Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 29, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    Store Closes Regularly
On Saturdays at Six
BKF.I, mm—2.1.16 I MTED
I if
Day A Before
Tiventy-one clays—equivalent to three weeks of shop
ping days. A great many people have complied with the
suggestions to buy and send Christmas gilts early.
Others still have the greater part of their buying to do.
Victory and Peace have changed conditions materially.
Joy is manifest everywhere, and less restrictions are im
posed now than if war had continued. Consequently it
will be the merriest Christmas the world has known for
generations. But because of past restrictions on the
manufacture of many non-essentials, market conditions
cannot return to normal. Therefore it is advisable to
make early selections, because no one can foresee what
the demand or supply will be just before Christmas.
Lovely Waists For Xmas
wtfflDu Multitudes of Them,
Scope for Selection
What gift more pleasing or better
'.jlgS evidence of its donor's good taste
firo fl ji and thoughtfulness than one o'f these
HF 'W beautiful waists? Don't delay se-
T ' ect ' on though, for while our stocks
are now large, the buying is heavy,
and you risk almost certain disap
pointment if you wait.
Georgette Special, $5.95
Various colors, beaded and embroidered, filet and satin
trimmed, some with frills; popular collar effects. Prices far
below what thev were marked to sell for.
BOWMAN'S —Third Floor.
Ties For Gifts For Men
Special For Saturday $1.50
A special of 25 dozen men's four-in-hand ties with
wide open ends —good quality of silk with neat pat
terns. An advantageous purchase that enables us to
sell this lot at 51.50 each.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Christmas Ribbons
A Beautiful Variety For Every
Concervable Purpose
Satin ribbons in every, desir
able shade for gift making
from the baby ribbon up to 8
inches wide. 5c to 89c yard. Af \
Bag ribbons beautiful wV
ribbons for bags in light and yS
dark fancies, also gold, silver $ c—*3(l
figures on black backgrounds; jS|
tapestry ribbons ; bjy inches FWLJ
to 10 inches wide; prices range Alii /1 Jjf
from 59c to $4.50 yard". wT Hli 4j\l
Plaid hair,bow ribbons in the xVj |\i] 'IM
beautiful Scotch plaids, 50c, .
59c and 75c yard.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Christmas Greeting Cards
Showing a big line of cards, many different designs
at 5c and 10c each; then up to 25c each. BUY NOW
BOWMAN'S—Mair Floor. 1
Suggestions For Soldiers
ft Now that the war is won and over,
the boys nted just as many nice re
membrances as before. And even more,
A or a " t^ie "Sammies" cannot come
home before a year or so. And especial
ly on Christmas will the boys look for
\ ißfe something from "home;" that of all
days should be the day to remember
j fX them with something such as either a
f#Jmoneybelt, kit, cigaret case, air pillow,
7 tobacco pouch, etc. Our line is com
plcte with all the Khaki things that
fSK , can be wanted.
Our fitted soldier's kit contains hair brush, tooth brush,
tooth paste, shaving powder, shaving brush, comb, cort
plaster, shaving stick, wash cloth and sewing outfit, $5.00 to
Money belts of different, styles, 75c to $1.50. Cigaret cases
•r.ith two pockets, 75c. Airpillow, $2.00.
Tobacco pouch; fitted out with paper tray, match box, $1.50.
Trench mirrors, 25c to SI.OO.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
fA Pre-Christmas Sale |
of Winter Coats a
At a most opportune time comes this special offering,* giving M
you the chance to buy a new Winter coat for yourself, or for a £3
Christmas gift, at substantially less than the usual price. There is
a worth-while saving in money without the sacrifice of style, qual- M
ity or appearance; for every coat included in this display is in a new
apd popular style, well made of high-class fabrics. Come early to- |§
morrow for the best choice. * 111
Just 150 Coats at $19.50*1
1 An ' : : I
| These are in good warm fall and winter materials such as: A
I Velours, kerseys, pompom, broad cloth and burellas. Most of these ||
v\ '\ ]j M are lined and interlined in all leading colors; sizes 16 to 44, $ I 9.50
| JJ]£ 75 Coats at $39.50 100 Coats at $49.50 §
y / with semi-trimmed convertible Handsomely tailored in A
'S/ collars, others with big square wool velours, silvertones, kittens
fur collars and still others have ear, broad cloth and velour Du A
™ the large shawl collar of fur. Nord, fur trimiyied and beauti- §|j
Sizes 16 to 44. Special'at $39.50 fully lined; all sizes, $49.50. jXj
S BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. £23
Colgate's Perfumes 89c
Fifty-five bottles Colgate's perfumes in Cashmere,
Bouquet, Caprice, La France, Rose, Monad Violet,
Lily of the Valley. Saturday special 89£
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Silk Specials
Twelve most wanted weaves in black silks such as
Salt Water Satin, Chiffon Taffeta, Satin de Lux, Peau
de Soie, Self Stripe Satin on Taffeta, Satin Messaline,
Peau de Cygne, Louisine, Moire, Paillette de Soire and
Satin Duchesse. This will be the day of our special
price. Take advantage of great savings. Yard, $1.85
40-inch Crepe de Chine —full line of and
evening shades, also white and black; yard . .. $1.45
BOWMAN'S-Main Floor.
| Old Santa Glaus Has Brought His Full |
I Stocks of Toys and . Dolls to I
' fujfibk Every tov and doll that the children want /& a\
rn #rs * . . . . . . , / 111
Hd ' /R or Christmas is here —and this is a far more
ji| -significant announcement in these days than if)
||| '* ' ias ever een ' 3etore - For fi lere are difncul- :
m f ** es — a^most insurmountable difficulties that ( ; . 4
sm I \r . the public knows well of —now in the way of \
Op 0/<l ' ij' collecting such variety of good, medium-priced AfinJih
5 ;M ! desired toys as have been the delight of the # I
f I , childhood in this city (and of parents also) at
\L \i Ij Bowman's in former years.
\ \ \l IL But we are glad, indeed, to say that no sucl! H
difficulties could prevent us from having this fl| fflj
year, as formerly, a very complete and a very
u delightful showing altogether of Dplls, Games,
Op " Mechanical Toys, Toy Soldiers and equipments
® and implements of war, Trains, Puzzles and all sorts of new play contrivances and ingenuities, and m
IS most of them the new up-to-date Made-in-U. S. A. kind.
6 Buy now while the variety is complete. , • . IR
II Blackboards sl.lO to $3.25 Tanks that crawl like, the real ones $3.25 pfij
S White enameled furniture $1.25 to $8.25 Toy tea sets 10c to $5.00 m
!j|| Drums 39c to $6.50 Express wagons $3.65 to SIO.OO m
IK Tool Chests 50c to $2.75 Doll carriages '49 c to $14.50 ypj
S Dolls 49c to $20.00 Desks \ . .$6.98 to $13.98 gj
S''' War Toys c....\ .25c to $5.00 Thousands of other toys too numerous to mention ffi
BOWMAN'S—Basement._ fcjj
Handkerchief Special
Ladies' fine cambric and a few linen handkerchiefs,
in white with fancy corners; full size. Saturday spe
cial, each .
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Wool Dress Goods
54-inch Yelour de Laine and Suede Velours l5
best colors; also black in the lot. They comprise all
our best grades. For Saturday only, yard .... $3.95
Xo telephone or mail orders or C. O. D. orders filled.
50 and 54-inch fancy plaid suitings or skirtings such
as shawl plaids, velour somber tones, two-tones and
fancy multi-tones; all the latest and most stylish ef
fects. Saturday special, yard $3.95
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
NOVEMBER 29, 1918.
Store Closes Regularly
On Saturdays at Six
Finest Shoes For Women
Our Shoe Department
A Reliable Place To Get Them
There's just one way of / "
being sure that you'll get the o: It
best shoes for your money /<?•., oj /
and that is to buy depend- fJpIK /'■' }' °: I
able makes. For style, qual- 0 • i*\
of 1
best and that oift prices are / Tjr~**-^
the fairest such good foot
wear can be sold for.
Tan calf shoes with French heels, $9.49.
Gray kid shoes ivith cloth tops; French heels, $7.49.
Gray suede shoes with French heels, $9.00.
Black kid shoes with French and military heels, $7.00 to
Women's black calf buttton shoes with cloth tops, $3.49.
Women's black patent vamp shoes, with kid and cloth
tops, $1.98.
Slippers for women; pair, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Cotton Dress Goods
32-inch best foreign and domestic ginghams in an
endless range of plaids and stripes, also plain colors.
Saturday special, yard .• 69^
32-inch silk stripe Tussah or Crepes white grounds
with various colored stripes—very neat and dressy for
Men's Shirts, Women's Dresses or Waists. Will wash
perfectly. Saturday special, yard 79^
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
White Goods For Gifts
What woman is there who doesn't appreciate fine table
linen, bed spreads, towels, or some dress pattern in white.
This department offers a variety of practical gift sugges
tions that are appropriate:
Satin bedspreads—English finish with beautiful designs;
each, SIO.OO.
Embroidered bcdsets—comprising .bedspreads and bolster
throw; per set, SIO.OO and $12.00.
Linen pattern table cloths —$5.00 and up.
Linen hemstitched or scalloped table cloth, $9.00 and up.
Linen lunch cloths—plain edge, $1.50 and up.
Linen lunch cloths —hemstitched or scalloped, $2.50 and ujk
Linen tea napkins, $9.00 per dozen and upwards.
Linen huck towels; guest size, 75c up; larger size, 89c up.
Turkish towel sets, from 79c up to $5.50 per set.
Boxed nainsooks, $3.25 per box of ten yards.
Novelty voile waist and dress patterns at attractive prices.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
• Beacon Bath Robes
In a beautiful assortment of pretty designs in all colors;
with cuffs, collars and pocket beautifully trimmed with satin
and heavy silk girdle, $7.50 to $17.50.
Handsome Silk Kimonos
In Crepe de chine, floral satins and Seco silks. These are
beautifully embroidered and fringe trimmed—all colors and
sizes. $6.50 to S2SX)O.
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
400 Pounds of
• *
Khaki Yarn
Special at 75c Hank
Regular 4-oz. Hanks
Four-Ply and Two-Ply
The coldest winter months are yet
to come and those who have ac
quired the habit of knitting for sol- , **T
diers will want to knit for friends l\/#\ *
and the refugees. In fact, there'll
be so much to do for the unfor- 1
tunates abroad who have suffered AjpffiX /
from the war, that the Red Cross
will appreciate'all the help that can \ r* aw
A fortunate circumstance enables MatlM
us to offer this yarn at this special
price. We have the heavy four-ply
wool yarn for heavy sweaters and
the regular four-ply for
wear. Also the two-ply gray worsted
yarn for socks.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
"IVhy Not Do Your Christmas Shopping
- Now ? Uncle Sam Requests It