Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 20, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
" When a Girl " * I By ASX MS I K * A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife L —i : 1 CHAPTER XLIX "Folks, you're all Invited to dine Wherever Evyy designates. I've Just leaned up almost two hundred on *ter hunch about that Yankee Kid. VJrevson," cried Jim In a voice of triumph. Ho had rallied from the momen tary collapse caused by his shock of happpiness at the victory of the boy on whom he had staked all his money for the week to come. And this was his reply to Evvy's little murmur: "You can just take me to dinner!" Was this big party what Ewy had intended? I looked at her face —her lips sntllecf, her wide blue eyes told nothing. Jim was all animation now. As j everything about him had twitched ; when he was waiting for the ver dict of success or loss, so now he, seemed to fairly dance in every | pulse and fibre. Betty and Terry didn't appear to : share in the general rejoicing, but rather to draw close in a common cause. Virginia also was quiet and subdued. I wondered if she felt any of the terror that seemed to be actually tearing at my dry throat. But she gave me no glance of un derstanding, and Betty and Terry avoided my eyes. I realized • they all had some knowledge they wished to hide from me. It was almost too late for that now. But whatever their attitude toward the means by which he had made his little store of wealth no one haul the heart to deny Jim's right to be host to our party. In this Joy there was a gen erous quality—and a rising from the humiliation of being a guest too often. "Where do we go, Ewy?" asked Jim. With a little air of importance, Ewy laid her hand on his arm: "Shall we have a committee meet ing about it, Jimmy boy?" There was no refusing her wist ful eyes, her quivering: lips, the lit tle note of pleading in her husky voice. Jim leaned down to her. And the rest of us shuffled about a bit impatiently, while the crowd began to surgo by and a mass of men out on the track seethed about the winning car. and the cameras to cussed on the grinning "Yankee Kid." At last Ewy jumped to her feet, eyes adance: "We're going round to the Bay, good people," she exclaimed. You follow our car while we direct Cap tain Winston to an adorable little inn where we can have a table out on the balcony and a dinner" — Evvy's voice trailed off into a whisper and she kissed the tips of her rosy fingers in ecstacy. Bhe looked like a naughty fairy—and quite adorable. For a second her eyes fastened on Neil's, but the boy caught his glance away and leaned down to little Phoebe again. In that foment Virginia looked at me almost as if she were asking a question. I smiled encouragingly but she stiffened again to remote ness as if I had failed to under stand —and the moment passed. Sheldon towered above Virginia protecdingly. He was completf'y satisfied with the day's events. "Lead on. Fair Evelyn—we fol low," he chanted, burlesque fash lon. . . Catching J'm's hand in hers with a childish gesture. Evelyn started. But Jim held out his other hand to mc —and in a maze of unhappiness and wonder I took his han|. Warmly his fingers curled against my palm, and he drew mo close to' his side. Was Ewy to Jim only a pretty, petulant child, consoling herself for the desertion of Sheldon—and even the boy Xeal? Or was she a woman—the woman he had almost married? As we edged our way through the good-natured, elbowing, laughing | BplMlMi | jgjili i | j;| 4 Quality Is Insurance g ||! I'l QOCA-COLA remains exactly" the same' §!| # | product that it was before the war; the output; pij i(l| = reduced but the quality maintained —no change §| h 1 M made in order to dilute or cheapen or in any other p Hi )j p manner alter your drink. p jl jjjll The quality of Coca-Cola is our only insur- || |j l|j | ance of business for the future and our best safe- p Ij (j 1 ! H guard against the piracy of unscrupulous manufac- f§ 'I Jit | p turere who seek to take advantage of our reduced pH ivj RJH p output by palming off concoctions colored arid §| |j| Wn p flavored to imitate Coca-Cola. ||| w KM §= When you order Coca-Cola, ask for its 1 ffl ;|! g full name and demand the genuine. Your palate M m®l - U will tell you whether you've been imposed upon. 11 W W |j If you suspect that you've been served with a sub- II | y Ei stitute, put the question squarely up to dealer. El JV M 3 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Fj M JI f 1 * ATLANTA, GA. . • Bj|' #• WEDNESDAY EVENING, HXKRISBURG TELEGRXPH NOVEMBER 20, 1913.- throng Ewy foil silent. I wondered what thoughts followed so close on , the prattling she had hushed. I peered around Jim's arm and found her smiling through narrowed eyes. 'Hury, Jim; hurry.! I think I eee some one I know" —again her voice trailed off. Through a gap in the crowd I caught a glimpse of a familiar fig use, bqlking large in the holiday throng. It was Tom Mason. And near him was a gray-haired figure at once strange and familiar. "Do hurry a bit, Jimmle-bo<y. There's good old cousin Tom. Just back from camp, I'll wager—and Ewy wants to see her big cousin. Do push harder for Ewy, who tipped you to the 'Yankee Kid." 'Please—Jimmie boy!" pleaded Eve ! lyn in her little throaty, trembling; I voice. Jim turned to Sheldon, who was j Just back of us with Virginia: "Come on, Shelly—help me with a center rush. Ewy sees her cousin and she wants to welcome him ; home." Sheldon, laughing like a boy plan ning to wiggle into the circuc tent, put Virginia's hand in mine and .joined Jim In a great heaving, i breasting motion that pushed its | way through the surge of humanity j ahead of us. 1 As we followed, I ventured to ' j squeeze Virginia's fingers in mine, j And—all glory to the holiday spirit ! —Virginia's hand twined close and j warm in response. For the moment [ I was overjoyed, but only for the moment. Then Jim and Sheldon "bucked the line" again. It heaved around then and closed, pushing us out into the open with them on a grassy spot near the cars. Just to the right, peering at the parked auto mobiles, was Tom Mason, and with . hint the gray-haired man. "Tom! Tom! cried Ewy .in, a surpisingly and penetrating voice". He turned and came toward us. His companion followed. Virginia's hand turned Icy in my ; clasp. With a Jerk, she withdrew ! Il | Tom Mason's companion was herj husband —-Pat Dalton! | There was nowhere for Virginia I to go, nothing for her to do. The ! rest of our party were somewhere I behind in the press of people surg ing along. Tom fairlv hurled himself upon 1 us in greeting—and a yard or two behind sauntered handsome Pat Dalton in his careless fashion. I flashed my eyes around to Ewy. She was biting one corner of her , j red mouth, but -he seemed bubbling i with laughter that brimmed up to the corners of her narrowed eyes. Pat Dalton was within three feet . of us now. His glance roamed the , crowd. Then it turned to "Tom's friends"—and focussed on Virginia. , A flash! Then a glazed curtain over . his eyes. A quiver of the nostrils, ; like the quivering of a sensitive, thoroughbred horse. Then Pat Dalton turned on his heel, and the crowd closed about hint. [To Be Continued.] i : Brothers Meet After , 62-Year Separation J Tuinn. Okla.—Three brothers, two i of whom had not seen each other for j sixty-two years, met here during the I I recent United Confederate Reunion. ,• The men are James Tierney, of this | city: Thomas Tierney, of Waxa hachie, Tex., and Martin Tierney, of ; { Dallas. 1 i The family came from Philadelphia i 1 and after the Civil War some of them t j moved south. James, who is elghty ! two, left home when his youngest : ] brother, Martin, who Is sixty-four, f | was two years old. Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service - By McManus ——___■——— ____ LITTLE TALKS BY BE A TRICE FAIRFAX Why do mothers teach their chll-i dren to be afraid? We all know that they do. Most of us had carefully graded lessons in fear throughout ot.r childhood. And we've seen this kind of education going on all about us ever since. Fear la the easiest thing in the world to learn, and the hardest to unlearn. So It's a very poor serv ice to a naturally fearless child to \ it to shrink and run away. I know a healthy little boy of six. who has never been afraid of the j dark, He is accustomed to going to bed alone in a, dark room and sleep- j ing peacefully all night long. Recently, his mother being away, I a relative with children of her own came to take care of the child. All j I day long she warned the little boy; i of things that might happen him. S There wasn't any form of infant dis aster that she forgot to mention. She , told him of all the accidents that had befallen her own children, of all the things they didn't like and were afraid of, of all the things they wouldn't do and wouldn't eat. At the end of a week the little boy was entirely changed. He had learned, among other things, to be afraid of the (.ark. He would no I longer go to bed without a light in the room. And if he awoke at any time during the night he ex pected to call out and receive an answer or else rouse and thorough ly awaken the whole household. Naturalists tell us that even animals of apparently hostile species are not afraid of each other instinctively, as we used to believe. They are patiently taught fear by their elders, just as human babies mistakenly are. Normal, well chil dren are not born with fears. They acquire them. Girls have, of course, fared a good deal worse than boys in this respect, through having been kept so much more closely at home. It i 3 girls alone who have tjeen taught that most absurd and artificial of fears, the fear of mice. If there is a gentle and unaggressive living creature, it is a mouse. It would be quite as sensible -to be afraid of a goldfish, or a gparrow. It might be a little harder to make out a case for the harmless ness of snakes, though it is cer tainly very foolish to tremble at the sight of one. Since we know that there are very few dangerous i snakes, and that most of us pass j I our lives without encountering one j i of them, wouldn't the really wise} parent teach children how siight a cause there really is no fear? The Feather Pillow Brigade Then there is the matter of tem pests. A mother who is not ashamed ,! of communicating fears often starts | the family of self-defense .drill at the mere sight of a black cloud gather ! ' n S- Every door and window is i j closed tight. Every child is armed I with a feather pillow. Then the i I whole group is mustered and taken 1 'I to the cellar while countless stories} ! j are told of victims of lightning; i strokes . By the time the tempest . ( is over the children are so thor-1 ! oughly fear-soaked that one could | scarcely expect them ever to enjoy . a rainy day again. The fear of ghosts must have I been.passed alonfe in this way. As , a matter of fact, ghosts are no less harmless than mice, and, as reliable statistics will convince you, quite as little given to murderous as ■ saults. But children have been - taught a fear of them, under many I names. There's a kind of nursery ( phantom that has been used to r frighten children Into good be havior, though I hope this is no ' longer done, it's spoken of as a I great, big, black something-or i other, the name varying with time, > and place, and it is supposed to t seize children after dark, or bite I them, or tak# them away some - where, if they do not do just as i they are told. You can make a - child obedient by this means. But you can also injure his nervous sys i tern so that he will never thorough -3 ly recover as long as he lives, r Family Fear-Hobbles Some families have their special ' individual fear-hobbies, which they 3 are eternally riding, and which are - perhaps bred into the children more ' thoroughly than anything else that they learn. Sometimes it's the kid i napping fear, exaggerated to a s point where the child is never left t alone to play in peace. Sometimes tilt's the burglar fear, which causes t j a vast amount of time to be con f | sumed in bolting and barring doors s i and windows and looking under ? I beds. Sometimes it's .fear of sick- I I ness, which is particularly unde f slrable to get deeply planted in a child's mind. e 3 It is unnecessary that a child - should be afraid of being alone, or - of the dark. It is pitiful that he t should Ije afraid of animals, who ' are so willing to be his friends, s It is absurd that he should be afraid ■ of wind or rain or snow or ice when these are but so many sepa rate invitations to come and have a thoroughly good time. Happily, there have always been a few children who wouldn't learn the fear-lesson. There have al ways been "wild" boys and "tom boy" girls who would climb to the top of the tallest tree, whatever penalty might be imposed, and who would be audaciously ready to make friends with a burglar if they met one. Children who refuse to learn fear should be highly valu able men and women, and I am sure that if we could follow them up we should find that they always are. It is true that we are only just beginning to discover what an un wholesome thing fear is. It isn't so long ago that fear was deliberately made use of in dealing with chil dren, nftt by mothers only, but by the whole formidable conspiracy of adults. And it wasn't merely fan tastic fears that were employed, fears of bogies and giants and ogres and goblins, but practical, painful fears, fears of one's own parents and of one's teachers at school. It doesn't seem possible that parents could be willing to have their children afraid of them. But parents used to believe, or many of them did, that a child had to be "broken" like a horse. That if it transgressed and was made to feel pain, it would be afraid to trans gress again, and that this was what "bringing up" consisted of. Fearlessness the Best Gift The truth is, as the wisest people will t©H you, that if you can keep your child sound and fearless, you are doing infinitely more for him than if you should leave him a for tune. I say "him," but this is of course quite as true of girls as of boys. It is Just as important for women to be fearless as for men. And the best kind of fearlessness is always the invisible kind. It [ isn't so necessary to have courage to stand on the end of a precipice, which after all won't do anybody Rny good and will merely prove tkat you have strong nerves, as to have the kind that won't tell lies or even sit still and allow anybody else , to tell them. THE HEART BREAKER A REAL AMERICAN LOVE STORY By VIRGINIA TERRENE VAN DK WATER CHAPTER IV. The nutomobilists stopped at the ' Bruce home long enough to enjoy some sandwiches and coftee. Mrs. Bruce insisted upon this, as the night was chilly. •Mrs. Higglns will not object, she urged. "She knows you are with me, and perfectly safe." "Of course she does," Honora agreed. .. Mr. Bruce Joined the quartet in the dinlngroom and proved himself a de lightful host. Honora had always ad mired htm. To-night she liked him better than ever. She watched his amused countenance as he listened to Mildred's merry chatter. For Mildred was very gay and hap py this evening. Honora wondered If | it was because she enjoyed Arthur's 1 company. Then she reminded herself j that Mildred had shown no especial ; fondness for this man. In fact, she had even criticised him. She was just now telling her host of young Hilton's departure for Can ! a dn - • „ "Don't you think its a fine thing ' for him to do, Mr. Bruce?" she de ' mnnded. i The elderly man smiled. "Yea. < mv dear. I do if he foels that his duty calls him. But you must re member that he has reasons for wish -1 ing to connect himself with the Al - )i es reasons which many of our - American boys do not have." "What are they—if one may 1 ask?" Honora queried. "His grandfather was a Canadian; I his grandmother, an Englishwoman." "There!" Arthur Bruce exclaimed triumphantly. "You see, Mildred, ' that Hilton has some reason for his' , desire to light the Germans. If I > were an Englishman—or If my people , were English—whieh amounts to the ' same thing—l would go tool" "Oh, no!" The exclamation was 5 Mrs. Bruce's. "I cannot bear to t hear you even suggest such a thing, . son!" 1 "You would have to bear It if wo - entered the war," the father said , . soberly. „ The Son Protests "I would never give my consent!" Mrs. Bruce Insisted. "Let the boys 1 whose parents have other children do the fighting." 3 Arthur laughed. "Well, don't fret I your dear self over what may be a - remote contingency," he advised, t "We are not in this war yet." Mildred heard only the jesting , tone. Honora. more thoughtful and observant, saw the shadow of some * thing in the speaker's blue eyes, s Was It regret or perplexity? s Whatever it was, one thing was j plain. Nobody was enjoying the turn the conversation hnd taken — s unless it might be Mildred. It was r a pity to pursue it. "It is a wonderful moonlight night, Mr. Bruce." the older sister remarked irrelevantly. "I wish you could have 1 been with us on our ride." "So do I," the man said. "But I i had some business papers to go over. Bv the way. 1 suppose Arthur has r to"ld you that he was coming Into my B offic? He starts next Monday. It 3 will only be a matter of a short time now before my firm will be Arnold : Bruce & Son." * He laughed, but it was evident 1 that he was proud of his boy. "Yes," Honora rejoined, "Arthur told us of. his plans. I am glad for 1 him and for you." Mildred made no comment and 1 Arthur's eyes sought hers, as if he . longed for a word of approbation from her. "We must be going home!" she an * nounced suddenly, starting to her , feet. "Even if to-morrow will be STOP D.'NORUFF! Hftß CK, WAVY, BEAUT FUL Girls! Draw a cloth through your hair and double its beauty. Spend a few cents! Dandruff vanishes and hair stops coming out. To be possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and from dandruff. Is merely a matter of using a little Danderine. It Is easy and Inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now—all drug stores recommend It—apply a little as di rected, and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance, freshness, dflufllness and an Incom parable gloss and lustre, and try as you will, you can not And a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hair —fine and downy at first—yes— but really new hair —sprouting out all over your scalp—Danderine la. we believe, the only sure hair frrow- J er. destroyer of dandruff and cure for Itchy scalp, and It never falls to stop | falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really Is, moisten 1 a cloth with a little Danderine and j carefully draw It through your hair —taking ono smalt strand at a time. Your hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful In Just a few momenta—t a delightful surprise awaits every- j one who tries this. I • Sunday and a rest day, there la no nocd of our keeping you good people up all night." "If you will excuse mo," lira. Bruce said as the girls put on their wraps preparatory to leaving, "I will not go out again to-night. Arthur will see you safely home. You don t ittlnd, do you?" "Of course we don'tP Mildred epoke almost eagerly. , Honora recalled Mrs. Hlggins words Of warning at dinner to-night. Yet it would be absurd to hesitate to take the short ride homeward un chaperoned. She only hoped that Mrs. Higglns would not hear of It. If not, no harm was done. As if reading her thoughts, Mr. Bruce spoke. "If you young people do not object. I will make the fourth on the home trip. You have said so much about the beauty of the night that I would like to share it with you- Honora With Mrs. Brace "That will be delightful. Honora said cordially, while Mildred sec onded her with: "It will be lovely of you, Mr. Bruce." Honora and Arnold Bruce shared the rear scat of the car. There was no question about the seating ar rangements this time. It seemed to be taken for granted that Mildred and Arthur were to occupy the front seat. , , 4 -It is odd/' Honora remarked to her companion, "that you should have offered to accompany us home. It was not really the least bit neces sary, yet dear Mrs. Higglns Is so old-fashioned that she will be.more • comfortable to-morrow when she knows we were chaperoned all the evening. Such conventionalities seem absurd to us youngsters." "In this case they do," the man agreed, "for you girls and Arnold are old friends. But If one is lax in one case, one must be in all. So con ventions are useful to hold fast to." "I suppose they are," she admitted. || Do Your Xmas Shopping Now and Make It Easier for the Sales People P There Never Was a Thanksgiving J i Like the Coming One Will Be 1 The whole world will rejoice. The bitterness of the past four and M fa quarter years will be brushed aside. A real thankful spirit will grip M the hearts of men as never before. j j|| • PEACE—real joy—gratitude—happiness—these are the-blessings ;!§ M for which we all will give thanks. j?| pl This 1918 Thanksgiving Day will never be forgotten, H . Make your home ready for the great festival. Celebrate the occa- H H ion with a new Dining-Room Suite, selected from the big quality- ill if stocks of 13 Goldsmith's Diiiing-Room i 10-piece Solid Ma- ' 8-piece Solid Mahog- 9-piece Solid Mahog- If gV hogany Chippendale' any Adam Dining any Queen Anne Din- iS = Dining Suite, Suite, > ing Suite, § j $366 | $216.50 | S3OO | 1 j Brighten Up the Home M j Select your draperies, curtains and drapery fabrics here from the largest i p =sl | exclusive patterns in the city. ; I Big stocks of original and exclusive pattern Rugs of every description. I GOLDSMITH'S I 1 m. 1 | North Market Square When the sisters had bade Mr. Bruce good-night at their own gate, path to the front door. As ho parted from Mildred. Honora heard him say softly and hurriedly: "You will let me know to-morrow morning, won't , you?" . . But Mildred only nodded, and, with a brief good-night, entered the house. - (Tt Be Continued.) Train Porter Routs Governor From Berth St. Louis, Mo. —Governor Gard ner borded a Sante Fe sleeping car at Edlna, Mo., at I a m, and climbed into an upper berth as all the lower ones were taken. Three hours later he was awakened by a shrill voice. "You'll have to get up now, salt," said the porter. "De fellows in de upper berths has to dress first." A member of the governor's party tipped off the porter that it was the governor that he had routed. Washington Has 21,000 Children on Farms 1 Seattle—Twenty-one thousand chil dren In the stpte of Washington are i enrolled In agricultural and stock clubs through the efforts of Mrs. ' Elizabeth Jones, in charge of boys' I and girls' agricultural clubs In this Are Advertised Medicines [ Worthless? t There is no more reason to con demn all advertised medicines than > there is to condemn all physicians or 1 all druggists. Fakes there are in ' every profession and in every trade, j but they do not last long. Take a s medicine like Lydia E. Pitikham's e Vegetable Compound, the true test e of its merit is the fact that for forty ® years it has been relieving women of America from the worst forms of 2 female ailments, constantly growing J in popularity and favor, until it is . now recognized from ocean to ocean " as the standard remedy for female I. ills. , state under the direction of the XJnl. ted States Department of Agrlculi turo. Mrs. Jones Is now going to BrltWM Columbia tu organize clubs among the children there. ICUTICURA HEALS I BABTSHEAD Of Blisters. Sore, Inflamed and. Itched. Would Lie Awake. "When baby was about three months old she started to get a crust eon top of her head. She scratched, and when the crust cracked there would be little blisters that would break and run. Her head was sore and Inflamed and itched. She was cross and would lie awake nights. "When she was about ntns months old a friend told me to try a sample of Cutlcura. I taw a change so I bought more, and I used one box of Ointment with the Soap when she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. M. McCoe, 1047 S. Etting St., Philadelphia, Pa. Make Cutlcura Soap and Ointment your every-day toilet preparations. |W(I. tat Tm VT SSL Mtm "Ortlrart, Dipt B. 0.M." Said BM v St. Ointment tt and We. TeJe.ro Sc. r i GORGAS'DRUG STORES 7