Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 20, 1918, Page 4, Image 4
4 APPEAL BOARDS MADE BIG RECORD Major Murdock Shows That They Disposed of 103,000 Cases in 47 Days The eight district appeal boards of Pqpnsylvania acted upon 103,- 051 claims of registrants of Sep tember 12 between October 1 and November IC, when ail classifica tions were discontinued by orders of the ProvoFt Marshal General, ac cording to figures announced here to-dav by Major W. G. Murdock. chief draft officer. Of this num ber. 26.409 were denied. These figures show the extent of the work of the appeal boards. Of 81,626 industrial claims, 20.073 were denied: of 17,919 agricultural claims. 4.041 were refused, while of 3,506 appeals, 2,295 were de nied. Philadelphia acted upon 13.447 claims. 11.953 of them Industrial and 89 agricultural: Allentown. 11.965, of which 9.496 were industrial; Lancaster. 13.953. of which 9,713 were industrial and 4.113 agricul tural; Scranton, 11,602. 9,947 being Industrial; Harrisbufg, 13,555, of which 7.768 were industrial and 6.631 agricultural: Pittsburgh, 17,- 685, of which 16,171 were indus trial; Erie. 11.385, of which 5.774 were industrial, and Greensburg, 9,589, 7.504 being industrial. Of the 3,506 appeals. 1.405 were in Phila delphia, 926 being refused. The appeal boards are now pre paring their records for permanent filing. British Admiralty Has Repaired 10,000 Ships London. New 20. The depart ment of ship repairs of the British admiralty, which began operations in June, 1017, up to October of the present year had repaired and re turned to service, aside from ves sels of allies and neutrals, more than 10.000 ships. "Xuxatrd Iron helps put astonishing •trength and energy into the vein* of wen and bring roses to the eheeks of pale, nervous, run down women," says Dr. James Frar.eis Sullivan, formerly physi cian of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.) N. Y. and Westchester County Hosoital. "I prescribe it regularly in'cases of de pleted energy, anaemia and lack of strength and endurance. There is nothing like organic iron-Xuxated Iron-to quickly enrich the blood, make beautiful, bcalthv women and strong, vigorous, iron men. ' Satisfaction guaranteed or money t refunded. Unusual Features of the Studebaker LIGHT-FOUR Sedan —Graceful streamline body, free from an- —High-grade upholstery, finished with noying rattles. whipcord binding. —Eight solid upright posts, extending from —Meilow cut-glass dome light in tonneau floor to roof, lend remarkable solidity. ceiling silk roller curtains at windows convenient instrument board in ebony —Plate glass windows operate on rubber finish, rollers which press against edges of the —Exterior finished in a soft shade of dark glass and absorb shocks of the road. green with chassis and upper half of body , , . . , .. . in lustrous black. —Windows lowered and raised by simple mechanical device —three-piece wind- —Mounted on the New Series 19 LlGHT shield, easily adjustable for ventilation. FOUR chassis, it has the resourceful power to meet every emergency of road —Four wide doors, heavy weather strips service. Its light-weight and perfect around edges. Right front door locks from balance insures continuous low gasoline outside —other dcors lock from inside. and tire expense. Right now is the time to enjoy the comfort and convenience of a Sedan—and we are prepared to make immediate delivery. BELL FV3. L. MUMMA Distributor 3419 _ _ _ _ , „ „ , 576£ 11th and Berryhiil Streets • \ • • \ WEDNESDAY EVENING, HAPJRISBURO UltjftH TELEQKXFH NOVEMBER 20, 1918. GOVERNOR CALLS STATE TO THANKS • Issues Proclamation Rejoicing at the Close of the Great est War in History Governor Brumbaugh's Thanks giving Day proclaimutlon, issued at the State Capitol today, is filled with a spirit of rejoicing that the war is ended and calls upon the people of Pennsylvania to prepare for the homecoming of the soldiers and to observe Thanksgiving day with un usual solemnity. The proclamation is as follows: The blessings of Almighty God fill and overflow the measure of our joy. The Harpies will prey upon civilization no more. Once again we may sit under opr own vine and fig tree at peace and unafraid. The fateful fallacies of might have again been re vealed. Right is enthroned among nations. The higher, holl er laws of love and justice are re-established The flags of bat tle are furled. "The Epoch ends. The World Is still" For this and many other bless ings vouchsafed us we have, more than ever before in the life of our Country and Com monwealth. occasion for pro found Thanksgiving. While we have won an honorable victory let it never be forgotten that only those nations are blessed whose God is the Lord. Unless we be come a chastened and increas ingly devout people our victory on the battle front will prove our ultimate defeat. We have been inordinately wasteful and careless. We have never learned the vital lessons of thrift and conservation. We have wasted enough to feed and clothe all our own unfortunate and to give generously to all suffering and ( dependent ppeople throughout the world. Let us take thought of all our national faults and before God solemnly confess our wrongs and pledge ourselves to be a more sane, a more devout, a more unselfish, a more conse- | crated people than we have ever been before. We are offering our form of government and the blessings it has given us to the oppressed Hair On Face B^Uiracfc Ordinary hair growth, oa face, B(H*k and arm, KHin become coarse and brUtly when merely remeved from the onrfxee of the skin. The only ecmmon-seaoe way to remove objectionable hair la to attack It under the skin. DeMlrsele, the original sanitary liquid, daea thla by absorption. Only genuine DeHlraele has a money.back g-nnrantce In eaek package. At toilet counters In BOe. fl and *2 aires, or by mail from us In plain wrapper oa re ceipt of price. ppcr book with testimonial# of * highest ntjtbnritle*. ex plains what causes lialr, why It lneivases and how DeMiraele de vitalises it, mailed In plain sealed envelope on request. Dettlraele, | Park Ave. end 12Vth St., New York. j I peoples of many lands. Let us sec to It that the democracy wo ! offer Is clean and wholesome throughout. Let us give to thftiu ouly the best" our refinements of life and character can form ulate. Let us remove from our government every ill, from our people every- wrong that we may offer only the ideally splendid to others. Soon our boys will come marching home in honor and In victory. How glad will be our welcome! With bands and ban ners, with tears and cheers, we shall welcome them home. Let us not forget the heroic sons of Pennsylvania who will rfot come marching home. They have given the full measure of devotion to our country and to civilization. Let us not forget the superb sacrifice of the women of this Commonwealth who with fine spirit of service gave their parting blessing, who would gladly give them heartiest wel come. They now sit in silent sorrow by lonely hearth stones. Surely for' our brave boys, for . their wives and mothers we shall accept the issues of this war In solemn Joy and in deep humility. Let our peopple hum ble themselves before God and be glad to do His will. When the Christ of the world was born the angels sang "Glory to God in the highest. Peace on Earth; Good Will to men." In the same reverent and holy spirit 1 hereby designate and appoint THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1918, AS THANKSGIVING DAY and call upon our people on that day to lay aside all accus- , tomed duties and quietly gather with one accord in our places of worship to give thanks that He has given 1 us a year of chast ening and a day of peace. Let us be glad also that with the ending of the *ar has come an end to the frightful malady that has wrought unprecedented loss of life In this Common wealth. Let us on that day manifest the true quality of our faith in God. Let us count our blessings. Let us consider our ways. Let us resolve to walk steadily and humbly in His steps. Let us thank Him for the coming of our Lord and for the principles of love and peace he Jias set fo men. Let us so plan and so live that we may mani fest to all rhe sacrefl security |>f individuals and of nations when they do righteously and sin not. Belgians Tell of Little Nation's Part in War Speaking under the auspices of the American Huguenot Committee in the financial interest of the Protestant churches in France, the Rev. Hanrt Arnet. doctor of social sciences of the Brussels University, and his wife. Madame Arnet. made a strong appeal before an assemblage in the Execu tive Mansion last night. Madame Arnet's address was particudarly strong. She set forth the despair of the Belgian people and graphically toid of the brutality of the Uedman conquerors.. Dr. and Madame Rrnet were intro duced by Governor Brumbaugh, who explained -the nature of their mission. Bishop Darlington, who is chaplain of the Huguenot Society of America, received contributions at the close of the meeting. Madame Arnet. whose address made a pathetic impression, said that she was in New York City at the time the signing of the armis tice was made known, and in the celebration she could not help but think of the women of Belgium. Dr. Arnet made clear the conditions of the people of Belgium. Ignorance is widespread and the salvation of the nation lids in Christian education. Use McNeß s Pain Exterminator—Ad 658,724 BRITISH FELL DICING WAR Casualty List Shows 3,049,- 991 Were Killed, Wound ed or Missing Condon, Nov. 20.—British casual ties during the war. Including all theaters of activities, totaled 3.049,- 991, it was announced in the House of Commons to-day by James lan MacPherson, Parliamentary Secre tary for the War Office. Of this number, the officers killed, wounded or missing aggregated 142.634 and the men 2.907.357. The total losses in the fighting on the Franco-Belgian front were 2,719,652. The total of British losses in killed on all fronts during the war was 658.724. The total British wounded in the war was more than i.000,000, the Parliamentary Secretary's figures showing the aggregate to be 2.032.- 122. The losses In missing, includ ing prisoners, totaled 259,145. Of the wounded. 92.644 were of ficers and 1.939.4.7S were men. Of the misshig including prisoners. 12,094 were officers and 347,051 were men. The figures given include troops from India and the dominions. In Egypt the total losses were 57.853. Those killed or who died of wounds were 15,892 —1,098 officers and 14,794 men. The wounded totaled 38.073 —2,311 officers and 35.782 men. The missing and pris oners totaled 3.SSS —183 officers and 3,705 men. The total casualties in France were 2.719,642. Of this total. 32,769 of ficers were killed and died of wounds or other causes and 526.843 men. The wounded totaled 1.833,345 —53,- 142 officers and 1,750,203 men. The [missipg, including prisoners, totaled 326,695 —10,846 officers and 315,849 I men. The total British losses In the Me sopotamian campaigns were 97,579, i according to Mr. MucPhei-son's fig ures. Of tlfese. the fatalities were 31.109. 1,340 officers and 29,769 men. The wounded totaled 51.115 —2.429 officers and 48,686 men. The missing and prisoners totaled 15,355, 566 •officers and 14,789 men. In Italy the British losses totaled 6.735. Of these, S6 officers and 941 men were killed; 334 officers and 4,612 men were wounded. Of the 765 missing, 38 were officers and 727 men. In the East African campaign the total casualties were 17,825. Of this total, 9,104 were killed or died —- 380 officers and 8,724 men. A total of 7,754 were wounded —478 officers and 7,276 men. The missing and prisoners totaled 967 —38 officers and 929' men. In other theaters, the total casual ties werje 3.297. Of this number. 133 officers and 690 men were killed; 142 officers and 1.373 men were wounded and 51 officers and 908 men were missing or prisoners. In addition to the grand total of deaths, there were 19,000 deaths from various causes among troops not forming any part of the expedi tionary force. The Dardanelles expedition cost the British 119.729 casualties. Of this number, 1.755 officers were killed or died and 31,737 others. The wounded were 3,010 officers and 75.598 others. The missing, includ ing prisoners, were 258 officers and 7,4 31 others. On fhe Salonikl front the losses were 27.318. Of these, the killed \yere 285 officers and 7,330 others: the wounded. 818 officers and 16,058 others: the missing. 114 officers and 2.71." others. TEACHERS WILL HELPORPHANS Conference Adopts Schaeffer Suggestion to Gather Data Through Schools Plans for the Immediate care and placing of from forty thousand to fifty thousand children who have be come either orphans or half orphans since the recent epidemic of Influ enza invaded the state will be outlin ed or a committee which will make . a careful survey of "the entire state in order to ascertain the exact num ber of destitute children and the ways and means that can best be adopted for their care in the various counties throughout the Common- I wealth." It was decided at the conference I yesterday to conduct this Investi gation by means of a special ques tionnaire which will be sent to every school teacher in the ten thousand one-room schools throughout the 1 rural districts of the state. The teachers will be asked to report at ! once all children In each district who have been made orphans or half | orphans by the recent epidemic and ito report also the ex'act financial ! state of the family and whether or not the county authorites are In a position to arrange for the care of those who are destitute. In the larger communities and • and cities the committee will be aided by the machinery of such ] organizations as the Division of Civi lian Relief of the American JRed Cross, the State Council of tional Defense and the Pennsylvania i Society for the Prevention of Tuber-' | culosis. Representatives of these ' organizations attended the confer- I ence, explained the workings of thp organizations and pledged their sup port to the important work of car ing for these orplyins. Dr. B. Franklin Royer as Chair man of the conference was authoriz ed to appoint the committee which will be composed of representa tives of the state-wldo organizations that are best equipped to carry on this work. Dr. Royer stated that he would announce the appointment of members within the next day or So. In his address to the conference ! Dr. Royer laid special stress upon I the necessity for prompt and im mediate action in relieving and car ing for those children who have re cently become dependent upon others than their parents. "The distressing epidemic of influ enza, said Dr. Royer, has left in its wake a tremendous toll in the way of orphan children. In Schuylkill county alone it has-been estimated that more than three thousand chil dren are now orphans; the data is n<>t yet at hand permitting us to say how many of these children are without father and mother. For several weeks strong appeals have been coming to the Department of Health asking that something be done to arrange for the care of these children. In order to determine ap proximately the size of the problem with which Pennsylvania has to deal at this time it 6eemed advisable o have representatives of state-wide agencies convene here at Harrisburg so that each might outline in the presence of the other agency repre sentatives the work that that parti cular association is pprepared to un dertake. We do know that if the estimates for Schuylkill county ob tain throughout the greater por tion of Pennsylvania that there will be more than fifty thousand orphans left in the wake of the influenza epidemic. "It would appear after conference with executive officers of the State Board of Charities and Education that there is no division of the state government at present equipped or organised or legally authorized to handle the problem. We do know that there are a number of organi zations practically all of them repre sented here to-day that have some form of state-wide agency to do work along the lines of Child Wel fare. There are also a number of agencies that have been organized for "work in connection with the war that are also actively interested in the problems of the child." A considerable portion of the con ference was devoted to a discussion of the best means of caring for the orphan children. Whether an effort should be made to place them in pri- Vate homes or through some one of the many forms of institutional care in orphan asylums, privately endow ed Institutions or county alms houses. The State Board of Charities an nounced that a survey was being made of the various institutional homes and asylums throughout the to determine the number of vacancies existing at present and that so far reports indicated that there was only room for about twen ty one hundred additional children In these institutions. Edward Wil son of the State Board of Charities urged that the problem of the care of these orphans be left entirely in the hands of poor directors and county commissioners of the various counties. Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, Superin tendent of Public Instruction made a suggestion v hich was finally adopt ed that the school teachers through out the state be utilised to obtain accurate data regarding the total number of actual orphans and other necessary formation. Dr. Schaeffer also ur; hat an effort be made to place : .iotiy cases as possible In private inc-s instead of in industrial school und orphan asy lums. Other speakers at the con ference were Dr. S. M. Hamill, repre senting the Pennsylvania Council of National Defenle and the Division of Child Hygiene of the State Depart ment of Health; C. C. Jones, Divi sion Director of Civilian Relief of the American Red Cross; Dr. Eliza beth D. Bricker, Department of La bor and Industry: Miss Mary Dogue of the Mothers' Assistance Fund; B. Barckley Spicer. Pennsylvania So ciety for the Prevention of Tubercu losis; John Yates of the Associated Charities of Pittsburgh,; George E. Copenhaver, Hcrshey Industrial School; Paul Walker, Juvenile Court of Philadelphia. New Bible Conference Is Opened Auspiciously The Rev. Frederick H. Senft, of Philadelphia, formerly superintendent of the Eastern Division of the Chris tian and Missionary Alliance, ad dressed an enthusiastic audience last evening at the opening session of the Bible Conference being held under the auspices of the local alliance. The conference, which has dally sessions at 2:JO and 7:30 o'clock, la be ing held for four days, closing Fri day, In the Alliance Hall Thirteenth and Walnut stre eta. In spite of the Inclement weather last night, the opening session was a success. The Bev. Mr. Henft's message was well re ceived. The themes at the confer ence will be general. Biblical and prophetic. The Rev. Mr. Senft Is a man of rare ability and deep Insight in the themes which he Is treating at the confererce. The Rev. W. H. Worrall, pastor of the Christian and Missionary Alli ance, extends a general Invitation to the .public to the meetings being held. GREATEST WHEAT ACREAGE SOWN :tate Report Shows Remark able Amount of Land Is Planted With the Grain Pennsylvania has sown 1,568,270 acres In wheat, an increase of over 117,600 acres more than the acre age In wheat In 1917, according to the annual crop survey of the State Department of Agriculture, issued by L. H. Wible, the statistician, who says, "The acreage is probably the largest ever sown in this sta'e." The wheat is going into winter in good shape generally. The acreage in rye is given as -.4,450, or three per cent, above lust yeur. . .The corn production is given as 63,591,435 bushels, an average of .a c?r UShcls por acr <b against 62,- abO.SSo last year, drought being blamed for the decline. The buck wheat crop went away abend of lust *K-u b i [n * 8,191,600 bushels, or lb.B bushels per acre. In 1917, the crop was 5,570,124 and early frosts prevented a larger yield this year. The potato crop declined from 30 - ' 000 Th- BheU 1917 t0 2415T2 -- uuu. ihe average crop per acre | however, is given as 83.5 bushels. In regard to alfalfa, the report i e vield was 124,000 tons from i 4 8.300 acres. The tobacco figures are 58,007,400 pounds, against 51,051.000 last year. The yield per acre is given as 1,410. Do Your Christmas Shopping Now and Make It Easier For the Salespeople This is THE Thanksgiving When Your Home Should Be Beautiful SPHERE never was a time in history when so many millions of people 1 be thankful as THIS THANKSGIVING. It's up to you to make YOUR family happy and fill YOUR home with the spirit of the times. A well-furnished home will do wonders along these lines. Thanksgiving Special: Living Room or Library Set THIS is one of the choicest Suits of Furniture you will find |RMja for the livingroom or library. The cane back and arms £!• are very much in vogue in the modern home. They reflect I M exceptional taste in homefurnishing. Davenport is five feet S M 9 long. Chair and rocker are large and match the davenport. A The suit js finished antique mahogany; beautiful tapestry upholstering. The rosette pillow goes with the suit. ■ Thanksgiving Special: Complete Bed Room Suit THIS luxurious Queen Anne Bedroom Suit will delight the woman who seeks the distinctive in home appointment. nT® n9 flTji X A The finish is antique mahogany. The cabinet work is excel- 9L 0 o 9 lent. Suit consists of large Dresser, Chifferobe, Triplicate p E Toilet Table and Bed. Bevel Plate Mirror in the ®lip J5 Ji9 m Dresser. Pieces may be bought separately. I Extra Special—Three-piece Oak Bed RoomAfJ Suit—Bed, Dresser and Chiffonier for. . .tpi/OA/" Very Lowest Prices in Town For Toys We sell Toys-for the accomodation of our regular customers and mark them ivithout profit. None delivered and none charged on ac count of our low prices. The Funny Tumbler, J Traction Fire Engine, j Acrobatic Clowns, ..450 J.. . . . t,, , 10 ♦ Shooting Gallery, target Train on track CO* ♦ Magic Building Blocks, ♦ and gun .....500 i J 500 o Train on track, eng l ♦ Black Wooley Dog, 500 J Aluminum Dishes, pol coaches, coal car..sl.oo t Magic Trick Set,. SI.OO ; ished 650 Steering Sleds, ...$1.25 J j ron Horse and Wagon, • Imported Dolls with Errand Boy Game,..300 j - 500 * wigs, 700 .Do Your tm our Christmas WM M mm Christmas Shopping E#Mt( EjUmmH 1 Shopping Hop are more numerous and con ditions better than last year. AWAIT FOItMKK KMI'IUCSS Zcvenaar, Holland. Nov. 20.—The German minister at The Hague and a "queen's commissioner" has ar rived here in anticipation of the coming of Augusta Victoria Hohen zollern, wife of the former Gorman emperor. Her whereabouts at pres ent is unknown. RAILROADS WANT ENVOY Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 20.—Presi- I dents of three railroad brotherhoods I yesterday sent President Wilson tele ! EVERYONE LIKES THIS COLD CURE ! "Pape's Cold Compound" ends, a cold or grippe in a few hours Your cold will break and all grippe misery end after taking a doso of "Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses are ; taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nos ■ trils and air passages In the head, ! stops nasty disclicarge or nose run | ning, relieves sick headache, dull ness, feverishness, sore throat, sneez ing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! Ease your throb bing head—nothing else'in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pnpe's Cold Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience. Accept no substitute. grams urging the appointment of representative of labor to member ship on the peace commission. i. THE VARIETY OF DESIGNS In our collection of monuments . is such that we can meet almost ' any requirement both as to kind and cost. Wo also make memo rials to order of every descrlp ! tton. You'll find our work excel | lent always and our service \ prompt and reasonably priced. I. B. DICKINSON Granite, Marble and Tile i 505-13 North Thirteenth St. | . Ilarrlsburg. Pa. 1 i V___— J g ; / UNDERTAKER 1715 i j Chas.H.Mauk N r h 91 - 5 j Private Ambulance Phone®