Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 20, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
President May Stay Abroad Indefinitely WnHhliiKton, Nov. 20. Senators who conferred with rre i dent Wilson last night for two hours left the White House with the im pression that the President now in tends to remain in France indennlte'. . or at least until the greater P a ft of the work of the peace conference "a. been completed. . . . The President is understood to he es pecially interested in the application!!! the framing of the treaty of thep in ciple of freedom of the seas, wi.ich he j enunciated in his fourteen terms, l ie Allies, in agreeing to discuss P ea with Germany, have reserved the right of freedom of action onthls d. question at the peace conference. The program for a league of " ati °" a was another subject to which th President was said to h a% ® much study. He was understood to regard this as essential for the m aln tenance of the peace of the world. During his absence from the United States the President intends to con tinue to exercise all functions of his office. He will keep in communica tion with Washington b >' xv ' rc j£ as while at sea and by cable and. If nec essary, by dispatch boats while he is abroad TWO CE V TS VMi 1.12 FOR SOLDIERS Washington, Nov. 20. Director General McAdoo announces his inten tion of establishing a passenger rate of two cents a mile for soldiers re turning to their homes after discharge from the Army. By law soldiers are allowed three and one-half cents a mile ftir transportation and meals, and the speciul fare will enable them, lie believes, to buy meals and pay for sleeping car reservations. SPENCER WINS BY 38.883 ■lefTerNon City. Mo., Nov. 20.—Of ficial tabulation of Missouri election returns .•show Selden P. Spencer, Re publican, defeated former Governor Joseph W. Folk for United States senator by a majority of 36.683. Speaker Clark was re-elected in the ninth by 1.529. IMade from the White Meat of Coconuts W* Churned With Milk flj Every part of Troco is better enjoyed wher [) you know it is made from these dainty ingre | f) dients. The delicate flavor, the perfect texture [i • j is the result of a special process, exclusive to i] the Troco Company. h Made in the Country j l In addition to these attractions, Troco is made in [ t the country—in a clean, sunny uttle town up in the \ i Berkshire foothills, where the Tro> plant is the only | industry. Dainty ingredients—perfected process U country made! This de luxe ouality is what yoc \L command in every pound of Troco, at a saving of 2C " f to 30 cents a pound. t ; . EDSON BROS., Distributors J . 110 Dock St. Philadelphia, Pa. Old Herbal Remedy Used For 40 Years in Relieving Diabetes The most satisfactory results have been obtained In combating Diabetes by observing certain dietary rules and the judicious use of Warner's Safe Diabetes P.emedy, an herbal preparation of 40 years successful sale. Following Is a letter from a grate ful user: "This letter is the best proof that I am still alive. Y'our medicine is a miracle to me. My weight was re duced from 157 to 114 pounds when I left the hospital. I left there Au gust 6th in despair. Hundreds of people that knew me said 1 would never live to return to my studio. After leaving the hospital, I saw your "Ad." in the paper. I began Its use and at once commenced to HOW WEAK, NERVOUS WOMEN QUICKLY GAIN VIGOROUS HEALTH ANU STRONG NERVES 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS A Vigorous, Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health-Col ored Cheeks Come in Two Weeks, Says Discoverer of Bio feren. World's Grandest Health Build er Costs Nothing Unless It Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long For. It is safe to say that right here In this big city are tens of thousands of weak, nervous, run-down, de pressed women who in two weeks' time could make themselves so healthy, so attractive and so keen minded that they would compel the admiration of all their friends. The vital health building elements that these despondent women lack are all plentifully supplied In Blo feren. 4 WEDNESDAY EVENING, HABRISBURQ TE3JX3RAPH NOVEMBER 20, 1918. 1,399 MEN IN THE WAR CASUALTIES; 263 ARE KILLED Thirteen Pcnnsylvanians Are Named in Fatalities in Bat tle Overseas Washington, Nov. 20.—The two casualty lists given out by the War Department to-day oontain 1,399 names, those killed in action number ing 263. Thirteen Pennsylvania men are among the latter. The summary and lists follow: Killed in action 263 Died of wounds US Died of disease 145 Wounded, degree undeter mined 280 Wounded slightly 318 Missing in action 9-t Wounded severely 131 Died of accident and other causes 3 Prisoners 18 Total 1.399 KILLED IN ACTION Llrutennnt* William A. Potter. West Philadel phia. Thomas D. Vandiver, Philadelphia. William F. Craig. Philadelphia. , Sergeant William G. Meighen, Wind Ridge. Corpornls Martin Mayer Brandt. Lebanon. Lawrence S. Little, Indiana. Private Charles H. Steele. Temple. improve, and now everybody is say ing to me that I look better than ever before. 1 tip the scales at 132 pounds and I am back working again to the astonishment of all. I fegi splendid and people say I ain looking better every day. I must tell you that every word I have written is true, and 1 can prove it by hun dreds that knew of my condition. Jules Friquet, 511 AVast First Street, Los Angeles, Cal." Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy is made from herbs and other bene ficial inferedients and has been on the market 40 years, a true indication of its value. Get a bottle to-day. Sold by leading druggists every where. Sample sent on receipt of ten cents. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. 266, Rochester, N. Y. It you are ambitious, crave suc cess In life, want to have a healthy, vigorous body, clear skin and eyes that show no dullness, make up your mind to get a package of Blo feren right away. It costs but little and you can get an original package at any druggist anywhere. Take two tablets after each meal and one at bedtime —seven a day for seven days then one after meals till all are gone. Then If you don't feel twice as good, look twice as attractive and feel twice as strong as before you started your money is waiting for you. It belongs to you, for the discoverer of Bio-feren doesn't want one penny of It unless It fulfills all claims. Note to Physicians: There la no secret about the formula of Bio-feren. it is printed on every package. Here it is: Lecithin: Calcium Glycero phosphate; Iron Peptonate- Mang anese Peptonatcf Ext. Nux Vomica; Powd, Bentian; Phenolphthaleln; Olearesln Capsicum; Kola. DIED OF WOUNDS Charles A. Michaels, New Castle. Jesse Miles, Media. Roy Rachel. Erie. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Sergeant Albert H. Gaunter, Philadelphia. I Private Roscoe C. McCrcary, Portage. DIED OF DISEASE Sergeant Harry E. Strayer. York. Corporal Joseph P. Ryan, Dunmore. Cook . John J. Bedlngfield, Philadelphia. Prlvatea , Leroy H. Stark. Hudson. Edward R. Barry, Forty Fort. John Halblg, Philadelphia. > William Snyder Rittenhouse, Hack ettstown. , WOUNDED IN ACTION I DEGREE U X DERTERMIN ED Lieutenant Cornelius T. McCarthy. Philadel phia. Sergeants Samuel R. Andrews. Carlisle. Robert W. Dunn, Vandergrift. John Richard. Boban, Mahanoy. Howard Zimmerman, Lewistown. Michael F. McGarrity. Philadelphia. Corporals Johii S. King, Rockledge, Mont gomery county. Jacob Musicant, Philadelphia. Paul Myers, New Cumberland. Harry S. Blerly, Hazelton. William Gonzia Duckett, Philadel phia. Aaron Batcheler, Philadelphia. William H. Heller. Johnstown. Mechanics , Antonio Lukasz Bozek, Wilkes- Bar re. Roscoe Schlesinger, Avis. Privates Robert Ackroyd, Philadelphia. Peter L. Duseh, Du Bois. Fred D. Gilmore, Donora. John A. Gorham. Scranton. Harry Gross, Philadelphia. Harry Heiner, Danville. Earl William Allison, Limestone. Albert J. Batzel, Phoenixvllle. Louis Caputo, Pottstown. Cahrles H. Greenall, Allentown. Raymond Boyle, Locust Gap, North umberland county. Timothy F. Callahan, Philadelphia. Ernest Daniel Davies, Philadelphia. Leo Theodore Lutka. Scranton. Roy William Moredock, Scranton. Earl Wagner. Charleroi. Jack Franklin Yannaccl, Y'ukon. Anson C. Miller, Clarks Summit. George A. Mitchell, West Philadel phia. John Mitchell, Philadelphia. Ira Priest, West Willow. Robert C. Redfoot, Fredonia. Stuart G. Reed. Lairdsville. Albert F. • Sehultz, Philadelphia. Charles Trock, Philadelphia. Charles Wertz, Montgomery. avounded slightly Sergeant James Zubress. Girardsville. Corporals Frederick G. Graboske. Nantlcoke. Theodore F. Hanna, Edgewood. Peter Williams. Philadelphia. Privates William F. Caputo, Pittsburgh. Jacob Jakobiak, Reading. Anthony Marsincavage, Mount Car mel. Stephen Sevier Pohl, Erie. George Reese, Scranton. Clarence H. Sidney, Philadelphia. Irvin H. Weidman, Clay. Mervin M. Young. Columbia. Nathan Zolyan, Philadelphia. MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant George W. Ellis, Jr., Philadelphia. Prlvatea , Harry P. Flesher, Alverton. Ralph Albert Garrett, 326 Peffer street, Harrlsburg. Raffaele Pasquoli, Philadelphia. Louis Esterhai, Phoenixvllle. Joseph E. Sweeney, Lilly. PRISONER Corporal Joseph Aloyslus Flynn, Plymouth. The casualties below were pub lished this morning: KILLED IN ACTION Lieutenant Jack C. Allison, Philadelphia. Corporals ( Joseph Kucko, Olyphant. William H. Snyder. Mount Pleasant. Privates Thomas W. Davis, Conemaugh. Michael J. Cassidy. Erie. DIED OF WOUNDS Sergeants Philip G. Godfrey, Coudersport. John Lawrence Fleming, Grove City. Stephen J. Hanrahan, Philadelphia. Corporals Stanley Andreslc, Shamokin. James J. Teskey, Susquehanna. Privates Warren H. Fatzinger, Bethlehem. Elmer H. Armstrong, Philadelphia. Edward P. Bloss. Parson. Raymond Brough, Lebanon. Michael G. Flnnegan. Philadelphia. Victor Gazelle. Masontown. Harry J. Williams. Phllltpsburg. Michael F. Felmy. Jersey Shore. DIED OF DISEASE Privates Frank T. Collins, Philadelphia. Alphons J. Rockelmann, Philadel phia. Boleslaw J. Skowronski, Natrona. AVOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenants William F. Caldwell, Pittsburgh. George Joseph Shoemaker, 220 Liberty street. Harrlsburg. James Reld Martin, Philadelphia. Sergeant William J. Eden, Philadelphia. Corporalu Fred W. Kauffman, Philadelphia. George W. Kelley, West Etna. Privates Joseph August, Gilberton. Clyde W. Bennett. WlUlamsport. Arthur Rutledge, Juniata Station. Joe Bovlnes. Midland. Peter J. Conway, Philadelphia. .John F. Newman, Philadelphia. James Steover, Lebanon. Clarence E. Yoders, Waynesburg. AYOUN'DED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Privates Charles P. Eisenbarth, Carrlck. Claude N. German, Slatlngton. James AV. Hammltt, Masontown. Paul W. Helder, Myerstown. AVesley F. Hill, Linden. Howard Eugene Hoag, Philadel phia. Anthony Jordan, New Eagle. Roy Allen Kengle. AVeatherly. John A. Lengel, Pine Grove. Henry McKenna. Philadelphia. Pete Marino. Philadelphia. Arthur Marsden, Philadelphia. Lewis E. Neye. .Donaldson, Schuyl kill county. SLIGHTLY AVOUNDED IN ACTIQN Sergeants Theodore R. Dewey, Scranton. James L. Mcponald. Conemaugh. James D. Bond. Pittsburgh. Corporals Orvllle E. Greer, iConnellsville. Theodore M. Robinson, West Pitts ton. Fred R. Vllllnger, Washington. Eugene P. Frazier, Connellsvllle. Arthur O. Smith. Philadelphia. Privates Henry Adamson, Turtle Creek. Charles Duncan, Turtle Creek. Howard Strailman Blttlnger, Me chanlcsburg. Benjamin Borgh. Beaver Falls. Paul Boyle. Apollo. Samuel J. Brown, Meyerstown. Carl O. DahUtrom, Conemaugh. Louis Freedman, Philadelphia. Robert Michael Goettel. Perkasle. George J. Lleb. Philadelphia. Carl Semadlna, Erie. Ray A. Harding, Athens. Michael Jordon. Rankin. Bert S. Means, A'anderbllt. James H. Potts, East Pittsburgh. Nicholas D. Romano, Scranton. Dp Your Xmas Shopping Now and Make It Easier for the Sales | Ot/r Bargain Dresses /s SI ill | |,/Horg Than 1500 jTy /\ A TPO ~ Start This Great | I Women's & Misses' I I 1 / 1 Sale, Tomorrow^ | Stunning Winter \j £IL JL O' Thursday, 21 |j I Every Coat The Very Latest Style: All Colors: All Sizes: | | jfipLv This wonderful sale includes every kind of Co t that is worth 1 1 [g having. We have taken advantage of market conditions and made purchases H S 7\-J ,at P" ce concessions that manufacturers were glad to make. Some manufacturers were heavily /v_ /if stocked, some not so much so, others had "average"amounts—But all were anxious to unload the gar- 5s §| /\' ! f) vy| ments they had on hand and naturally our spot cash looked good to them. The savings will be r\W k\y V\ turned over to you.. The Coat you want is here. Come and get it tomorrow. \j\/ ' ffl h( M ( *£- Three Hundred Coats Two Hundred Coats i\7nrrnm Take Your C|A Take Your <U(| jFRWI / Bi I\p Jl\ Choice In 1 V Choice In £ ® Tiy?' M This Sale This Sale ® ll Jf;,AI ip 9. 5s iWTA I W .. .vi i . .. , . j v i . Hrrr you have n remarkable lot of line coots from \ Ki m / , \ At thl populor prior you have the plrk n..d choke of „hlrh to .elrct. Thrv nr.■eonta that won tbe seen Inter /fO ' , i \ [1 J \ 7' \ over three liumlreil of the moot ntunning coats In the I ItHßfc I ul'Lvj W I lit g! k / \ town lln .ler the twenty .lollur mark. at this price, when real Winter comoo. . k %>%' \ f !S 2\l * lv • I Veloura , Kerseys, Pompoms, Sllvertones and Chiffon Hrondelotlis lined throughout and Inter- i l wf j y J ni 1 I' Plushes. All colors—block, navy, dnrk screen, llur- lined. Soft Velours nil lined nnd half lined. . I \ Ij j 111 M I gundy. taupe, plum nnd brown. Some are lined Smurt Sllvertones. Pompoms, Keraeys nnd rich > ft II / , Ss i I th rousthout —others bnlf lined—nnd nil with stunr- Meltons—ninny of them with hist fur collars—with \ ft M / \ hj nnteed llnlnsts. Some have blst flip collars—some hist plush eollnrs—nnd some of the Hnest with I , l\ I JJjMtJ I (U I with beaver plush nnd others with seal plush self collars, lllnck. navy, taupe, reindeer, bcovrr, 1 I \ IMB I (W . s§fc I i collars. Sixes and models for juniors, misses Biirstundy, African brown, rose, taupe, 1 ckln, 1 I I\\ wif I . g I j . j and women. hunters green All slaes. Styles That J No Matter s specialty mms ff rnmf 3tk What Yoar I I Ask High g^o' M y J\l iW\ Needs~Are 1 f Prices For J 111 , |pS "'5 \ jf/J you Will jl 1 You Can . . If /II *III'/ I\\ \ r* Find The ® Get Here ■ 1 j 11 jl\ I VJj Coat You | I At Our ||| i|/i JJ] LJIJJ AL Want Right b | Price And M\® -sir' Here At A SAVE ll\ r • r Low Price | Coats at and SITJd Coats at $34.50 and $59.50 I - Here are Coats from the best New York makers and they art priced fully a !§ Ist I' you have been under the impression that you couldn't get a coat for such third less tha'n actual value. The assortment embraces the mo>t- bomprehen- |jj| h a low price, you will be agreeably surprised when you come, here tomorrow to sive variety of materials and styles and all sizes for women and misses. They find this vast assortment in such handsome styles and materials. There are are Bolivias, Duvetyne. Pompoms, Silvertips, Crylstal, Cashmere Velour, Cut Bo- g gS In this assortment Egyptian Plush, Velour, Zibiline and Kersey, with self or livias and Novelty Cloths, Raccoon Opossum, Skunk, Nutria, Beaver, Plush and hf; plain collars. All sizes for women and misses in good color assortments. Self Collars. Fancy Satin Peau d'Cygne and plain Satin lining. I|l It? I —————— | Luxurious Plush Coats: Only 125 of Them | 1 ihese are values that are simply out of the question later on || vrnxh Considering the fine quality, trimmings and styles in the lot JJriPJk 1| | Jfimjk^ a ' e Prices $19.50 $24.50 $29.50 $39.50 | I WwSm*Be sure to get your Plush Coat in this great sale. We made provisions for Plush | •$ Coats a long time ago, when most people were hesitating about buying ahead. Today h| |s iHHKjyr mar^et conditions in Plush Coats are quite different and good Plush Coats are not easy to b ! 9m|U secure. These values are the most remarkable of the winter. You save fully a third now. | | OMR Extra Fine Salt's Salt's Genuine Sealette | | BWf Plush Coats Plush Coats Plush Coats Plush Coats {|||j{pl | \~Wh- $19.50 $24.50 $29.50 $39.50 ™ I Handuome l'lush Coats Lined throughout with Self collars or with con- Salt's Genuine Sealette Sj •s!* WlUl biß co " urß and blgr mercerized Venetian—big helf trasttng plush collar or with Plush —with self collars — f/jy# II jj\ cuffs, belted and plain, very collars—with or without Kit Coney collars —lined with belted models—cut very full *St /I dressy and novelty models. belts—all sizes—or with col- mercerized guaranteed lln- and full length—guaranteed \k liil K O all sizes for women and lars of contrasting plußh, lngs—made full width and lining —an unusual value, MA m T misses. gZ4.50. full length, gail.iw. *30.50. J I Girls' Coats in the sale Tomorrowand Infants' Coats in this sale | Children's $Q.95 Infants' Coats, ?0.95 Infants' Coats, ?/.95 II Coats, 2to 6 O Coats, 2to 6 O Sale Price Sale Price, O 1^ brown C/ gVe'eS P Cha " e panette ' Brpe n ' Jirr- 4 doTble' wh'iM dou- | Sizes 2to 6 JJurKunay ' jgaSS brown. Burgundy. Sizes 2 jCWfi 1 V „ ta „n lined white -JHM ble breasted; round collar; 19 iiy 851268 10 ®' irgTll to 6. /YP. | A sateen lined. hand embroidered and Si g| 91. !? iXV r \ K 1 /I L I \ French knots; white sateen |J)I (I Children's $Q.95 ~ r T~ / //OlfrxA Infants' Coats, $A .95 fa, { " ned ' I Si Coats, Bto 14... O— Mj[\ Children's ?-1 r|.oo J Sale Price *"— Infants' Coats, ?^7.95 §1 j,l Corduroy Beaver cloth CoatS, BtO 14, AVf iS trimming In brown, green. , . , . , // I i effect, double breasted; allk // P H oaic nice * __ gN Kl blue and black. Sizes 8 to 1 . Egyptian plush in blue. // / /M i cord trimmed; white sateen //I I White chinchilla uoats— 111 IT 14. brown green and Burgundy. / / /'A / ,lned. It-! I T\ double breasted with lg! llgji \i button trimmed; round collar: jS || Children's ?| Q. 90 lnfants' Coats, ?y|.95 \ Infafits' /V 95 *3 S* Coats, 7t09, I£k ' LhT Children's 90-05 o Sale Price A Coats. . I\| B Egyptian plush beaver _ / CoatS, 7tO 9 O A\A Double and single breast- J White double breasted IS! IS! cloth collar in black, brown. / cd w hlte corduroy coats; J> chlnchUU coats larve SI jSI blue. Burgundy and green. JJ I Cheviot, nicely lined, brown belted, button trimmed; LJ round collar.— pocket trim I ?Ij Sizes 7 to 9. and navy - Slx< ' s 7 to 9. , M white sateen lined. ined; white sateen lined. Igl OPENS AT 9 A. M.—CLOSES AT 5:30 P. M John E. Shifter, Ellzabethtown. Amnion Robert AVayne, Reading. Mlcke Yarussl, Erie William H. Weller, Evans. MISSING IN ACTION Privates Arthur G. Carlon, Arnold. Bernard Sperltig, Philadelphia. Harold Wilkinson, Homestead. PRISONERS Privates Frank Glowlckl, Pittsburgh. Groom Hangs Himself as Bride Awaits Him A'ork, Pa., Nov. 20. AA'hlle Mis- Jennie McKlnney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Puul McKlnney. attired i: her bridal dress, waited for her fiance, George PfafT, aged 36. a printer, to come with a cab to take her to the church to marry her yesterday morn ing. Pfaff's body was hanging In an outbuilding at the rear of his home. He had used a window sush cord, vhich he wrapped twice around his neck, and his mother found him dang- i > I ling by his neck. Ho told relatives Monday night that It would bo his last night alive. I'faff is understood to have visited his intended bride on Monday night, and he left for home ostensibly to in form his parents of his approaching marriage, for apparently they did not kjiow of it. Miss McKlnney had been' married before, but was divorced. She has two children. 5