Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 26, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Good temper, like a sunny day.
sheds brightness oxer everything; it'
is the sweetener• of toil, and the
soother of disquietude.—lrving.
statesmen of this country are!
out of accord with the Presi
dent in his opinion that the settle- ;
nient of a righteous peace demands j
Ills presence at Versailles. The peo- 1
pie of the United States believe that 1
the head of their government should j
remain in Washington, particularly,
in these days of reconstruction when !
vital problems hourly wait decision. I
The presence of the President at the
peace conference, it is suggested in '■
many quarters, may involve unfor-;
tunatc and far-reaching conse-!
L qtiences. Spoken words are always!
matters of record and this country |
wants all the cards on the table.
David Jayno Hill, discussing this,
phase of the situation, says: "Sup
pose the President should personally ]
convey to the French government, j
for example, the idea that France, if j
menaced, could not rely upon the :
sympathy of the United States If it 1
did not accept a delinite program j
for a league of nations to include |
.Germany, would the people of the:
United States approve of that intiina- ;
tion? If this were reluctantly accept- j
ed and acted upon, what would .be
come of the self-determination of'
France'.' If it were rejected, what;
would be the attitude of the French |
government toward the United
States'.' And what would be the po
sition of the President?
"Again, if the President were to
say to the British government that
it must adopt the 'freedom of the j
seas' in the sense understood by him. i
whatever that* may be, or the United ;
Slates would itself seek to obtain
naval or maritime supremacy, would
the American people approve of this ,
pressure? And if they did approve
it, what would be the future rela
tiops between Great Britain and the
United States?
"I have taken these haphazard il
lustrations merely to show the dan
ger of negotiations carried on direct- j
ly between parties capable of en- '
forcing tentative positions by their
own will, and to Indicate how much !
more desirable it is for the possible ;
terms of agreement to be arriv ed at I
through intermediaries whose word
does not bind until a superior has
given his sanction. This latter, which I
is the customary method because it j
Is based on reason and experience, is '
q course not subject to reproach as
secret diplomacy, because the whole
procedure is tentative and can after-'
ward be made public as such. De- !
parture from this method is, no '
doubt, made when sovereigns dictate !
a treaty; but, certainly, the Presi- I
dent cannot intend alone to dictate a
peace, or in any way to impose terms
of settlement upon our own co-bellig
events. Great Britain, France and
President Wilson is taking a step!
which may entail loss of the good !
will and friendship of the great na-1
tions which have been allied with the
United States in this greatest of ail
wars, through an arbitrary insist
ence upon his views which they can
not and should not accept. Eet us
• hope that he may yet determine to
make his presence in .Europe a mure i
friendly visit, without Imposing upon '
the peace commissioners the cinbar-'
rursment of lils personal views in the
Important discussions.
Democratic congressmen at Wash
ington are virtually unanimous in
attributing their defeat to the ap
peal made by the President ten daya
before the election. It Is found that
in virtually every instance defeated
candidates will readily concede that
their successful opponents are leyal
pro-war men, who will vote to up
hold the nation in every case. If
the war had gone have
I \ >
% ' . . * . - , ' • "* r ;' V; " V '
i been certain that the next Congress
! would have been pro-war. perhaps
even mure so than its predecessor.
' because the pacifists were largely
eliminated in the primaries.
• rr*HE police force of Ilarrisburg.
; | 1 aftci 1 Saturday night's raids, has
no longer the confidence of the
public. Wherever men meet and the
subject is discussed, the question is
raised as to whether ilarrisburg po
licemen protected vice for personal
gain or are simply stupid. In either
case, the public should have the
, truth. Innocent officers should be
, | vindicated and the guilty punished.
The police force operates under
, ! civil service and has recently as
j sumed the attitude that since it is
jno longer a political pawn it has
! become a law unto Itself, and can
1 ! conduct its affairs a? it pleases, with
; out let or hindrance. It demands
j higher wages—to which an efficient
' force might be fairly entitled—while
I permitting vice to flourish and the
! city to be advertised as a place where
[crime goes unptininhod. if not pro
: teeted.
I Nor is this the first effense. Isn't
' : this the same police force that inter
| ferred with a Federal officer in pur
suit of his duty and brutally assault
ed him? Isn't it the same force that
refused to listen to Federal protests
' that whisky was being sold in Har-
j risburg to soldics? Isn't it the
1 same force thst permitted condi
l tions to reach n stage here ' where
; Army authorities threatened to close
even law-abiding licensed places be
l cause so much liquor was sold ille
i gaily? Isn't this the same force
! that promised to prefect the public
by the use of semaphores on Mar-
J ket street and then fcund it "could
not?" Isn't it the :ime force that
permits the use of noisy cutouts and
; allow s motorcycles and automobiles
i to use the city streets at all hours
ias speedways, r.t the risk of the lives
'of pedestrians"
I It is; all of these and mere, and It,
'is about time that C'ty Council calls
■ for an explanation. Either Council
'lias control over the police force or
it lias not. and the sooner w-e know
J which is "boss" the better. Council
j has the authority ar.d it would.be
; fulfilling a public du'v and meeting
a public demand if it called for a
j showdown Immediately. There will
i be no living with the police if they
are permitted to give Ilarrisburg this
j black eye and escape unpunished.
! "Meatless weeks" have been ahol
i ished in Germany, but DV. Solf still
| continues to starve.
nMHERE appears to lie confidence
I I on both sides in the fight for
| the ratification in the Pennsyl
| vania Legislature of the proposed
prohibition amendment to the fed
eral constitution. Those who favor
the amendment declare they have
assurances to justify their confidence
in its ratification, while the liquor
; men feel that they have a chance
| in the House.
Whatever may be the real situa
| lion it is the hope of all who favor a
constructive session of the Legisla
• lure that the prohibition matter will
jbe taken up immediately upon the
convening of the Legislative bodies
and promptly disposed of. It ought
not to be a kicking post throughout
the session. Governor-elect Sproul
declared in his original campaign
statement that the time had come to
: eliminate the liquor question as a
! hindrance to the important work of
the State. We believe that the next
! Governor will insist that the matter
be disposed of without delay, to the
: end that important matters which
! have been held in abeyance for sev
' eral years may be taken up and
! given full consideration without the
i complication of a controversy over
i the liquor traffic.
! Mr. McAdpo's passing and some
! other events of a significant char
! after indicate the decadence of Dem
i ocratic confidence In the perpetuation
jof governmental control. Their
scheme at Washington to upset the
! reorganization of the Senate by Re
' publicans is an indication of their'
: fear of approaching developments,
! but the Republican leaders having
I once thrown away their party ad-
I vantage through a split are not likely
|to perpetuate that sort of thing
, again. It was a cunning game to
set up alleged opposition to Senator
Penrose, who is entitled by seniority
to the chairmanship of the Finance
committee, hut it is too transparent,
and already there are signs that the
Republicans will take control of the
next • Congress without serious dis
turbance of party harmony.
j Holland baa had the friendship and
j good will of America for many years,
but uhless something definite ia done
with William Hohenzollern, the
former German emperor, who is wait
ing for aomethlng to turn up on a
comfortable eatate in Queen Wil
helmina's realm, there will be a rapid
decline of lntereat In the Dutch peo
ple on this side of the ocean. It
would appear that the Dutch govern
ment would have realized the danger
lof entertaining the former Kaisqr
from the beginning.
Thanksgiving turkey at thirty-five
cents a pound looks more hopeful.
By the Ex-ComnUttecman i
s Judging from what is being prtnt
e ed In Philadelphia newspapers there
are chances that differences between
i Republican leaders in that city and
s fthe prolonged fight between the
- j Yares and the independents over leg-
I; islation affecting the state metropolis,
j which will elect a Mayor next year,
r I may have a serious effect Upon the
e | peace and -harmony program out- !
B ' lined for the General Assembly of j
| 1919. Senator Edwin H. Yare is an- !
" I nounced in Philadelphia newspapers
r i to-day as opposing the proposed new
-! charter plan, which is advocated by
s ; many representative men and in
whicli there are hints that Governor
's | elect William C. Sproul is interested,
j The Yare opposition may be pos
; slble of settlement before it gets into
- | the Legislature. The independents
! want to get rid of the two-council j
3 | system and the Yares want to retain !
, I it. A suggestion that the Yares would j
i accept a single councilman with one
v man from each ward does not seem
I to have taken well and on top of it
8 1 the row precipitated by the Public
, | Ledger against street cleaning has
" j made matters worse. It is believed
-{that the Yares are seeking to get an
agreement on a general legislative
program as it affects Philadelphia
t and that the Philadelphia Record's
announcement that the South Phtla
- delphia Senator will fight charter re
vision means that he is open to argu
' nient.
—The Philadelphia Inquirer to-
I day says that there is reason to be
s fleve that Senator Penrose and Gov
ernor-elect Sproul "will be in ac
| cord' on the Speakership of the
s House. The alliance between the
. Yares and Congressman W. W.
, Griest, of Lancaster, on behalf of
Hess is not regarded as serious. The
! Griest course his been an interest
. ing one in recen years, but it may
not bring results this year, high men
in Republican councils intimate.
' | —Stock of Representative Robert
• | S. Spangler, of York, is rising for
! Speaker, but up on the Northern tier
' | tlie flag of George W. Williams, of
I I Tioga, is continuing to be a rallying
; point. ,
1.1 -—lt was announced yesterday that
| Charles B. Lenalian, of Wilkes-
I Barre. received the third largest vote
J In Philadelphia of the candidates for
I the Supreme Court. Mr. Lenahan,
; who is a Democrat, receiver 15.677
I in that city, and 136 soldier votes,
i i making a total of 15,813. The total
i vote for Alexander Simpson, Jr., was
195,689; John W. Kephart? 36,078.
'There are indications that Lenahan
ran well generally.
i| —Senator Sproul is in Washing
ton to-day. say reports and will be
1 • in Philadelphia to-morrow night.
i —Official returns reaching the
State Department from the counties
I. show that at the election on Novem
i ber 5 scores of people in almost
' i every county reporting voted the
; Washington party ticket, but, that
( except for local contests the Roose
velt Progressive and Progressive,
' Bull Moose and other parties which
' were created in the historic cam
. paign of 1912 and retained their
place on the ballot because of their
votes in following years, polled a
very few votes for 1917. Indica
tions are that the bulk of them will
disappear this year. The Washing
ton party, will retain its place only
in event,of polling live per cent, of
the vote.'
—Governor-elect "William C.
Sproul and Lieutenant Governor
elect Edward E. Eeidleman were
' Washington nominees and the votes
[noted range from 19 to 75 in the
j smaller counties which have tiled.
! —The Philadelphia Bulletin edi
torially voices a thought which is
uppermost in the minds of many
men in politics in Pennsylvania, Re
publicans and Democrats. It is that
the various "war" boards and regu
| lators, some of which furnished
roosting places for deserving Demo
crats, should disappear. The Bulletin
says: "The war Is at an end; there is
no likelihood of its revival; our
enemies have been subdued, and
there is now no good reason why we
should not move buck promptly to
the paths of peace and the normul
1 life of the nation. All extra agents,
inquisitors, regulators and adminis
trators should be released at an early
day from their functions, to the end
j that all citizens may find themselves
j free of every form of vexatious, ir
, I regular and arbitrary
| which has been saddled upon them
as a "war measure" or a "patriotic
—One of the interesting things in
, state politics is what the French
call a rapprochement between Gov
ernor Brumbaugh and Auditor Gen
' eral Snyder. It is not so long ago
I that they were throwing tomahawks
, at each other and now the Auditor
General is Insisting that the Gov
ernor be made the historian of the
war against objections raised by the
Philadelphia Ledger and Record and
men in politics. Mr. Snyder said last
i night that he had not changed his
course and that as far as the Gaither
action to restrain payment ot any
! money to the Governor from the
$2,000,000 war fund for writing his
tory lie was "certain that the War
! Board would do nothing that savored
of illegality" and that its acta would
■ puss legal muster on Capitol Hill.
—According to the Philadelphia
'. Inquirer, "Scott S. Leiby, of Perry
oounty. the only McCormick-Pulmer
Democrat in the Senate, tried to go
to Congress at the recent election,
but he was Ignominiously defeated by
i Congressman Benjamin K. Focht,
■ of Union county, who swept the dis
. trict With a great Republican ma
' —All the men elected to the Log
• islature froiq Allegheny county arc
i Republicans.
. —The iftit of 1864 providing for
the taking of votes of Pennsylva
nians in war service will probably
be one of the statutes brought down
to date early in the coining session
I of the Keystone State Legislature
and at the saipe time there will like
'. ly be a clarification of the act pass
ed to provide half pay for dependants
' of state officials and attaches who
' enter active military or naval serv
i lee so that it shall not become a
roosting pole. The latter law was
I passed last session and some men
who could hardly hope to be retain
ed by the Incoming administration
are wearing khaki and their families
getting nice pay. Just why the last
' Legislature was not urged to change
■ the act of 1864, which was found
more or. less cumbersome when com
missioners were sent to El Paso to
take the votes of National Guarda
> men no one could understand last
Vear. '
F.v/E BeaNS | ( SAY 4 PU£ASC
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
Jn these stirring times of war and]
in these glorious times of peac?, let
us stop for a moment and tonsider a
few of the many things for which we]
have to he thnnkful, in this won-1
derful year—nineteen nunJred and I
eighteen, for probably never again in]
the world's history will there be a'
world-wide peace dawning just as it|
is to-day.
First, we ere thankful for and;
proud of our Christian country, the]
I'nited States of America, the grand-1
est country to us on God's whole]
earth. Think what a privilege is ours]
to he able to live under the Stars and j
Stripes, the emblem 'of freedom.]
Wherever it flies on this continent or]
on any other it signifies to ihe wan- >
deter," the down-trodden, the op-1
pressed, Freedom—Freedom to wnr- !
ship God, Freedom of Speech. Free- ;
dom of Press, grand and glorious
Freedom. May our flag ever be the I
symbol of right and might,
And our institutions, our schools.;
our libraries, hospitals and other or- !
ganlzations like the American Red|
Cross and the Young Men's Christian |
Association and the Young Women's;
Christian Association and many more]
too numerous to mention, should we]
not be doubly thankful for all these
at such a time as the present?
And last, in the years to come will j
it not be the greatest honor of all ]
for us. that we shall he able to tell
the future generations of the lawn ofj
world democracy? Shall we not be'
proud of the fact that we .ivel at
such a time. T.et us look in our own i
hearts and find the answer.
• 1705 Penn Street.
Harrisburg, Pa. |
' ,|
[Front the Philadelphia North
While the industrial world rever- ]
berates with the collapse of billion- '
dollar war contracts and cowers in 1
the shadow of colossal uncertainties, j
a reassuring trumpet note resounds j
from Washington. A correspondent !
of the New York Evening Post, one i
of the administration's most faithful .
mediums, says:
"President Wilson has ap
pointed a committee to lay be
fore him a definite program for
carrying, the country back to a
peace basis."
While this may seem like calling
a town meeting to discuss plans for ;
establishing a lire department after ]
the conflagration has broken out. It j
is only because the reader is yet un
informed of the tj-ue purport. A
later paragraph tells us:
"This board has already been
ut work for several days, and
is expected to report to the
President within a day or two."
So, you see. Mr. Cynic, something j
is being done, after all. to save the ]
situation. And 'even yet you can
faintly conjecture what this great
something is. But we will let you
into the secret. Here it is:
"The principal issue it (Ihe
President's board) is called
upon to settle is whether the
President in his coming mes
sage to Congress shall ask an j
extension of the life of certain
of the war agencies, in order I
that reconstruction may be I
guided to completion by them."
So, why worry? 11l the crush of
matter and the wreck of worlds |
there are still messages to be writ- |
ten, and perhaps even notes. And
besides, by that time, in the splendor I
of a European pageant, there may ]
be nothing left to reconstruct.
-Some New Senators
George J. Brennan wrting in the
Philadelphia inquirer, says of some
of the new Senators:
"Max G. Leslie. a veteran politi
cian, who has frequently been re
ferred to as the "Jumes P. Mc-
Nichoi' of Allegheny county, is going I
to be a potential factor in the next ;
legislature. The stalwart wing of Ihe ]
party in that county claims twenty- I
two of the twenty-four members of ;
the Houscf and with possibly one j
exception, upon certain issues. It is 1
predicted, the six members of the j
Senate will work In harmony. Leslie i
is conceded the leadership of the ]
county's delegation, and he will fig- i
ure In every important proposition !
that shall be before either the House i
or the Senate at the coming session. ;
He is fond of horses, likes to lay a
wager on a race and has been a '
magnanimous winner' und a game'
loser, all of which- were part of the '
makeup of the late 'Sunny Jim,' of ]
the Quaker City, whose death oc- I
curred one year from last Thurs- ]
"Schuylkill county sends as suc
cessor to Charles A. Snyder, who quit
the Senate to become Auditor Gen
eral, Robert D. Heaton, who tired of
Washington life and switched from
Congress to go to the State Senate.
He ts Imbued with the thought that
It is better to be a factor In a small
body like the State Senate than to
imagine you are a national character
; ;
Advises Mr. Wilson to Remain at Home
! John Cadwalader, of Philadelphia,
; lawyer and distinguished Democrat
of the old school in an open letter
!to President Wilson strongly urges
; upon Mr. Wilson the unwisdom of
| his announced intention of going to
| France for the peace conference,
j Mr. Cadwalader assures the Presi
] dent that the Constitution offers a
j complete bar to such a trip. Mr.
i Wilson will remain at home, he in
] sists, or will automatically relinquish
j his office under the Constitution, and
] Thomas R. Marshall, the Vice-Presi
] dent, will become President. Inci
] dentally, Mr. Cadwalader takes the
j President rather tartly to task for
; some of liis public utterances prior
; to the war. Among other things
] Mr. Cadwalader says:
I "One reason for not providing for
| the temporary performance of presi
dential duties by a Vice-President,
no doubt, was that, when the Con- i
i stitution was adopted the Vice-Presi-
I dent was always the second choice
; for the Presidency, and a man
] chosen for the Presidency itself Vy
'at least the minority of the electors
i was available. This constitutional
I bar to your leaving the country is,
of course, sufficient: but you cannot
be indifferent to the evident objec
ij tion on other grounds widely stated
in the press of the country,
i "Rightly or wrongly, you hat e not
j been in accord with the sentiments
I just because you happen to be cn
] rolled as a member of the House of
, Congress."
j " 'Jack' Robinson, who left the
i Senate from Delaware county years
ago to go to Congress, always re-
I grettcd that he did not remain in
I Harrisburg, and Ihe late J. K. P.
! Hall, of Elk county, was glad to re
i turn to the Senate after he had a
j taste of Congressional life in Wasli
| ington."
] [From New York E v entng Telegram]
It is well to keep our feet on the
i ground and remember that the en
trance of the United States into the
war was not to democratize the
! world, nor pay a debt to Lafayette,
j not to pretend any affection for Eng
' land, nor because Russia was our
i friend in the civil war, nor by rea-.
son of our large Italian population
of decent law abiding citizens.
The United States went into the
war at the eleventh hour to save
herself. Had the Kaiser overrun
Europe and subdued England we
; were next on his list.
"America had better look out
: after the war. 1 shall stand no
nonsense from the Americans," said
the Kaiser in 1915.
Now, partly through pro-German
propaganda and ulso for other repre
hensible reasons, we are Invited to
forget punishment of the Kaiser and
contemplate long discussions on free
dom of the seas, something never
] threatened except by Germany; a
I league of nations, a dream the scrap
| of paper incident disposes of; abo
lition of war forever, which will
I never be as long as water runs,
j grass grows and men covet, and a
I lot more subjects calculated to_,ffll
] with disgust the soldiers and sailors
I who have borne the heat and bur-
J den of battle, tend to afford the tem
; pcrarily exiled Kaiser infinite amuse
! ment. V
it should be sharply recalled to
] some statesmen that our first duty
is punishment of the Kaiser and that
the slogan of to-duy should be "On
to Berlin," to make our conquest
certain, and not on to the pence
table to hear ourselves talk.
] United Mine Workers' membership
[is 422,112.
] A municipal coal yard has been
'established at St. Thomas, •Can.
i Akron (Ohio) carpenters have been
Increased to 70 cents an hour.
Woman machine-shop workers at
'Rockford, 111., have organized.
] Kingston (Canada) textile workers
1 have formed a union.
I Electrical workers at Greenville,
,S. C„ are almost 100 per cent, or
, ganized.
A metal trades council has been
] formed at Everett. Wash.
! Total 'membership of the Brother
hood of Bookbinders is almost Iff,ooo.
Heavy forgers in Toronto shipyards
are paid 85 cents an hour.'
Canadian munition workers have
been granted the right to organize.
Retail clerks at Sydney. Nova
Scotia, have secured a shorter work
of the people at large in the subject
I of the proper relation of lite United
! States to the great war. The people
i have never 'been too proud to tight.'
j They have never desired 'peace with-
I out victory.' They did not approve
-1 of your extending in their name and
I in that of the Government congratu
j lations to the Kaiser on his birthday
. ] during the period of tlie worst out
] rages of the war. They hafe al-
I ways been deeply concerned, 'as to
] the causes and objects of the war,'
! and they expressed no doubtful feel
! ings when you did not favor uncon
l ditlonal surrender.
: ] "These quoted statements natur
] ally lead to doubts as to Ihe position
j thut might be taken under your in
j ffuence at the conference, and it will
j he most unfortunate if any lack of
j harmony should exist in adjusting
I the claims of the Allies, who have
j borne the great burden of the war
for our sakes as well as for .their
"Thank God we came to their
• rescue before it was too late, and
1 all gratitude and thanks to you are
; j freely felt and extended, since you
j acquiesced in the necessity of our
| country's aid being given to save
] the civilization of the world. In
] this the people of the United States)
] have given magnificent evidence of.
j their approval and willingness to j
, I make every sacrifice in the great;
: cause."
, Mr. McAdoo's Retirement j*
j [From the New York Evening Sun]]
The resignation of Mr. McAdoo as;
Secretary of the Treasury and Direc- ]
i tor-General of Railroads is some- i
I thing like a calamity to the Admin-
I istrution. The blow is all the more i
l serious that it comes from within. (
' The machine built up by President j
; Wilson for the management of the I
i country's business is none too strong ]
i iit the best. Many of lis parts lack j
] tensile strength and others driving,
] force? the whole is wanting in co- j
! hesion. It could ill afford to lose;
] one of lis real working elements. ]
The retiring Secretary had unus- !
] ual capacity for work. He had also j
' a degree of judgment and restraint
1 of which a majority of the Cabinet ]
1 members, and indeed the leaders of
] the party in power generally, seem
to be divested. He not only sup
'-] plied a large proportion of such
1 energy as has been shown, but also
acted as a sort of balance wheel, I
' I especially as respects contemplated j
1 j excesses of financial legislation.
We can well believe that his un- |
1 - loading of the toil and the respon-;
] sibility on the eve of reconstruction
I is viewed by the President and in ]
' | Administration circles at large with j
1 j dismay. Among the public the great j
anxiety will be over the possibilities ]
1 of the successorship. It will be
possible lo put both of the vacated j
1 posts in hands so much worse that i
all sunc citizens and above all the
] I business community will await some- j
' j what breathlessly the announcement j
• 'of the President's choice.
1 ! It must he remembered, however, |
] 1 that the danger and harm are mini- j
1 | mined by the fact that the control I
1 ! of the Congress pusses into the
J hands of the Republican party on;
' March 4. This means the returning!
1 j sway of intelligence, breadth of view i
' and balance of judgment in matters ]
] of legislation, the independence of
' | legislation from executive domina
j tion, the general "unscrambling" of |
] j dictatorial conditions, and the appli-!
' I cation of wholesome criticism and 1
; ] guidance to administrative conduct.
1 In short, a new era of sanity Is ap- j
preaching in which the importance j
1 of one man as a semi-conservative ]
force will be of less moment than i
during an epoch of uncurbed inno- j
vation and experiment.
, I Herr Self's Words Disproved j
I [From tjie New York Evening Sun] j
i Meatless weeks have ended in Ger- i
many; (he bread ration has been |
raised Id five pounds a week. The |
i French Government finds un ar- i
rangement has been made under I
. which Germany is to furnish "im
' j mediate help and sufficient cereals
'■ to relievo the misery in Austria."
i On the same day on which these
announcements were made the
French Minister of Provisions, Vlc
■ tor Bohret. declared It would not be \
possible at present to increase the
civilian rations In France,
i It appears, therefore, that Ger
many is not so badly off as Austria,
and is perhaps as well supplied with
food as France. Yet Herr Solf. the
vociferous propagandist, endeavor
, Ing (o excite sympathy throughout
the world, continues to beg for modi
fication ol the armistice in behalf
1 of "women and children." '
flerr Solf's campaign uppears to
be purely political und to hear no
relation to domestic conditions in
Germany. i
Surrender German Fleet J
[From The Admiral's House, Boston,
Nov. 19. 1918.1
Ship after ship, and every one with a
high-resounding name,
From the robber-nest of Heligoland
the German war-fleet came;
Not victory or death they sought, but
a rendezvous of shame!
Sing out, sing out,
A joyful shout,
Ye lovers of the sea!
The "Kaiser" and the "Kaiserin,"
The "Konig" and the Prinz,"
The potentates of piracy,
Are coming to surrender.
And the ocean shall be free.
They never dared the final fate of
battle on the blue:
Their sea-wolves murdered mer
chantmen and mocked the
ilrowning crew.
They stained the wave with martyr
blood, but—we sent our trans
ports through!
What flags are these that dumbly
droop from the gaff o' main
mast tall'.'
The black of the Kaiser's iron cross,
the red of the Empire's fall?
Come down, come down, ye pirate
flags—yea, strike your colors all!
The Union Jack and the Tricolor and
| the Starry Flag o* the West
Shall guard the fruit of Freedom's
war and the victory confest,
! The flags of the brave and just and
j free shall rule on the ocean's
[■ Sing out. sing out,
A mighty shout,
Ye lovers of the sen!
The "Kaiser" and the "Kaiserin,"
I The "Konig" and the "Prinz,"
The rubber lords of death and sin,
| llavc come to their surrender,
i And the ocean shall be free!
-HENRY van DYKE, r. S. N.
[From the New York World J
j It was with battle ensigns flying,
the crews at <|uarters and all guns
I manned thut the four hundred war
! ships of the Allies awaited the Ger
! man flleet at the place of surrender.
! Distrustful and vigilant, they stood
| ready on the 'instant to meet any
hostile move. It was not merely a
display.of superior force that they
had planned. They knew that they
had reason in all circumstances to
hold the Germans in suspicion, and
I they were prepared to deal with
] treachery us it deserved.
Against any other nation than
Germany, in the hour of its defeat,
the precautions taken by the victors
would have been uncalled for and
superfluous. They would have out
raged the honor'and self-respect of
| any except the Germans, but the
| German navy long since passed the
point where its honor could be out
j raged. The practices to which it
j descended during the war have
made it an object of universal loath
| ing and contempt. Its highest
j achievements, were' performed by
, the battle cruisers that by night
i bombarded unfortified English coast
i towns and slaughtered hundreds of
I helpless nonoombatants, and by the
U-boats that waged ruthless war
| fare on passenger and hospital ships
i and shelled lifeboats,
i The German flag belied all the
noble traditions of the sea and been
| made by the men who served under
it the symbol not of gallantry and
I valor in combat but of unrestricted,
I premeditated assassination. To the
' German fleet, as It approached the
rendezvous in the North Sea, the
Allies' warships paid only a just and
| fitting tribute when they held it un
| der thfeir loaded guns. Even while
I bearing the white Aug it was not to
lie trusted.
j The mellow year, is hustcning to its
I The little birds have almost sung
their lust,
I Their small notes twitter in the
dreary blust—
I That shrill-piped harbinger of early
The patient beauty of the scentless
I Oft with the morn's hoar crystal
(luaintly glassed,
j Hangs a pale nio,urner for the sum
mer past,
And makes a little summer where
It grows;—
In the clilll sunbeam of the faint
brief day
The dusky waters shudder as they
The russet leaves obstruct the strag
gling way •
Of oozy brooks, which no deep banks
And the gaunt woods, in ragged,
• scant array,
Wrap their old limfis with somber
fumttng dljat
When word of the signing of the
armistice was received by the United
States Transport Poeohontas, for
merly the Princess Irene, the ship
was is midoceun, and Captain Ned
Kalbfns immediately ordered lights
on and had a moving picture show
for his people. This much comes
from the captain, who is a son of
Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, secretary of the
State Game Commission, in a letter
to his parents. Then, he writes, he s.
went to bed in his pajamas for the
llrst time on shipboard in nine
months or more. Captain Kalbfus'
letter, which is the llrst of any size
lie has written since the war began,
hints at some experiences of a thrill
ing kind, and while he did not. have
any such attack as that which fell
upon tlie Mount Vernon, commanded
by Cuptain Dougles E. Dismukes, an
other Harrisburg man, ho went
through enough to demonstrate what
he considered "responsibility." Dike
Captain Dismukes, whose handling o l
the Mount Vernon after the torpedo
ing attracted national attention. Cap
tain Kalbfus is chary in talking about
himself. However, it is known that
the Poeohontus, under his command,
made voyages of over 50,000 mites
and transported over 20,000 men
without loss of a single life. On one
trip the Pocohontas towed in a dis
abled steamer picked up two days
out of New York. Suffice it to say
1 hat while he was transporting sol
diers or bringing home his ship, the
commander never took off his cloth
ing and seldom slept. In recognition
of his record. Captain Kalbfus has
been appointed to command the bat
tleship lowa, which is a step toward
a higher command.
• • •
If any one wants any information
I in regard to whether the war is over,
I all he needs to do is to sit at the
telephones in the Harrisburg Tele
graph office. A month ugo the
movements of the armies of Persh
ing, Petain and Haig, the Italian
campaign, the watch on the fleet
and the developments in Russia, to
gether with the draft, were the
tilings people telephoned about night
and day. They took an abiding in
terest and they telephoned in a very
explicit manner. Now the tele
phone calls are "Who won the
• • *
One of the reasons why Colonel
Henry W. Shoemaker, of the Gov
; ernor's staff, is deeply interested in
the project to make the Susque
! hunna river navigable is because his
grandfather, Colonel James W,
Quiggle, former State Senator, intro
duced a bill into the state Legislature.,
to make the river navigable by a
system of dams* and locks, thereby
connecting Lake Erie with Chesa
peake Hay. Senator Quiggle was
also a member of the board of di
rectors of the old Susquehanna
Canal. He was greatly interested in
the improvements of state water
ways and his grandson inherits this
enthusiastic interest.
* * *
Jaincs A. Rteesc, chief of media
tion in the State Department, of La
bor and industry, was presented
with a service pin yesterday at the
opening of the state conference of
officers of the Labor and Industry
Department. It was sent to him by
James A. Smyth and other friends
In the Federal service. At the out
settrtifUQuuJifUi' .Mr. Steese was sgnl
a iHTCWtMufenrr stars in *>oor *f M
jiis four sons, who were officers in *
the Army. Since then one has died
and the pin presented yesterday by
Commissioner McNtchols in behalf
of his friends contained one gold
star and three silver ones, one of
his sons, an officer at Camp Lee,
having died.
• •
Quail have been heard calling in
old Paxtoji Churchyard and in the
grounds of the Pennsylvania State
Insane Hospital. "Bob White" seems
to be getting close to urban life and
is more protected by farmers than
ever. Comparatively few have been
shot near the city.
• * *
One of the most amusing features
of the proseht reififn of high prices
i aside from the noisy assertion of
men who have turkeys to sell that
people must eat turkei on Thanks
giving Day to be patriotic, is the
1 reason advanced for the rise in tlife
price of buttermilk. Until the
Danubian principle of drinking sour
milk to ward otT old age became gen
, eral and the dietetic values of but
termilk were recognized buttermilk
was fed to the pigs or thrown uwav.
Now there is a demand for it and
one man had the gall to explain an
advance of two 1 cents in the price
per quart by saying, "It costs more
to produce."' The remark of the
farmer at the Verbeke street mar
ket who explained his boosts in
price for everything by saying that
"railroaders are making money"
seems to be a sister to other remarks
• • •
Pennsylvania is face to facer with
a shortage of chicken this year, ac
cording to reports which have been
reaching the Department of Agri
culture. The high prices asked for
turkeys lately seem.to have turned
attention to poultry of other kinds
and as geese and ducks have also
been high tile chicken market was •
fairly raided with the result that it
showed a smaller chicken population
in the barnyards of the state than
known for a long time and that ow
ing to the high price of feed many
poultry raisers had "unloaded" their
stocks. Similarly many people who
have kept chickens in yards at
homes have given up the plan and
the winter will start with probably
a smaller number of fowls than
usual on the farms and in the poul
try establishments.
—Judge Charles B. Witmer, of
the Federal Court, used to he the
United States Attorney for this dis
—Justice J. Hay Brown presided
at the Pittsburgh memorial meeting
to Justices Potter and Mestrczat.
—Judge C. V. Henry, of Lebanon.,
mentioned for Superior Court, has
been called- to preside in many dis
tricts of the state.
—Judge John B. McPherson, of
the United States Circuit Court at
Philadelphia, has recovered from his
recent Illness.
—Judge H. C. Quigley, of the Cen
ter county courts, likes to go hunt
ing. lie used to be in the National
—Judge.D. V. McPherson, of Get
tysburg, is the only Judge wtth two
counties which are separated.
—That Harrisburg steel is in
ships which arc to be launched
next moiith?
—Conrad Weiser and the Half
King held the cqitfcrence her* in
17(14 which kept many Indians oft
the warpath,