Crew of Hun Destroyer Throws Commander in Sea Granton, Firth of Forth, Scotland. |Tov. 27; —That overbearing German All Day, Thanksgiving Closed All llf "Wool I|| ■ All These Items ifllf 111 All These Items # II U Cd C! JJ^ ro (^ er y'* nfior " 111 // Friday jfef Aijp'Jjjgfff' W| fifcig I' On Sale Friday Jff One Day Sale One Day Sale These Are The Kind Of Values That Link Up Public Confidence With Kaufman's I ( CMV tt\ Nearly 1200 Coats: Special Manufacturer's Purchase Together With Our Own Coats: Two Big Lots: Two Prices: Put on Sale Friday f ( ))| I I made of white'yarn, trim- 111 .. ° J •. 1 I all sizes. Friday only. 111 1 I med in pink and blue. Fri r II 1 7 \ V Kaufman's, Srroml Floor. /// \ \ Kaufman's, Second Floor. /// _ 4| /lft/7 m W ¥l/ } J \t\ 'A! 111 \|lL# Lot 1 ■-ma..Coats §*ff Lot 2 mJ"mZr Coats,, \satsc //V~ 7x\ I | Regardless of Actual Valu, or Former. Regardless of Actual Value or Former I // Infants' (f dSS. i SIA Rfl r r frr: r ;, 'lll ssssssf— tAjn (=SS|2ffl \ V S:^W /// . I J All L * teB f M^ a 8 Well W U All Latest Materials and Genuine Salt's // ■ = W "/// \\ 39c /V/ ■ ' X a 8 Flush —All Sizes Fcr /J%jn y Plush—All Sizes for Women, TTCJC /// y>y ' Women, Misses & Juniors 118 l 1 Misses and Juniors mKKm ™ More Than 530 Coats in the Lot [W More Than 650 Coats in the Lot 1 , n , __ ! Chiffon Broadcloth, Velours, Silverlones, Meltons, Kerseys and Salt's Plush A // Women's // fees Velours, Pompoms, Kerseys, Silvertones, Plushes MM J // Petticoat, JL, / ( Only 123 ln th B , fl| \\\ A LL colors—black, Kavy, dark green, Burgundy, taupe, plum and I J J beaver, Burgundy, African rose, taupe, Pekin, hunter's green. / / M us"rt made \\ I I H £!?*' h ?V l H " a c ham bra v 111 z~a brown. Some are lined throughout; others half lined; and all with L\ yd OALT'S Plush Coats, lined throughout with mercerized Venetian, big I I of muslin and cambric; em ■ i nouse Dresses, mad* n> 111 • •• . _ , . ® , . , , / „ . , . , , ~ . . ~ b r II hrsldery flounce; all sizes. I I ft t n OO R qn aiity, ntted snd Bit- 111 guaranteed linings. Some have big fur collars; some with beaver plush // \\ self collars with or without belts; all sizes—or with collars of 1 1 Friday only, /I \\ kaufmnn'*,^Second ° I and others with seal plush collars. y \ contrasting plush. ' \ \ k.U.-., s.nd Floor. 11l \\ $1.95 'll ' \\ 69c JJJ Boys' Clothing, Friday Only Extra Special Gift Items, Friday S Mav h !Sv'29 F fh!f?a?Oni^ On Sale Friday, Nov. 29, One Day Only SSS Tn'T.'lS; Men's and Young' Men', // n \\\ Mackinaw j>f flf Snits and Overcoats . "SgF" // Sweater. \V\ I On., \\\ - Coflfs tpOml/O rorw. I '''spef-hU,"h Ml ':. 23c | 31SO // Bova'^vVo^'sweat- U J I Girls' Gingham nreaaw... 11l \ " t" 17 years. Newest Winter _ 1 1 Z4C A splendid variety of models and W/fV I I er s; large foil collars; all II I I eftambray and plaid ging- I|] A \ Mackinkws; new models; a sidendid Whiteltprj lin Irajs, t " l 'l i.e.. patterns, at a real bargain m \ I I sizes, 2fi to 34. Onsalel'ii- II I I hams; button trimmed... Iff ' I J* I bargain. assorted slscs. Special ca. ***'*■' Satin Roll Collars anil George- prlc ® # •/>/ 1 1 day only, II \ \ K ..w. -./// /'J f- „(- K , ,E,,.T ,, CSi t oe si Men's and Yoang Men's \ \ \ "°°" J) \\ $l.OO yy TrH Patent Muffler oC ■2?. , S 2sc SmU and Overcoat, JW V\ \\. 9C /// I Caps at tplot/O Ijullcs- honisOtlied Cotton Hyyrte.Vsizesiavlni, eaeh 19 C / * CXyv Z \ IIV VvVv , 7,i :7 ." " , ' ' , . Handkereliiels. Special, 1Q - All sizes; new models; new mate- 0 A H / S " "Z/vC ' /t \ |\ N V VvA\ Just the thing for boys; made of all- 5 f,,,. .Mital-lmck Contli and QQ-* rials; handsoitiely tailored; at prices /■ \\ IS / y. W ' (i \lr ' A woo' worsted yarn; tan slnule; extra Brush Sets. Speeinl vOC le sB than elsewhere. /T l\ Pif X WP 1 fs allj e. Ladies' fine Cotton Mandker- n/t > J V .. , / s ft / xxr 1'• / X | l* ' chiefs, lieniHtitelicd bord- OC r Ivory I'ulT Boxes; as- JO- lYlen S and I OUHg Men S / / / Work / / LiEulcS \\\ V • d-A'V _ _ era Special, four for.. sorted. Special, each. 1.. oc AJJ D t. / Vv / / 01 • . \\\ If Kimonos \\\ Wily Po/o tfjgr k,.k, / \ ff \\\ • I [ LadVea' Kl- \\ \ OV€TCOatS * Over two hundred pairs of Chev- ff j If fla^'k" yS'ighT I I I monos; full cut; Copen- I Ages 3to 8 years. Odd lots of good. /7A Pn 1 *"£• T/l/nm/Jfl'o Qrl/t/JC _ iot, Cassimere and Worsted I | II „| 7 . e s. 14 to 17: cut full I I I hagen, pink, rose, gray. 11l 573 heavy Overcoats; button to the neck; OU lilllO VV UTTltsll, O sjflUoo /ft Pf A I'unts. 1 // 11 Friday only, / \- V Kaufman's e * Moon 111 belt back. ( They are Brown Kid, Brown Calf, Cloth Top, \® B /U Men's Extva Fine NeW I V \ Kaufman's, First Floor. 11l \ \ Kaufmans, se.on.t 1 loor. 111 . black English, black Patent Leather; military aJI W m i7j mens Gjiru line lit.W II \ \ pmf\ /// \\ SI.OO /// ftyy s Long Overcoats - - OC .""" '"""" " yo ' s - " r " k "" s - , T / Veloar Hats \\\ /// \ \ * y/y ~ ' / Comfy Slippers at Pair /. — $5.00 nn \W y/s ee ,l , s to 18 i' ears . Double-breasted model, with belt back, a Padded sole, ribbon trimmed; ligh blue, I fIHHR n n Sold at all hat stores for |7.50; l || Y\V^ y/ . splendid value. lavender old rose, pink. | |JI • three new shades and new I I I I N y —m (f J These Drastic-Low-Price Items In Kaufman's Bargain Basement—Friday J //, I I Black Silk Jersey-top 111 % - ■ C I bfaekVnly; slightly imper- I I I nowereci 3| sateen Flounce! 11l . / Telephone Stands Unbleached Sheeting Muslin Sheets Lace Curtains Tapestry Rags Electric Irons f .\ \ at c this°p n rice!° l ' ritiliy y/l \ X r y?Z_l?2 >r ' til m Genuine O'lk Telephone Stand Brown Muslin Sheeting, 76 Double bed size Aluslin Panel Laee Curtains; beau- 27x54 Printed Tapestry Bugs, Westinfehouse Electric Irons, J V \ Knufmnn's, First Floor. 11l \ \ ' ' /// * and Chair, complete; fumed oak inches wide; very extra heavy Sheets; size 81x00 inches; seam- tifwl 'filet designs; in Avhite' good assortment of Oriental fully guaranteed, with cord and ■ \ \ /// \k\ Ck *7 /// m quality. lose and good, heavy quality. only. patterns. attachments. j \\\ tßfjf 1 / // cy £. C y// § Special /f 4 /V Special, yd. I - y - . Special d* 1 A O Special f) /A Special /ft ¥ y# O Special (t* O fi C I /// J yndayonly - .0/ l-'rldny only .... QQQ Friday only. J J Friday only .... Q £ Friday only.. Fr,l,n} 0,,1 > •' &£, . Z/U J \\\ XX/ if; / Folding Stair Gates Comfortables I Pillow Cases Turkish Bath Towels Gas Stoves Casseroles c ■ Folding gates for top of Good, heavy Comforts; cov- Good Muslin l'illow (.?ases, Fancy bordered Turkish Good, strong hot flame Gas Nickel-plated Casseroles, good J y y • / / ¥7 I \\\ m airs; are well made and ered with excellent quality of 12x36 inches, with a 3-inch Bath Towels; hemmed ready Stove; heating and cooking size, strong handles and brown y y % ■ ariif**' x\\ / / Unvelope >\\ I " niMhod - chintz. , hem. for use; extra good quality. combined. and white fillers. - ' . /•/ ' \\\ I chemise \\\ { 7SSX 95c ? $1.98 ••• 29c 5? -ru. 57.98 95c , . //^ Jy\\ I Onb 8 Jn the 1. ,0t ' . \'l f - | I / I .ArtleH' black silk Hose. 11l I T.m | J Unbleached Muslin Gray Blankets Plisse Crepe Table Covers Luncheon Sets Outing Flannel ,1 I heeL®nSi? *tol! 1 ' un s ize 8 . I I broidery insertion; 38 to 46. /hi \ Unbleached Muslin, very fine Wool-finish gray Blankets, Figured Plisse Crepe, 28 50-inch square drawn work Seven-piece Luncheon Set; Dark Outings, in good, heavy I 11 / o 10. Friday, pair, x 111 I \ liaifnuin*H, Second Floor. Iffl M quality brown Muslin, 36 inches 66x80 •inches; good assortment inches wide; floral designs; and hemstitched Table Covers; excellent quality and lace quality, 28 inches wide; good ' I t Rutifman's, First Floor. /// A \ £2 pv JIJ \ Wide. (12 yds. to a customer). of borders. extra good quality. very special value. trimmed. bargain. , * \\\ -g /// \\ O/C /// * s n c, ' ial If\ Kponir fft Of\ £? Special, yd. r> r* Speclul g\ f" Special yi O S|halml QA® J W\ Jftl-llfl /// V \ yyl K Friday only 1 C Friday only. Frlt,a f oiil** & C only 5/0 C ~,,t,a V ol,l ' •••• 40 C I ' lila .v 01,l >' dU tj C VVS. XXx # Medicine Cabinets Plaid Blankets Black Messaline Silk Curtain Scrim Cotton Prints Blacking Stands 1 i Xy \ White enamel Medicine Cabi- Wool-finish plaid Blankets; Good quality Silk Messa- Floral border Curtain Mate- Beautiful, neat figured Golden oak finish Shoe-shining , X m net ?' mirror front and glass beautiful colors; size 66x80 line; good quality and fine rail; 36 inches wide; extra good Prints; assortment of lights stands; with lid top; excellent } y f / r myf 1* K inches. assortment. value. and darks. quality. # y y / JVlUSlin \ s P° ela l f\ r* Special, pair (fry! f\ F* Special, yd. 0 1 If\ Special, yd. -f f\ Special, yd. + w Special OC. § / / l^OUtll // Gown# VA Friday only Z/O C IVitla> ° ,,ly O Tr. Z7 D lrM,, > on,v 1,1 J7 I'rklay only .... £(J Q Friday only .... £/£ Frk,oy oh,v OOC i // Corsets WV I | muslin, trimmed'with rib- 111 II weV* made and bo ",*^ : ||| ' I I bon embroidery insertion. 11l _ m I I full range Ortizes', in- 111 VS. Ao Children's VY Silk Misses ' n\ // F| annelettAV\ // ladies' Women'. Ny/ Silk XX\ V ly AW Ribbons AW Union Suits / Gowns \\\/ / Purses / A Union Suits /A Underwear / / rlose / \\\ tviuDon / \x\ „ , . 1 WV / m, ni, ts i„ the t\\ >ct I 111 "*-4 In tlic Lot. \W I Ladles' Flannel* /" '1 ■ ' Ijidlea' Leather / fill " ' , n "a I 111 ladles' Silk Under 111 1 ■■■ Chiirin.n'. hior-if I Mil malf. Taf- I fill ..Misses line ribbed 1 t'®. °? w n. inudi it 1 -'uraes; an excellent | (111 V ome l?. B . R .^ b l , . c(, I 111 vesta, banrt ®!!j II t n a te'SPferSr I U 4 r vS s Jo^ ; ill eeco n, tt °" I ill w'i'nter wei°ght S "and 1 llj s.>®day er onh-aP"^ 0 nh- aP "^ II D >D Men 8 Pants I \ I *°I e O?/ 1 ii^S c \ Y/l wide; p°° d S * \ Xlj sizes 6to 12. On sale I/A V b,Ur tripe htsrh lI A \ . # 1., \ 111 fleece lined. Friday. 1// /-- _ on, J /I BoVS pHDtS . .lof .A , . \\ sto 8!4. Friday \W/ Friday only. yd-. \V/ Friday only at / J/\ \ "®<-k. with co ,fr / /1\ \ lot Moor. W#/ Knafn....'., l.t Floor. I/// Kaufman'., ~t Floor. /// o-,v k SMK;W.VSt. \\ K.. \ W \ V ///W yy \ \ Xy niday uniy. . $2.29 $1.19 KAUFMAN'S—FIrat Floor. '* KAUFMAN'S—Firtt FlVr. ■ • *. ■ ■■ ' m si * . • •+ 0 ■ ' * . ; * WEDNESDAY EVENING, "l&ogaBBPKG'&&& * NOVEM"BERf*27 r ' I9lBf. i naval commanders are receiving short shrift from their men is indi cated In a story related here yester day. Asked by a British officer who in spected a German torpedoboat de- I stroyer where the commander of the vessel *waa, the Junior officer re plied: "Oh. he gave us some trouble four days ago, so we threw him over board." The story was confirmed by a rep resentative of the German Work men's and Soldiers' Council on board the destroyer. BRITISH SHIP SINKS AT PIKR | New York, Nov. 27.—After fire had destroyed part of the British steam ship City of Lahore, of 6,948 gross tons, the vessel sank at her North I river pier under the weight of the I ' water which the firemen poured Into Iher holds, (inly the smokestacks and part of the upper deck were above the water last night. EPIDEMIC IN JAMAICA New York, Nov. 27.—An epidemic of influenza, which has brought busi ness to a standstill and caused many deaths, is raging in Jamaica, accord ing to passengers who arrived here on the American steamship Jose from Kingston. , 5