Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 20, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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200,000 TONS OF
Ships Proceed Under Sealed
Orders; Await Word
From Hoover
Washington, Nov. 20. Ships
carrying two hundred thousand tons
'of food for the populations of north
lorn France, Belgium and Austria
now are enroute to Europe. They
aro proceeding under sealed orders
•to Gibraltar and Bristol Channel
ports, and on arrival will await word
from Food Administrator Ifoovor
as to their final destinations. Those
going to Gibraltar aro cxpectpd to
proceed to Adriatic and Mediterran
ean ports and the others to French
and Belgian ports.
One of the last acts of Mr. Hoover
before sailing for Europe was to
appoint u specific shipping commit
tee, headed by Theodore Whltmarsh.
of tho Food Administration, to co
operate with tho Shipping Board
and tho Commission for Belief in
Belgium, in facilitating the ship
ment of food to the demoralized
civilian populations In the countries
devastated by war.
Neither the number of ships in
volved In tho present movement,
[nor the that would be
vjajUvertod at Gibraltar for relief of
Europe and the near eaat.
„ald be learned at the Food Ad
.ministration. It, was stated that
■ final arrangements for feeding the
peoples freed from the yoke of Ger
man militarism is awaiting llie arri
val of Mr. Hoover in Europe, and
'the result of his survey of the situa
tion there.
The purpose of sending some of
tho ships now going to Gibraltar and
others to tho Bristol Channel ports.
It was explained, was to have imme
diately available at convenient ports
supplies to ship quickly where Mr.
Hoover finds the need to be the
most urgent.
Officials here of the commission
for relief in . Belgium believe that
the destination of the ships on their
way to Gibraltar is tho Port of Tri
este. The ships now on their way
are understood to be the first that
have left American ports with food
for countries other than Northern
France and Belgium, It was said
that more than 200,000 tons of food
monthly will be required to relievo
distress in Central Europe and the
Near East.
Montgomery Talks on
the First Governor
State Librarian Thomas Lynch
Montgomery to-day spoke on tho life
and work of Thomas Mlf It In. the first
governor of the state of Pennsylva
nia, at the November luncheon of the
Pennsylvania State Society at the
Harrlsburg Club, Dr. Montgomery
presented a number of facts taken
from original sources regarding the
early governor and iiis influence upon
Pennsylvania affairs.
lilg payments of delinquent taxes
and close collections by the Auditor
General's Department have brought
the slate's revenues for the fiscal year
ending with November within sight
of $44,000,000, with a possibility that
it tnay go higher. The best previous
record was approximately $36,500,000.
Snniurl l.loyd Irving, of t heutcr,
was to-day appointed a member of
the Old Age Pension Commission, to
take tlie place of George C. Iletzel.
Chester, declined.
t'oitgrcxsuian-iit-I.argr Tbomuts fi,
Crago to-day tiled a statement allow
ing that he had spent $1,582. of which
$1,500 was paid to the Republican
Mate Committee. O. P. Brubrtker
and John <*'. Etiler, also candidates,
filed statements showing less than SSO
Public Service Commissioners to
day heard complaints of Mineral Lo
cals from the and West
11 axle ton districts against fares of
the 10-high Traction Company. Only
the respondent appeared in the com
plaint of the Borough of Warren
against the Warren Street Railway
Company. The parties did not appear
in the Manheim tire protection com
The State Defense Commission.
known as the "War Board." wilt
probably have a meeting this week,
and it is passible that the subject oJ
l lie writing of the history of Pennsyl
vania in the war may be discussed.
Governor Brumbaugh is said to desird
to devote much of his time to this im
portant historical effort after the con
< )iy.v.'P. term. -
r.x-Sennlor John S. Klslier, of Indi
ana. one of the big men of affairs of
Central Pennsylvania, was among
visitors to the Capitol to-day.
Plans for tlie midwinter food pro
duets show, to be held here during the
month of January, were discussed to
day at a meeting at the State De
r-Mrtment of Agriculture attended bv
slate officials. K. S. Bayard, 11. M.
Hershey, K. K. 11ibsclnnan, Chester I>.
Tyson, T, S. Golden. J. G. Gclbach, F.
P. McGrann and Lindley H. Dennis,
interested in various activities.
' art of
E *PeßiE N ce
Be you a pupil or a
graduate of the School of
Experience, you can learn
a lesson in the gentle art
of making both ends meet
by paying a visit to this
shop of style and service.
Suits and Overcoats
sls to $35
All New Furnishings,
Shirts, Knitted Mufflers,
Neckwear, Hosiery, Un
derwear, etc.
[Continued from First I'nge.j
Kiwanls Club by William H.
Armstrong. They Introduced the
several speakers.
Mr. Hershey said, following the
meeting, that he would proceed at
once to formulate his committee and
to attend to the details of getting
the conference together.
Continuing Major Gray said:
"What of the history of the
attempts to make the Susquehanna
navigable? We are not the pioneers.
The early settlers found in it a
ready and practical means of com
munication and transportation. in
1784 to 1767, George Washington
made a survey for the canalizing of
the stream from the bay to the Great
hakes, urging the improvement as
an important development. As
parly as 1768 to 1770 it was a sub
ject of investigation and legislative
action, in 1771 4,000 pounds were
appropriated and the Susquehanna
river was declared a public high
way and a navigable stream. In
1790 the War Department assigned
an engineer to make surveys and
I estimates. We are told this was well
i and carefully done but Congress did
I nothing. In 1789 5,000 pounds were
| appropriated, and from 1791 to 1799
510,000 was appropriated. In 1795
! a n ad in the Oracle of Dauphin,
' the ancestors of the arrisburg Tel
egraph called for men who could
| handle explosives to blast the rocks
| out of the Susquehanna bo'ween the
■ mouth of the Juniata and the Swa-
I tara creek stating they would have
generous wages. We learn that
largo flat boats were built and
loaded with hay, oats, corn, wheat
and other farm products and were
lloated down the river and delivered
not only at the towns along the Sus
quehanna, but as far away as Haiti
more, Wilmington, Philadelphia and
New York."
•'Rafting of logs was an industry
and they were seen on the river
until recently. While building the
Roekville bridge In 1901 several
large rafts came down the river."
"In 1834 the question came up j
again and a survey by army en
gineers was made, but both state
and National legislature refused to
act. Maryland took up the matter
in 1833 and a party of enthusias
tic men made a trip from Oswego,
New York state, to llarrisburg in
a Hat boat, llarrisburg load in the
efforts from 1827 to 1833. From i
500 to 1,400 bushels of wheat were j
carried down the river on one boat j
In these early days sometimes a dis- (
taneo of 300 miles. I.ater came the j
canal along its banks, mute evi- j
(lence of whicii is still visible ex- j
copt where the site of the old canal ;
is occupied by the right-of-way of j
the railroad. Filling up the canal
was a crime. The old canal was a
means at one time by which Phila
delphia, New Yoi'k, Wilmington,
Baltimore and other towns \ f re
supplied with coal, lumber, farm
produce and cattle. As recently as ■
1903 exhaustive study and compre-I
hensive report on making the Sus
quehanna navigable was made to
the Harrlsburg Board of Trade by
E. Z. Wnllower, Benjamin Nead.
John W. German for the Committee
on Navigation. They declared it
feasible, possible, necessary. At
that time the manufacturing in
terests of llarrisburg represent
ed 446 industries, total cap
ital, $8,749,516, their output equaled
$16,054,597. Dauphin county totaled
up a capital of about $20,000,000
witli an output of $40,000,000. After
fifteen years of steady growth, with
no statistics at hand, I venture to say
they have mare than tripled the cap
ital and the ouput. But what came
of it? What was the fruit of their
labor? Nothing. Why? Well the
time was not ripe, the subtle oppos
ing lnfiuence was too strong, or both,
but the real reason was that the
people, were not back of it, the
necessity of a cheaper means o t
transportation was not so pressing."
Railroads Expand
"Si neve we ave with the his
tory \rougnt up to date. The rail
roads were showing signs in 1903
of congestion. We were feverishly
completing and four-tracking long
stretches of the Pennsylvania. Kail
road: rushing the completion of the
Enola yards; starting the low grade
freight line along the river and
across the state from Peqtiea to ]
Trenton. Freight was increasing.
Two tracks would not carry it.
Larger locomotives, longer trains
were necessary. Additional rights
of-way were costing more, construc
tion was becoming more expensive,
so had operation. Freight charges
have Increased. You are paying for
all this. The railroads are doing
their best. They have reached their
limit unless they buy additional
rights-of-way. Build more tracks,
more and larger bridges, more and
larger classification yards, more roll
ing stock, more terminal facilities,
more everything, all costlier than
ever before, and always subject to
rapid deterioration. We know it.
Every businessman, every working
man, every housekeeper in this audi
ence has knowledge of the failure of
our transportation. It is your fuult
and my fault and we must remedy it.
What is the remedy for this sec
tion of the Keystone state? The
canalising of the Susquehanna river.
Is it necessary? Yes. Can it he
done in a reasonable length of time
at a justifiable cost? It can. Those
are direct questions and direct
answers. It is necessary to increase
our transportation facilities. It is
necessary if for one reason only, and
that ts that coal, anthracite and
bituminous, may be assured at lower
cost, and a certain supply shipped
to the New England states, New
York, New Jersey, Eastern Penn
sylvania and Maryland."
Cheaper Transportation
I "The Eastern coast is menaced
with cold and privation, their ex
perience Inst winter is likely to be
repeated this. Pennsylvania's out
put of coal must not be restricted
by inadequate transportation* and
the earnings of her people cut down,
it is necessary and justifiable it for
coal only.
1917—Bituminous coal $400,000-
1917 —Anthracite 'coal $500,000-
Second Justification
"This is the second Justification."
"It is over 300 miles from the
mouth of the Susquehanna river
to Binghamton, New York. The
main stream, the north branch tra
verses tho great central manufac
turing district, the great farming
district, passes through the anthra
cite cool regions. Jhe West branch
over 100 miles long flows through
a rich farming country, penetrates
lumber district and touches the oil
district also. Tho Juniata branch
say sixty miles, passes through rich
farm country and timber lands, It
touches the bituminous clal region,
and large brick and stone industries.
Along Its banks the Susquehanna
fairly brisdes with reasons. It,
drains an area of 24,100 Bquar?
miles, or 53 per cent, of the total
area of tho state. As a freight car
rier it will serve the same area.
"It ts a practical project and can
be done, 1 have In mind a scries
of dams of sufficient height to es
tablish levels where with a small
How Old Canal Seethed With Activity
amount of dredging a prizmatic
channel of say 150 feet wide at top
and fourteen feet deep can be es
tablished and maintained. , The
height of tlie dams kept as low as
careful study would indicate and to
permit floods and moving ice to
pass over. Some dams would be of
the bridge and shutter type, piers
built across the river at intervals*
and steel shutters to close the inter
vals controlled from the bridge, low
ered or .raised as the stage of the
water indicated. Storage reservoirs
built to help' control floods and sup
ply water at low stages, hocks will
be necessary, and wherever possible
power can be generated for canal
and commercial purposes, although
my thought would be canal llrst, and
power development as incidental.
Good foundations
"The bottom of the river lends It- }
self to the construction of dams and j
locks. Good foundations are evl- .
dent; the banks are, generally speak-,|
ing, good; the ones likely to wash
can be protected by riprap of stone I
taken from the bed of the river
when dredging. The fall in the river
with a few exceptions is not rapid; !
the rapids will require higher dams
and locks. At McCall's Ferpy dam,
locks can be built. Generally speak
ing, the channel will be in the riv
er. It may be necessary or advis
able in some cases to dredge the
canal alongside on the bank or
across a meadow to shorten the
route or take out a bend. A care
ful. exhaustive survey must be made
to determine methods and estimate
the cost. But do not let us con
sider the cost too seriously. Ifo not
let the balance sheet blind us or
shut Out the broad view of a great I
A Practical Utility
"The question is not what it costs,
but what do we get for our money.
The codt of a properly constructed
canal, large enough to float a 2,800-
ton barge, will be spread out over
all time to come. All future genera
tions will derive everlasting benefit
from it and rise up to bless you. It
will take about two years of sur
veying and study and planning to j
form a reasonably accurate idea of j
the cost; so it would be very dlfll- j
cult for me to give you an estimate j
or even a! fair guess, but 1 have been
asked so often what will it cost that
I will make a comparison with the
cost of New York state barge canal.
The New York state barge canal in
1916 carried 1,625,000 tons of
Cost s|so,lM)o,oo(t ,
"The New York state barge canal !
cost tH54,000,00(i. The total mileage j
is 488 miles. The estimated freight |
cost is about four, and eight-tenths |
mills per mile. A safe figure oa the |
canalizing of the Susquehanna river, ;
including branches, would be from i
150 to 200 millions of dollars. The
state of Pennsylvania may be com
pelled to do as New York did—pay !
tlie bill—receiving no national uid
until tidewater was reached. It
will be ninety per cent, in Pennsyl
vania. Ninety per cent, of the ma
terials and machinery used in Its
construction will be produced in
Pennsylvania, eighty per cent, of the
money will be spent and cirOulated
in Pennsylvania, ninety-live per
cent, of the outgoiag freight will
originate in the state of Pennsyl
vania; the canal and all its mate
rial benefits will be yours. The
state must control the building, i
maintaining and operating.
"in order that this vitally lmpor- |
tunt project should have proper at- i
tention, the suggestion is offered j
that a committee, made up of rep- |
resentative citizens from the great
valley of the .Susquehanna river, and I
throughout the state, be up- I
pointed to see their representatives I
in the State Legislature and have j
them take up the matter seriously, j
create a Pennsylvania state barge
canal commission and make an ap- j
propriation of $2,000,000 to pay the
expenses of a careful survey and i
study, the preparation of compre-,
henstve plans and estimates to be!
submitted to the commission from ,
time to xtime and a complete report!
to the State Legislature at its 1920 I
Operate Kconomicully
Continuing, Major Gray said:
"If economy in freight movement
is desired, the canals will supply it.
If a prompt and speedy receipt of
freight is demanded, the waterway
at the present time excels the rail
roads. Whatever may have been
the performance of the railroads in
other times, it Is a matter that may
be proved beyond doubt that car
goes by canal pass from Buffalo to !
New York in less ltme than by rail, j
Already, with a portion of the old ,
canal in use and by means of antl- ;
quated canal boats, a fleet has mudc '
the trip frofn the Great Lakes to I
New York in less time thfm by rail,
days. With the new canal route In
use for Its entire length, five days-'
may ho counted as the maximum
time of passage.
"To secure a test of comparison, i
Inquiry was made as to the time
consumed by the railroads In carry- f
ing freight between Buffalo and |
New York t'ity. Records were
sought regarding some half-dozen
/< \
\ v . f .. 3 -
The hundreds of members of tlie Pennsylvania Boatmen's Reunion Association arc firmly behind the
project to make the Susquehanna river navigable. The veterans of the river declare it is possible to do this
work at a comparatively low cost.
Armed with a huge petition containing the names of more than 5,000 signers, Edwin Charles, secre
tary of tho Boatmen's Association, attended the big Rotary Club meeting last night. He showed his petitions
to the speakers of the evening and they were very favorably impressed.
Among the material ho brought with him are these pictures of bygone canal days shown in the cut.
The old boat building yards at Selinsgrove and a picture showing the canalboats unloading coal at Colum
bia are especially interesting at this time. "Tlie same thing can be done right now," Mr. Charles declared.
I could get 20,000 names on a paper to that effect.
An interesting part of Mr. Charles' collection is n valuable table of economic distances compiled by
W. C. Frick, Danville. This table shows much of interest about tlie proposed project.
curs. The tracing of one car showed !
that it was twenty-three days in j
! transit and the least time taken by |
i any car followed was eight days, j
Taking the six cars as a whole, the i 1
I average time consumed by a car in j;
making the trip from Buffalo to i
New York was eleven days. Argu- ■
ments, therefore. against water j
transportation on the ground of slow
delivery are treated with •Impati
A Barge Project
"Making the Susquehanna river !
navigable is a large subject. It must i
bo handled in a large way by men of j
vision. If you make up your minds
to canalize tlie Susquehanna river,!
i you will do it. Tlie people of Penn- j
j sylvania this month voted for good ;
roads $1)0,000,000. The people
j know the necessity for good Jiigh- I
ways. Motor vehicles have created ;
the necessity for good roads, freight '
transportation by motor vehicles is j
here. Their tonnage is limited by |
bridges, road grades and the quality j
of roads. Five tons is the usual j
maximum limit with an occasional j
ten-ton truck, in the larger cities for j
! special purposes. To get the best I
j results, good roads are absolutely j
I necessary. At present motor truck
j transportation is very costly. On the I
j Susquehanna river you will be able to
float 2.SOU inns on one boat, at an !
expense of less than one-hall' cent
pcf ton-mile.
"This great enterprise must be'
entrusted to friends only. Great'
euro must be exercised. The will of i
tlie people of Pennsylvania must bo i
supreme. Nothing must prevent the 1
accomplishment of this great and I
necessary work. „ j
"Harrisburg the capital of our I
great ryid glorious state, must lead |
the way!"
"The history of the canals was ail |
too short. The railroads which soon '
paralleled them became their rivals.
and soon succeeded in acquiring
them and by neglect of proper main
tenance suffered them to fall into de
"Recent efforts to improve water
transportation have been confined to
the Ohio and its two principal tribu
taries, the Allegheny being improved
I for a distance of twenty-four miles
above its mouth, the Monongahela
for 14 3 miles. The best evidence of
the success of this work carried on
|by the federal government is the
i enormous tonnage which has al- j
i ready been developed.
! Mr. Zcntmyer Npealts
. K. A. Zentmyer, chairman of the!
Water Sunppl.v Commission of Penn- '
) sylvania, spoke in part as follows: '
' "Pennsylvania has never been lack- |
j ing in originality or initiative, al-;
| though it has frequently failed to I
| Hnd a historian to record the deeds!
i done or even an author of school i
j text books to commemorate the'
| tilings with which it has been iden- '
' titled and has brought to comple- j
| tlon.
"The Keystone State has always'
i been Interested in navigation. Seven- !
| teen years before Fulton drove his,
■steamboat up the Hudson, John :
Fitch, of Philadelphia (in 1788), de- j
| signed and constructed a steamboat
I with which he did a passenger busi- 1
i ness between Phliudelphia and Bur- |
1 llngton. New Jersey, a distance of'
! twenty miles; making the trip in two '
I hours; and in 1804 (three years be- 1
I fore . Fulton's time), Oliver Evans, 1
also of Philadelphia, long before ;
I the time of hydroplanes, construct- !
, j ed an amphibious vessel, mounted on ;
wheels, propelled it py steam ,
through the streets of Philadelphia 1
to the Schuylkill, changed the wheels
for propellers and"moved It down the
river and up the Delaware to the
city. I
"It was In Pennsylvania, in tire
year 1825, that the first Iron steam-J
boat in the world was built at York, i
Pa., the "Codorus" by name, which | i
made frequent trips between Yorkji
Haven and Harrlsburg. • In colonial 1
shipbuilding Pennsylvania soon took ; i
a leading part and the first Amer- I <
ican fleet —the five immortal vessels j ]
which durleg the War of 1812 made | |
the American Navy famous, a rec- • <
ord maintained through each sue- i
cessivo conflict and now added to by i
Admiral Sims and his bluejackets,
the "Congress," "Constellation,"
"Constitution," "President" and
"United States"—was designed by
a Pennsylvanlan and built on the
shores of the Delaware.
"The Keystone State was also
among the first to give attention t'o
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Dinner Sets, China Cut Glass and Savory
Roasters Among the N eedsof Thanksgiving Day
The deeper significance of this, Thanksgiving Day with its celebration of the close of
JjL the war will bring whole hearted thankfulness, and as the dinner is one of the plcas
• ureable features of the day a timely survey of things needed to make it a success is of first
importance. The Basement Section offers every needed thing iti the service of the dining
urn SSISA ii room and kitchen.
(Jj®) J Dinner Sets
/ / y // / i C*TT\ 42-piece gold decorated and colored border 100-piece Dinner Sets in dainty floral dec
// / \li\\ , Dinner Sets, new and attractive shapes. orations, gold lines, attractive shapes, l ln Fid
; *•ij \ Special $4.50 and butter plates included SI.9S
' —!— *' '■ ■ 42-piece white and gold decorated Dinner 100-piece Dinner Sets in conventional fie
ri ' Sets,.complete service for six, octagon shape. sign, border and gold traced, bread and Imttiu
Special ... $4.75 plates included $17.98 and $18.9S
Hn/>n Chi tin Odd China at special prices— Sugar and Creams, ••• • I*i a aa'og
Upen btOCK L 11111(1 All size's of Plates, IOC Barge Size Bow J®' • *;'£; .'Vai aol'na
Open stock China in American porce- ofshes" 15c and 25c nL°„kets, T"'. .. '. .$2.08, 83.50 and S6AO
lain. English porcelain, Japanese and sugar Bowls, ...... .25c
French Cliina. Fruit and Dessert Saucers 10c SO-VOTy RoCLSteTS
Blue Bird Decoration— Decorated Covered Dishes 50c
Individual Butters So Savory Rpasters,
42-piece bets $<.35 88( . #| so $2.35, s2 .so to $5.98
70-plece Sets $13.00 RllP KCU P ICltlei'S • Grey enamel round Boasters 75c
100-piece Sets $20.85 0l!( , , ot of i,crated Turkey Platters at (J 1 Savory Roasters,^. 08c to $1.50
Cobtt't blue border, double gold lines, Turkry 10 PlaUers lal 1i 6 "inched Dark blue enamel Savory Boasters.'ss.s
color traced handles- and VMoN afues Special . . ,10c White enamel Savory g
"■ p ' eL ' e ® e , tS I'V" , rhln " n Cin ' H an " BaUCorS Aluminum Boasters SToB and $5:8
i 0-piece Sets $20.70 decorations 25c and J3c Wearever Aluminum Roasters.
100-pieco Sets, ........ .$31.00 P f PI > $5.25, $#.35 and $7.25
Decorated English Porcelain Dinner KJU.I \JIQSS , „
dots, 100-pieees $20.70 to #15.35 • Heavy blanks, mitre cuttings. 6-inch CCLTVITIQ Sets
Nippon China Dinner Ware in sets and 1 "apple* augar and creams, vases and
. svrup jars 98r Carving Sets 52.9 H. $.1.50 to 89.98
open stock. 100-piceca. Footed Comports. $1.98 Butcher Knives 15c, 50c to 75c
, •$52.15, SH.i.OO ami $74.25 3-pint Water Pitchers $1.75 i Casserolea In nickel frame, $1.33 to $7.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewuit, Basement
internal navigation and as early as
1761 appointed a committee to re
move 'he rocks from the Schuyl
kill river. In 1769, tho American
Philosophical Society appointed a
committee, one of whom was John
l.ukens, surveyor general of the
province to make a survey for a
canal route connecting tlie Schuylkill
and the Susquehanna, on which, at
a somewhat later date the old Union
canal was constructed. As early
as 1797 a canal two and one-half
miles in length was built around the
Conewago Falls, on the Susquehannu
fifteen miles below Harrisburg, to
aid in the navigation of the river.
Interest Aroused
"The early completion of the Erie
canal in New York state aroused tho
business interests of Pennsylvania
to the threatened loss of their busi
ness and commercial suptemucy and
an effort was made to combat this
evil by a rival system of canals
reaching from the Delaware to the
Ohio.. The difficult topography of
Pennsylvania as compared with New
York made an all-water route un
feasible, so that the system as iinally
worked out consisted of a railroad
front Philadelphia to Columbia und
across the Allegheny mountains,
thus bringing into existence the
once-famous Portage railroad. The
project came too late to l'orestull
New York's success, although the
system when completed in 1835 rep
resented almost t.OO miles of canal
and 130 miles of railroad.
Prance Is Cited
"The question as to whether the
Susquehunna and its branches can be
made navigable should be consider
ed in the light of what other coun
tries have done. In Europe the two
outstanding countries are France and
Germany. France with almost us
many railroads in proportion to its
area us Pennsylvania has over 8,000
miles of river and lake navigation.
Germany as just as much railroad
us Pennsylvania has over 5,000 miles
of improved waterways and in recent
years the water-borne traffic has in
creased more than three times as
fast as the railroad traffic, mile for
"The Susquehnnna has a drainage I
area to the Maryland line of 27,-
440 square miles, and has a mean |
low water flow of almost 8,000 I
cubic feet per second, more than |
any but two or three of the improved i
rivers in Europe. It has no greater I
fall, and it has on its drainage urea|
or adjacent thereto, 5,000,000 of the
population of Pennsylvania. By the j
completion of the project of the At
lantic Deeper Waterways Association
and the Susquehanna improvement
it will bo possible to reach directly
along the Atlantic seaboard over
one-third of the entire population
of the United States, but practically
all the principal manufacturing cen
ters of the country.
Flood Prevention
"Any project for tnakiag this great
river navigable should also take into
consideration the other groat project
of flood prevention and stream regu
lation. This, when properly consum
mated, will solve many, if not all,
of tlie problems as to water sup
-1 ply for lockage and other purposes
j and will also render available a vast
i quantity of power now wasting.
"These arc the days of 'big things.'
! We no longer think in millions but
j in hundred millions, and right here
I is a suggestion for the state and na
| tional committees which are now
i seeking to find means of employment
j for times of industrial depression
j through the development of public
I works of various kinds."
Columbia Interested
It was stated last night by A. L.
i Campbell, secretary >f the IVler
| chants anil Manufacturers' Associa
i lion, Columbia, that it' is the inten
! tion of the association to hold a
I meeting in Columbia soon for the
j purpose of discussing and laying
I further plans for the deepening of
| the Susquehanna. Congressman
Hampton Moore will probably be
j the speaker, and Harrisburg is ex
! pected to send a large delegation.
Among representatives from Co
j lunibia at last night's meeting were
i the following:
\V. H. Lucas, president Merchants
j and Manufacturers' Association: J.
| H. Ostertag, chairman of executive
committee; H. F. Yergey, manager
Columbia Wagon Works; W. L.
| Bucher, proprietor Central Drug
I Store; W. F. Oberlin, jeweler. W.
iW. Fairer, proprietor Columbia
| Boiler W<*ks; Horace Detweiler,
i cashier First National Bank; Cap
j tain C. K. Lenig, of the Daily Spy:
I Frank Gladfelter, Columbia Trust
Company; A. L. Campbell, secretary
I Merchants and Manufacturers As
sociation; Dr. H. V. Pierce, Veter
' inarian; Frank Kreidler, hardware;
{ Lewis Zarfoss, hardware; D. D.
! Dockard, contractor.
Springfield. 111., Nov. 20.—The state
public utilities commission yester
day authorized the elevated railways.
| of Chicago, to charge a 6-eent fare
I until December 1, 1919. The company
j had asked a 7-eent fare.
Former Commander of Russ
Armies Now Leads Cap
tors of the City
By Associated Press
Copenhagen, Nov. 20.—The Ukra
inian government has been overA
turned und Kiev has been captured
by troops from Astrakhan, accord
ing to Kiev dispatches to Swedish,
newspapers. The Ukrainian national
I assembly has fled and provisional
government has been established by
the captors of the city, who appar
ently are commanded by General
Denikine, lead of antl-Bolshevlkl *
The Ukraine became a republio
during the disprders in Itussia after
the overthrow of the Kerensky gov- (
ernmcnt in November, 1917. There
was much lighting there between the
llolsheviki and their opponents, re
sulting in the defeat of the Bolshe
vlki. The Ukrainian government
made peace with Germany at Brest-
Litovsk, a few days before the Rus
sian Bolshevik government also
agreed to the German terms. Austro-
German troops then entered the
Ukraine for the purpose of carrying
out economic articles of the peace
j The Ukrainian government was
dverthrown last May and General
j Skoropadski became dictator under
] the title of hetman, but he has had
i difficulty In maintaining order there,
j although assisted by the Austro
j Germans.
General Denikine formerly was
I commander of the Russian armies
] on the southern front. Previous to
j that he had been chief of staff of tho
| Russian armies.
i Washington, Nov. 20.—Reports of
| the overturning of the Ukrainian
I government by General Denlklne's
I anti-Bolshevik troops was received
j hfcre to-day with great satisfaction,
for officials said It will make tho
| work of the Allies in handling tho
I Russian problem much more simple.
It was pointed out it will be easy I
| to reach Russia in Europe with sup-'
| plies and necessary munitions by
i way of the Black Sea, which now is
j open to the Allies.
i :
I Paris —The American representa
! tives at the peace conference and
I their staffs will occupy a building on.
the Place de la Concorde which has
been the headquarters of the Amer
ican Red Cross since June.
Copenhagen—Delegates from Vi
enna have arrived at Berlin to nego
tiate a union of German-Austria with
I.ondon —The situation in the East
is causing anxiety in Germany. Ber
; lin learns a great German army is
j marching eastward, according to a
Copenhagen dispatch to the Exchange
j Telegraph Company.
Unset —Announcement Is made at
Vienna by thf Council of State that
it has decided to raise the new AusW
trian loan from "new sources of rev
enue" because of the financial situa
tion. '
Wen- Orleans —The Panama Maru,
an 8.200-ton steamer of the Osaka
Shoshen Kaisha, one of the largest
Japanese steamship companies, ar
rived at this port last night, marking
the beginning of actual service on
the first regular steamship line ever
operated between New Orleans and
Berne—Arrangements have been
made for the transportation of 100.-
000 Italian prisoners of war from
Austria and Germany to Italy byway
of Switzerland. The first of the spe
cial trains, each carrying 800 men,
passed on Saturday.