" Rigaud's Violet Extract, large .... $4.98 Houbigant's Ideal .... $6.25 O
V/ Rigaud's Violet Sachet $1.75 Coty's Lorigan $6.78 ip
Militarv Hair Brushes Rigaud's Kitty Gordon Toilet Water, $1.25 Coty - s La Rose j ack y>y _ $ 13 j S gg
Military nair urusnes, OV Rigaud's Kitty Gordon Sachet $1.25 Mrs Vernon Castle $2.25 I
Per pair, $1.48 fyV Rigaud's Lilas Perfume $125 Geraldine Farrar $1.25
Rigaud's Lilac Toilet Water $2.98 Kitty Gordon $1.25 |
Rigaud's Lilac Sachet 98c M Garden .... $1.15 and $2.25 E
CREAMS kmm $ Rigaud's Geraldine Farrar Perfume, $1.25
lI.WBPI ii Rigaud's Vernon Castle Perfume .. $2.25 PATFIMT MFHIPIMFd I?
Pond's Vanishing Cream 30c ,1 Rigaud's Trentini Perfume $1.48 B
Daggett &Ramsdell Cold Cream 33c f VfJVI ij EPU Listerine . t |
Hudnut's Cold Cream 39c I WI RIGAUD'S LATEST CREATION. "UN t, S0 Gude's PeotomanFan - 94c ■
Palmolive Vanishing Cream ... 39c AJR EMBAUME •• A BLEND OF 51.50 Gude s Peptomangan 94c p
Palmolive Cold Cream 39c | r ! \y T HE FLOWERS OF THE ORIENT Q uaker Herb k* tra ct 69c g
Le U MeridorCre™m r GrCam .!!! 33c Un A\r Embaume Perfume. Reg. .. SIO.OO $1 Empire Hair Regenerator ... 79c I
Cream 53c ' Un Air Embaume Toilet Water .... $6.50 $1.50 Fellows Syrup Hypo ... 98c &
fngSmMUkweed Cream- 73c Un Air EmbaumC Sachet $2 ' 25 111 I
_L__ ALL RIGAUD'S PERFUMES AND $1.25 Lash s Bitters 89t g
xnnT u A TOILET WATER PUT UP IN BEAU- ? l ° ai L S Ein ! m l n ;
™ Mary cTe„ "HFULLY DESIGNED PACKAGES /Jc Mellen s Food ....54c |
PRLPAKA lIUIM3 $1 Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 67c M
Pebeco Tooth Paste 36c STATIONERY WHITE IVORY TOILET $i Hay s Hair Health 67c g
Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c ARTIPI
Colgate Tooth Paste 25c A NICE LINE OF BEAUTI- 1 $1 Bitro Phosohates 79c g
Sanitol Tooth Paste or Powder, 17c puLLY BOXED STATIONERY, A full line of ivhite ivory Mirrors, $1.20 Sal Hepatica .%..ow73c I
Kal Phcno Tooth Paste or HOLIDAY PACKAGES Tmys. ifoir Brushes, Clothes Brushes, $1.20 Pinkham s Compound •>:.<* 79c
Powder ' <k>mbs. Houxe Boxes, Xail Flies. Powder $1 Lavoris . 69c H
Albodon Tooth Paste 16c 98r, $1.25, $1.48, $1.98 Boxes and Puif Boxes. All at cut prices. $l Resinol Ointment 73c |9
Pyrodenta Tooth Paste 23c $1 Varnesis 79c
S S. White Tooth Paste 17c $1.50 Scott's Emulsion 93c ■
Senreco Tooth Paste 18c IT| ITOD 17 O PF C I I $1 S. S. S 67c S
Colgate Tooth Powder, 15c and 25c 1\ U DDL 1\ wl J- V-* 1. Lj 20 Bromo Seltzer -.> 69c g
Graves' Tooth Powder or Paste, 16c r Lysol 69c
Kal Pheno Tooth Powder 18c Hot Water (| *1 Hot Water '"T O i o aer 1 1 Q $1.50 Russell's Emulsion 94c ■
Euthymol Tooth Powder 18c Bottle.. I .**o Bottle /O U Bottle.. I.A a/ $1 Danderinc 69c I
Pyrrocide Tooth Powder 79c —— - " ■
Lvon's Tooth Powder or Paste, 17c Fountain d* 1 A Q Fountain QQ_ fountain d* "I OQ
J- Syringe $ 1 .48 Syringe ... OV C Syringe 1 .OV PILLS AND TABLETS
LIQUID CREAMS Combination Hot Combin ati on Hot | Combination Hot 100 5-grain Cascara Tablets 35c I
AND LOTIONS Water Bottle and Water Bottle and Water Bottle and 100 Calomel Tablets -x-. 19c |
, rt Fountain d? O1 Ck Fountain Af\ Fountain d "1 ££ 25 Miles' Pain Pills >:*>: 23c ■
Oriental Cream SLI9 Svrinee Syringe .. 3> 1 .4" ; Syringe .. 1 .Oi> A. &S. Tablets .>.> 19c g
Orchard White 28c _J_ —— —— 200 Bliss Native Herbs 69c M
Dermaviva 33c / r,, 1/^ , AD CDTP I A I Q 100 Coryza Tablets 33c H
Laird's Bloom Youth 55c £ t. y /\ £\ 1 1 f\. LU 50c Doan's Kidney Pills 39c I
■ .1,, a - I 25c Beecham Pills 15c H
FRECKLE CREAMS 5 J? OK socExiax 34c g
__ i , i n ! 1 25c Olive Tablets ........ .-..-.x, 15c I
Stillman's Freckle Cream 32c • Rose-O-Cuba INew Dacnelor 25c Schenck's Pills 17c ■
Othene (Double Strength) 73c f\ w | MartaffOll 25c Pierce's Pills ...15c ■
Ken Klay (Double Strength) .. 79c * 50c Wendall Ambition PUls .. w 34c |
ODOR DESTROYERS "44" First Quality SO'c Stuart's Calcium Wafers *<; 34c I
_ 11 *T o ii $1 DeWitt's Kidney Pills .... 69c ■
Mum 19c Counsellor Up ac Up 2Sc Doan . B Regulets 21c g
Spiro Powder 19c • I —___— 1 ■ 1 I
TOILET WATERS ___...J __—— . _ _|T rp |V . rxi p 25c Palmer's Skin Success .20c B
S=£&w_:::::: s j KENNEDY'S CUT-RATE B®-.=—a I
Garden Allah Toilet Water .... 89c r ! Poslam .H
Garden Allah Toilet Water 45c ! Why Not Do Your Christmas Shopping Now? Uncle Sam Requests It 10c Malena be g
NO\ r EMTSER 29, 1918.