Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 26, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Hun U-Boat Torpedoes
Christiania Steamer;
Claims British Toll
Brrxrn. Norway. Nov. 26.—Tin
crew of the last victim of the German
U-boat warfare, the Christiania
steamer Ever (7), torpedoed on the
evening of NovemDer 11. has arrived
here. The steamer was making her
maiden voyage. The crew say that
the U-boat crew claimed to have
■unk on the same day a British trans
port on the way to Archangel with
three thousand soldiers.
Captain T. F. Mead
Dies of His Wounds
Captain Theodore F. M>ad, U. S. M.
C.. serving in France with the One
Hundred and Fourth Field Artillery. |
died October 30 from wounds raepivedj
in action, according to word received
here. Captain Mead was widely
known lure, having married Miss
Ruth Fahnestock. daughter of "Wil
liam Fahnestoek. Mr. Fahnestock
some years ago conducted an est. n
aive drvgoods business in Mar|kct
Captain Mead's home was In Ithaca,
K. Y. He was a graduate of
University and went to Frunvc
with the Twenty-seventh, division
composed of troops of the old X.w
York National Guafd. When the'
guard was sent to the Mexican border
about a year hefore the United Stat
entered the European war. Captain I
Mead went with it in the First New
York Field Artillery. immediately
after'the declaration of war he went
to Camp Wadsworth with the guard,
and took part with the Twent.v-st v- :
cnth division in some of the hardest
fightin gof the" war. I-ater he fought in'
the march on Valenciennes and thei
Scheldt.. It is presumed that in those'
operations he received his wounds.
; t"fTn'd' dandruff? 1
Every bit of dandruff disbppears
after one or two applications ot Dan- |
tlerine rubbed well into the scalp
with the finger tips. Get a small
bottle of Danderine at any drug i
store for a few cents and save your
hair. After several applications you
can't find a particle of dandruff or j
any falling hair, and the scalp will
never itch.
Deep Seated Acid Deposits Are
Dissolved nod the Itheuuintie Toi
son Starts to I.cat e the System
Within Twenty-four lluurs
Every druggist in this county is
authorized to say to every rheumatic
sufferer in tiiis vicinity that if two
bottles of Allenrhu. the sure con
queror of rheumatism, does not stop
all agonv. reduce swollen joints and
do away with even the slightest
twinge of rheumatic pain, he will
gladly return your money without
Allenrhu hag been tried and tested
for years, and really marvelous re- i
suits have been accomplished in the
most severe cases where the suffer- |
ing and agony was iniense and pite- j
ous and where the patient was help
le3B -
- relieves at once. Imme
diately after you start to take it the j
good work, begins. It searches out
the uric acid deposits, dissolv s the I
secretions and drives rheumatic • oi- :
son out of the body through the
kidneys and bowels.
It's marvelous how quickly it acts.
Blessed relief often comes in two
days, and even in cases where the
suffering is most painful all traces
disappear in a few days. G. A. Gor
ges can supply you.
For 200 years GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil has enabled suffering
humanity to withstand ttacks of
kidney, liver, bladder and stom eh
troubles and all diseases connected
with the urinary organs, and to
build up and restore to health or
gans weakened by disease. These
most Important organs must be
watched, because they filter and
purify the blood; unless they do
their work you are doomed.
Weariness, sleeplessness, nervous
ness, despondency, backache, stom
ach trouble, pains in the loins and
lower abdomen, gravel, difficulty
wjjeji ur.nating, rheumatism, scia
tica and lumbago all warn you of
trouble with your kidneys. GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are
afECHAiyt'c 1
Good blood makes firm tissue, strong nerves,
steady eyes and clear brain. Keep your blood pure and
fuil of healthy, red corpuscles, and your liver active, by
using Beecham's Pills, which remove poisonous matters
from the system, assist t ..e stomach to assimilate its
food, and the food to nourish the body. A world
famous remedy to strengthen the vital organs and help to
Make Pure Blood
Directions of Specie! Value to Women are with Every Box.
Sold by druggists throughout the world. In boxes, 10c,, 25c.
Taylor j| f HOTEL MARTINIQUE ||j
Broadway, 32d St., New York
<>X One Block from Pennsylvania Station ll'
fcy I 4,. . \ Equally Convenient for Amatemanb,
133 *1 Shopping or Business
15" Pleasant Rooms, with Private Bath, J 1 I
iiPi <l/ 32.50 PER DaY
ii'i-j ]a! t Excellent Rooms, with Private
Wr Bath, facing atreet, southern exposure
$3.00 PER DAY
Alto Attractive Rooms from $1.50
100 Roonujll The Restaurant Prices Are Most Moderate
too Baths
Carter's Little Liver Pills
You Cannot be Remedy That
Constipated Makes Life
and Happy tat Worth Living
iPIUS. <!-*>•£
jaday colorless faces but will greatly help moat pale-faced people
* V
Extremists Nearly
Negligible in
Soldiers' Colors
Fly Everywhere
in Country
Berlin. Nov. 26.—Reports of tests
| of strength between the eonserva-:
i tive elements and the independent!
i and "Bolshevik" Socialists in various j
! places in Germany continue to in- i
dieate that as far as mere numbers
! go. the extremists are almost negli-1
1 gible.
The elections ta the Soldiers' and:
Workmen's Council in Dresden on |
I Sunday show that the extremists'
'polled only 4.300 votes against 56,-'
| 400 for the old Socialists. Both;
' groups of the independents won
j three or four seats in the council of.
! fifty.
Coast Cities Conservative
j Fuller reports from Bremen show
I that the movement in the coast cit-
: Pape s Diapepsin at once ends j
sourness, gas, acidity,
Don't staj upset! When
don't fit and you belch gas. acids and
undigested food. it hen you feel |
lumps of indigestion pain, flatulence.!
heartburn or headache you can get
instant relief.
No waiting! Pape's Diapepsin will
put you on your feet. As soon as you j
eat one of these pleasant, harmiessj
tablets all the indigestion, gases, j
acidity and stomach distress ends. I
Your druggist sells them.
the remedy you need. Take three!
or four every day. The healing oil ;
soaks into the cells and lining of the
kidneys and drives out the poisons.!
New life and health will surely, (01-{
low. When your normal vigor lias
been restored continue treatment
for a while to keqp yourself in con
dition afcd prevent a return of the
Don't wait until ydu are ine.tp- i
able of fighting. Start taking GOLD |
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules to
day. Your druggist will cheerfully j
refund your money if you are not
satisfied with results. But be sure!
to get the original imported GOLD '•
MEDAL and accept no substitutes.
In three sizes. Sealed packages. At j
all drug stores..
fly Associated Press ,
Firtli of Forth Scotland. Nov.
2G.—Germany's navy has been
ruined for all time, in the opinion
of a German lieutenant on one of
the warships surrendered to the
Allies. He said yesterday:
"Now wo have only a dishon
orable record. No one will want
to serve in a disgiaced service."
Inspection of the German ves
sels is proceeding. They arc in a
deplorable state, having been ap
-1 arently neglected for a long
time. The German sailors pre
sent a miserable appearance, their
c'othes being dirty and nonde^,
ies already has turned into a more
conservative channel.
A meeting workmen's;
i and peasants' councils, representing
: Bremen. Hanover. Hamburg, Olden-j
j burg, Flensburg, Osnnbrueck, Wil
; helmshaven and a number of smaller |
places in the provinces of Hanover
l and Schleswig-Holstein passed a
resolution declaring these councils
would stand behind the present gov*
; ornment and demand the convoca-
I tion of a national assembly. The
! resolution was adopted by a vote of
SI to 20. There also was a crush
ing defeat for the extremists at 3
. meeting representing the Tenth army;
corps at Hanover, where by a vote!
of 140 to 4 a resolution was passed I
against efforts to establish a dicta
torship and demanding the sum
moning of a constituent assembly.
Soldiers Arrive From Fronts
Soldiers from the front now are
1 beginning to arrive in Berlin and
( men who have conversed with them
express themselves optimistically as
to the result of their arrival as re
"ls its effect upon the preserva
tion of order. These men declare
the great bulk of the soldiers reject
Bolshevism In alt its phases.
It. perhaps, also may be consid
ered an indication of the general
public's faith In the conservation of
the soldiers that German and Prus
sian flags are beginning to reappear
all over Berlin, after having made
way for the red flag since No
vember 10. Only in one of the
suburbs was any objection raised to
the flying of the national colors.
Certain elements there tore the
Prussian banners from the street
cars. Elsewhere the emblems were
not disturbed.
Methodists Plan to
Hold World's Fair;
Festival Next June
New York, Nov. 26.—Commemorat
! ing the coming of peace and the cen
! tennial of its missionary activity, the
I Methodist Episcopal Church and the
Methodist Episcopal Church. South,
will hold "a world's fair of Metho
dism" at Columbus. Ohio, from June
20 to July 17. 1919, It was announced
here last night by the Joint centenary
j committee. " ,
| The program of missionary work
j throughout the world, -'hich will in
i volve an expenditure of $115,1000,000,
will be visualised by transporting al
' most bodily fcative villages from the
• various foreign fields to the buildings
of the Ohio State Exposition grounds.
Lieutenant Whitney Ball, son of
William H. Ball, secretary to the Gov
ernor. and well known to many Har
• risburgers, was wounded and promot
ed at the battles around Monfaucon,
!in France. He was second lieutenant
;of the Three Hundred and Twelfth
Machine Gun Battalion. He is now In
, a hospital in France.
Through the giving of a fictitious
address to the federal authorities dur
ing the raid Saturday night, the house
at 1926 Kensington street was printed
in the newspapers as one of the places
raided. The house'was not vißited by
the authorities.
The Warrior Eagle Tribe. Improved
Order of Red Men, will hold a special
Thanksgiving service to-morrow. A
feature will be music by an orchestra.
The program will be followed by re
freshments. Important messages will
i be read from the Great Incohonee and
■ the Great Sachem, bearing upon the
' collection of dues for the soldiers'
! fund.
Cavalry Leader \yho May
Be Kornilofl of Germany
Events are marching so fast lp the
German revolution, which has broken
out anew, that the arrival of Field
Marshal von Mackensen In Berlin
and Ills popularity, both with the
soldiers and civilians, may make him
the "man of the hour" for the foes
of the Soviets. He is the one Ger
man high field commander undefeated
in the war. and many see in him the
nrniloff of Germany in the present
| Proprietor of Crystal. Hotel
Had Been Missed in
First Raid
The history of the famous "Bucket
of Blood," 1219 Ntorth Seventh street, .
from which dozens of negroes of all '
ages were taken in the federal raid ,
j Saturday night, were aired during a |
! hearing of the inmates before United |
States Commissioner V.'olfe in the :
1 deputy marshal's office in the post
1 office building, this afternoon. Four
! others of the raided places were to
I receive*Jearings this afternoon,
j The "Bucket of Blood" Jias figured
lin police records more than any
I other harbor of disorderly charac
i ters in the city, with the possible
| exception of 12 and 14 Cowden
street. This house is the habitat of
Mexicans, and whites of all
j ages. Negro "floaters." it is .said.
, make the house their headquarters
when they pass through the town.
Whites found derelict on the streets,
are often lured to the house ami
robbed. The house has been a sore
; spot to the police department for
■! years, and has caused endless trou
j ble to the authorities.
With the arrest of four more ns a
result of the investigation of Federal
1 authorities, and the threat that more
arrests will follow, the extent of the
1 antlvlce crusnde in Harrisburg was
apparent to-day.
Kameron Hemawei, proprietor of
the Crystal hotel, Aberdeen and Mar
ket streets, Guerney C. Smith, night
clerk at the Crystal; Ross Rowles,
: proprietor of a candy store at 401
! Walnut street, and Warren Ebron,
i 606 Forster Street, were the latest ar
1 . ' ... and at the New .Willard and
the Shoreham, Washington, D. C. .
At these, the trip leading hotels in the Nation's capital,
Army and Navy men, statesmen, leaders of industry and
prominent men from all sections of the United States may j pT ®
be found in greater numbers, perhaps, than at any other ■ 1
At the Willard, Fatima is by far the biggest-selling | T
cigarette —which bears out, once again, what we have ' // i
been sEying all along about the nation-wide prefer- |
This is even further borne out by the fact that at the
exclusive Shoreham only one cigarette (a 25c brand) W >.
■ FATIMA ' 'HI •'
A Sensible Cigarette / ill j|j|w
o•, -
In ipite of the fact that it ia not a high-priced r ■' j' H
cigarette, Fatitnas are smoked by more men who Jf . ! .. • } I
can afford what they like than any other ciga- * . '^Wj!;||pf!|f|i|;
lette in the United States— smoked for their L ? t ■
1 pleasing tx'te ami becaiuc they never disturb l r : '| > '•'>,!■ '!ii' l-jl ."i ;
even thot a a tpan r..ay smoke more than usual, 1 J ; I, \ i::
j J
I . l!
i •.
I ' /A&pZZ--* > ,
■■ 1 mi ; tt _ i.iiia 111 1 1 1
'•',* , , , *\
rests, and wore held under ,$l,OOO bail
each for hearings before United
States Commissioner Wolfe.
It has been learned that the Crystal
hotet was scheduled to be raided Sat
urday night, when the Federal drag
net captured the Inmates of a score
of disorderly houses. Through the
Hack of sufficient State Police to
handle the place. It esea'ped the
clutches of the law that night. Fed
eral officials furnished the news
papers the name of the hotel among
the list of raided places, thinking It
had been raided, according, to sched
ule, and It was printed accordingly.
The proprietor, it is said, informed
the Federal authorities yesterday
that they would bring a libel suit
against the papers that printed his
I name. The authorities immediately
placed him under arrest.
I , Suspected Runner
| Ebron was held when an examlna
' tion by Federal officers gave them
ground to suspect that he has been
acting in the capacity of a "run
ner" for Pearl Wilson, under bail
for conducting a place at 1008 North
Seventh street. The female govern
ment Investigator brought the charge
against Ebron. saying that while she
was taking her meals at the Senate. ;
Ebron offered to take her to a plnce
"where she could make lots of money
over Saturday and Sunday." After
they started, he became frightened
when he saw a' soldier apparently
following them, and backed out of
the agreement. The soldier was a
Witness for the government.
Ross Rowles. held under $3OO ball,
was charged with acting as a solici
tor for the Alva hotel, the proprietor
of which was held under $l,OOO bail
for court on the charge of conducting
a disorderly house. It is said that
persons entering his candy store at
Fourth and Walnut streets could se
cure directions to a "sate place."
All the arrests which have been
made, and those which are to fol
low. are made under the direction of
the Secretary and Department of
War. who by an act of Congress are
given the right to make such ar
rests as they seo fit. The act gives
jurisdiction for drastic action with
in ten miles of any army camp, and
Is much broader than local laws.
Marsh Run and Mlddletown. where |
military detachments are located, are j
within ten miles, of Harrisburg.
Held Cniler Halt
Anesta Guisti, proprietor of the j
Alva hotel, was held under $l,OOO ball '
for the United States District Court
in Sunbbry next January, on the
charge of running a disorderly house.
His night clerk, Frank Long, and
waitress. Margaret Phillips, were held
under $5OO on the charge of aiding
and abetting disorderliness. The
case of Margaret Welsh, cashier,
was taken under advisement. The
testimony showed that the soldier
investigator employed by the govern- |
ment, and the female Investigator,
secured a room and liquor even
though they admitted they were not
Mrs. Anderson, proprietress at 1123
State street, Elsie Staley, inmate,
Dlmko Stephano, Minoff Trlkn, Milon
K. Shumkroff, Joe Antoff, and Wil
liam Shoemaker, were held for court
afteY preliminary hearings last even
The case of Mrs. Myra Scliultz,
proprietess at 51 Susquehanna street.
Mlddletown, will be heard Friday
morning at 9 o'clock, irtfetead of last
night, as originally planned.
Mabel Stew.trd, arrested at 1123
State street. Saturday evening, was
discharged, no charge being brought
against her. Investigation proved
that one of the women arrested, who
gave her address as 1101 Capital
street was lying, as 1101 Capital
street is the residence of law abid
ing citizens.
President Judge .George Kutikel and
the jury commissioners decided to-day
that the Jury wheel.will be refilled De
cember 9. when übout 900 names will
be placed in it. to be used in drawing
juries for court sessions next year.
The first juries will be drawn De
cember 10. after the wheel has been
filled. Jurors will be drawn at that
time for . the January sessions of
Criminal Court and Common Pleas
Appeals from usseßxment of propcr
t ies by the Pennsylvania Kail road
Company were hfatd to-day by tho
i Hoard of Taxes and Appeals. Kepre
! Bentatlves of the company asked to
I ha,ve exempted froip taxes bunk
i houses at Seventh and Maclay streets
i and 501 Market street, the cattle pens
jgiwiiwinyi mi iiinnhi■—■■
\ "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the best, M
1 remedy xvc have found for conslipctiotu H
\ We cannot say too much for it." (From a 1
- \ letter to Dr. Caldwell written Ly Mr. Win* ■
\ field S. Taylor, 342 Penn St., Burlington, ■
' 1
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the best
remedy for constipation because it acts gently
and does not gripe and strain. Its freedom
from all habit-forming properties and its posi
tive effect make it the ideal remedy for the
family medicine-chest.
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts, (£:,) SLOQ
In North Seventh street, above Maclay,
I a small plot of ground near the freight!
! station at Maclay street,-a tract near
; Dock street bride and another build- , ,►
. for storage purposes. Tha
board decided to refer the appeals to
city solicitor for opinions, be
i cause of legal points which were rais
-11 ed In the discussion.