Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 22, 1918, Page 2, Image 2
2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS NARROW ESCAPE FROM DROWNING * ifoung Adams County Miller Has Thrilling Experience When Floodgate Gives Gettysburg, Pa.. Nov. 22. —Clyde Plank, son of Luther Plank, a miller at Table Hock, had a nar row escape from being drowned while engaged in cleaning fin ac cumulation of dirt from the water entrance to the mill! The flood gate used to hold off the waver when the tuiil is not in operation became loosened and a wall of water rushed over him entirely en gulfing hir body and hurling him among the wheels and shafts. By presence of n-.liyi he was able to find the main shaft and pull him self übove tlio level of the water to avoid suffocation. PUPILS GIVE fUO New Cumberland, Pa., Nov. 22. — Pupils of the borough schools gave $250 for the war fund. FREE TO Asthma Sufferers A Hew Home Cure That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Loss of Time. I We bare a New Method that cures Asth ma. and we want you to try It at our expense. No matter whether your case Is of long standing or recent development, whether It Is present as occasional or chronic Asth ma. you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupa tion. if you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to -end it to those apparently hopeless casts. >\here all f-wrns ©f inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, ••patent smokes, etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our owu ex pense. that this new method Is designed to end nil difficult breathing, all wheezing, and ell those terrible paroxysms at once and for nil time. This free offer is too important to neg lect n single day. Write now and then be gin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do It Today. FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Roootl-FTT Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buffalo, N. X. Send free trial of yocr method to: TbUtLiuitLvi 3W- LAMPS are interesting from several points of view. The quality is BOAS standard all the way through. This, however, does not cause them to be priced other than mod erately. The decidedly unusual conceptions in design, the color embellishment, the unique fin ishes —all lend "atmosphere" and characteristic individuality. Electrically Equipped $9 to S4B ELECTRIC PORTABLE LAMP for library, statuary bronze finish standard, am- 1 A ber opalescent octagonal shade BOUDOIR OR DESK LAMP, copper finish, hand-painted art glass .shade, exclu- iC 1 sive pattern -*■ LARGE LIBRARY_LAMP, polychrome finish, new tinted c,o rrugatcd glass tsIQ shade 17 SUPERB PORTABLE LAMP, ebony fin ish vase standard, ancient Chinese design, hand-painted poppy decoration on the shade, S C.Ross BOAS 28 NORTH SECOND STREET 8 zaps* ''fl'bsolutely"Ko" Pa'in SSIyT. A *7 l""l luproyed appll- If - J& Q_ II lard air apparatna. raakea a aJ? I intraellai and all dental k y M tvatrfc poatttvcly palal*aa w Jw aa<l la perfectly barm- •Ay .aV leita. (Ad mm t^ r • *i EXAMINATION X V I 9 X •&£&& FREE Rrfbtrrt* J AAy 0*le open dally aSO Oradaeta W y to • p. nM Monday, Wcd- Uradnn-e \T attday and Itlnrdar. till Aaaltdaata 4\W -V t p. m. NL. BELL PBOJIE M22-R. UIT T,!!n,11, " ° 9 ||jl Z S \l2O Market St j (Otm (ha Hab> ■ HARRISBURG, PA. qdat hart a bit I FRIDAY EVENING, 'News of Mifflin County Soldiers in U. S. Service brwktonn. Pa., Nov. 22.—Lawrence Burlew, brought to this country from France, is improving from his wounds. The many friends of Sergeant Wil liam H. Felix, are pleased to hear that he is improving from the serious wounds received in France. He was born in Lewistown and is a son of the late Charles Felix, of Lewistown. The Rev. Reid Dickson, of Lewis town, engaged in Y. M. C. A. work in France, after a visit to friends here ha 3 returned to Europe. Major F. A. Rupp, after a visit here, is again in France. He to this county some time ago In charge of wounded siMdiers. Mrs. Willis Manbeck has four sons in the service. One was slightly wounded and another seriously wounded during the war. Charles Williams has three sons in i the service and as far as is known they- have all escaped injury. I Milton Myers, killed in France, ! September 29, had a record •as a ! brave and fearless soldier. | Perry Garret has three sons in the i United States army. | George Phillips, of Lewistown, a I lieutenant in an aviation corps is reported flying in Franco. ' John and Jacob Eby are in France, i and another brother, who was in the United States service was discharged on account of rheumatism. Corporal V. A, "Goss writes home | from France that he has been in the ! thick of the fight. DISEASE KILLING HOGS Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 22.—A dis ease of some kind is appearing among the hogs in the southern end i of the town, killing them off in a : few days. Just what the disease is is not known, hut about fifteen of the porkers, all of them fat and ready *o be killed, have been hauled out in the past week, by dif ferent owners. With pork selling i at twenty cents ar pound it means a i loss of about one hundred and fifty , dollars to most of the losers, not i counting what it will cost them to I buy their meat and lard for the 1 coming year. SOLDIER DIES IN FRANCE sunhury. Pa.. Nov. 22.—Private Donald L. Campbell, of the American ' Expeditionary Forces, died in France. of bronchial pneumonia, following ! his having been gassed, according to ' word received by his wife, who lives j at Fisher's Ferry, near here. KILLED AT GRADE CROSSING Milton. Pa., Nov. 22.—Raymond Shupp. 19, of near here, was instant i lv killed when lie stepped in front of a train at a Milton grade crossing. ' He was a munition worker. Volunteer Helper at Emergency Hospital Dies of Pneumonia Millrrnburg, Pa., Nov. 22.—Harry M. Murama, aged 33 years, died on Wednesday after a weeks' illness of pneumonia. Mr. Munima was a help j er at the Emergency Hospital sev | eral weeks ago and also assisted at ' the home of Ray Sechrist, who died of the same disease ten days ago. He was a member of Camp No. 5770, Modern Woodmen of America, and a member of the Reformed Church. He Is survived by his wife and a young son. Funeral services will be held at the late home to-morrow after noon at 2 o'clock. Burial in Oak Hill; cemetery. The Rev. Bair will conduct I the service. GERMAN IIEI.MET RECEIVED Danville, Pa.. Nov. 22.—-V German helmet, with two holes in it, was re ceived by William C. Pursel, as a gift from Major J. Beaver Gearhart. : who is with the American forces in | France. A lock of hair on iRe in- . ! side indicates the reason for the hel- I met being broken. It is camouflaged , i with a dirt-colored paint, and strip- I cd with lines of pale red and gray. I j making the effect such that lying on I I the ground it might be taken for a ! j projecting rock. ANNOUNCE IlinTll OF TWINS i Liverpool, Nov. 22.—Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Glass, of Northumberland, j formerly of this place, are receiving! congratulations on the birth OT j ! twins, a son and daughter, born Mon- 1 i day, November 18. Prior to her mar | riage, Mrs. Glass was Miss Mary Ker- I [i stetter. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.I • E. Kerstetter, and was one of LJver- I pool's popular young women. PEOPLE GIVE LIBERALLY * Halifax. Pa., Nov. 22.—The ap peals for linens for the hospitals of France, met with a "hearty response, from Halifax people. A louse-to ■ house canvass was made by mem- I hers of the Red CroSs Auxiliary and j some articles were given, but nearly i every person gave mWney. The allot ment for Halifax was three dozen each of sheets, bath and hand towels and handkerchiefs, amounting to i nearly $75. By getting the articles at wholesale Harrisburg Chapter ! saved about 20 per cent. MRS. JACOB DEITZ DIES Marietta, Pa., Nov. 22. —Aviator ! Bert Deitz. arrived from Ohio yes ; terday, just too late to see his moth 'er who died. Mrs. Jacob Deitz was j j 49 years of age, and an active worker iof the Presbyterian church. She is | survived by her husband, live chil- | dren. one of whom is in France,- A j brother, Frank Sharp, the last of the I family also survives. Death teas due \ j to pleurisy. ARMS CAUGHT IN COGS Marietta, Pa„ Nov. 22. While working at the factory of Hess and Company, shoe manufacturers, David H. Snader, Jr., of near Akron, met with an accident which will keep him from work for some time by getting his left hand in the cogs of the .ma chinery. CASSEL-LAXDIS WEDDING Marietta. Pa., Nov. 22.—A pretty wedding was solemnized yesterday at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Landis, when her daughter. Miss Anna L. ' Landis, was married to John H. j sel. of Penn townyhip. near East ! Petersburg. The oeremony was per- ■ formed by the Rev. A. S. Hottenstein. 1 CITED FOR BRAVERY Marrietta, Pa., Nov. '22.—Paul H. Bletz, Jr., of Manor township, has j been cited for bravery jn France. ; Young Btotz entered the service in ! 1917. in Company C, Fourth Regiment, and has been overseas many, months. George LongSdorf, of the United j j States Navy, wears a gold star slgni- ! ■ fying that he assisted in sinking a 1 German submarine. 1 He is visiting j at his home In MountviUe. SOX I)IKS XT NAVY. YARD Northumberland. • Pa., Nov. 22. —Mr. I and Mrs. Abram I. Dudley, of No. 32i Northway, received word to-day • of • the death of their son. Private Wll-( lard H. Dudley, who had died in the! I League Island Navy Yard on Tues -1 day. Xo details were given. TheC. I young man enlisted as ai cook,. He ■ is surviyed by his wife and three j children. BALAXCE FOIt Jft'AK CHEST Columbin, Pa., Nov. 21.*—Winding t up the United War Workers Cam : paign with the'organization of "an over-the-top club," team captains i raised a considerable sum toward the town s quota for the War Chest. ; The method in the Fourth Liberty Loan Drive netted more ; than SSOO. ADOPT FREXCH ORPHAN i New BloomHehl, Pa.. Nov. 22. The New Bloomfleid branch of the ; American ReO Cross has voted to | adopt a French orphan, the cost wtli i be $36.50 to take care of it for one year. A glass bowl will be placed in Thomas Bender's restaurant for the purpose of collecting money to , adopt another homeless baby. ——————i———mm —— h.n uward nlv nyat rerommended OXIDAZE FOB COUGHS, COLDS Bronchial Asthma fatn •( atmdy and nbaarvatioa convlneo lim it won id cnfelr, uuickhr aad anrr't • lop a bad cough Had giva inalant ralias n Uronobial Aatbaa. Gnaraalaad kark|l • Hera ia abaolule proof from naers. Waterburv. Ct.— No asthma thanks to OxidaM ■ialtm. ii'. I'd. —We find it all you claim. Kendrick, Cot.— Am well pleased with results. ; Circle ride. O.—More help than from I ' Somerset, MUM.— It gives full satisfaction. j Detroit, MICH. —It has benefited me greatly, | IVorctster, Matt.— ls worth thousands to mo, ! Kerne. X. II.— I speak in highest praise of it ! Hen ton, Mich.—t got nearly instant relief, j Uotrcll, Mich. —For astlima, be-t thing I've foW| ■ Cincinnati, O.—lt is a wonderful medicine. smttft* Hat in. X. Y.— Delighted with Oxidase. I ! Rochdale. Mati.—C ough gone,gained eight Ins, I, ! Signed letters on file. Order todgj} Hoses back it -I fail*. All Drngilala y G. A. Gorgas GARGLE OR SPRAT AS A PREVENTIVE i Do Everything You Can to: Avoid Influenza. I Doctors advise the frequent use |of a good gargle or spray as the best means of avoiding influenza. I TONSILINE, The National Sore I Throat Remedy, makes an ideal 1 and effective spray or gargle. Look For the GIRAFFE. j HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Officer and Enlisted Man Reported Missing in France Lcwtiitown, Pa., Nov.' 22.—John j Jones, of Lewlstown, has received a telegram, infoiming him that his son, James S. Jones is officially miss ing in action in France, since the hard fighting of Septemher 29. Mrs. W. Warren Shatzer. has also re- i ceived word from the War Depart- J 1 ment that her husband, Lieutenant t William Warren Shatzer. is reported ■ as missing since July 9. Private Jones, enlisted in Pitts- j burgh at the beginning of the war j and was sent to Columbus barracks, 1 and from there to Eagle Pass, Texas, | and Syracuse, X. Y. Then he went i to France. Although reported missing since j July 9. Mrs. Shntzer received a letter written by her husband on October | 12, stating that he, was then back on ! the lines. There was nothing in the j letter to Indicate thai he hud met i with any casualty. Mr. Shatzer is a ' lieutenant in Company G, One Hun- ! dred and Twelfth Infantry, Twenty- : | eighth Division. Mr. Shatzer was , | tirst lieutenant of Company M. | Eighth Pennsylvania, when he left i I Lewlstown. I ! RED CKOSS OFFICERS Columbia. Pa., Nov. 22. —Colunt- ; liiu Chapter of the Ked Cross, at the i largest meeting in its history Wed nesday night elected these officers' I for the ensuing year: Chairman,' I.Mrs. 11. M. North, Jr.; vice-chair-j 'man, Mrs. E. C. Shannon; secre-] tary, Lucy Hayes Grier; treasurer, i Bertha A. Pannebecker; directors, the Rev.' George *W. Brown; Modie j Heinentan, Mrs. Christian "A. Groffj and Lr. Richard lloeser. All tho ' directors of the. former year were i I anted by the chairman. At tli conclusion of the meeting. Captain, i Daniel B. Strickler, who just re- j turned from the battlefields of; France, where he had been engaged i in action, narrated scenes at thg. front. Mere than six hundred peo- I pie heard the address. SFPPER FOR WAR FIND Kutlterforil Heights, Pa., Nov. 22. —A community supper was given,! at Rutherford Heights recently un-1 der the auspices of the women of, the community for the benefit ol' [ the United War Work campaign. J The supper was held at the home I lof Mrs. Kifse. proprietor of the j I Rutherford Inn. Mrs. Edward De- j hart was chosen as captain of the i I affair, with Mrs. R. B. Troni sec- i I retary and. Mrs. Reily. A. Kramer, j I treasurer. The following women ] acted as lieutenants: . Mrs. Rev. E. | ! F. Brown, Mrs. Early, Mrs. George ( ; .Shay. Mrs. E. L. MeCrone and. Mrs, ; Kuse. These women wjth a good! ' corps of did lint; work., ! The sum realized from the supper was $137. WILL ATTEND LUNCHEON i New Bloomlichl, Pa., Nov. 22. Mrs. E. E. Moore, Mrs. W. H. Dar lington and Mrs. James M. Baer will attend the luncheon and anjiual con ference of the Red Cross Chapter branches and auxiliaries at the Civic Club at Harrisburg. SWAB-HOFFMAN WEDDING Halifax, Pa., Nov. 22, —Miss Mary Hoffman, of Halifax, and Clay Swab, : of Enders, were married on Monday j at the parsonage of the United • Brethren Church, at Enders by the pastor, the Rev. H. H. Fertig. | HALIFAX GIVES S7OO Halifax, Pa.. Nov. 22.—Halifax has ' again gone over the top in the Unit- ; ed War Work drive tlie town and.vi cinlty ...Contributing S7OO, just SSO j more than the quota. *25.000 IN MII.TON DISTRICT j Milton, Pa , Nov. 22.—Milton dis trict has contributed more ttian $26,- I 000 to the War Work fund, practical- j lj* every . section of the district ex-! ' ceeded its quota. MOKE OKI) COIN'S Halifax, Pa., Nov. 22.—Mrs. Alice CraUscr. of town has in her posses sion two old coins dated 1800 and 'lBlO. The' 1800 coin is ten years old er than the-one found by Mrs. X. J. Moyer, of Halifax township, some time ago. NEW INDUSTRY AT COM'MIA Columbgi, Ha- Nov. 22.—The Pennsylvania .Shirt Company, a new industry of which D. H. Shotrone is ! to be manager, will begin opera tions next Monday, giving employ ment to a number of girls. Suburban Notes I.IVBRPOOL Mrs. A. E. Kerstctter spent several da* s this week in Northumberland. Miss Prera B. Robinson, a member of the faculty pt Willlamsport Dicki son Seminary, was called home this week on accoant of the death of her father, S. A, Robinson. Mrs. B. F. Blattenberger was a re cent visitor at Harrisburg. Mrs. Alvin Grubb and daughter, Caroline, are visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shuler. Mrs. Clara Lutz Is visiting her son at Sunbury. • i Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Kerstetter, of Harrisburg. were recent visitors at; Frank Brown's. Mrs. Hilda Murray and daughter. Phyllis, are visiting relatives at Northumberland. W. IV. Wllker and Prof. H. O. Mitchell, spent Thursday at Harris burg. Mrs. John S. Trimmer,* of Harris burg. is spending some time here" with her daughter, Mi-s. Charles E. Deckard, who is ill. MII.I.KItSTOW .\ A daughter was born to Mr. and ; Mrs. George Howe on Friday. No- ; vember 15. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Snyder and j daughter, Helen, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday at the home of W. D. 80l- j linger. Mrs. J. C. Ritzman was a visitor in ! Harrisburg on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Detrick and j daughter, Marion, have returned to j their home in Lemoyne. A. H. Fish and his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Rounaiey were visitors in' Har- : risburg on Tuesday. Mrs. Ida Kepner, of Port Royal, I is visiting her niece. Mrs. C. A. Walt- | man. Mr*. J. O. Charles and daughter, Carol, have returned to their home j in Emaus. after *pendlng ten day* 1 Wuft her mother, Mrs. Hannah ' Rounsley. Mis* Kathryn Rlckabaugh visited ; friends at Harrisburg. Mrs. Mary Pellow has returned , home Irom a visit with her duugh- ; ter at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mr*. H. S. Branyau spent j Monday at Philadelphia. WEST SHORE NEWS Independent Americans to Hold Memorial For Soldier New Cumberland, Nov. 22.—Mem bers of Riverside Council No. 87, Order of Independent Americans, will uttend a special service in Baughman Memorial Church next Sunday evening. It is their annual Thanksgiving service, but in this case also will be a memorial service to William 11, Nauss, a 'former mem ber of the service, who was killed in France. The council has thirty-two men in the service, and a number have been reported wounded. The members, of whom there are about 500, will meet at the home of the council, Second and Bridge streets, and proceed in a body to the church. All the members have been requested to attend. SERVICES AT BAUGHMAN New Cumberland, Pa., Nov. 25. Services at Baughman Memorial Methodist Church Sunday will be as follows. Shore session of Sunday school at 9.30 and a Rally Day pro gram will be rendered at 10.80. This will be in place of the morning ser mon. ! At 7.30 the pastor, the. Rev. V. T. Rue, will preach the annual Thanks givlng_sermon to Riverside Council i No. 87, Order of Americans. Ep worth League at 0.30, "WIN ONE" CLASS MEETS Washington Heights, Pa„ Nov. 32. j - The "Win One" class of Calvary I nited Brethren Sunday school, taught by w.' y. Rishel. met at the home of Miss Maude Peffer on Tues day evening. After the business meeting the hostess served refresh ments to Mrs. Samuel Bonigarduer, Mrs. Lloyd Bossard, Mrs. Alfed Shade, .Mrs. H. A, Nelson, Miss Goldie Nay lor. Miss Ruth Sponsler, Miss Ethel Beyer, Miss .Myrtle Rupp, Miss t. ynthia Boyer, Mrs. R. 51. Peffer, W. O. Rishel, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Eshle man, Miss 51attd Peffer I ANNOUNCE BIRTH Shircmavtown, p a „ Nov 22 Little Walt w Russell Zimmerman, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Walter S. Zim merman, of East Main street an nounces the birth of a baby sister, ha rah Frances Zimmerman, Novem ber 18, 1918. HOME FROM GUNNING TRIP Shit'cinniislowii, Pa„ Nov 22 1 rvin Heighes. of Lemoyne; S. 'S. Rupp, Jacob B. Fre.v and Harry D. ~ l "® n, anstown, are home ' a successful gunning trip to Big °i e Tannery, Fulton county. THE BOLSHEVIKI! i I Must, We Another War To Save the World From Its Menace? A shudder rims through the Western nations as they watch the millions of Central Europe plunge from autocracy toward anarchy, and publicists begin to ask if we must fight again—against the new foe. V * * • "Must we save the world from anarchy" is on every lip and the fact that such questions as these are being asked everywhere is proof enough that "the war does not end when the enemy surrenders," according to The New Republic. On the other hand, we find the Hartford Courant convinced that the scientific socialism of Germany can never develop the disorder that was bound to accompany the Bolshevism inherited from the old Russian nihilism. And the Boston Globe reminds us that "whereas Russia was predominately illiterate, in Germany illiteracy is less than one per cent." The leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST this'week deals witfi the greatest menace that threatens the conclusion of world peace—the Bolsheviki. Other news-features in this par ticularly interesting number of "The Digest" arc: Records of American and British Navies in the War The Veil of Silence Is Lifted and in This Article Tribute Is Paid to the Wonderful Work That Both Navies Have Performed . An "Unconditional Surrender" The Specter of Famine Over Europe Denmark Wants Schleswig The Oil-can as a Globe-Trotter Fire as a Weapon Art Thefts in France and Italy The London Theater's Prosperity Shall Soldiers Pay for Comforts From Y. M. C. A. and K. of C.? The Soldiers' Lack of Hate Personal Glimpses of Men and Events How "The Digest" Will Serve You in the Future just as THE LITERARY DIGEST has provided dur ing the long years of- war that have just ended the most authoritative and dependable of news articles from week to week, so now, in the wonderful period of reconstruction that lies before us, it will furnish the vitals news upon all the great questions of the day in a similarly interesting and comprehensive way. It will cover fully the movements of our troops in Europe, the return of our armies to their native land, November 23d Number on Sale Today—All News-dealers—lo Cents ® liteKfryEteest® I / / \ N^ERVEy/ FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publisher. of the Famoui NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Mr. and 51 rs. D. S. Eslileman, of Washington Heights, visited Mr. and Mrs. William Bishop, *of Moore's Mills. Miss Pearl Kauffman, of Worm leysburg, was the guest of Miss Maude Peffer, at Washington Heights. Mrs. J. P. Koontz, of York, is vis | itlng her son, the Rev. P. R. Koontz, • ut Washington Heights. > I Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pelfer and ! Miss Hilda Famous, of Washington ■ Heights, motored to Newport where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Krik Fleurie. j .Mrs. I. W. Rishel,. of Washington I Ileights, visited her mother. Mrs. Ida Smith, of Howard street. Harrisburg. Sir. and Mrs. Edgar Wire and fam ily and Mrs. John Wire, of New I Cumberland, are spending a week in Adams county. Mrs. Harry Paden and three chil dren, of Ohio, visited relatives In New Cumberland yesterday. Dr. Ward Sprenltel, of Philadel phia, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sprenkel, *nt New Cum berland, this week. George Miller, of STiiremanstown, spent Tuesday at Goldsboro. Mrs. J. S. Brinton, of Shiremans "town, spent a day recently with hot son, Harry Brinton,' and family, at Mechanicsburg. Miss Alice Wallace, of, Shiremans ! town, visited friends ut Harrisburg I on Wednesday. Mrs. Del be rt I. Melo.v, daughter, Thelma, have returned to their home . at Boiling Springs, after visiting at i the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Me ! Konley, at Shiremanstown. j Mrs. D. W. Miller, Mrs. Ray E. i Wolfe, daughter, Janet Louise Wolfe, j of Shiremanstown, were visitors at Harrisburg on Wednesday. Miss Mary Ross has returned to j her home in Mechanicsburg after bc ! ing entertained by Miss Elma Sense l man, ut Shiremanstown. * SUNSHINE GUILD MEETS New Cumberland. p a ., Nov. 22. | Next Tuesday evening the Sunshine j Guild will hold a nvetlng ut the Red I Cross rooms. COLORED SOLDIERS ARRIVE Now Cumberland, Pa., Nov. 22. — i Yesterday 175 colored soldiers ar j rived here. They will assist in the j worTv at the government plant at Marsh Run. A Fine Collection of Half-tone Illustrations, Cartoons, and Maps NOVEMBER 22, 1918 OVERCOATS for all builds of men \ specially attractive values for Saturday S3O $35 S4O This is good news for three reasons — (1) Little men can be properly fitted (2) Average size men can be properly fitted. (3 ) Big men can be properly fitted. Newest Models Separate bur Best Materials Collars for Hand Tailoring Over coals 9 The Republican Opportunity Mr .Wilson's Idealism at the Peace Table When the Tanks Were Gassed America: First in Farm Tractors Whn the Breweries Gd Dry Barrie Putting Wilhelm in His Place Turning French Light on Our Music Christianity's' Victory Germany's Moral Defeat Best of the Current Poetry Important News of Finance and Commerce the arrangements for disbanding the various units and restoring their members to civil life, the great read justments that will become necessary in the worlds of finance, commerce, and industry, the rehabilitation of the wounded and crippled, the means by which they may be made self-supporting, etc. All these and many more allied topics in the social, political, and economic - fields, will he treated without bias and with the simple aim of presenting the facts for your consideration and judgment. Study them each week in The Digest.