Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 26, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Monday Evening Club
Meets With Mrs. Meikle
Mrs. William D. Meikle, of 171
North street, entertained the Mon
day Evening Sewing Club, at her
Jiome last night.
A pleasant evening was enjoyed.
Refreshments wfcre served. Those
who attended this meeting which
was the first of the season were:
Mrs. J. Harry Bender, Mrs. J. X.
Finley. Mrs. John P. Guyer. Mrs. J.
M. Hobart, Mrs. B. S. Fry, Mrs. 11. D.
Hammond, Mrs. Joseph Rehn, Mrs.
George H. Wirt, Miss Marv Rehn.
Miss Rita Farrar. of Richmond,
Va.. is a guest of relatives In town
for the remainder of the week.
Freshness— Proper arrange
ment and Prompt Service are
verv important matters in
relation to your flower pur- .
chases. We are prepared to
• meet the most exacting re
For Fi.nerala—Sick Rooms
Wed Jingo—Part lee
Our service is complete
Flowers for all occasions
W , —^
i| A Fitting Service With - jm j
\m\ out A Flaw jig,
jUI I Years and fears of actual ex- 11§|
Pl* perience, Hatching tailors and fitters 1
Ml in their "alteration pranks" decided \Ak
H £ us that thye teas but one way to give Ijj
fHi i> our customers an efficient fitting pi j
i service. ijra ,
The tailor who marks any altera-
tions and who fits you completes the \j]
garment himself. No other tailor s ? |0:
hands ever touch it. So far as tie jfr
know this service is exclusive with \
us in Harrisburg. lou will appre- \ |jl
ciate it the same as you will the other s
| features of this smart style center. |
C Chrysanthemums $2.48 per doz. 1
j Rbses * 98c per doz. 1 i
Carnations . 72c per doz.
' 814 N. 3d St. 157 N. Front St. ( 1
I Harrisburg Steelton
We are showing a very fine j
assortment of Ladies' Linen and
Tissue Handkerchiefs. Prices: r
25<? and 35£; also 50<\ 75£
and §l.OO.
Gentlemen's plain linen hem
stitched Handkerchiefs,
25<S 39<, 50c and 65c w
, We also embroider your initials or monogram to your
order, and have a large selection of styles to choose
Woman's Exchange j
3rd Street at Herr Street
| Bell Phone 253._ j
> j
Vanilla Frozen Fruit Pudding
Chocolate , Cherry
Strawberry * - Coffee
Frozen Custard Pineapple
Chocolate Almond, Bisque
Orders Received Until Wednesday, 11 P. M.
No Orders Received Thanksgiving Day.
Bell 1607 Dial 3329
™ V ! 'i
• . ■ ' M " { " : *" • '/ /
jCapt Bassler Is Made
Senior Division Chaplain
I News was received in the city this
■ morning that Captain Harry Xelaon j
Bassler. chaplain of the 103 rd Am
munition Train, who has seen much j
service overseas, has been promoted j
'•to senior chapiain of the 28th Dlvl
-1 sion, with general oversight of all
the religious work in the division. J
All other chaplains will report to,
him once a week regarding their.
work and he makes a report once'
a month to general headquarters, j
This promotion carnes "for effl-)
clency'" and Captain Basaler's j
friends are delighted over it. He J
was chaplain of the famous old J
Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment and j
" accompanied the men to the Mexi- f
can border.
I' Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Unger.
606 North Sixteenth street, will
spend Thanksgiving Hay at the home
of the latte.r's parents, in Mercers
Mrs. John C. Stine. of the Reynard j
apartments. North Third street, is j
recovering her health after a recent)
Little Miss Sarah Jane Tunis. j
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
S. Tunis. 2*<B North Third street, I
' is improving after a serious illness.
I Miss Claire M. Perley went" home
to Baltimore this morning after a
week's stay with her aunt, Mrs.
' B. Young, of State street.
Local Man Was in Paris the
Night of Great Peace
I . Celebration * ;
i Captain William H. Egle Holmes,
• of the Coast Artillery, who recently
j arrived from France, reached the city
I last evening on a ten days' leave, to
'be spent with his parents. Mr. and
j Mrs. Robert J. Holmes, of Richmond.
I Va.. at the Egle residence. 305 North
j Second street.
Captain Holmes, a grandson of the
' late Dr. William H. Egle. for many
> ears State Librarian lor Pennsylva-j
nia, was born in this city, removing
to Indianapolis with his parents dur-j
ing his boyhood. He Joined the Perdue]
University Battery for"Mexican Border
duty, and has been in the Regular C.
S. Army since May, 1917, sailing over
seas in December, and receiving his
captaincy last March.
For several months he was located
in the St. Mihiel region and was there
when the lighting in that section was
the greatest. At the time the armis
tice was signed, he was at the front,
under orders to leave for the United
I Mates, and spent that night in Toul.
.where the great lights snone wildly
out from the regular Fourth of July
celebration made by the gunners, who
determined that no ammunition should
be left to carry back. •
l'urln c.oe* Cral)
The armistice was signed ,at the i
eleventh hour of the eleventh day of ]
the eleventh month, and the next j
evening Captain Holmes was with a j
group of fellow-officers in Paris. He j
participated in the great pea i- e cele- ;
hration of that wonderful Tuesday, j
i when Mardi Gras festivities were
mild, compared with these. Everybody
i was out for fun, and the bands played
i continually. All day Wednesday the !
• American. British and French bands
• played on the steps of the Paris Opera
House, the favorite numbers being
| the French marching
• song; "Le Marsellaise." "God. Save the
King." and "The Star-Spangled Ban
ner." i
Captain Holmes had the novel ex- ,
per ience ot living in a second line I
j trench town, just, left by the Ger-1
I mans, whose forces were originally!
half a kilometer awav. On arrival. 1
| officers picked out the best-looking,
old stone house they could find tor
headquarters and comfortably went |
oft to sleep. During the night they j
found the rain was beating in and an |
' inch of water covered everything. The
I roof was entirely off. something they
I had entirely overlooked in selecting
their horpe. '
■ Captain Holmes has much to say of
I the e\e.-llencv of Red Cross work, and
one day in'the early spring met a
I Harrisburg F.ed Cross canteen worker.
I Miss Suzanne Westbrook, "somewhere
lin France." He is to report to Fort
I Monroe next week for further orders, j
The Women's Guild and St. An-1
drew"h Guild will conduct .the an
nual Christmas saie and supper Fri
day. December 6, at St. 'Andrew's ]
j parish house. Nineteenth and Mar- i
ket streets. The sale will begin at j
• 2 o'clock and supper will be served
j from 5.30 to 8 o'clock.
The Red Cross Auxiliary of the
Covenant Presbyterian Church will j
meet to-morrow, instead of Thurs
day. The rooms will be open from ;
10 a. rtt. until 5 p. m. A larg at-!
tendance is urged jn order that the j
government order for pads may be
; filled.
Bay Cheap Shoes and
You Can Be Baying
Them Every Few
! • !
j Buy Lafi-ancc Shoos and they
will last four times longer than
I; the cheap kind. I-afrancc Shoes i
j cost
i $B.OO to $12.00
the pair. Cheap shoes cost $1
the pair, and in eight months
they wUI cost you $l6, as the
average cheap shoes only lasts
two months. No fit, no style in
cheap shoes. Lafrance shoes
always Ht and look the same
when they arc worn for one
year. Widths AA to EE. Sizes
1 to S. Think this shoe game
I over, then go to
I 11 North Fourth Street
■i-tw r-Ji
Donald Carruthers Writes of!
■ Manners and Customs in /
Far-off Flowery Kingdom
Donald W. Carruthers, of this city,
who is secretary of the Army Y.
M. C. A. Legation Guards in the
"Princeton Work In Peking,"' China,
China, has wrttten a most interest
ing letter to Ills parents, Mr. and
! Mrs. J. B. Carruthers. of State
| street, telling all abotlt a big Chi
nese wedding, the details of which
Oct. 9, 1918.
My Dear Mother aud Father:
Next door to where I am living
there is a big Chinese wadding now
in progress and according to the
Chinese custom they are carrying
the presents through the streets in
order that every one may see how
beautiful they are and how rich
the givers of the dowry really nre.
A huge mat shed has been erected
and a Chinese orchestra lias been
engaged to furnish the music which
will consist largely of beating a huge
drum to the accompaniment of
clanging cymbals which would even
make the Apostle Paul decidedly ill
at ease. This said music will con
tinue all night and to-morrow per
haps. The bride will be carried into
the house in a small closed red
covered sedan chair and the groom
for the first time will have the op
portunity of beholding her smiling
visage for the llrst time. The Chi
nese saying is that in foreign wed
dings, we pour our water in hot
(love! and it gradually gets cold,
but they pour their water in cold
and it gets hot. I don't believe this
latter statement for their happiness
seems many times to be. to lis at
least, delusion. I am told that the
j first few years of the married life
I of the young bride are spent, in
j rible misery—for she is the
i hold slave of the modherln-law and
I one can well imagine what that
i means. After she has her first child .
this relation of serfdom ceases .but
still she Is kept in the background
and referred to as the "woman in
the home." To me it appears that
the greatest problem before this
nation at the present time is that
of making homes in the true sense
of the word. I believe fully in the
Christian solution of "the problem
where motherhood and all that
; home embodies —are kept hallowed
Iby the remembrance of Him who j
! resorted to Bethany to enjoy the |
I homelife of His friends. Mary and j
Martha. Someone has said that the :
j nation or people that holds woman ;
iin an inferior position can never (
hope to advance and there appears
i to be nothing to refute such a state
-1 ment. ,
Mr. BurgeSs lias lent us his Victor
j and several excellent records. It
is real sport to take your bath to the
tune of a stirring operatic air of
an expressive violin selection. I am
sure that were I to be sent into the
interior for a period of years I would
like to take a machine with me with
i a full supply of records. It
j gives one so much pleasure. I wish
j there was some sort of a iflachlne
j whereby the pictures of the famous
I art galleries could be put on a rec
| ord and sent around so that you
I could get the same joy of looking at i
! them one does in the galleries At
; home. I am trying to enjoy Chinese
painting as a substitute for the art
of the west, which I cannot see be
cause. of my separation from it. I
am a bit surprised to find myself
really getting a whole lot of enjoy
ment from Chinese painting. A few i
I days ago I visited the Art Museum j
in the Forbidden City together with j
!my friend Shoemaker, 1916, who j
i took the same course in art in :
; Princeton that I did and we heartily
j enjoyed a lot of fhe pictures al
' though they are vastly different in
conception and execution than those
.we are familiar with in the west. In
tfils way one gets a new apprecia
! tlon of the Orient and becomes more j
1 contented with his present lot. A j
i foreign soldier once told me his i
j philosophy of life In the Orient. Hej
tried to look away to the hills and
i temples and not on the dust and ,
sordldr.ess of the city streets. So j
i youp see I am trying to look off to i
; the hills and the green places "with |
| pleasure withal."
i With lots of love your son,
j Miss Alice Straub is spending the ]
week with friends in Williamsport.
Mrs. Walter W. Hubley. of Reuovo, j
! spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. I
P. McCullough, 2041 North Second j
! street. •
| Miss Tilda Zarker, Miss Mae Mend
ler and Miss Helen Aungst, and Mrs.
i Speece. all of Penbrook. have return
; ed after a motor trip to Philadelphia.
' Charles Pollock, of the S. A. T. C., |
i Gettysburg, spent Sunday with his
! father, Frank Pollock, of 24 Prospect j
' street.
i Harold Eckert, of Sylvan Terrace,
i now stationed at Indianhead, Md..
! spent the weekend at home,
j Edward Connor, of Philadelphia,
' spent last night here with relatives, ;
| on his way from McAlistervllle, Pa., to j
! Octoraro. Md.
Ralph Davis, of McAlistervllle, Pa.,
j is visiting relatives here.
P. F. Clark, of Lehighton. Pa., was j
in the city on business and spent the |
weekend with his sister, Mrs. N. G. j
i Hodgson, of COl Boas street. j
Miss Karah Caton. of this city, will
i spend the Thanksgiving vacation at
1 Asbury Park. N*. J., and in Phlladel
\ phia. ?s the guest of Miss Zetna War-
Miss Margaret Phillips, of 1832 Mar
ket street, has returned home after a
visit in Williamsport.
Miss Mary Meetch. Miss Harriett
Bricker and Miss Jeanette Stoner
■ have Returned home after spending
the weekend with friends in Golds
b°Mrs.P Henry W. Schurtz and daugh- j
ters Mary Schurtz and Rena Schurtz.
of 1624 Liberty rtrcet. leave to-mor
| row to spend the weekend In Mid- >
i d 'Mbo" l Evelyn Speskman. of 709 North !
Seventeenth' street, left to-day to
J spend the week In Philadelphia and,
i Al Mrs "FmftVid Walker, of Philadel
: phia. is visiting her sister. Miss Ellen •
K. McCulloch, at 1202 X'orth Second
Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Ramsay, of
Portland. Me., are Thanksgiving |
guests of their relatives. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur D. Pollack, of State street, j
Miss Rose B. Mumma, Miss Mary j
K. Mumma, John Mumma and H.
Oberholtzer motored to Hanover for
the weekend.
Miss Annette Greene, of Boston,
left for home this morning after a
brief stay with relatives in the West
Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. X'orris, of,
i Pittsburgh, are expoeted here to- j
I morrow for a Thanksgiving visit with :
| their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ber
tram Stahl, of X'orth Second street.
Mrs. Kenneth M. Jones and daugh
j ter, Carol Jones, of Berwyn Park.
Location. are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
;J. Melly Jones, at 109 South street.
Other Personal News Pace 8
Popular Young Couple's ,En
i gagement Is Announced to '
Number of Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Faunce
of 1314 North Third street, announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Miss Sarah Ann Faunce, to Charles
McGinnis .Pollock at a late supper
at their home last evening.
The girls enjoyed a social time
and were greatly surprised When they
entered the dinning room.
Covers were laid for twelve. Mi
niature kewpies guarded the place
cards which bore the announcement.
They were attached to streamers of
red, white and blue which led to the
centerpiece of red roses. The. guests
invited to the announcement were:
j Miss Ruth Cummlngs, Miss Esther
I Webb, Miss Margaret Pollock, J'rs.
i William Anderson. Mrs. Charles Hll
ler. Miss Margaret Plank. Miss Eilna
j Bowers. Mrs. S. I. Sttner. Mrs. H. C.
j Pollock, Miss Grace Bergstresscr and
Miss I'aultne Summer.
Miss Faunce is a graduate of Cen
tral High School class of 1916 and a
prizewinner in the Junior Girl's
contest. Charles Pollock, the son of
Frank Pollock, of 24 Prospect street,
graduated from Technical High School
in 1917. He was prominent in sports,
played in basketball and won the
city's championship in tennis. He is
now a member of the Student Army
Training Corps at Gettysburg Col
No date has been set for the wed
Miss Grace Litleton, of Cambridge,
I Mass., is stopping for a week with
her sister, Mrs. Anne Littletown
Wells, of X'orth Second street.
Richard T. Thompson started for
a western trip to-day which will in
clude stops in Chicago and Denver
on the way to Sacramento, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Jackson
I went home to Portland. Oregon, last
| evening, after spending a short time
j with Harrisburg friends on the way
! from Philadelphia and New York.
Practical Eye Hints
j Along this line the following j
j suggestions are worthy of note:
! (a) Vertigo, indigestion, Itfsom
j nia, headache, neuralgia, and even
j nervous prostration are often
! caused by eye-strain, and an ex
i pert examination of the eyes
I should figure In the diagnosis of
j such ailments.
(b) One's own visual sensdtions
I cannot always be relied upon to
j indicate the condition of the eyes.
Ability to see gicat distances is
I often a sign of imperfection there
| in: in fact, the farsightedness of
old age is due to the failure of
I efficient action in the crystalline
lens of the eye and the tiny mips
[ clcs that control It.
(e) With advancing years con
ditions In the eye structure change
' more rapidly than in early life,
■ but the eyes should be examined
at least once a year from infancy
(d) Those who wear glasses
should see that they are kept
scrupulously clean at all'tlmcs, as
blurred lenses may cause eye
(e) Prolonged, continuous use
of the eyes should be avoided if
they seem easily fatigued. Tlielr
I demand for proper rest is more
| imperative than that of any other
(f) In reading or working, on©
should never have the light either
in front or behind, nor have it
directed over, the right shoulder.
j To be especially avoided also is
the attempt to read on moving
trains or when walking.
(g) It has been repeatedly
proved that the efltect on "the op
tic nerve of excessive smoking is
'[ a cause of blindness, and more
i often leads to other visual
j troubles.
12 N. Market Square, 2nd Floor
1 V
Children's Hair Catting
Mornings, 0 to 12 O'clock
Yotins Lady Phone Appointments
I Attendants Snpgented
MAE'S Hair Dressing Parlors
14 N. 2nd St. Entire 2nd Fleer
Hostess House Open to Men in
Service on Thanksgiv- <
ing Day
_____" i
Mrs. Edward F. Dunlap, general J
chairman of the Hostess House, has
announced the folowing plans for
Thanksgiving -Day. The club house '
will be open afternoon and evening.
Nothing lias been planned for the .
entertainment of the guests in the
afternoon, but plenty of good read
ing material is always furnished by
Mrs. Walter Spofford .chairman of
the magazine committee and the
hospitality of the home is extended
to all men in service.
Supper will be served at 7 o'clock j
by Miss Dora W,: Ooe, chairman of
the committee; Mrs. Martin A.
Cumbler, MYs. Harry G. Kef Tor, Mrs.
Wilbur F. 'Harris, Miss Elizabeth
Ross, Miss Alhteda Herman. '
An abundance of homemade mince
and pumpkin pies and doughnuts
will be on tlie menu. Nuts, fruit nnd
hot coffee will be supplied.
A dance will follow and during
intermission tableaux of various pos
ters will be presented.
The entertainment committee will
be assisted by Miss Elizabeth Ktflse
ly. Miss Martha Fletcher, Miss Sara
McCullough, Miss Cherry West
brook. Miss Catherine Stamm, Miss
Alice DeceVee and Miss Maud
Howard B. Anderson, of Freder
icksburg, went home this morning
after spending a week with his
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood
F. Lucas, of Market street.
M_r. and Mrs. Robert J. Holmes, of
Richmond, Va., will be Thanksgiving
guests of their relatives. Mrs. Wil
liam H. Egje and Miss Katharine
Irwin Egle, 305 North Second street.
Mrs. Charles C. Linton, of 1007
North Second street, left to-day for
vlsitis among friends in HollidayH
burg and hr old home in Johnstown.
Eugene Winters and his brother,
Thomas D. Winters of the University
of Pennsylvania, will be Thanksgiv
ing visitors at the home of tneir rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Irving,
of Green street.
■ 1
rc) — mi-joj —ini—--ibiij —uinnmuini in CTimrrc=rinr=ginf=g=inr=^=]nr===giFiF=3=g|Fig^n=npi
f Help Sales People Get Rest. Buy Xmas Gifts Now. |
. I
. •• I-,
I New Arrivals men's j
I and Misses' Coats [ '
1 Just in Time for Thanksgiving
■ ■
\ esterday s express brought us several shipments of Women's
and Misses' Coats all of which are decidedly new and the last word jj
8 0 in fashion.
Women folks who will buy their Thanksgiving Ceats here today
e and tomorrow will be certain of having Coats totally different.
j At $25.00 and $29.50 Our Coats
Are Without Equal
* . 9
We specialize on Coats at these t\v6 popula/ prices and quite naturally go the j
| very limit in value-giving.
Our showing includes Velours. Cheviots, Silvertones, Mannish Tweeds, Ker
seys and a w6ndrons assortment of Salt's Seal Plush Coats —all handsomely styled, |
faultlessly tailored garments —all shades. %
All the Wanted Colors and Fabrics Are |
Here in the Higher Priced Coats |
Ranging From $5O to $lOO
The woman whose mind is made up con'cerning a certain high-class fabric in a
D certain shade will surely find just wjpat she wants in our large stock of Coats of
9 the higher, order. " * I
French Velours Velour de Laine Broadcloths
Pom Poms Genuine Bolivias Silvertones ej
Exquisite. Baffin Seal Plush Coats
Fur collar and fur-tiimmcd models aplenty
■ >. •>/
U _____
I Junior Misses' Coats, Too, |
S Amongst the new arrivals were the season's most attractive ere- |
ations. For example:
* A Wool Velour Coat—Reindeer shade —with genuine Seal Collar, at $55.
a Another Velour in a beautiful loose-back models-seal brown shade, at $35. j
IA Pekin Blue Pom Pom Coat, with genuine Beater Collar, at $59.00. i I •
And many others.
r: i 1 I
Furs For Thanksgiving and Christmas
Whether you want Furs for now or for Christmas, here you'll find that our j
big showing of rich, luxurious, warm Coatees, Stoles, fluffs, Scarfs and Neck
■ | Pieces can supply just what you want.
!Fox —Wolf—Kolinsky Squirrel—Hudson Seal— Opossum, Etc.
All Moderately Priced
II ' , ' g s
Join in a Cake March
at Close of Card Party
Mrs. Anna Cawdrey and MlsaMary
V. Rhone were hostesses at a delight
ful Five Jluißlrod party Salufdny
evening held ih Pythian hall, J369
Howard street. After the dKHhUtfon'
of .prises, refreshments were Berved
to *lOO guests, who all Joined in a
"cake march." Dancing was enjoyed
with Mrs. Hazel MelchlOr. prgantst
of Bethlehem Rtnr Chapter?'at thtq
Carl B. Miller, of Newark, N. J., is I
here for a short stay among rela
tives In Green street. I
i Witmer, Bair & Witmer
Walnut Near Second
"Over the Top Sale"
Dependable Merchandise at
Special Prices
?T. ' ■
i Coats, Suits, Dresses,
1 1 / , " . 1
at Less Than Regular Price
A Stock Reducing Event of Much Importance
t to You.
Witmier, Bair & Witmer
IJ ■.
Wednesday and all market
mornings thereafter W. Marrolf
will offer from his stall, formerly
C. A. Stoufter's, in Broad Street
Market, 9
Home-made Mince Meat
at 22c per pound
k \