f ■ TEE TELEGRAPH-ENJOYS TIE MOST READER ATTENTION EfEM DAYril 1 INSTRUCTIONS A RIGHT START JS UALK TIIK BATTUE Get a THOROUGH STANDARD course in Harrls burg's ACCREDITED Business Col lege. school of Commerce, Troup Building, 15 South Market Square. Bell 485, Dial 4333. INDIVIDUAL. PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. English, Bookkeeping, 1 'emnansh Ip. Artth., - .:. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell b94K. Dial 4018, TilK OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 131 Market St. Ciias It- Beckley, I Hn. Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. * * HELP WAN TED—MALE WANTED Experienced typewriter Aligners, also several young nien xoj Al. ai nlng. Apply to I . S. Employ men Service. Third and North streets, liai * "luchlstrlal concern, Elllott-Flsner Company. South Cameron slfeet. llai risburg. __ j WANTED Experienced men for I machine operating and assembling work. Excellent opportunity lot ste nty employment with reliable Con cern. Apply to I", s. Employment, Service. Third and North streets, liat ' Industrial concern. Elllott-l'isliei Company, Couth Cameron street. -! i - rivhurg. - ; . SALESMAN WANTKIty Good, llve wire specialty salesman M J,"". •lliiii county. 1-1 vc proposition. ' , ommisaion. Must- be Answer by letters. Universal Autu uiobile Association, 1 tKU. poaeaia Bldg.. Philadelphia.. ' .•' ■ BUYER AND MANAGER WANTED —For Mens liat Department '> one of ilarrisburg s largest stores. Must , l>e thoroughly experienced. Good <i , portunity—rapid advancement. In ap plying, state previous experience aml j salarv required. Address Box B. bois, care of Telegraph. . ' WANTED First-class painter. Apply MACS GARAGE. h 117 South Third Street. WANTED Man to drive ?ord truck in this city. Apply SB South , Thirteenth street. • 1 ' / WANTED Boy over 18 years old. ; to work in store and run errands and' in do store chores. Good wages, Stend) Job and advancement to right boy. Address Box B. 6534. fare Tele graphy MEN WANTED—To load stone, 3'J cents per ton. Can earn S2j to I3u per week. Apply Paxtang Quarries, 1 ax WANTED latborers to break stone, . Good wages and bonus. >e : car fat e, or quarters provided it nee-i > essart. Apply Pennsylvania sales i company. Second Floor. Uerahey Building. Front and Market stieets, • City. , WANTED —Two good, strong boys. , to learn trade. Apply Superintend ent. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg. ; GOVERNMENT needs hundreds ; clerks tor Income Tax. Customs, In-\ lenul Revenue. Harriaburg examina tions soon. Salary. 1.100-$3,0U0. Ex perience unnecessary. For free par ticulars regarding examinations, write J. C. Leonard (former _ Civil j ' Se?*iee Examiner), 2561 ivenois ( Building. Wichita. j \V \NTKD McKay channerer and i—k "titters; also few boys between the ages of 16 and IS years. Apply Deviae it Yungel Shoe Mfg. Co., Six- . teentli and State streets. . W ANTED Assistant sales man-! arer. Must have some experience in; salesmanship. advertising and letter-! writing- Good position for right party. State age and experience, with.) i eference. Address A.. 6515, care of i T el e graph. ' AUTO MECHANICS TWO FORD REPAIRMEN APPLY MAC'S GARAGE. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. WANTED Reliable,' middle-aged man, for niglit nurse, to take ciiai gl ut an aged man Apply IS South Front street. Wormleysburg, t'l.'JHli WANTED —APPLY* PLAZA HOTEL. l:c>< IN KEEPER AN D T Y PEWRITKP. i- V (NTED Capable of taking charge of of lice. Good chance for advance- | ment. Address Box c. 6521, care of; Telegraph. | 1 WANTED A few carpenters, at ■ iip i . Apply 11. W. Hummer. Con tractor and" Builder. 1433 Liberty street. Bell phone 4 43th j P. WANTED Three first-class meat L cutters and countermen. Apply K Ruehler Bros.. 432 Market street. ■ YOUNG MAN —To compile factory ■ sthiistics. Excellent opportunity. Ap ■ ply to Box R. 6643. care of Telegraph. ; HELP WANTED—FEMALE I BOOKKEEPER AND 1 YPKWKITER ! ■ WANTED 'upable of taking charge. ■ ..f office at limes. Good chance for ' ■ Address Box ■ taie of Telegraph. ■ \VANTED t?lrl t< work. Small family. No laundry.. Good wages. Apply 229 Forster street. ; EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES —j 1 Wanted for women's outer apparel. I Atu active positions. Steady advance-j inent. State experience and sal-! nrv required. All communications i ojifldential. Address Box G. 7523, care J of, Telegraph. ; WANTED —Cashier for night work, i Apply Crystal Restaurant, lis Market street. WANTED Salesladies for men's! furnishing department. Apply Hub. 320 Market street. WANTED White woman, for matron. Jennings Mfg. Co.. 2012 North i, Fourth. ' FOR SALE * Several Desirably Located Houses at Moderate Prices a No. 458 Cumberland Street, 3- story brick. 7 rooms and bath, S2r.ua No. 621 Camp Street, 3-story brick, 3 rooms and bath ... #3llOO No. 1611 Penn Street. 3-story Brick, 8 rooms and bath .... S.iooo I No. 2118 Jefferson Street. 3-story brick, 8 rooms and bath .... #3200 ! No. 920 North 18th Street, 8-story I brick, s rooms and bath .. . #4230 ' No. 72 North 17tli Street, 3-story j. I brick, 8 and bath ... S-1300 1 Miller Brothers & Co. Ileal Eatnte I Insurance Surely Bond, I Member. Illig. Ileal Ealule Board *' - • h MONDAY EVENING, 11K LP WAN TKD—EEMAI.E WANTED—' Girls to work on saw -1 ! ins machines. 812 per week paid ti ■ ( beginners. Apply Belgrade Knitting •4 Mill, New Cumberland. Pa. WANTED Girl for general housework in small family. Good wages ami good home. Apply 2212 NORTH SECOND ST. WANTED—Two young women for waitresses. Must give references. Ap -1 ply Stcgiffer's Restaurant. 4 North j Court., WANTED ■ : SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS We are wanting operators, the work is regular, pleasant arid positions permanent; the high efficiency of our ma chines, and the sanitary con dition of our workrooms en ables all operators to earn ( good wages. Learners are paid 81.25 per day while learning, which consumes a week to ten days. All operators are paid a bonus each payday. We insure all of our. em ployes In the sum of 8500.00 free of charge to them, and in ; event of death the beneficiary, whoever it may be, receives the insurance. ! BLOUGII MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Roily aiul Fulton Sts. WOMEN—Wanted immediately, for ! scrubbing and general work. Apply IStouffer's Restaurant, 4 North Court street. WANTED Middle-aged widow de sires to keep house for an elderly man, or he a companion for an elder ly woman. Call, or write. 502 )\ ood ' bine street..City. WANTED BEl.l. TELEPHONE OPERATORS With the ending of the war. oppor tunities afforded women for employ- I mem of a permanent nature, Willi islea.lv advancement, will become con stantly fewer. Employes of The Bell ! Telephone Company, however, rest 1 secure in the knowledge that their : work is permanent. A business opportunity is now of fered to voung women 17 to 30 years •of age iii fascinating work in pleas ant surroundings. Luncheons served iat cost: sick benefits; anniversary 1 payments; vacations with pay. , Apple x.OO A. M. to 5.00 I'. M. to Miss Kline, operators' Training De j partment, 208 Walnut Street. iTi 1 E BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA HOSIERY LEARNERS WANTED— From 14 years of ago and upwards. Good wages paid while learning. Ap ply New Idea Hosiery Co., Fourteenth I and Mayflower streets. WANTED —Women grocery clerks, j Apply Steelton Store Co., Steelton, Pa. WANTED—A cook for small fam j 11 v—white. Send reference with ap -1 plication to *S„ 6336, care of Tele | graph. _ WANTED—Two chambermaids and ! one scrub woman. Apply St. James I Hotel, 405 Market. WANTED Girl for general liouse- I work. Good wages. No washing. Small family. Pleasant room. In -1 quire at 1601 North Second street. WANTED For general house work. leiiable white girl or middle -1 aged woman. Pleasant home. Good wages. Also white girl to help with children. Apply No. 2337 North Sec ond street. WANTED A woman (white) for 1 general housework. A good home. Highest wages. Three in family. Mrs. \V. K. Fraini. 549 X, Lltne street, Lan caster, Pa. ELDERLY" or middle-aged woman wanted for general housework in a small house. Apply at once, 101 South street, after 7 o'clock in the evening. WANTED ■— Reliable girl or wo man. for general housework in smnll family. No Washing. Call at loot North Front street, or call Bell phone I 2699 J. | 1 I ' WAHTED Experienced sales- I ladies for waists, hosiery, underwear and notions. Permanent position. Ap j ply l!ox K. 6618. care of Telegraph. CASHIER Experienced. Must furnish good references. Permanent position. Apply ASTRICH's, 208 Market Street. WANTED A chambermaid. Good wages. Apply 204 Staty street. 1 WANTED Chambermaid, at once. ; i Apply Crystal Hotel, 416 Market. WANTED Colored girl for gen- j oral housework. No washing. No Sun- ; day work. Apply 1603 Green. ! CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS | Harrlshurg. December 7. 12,000 ] women clerks needed. Salary. 81.200. ' Experience unnecessary. Women de siring government positions write for free particulars. Raymond Terry | 1 former Civil Service Examiner), 467 Columbian Building. Washington. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female SHOEWOKKERS WANTED We need experienced oper ators in all departments, and can guarantee steady work. All work is paid for at piece rates, but we guarantee every employe definite wages. The more work you produce the I more you earn. We also have openings In all departments for young men and women tu h-arn a useful trade, which will be of value to them after (he war. The shoe business is a necessary industry and is of much importance. Get a job making goods for Unelo Sam if you can, but if not, then consider the shoe manufac tures trade as worth while learning. If interested, take this ad to the United States Employment Bureau at Third and North -Streets, and get full particulars. HARRISBURO SHOE MFG. CO.. 14U2 Vernon St. 1 ! WANTED Saleslad? of experl- | ence or a salesman of experience. , Good, steady position with a reliable 1 house. Address S. 6525. care of Tele graph. i 4VANTKD Assistant bookkeeper and stenographer. Good position for right party. State age and experience, j with reference. Address Box S, 6516. care of Telegraph. j WANTED Policy writer and typ-| Ist, Must be competent, conversant with fire insurance and automobile in- J alliance. Will. S. Essick. Union Trust ; i 1 HELP WANTED—MuIe aiul Female SILK MILL 0 - g i Experienced help wanted. Experl ! eiieey weavers average 83.60 to 86.60 ! per day. Other departments propor -1 uonately. | Beginners wanted also. Best pay. Come and earn 30 per cent, bonus ' over and above regular wages. Aqiply HARRISBL'RO SILK MILL r Second and North Streets. h SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ~ WANTED Young man. 34 years old. desires steady indoor position or ! road salesman; have had eight years' business for myself. J. Keller. 39 North Thirteenth street, Harrisburg. S ITU ATI ON S WAN TED— Foma lo WANTED - Housework, by widow ; with one child, to keep house for j widower. Call, or address, 234 Myers istre;t, Steelton. Pa. WANTED —• Stenographer and typ ist desires position; experienced; at : present employed, but wants to make change; can furnish best of references. Address Box H, 2159, care of Tele j graph. , WANTED Housework by reliable colored woman; can furnish refer ences. Address Box K, 6814, care of j Telegraph. — 1 WANTED—Office work, by young; woman who has had three years' ex- ; ! porience and can furnish best of ref- ! I erences at present employed, but de- j sires to make change. Address Box i | E, 6925, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as cook; can i furnish best of reference. Address j . R„ 6517. care of Telegraph. r . WANTED—Day's work, by colored I 7 woman. Call or address 404 Forster 1 1 street. , j AGENTS WANTED -1 "WORLD WAR HISTORY" : "'Complete, authentic, attractive book, j ' well written. Big profit. Act quick. I ",Outtit 25c. R. L. Phillips Publishing 1 Vll, Philadelphia. Pa.; Atlanta. Ga.; Chicago, 111.; Omaha, Neb.; Waco, I Texas. Address nearest office. ROOMS FOR KENT _ 1 FOR RENT —'■ Two unfurnished or j , partly furnished rooms on third tioor. , . ( inquire 1218 Mulberry street. [j 1601 GREEN STREET for rent. ■ Combination sitting! 00111 and bed room. With or without light house- 1 . keeping privileges. FOR RENT - Two furnished, up- 1 1 ; to-date rooms, for light housekeeping; ' I steam heat, hot and cold water. In- i ; quire 24 North Fifth street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT - Two furnished tlrst j door rooms, all conveniences, use of' bath and phone, within easy walking { ; distance of business district. 4071 j Briggs street. Bell phone 3224 M. j •! FOR RENT One furnished room,; • second floor front; all conveniences; | gentlemen preferred. Inquire 2140 j ' ] North' Second street, or Bell phone ! 999 R. -1 • | FOR RENT Furnished apartment, • 1 bedroom, batli and llvingroom; also | ! single rooms, with use of phone. In- ; ; qwire 113 Locust street. | UOR RENT One large bedroom, I I for gentlemen only. Rent reason ! able. Apply 276 Briggs street ' FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for | light housekeeping. inquire, 1609 ■ ■ Derry street j FOR RENT Furnished rooms,! $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms; running hot and cold water; light I -; housekeeping and private bath. Wll- ! son Apartments, No.' 143 South Third i ' street. 1 ; I ROOMS WANTED WANTED Furnished room, cen- j ■ j trally located, by young man who will occupy same not more than two ■ or three nights a week. Give location : ' and price. Address Box K, 6526, care ! o9 Telegraph. WANTED Two or three furnished I 1 rooms, . for light housekeeping; alt: II conveniences; rent reasonable. Ad i dress Box M, 7528, care of Telegraph. I ' <! ! APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two apartments, for 1 I i light housekeeping. One flat furnish- ! j ed, one unfurnrsbed. All latest im- I 1 provements. Steam heat. Very warm, j Apply 1521 Walnut. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Two. three or four-1 room apartment, furnished or unfur • nished. lb. 6527. care of Telegraph, t WANTED A furnished flat or ! apartment. -Must be reasonable and { within eighteen squares of Market and | ; Third. Address Box B, jis2B, care of j Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SAN BERLIN." NEW CUMBERLAND —Cor. Fourth | • and Geary—Double frame; 8 rooms 1 1 and batli "on each side; all Improve-; ments; newly painted; right price to iqulck buyer. I SCHUYLKILL ST.. 618 Corner property; 3-story brick; 9 rooms; all I improvements, front and rear porches; . good si/.e back yard; same as rent. j STEELTON. 2D ST., S.. 31844 3-j storv frame; 7 rooms; water, gas and] electric light lis; a very good bargain.; 1 Same as rent. WORMLEYSBURG. ID ST., X.. 202 —2 , 4-story frame; 7 rooms, water, gas "and electric lights; lot 25x150; I price right; same as rent. ! KXOLA—2S7 Susquehanna St.: 3-, story frame, ',i double block; 8 looms j 'and bath: steam heat; electric lights; ; front and rear porches; lot 25x150' with a garage in rear; possession at! once. I > 4TII ST.. 2127—N0W VACANT; 3- : story brick; 8 rooms and bath; with a 2-storv frame building in rear that.! can be used for business purposes; 1 good house for roomers; can be | bought same as rent. D. A. SAXDKRLIN. ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG. ; 36 NORTH THIRD ST.. 1 BELL PHONE 1390 DIAL 3573 FOR SALE No. 2308 JefTerson St. I lis ready for POSSESSION within two ■: weeks. Here is a fine dwelling at a I ! sacrifice price. Fine location; good l I condition. Owner leaving city. : BACKEN'STOSS BROS., puss Bldg., j Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. j 1 ; FOR SALE—B-story brick on Mar-' I ket street, near Markethouse, with | storeroom; *ll improvement*; a bar- j • gain If sold at once. C. H. Corder, 1722 Green street. Bell &60J* L • I ' HABJUSBURG p— —V THERE ARE TENANTS occupy ing property half as desirable as your • property paying perhaps as high a rent' for it as you could conscientiously demand for yours—and yet your prop erty is vacant! Vacant property is wasted property. It costs you money to carry it—it should yield you a regu laj income. Is it merely a matter of neglect to advertise? " | -JJ' I • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! $2,500 WILL PURCHASE! a brick j house with six rooms" and bath, bus ! and furnace. Bell Realty Co., Bcrg | ner Building. | THAT desirable vacant house. [ Srt.'t North Seventeenth street; brick i and stucco; most modernly equipped. I inspect It at once. Bell Realty Co., | Bergner Building. $2,200 WILL PURCHASE a semi ; bungalow, with six rooms and bath: gas light: hot water heat. Bell Realty i Co.. Bergner Building. | SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE— jOn easy terms. Get particulars at onee,As the opportunity -will not last ; long. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg., I PAXTANO PROPERTY FOR SALE ! —New frame house: 7 rooms; all con veniences; lot 30x130; possession Ini i mediately. Bell Realty Co., Bergner I Building. FOR SALE Three-story brick dwelling, opposite new Extension to Capitol Park, situate No. 436 North 1 street; S rooms, batli and furnace. ! CHAS. ADLER, 1002 N. Third Street. FOR SALE Vacant property Semi-detached pressed brick, all im- I provements. North Sixth street. Right I terms. Very reasonable. 1"). a. 1 Ctllf, 707 Kunltel Blclg. Bell 559. I FOR SALE Sixth St., S2l, 3-story brick house. 10 rooms, bath, hot and oold water, rutnage. M. A. Fought, 272 | North street. FOR SALE ' 2524 PERRY ST.—Modern brick ' dwelling—ail improvements—steam I heat —large front and rear porches— ! possession January 1. Inquire EVANS-KINGSBURY, 30 NORTH THIRD ST., BELL PHONE 2175. I • FOR SALE—New brick dwelling, No. 636 Maclay street, 7 rooms, bath, steam heat, granolithic pavement and front porch; lot through to drive al ley; room for garage; price, 14,500. I CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. Third Street OWN YOUR OWN HOME ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN Let us make you acquainted with the way it is done. Now Is the time to start. Follow ing homes can be purchased with S3OO cash or Liberty Bonds: 120 North Summit. , 606 Kelker. 611,. 613, 615 and 617 Kel ker. ' 1326 Vernon. We have a large mnrrber of manufacturing sites and several good business oppor tunities to offer. Call at A. P. DORANZ. 1225 North Sixth. Member llbg. Real Estate Board Real Estate and Reuts Collected FOR SALE 2>i-story brick house <now vacant) on lxigan street, 2200 block S rooms bath hot and cold water furnace front porch— side entrance drive alley. Price. $2,600, M. A. Fought, 272' North street. BUY 956 South Twenty-first street and move right into it. $1,600 is the price, and it can be bought on very easy terms. 11. G. Pedlow, 3 South .Thirteenth street. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES—AII improvements, front porch, bay win dow, 7 rooms, nice yard, drive allev, room for garage; SIOO down, pav as lent. Also several 3-story bricks. All Improvements. Three small houses, suburbs of Steelton; SIOO down, balance as rent; or will exchange on small farm or city property. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. COKDER, 1722 Green St. Bell 560J, Heal Estate For Snlo—Suburban FOR SALE—A desirable Lemoyne property; all improvements; front porch. Owner desires to leave city. Price is right. Call at 1225 North Sixth street. VACANT Several fine suburban homes, ail im provements, close to trolley, or sale or exchange on city property. Spi-ing water. Terms easy. ' C. It. CORDER, 1722 Green SL Bel! 560 J. HEAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT- Two private garages, rear 1607 Swatara street. Rent, $5.00 each. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR corner brick house with all improve ments, store room and large garage. Good poolroom location. Rent, $36. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT—Private garage, elec tric lights, cement floor, sewer. In quire George M. Peterman, 682 Pefler street, or Bell phone 519-J. FOR RENT—9-room brick house; gas, electricity, steam heat; fine con dition; rent, $50.00. 916 Nortll Six teenth street.' Bell 2312. FOR RENT Two-story frame, metal roof house, good condition, yard. Rent reasonable. Inquire Store, lit 7 North Third street. MOVE right Into 956 South Twenty first street and pay for It same as rent. Price, SI,BOO. Terms very easy. H. G. Pedlow. 3 South Thirteenth street. HEAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth and Curtin streets? possession of somo of the houses oil thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Sec ond. Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED r HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erly in any section of the city, if cheap, What have you to offer, CHAS. ADLER, 1002 N. Third Street, f REAL ESTATE WANTED c LIFE-LONG, experienced farmer s wants to rent a farm for cash. Any - sizS. Best of reference. Address Box 101, Middlelown. Pa., or Bell plione - 14-15-3. " 'Real Estate For ""Sale or Eteclutugc WANTED—TO RENT ' _• We are having a number of nppll- ; . i cations, at time for furnished 1 ; | houses, apartments and rooms. What ,• j do you have to offer? Address Mil- | ! ler Brothers Ac Company. Locust and _| Court streets. . | , ' | FARMS I "WANTED Small farm. Price must . be right. Address Box i\, 6622, care ! ' j of Telegraph. | FOR SALE 6O-acre farm, located I I two miles south of Camp Hill, improv -1 ed by a 7-ioom frame uweliing, frame , . bunk barn, summer diouse, butcher! | house, and other outbuildings, iron ] . i atone soil, running water. 300 fruit I trees. Price $3,900.00 j I For SqJe 7B-acre farm, located one II mile north of Camp 11111, Cumberland j . County, improved by slarge brick I . I dwelling, frame bank barn, all neces- I t sar.v outbuildings, running water, ele- i gant soil. Price- $6,800.00 BUINTON-PACKKR CU.. ' Second and Walnut Streets. 11 FARMS FOR SALE, — From 3 acres i j to 6 10. 16. 20. 23. 40, 53, 61. 86. 103, i "( 109, 112, 120. 161. For the bottom - price, call on John A. Durand, 107) ' Chestnut street. T 1 I FARM of all sizes from 1 to 200 ' - acres each. Some close to city. Some close to 15. It. and trolley line. Some to trade on city properly. C. H. Corder, 1722 Green street, liarrisburg. ' Bell phone G6OJ. . 1 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ' FOR SALE One No. 4 Underwood typewriter, in good condition. Has had very little use. Cheap to quick ' buyer. Brenner Motor Co., 1702 North • Third. FOR SALE ' — Clarke Jewel gas range, top oven and shelf—used less ' than one year. 7-ft. oak hall rack —plate mirror, 2x 2.i ft., box seat. Motor wash machine—good working! i condition. • Round gas heateh J Phone 4924 M Bell. PRIVATE SALE of household fur- i j niture, kitchen range, gus stove, bed- I I room suite, complete, bureau, wash- |> i stand, mohair covered parlor suite, • j chairs, rockers, refrigerators, ice box, I etc. Will lie sold Wednesday' after- ■ I noon, at 2 o'clock, at 1421 Susquehanna j j street. * , FOR SALE Magazines {or No. 1 Linotypes. j A rare bargain for a plant ' s with a No. 1 machine, i' II Address . I THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING I 11 COMPANY. . liarrisburg, Pa. I TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ' CASH ALL MAKES RENTED | i EXCHANGED. \ GEO. P. TILLOTSON. - 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE I 1 ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES | , ! FOR SALE Pure-Bred Barred • , j Rock Cockerels: also a few liens. Call \ j Bell Phone 9964-R-3; or Mrs. James A. ! | Hartman, Summerdale. Pa. APPLES FOR SALE Grimes' Gol- ! ! den. with a Banana flavor; Stayman j I Weinsap. Jonathans. York Imperial, j etc. Some of these apples are very fine. |. I Come and see them at R. A. Wicker- j" . sham's Orcha'.si. one-half mile east of!. J Mechanicsburg. Pa.. Trolley car stops j I at Orchard. I BARGAINS! BARGAIN'SI | The Store across from Y. W. C. A. , ' 'offers you the Biggest and Best Bar-l" j gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over- I I coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, . I Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam- I ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. I , OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. I j 23 -North Fourth Street. I ' 1 FOR SALE One Hoosier Kitchen ; 'Cabinet, child's sulky, rocking horses,!. I for small child. Address 1532 Nau- | dain street. City. ;, GET your bargains In heaters and j j {cooking stoves. We also sell gencrul|. household goods of all descriptions, i ,We pay highest cosh prices. New- , i mark Ac Cown. 308 Broad street. 1919 CALENDARS Good Assortment of Bargains i Act Quickly. For good service, order at J j once and avoid the rush. Sample Room for Convent- , i enccs of Customers. , MYERS MANUFACTURING CO., J Third and Cumberland Sta, I Above Sboe Store, WOOD-WOOD-WOOD Fine wood, cut short, oak, specially . cut for fireplace. F. J. Marter, Bell , 3U-.1, Steelton. . \VANTER—MISCELLANEOUS j ,1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID foe all ' kinds of Junk, Get our prlaes before selling, Cull Hell plione 938, or drop . us n postal and our wagon will call. ' Keystone Iron ,V Melal Co., Broad and Currant streets, , U COHEN A COMPANY, York and I IA ah Avenues, Highest prices paid for rag i, paper, Iron, barrels, rubber and metals and old machines. Send postal or call 9221W Bell and Dial 6293. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and Becond-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furnitur*- Morris Hohmeits, 1030 Market. Bell S97IR. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all - kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call Bell phone 4276, B Abrams k Son, I , 824-832 North Sevsnth street. \v\yn:i>— miscellaneous WANTED Second-hand motors, Small size preferred. Apply FEDERAL MACIIIXH SHOP. Cranberry St., near Second. HarrUburg, Pa. HIGHEST PRICES —■ Also liberal gruifTng given for all raw skunk and luuskrat skins brought to my resi dence. Earle lleiges, Slilremanstown, Pa. i MAX SMEI,T2 Setond-hand furniture bought and solil. Highest 'cash prices paid. Call Bell 13X1 or Dial 584", or drop a pos tal to Max Smelt/., lOlfi Market street. • Will call, city or country. Money to l.onn WE LEND MONEY in compliance ■ with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience; positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 1.12 Walnut Street. 1 MONEY FOR NECESSITIES We are prepared to help worthy people when in need of MONEY for immediate necessities. Cell and Inves tigate our system, which is in accord ance with laws of STATE OF PENN i SYLVANIA. .• All business strictly confidential. EMPLOYE'S LOAN SOCIETY. 206 HKRONER HI,DC!.. THIRD AND MARKET STS. I I.ICENSED AND BONDED. PRIVATE LOANS—IIS TO S3OO , On Furniture, Real Estate or Endorsed Notes. On sls. interest $.45 On S2O, Interest $.60 On $25. Interest $.75 On S3O, interest $.90 On $35, Interest $1.5 <>n S4O. interest $1.20 On SSO, interest $1.50 On $75, interest $2.25 On SIOO. interest $3.00 On I2OC, interest $4.00 I Per month. Payments on principal re ! dure Interest. Thi company was • Incorporated In . 1909, licensed and bonded to lend I money at reasonable rates to people I without bank credit. Call, write or phone CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. Hours, S to 6. Saturdays until 9. : ! Musical | VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. I BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru- I ments promptly and carefully re pal r ; ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and I carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. PIANOS tfUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 South Fourth street. -a . IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs.'Just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repaired by. an expert. All work promptly dune and guaranteed. Call Bell 2SO4R. or 1504 Howard avenue. BUSINESS PERSONALS I IDEAS. INVENTORS. PATENTS promoted. Send particulars. Ilorst Promoting Agency. Linglpstown. Pa. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 25c doz.: double edge. 25c doz.; old style. 25c each. Gorgas Drug I Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. 11. Caplan Co.. 206 Market street. QUININE —la>ok out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off if taken ist time. Gross 1 Drug Store. 119 Market street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Profitable Newa Agency For Sale in thriving suburban town. Storeroom in the heart of the business section. ' Start a business here. The Newspaper Agency will ,g t you acquainted with the peo ple. Address BOX R, 7474. Care of Telegraph. • FOR SALE Grocery store, oldest establishment in Steelton. A good op portunity for right parly. Good rea sons for selling. Address Box G, 6519. ca -e of Telegraph. RESTAURANT BUSINESS FOR SALE —'• Centrally located; opportu nity for live man. Particulars from Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. WANTED 2<>o Hepresentati ves everywhere for world-wide necessity. Auto owners can tnalfe over SSOO monthly by representing us. Alcomo Mfg. Co., 130 Bridge street. Newark. N. J. i I HORSES AND CARRIAGES I'.OR SALE Four good work 1 horses, inquire S. W. Shoemaker & 1 Son. Seventh end Harris. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 91/ Capital street. Huth phones. AUTO HAULING Local and long- ! distance. Furniture moving a spa- , ciulty. Rates reasonable. Prompt service. Call Bell 623 J. LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A, &'• B. Motor Express, 917 Capital street. I Bell phone 16355, GENERAL HAULING AND FAST ! EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and earerul drivers. Cgll 801 l 3320 1 or Dial 2265. j LOCAL AND LONO - DISTANCE HAULlNG—Furniture moving. Prompt • service. Ernest Corbln, 656 ('alder street. Both phones. Bell 3636J, Dial 3083. . HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped fed furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Bain gnd dust proof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service, Irvln Attngst Manager. Ilerxhe" Pa. Bell phone 1614-6, j AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local and 4pnK-<listanee. F. J. Mr.rter. Ball 89-J, Steelton. ALL KINIiS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONHAD BROS. 341 K ELK EH ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518 HICKS Local and Long-distanca Hauling. 434 Betly. Both Phones. Storage ,i NOVEMBER 25. 1918. ' Hauling nixl Moving STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rutes. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. I Both phones. i STORAGE —ln brick building, rear ,408 Market. Household goods In clean, I private rooms. Iteasonuble rales. P. |G. Oiener, 40S Market street. 1 STORAGE Private rooms for | household goods in fireproof ware l I house. $:; per -month and up. Lower ['storage rates in non-tlreproof wars- J house. Uarrisburg Storage Co., 437- , I 445 Soujh Second street. Where to Dine I AI.VA HOTIvL AND RESTAURANT. . j '"UK HOME OK SATISFACTION. ! STOUFFKR' BKSTAURANT—Home , i cooking served to Businessmen and ; Ladies in separate dlningroom. . j Cleaners ami Dyers i j IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, | Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the best ; ! place In town. Cull and deliver j Goodman's. 1306 Is North Sixth. Both , j Phones. • Undertakers SAMUEL S. FACKLKR, KUNGUAL DIKKCTOK. ' 1313 Derry St. • ! BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. ! ! RUDOLPII K. SPICKR. . | Funeral Director and Kmbalmer, * nil North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE | PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated oil Market street I east of Twenty-sixth, and 'on the i north and east faces the new pnrk- I nay. The prices of lots are moderate. . ; Miller Bros. 4fc Co.. Agents. 1 AUTOMOBILES ; 1 191$ Kissell, 5-passenger denion- I stralor. j l 1917 Kissell 3-pnssenger roadster. 1 x ulcan roadster. A bargain. 1 Overland, Model 90. BIIENNBK MOTOR CO.. 1702 North Third St. ! KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. ■ All sort of auto top and cushion work I done by experts. Also repair work. , i Reasonable rates. 1019 Market street. IVM. PENN GARAGE 301-6 Muelich street. Limousines for funeral, partiet and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell i 4504. j MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 . I Bosch high tension. Elshmann. IMxey. 1 Splitdorf, Mea, Remy and different i makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A ■ ! Selill'fman. 22-24-20 Nortli Cameron .[street. Bell 3633. • I FOR SALE Reo Touring car. , i Looks and runs like new. Bargain to ■ ; utiick buyer. Bulek Roadster, A 1 I | shape. Bargain for some one. A. i Sehiffmaii, 23-21-20 North Cameron. j FOR SALE Franklin Series $ II touring, in At condition. Inquire O. \ j S. Schadt. AUentown, Pa. ; USED CARS | REAL AUTOMOBILE VALUES -I 1 ► j 1916 Ford touring car. . I newly painted, 4 new tires, demountable rims, with extra rim and tire: engine in tine condition. Overland. Model SO, Just out of paipt shop; splendid comulioii; bargain. ! Oakland Roadster, newly painted; bargain at $225. ' •I Buick Roadster Just painted, : I motor in good shape; . real bargain. Ford, 1914 touring car. painted and overhauled. 1917 Ford touring car, # * in perfect shape. Overland Roadster. Ford. 1916 delivery. 31x4 lires. painted and rebuilt. Ford trucks with attachments, new body and cab, motor rebuilt. This Is practically a new job. Open evenings. Convenjont pay ments may be arranged. MAC'S GARAGE. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No junk. 11. Esterbrook. 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK Covered body. 1,000 lbs. capacity. A bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia Outek Lunch. OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT "Pedigreed" Used Car SIX - CYLINDER SAXON TOURING, tivo-passenge'r, Kx i tra equipment includes bumper unit spotlight. A 1917 model, practically new, all tires good, paint, top, up holstering In splendid condl | lion, FIVE - PASSENGER BIG FOUR OVERLAND TOURING reflnlshed and In excellent mechanical shape, Sllvertown Cord tires, WILLYB- K NIGHT 5 -PAS- I SENDER TOyRING, Just over hauled and repainted wine color wlh black wire wheels, All tires good, SIX . CYLINDER OVER-. LAND TURING, reflnlshed throughout, A splendid car reasonably priced, USED TRUCKS We have on hand for limiie -1 diate dellveryj rebuilt trucks from s * to. o-ton capacity, Some are chassis only, others equipped with stake, express and dump bodies. Our line in> . dudes Buicks, Traffic, D-E Worm drive, Garfords and Hethleheins Plow Man Tractors for the farm. Place your order now to in sure Spring delivery. THE OVERLAND r HARRIS: BURG CO., 3ft-211 X. Second St, !Six More Days to Get Parcels Ready For Yanks Serving U. S. in France! Mothers, sweethearts and friends of soldiers have six more days In which I they may send parcels to ' the boys In France, according to the' rulings of the Post Office and Warj j Departments. It will be necessary for these "nearest relatives" who | have not already sent, their boxes J speeding on the way across the | ocean, to hurry in the work of pack ing parcels if they hope to make the j Christmas of the soldiers a happy one. , The local inspection headquarters under the direction of Red Cross i workers Is located at 120 Market | street, next to the Hotel Senate. Vol ; unteer workers are busy here, hand ing out cartons, inspecting, sealing and sending the Christmas boxes de stined for France. It Is necessary to secure a Btbel from your soldier if you wish lo send a box to him.' If I no label Is forthcoming, (held up perhaps because of delay or other reason), and It Is possible to show Identification demanded, special labels may be secured from the inspection | headquarters workers with the un | derstanding that only one three ! pound carton may ho sent to each soldier. | Armed with the label, the sender i secures from the Red Cross inspec- , I tlon headquarters, a carton of the I official size. When this is filled with ■ j articles it is taken to the headquar- i I tors again where it is inspected, seal ! Ed and the label Is afHxed, ready for mailing. The sender pays the postage to Hoboken, N. J., and the package Is sent by the Red Cross on its way to the soldier. AUTOMOBILES BUICK ROADSTER Runs fine; I electric lights; new top; $350.00. | ilorst. Lir.glestown, Pa. i SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas i ure cars for sale. Ford ton trucks, Auto-Car 2-ton trucks and one 7- passengcr llaynes Touring Car. All cheap to quick buyers. International Harvester Co. Truck Department. No. 619 Walnut street. OLD AUTOI I Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtlmers, II in any condition. See me before sac i rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto • Wrecking, A. Sell iff man, 22, 24. 26, i j North Cameron street. Bell 3633. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re- L | pairing by expert. Road Joba a i specialty. Charge reasonable. Both. ! Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North I Cameron street. 1 j 1914 KNOX Racing Car, in good condition. . I . 1916 Chalmers Roadsters, In A 1 con ! dition. - SUNSHINE GARAGE. Both Phones. 11" ; • . 1 FOR SALE -- Cadillac. 1913; | two new tires; electric light . nd starter; mechanically per fect; $550. C. F. Hoover. 1417 North Second. , MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES INDIAN MOTORCYCLE—Dike new.', bargain at $95.00. Horst, Lingles- I town. Pa. | _ BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New and rebuilt bicycles ut very at i tractive prices; guaranteed repair- I ing; come here und get a square I deal. 11. F. ESTERBROOK, 912 N. Third.Street. Dial 4990. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER. WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. GARAGES ACCESSORIES ANIJ REPAIRS AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works, 805 North Third street'. WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS Frames straightened and welded. . Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. I Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO., 1538 Logan St. I BELL 4396 J. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters Testamentary ;on the Estate of Lauretta R. ! Loh. late of Harrisburg. Dauphin I County, l'a., deceased, having been t granted to the undersigned residing in Carlisle, Pa., all persous indebted , to said Estate are requested to make ! immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. J. C. ECKEW, Or to Executor. J. M. HMET, Attorney-at-Law, , Carlisle, Pa. 1 In the liquidation of the UNION CASU ! ALTY INS. CO. (Phila., Pa.) (Com mon Pleas Court of Dauphin County, Penna., Number 113, Commonwealth Docket 1916). NOTICE TO PARTIES IN INTEREST The undersigned hereby gives no tice that claims (other than those al ready filed) are provable not later than January 1, 1919. As soon there after as Is practicable I shall file an account In court with a scheme of distribution. Nottco will be given by publication, and three weeks will be allowed for the filing of exceptions thereto. Claims should be filed with my agent in the liquidation, Thomas B. Donaldson. Special Deputy, 331 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. The liquidation is proceeding In ac cordance with Act of Assembly of June 1. 1911 (Pamphlet Laws, page 699). CHARLES A, AMBLER. Insurance Com'r. of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of J. Fred Artman, lato of Susquehanna Township. Dau phin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned re siding In New Freedom. Pa., all per sons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, und those having claims will present them for settlement. S. ALVA ARTMAN, Or to Administratrix, I, P. BOWMAN. Attorney-at-Law, * Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Number 4, Commonwealth Docket. 1916, NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS All parties In Interest are notified that my final account, In the liquida tion of the YORK COUNTY MUTUAL LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY, With a aoheme of distribution, Is be fore the Dauphin County Court, On December 33, 1918, i shall ask for an order confirming the account, A copy of the account can be seen at the De- ' partment and In the offloe of George : B. Neff, Attorney, York, Ta, Exceptions tq the account must be filed prior, to December 22, with Thomas B, Donaldson, Special Peputv Insurance Com'r, s3l Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CHARLES A, AMBLER, •Ins, Com'r, ' Harrisburg, Pa, , Nov, 10, 1918, _ i . 4 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers