I: " When a (}irl Marries" t By ANN LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife | v , CHAPTER X. (Copyright. 1918. by Kings Features Syndicate, Inc.) JTm's dinner was what t believe ' la called "a special success." Yet It was a nightmare to me. Once upon a timo I boasted as proudly as the next one that I had a of humor." Now I often wonder where I've mislaid It—and If I'd have any use for It if it were around. Certainly It wouldn't apply to the ugly changes I saw come over my husband in the dice game and In the excitement ,of the race on which he had staked him money. Nor can humor deal with this prob lem: s If Jim acts so nearly like a mad man when he's winning, what will he do when he loses? And I challenge the hosts of all ' the humorists since the world be gan to find anything laughable in Virginia's manner at sight of her husband —or of her treatment of me thereafter. She acted as if I had betrayed and deceived her and Disturbed sleep usually comes from some form of indigestion. Strengthen the stomach and stimulate I the liver with a course of . Beecham's Pills Lara.it Sal* of Any Madicina in the World. Sold everywhere. In Boxer. 10c., 2Sc. DANGER AFTER SPANISH INFLUENZA OR GRIPPE Slow if Can Be Avoided and Treated. Simple Rules to Be Followed. No Occasion for Panic No need of anyone being afraid | tonle and health builder. Phosphat f the after effects and slow recov-ied Iron takes hold from the first ering from Spanish Influenza, hard .dose. Results are seen and felt; colds or Grippe, if they will use strength returns, food digests, appe common sense and start In build- tite picks up, sleep is restful, there Ing up their health and strength the lis a color in the cheeks and a spar tight way. ,kle to the eye that only blood The main thing is to get the blood arß ?el better than I have for a long : >ne." In ni^:acE]ai^=ii3i- —..." —IB □t=]at^=]B^^3at=ini == i[3i ==== jac==iQi===)aL==jGi === jQ | | | 308 Market Street | | Another Sale of J /V/X j j Feather Hats I yrt j | For Friday at | The last lot was practically sold out | by 11 o'clock. * jl | This lot is better than the last. jj 3 . ______ _____ p V• - . \ " 1 ' ' "* „ . ' .' ' i, i t ' ' t THURSDAY EVENING, BAMRSBBUHO TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 21, 1918. had led her Into the pocket of the i crowd at the races,.where she and Dalton came face to'face. Why couldn't she see that Evvy was re sponsible—that Evvy was hurting me, too? Now, Tom Mason's car was parked not far from ours. We saw Pat Dalton leap into the car and, throw ing in his clutch, savagely drive recklessly through the press of motors. Tom Mason laughed—was it rue fully? "Well, folks, will you have pity on the lonely orphan?" he cried. Jim took his cue quickly. "Plenty of room in Captain Wins ton's car, Tom. And a chance to give you a rousing welcome home." And he presented Tom Mason formally to Betty and Terry. Tom lqpked his admiration for Betty, but turned quickly to me: "Jove, what a beauty! But never so sweet and lovely as —lilac." His tone was full of meaning. Then he greeted Virginia. She was composed and icy again. Her eyes were remote —like Jim's when he talks of his days in the flying forces. Now the rest of our party Joined us. Tom was introduced and we got into the cars. There was a look of quiet happi ness on Phoebe's face as she took her place at N'eal's side. And Neal's copper curls were flung back in a sort of triumph that made him ap pear like a statute of the sun-god. But Virginia didn't seem to per ceive this—her eyes remained re mote —and sad. Mr. Mason took possession of me. And In my bitterness at what Jim had done, at the way he permitted Ewy to snuggle up to his side, I was grateful for the warm, friend ly kindness with which Tom Mason seemed to protect me from the tur making this statement. Morris Long, Freedom, Ohio, reiterates the testimony of thousands of others, who have been greatly benefited by Bliss Native' Herb Tablets. For over thirty years they have been acknowledged as the only standard herb remedy. They con tain nothing of a harmful nature, are used by old and young, and have proved their value as a blood remedy week in and week out dur ing all that time. If you suffer from constipation, heartburn, sick headache, bilious ness, bad breath, or rheumatism, be sure to use Bliss Native Herb Tablets. Thoy never disappoint. They are put up in a yellow box of 200 tablets, on the cover of which is the protratt of Alonzo O. Bliss. Every tablet is stamped with our trade i/QJ mark. Price $1 per box. Be sure and get the genuine. Look for our money-back guarantee on every box. Sold by leading drug gists and local agents everywhere. Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service - By McManus I AN I WELL-1 CAN'T 11 i T ** E S T &UT 1 OON'T 1 r 1 £1 n. ? 17/J 111 I HOW S3 NOT WITH. I - . moll of my own thoughts. I was in I no mood to play "neglected wife" j , while Jim and Evvy raved over | the success of her "lunch." This was my' husband's first party, j and—Evvy serenely took charge of ' it. It was like Jim's generosity and | gratitude to let her, but why , couldn't he see how this belittled 1 me? Evvy practically ordered the din | ner. She made the seating arrange ments. Jim was at the head of the table—l at the foot. And stretch ing between us were Betty, Terry, . Virginia, Sheldon at one side and on the other Evvy, Neal, Phoebe and Tom. It looked natural enough, but as I sat between Sheldon Rlake and Tom Mason I wondered why Evvy bad put her old friend Sheldon as far from her as possible and had chosen to place Neal on her right. There was dancing in the big din ingroom behind us. and without even waiting for their clams, Neal and Phoebe ran in at the first note of a fox-trot and circled the room happily in each other's arms. I saw a quick flash of glances between Betty and Terry, and then the hand some English captain leaned down the table and said coaxingly: "Mrs. Jlmmle —first a toast to our bride and groom—and then this very dance with the bride herself, please." Tom Mason replied for me, lifting his glass high: "We'll rise to your toast, Captain Winston —but the dance is mine." Terry bowed gravely, and stood up for the toast to Jim and me. Then there began a contest be tween Terry and Tom Mason for the "honor" of my society. One side of me seemed to be standing off and wondering why the other side of me didn't enjoy' this half-laughing, half-serious com petition for my dances. But all of me was a-tingle with awareness of the situation of which I was part. Neal was leaning over Phoebe so intently that he seemed almost like a tragic young Romeo—but a Ro meo with all his boyishness gone. Evyy, half turning her back to Neal and bending toward Jim with an almost audible call in her wide blue eyes; Betty, grave and quiet— missing, perhaps, Terry's usyal de votion. Virginia, cold and aloof, watch ing Phoebe and Neal intently, al most unaware of Sheldon's glances, his ardor.' There was a tension in the air like the stillness before a summer storm. Then, up spoke Betty; "Anne, you two, honeymooners have bluffed long enough. Now I'm coming down to get acquainted with Mr. Mason, and you are going to stop being the belle of the ball and come up here like a sweet, lit tle old-fashioned wife and give us one more beautiful glimpse of the Jimmies as they are." There shot through my brain this question: "Can Betty be jealous of Terry?" But the thought went again, as I Evvy lifted her eyes from Jim's face, and set them on Betty's com ! posed features with a long look of ! undisguised hatred. Jim rose to greet me, a smile on j his lips. He took my hand in his and made a little laughing speech I that gave me my first moment of J happiness in twenty-four hours. "Friends, behold the happy Jim mies reunited. And now to the one dance this game ankle of mine dares venture in an evening—with m> Princess Anne!" Quickly Evvy darted about and ! flung her command to Neal: "Come, lad, here's the waltz I I promised you." r And as Neal stood up, manly If j reluctant —I saw Phoebe's sweet lit i tie face cloud over mistly like a I rose In a 6hower. (To Be Continued.) ©MAKING THE MOST OF r\ OUR CHILDREN V A Series of Plain Bay C. Deary, AJL, President of the Parents Associations (Copyrighted, 191S, by The Parents AaaoclaUon^lnc.) Most of us have seen children who were badly crippled physically as a result of climbing too far above mother earth. And sometimes we meet a diasabled adult who tells us that his handicap was caused by a fall in early childhood. So we need to be careful and we should teach our children to be cau tious, but it would be unnecessary and unwise to prohibit all climbing among children. Let us take a case. A mother writes: "My two-year-old son is an active, healthy child and has a large num ber of toys of all kinds, but most of all he delights in climbing. He has had several hard falls due to his climbing and surely I am not to have ,the /daily dread of a severe fall which may leave him crippled for life. I have given him lessons on not touching things he climbs on but he turns to something else and wants to climb on it, perhaps a pan or tumbler or the bed. Tell me how to control this habit and what toys to buy for him." From your description you have your boy under very good control. When you tell your boy not to climb up on a certain thing and he obeys but soon turns to something else and climbs on it, this result is con sidered natural and good. It would be very unwise to dis courage all climbing, even though it is true, as you say, that it keeps one a little in suspense sometimes. Climb ing is good for children and while it should be made very clear to your boy that he is not to muss the beds by standing on them and that he is not to climb certain other things from which you fear ho may fall and which you specify, it is wise to tell him on what things he may climb. Let him climb up and down the porch steps in your presence. Have him go down hands tirst, sidewise, etc.' In other words, give him experi ence in doing things while you are near to make suggestions and teach him' carefulness so that, when you are not present, he will be in less danger because of his experience. Take him foi* a. stroll occasionally and let him climb up and down some hill. This sort of co-operation in the thin# lie likos to do will simply win i his confidence and make it easy for you to control his climbing on for bidden things. Give him a reasonable amount of freedom. Do not discourage his standing on old pans or any objects which do not take him far off the ground, because even if he did fall Daily Dot Puzzle \r ib • • • is K> 22 #2o , • * *2l 15# J 9 26 6 2# j * 'v* - 3 \- 7 r z 7 * 8 \ *4. . # > # V 29# 44* ? (rsg • * .42 7 s £ 45 *46 *4* ? 4o - 35 47. 7 ,3b 4ft 48 .36 V . Ba • 38 61 . . •6o 58 37 • 62. Can you finish this picture 7 t Draw from on. to two and so on to th end. he very likely would not hurt him self seriously. It is not necessary for you to buy many toys for your boy. He will enjoy almost any toy which he can handle, and which will give train ing to his senses. A soft rubber ball is a very good plaything. He will get much pleasure from a string of empty spools. A little box four feet square and a foot high partially filled with bright sand and some lit tle tin vessels, such as a small pan, a few bright tincups and spoons would be fine for him. He should have plenty of large blocks which he can build and experiment with in various ways. You might make him a large stuffed doll and call it, "Jack" or some boy's name. He can imagine he is playing with a real boy, which will give him much pleasure. Avoid the very common mistake of letting your child know that you are worried about his transitory de sire for climbing. Worrying about a boy almost invariably has a wrong effect. The better way is to show him that you like to see him have fun in whatever form he wants it. Then you are in a position where you can most easily influence him about be ing cautions. (Copyrighted, 1918, The Parents As sociation, Inc.) PIX BASIS FOR A SUIT York, Pa., Nov. 21.—As the result of swallowing a pin, which, it is said, was embedded in a piece of bread, a suit for damages for per sonal injuries, brought by Mrs. Jesse Kohr against the Fox Baking Com pany, was placed on trial in common pleas court here. Mrs. Kohr swal lowed the pin and some time after ward was forced to Undergo an oper ation for appendicitis. The pin was found in her appendix. CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS ILOUS OR CONSTIPATED 1 Look, Mother! See if tongue is coated, breath hot or stomach sour. J "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver, bowels. Every mother realties, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs," that this Is their Ideal laxa tivo, because they love its pleasant taste and It thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath Is bad, stpmach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonfu] of this harmless laxative," and It a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and Undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When the llttlo system is full of oold, throat sore, has stom aohaohe, diarrhoea, indigestion, oolie —remember, a good "inside cleansing" should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep ."Califor nia Syrup of Ftga" handy 1 they know a teaapoonful to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Cyrup of Figs," whloh has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Be ware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Get the genuine, , made by "California Fig Byrup Com- { pany," j| * * - - . . . * ' f . . Womeii Question Men In Congress St. Louis, Missouri—Women prom inent in the club life of St. Louis and Missouri have addressed o letter to the newly-elected congressman of Missouri, asking their views on various questions, among which are those dealing # with their attitude toward a League of Nations and to what degree they favor disarmament. The 'questions follow: "Do you believe in a League of Nations as outlined by President Wilson? "Do you believe in an interna tional parliament which shall be something more than a court of ar bitration? How do you believe the decrees of this parliament should be enforced? "To whom do you believe this parliament should be responsible? "Do you believe in putting Ameri can foreign policies under direct cogressional control? "Do you believe in government \ . | Ladies' Bazaar 8-10-12 S. Fourth St. Ladies' Bazaar Women Who Seek Extraordinary Value Will Be Quick to See it in These Smart Coats, Suits and Dresses i Serge Suits Velour Suits $21.95 $29.95 fofr. Values to $29.95 Values to $39.95 All-wool, mannish Serge All-wool Velours, pleat yZfr Suits, detachable plush col- ed flare-back, belted mod yEi lar, flared coat, belted cls sel f collar, silk lined. Say mode!l, button trimmed. < j c..zi W Navy only. $29 95 Hi Q£ Values to $39,95 JPJ High - grade Broadcloth Values to $29.95 Suits, cuffs and detach American Poplin, detach- ... g guaranteed sflk able plush collar, flared "rung, belted model, but coat, beltc'd model, pock- ton trimmed, variety of ets, button trimmed, all shades ~ an exceedingly colors. ' £° od value - Silvertone Suits Oxford ClotJi Suits $34.95 to $59.95 $29.95 / A number of attractive Values to $39.95 ' Suits in a dozen different Mannish models, strict models in fine quality ly plain tailored, braid ' Silvertone in a variety of and button - trimmed are shades. unusually smart model. New Skirts New Blouses Many models in Serge, Christmas stocks in Poplin, plaids, silks, bngene Georgetfe, and and Novelty Weaves, Cre P e d ® , Chine ' Sat,n ' priced at, n " model j' °l° st e X e 7 shade, modestly priced. 3.95 to 24.95 95c to $18.95 sl2 95 All Wool Kersey and Velour Silvertone Coats Serge Dresses dfnnr $29.95 tori r\i r Jpiy.yD Values to $39.95 In / ... . „ Silvertone Cloth Coats, full tp I • \JrJ Values to $29.95 lined belt models, pockets, „i, . large buttons, variety of Unusually good bargain— Choice °* a i"3£'S?® Jl shades, an exceptional value, pleated model, braid trim- , can Kersey and Velour Coats Other Silvertone Coats, at med. Navy only. l n , thre ? dlf . forent . models (33.95 to 949.93. belt and pockets, half and full lined, in a variety of o*f* it r 1 shades. Silver Tipped Velour Other Serge Dresses Pom Pom Coats Coats in many models and * $1 7 34.95 to 69.95 variety of Shades tpXl.a/tA Garments of elegance In A _ Made of Pompom cloth, full belted models, pockets, lined Q: I*7 UK T/Y is xQ QS lined belt, pockets, large but- throughout, plalji and fur tpXJu.a/U l/U tp£ji/*t/t/ tons, In taupe and burgundy trimmed in a variety of new only. shades. I Buy Here T J# T) Buy Better, Ana you ladies Da^aar Goods Here Buy Wisely 8 "10-12 S. FOURTH ST. For Lest or private ownership of munition plants? "Do you believe in universal mili tary service in time of peace? "Do you believe in government support of private Investments in foreign countries? , "What degree of military disarma ment would yyou consider feasible? 25,000 Yanks Will Marry French Girls, Officer Says Chicago, Nov. 21.—Lieutenant Fer nand Catois, of the French military mission to Siberia, in Chicago yes terday, and who by the way is engag ed tof be married to a New York de butante—asserts that 25,000 Ameri can boys will have married French girls beforo the troops return to the United States. "You see," said the lieutenant, "the French girl has verve, elan, es prit, what you call temperament She is like the rainbow, like the elfqui dance. I predict a quarter of a million of your Americans will marry in France." 7 HONOR FLAGSHIP MEN London, Nov. 21.—Tho magistrates of Glasgow have unanimously agreed to entertain 300 officers .and men of the flagship New Yorkat a reception and dance when they are visiting Glasgow on December 16. ORRiNE DESTROYS LIQUOR HABIT Keen interest in Orrlne, the scien tific treatment for the drink habit,* now on sale at our store, continues unabated. Orrine has saved thousands of drinking men, and is sold under a guarantee to refund the purchase , price if, after a trial, it falls to ben efit. Orrlne No. 1, secret treatment; Orrine No. 2, voluntary treatment. Costs only 51.25 a box. Ask us for booklet. G. A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street.