Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 27, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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    Readiivf all ike RsiwiKj, ] jjPjff
" When a Girl Marries"
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problems of a Girl Wife
( ll.\l*Ti:il LV
Onco upon a time 1 learned a quo
tation from Roliert Louis Stevenson.
It returned to haunt ine now.
"tjp lons as we love, we serve; so
lons as we arc loved by someone 1
"would almost say that wo arc in
dispensable and no man is useless
while he has a friend."
, Hut 1 hadn't a frli'nd In-all the
city—and I hadn't served Neal. So
, 1. was just bout useless.
Those were ugly gray moments 1
spent leaning against the refectory
table staring at the closed door be
yond which Neal was telling Jim
the secret from which I, his sister,
was shut out—and shut out because
of my own stupid failure to see that
Neal was in dead earnest and not
an excited boy maundering about
his promotion and his "crushes."
'Suddenly, in very shame, 1 tore
myself from my tell-tale position
and fairly planted myself in a chair |
across tiie room. After all. if Neai j
had needed me—had actually want
ed to contide in me—he would have j
made another effort. No, he pre- 1
ferred to go to Jim. No one needed j
"So long as we love, we serve.
Well—whom, then, was I serving? :
Not Neal. Not Jim. either, for if
-there was indeed the gambling fever j
in his blood, I didn't know how to
still it.
Jim and Neal—my two boys—|
were together in the other room.
1 was outside alone. All my efforts
to bring them close had never avail- |
ed. But when they needed each other j
they found each other —gravitated j
together without me.
"No one wants me. No one needs j
me. I don't even know, how to help ,
my husband. I'm useless and j
alone,' I told myself, and sat mo- i
tionless—beyond mere tears.
From far away a Voice fame to
me. But I was so, numb with pain j
that I couldn't bring myself to re- j
.-pond. 1 just sat there, silent .and j
still. Again the voice from behind
the closed door:
"Annie! Annie!"
1 didn't reply. I didn't matter —
no one needed me. But to myself, X |
made a breathless vow:
"So long as 1 live I will never j
ask what the -secret is that Neal j
and Jim have. So long as I live l!
won't pry. They've shut me out. Well!
thty shall see that I can accept j
even that with dignity."
Maybe martyrs look foolish to
other people. Nevertheless they suf
" gjrniT
Get at the Real Cause—Take
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That's what thousands of stomach
sufferers are doing now. Instead of
taking tonics, or trying to patch up a
poor digestion, they are attacking the j
real cause of the ailment —clogged j
liver and disordered bowels.
. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse ]
the liver in a soothing, healing way. j
When the liver and bowels are per
forming their natural functions, away
goes indigestion and stomach troubles.
If you have a bad taste in your
mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor,
lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or
energy, troubled with undigested foods,
you should take Olive Tablets, the
substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil. You will know them by their
olive color. They do the work without
griping, cramps or pain.
Take.one or two at bedtime for quick
relief, s'o you can eat what you like.
At 10c and 23c per box. All druggists.
Solves Saves from
Butter Problem vk '
There is no question of quality nor worry YgSL Order Youi
about high prices in horn-; where Troco is used. v&V Trial Pound
The first pound of Troco settles the butter IsgV Today
question. Flavor and texture can't be surpassed tfcn
' even by the finest creamery product. v&t.
Made from the white meat of coconuts churned
with pasteurized milk by .•. special process. Troco qual- vSffl r .
ity can't # be copied. Tel. 'our dealer you want Troco. fR Book
Made in the Berkshires SL Free
The Troco plant is situated in the Berkshire foothills vBL
where it is the only industry. Isn't this more appetizing
than a city-made factory product? You know it is pure K \.vll|
and sweet, as carefully made as if in your own kitchen. .. wX Aj/Ui
* - jr , . * ' !',' r ' " ' ; ' •
' 4 • *7. : ? . I v ' •• • - • • ' ' ?<! • . •#*- ► 1 * * .'
fer. T can bear witness to this—they
• suffer tortures.
And now the closed door opened,
and in came Aim and Neal—together,
i "Well, little dreamer, how about
■ dinner?" demanded' Jim.
His tone was jovial enough, but
> it had the insistence of a hungry
man when mealtime comes. I came
back to earth and seven o'clock with
a start.
There was not a single thing
I had forgotten all about dinner.
The worst of it all was that this
was the one thing for which X was
needed. The one way I could serve I
my husband and my brother —by |
preparing their meals. I might be 1
as miserable about It as ever 1 liked, j
but revolt wouldn't free me. 1 was
the cook-—that Kas all—the cook.
I got up mechanically.
"Nothing's ready. But I'll hurry.
I Will you peel the potatoes for me,
I Neal?"
' I began distantly, but ended on
j that homey note in n sudden yearn
! ing to find Neal again, . cosy and
i jolly, the red-headed boy I knew.
Surely he'd came back if I got him in
J a kitchen apron, laughing as usual
j over the thumbs he developed when
jhe got a vegetable knife well in
, hand. I could find the brother I
came near losing if once I got him
out in the kitchenette. Jim would
J lie on the couch and read his paper.
| I wanted to shut him out now — and
jbe alone with Neal. But Neal didn't
share my desire.
! "Think I'll go out for dinner. Not
' hungry yet. Take a walk first," he
j muttered uneasily.
I "Righto!" Jim replied in complete
; understanding.
"But, Neal—you won't want to go
when- I tell you the news." 1 broke
| in. "We're fcoing to have com
"Oh, company!" Neal's hand was
! on t he door knob.
"Do you want to be out wlien Jim's
i little sister comes to dine with us?
1 1 don't think Phoebe would like that
j very well," I said, trying for a per
fectly natural manner, with the us-
J ual results—my mouth seemed to
twist and send out stilted, unnatural
I words.
"Oh, Phoebe!"
I Neal's voice was still ready, held
! so by a cold determination to act
| like a man and not break down and
blubber like a boy—of that 1 felt
sure. He took his hand from the
knob, and ,then —turned toward the
door again with a new purpose.
! "I think I'll just run over to the
! Rochambeau and,. call, for Phoebe,"
said he.
Jim looked up from the paper he
was reading. His eyes caught Neal's
and held them for a second. Then,
as he took up his reading again he
"I wouldn't."
j Neal opened his mouth as if to
I protest, closed it again, and walked
j over to the curtained recess where
he hung his clothes.
Instead of reaching in and hang
ing up his hat, he disappeared be
hind the curtains with it. And noth
ing more was said about calling for
Phoebe. The silence remained un
broken. save for the rattle of Jim's
paper as he folded back the sheets.
1 went out to get the dinner. Noth
ing else was required or expected of
After a moment Jim appeared in
the doorway.
"I'll help you," he said. "I sent
the boy out for a breath of air—he
needed it."
That was all. And I asked no
questions. Had I not vowed that
so long as I lived I wouldn't ques
tion Jim or Neal about the secret
from which they had shut me out?
(To He Continued)
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service By McManus
I V/EU.-/,OODNi<HT-dIV U DID • I WAb 4 WAR JH YOU bAID IT- ,BN 40LLT Vi OU<,HT ""TBI "f* l l/v 7 a,RF '(
/ H WE HAD A <RANO HI4HT- *!■ THEbE L KI BUT NOW WE To * uu BE THAT -r .If™ n y / TOO EVER )
- l ' Z/-2-8
Chapter VII
"Mildred," Arthur repeated eager
ly, "do you care for me just a little?"
'Wait —let me think," she com
manded imperiously.
She did think fast in the.few min
utes' silence that followed. Arthur
Bruce rose and walked over to one
of the long' French windows and
stood Hiking out into the moonlight,
his back to thelamplit room. His
hands were clasped behind him, and !
she could see how white the knuckles j
stood out from the surrounding flesh-
It was evident that he was feeling
keenly, it flattered Mildred Brent
that this was so.
He certainly was a stunning llgure,
she reflected, as she watched him.
Could she learn to love him? She
had always liked him. He was the
kind of man that most girls and j
w ;nen admire.
Tall, fair, with blue eyes and light, j
curly hair, he was good to look at. '
He had a sort of dash that impressed j
one, and a frank manner that won |
him friends. He possessed the subtle |
quality of personal magnetism to a
marked degree.
Then why could she not accept),
him? the girl mused. He was an |
(agreeable companion, his father and i'
mother were in excellent society;)
Mr. Bruce, senior, was a prosperous,
businessman; Arthur would succeed
to his business, for he was an only
cliild. He had money enough to
support a wife comfortably, even
luxuriously. Yet the thought of
marrying hint, left her cold.
And as she mused she determined
suddenly to speak frankly to tills
man. Her vanity was flattered, yet
she would not play with him any
longer. She had had the satisfac
tion of hearing his declaration of
affection. She did* not want the
bother of having him at the house
constantly. Besides, his persistent
attentions would deter other men
from taking her about and doing
things for her.
"Arthur!" she said at last.
He turned sharply and strode back
to her.
His face was white and his eyes
anxious. She was shallow and vain,
but not entirely cold-hearted, and
she felt an unexpected pang of com
passion for him.
A Refusal
"Arthur," she said, "I am sorry—
really 1 ant' J do like you very
much. If you went entirely out of
my life I would miss you. But
somehow I'cant love you." '
The man did not reply, only looked
at her dumbly. She remembered
suddenly Hilton, as he had
stood yesterday, eager
and The contrast be
tween hint Mid this unhappy suitor
made her speak out her thought.
"1 wonder, Arthur, if you were to
do something—l mean if you would
really attack some big thing and
make good—ir I would feel differ
She was so pretty and dainty.
Arthur Bruce wanted iter more than I
he had ever wanted anything before. |
, "You me.an," he asked hoarsely,
"that if I would get down to brass
tacks and hustled to make my breud
and butter you would care more for
me than you do now?"
"I don't know," she parried. "I
don't quite understand my own feel
ings about you."
"1 start in at hard work to-mor
row. Mildred," he reminded her. "I
know you are right about me. I've |
been out of college long enough to I
be tnaking something of myself, and j
1 have loafed all summer. Is that |
the trouble?"
"I don't know," she said again. I
"But," with a sudden decision, "I do j
know tligt 1 do not love you Arthur." j
She could not guess how her words '
hurt hint. He was not the kind of)
a man to beg her to reconsider her j
verdict. He only drew a long breath j
and said: "ery Vwcll, Mildred, 1|
llonorn Received
Then he begun to talk of other ;
matters. It was gs if he had siid- j
denly become a man of the world.
She was surprised and a little dis- |
inppolntod in his abrupt change of;
| manner. She did not understand :
i him well enough to know that, now ;
that he hud received his answer, he '
would scorn to complain and whine j
like a weak and sentimental school- |
So it was that when Honora Brent I
;and Mrs. Higgins returned from)
| church they found Arthur Bruce'
and Mildred discussing the football)
I games to be played by the various j
I colleges during the fall months. i
| The older sister decided that she '
had been mistaken in thinking that)
Arthur was going to declare his love 1
to Mildred this evening. Matters
were evidently Just where they were
lust evening.
She was conscious of a sensation
of relief. It was almost of if a re
prieve had been m-unted her.
She hated hertelf for this feeling. |
She was silent while the others
| talked. She was trying to persuade
herself that she only imagined she
felt relieved
' If Arthur loved Mildred,—and of:
he did.—-and If Mildred cared
| even a little for Arthur, —and of
course she must, —they would surely
become engaged later. If they were j
not betrothed now, that only meant
that the duy had been postponed, It
was sure to come.
"We really had a remarkable ser
mon," Mrs. II begins was saying when
Honora forced herself to listen. "I
am very glad 1 heard it. The
preacher had been on the Flanders
front, and told us some wonderful
stories of the bravery of the Cana- I
j dians.''
i "I wish I hud heard him!" Mil
j dred said. "1 am awfully interested
, iif what the Canadians are doing.
I Harold Hilton was telling me a lot
about them yesterday. Oh," with a
sigh, "he is a dandy chap."
Honora regretted this speech. It
was tactless and made her sorry for
Arthur Bruce. •
Vet surely Mildred did not mean it
j as a reflection on him.
(To Be Continued)
Bretz's Counsel Asks
Court For New Trial
I Motions for new trials in the fourj
I criminal prosecutions against Harry
M. Bretz, the bankrupt attorney,
convicted on embezzlement charges,
were argued in court to-day. Oscar
O. Wickersluiin, counsel for Bret's,
in his argument contended two of the
four indictments under which his
client had been convicted should
have been quashed us the offenses
were committed more than two
years ago and could not be charged
ugainst him, according to the crim
inal -ode. District Attorney Michael
E. St roup admitted that an amend
ment to the rode to which lie had
referred in calling the cases for i
trial and opposing the motion to
quash the indictments made at that
time, may not apply in the two cases,
but held that evidence of th.e offenses
alleged in the two prosecutions in
question was admlssuble in hearing
the two other suits. The court re
served its decision.
Courthouse Notes
Divorce Granted. Divorce de
crees were signed to-day in the fol
lowing cases: Hoy M. vs. Marie j
Hatlield: Lillie vs. Fritz Schildkrout.
Guardian Named.—Upon petition
by T. S. Milliken, the Mechanics
Trust Company was named as guar
dian of William S. Milliken, his i
small son. who was awarded $2OO j
damages in a verdict by the jury,
in the suit brought against S. A. I
Fishburn. The boy was injured ]
when one of Mr. Fishburn's trucks |
ran over his leg crushing it.
Auditor Appointed. Henry L.
Shutt was appointed by the court j
us auditor in Susquehanna township j
to succeed the late Stanley Hass-1
Inspect Pike. —The county com
missioners inspected the Horseshoe
pike below llummelstown and the j
roadway on the concrete bridge j
I across the Swatara creek to Uoyal-|
I ton.
Mandamus Action. —Counsel ' for j
Edwin C. Kepple tiled a mandamus,
action against the Commercial Trust!
Company to compel the banking in-|
stitution to surrender to the plaintiff )
ten shares of capital stock which he |
j bought- af public sale November 2 j
I for $OOO. Originally Mr. Kepple (
made a loan to Harry M. Bretz, the .
j bankrupt attorney, and was given a j
i certificate for the stock us security. I
; After the bankruptcy proceedings !
j began the stock was offered for sale '
land Mr. Kepple bought it he claims,:
but alleges the company will not
turn it over to him or give him a [
' certificate for it. •
1 .j
H\ . tssii. ialril Press
London —The British nttvnl casu- j
Ia 1 ties front the outbreak of the war!
Ito November 11/ numbered 39,7#6. j
! CopeniiuKeii The Entente powers
i probably will consider the repeal of i
! the blockade after consulting With!
1 President Wilson.
I WnnlinKton —It is understood l'res- j
blent Wilson will deliver his annual!
address to Congress on Monday and'
'that Imihedlataly afterward lie will go :
to New York, preparatory to sailing,
i lor France on Tuesday.
j lloston Vice-President Marshall i
said here last night he hoped the
contingency would not a Ise during
the absence of President Wilson
| whereby ho would he edited it■>.>> to i
'assume the duties of ties presidency. I
New Ynrk—Presiding at A dinner 1
last night at the Hotel Astor, Geo go'
W, \ytckorsham cited the United
States constitution as suggesting thai j
the Vice-President might I.e. com
pelled to take the oath of 'office af- |
tar I'lesdcnt Wllaun has led the;
United States. t
Wash! -glon—itear Admiral Thomas !
S, Hc i'gefs succeeds to the cciiumicnd |
jof the V"!atlc fleet, sueve -dltig Ael
j mlral .night, wito already has
i stal led for home
Pittsburgh Registration Com
missioner and Judge of
Monroe Among Them
Governor Brumbaugh to-day an-1
nounced the following appointments: j
Samuel It. Foster, Philadelphia, to j
be member of the State Board of'
•loseph H. Graves, Stroudsburg, to j
be Associate Judge of Monroe county.
.Latin s Fagen, Pittsburgh, to be I
member "of the .Board of Registration
Commissioners, of Pittsburgh.
The latter two appointments fill va
cancies 'caused By deaths.
William M. Fought, Philadelphia,
quartermaster sergeant of the First
Infantry, Reserve Militia was ap- j
pointed first lieutenant of Company j
E, First Infantry.
Justice I'i. J. Pox to-day filed mi j
expense account showing expendi- j
ture of $5,000, all of which was turned '
| over to his campaign committee. S. |
!H. Huselton! of Pittsburgh, candi
| date for superior yourt, tiled a state- j
I ment showing over $4OO expended, :
contributions of $2OO and unpaid
bills for $50.50.
Tile city of t'lirlMindnlc to-ilay filed
complaint against the new fares and
zones of the Sernnton Railways Com-
I pany, and citizens of Meyersdale pro
tested before the Public Service Com
mission against new rates of the elee- ;
trie company in the Somerset county i
Tlie eon fere nee of State Factory :
inspectors and officials of the De
partment of Labor anil Industry on
reduction of industrial accidents
closed at noon to-day after a general
discussion and adoption of a resolu
tion presented by Richard V. Farley,
j member of the State Industrial Board,
pledging support to Commissioner
Walter McNichols. The resolution
"That we, the ljieinlArs of the De
partment of Labor and Industry, in
conference here assembled, do pledge
our most loyul support and co-oper
ation to the Acting Commissioner,
the Honorable Walter McNichols, and
further, That we express to him our
appreciation of the able manner In
which he is conducting the affairs of
the Department 'of Labor and Indus
try, to which we feel, through his
j practical experience, that the em
ployer and employe will receive Jrom
liis decisions equitable treatment."
The signers were:
.1. J. Coffey, G. .M. Dunlap'bnd R. V.
I Farley.
Governor Vlurlln 44. Kruiuliafigli !
I will spend Thanksgiving Day at the j
j Executive mansion. He will leave
| for Mai klesburg to attend the War I
I Saving's celebration the following!
| day. Heads of most of the depart- |
: meats and many attaches left the |
I Capitol to-day for their homes to j
spend the holiday.
I The Public Service Commission
| w"l hold no more meetings or ses-
I sions in Harrtsburg until December
| 2 when an executive session will he
| held.
OlUclul returns of counties filed in
regard to the vote on the proposed
j constitutional amendments for the
1 road loan show that it ran far ahead
i In the big counties and that in many
jof the rural counties which were
' against it live years ago substantial
j votes were polled for the amendment.
j [Continued from l'irwt l'agc.] j
[the Pennsylvania Railroad will be!
considered at conferences nt be ar-j
[ranged '.ater. The city will be called
I upon to pass a loan for Its part and.
the suggestion tlult the item for tbo
'bridge at Walnut street be,'trans.
[ ferret! to comprise the city's part In'
.the memorial bridge seemed to find
general favor in llarrlsburg to-day.
[This would have to be done nt an
| Superintendent of Grounds and
• Buildings Shroiner said to-day tliul
j lie was going to secure an early
meeting of the state board with the
I City Council ' r.ml oilier officers st>
(that they could view the plans apd.
(arrange the city's share and ghmlai
[steps \\Tl be taken with.the county
[and raßroad officials.
Mr. (Irelner's men will make hor
' ings as well as handle the surveys
land then the amplification of the
[ideas of Mr. Rrimncr Into working
I plans wll' follow.
It is the tntcnt'on to prepare eotn
i pletc estimates of the cost of Hie
' bridge and have the shorts of the
state, city, county and > a li oiuls-de
| fined SO Hint they cm l e subni'Jled
to the l egislature ear'v In the com
jlng session. Tlv models rnd the ile ,
tailed plans of the Vap'tol Pack lot
! provemenfs, Inc tiding the formal
i entrance ill the west front for 'nimg
jural and other err. mmves wl'l n's
be ready f the sodden
Moo !• Ihtp-M"
The 'den of the bi'litre as n uta
| IVi mn.fl.-1 'n which. H:" "'sbi.firo-.nl.>
ifittlmriv participate round •
1 popularity here. Willie thlTUgh'V
the state the Hrimoo" >'.>g>:rst'-n hui
beun warnvy approve.!. There it
little doubt but that the bridge 'will
be started early next year. Mean
while. the filling in of Capitol Park
in preparation for the elaborate
treatment proposed In the Brnnner
plans, which were approved finally
yesterday by the Governor and the
state board, will be pushed by Super
intendent Shreiner, who has been
complimented by Mr. Brnnner for
activity n'nd foresight in going ahead.
I The state voted $200,000 last session
j for the park work, but the war inter-
I'ered. The city authorities will start
I this work In the spring as well as the
I state. The improvement will give
j work to a large number of men for
) a long period.
It is the idea to link the new Capi-
I tol Park, which .will be a dombfna- j
I lion of the old with many lmprove
j menls and a formal entrance and
I the extension, with the Allison Hill
j residential section of llarrlsburg.
. The extension will contain a con
course with terraces, courts and
places for ceremonies with long lines
of trees and a wall, over twenty-j
live acres to be included, and future
extensions of the Capitol to be built
on the borders. The, city of llarrls
burg is to establish building restric
tions and pay a share of the bridge
j as will the county of Dauphin and
j the Pennsylvania railroad.
"This bridge is to be a memorial, a
! slate memorial," said the Governor,
| who is taking a great interest in the
: plans.
Mr. Brunner explained the crown
' ing feature would be the construction
l of two huge pylons at the point
I where the bridge enters the park,
j "The pylons should be of massive
i const ruction, built for all time. Let
I on? be dedicated to the Army and
tl\e other to the Navy," said' the
The'architect said it was his idea
to have each bear on the top sym
j bollc statuary. These groups should
[ lie of heroic size, said he. "There is
I nothing that can be considered too
fine for such a project. We want to
show our gratitude. Let us get the
best in" art," continued the archi
Another suggestion by Mr. Brun
ner, which metapproval of the board,
was the making of u great cham
ber in each of the pylons to be faced
with panels 011 which could be plac
ed the names of the Pennfcylranians
in the Army and Navy, which it is
estimated will run close to 300,000
and may be more. "Every man's
name should be placed on these
memorial tablets," he said.
Details - f the memorial features
of the l.u'i.t, e will be worked out
but It is possible that at proper in
tervals there shall he the designa
tions of the units raised in Pennsyl
vania or to which the state con
tributed so that there would be a
record as long as stone lasts of what
Pennsylvania did in the war.
Fits in With l'laus
The bridge projects fit in singular
, ly with the plans for extension
lof the park. The idea would be to
have it rtgnt on a line with the
dome, rising gradually from tliej
eastern entrance of the park to the
brow of a hiJI about 300 feet distant,
i Here it would connect With State
'street, which is handsomely parked
! for h distance of a dozen blocks and
! which meets two State main high
ways and is .Intersected by branch
es of the llarrlsburg Parkway sys
tem. Notable changes to swing thei
roads leading front Reading and j
Pottsville into this boulevard byway j
of new highways are being consid
ered by the city commissioners. In
stead of the main highways entering
Harrtsburg byway of mill districts
they will be diverted to center at the
Capitol, which those coming up and j
down the Susquehanna and from the
Cumberland Valley will run along j
the Susquehanna a'nd approach the
western front of the Capitol byway !
of State street.
t A Stubborn Cough f
| Loosens Right Up +
v Thin home-made remedy In a wonder 7
V for quick result*. Kal!} and *£
cheaply made.
♦ 4' ■M"> |
Here is a home-made Rvrup which
millions of people have found to bo
the most dependable means of .breaking
up stuliliorn coughs. It is cheap and
simple, but very prompt in action. Un
der its healing, soothing influence,
chest soreness gops, phlegm loosefis,
breathing bocniuos casirr, tickling in
throat stops and you get a good night's,
restful sleep. The usual throat npd
chest colds are conquered bv it in 24
hours or less, Nothing better for
bronchitis, hoarseness, croup, whoop
ing cough, bronchial asthma or winter
To make this splendid cough syrup,
flour 2!<- ounces of Pinex into a pint
loltle and fill the bottle with plain
granulated sugar syrup and shake
thoroughly. If you 'prefer use clari
fied molnsscß, libnev, or corn svrup,
instead of sugar Rvrup. Either 'way,
vou get a fyill pint—a family supply—
of much better cough svrup than you
could buy ready-made fur three times
(he money. Keens perfectly and chil
, dren love' its plrtsnnt taste.
Pinex is a special and highly con
centrated compound of genuine Nor
way pine extract, known the world
over for its prompt healing ellect upon
the membranes
To avoid disappointment ask your
druggist for "2U. ounces of Pine.x"
with full directions, and don't accept
anvtliing else. Guaranteed to give ab
solute satisfaction or monov promptly
refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne,
it Ind.
The new formal entrance, which
will be 120 feet wide and be adapted
for inaugural ceremonies, will be
flanked by lateral roads ascending
the terraces and leading into the
spaces at the entrance to the
Mr. Rrunnor returned to New j
York last night and will consult with j
J. K. Oreiher, the bridge engineer'
in charge of the plans, about the ;
The studies show a very ornamen- '<
tal design for the bridge. It is a via- I
duct along classic, lines with the i
pylons rising at the eastern end of |
the Commonwealth's official domain. 1
Saving Several Shovelfuls
| • of Coal [
Baby must, have it extra warm for a bath. What
does such an occasion mean in your home ? Do you
have to put all the draft on the furnace and feed in
the precious fuel every time you want one room
warmer than the rest of the house ? Or do you light I
your Perfection Oil Heatei; and save that coal?
are helping to heat millions of American homes. Don't
get the idea that they are only for houses that have no
furnaces. Perfections are for every home and there
was never a time when they were more needed than
right now. You'll find a heap o' comfort in your Per
fection, too. There's something homey and cheerful
about it that you'll like. *•
Perfection heat is economical heat because kerosene
is an economical fuel. But remember this —it makes
all the difference in the world what kind of kerosene
you use. There is one kind though, that you can
always be sure of. It is easy to get it because it has a
special name —Atlantic Rayolight Oil. Ask for it by
that name. It gives maximum heat and burns without
smell, smoke or sputter.
Perfections are safe oil heaters. There is no risk of
turning the wick too high. That is impossible, unless
you take it apart. A good plan would be to go to yovr
dealer and select your Perfection now. He has a good
supply now —reasonably priced, 55.65 to 510.00.
The Atlantic Refining Company
Everywhere in Pennsylvania and Delaware
j 'lUl Rayoljffht SH§|
I 1 . ""'T,
Oi Ijirjfo Slw, 75c
a CJive you the
l fore other rec
gord makers
|B and at a lower
Come A Hear
• 8 North Market Square
* • *
tlicir towering sides proetaiminK to
tho thousands who will pass by train
and motor the pride of the state
and its Bratittide to its valorous
or Headache —
Rub the forehead
and temples with ( V
i NEW PRICES— 3Oc, 60c, $1.20