Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 27, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Distribute Bags Through City
For Gathering Materials
to Benefit Work
■ All arrangements have been com- j
pleted for an unique conservation cam- |
paign to be conducted by the Nursery I
"Gets-It," a Liberty
Bottle For Corns!
There's Only One Genuine
"Corn-Peeler" That's
Ever peel a banana? That's tbo
way "Gets-It" peels off corns. It's
the only corn treatment that will.
"Gets-lt" is a guarantee that you
No More Ea cut* forCoroi or Corn-Pio Now!
won't finally have to'gouge, pick,
jerk or cut out your corns. If you
want the pleasure of getting rid of
a corn, lje sure to get "Gets-lt." It is
its, wonderful formula that has made
"Gets-lt" the corn marvel that it is. |
used by mop millions than any other
corn treatment on earth. A few
drops on any corn or callus, that's
* all. It can't stick. It Is painless,!
eases pain. You can kick yourj
"corny" feet around, even in tight!
shoes, and your corns won't crucify |
you. You can go ahead and work,
dance, live, love and laugh as though I
without corns. j
"Gets-It," the guaranteed, money
back corn-remover, the only sure
way, costs but a trifle at any drug
store. M'f'd' by E. Lawrence & Co.. j
Chicago, 111. Sold in Harrisburg and j
recommended as the world's best i
corn remedy by Clark's Medicine j
Store, 11. C. Kennedy, Keller's Drug j
Store, F. K. Kitzmiller, C. M. Forney,'
Golden Seal Drug Co.
YSK- Quickly
Our repair department'is a big factor
in our establishment.
We have the skill, the experience, and
4 are at your service always.
Prices commensurate with good work.
Bring your broken glusses here
Eyesight Specialist
■ehleUaer Bsililss I
nMfcurrun ,nm u 11 nan h
Carter's Little Liver Pills
You Cannot be A Remedy That
Constipated Makes life
and Happy jMWvngg Worth Living
Sm.ll Pill B PIUS. Gnuln bean tlunalura
fcaiall Dote B im l( *3L-
"" m "" W >j^l£S—l
many colorfcsa face# but greatly fcelp moat pale-faced people
w I ;
For "Flu" Weakness
rp rpi • rri •
II iry lhis lonic
: For the prompt relief of those who are suffering ! J
, from the avfler effects of this scourge
Blood and Nerve Tablets
, which contain Iron, Nux Vomica
and Gentian, a stronger And more
active tonic than the regular Dr.
Chase's Tablets; quickly dispel the
poisons of the disease and make
new pure blood so fast they force
y 'new life and vigor into every part
of the body.
Weigh Yourself Before Taking
Special—Stronger and More Active—9oc Box
*. It's Cheaper to Buy Five Boxes at a Time! ;
224 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. * j !
i ■ i i
; ! 1
I - - " _Il!
x 0V *
. % '
Home of Harrisburg for the purpose
of raising needed funds. Residents
of the city will be aeked to gather
| ull worn-out and caat-off articles
I such as old clothing, rags, carpet,
rubbers, sine, lead, brass, etc., and
to place these articles In the sani
tary bags which are now being placed
In every home In the city. The bags
will be collected at a later date.
| The Nursery Home berieflts chll
| dren from "all parts of Dauphtn
I and Cumberland counties. From fifty
to sixty children are cared for dally. |
They range from the tiniest babies j
j to big 16-j ear-olds and ltioludp tots •
iaf all ages in between. The home i
j is always in need of funds to make
| more comfortable the quarters for
the little folk and to enable them to I
Increase the size of the little family
•and take care of influenza orphans.
The success of a campaign of this
kind is necessarily dependent upon
(he women of the city, as they have
the disposition of the household
waste, and in sending out an appeal
for the saving of the Waste the Nur
sery Home anticipates the support
of every Harrisburg woman.
Plan Is Practical •
The plan by which these waste
materials are to be secured Is in
teresting and practical. The Nursery
Homo is not going about this col
lection in a slipshod, haphazard way,
but is undertaking it systematically
under a well defined, carefully or
ganized plan and has called to Its
assistance specialisla in organizing
and directing campaigns of this kind.
Every household has enough waste
material for at least one bag and
most homes have more. The aggre
gate oi* these small quantities of
waste material, which will be sold
in one large lot, will produce a large
sum for the Nursery Home. Sufh
campaigns in other cities have been
most successful and the amounts
realized by local organizations grati
f.vingly large.
What Yon Should Save
Here is a" list of the things in
your home which should be ready In
the bags wljen the collector calls
rays, large or small; unwearable
articles of the following: old flannel,
baby clothes, blankets, petticoats, out-
I ing trousers, women's outing suits.
| stockings, woolen shawls, shirts,
I woolen yarn, knit or crocheted ar
| tides such as hotise Jackets, sweat
l ers, scarfs, toboggan caps and mit
[ tens, and women's, boys and men's
i garments, including overcoats, suits
sacks and cloth skirts; all of old
carpet and rugs, rubber, footwear,
| automobile tires, hotr water bags, and
| copper, brass, lead, zinc, tinfold, old
I cooking utensils, old plated ware,
j kniVes, forks, etc.
i __
j Comforting relief from pain
makes Sloan's the
World's Liniment
! This famous reliever of rheumatic
i aches, soreness, stiffness, painful
1 sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that human
ity suffers from, enjoys its great sales
because it practically never fails to
bring speedy, comforting relief.
Always ready for use, it takes lit
tle to penetrate without rubbing and
produce results. Clean., refreshing.
At all drug stores. A large bottle
means economy. '
Officers Fleeted at Annual
Meeting of the. Trustees of
Home For Friendless
The 60th annual meeting of the So- |
( eiety of the Hoir.i for the Friendless
| was-held in the aesembly room of the
j Young Men's Christian Association '
yesterday afternoon.
I The seeslon was opened with pray- j
er by the Rev. Harvey B. Klaer, pas- !
tor of fhe Covenant Presbyterian j
The report of the treasurer of the ]
Board of Trustees acknowledged the I
receipt of the following bequests ,
during the year: Lavina Putt. 198; :
Catharine Chandler, $200; John A.
Miller, $5O; Sarah Balmer, $300; a j
total of $646.
The report of the treasurer of the |
Board of Woman Managers set forth I
a deficit of about $3OO.
The Secretary of the Woman Mana
gers. Miss Lydia A. Forney, announc
ed the death of tiyo of the guests dur
ing the year, and the admission of
seven others; and quite a number of
applications on file, without room for
them, every apartment ill the build
ing being occupied. The home fam
ily now numbers 43 old women, and
live helpers, not including the Jani
tor. Two pastors officiate oh the
Sabbath, alternating.
The home had only one case of
Spanish influenza, and that a very
giild one.
The following were elected officers
for the coming year: v President.
Charles A. Kunkel; vice-presidents,
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kunkel and Mrs.
J. W. Reily; secretary, Henry C.
Demmlng; treasurer, Harrisburg
Trust Company.
Trustees elected for three years:
President Judge George Kunkel,
Law Judge Samuel J. M. McCarrell
and Thomas T. Wierman and William
M. Donaldson.
Woman managers elected for three
years: Miss Lucy A. Herr, Mrs. Eliza
beth C. Kunkel, Mrs. S. Cameron 1
Young. Mrs. W. S. -Yohng, Mrs. J. W.
Rell.v, Mrs. Christian Lynoli, Miss
Jennie J. Dull. Miss Lydia A. Forney,
Mrs. M. W. Jacobs, Mrs. W. E. Wright
and Mrs. Helen Boyd Dull.
It was proposed to have a golden
jubilee in the interest of the home,
to be held within the next two
months. Friends of the institution
are cordially invited to visit the
home at any time.
An expert on the conduct of pub
lic institutions sent word to the so
ciety that the Home for the Friend
less in this city is not surpassed any
where in the way'of economical giau
agement, comfort, and ample supply
of food and clothing. He found every
thing neat and clean, and every In
mate contented and happy, even the
sick, who had perfect nursing and
medical attention.
Wheeling. W. Va., Nov. 27.—Presi
dent R. C. Kirk, of the Labelle Iron
Works announced last night that the
company had discontinued making
shrapnel steel. At a meeting of di
rectors the regular 2 per cent, divi
dend was declared on preferred
stock of record December 17. A one
per cent, dividend and an extra divi
dend of two per cent, was decluued
on the common stock.
Grandmother Was the Druggist
In the early days of our country
grundmother was the druggist, and
her drugs consisted mostly of roots
and herbs gathered from the fields
and forests. There was peppermint
for indigestion, niullen for coughs,
skullcap for nervousness, thorough
wort for. colds, wormwood for bruises
and sprains and so on. They were i
successful remedies, too. It was
from a combination of §uch roots
and herbs that Mrs. Lydia E. Pink
ham of Lynn, Mass,, more than
forty years ago. originated her now
famous Vegetable Compound; and
during all these long years no other
remedy has ever been discovered
to restore health to ailing women
so successfully as good old
fashioned root and herb medicine.
To Avoid and Relieve
Many people have been frightened
by what they have read or heard of
influenza. The more you" fear the
diseitee, the surer you ate to get it.
Go right about your business and
forget it. As the disease is spread
principally by contact through sneez
ing, coughing, or spitting, many
health authorities have advised thdt
everyone wear a gauze, which is
daily washed and saturated with a
one to five hundred solution of zinc
sulphate in water, and dried
before wearing over the nose and
mouth. You should avoid crowds,
common drinking cups and public
towels. Keep your strength up by
taking lots of exercise in the open
air and plenty of nourishing food.
If you have any of such symptoms
as chilliness, nasal obstructions,
flushed face, headache, feverishness,
restlessness, weakness, or irrithtiim
cough, give up work at once and go
to bed. This will save your strength
to help overcome the disease. Put
your feet in hot water for fifteen
Thoroughly loosen the bowels with
some such mild and non-irritating
physic as Dr. Plercte's Pleasant Pel
lets. Drink principally of hot lem
onade and then cover up with plentj*
of clothes .in bed so as to get a good
sweat. When sweating is free and
the fever reduced, take n dose of
two Anuric Tablets every four hours,
followed by drinking at least a glass
or two of hot water. Anuric Tablets
help'quickly to relieve the soreness
of the muscles and bones from which
most patients complain and help the
kidneys flush out the poisons.
To relieve nasal obstructions and
excessive discharge from the nose,
probably nothing is better than such
a mild, soothing, antiseptic wash as
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It will
give great relief. Employed as a
gargle, in same strength as made up
for use In the nose, and as Hot as
can be borne, it quickly arrests sore
ness and dryness in the tliroat. "
Influenza weakens the patient's
resistance to disease, so that there is
danger of bronchitis and pneumonia
developing. To combat this tend
ency and fortify the patient's
strength, insist that he keep in bed
at least two days. Probably nothing i
will at this stage hasten the repovery'
and strengthen the patient more j
than art tonic tablet called |
"Irontlc" or tliat well known herbal I
tonic, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, which has been used by I !
thousaflds In the past two genera-J !
lion. j |
! Interesting Comments Made
j by the Public Service Com
mission in Decision
I 000 as the value
ciutlng In Jersey
• fdftiyiultjWt application of the '
c-ertillcate attest
, Ing the value for
P u, Pfßes of reorganizatlop. the Pub
j lie Service Commission makes its
, own estimates anil comments upon i
i PJ a f' Ices - 'The increased demand i
of the people for a supply of pure
water and the development of our'
■ slate have undoubtedly necessitated |
| large expenditures for improved
! supplies and facilities, but we" can
•| not subscribe to a theory which
would include in fair value all such
rxxpendJtures whether they were
due to a lack of care in planning
and dpvelopment ot- to a growth of
the community which could not
have been foreseen," snvs the re
"Obsolescence in a water course,'
if the term may be so used, should
not be entirely taken care of by a
capital charge any more than obso
lescence in other parts of a plant."
In rejecting an estimate made of
the value the commission com
ments: "It presumes that the re
produced plant would he construct
ed under the guidance of promoters,
financiers, engineers and experts and
that the conception, organization,
development and construction would
follow an ideal course. It furnishes
an accurate idea if what it would
cost to reproduce the property un
der the conditions presented, but
the testimony fails to disclose that
the construction took plare under
these conditions. The testimony also
fails to disclose a past loss of earn
ings during operations which should
i now be capitalized against the com
ing generations nor is there any in
dication that many of the charges
estimated in the reproduction cost
were incurred in producing the
property. Reproduction estimates
furnish an indication of value but
in this, as in many other cases, such
an estimate should lie considered
along with the facts disclosed as to
the original cost of construction in
order to arrive at fair value."
Commission Asks laiw.—Author
ity for the State Game Commission
to purchase land for the establish
ment of state game preserves is one
of the matters which "will be brought
to the attention of the next Legis
lature by the State Commission. Un
der present acts the commission may
operate as game preserves forest
land turned over to it by the State
Forestry Commission, which has
given the use of thousands of acres
of woodland to the sportsmen, and
may also lease lands, but it may
not purchase property. There are
now two dozen game preserves,
some of which are on leased land
and it is the plan of the game au
thorities to add more to the pre
serves next year. Some will be on
leased lands. Extensive purchases
of game, including quail, pheasants
and deer, are planned for next year.
These will be paid for, as will thrt
preparation expenses for additional
preserves, from the proceeds of the
hunters' licenses.
Sittings Fixed. Announcement
has been made that the State Com
pensation Board will sit in Pitts
burgh December 3, 4 and 5.
Exam Dates.—Pennsylvania state
examinations of applicants for cer
tificates as drugiess therapy, clyro
body and-massage practitioners will
be held in Philadelphia January 7
and 8 according to announcements
I here. The state medical examina
tions will be -held in Philadelphia
in the same week. The state dental
examinations will be held in Phila
delphia and Pittsburgh December 3,
4, 5 and 6.
Dr. Munee Honored.—Dr. Thomas
E. Munce, acting state veterinarian,
lias been elected by postcard ballot
to represent the second district of
the American Veterinary Medical
Association on the executive board.
The district includes Pennsylvania,
New England, New York, New Jer
sey and Delaware. The election is
for five years.
Thirty-seven File. Thirty-seven
of tlie counties have filed the official,
returns of the election of November
5 at the State Department and owing
to the delays the official count for
the state could not be started to-day.
Colonel I'ii rick Chosen.' —The Meade
Memorial Commission has consolidat
ed the offices of secretary and treas
urer and chisen Colonel John B. Pat
rick, of Clarion, for both places. He
was formerly treasurer and was se
lected to succeed the late John XV.
Frazier, of Philadelphia, as secre
Permits Given. The State Water
Supply Commission lias approved the
applications of the United States
Railroad Commission for construction
of bridges for the Jersey Central in
Schylkill county; for the Pennsylvania
at Renovo and for the Beech Creek for
improvements in Clinton county.
To File Briefs. Parties to the
hearing on the legality of the "coal
clause" In electric current contracts
before the Public Service Commission
have been notified to file briefs, and
argument will be heard late'-. Most
of the electric companies of the slate
are Interested in the proceeding.
Speed Up Work. Major W, G.
Murdock. 1 chief draft officer, has is
sued notice to all local board direct
j ing the mto expedite the classification
lof the 18-year-old registrants and.
calling attention to the fact that the
records must bq closed on December
outlined Pj-ogrnm. The State
Fisheries Commission, at its meeting
in Philadelphia yesterday, outlined
th program for legislation. Exten
sions of haoheries will lie urged.
.litnev Week, -m- This was jitney
week in the Public Service Commis
misslon, as three-fourths of the eases
heard involved jitney certificates. The
Adams and Center county cases were
protested. Decisions will be announc
ed later.
Representntlve Here. Represen
tative A. A. Weime'r. of Lebanon, was
in Harrisburg for a few days.
Home From t'ninp. Hf-aavd W. |
Ebersole. formerly in the Executive
TleriHrtnient. and now at Camp Green
leaf. is here on a furlough.
I'lttslmreh Visitor. Register of
Wills William Conner, of Allegheny
count*", was here on business at the
Fiiolit, Pa., ' Nov. 7. —A union
Thanksgiving service will lie held
In ihe Methodist Episcopal Church
to-morrow ,morning at 10 o'clock.
The members and friends of the
churclieg of Enola and South Eflola
are earnestly urged to come out at
I the time to give thanks. Special
I mus'c will be rendered by the wn*n
' munlty chorus. The Rev. Allor.
Methodist Episcopal minister. VIII
have charge: the Rev. Buck. United
SviAigellcal minister, will preach thei
sermon and the other ministers of
the churches will assist. j
State Reports Show Tluit Lan
caster Was Short and That
_ Potatoes Were Low
Decreases of almost 3,000,000
bushels In the corn crop of Pennsyl
vania and of 6,000,000 bushels In the
potato yield of 1918, as compared
Nv-ith the crops of 1917,, but a jump
of over half a million, bushels In
| buckwheut are' by the State
j Department of Agriculture In a bul
• letin on crops Issued to-day. The
I bulletin gives the yields of counties
j In detail from reports furnished by
j township and district crop reporters,
j The bulletin says:
I "The total corn crop amounts *to
| 63.597,435 bushels as compared with
65,360,885 last year, while the pota
to crop reached a total of 24,733,24 2
bushels as compared with 30,653,209
a year ago. More attention was given
to buckwheat throughout the state,
many farmers using grotfnd formerly
intended for corn when the unfavor
able season prevented the earlv seed
ing of corn. The estimated buck
wheat production is 6,1 91.600\hush
els as compared with 5,570,124 bush
els a year ago.
"•ncaster county again carried
off the honors as the banner earn
center with a total production of $,-
032,880 bushels with York second
with a production of 4,332,042 bush
els. Other leading counties are
Franklin, 3,161,547; Berks, 2,892,-
1547; Chester, 2,728,869 and Cumber
land, 2,714,224.
"Lancaster's crop is almost a mil
-1 lion.bushels less than in 1917.
"Lehigh county is the champion
1 potato producer with 1,543.990 bush
i els wyth Berks second with 1,033,520
bushels. Other leaders are: York,
998,946; Lancaster, 992,550; Schuyl
kill. 960,940. , *
"Northern tier counties carry off
the buckwheut production honors
with Bradford leading with 450.058
bushels, and Indiana second with
414,180. Other leaders are Crawford,
335,380; Tioga, 326,634 and Bedford,
Mcehnnk-dhiirg, Pa., Nov. 27. Wil
liam H. Coover died at his home in
West Locust street on Monday night
after an illness of several months of
paralysis. He wag aged 68 years and
was engaged in the carpenter busi
ness. He was a member of Eureka
Lodge No. 302, Free and Accepted
Masons and a charter member of the
Cumberland Valley Castle, Knights of
the Golden Eagle, although not i a
member at the time of his death.
I Blame the Woman
Who Lets a Man Drink
Sags Druggist Brown
Ot Cleveland. He Guarantee* n Simple ;
Home Trcatmfet Given Without
the Knowledge of the Drinker.
Cleveland. O. —No wife lias a right
to let lier husband drink; for alcohol
ism is a disease and a drunkard is a
sick man, says Druggist Brown of
Cleveland. A woman coin cure this
disease stop a drinking husband in
a few weeks for half what he would
spend on liquor in the same time. The
habit Can be broken and the disease
cured. Thousands of cases prove it
and every community has its reform
ed drunkard. Druggist Brown suys
the right time to stop the drink habit
is at ltsi beginning. Left to run its
course ft will deaden the fine sensi
bilities of the man you love. Begin
with the first whiff of liquor on his
breath, but do not despair if he has
already gone from .bad to worse until
he has become a rum-soaked sot.
Druggist Brown knows the curse
of strong drink for lie himself has
been a victim. A loving'sister, with-
I out liis knowledge or consent, rescued
him from the brink of a drunkard's
grave and for ten years kept her
I secret. Bhe saved him from drink---
Boils And
Carbuncles Are
Worse in Winter
j If Your Blood Happens to Be In
I Bad Condition. S. S. S. V/ill
Correct TV Now.
The peculiar effect on the
blood caused by the rapid
cliatiges of winter, the chilly
blasts- and dampntss long con
tinued, will undoubtedly have a
disastrous effecj upon your sys
tem if /our blood happens to be
in bad conditipn. You should
not allow yourself to run the
risk of suffering with boils and
carbuncles, you should not will
ingly walk into the snare of pain
and suffering of rheumatism or
catarrh when you can put your
bjood in shape to prevent it by
the simple method of taking
S. S. S. for a short period dur
ing the fall.
Boiles and carbuncles are
evidence of disordered blood.
They do not necessarily mean an
inherited taint, but they tell you
! that your blood is poisoned
that the life-giving stream that
should flow through your veins
—pure —vigorous and healthy—
has become upset, maybe d>y
over-eating and drinking, pos
sibly by constipation, stomach
trouble or uric acid. Whatever
the cause, your blood has be
come poisoned and y<fu are not
going to know what it is to feel
entirely well until Jthc poison
and impurities have been wash
ed from your system. The
blood, purified and invigorated;
I will once more perform its nor
mal function of keeping the
I body fuU of health and vigor.
Mr. was "born In Roxbury,
near (his place, but lived here about"
forty years.
He survived by his wife and two
| daughters, Mrs, J. W, Oeiger and Miss
Edith'Coover, both of Mechanlcsburg;
also two brothers, Jacob G. Coover,
of tills place, and John Coover, of
Boiling Springs. Funeral services
will be held on Thursday afternoon
at 2 o'clock and burial will be made
I In the Mechanlcsburg cometery.
j May be Overcome by Lydia E. I
,! Pinkham's Vegetable Com
i pound—This Letter
Proves It..
[ West Philadelphia, Pa. —"During
: the thirty years I.have been mar
rled, I have been
and had several
attacks of nerv
l'inkhnnfs Yog
- t :i b 1 c Com
' pound and It
■ ! made a well woman of me. I can
• now do all my housework and ad
• vise all ailing women to try Lydia
i E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
■ and I will guarantee ttycy will de
■ rive great benefit from it.". —•'Mrs.
Frank Fitzgerald, 20 N. 41st St.,
• West Philadelftflia, Pa.
There are thousands of women
1 everywhere in Mrs. Fitzgerald's
■ condition, suffering from nervous
-1 ness, backache, headaches, and
other symptoms of a functional de
rangement. It was a grateful spirit
for health restored which led her
to write this letter so that other
women may benefit from her ex
perience and find health as she
has done.
For suggestions in regard to your
condition, write Lydia .E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The re
sult of their forty years' experience
is at your service.
To Heal Bed Sores
For 25 years physicians and nurses
have n er found anything equal to
Sykes Comfort Powder
One box proves its extraordinary healing
power for any skin inflammation.
25c at the Vlnol'and other drug stores
XheComfort IJoevder Co.. Boston, Matt.
| rescued hiin from his own depraved,
besotted self by giving him a secret
remedy, the formula of an old Ger
man chemist. To pay his debt to her
and to help other victims out of the
murk and mire he has made the for
mula public.
Druggists everywhere dispense it
daily as Prepared Tescum Powders,
put up in, doses. Get it ot your
own druggist and drop a powder
twice a day- in tea, coffee, milk or
other drink. Soon liquor does not
taste the same, the craving for it dis
appears. and lo! one more drunkard
has been saved and knows not when
or why he lost his taste for drink.
Warning Note: Tescum should be
given only where it is desirable to
destroy all taste for alcohol and all
pleasure in its use. Those who en
courage moderate drinking should not
give it until the so-called moderate
drinker reaches the danger line, as
most of them do in time. Druggist
Brown has such confidence in pre
pared Tescum Powders that he per
sonally guarantees results or he will
refund out of his own pocket the price
charged by the dispensing druggist.
It is sold in Harrisburg by J. Nelson
Clark and other druggists.
i Every part of the body is de
i pendent upon the blood for
nourishment and strength, and
when for any cause this vital
stream becomes run down, it in
vites disease to enter. The liver
and kidneys, failing to receive
the proper nourishment from
the blood, grow inactive and
dull, and the Avastc and bodily
itvpurities that should pass off
through these channels of na
ture are left in the system to
encourage some blood disorder.
When the blood is in this weak
ened condition, it should be*
treated with a remedy that is not
only thorough, but gentle in its
> 1 S. S. S.. a purely vegetable
remedy, made of roots, herbs
and barks, is just what is need
ed. It not only cleanses the
blood of impurities and enriches
and strengthens it, but gently
builds up the entire system by
its fine tonic effect. S. S. S. re
invigorates every part of the
body, gives tone and vigor to the
blood, and as it goes to
ferent parts, carries health and
I strength.
S. S. S. acts promptly aipl
gives good results. It gives the
,blood pbwer to drive out rheu
matism. catarrh, boils, sores and •
ulcers, skin diseases and other
blood disorders. Get it at your
druggist's and take •it now.
Meanwhile, write us if you need
.advice. Our Chief Medical Ad
viser is ready to tell you what
your best treatment ' is. Ad
dress Medical Department.
Drawer A, Swift Specific tuj.,
Atlanta, Ga: " ' A
# >
worn in connection with W. B.
Corsets, assure gown-fit perfection
/'■ —■ slertcierire bust-lines add the
x / grace and finish at bust that the
/ / corset accomplishes below, and
finishing touch
Bolero, Bandeaux and Surplice patterns,
in filmy lace effects over silks and satins; ,
also delicate batistes, daintily trimmed
with lace and embroideries; making W.
B. Brassieres second only to W. B. Cor
sets as form-beautifiers.
■AI | I j|H and average figures. The low-priced cor-
B|i I J set with high-priced qualities. W. B.
IMAiSR REDUSO Corsets for stout figures—re
duce one to five inches and you look
■GHhMI ten to twenty pounds lighter.
' Soid Exclusively in Harnsburg at Bowman,.
Had Female Trouble Ten Years-Bliss
Native Herb Tablets Made
Her Entirely Well j
Mrs. FosPlman, Cuero, Texas, cer
tilies to the following facts: "[
have been suffering front female
trouble for ten years, and tried
many ' different ntedicines recom
mended for this malady, without
benefit, but thank clod, one of your
agents came to my house, and sold i
nic a box of Bliss Native Herb Tab
lets. I Just took one-half a box of
them, and got entirely well of my
One of the simplest methods to
keep well is to take Bliss Native
Herb Tablets regularly. They stim
ulate the liver, cleanse the kidneys,
relieve the bowels, soothe the stom
ach, and keep the entire system i
I Harrisburg's Leading and Accredited Business College I
Bell 485—Bay and Night School—Dial 4393
Write, Phone or Call—Send for Catalog
H A Representative Will Call Upon Request ■
Third and Pine Streets * |
Ml Thursday, November 28, 1918 ljj' |
|j|! . Thanksgiving Day Service
j; % Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor i; |
| | "The Upward Look"
11 a AND
"The Thankful Heart"
Offering For the Harrtsburg Benevolent Association
INCLUDING v '< \ %
L % 284 Names Will Be Read j 'i
if | A Warm Welcome To All Who Desire To Attend 1 1
E A Thanksgiving Service of Spiritual Significance.
ill . Celebrate The .
The Historic FOLGER'S INN
Service From Noon Until 7 P. M.—51.50
PHONE: —BELL, Dauphin 10 (Long Distance) | -
/*. DIAL, 39-Z (Long Distance)
y— — 8 ————m———
t Broadway, 32d St., New York
Ona Black from Pannaylvania Station
Equally Convenient for Annuamanta,
Shopping or Buaiueia
IST Pleasant Rooms, with Private Bath,
$2.50 PER DaY
297 Excellent Rooms, with Prints
Cith, fscing street, southern exposure
$3.00 PER DAY
Also Attractive Rooma from 91.80
Um Rostauraat Pricaa Art Moat Moderate
t , > Warn
free from biliousness, sick head
ache, Indigestion, heartburn, and
the, many kindred ailments, which
if allowed to continue become ag
gravated, and cause serious illness
with possible fatal results. Bliss
Native Herb Tableta are the only
recognized standard horb medicine.
They are used in all parts of the
civilized world and aro guaranteed
or money refunded. A dollar box
contains 200 tablets. None genuine
without the picture of Alon
y.o O. Bliss on every box. •
Kvery tablet contains ourf/Kj
trade murk (AB). Price $l.OO >—r
pfrr box. Sold by leading druggists
and local agents everywhere.