Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 21, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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Work All Day and Box All Night
Is Sammy Schiff's Activity
Sammy SchifT, Harrisburg's pre
mier boxer, scrapped four rounds
with Tim Droney, at Lancaster, for
f" the benefit of the ynited War Work
Fund, without a decision. A house
filled to the roof witnessed the.fray
and Sammy's leff-hunded clever
ness was applauded wildly again and
again. This local athlete is greatly
to be commended for his persistency
and ambition. He works every day,
here, in an industry; lias little time
to train, and yet, unlike the Fultons
•' and Willards, he freely gives his
services to the big cause, and fur
thermore takes on every foe who
Schiff is a tighter who handles
himself something like Joe Choy
insky, excepting that he is a south
paw and his left thrusts are very
perplexing to encounter. lie always
wudes in and his performance is
spectacular, while his gamencss is
noticeable. He will be seen here
again, probably, on November 26
when tlie Motive Power A. A. ex
pccts to hold another exhibition at
its arena, and Frankie Clark is to
be his opponent. The two met re
cently in Philadelphia and put up a
lively bout.
"I'd rather box-tight than eat,"
observed Mr. Schiff, on returning i
from Lancaster. "I believe that'
every able-bodied chap, even though |
he has to work all day, should take |
up some sport and specialise. 1 I
have been ambitious to be a good ,
boxer ever since kid days and while i
/ IS HE OUT? 'YES,' j
Peculiar Situation Which De- \
velopcd in New England
League Last Summer
One of the chief charms of baseball. |
according to a famous veteran are
the new plays and situations which .
constantly arise in diamond battles. :
It is doubtful, however, if ho ever j
t conceived of a situation similar to (
that which arose during a game play- \
ed in New England during the past j
It was in the fifth inning three
runners on the bases and none out
when a batter stepped to the plate. I
Right at his heels came the next I
player entitled to bat, who took posi- >
tion just a step or two away from;
the batter's box. The batter hit a '
sharp bounder directly at the pitcher I
and dashed for first base while all j
the runners raced around the bases j
/ toward* home.
It appeared to be an easy matter :
, * to throw out the player, attempting!
to score from third, at the plate and j J
the pitcher promptly threw to the j
'' catcher, who was all set to complete
the play. At this point, however, the
unusual happened. The man who
had been awaiting his turn at the
bat Jumped into position and as the
ball shot across the plate took a
mighty swing at it driving the bail
far into the outfield for a home run;
five runs crossing the plate before
the ball could be retrieved.
Something resembling a riot among
the players of the two teams and
the partisan spectators immediately
develofted and there was a rush for
e the umpire. After much argument
the arbiter declared the hit and sub
sequent runs legally scored, basing
his decision upon the fact that both
the pitcher and catcher were in their
respective positions when the ball
was thrown up to the plate. Not sat
isfied with this ruling the losing team
took the case to high basebll auth
orities, who, after a careful study
of the circumstances, reversed the
umpire's verdict. It was I their de- ,
clslon. which has generally been ac
• cepted as correct, that the runner'
attempting to score from third, was
out owing to the interference of the j
batter, who by hitting the ball thrown i
to complete the play at the plate, j
' prevented the putout being accom- : ,
The rule governing this case is j
found in the official baseball code 1
* under rule 50, section 15; which reads: ' 1
"The base runner is out; if with one '
or no one out and a base runner on '
third base, the batsman interferes .
with a play being made at the home J
With the runner out as the result !
of Interference the situation after
the play is as follows: there are still
three men on base; one out and the
player who drove out the alleged \
home run comes to bat in regular i
turn his Illegal hitting of the ball '
having resulted In putting out the 1
base runner without affecting his j
status as a batsman. A somewhat ]
Play Safe-- j
Stick to . I
Because the quality is as good as ever it
was. They will please and satisfy you
7c—worth it
JOHN C.' & CO.
L— : I
* ' ' •< ■
' • * '• - -
| 1 am no champion yet, I'll keep on
until I am." •
Glenn Warner Preparing
for tlie Ming ot
the Yellow Jackets
j All hands admit that Glenn War
! ner has the Job of his life ahead
| In beating the "Yellow Jackets'' of
j Georgia i'ecu next Saturday. Yes- j
terday all the well-known plays of
! Johnny Helsinau's Georgia Tech
I were explained, us well us a few
| pointers noted on the Jump shift,
' us given to Warner by u close
' friend, who has seen it played.
I The iiiue and Gold players are last
I getting into the winning mood
[ again, the lack of which has been
I loured by tile coach and trainers.
What pleased Warner, although
I It upset his ideas of discipline, was
' the fact that the team asked him
to reinstate Dave' I'itler and Hill
Harrington, both of whom were
suspended last week for violation
of his training rules. He finally
similar case Is quoted In Umpire i
Billy Evans' book on umpiring and J
the answer is in accordance with j
the foregoing rule.
Seattle Labor Hosts
Threaten Strike if Mooney
Is Refused New Trial
Seattle, Wash.. Nov. 21. —By unanl- j
mous vote, the Seattle Central Labor j
Council last night voted to strike on •
December 9 unless prior to that time 1
Thomas J. Mortiey, convicted of mur
der in connection with a San Fran- !
Cisco bomb explosion, had been grant- J
ed a new trial or given his freedom.
Immediate referendum vote on the ]
strike resolution was asked of all
labor unions affiliated with the coun- i
Local draft officials have warned ]
registrants that they should not de
stroy their registration cards, as any
one caught without one might be
held until he can prove he was regis- '
tered. The district appeal boards j
have received orders to cease Classi- j
fication. Between October 1 and No- J
vember 16, 103,051 claims for deferred ]
classifications were acted on by the !
eight district appeal boards In I'enn- ;
sylvania, and 26,409 claims were de- '
nled. *
New York, Nov. 21. —That his j
body be cremated and the ashes ;
thrown into San Pedro channel be- ,
tween Catalone Island and San Pe
dro, Cal„ was directed by William C. :
Boschen, whose will offered for pro- j
bate here yesterday. Owners of large
tracts of land In Beaufort county,
N. C„ Bctschen left an estate valued
at upward of half a million dollars, j
A football game between teams of|
the First Form and the Lower School, I
of the Harrisburg Academy, was play- i
ed Wednesday, In which the First
Form came out as victors, score 42 to
12. The receipts of the game, amount- I
Ing to 34.66, have been given to the]
Red Cross.
] SNOODLES Hungerfora
' _ I >■ — ~l| . I ' II llr/s CO-DOCroR!
. ( Trr / -<:- VSr?
By Walter St, Denis
I At the outbreak of the great war
j more than fifty months ago one
I athletic expert predicted that few,
I if any, of the sportsmen who took
"j part In the great struggle would ever
jbe soen In competition again. "Life
| in the trenches will Incapacitate
] them for any sport, oven though
they como through unscathod-ln tho
tnattoc of bullet wounds," said he,
Tronch fever, rheuntntlsm and other
ailments were expected to work tho
I most tcrrlblo results with the men
who wero called to the colors of
their various countries.
Just how entirely wrong expert
j opinion can be is proved by tho fact
i that to-day, after four long find
I wearisome years of bitter sfritggle,
! the finest athletes in the world are
in the trenches, and some of these
have been in the war from its very
The sprinter who is beating them
all in Franco is a French soldier
who has been at it ever since that
fateful August day in 1914, Not
only has Georges Andre, France's
all-around athlete, been a fighter for
four years, but three of these he
i has spent in a German prison camp
! on the wrong side of the Rhino, liv
ing on'tho miserable food that the
Huns give the unlucky wretches that
/all into their hands.
Just take, for instance, the case
! of James H. Ducan the world's rec
, ord-holder at throwing the discus, |
J Ducan has been in the French I
j trenches with the Eleventh Engi- j
' neers of the United States Army. He
I went into the Army a 100 per cent.
] perfect man, and after some four
! teen months of battling with the
rats, Huns and cooties that infest
the trenches, he emerged last Au
gust to go to Paris and smash an
other world's record. That's what
trench fever did for Discus Jim! ;
Thousands of young athletes who ]
have gone to war, and have been |
I fortunate enough to sidestep the ;
j Kaiser's bullets and shrapnel have j
! gained tremendously tn their physl- !
1 cai setup. It is a common thing for :
1 a recruit to pick up twenty pounds j
j of hard flesh in his first three months '
[Continued from First Page.]
I to that banking institution. The Tele
| graph has contributed SSO toward
the relief fund and also received two
I contributions earlier in the week!
I which will be turned over to the :
: trust company. The other two con- j
' tributors through the Telegraph are;
Kough, Brightbill & Kline, $10; A.
j S. K., sl.
' Committee Is Named
The finance committee, which met
, this morning authorized a special re
lief committee, including Cominis
] sioiter C. \V. Burtnett und R. Ross
Seaman, to advance funds at once,
leaving It to them to determine the
amounts which are needed by the
' various families, some of whom lost
i almost everything because of the
storiv damage.
On the finance committee are
! Mayor Keister, B. F. Blough, D. E.
I Tracy, George \V. Reily, A. S. Patter
son, William Jennings, Commission
ier Burtnett, Mr. Seaman, Donald 1
' McCormick, J. William Bowman
j and David Kaufman.
Mr. Kaufman, the chairman, said
! to-day that the public is urged to
| contribute liberally to the relief fund
I because of the pressing need of some
i of the residents in the storm-swept
j district. "All of these families have
| been cared for and do not need food,
but some of them do need financial
assistance to meet repair costs and
other expenses caused by the storm.
To Help at Once
"The special relief committee—
Commissioner Burtnett and Mr. Sea
man—will proceed to give assistance
at once. The other members in ses
sion to-day authorized this action
and are now appealing for public
subscriptions. The people of Harrls
burg have liberally contibuted to
other similar funds, largely for re
lief work to be done outside of the
city. Now an opportunity Is here
for them to help fellot* cltizns, some
of whom lost hundreds of dollars be
cause of the storm. Everyone should
Tech Is Ready to Treat
Quaker City Boys Koudh
With the exception of "Tony*" Wils
j bach," who is out of the game tem
■ porarlly with a bruised right shoul
der, the Technical High school foot
bali squad is in trtm condl'ion for
the contest over on the island with
Williamson Trade School of Phila
delphia. Yet it will not be surpris
ing to see "Tony" take his position
at least at the start of the contest,
as It is not often that this player sees
ia ccr.cst from the side lines. He i 3,
the mos important cog in the Tech
machine on the defense.
Should Wilsbaoh r.ot he able to ho
pii'j eo. or rather nursed 'along for
the Thanksgiving contest. WJ place
will be taken by "liirdto" IJlnkle
Garret is also available. All the other
vxtcians will ba in their places when
|in the army. The answer, of course, i
• | is, outdoor life and the tinest food j
I that can be served.
, j In the matter of escaping disease
; I there hsMs never been such an army
, j as the one that is flying the Stars
I and Stripes in the Kaiser's face
1 J "over there.' Its morals and its
I morale, and consequently its health,
j have been one of the wonder spots of
, Uncle Sam's participation in the !
1 1 great war—and will continue to be.
j The answer here is the V. M. C. A.. ,
I the Knights of Columbus, the Sal- I
, vutlon Army, and other organlza- j
i tions which have spent their all !
! freely in keeping up the moral and
i physical Strength of our fighters. i
An American officer, returned i
from France, in speuking of the
| tenacity of the Y. M. C. A. men in j
their efforts to help our doughboys,
! has said: "These Y. M. C. A. men 1
! are simply wonderful. They arc;
i everywhere, and seem to be un
canny in their ability to scent out
an action. Nt long ago my battal
ion went over, and after about forty
; minutes of pretty stiff work reached
i its objective. We had hardly round- j
! ed up our prisoners and dug in a'
! bit when I noticed that all of the ]
men were smoking and chewing on \
| chocolate. In a few minutes I spot- •
i ted the 'Y* man standing by with a
; sheepish grin in his face. I asked
; him how he made it in such a hurry,
j and he answered, 'Oh, I 'don't know,
! I just came along somehow.'."
"Thouf& the troops don't make a
| lot of fuss over a thing like this, !
j they appreciate it down deep. To
| have smokes and sweets passed out
to them almost in the heat of action j
drives home the thought that the <
folks back home havp provided this I
stuff, and the 'Y' man brought it up
to the tiring line at the risk of his
life. Men who are cared for in
this way, even to the little details,
are bound to possess a superior
! brand of morale."
j It may be, however, that many a
; lad who has gone tTiroligh the war j
| will never be seen on the athletic i
j field again, for as one New Yorker
] writing from the trenches, puts it:
"Gee, what am I going to do for
'excitement when this war is over?"
[ contribute as much as possible."
Practically all the "temporary re
pair work to damaged houses in
I Riverside has been completed and
j with the houses again under roofs I
! there will be no further damage to j
| them or to furniture of the families
I because of exposure to rain.
I _________________!
| Washington. Spread of Bolshevik
| doctrines in the United States has
• been watched carefully by Department
| of Justice agents, with a view to un
: dertuking prosecutions if the agitata
' tion goes beyond legal bounds and de
velops into sedition, officials declared
Washington. Cancellation of war
contracts involving more than |l,-
336,000,000 since the signing of the
| armistice is announced in a letter
j'from Secretary Baker, read to the
I Senate to-day.
Washington. Machinists of the
j American Locomotive Works, at Rat
j erson, N. J., are granted a Xorty-etgnt
| hour-week, with half holiday on Sat
urdays, under an award to-day by
the War Labor Board effective No
\ ember 30.
\\ uaklngton. Excerpts from the
record ot -an executive meeting of
the cnited Brewers' 4,ssociaiion, Held
at Atlantic City, live years ago, were
lead at to-day's session of vne sen
ale committee investigating brewers' !
propaganda, in an effort to throw
light on the association's alleged po
litical activities.
City officials have received an invi
tation to attend the opening of the
new water supply plant at Lancaster.
The opening will be held to-morrow
afternoon when the new equipment
will be put into service. Some of the
officials may go to Lancaster.
. tho officials start the contest. A .3 !
an extra attraction u.O resort < t, who j
! aro aiso undefeated will play before!
tho Mart of the I>l* gamo.
Ciilef Cheer Dsailar Shnnk has'
been getting his squad into shape, i
for this game, as it will also give the
cheer leaders a chance to get their
voices in trim for Thanksgiving.
"Dave Rosenberg, the Tech Sousa,
; held two practices this week, so as
to have the band in the best possible
condition. ,
Williamson Trade School beat Vil
: lanova Prep two weeks ago 20 to S,
and last Saturday they held Hahne
: mann College to a 6 to 6 tie. Captain
Koons, at center; Fray at quarter
back and Byerley at fullback are
> the stars of the squad,
Gridiron Boys Nimble; Ready
For Any Foe, They
Say •
"With the exception of Capt. Wy
i socki, the players will emerge from
. | the Penn State fray in good con
dition. Hdrry Sax man, who was re-
I lieved in the closing minutes, suf-
I fered greatly with his arm as a re
j suit of the vaccination. Much of
I this soreness is disappearing and it
I is not believed will affect him any in
' the practice. Joe Spagna was muss
, ed up some at tackle and although
! a bit sore, should be at his best,
I barring accidents in practice during
| the week. The injuries sustained
|by Shiner and Calvert, guards, in
J a collision last Friday night, are
healing nicely and it is believed will
j not give them any further trouble
before the big game", says Fred S.
Nonnemacher in the Bethlehem
Globe, speaking of the Lehigh Urui
iron fighters.
"The loss oHL Captain Wysocki is
! keenly felt ana his absence may re
sult in an entire change in the back
| field. No captain will be appointed
i to take his place until the squad
| lines up for the game. The makeup
of the backfield with the exception
of Dowd at quarter, will depend en
tirely on the showing of the players
in practice this week. In the Penn
State game there was little ground
\ gained through the line and this
j same line will most likely be used
:to check the Lafayette offensive, j
Tomlinsogi, who played right end on
i Saturday, will probably be replaced
! by Caplln, Weh or one of the other |
| ends, depending entirely on their |
1 showing this week. The backfield, al- j
j though at this time a mere specula- !
tion, will most likely be composed !
of Savaria and Tomlinson at half- j
) back and Webb at fullback. In Sa- j
varia and Webb the coach combines i
two great driving forces while Tom- |
I linson in the State contest showed a ;
! wonderful ability at defensive play :
] and should fit in well.
j [Continued from First Page.] i
June 1. The department of light '
railways reports the construction of
115 miles of road and 140 miles of I
German light railway were repaired i
j and put iij operation. Two hundred
I and twenty-five miles of French
| railway were operated by the Amer- !
{ icans.
Vast Supplies on Hand
Modern warfare Is motor warfare. I
: The American expeditionary .forces
! had in operation on November 11 I
more than 53,-000 motor vehicles of i
all description. -•s !
Even at the present stage of the '
I armistice, it is not permissible to (
j hint at the vast stores Of munitions ,
[ and armament brought over and
! held in rehdlness. The American |
j expeditionary forces were in no dan- i
ger of being placed on short rations
had the war continued.
For instance, the Americans have
! 390,000,000 rations of beans alone;
1 183,000,000 rations of flour and
flour substitutes; 267,000,000 rations
I of milk; 161,000,000 rations of but-
I ter or substitutes;* 143,000,000 raj
| tions of sugar; 89,000,000 rations of i
meat; 57,000,000 rations of coffee, j
and 118,0^00,000 rations of rice, horn- j
| iny and other foods. There are |
: requisites such, as flavorings, fruits, |
i candy and potatoes in proportion,
[while there are 761,000,000 rations'
of cigarcts and tobacco in other j
Ports. Arc Enlarged
Ten steamer berths have been
built at Bordeaux, -having a total
length of 4,100 feet. At Montolr,
near St. Nazarle. eight berths are
under construction with a total |
length of over 3,200 feet. Great la- i
i bor has been expended in dredging [
' operations, repairing French docks
and increasing railway terminal fa
cilities. Warehouses having an ag
gregate floor area of almost $3,000,-
000 square feet have been construct
These figures serve in a measure
to show tUp magnitude of American
accompliswnent, and the great ma
chine is in operation to-day as the
American third army moves .for
ward into Germany territory.
Yankees Moving Back
to Rest Camps in France
With the American Army In
j France, Nov. 21 —The movement of
I American troops to the rest areas
; behind the former fightfng front is
I progressing rapidly. The Seventy-
I eighth, Eighty-second, Twenty
! ninth and Twenty-sixth dlitsions
' have been withdrawn from the front
and now are in rest camps. The
! Thirty-sixth, Eightieth, Eighty-first |
I and Sixth divisions are marching
to the rest Breas. It-is understood I
! that the Seventy-seventh division.
j will be moved to a rest camp In
southern France.
The Fifth, Eighty-ninth, Nlne
| tieth and Seventy-ninth divisions
j have been formed into the Seventh
j army corps and will remain tem
' porarlly in their old positions,
Berlin, Nov. 21.—Most of the large
Industrial plants In and about Berlin
already are working. No unemploy
ment la reported as a result of the
cessation of war Industries work.
College Boy Breaks
National Record in
Run of 102 Yards j
The star play in the Gettys
burg-Eucknell game here recent- j
ly was a 95-yard run by Lewis,
of Bucknell, who caught a kick
off from Braem and ran nearly
the length of the Held, which is
100 yards, ahd made goal. The
fans were electrified and many
wise guys figured that this must
be a record feat. But it was feeble
compared to the stunt of Loudy
Welborn, of Butler College, not
yet 18 years old, who has the re
nown of making the longest run
for a touchdown on an intercept
ed forward pass in the history of
American collegiate football.
In the annaul game between
Franklin College and Butler,
played at Irwin lj,old last Satur- ;
day, Welborn ran 102 yards for
a touchdown after intercepting a
Franklin forward pass. This is
a world's record, exceeding, all
other records for the same play
by seventeen yards, according to
a list of famous runs compiled by ,
Parke H. Davis, football statis- !
Thb play occurred in tho last J
three minutes of play. Welborn, I
who- was on the Butler scrub j
team for the first time last year, i
was sent in as quarterback in the '
last of the third quarter after j
Captain Harold Dailey had been '
injured. Franklin had scored a j
safety shortly before, and the j
score stood 2 to 0 against Butler. !
The Butler team could not hold !
the Franklin eleven, which out
weighed the Butlerites twelve
pounds to a man, on tho slippery, i
field, and Franklin marched slow
ly but steadily toward another |
On Butler's ten-yard line the i
Franklin quarter called for a for- J
ward pass. The play was a fake I
line plunge. The Franklin bafks
were pulled in close, and the ends I
also in. Butler and the crowd ex- |
pected a lino plunge. The pass
was intercepted by Welborn two !
yards behind his own goal. He.
caught it cleanly and started
worming his way through both
his own and the Franklin team.'
Mendenhall was the only other" ;
man on the fielid who realized the
possibilities of the play. He Jump
ed ahead of Welborn and made
sonic interference for him. After
several seconds, when it seemed
that ho would fall, Welborn I
struggled through with four '
Franklin men after him. His |
footing was insecure, but he
started away like a fresh track i
mnn making a 100-yard dash. |
Several times he looked back, and i
until he had crossed the center !
of the field he was not safe from
pursuit. The Franklin men fagged j
as the sprint continued, and Wei- I
born led them by ten yards when j
he crpssed the goal for the game
ivlnnlng touchdown. He dropped |
from exhaustion immediately aft- j
_____— —
Breezy Bits About the
Football World Recounted
Negotiations were opened between j
Columbia and Fordham yesterday j
with the object of arranging a foot- |
ball game between the two for Sat- !
urday. Dec. 7, at the Polo Grounds. I
The football squad of the Great i
Lakes Naval Training Station, which '
v(on fromßutgerS, Saturduy, has ar- j
rived in Annapolis with Commander
J. L. Kauffman, athletic director, i
and Lieut, C. J. Mcßeavey, coach. I
Big preparations are being made for |
the game, which will end the sea-!
son there.
Yale, once the greatest of grid-'
iron centers, will have been inactive '
more than any of her usual rivals— j
Harvard, Princeton, Brown—when !
interqollegiate playing resumes full 1
sway next Autumn.
Ad Kelly, who is to go to France ;
for the Y. M. C. A., was a member!
of the best football team Princeton J
ever had—Church's 1896 eleven. 1
Except Doc Hillebrand, no Tiger!
and few from anywhere else, ever
combined football and baseball to I
such a degree.
A football game between teams re- I
presenting Camp Devens and the 1
Great Lakes Naval Training Station
will be a Thanksgiving Day feature
in Boston if present plans arfc car
ried to completion. Final word
from the Great Lakes team Is await
ed. The contest, If urranged, will be
staged at Braves Field.
- A
Big Gain in Resources
The following table of figures shows how the Harrisburg trust com
panies Increased their resources and deposits by three per cent, during
i a year of war. It is a graphic comparison of the stability of the city's
financial structure during war times as compared to a previous year
of peace.
Kosources, Resources, Deposits, Deposits,
Trust Companies— 1917 1918 1917 • 1918
Allison Hill $7911840 $916,036 $418,733 $509,427
Camp Curtin 1,137,122 1,266,267 836,681 962,638
Central 1,898,509 2,078.031 1,423,116 1,569,069
Commercial 814,316 841,217 483,914 540,031
Commonwealth 3,006,985 3,268,173 2,168,836 2,268,302
Dauphin Deposit 3,937,933 3,961,596 3,252,262 3,304,759
Harrisburg 3.578,707 3,267,377 2,472,641 2,174,018
Mechanics 2,151,788 3,240,255 1,365,323 1,301,315
Security 1,200,527 1,391,208 833,148 1,014,097
Union 1,796,190 • 1,869,627 1,258,845 1,339,763
Totals...* $20,342.92S $21,108,792 $14,513,882 $15,043,422
[Continued from First Page.]
1 per cent, during; the fiscal year end
-1 ins June 30, 1918, over the re
| sources and deposits of the year end
i ingr June 30, 1917, according to the
I figures gleaned from "Trust Cont
( panics of the United States," the slx
-1 teenth annual production of the
j United States Mortgage and Trust
i Company, New York, and made pub
! lie by Donald McCormick, president
lof the Dauphin Deposit and Trust
I Company, this morning.
Dig Increases'
The resources of the trust com
i panies this year are $21,108,792.30.
i l.ast year they were $20,342,928.36.
i The deposits are $15,043,422.93, as
! compared to $14,513,882.80 last year,
i The figures compiled by the trust
I companies speak eloquently of the
1 increased amount of saving in the
! city and vicinity, due to the advent
j of* high war-time wages, and the
! greater number of opportunities pre
sented for saving through war-time
| conditions.
Did Loyal Work
Trust companies have lost no op
j portunity to render loyal and whole
! hearted service toward the winning
j of the war, it is pointed out, and
the"events of the year have shown
more clearly than ever before their
great importance and usefulness as
an integral part in the finanpial
structure of the nation.
In registering an increase of three
per cent, in their resources and de
j posits, the trust companies of Har-
I risburg arc keeping pace with the
| average of the state, which shows
a three per cent, increase. The de- I
posits represent the savings of hun-
West End Calls Tarsus to
Play Out City Championship
The West End team will play
Marysville next Saturday at Fourth
and Seneca streets, game starting at
3 o'clock. All players are asked to
be on hand this afternoon for prac
West End is by no means satisfied
to let# Tarsus claim the city cham
pionship. In a communication from
the manager the team demands a
return fray on November 30. Says
"The championship hasn't been
won or won't be decided until Tar
sus has defeated West End the best
out of a series of three games, which
the management of both teams
agreed to play when the arrange
ments were made for these teams to
meet. An article stating that the
West End team outweighed the
Tarsus team twenty pounds to the
man is untrue. The West End team's
I =r
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Annual Cap
Sale, 85 c
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Genuine American Made Velours
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Why not wear a Man's Velour Hat? It will give you that
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United Hat Stores, Inc.
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deeds who never before took any
part of their earnings to the banks
Trust company olficials feel that the
increase amouhts speak favorably
for a gradual economic readjustment
after the war without attendant
hardships when wuges begin to de
Penn Swimmers Will Hold
Many Meets This Winter
Swimming meets between the uni
versities of Pennsylvania and Yale,
Princeton, Columbia and College ot
the City of New York during the
coming winter are assured, as Capt
E. J. Elderkin of the Red and Blue
champion plunger has received word,
that they will compete at the Wight
man Hull pool, says a Philadelphia
dispatch to the Christian Science.
There will be no intercollegiate
meets, however, as the teams will
represent only S. A. T. C. schools.
Coach George Kistcr of the Red and
Blue tank men has ordered all swim
mers to report to him for practice.
Copenhagen. Nov. 21.—A dispatch
by the German Premier Ebert and
Foreign Minister Haase and received
by the Strassburg Soldiers' and
Workmen's Council says: "The oc
' cupation by the Allied powers ol
Alsace-Lorraine will not prejudice a
solution of the question according
to the principles of international
I right and peoples' self determina
average is 150 pounds, the same
average as the Tarsus team. Also
wish to state that the Tarsus man
agement should be sportsman
1 enough to publish the right names
of the layes who did the fight
The only printed answer so far
to West End's demand is the fol
lowing from James Hoholan, of Tar
. sus:
i "We claim the city championship
for having defeated the West End
tcaln. We do not care to meet them
on the gridiron again as they arc
beyond our weight and we fear
physical harm from playing the
i game. We defeated them cleanly
'and claim the championship for hav
ing done so."
These teams might obviate a lot
of trouble by employing referee and
umpire who would punish any rough