Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 20, 1918, Page 13, Image 13
DIXIE LAND ALL EXCITED OVER BIG GAME SATURDAY TWIXT GEORGIA TECH AND PITT TECH HOPES FOR A HARD GAME Williamson Trade School to ,Bring Good Team Here A; When the Williamson Trade School football eleven visits this city Satur day afternoon, the Tech football squad hopes to have a chance to show Just how well they can play. In all of its previous games. Tech * did not have to extend Itself to win. The players state that they can play a better game than what they have had to do to date. If this is the case, then it is to be hoped that William son Trade School, coming from Phila delphia, -will show enough opposition to make the Maroon players fight hard for victory. No matter what the result of Sat urday's contest the visitors come to this city with a clean slate for the season. They have either won or tied in every game played to date. Wil liamson is always well represented in sports, although they are given a minimum amount of time to play. The center position seems to be a favorite place for the captains this ' year. Most of the leaders of teams coming to this city have been placed at the pivotal position. Saturday Captain Martz passed the pigskin for Gettysburg. Several weeks ago Cap tain Grenet was at center for Belle fonte. This week the leader of the Williamson squad is Captain Koons, who will do the passing for the team. There is no more responsible place on the team than that at center, and there is no question about It but that the best player should be at the pivot of the combination. Faye, playing quarterback, is one of the heaviest players to play that position who will visit Harrisburg ' this year. He Is the kicker for the team, can skirt the end, or plunge through the line. He is one of the veterans on the team, and a player whom Tech will have to watch. • Byerley, at fullback, is the most important cog in the entire machine. He is considered versatile in the back field and has a specialty when it comes to launching forward passes. Tech students expect a great game. The visitors come from Philadelphia with a good reputation. It should be a close game, but it remains to, be seen what will happen when that Ebner, Lingle, Wilsbach, Beck com bination starts things. Cheer Leader Shank and Band Leader Rosenberg will have their force out in full, preparing for the Steelton game Thanksgiving Day. Dickinson Will Meet Gettysburg Saturday in Annual Battle By Associated Press Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 20.—Gettys burg College will meet its old rivals in football on Saturdy. For a num ber of years the local institution and Dickinson have not been arrayed ugainst each other in any kind ol sports but friendly relations have been esttfdished in football, which ' will likely be extended to take in all athletic events, and the two teams will grapple on the local gridiron. AROUND THE BASES "I'm a second Attlla," said illlam the Huii. "Our notions were precisely tlie same." , And with tills, we arc willing, most all to fcgrco Except that Attlla was "game. The Keystone state, in Dr. Kalb fus, has one of the most enterpris ing men in the country for this job. Not waiting until the hunting season Is over he is busy these days plan ning for the purchase of deer in Michigan, and other northern states for tho game preserves or this state. Attention will be given to the new game preserves, including those in Dauphin, Union and Forest counties. If possible, quail will be bought for t stocking. It is an unwritten law that a pitch er cannot get under a high liy, but when ever one threatens to drop ■. near the pitcher's box the pitcher must hurry to one side and let an.in tlelder make the catch. How iron clad this rule is can bo appreciated from what Ed. Konetchy did on#! day last season when he pitched in stead of first based. Catching high flies is one of the first baseman's chief duties, and Konetchy is an ex pert at the trick, but. where on this day a batsman hit an infield fly to ward the pitcher's box, Konetchy sidestepped and let the third sacker make the catch. "Well, old man, how are you get ting along with your poultry raising? Making expenses?" "Not yet, but ~ my hens have taken to eating their own eggs, so I hope that they will soon become self-supporting."—Bos ton Transcript. Speaking of the Princeton team, W. W. (Bill) Roper, says: "I visited Princeton and watched the football team practice for an hour and a half. Keene Fitzpatrick has done wonders with his charges, and I am firmly of the opinion that the team is the equal of any Princeton team in years." If Germans worked as hard to earn The food that now tltoy need, , As Germans worked to murder folks 1 Their aid would come with speed. Towanda, Pa., Nov. 20.—Charged with violation of the state game laws, Albert George, Philadelphia, was arrested here yesterday by Game Protector Shoemaker after a .< chase of several miles. George came to this county for a several days' hunting trip. Although armed with a license he refused to follow regu lations in its proper display and was taken into custody when it was learned that he was concealing the number in his pocket. Pending the payment of the $2 5 fine his firearms are being held by the commissioners. Three Elmira, one Buffalo and one Johnson City man, all New Yorkers, were also taken into custody by the warden yesterday, charged with hunting in this state without secur ing non-resident licenses. All were forced to pay fines of $25 and costs., A motorist passing through a country town stopped to look at a man who was putting a dog through a number df clever tricks. L "Those tricks are some of the best I ever saw," commented the motor ist when the performance was over. ' x \ WEDNESDAY EVENING HXUMSBTTRG TTEEEGUAW3C NOVEMBER 20, T9l& Horse Is Brave Under Fire Relate Soldiers Among the curious facts which American soldiers have noticed in the European war is the eager ness of cavalry mounts for battle and tfleir reluctance to leave the battlefield aftr the charge. The average war horse will chafo and stamp with impatience while waiting for the order to advance and at the signal will dash for ward like a greyhound released from the leash, full of fire and fury and neighing wildly. When ho arrives at the ranks of the enemy, he rears, striking and bit ing savagely at the opposing horses and trampling down the infantry. If his rider falls, the horse will dasji along with his fellows and crash into the ranks of tho en emy. Participants of tho far famed charge of the Light Bri gade have related how scores of riderless horses rushed down "the valley of death" right up to the mouths of the Russian guns and galloped back to safety with tho shattered remnant of the brigade. Half a dozen horses raced neck and neck with Lord Alfred Paget, •who rode in advance of the line, so eager were they to get at the enemy. A cavalryman will tell you that his mount knows as much of mili tary as he does himself. The bugle calls are all familiar to the ex perienced horse, and instances have been noted when the rider's mistake was rectified by the horse who went through the maneuvers correctly, regardless of the sol dier's contrary command. Horses have been given honors which thousands of men have vainly strived for. Among them was Colonel, Lord Roberts' little Arab, which carried him in the famous march' from Kabul to Kandahar and around whose neck, at Queen Victoria's express wish, he hung the Kabul medal. In the present war, the value of the horse has been %ecognized as never before, and great care has been provided for all army animals. The British Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani mals offered its services to the English government and estab lished hospitals and provided veterinary supplies and veterin arians to aid the army workers. During the past year the society was able to cure eighty-four per. cent, of all the animals turned over to its care and effected a saving of millions of dollars to the British government. The American army will be given similar aid by the American Red Star Animal Belief, an or ganization founded at tho request of Secretary of War Baker. Al ready tho Red Star has accom plished good work by providing supplies at the numerous army camps in this country. Thousands of copies of the "First Aid" leaf lets, dealing with tho care of the army horse, were supplied at the request of army officers. Experi enced agents of the Red Star have visited camps and offered suggestions for the better care of the animalsdetailed at the camps*. Dr. William O. Stillman, presi dent of the American Humane Association, is director general of the Red Star. . "Did you teach the dog to do them yourself?" "Every one of them," was the proud reply of the kioodle's owner. "I don't see how in the world you manage to do it," returned the mo torist. "I have tried time and time again and I can't teach mine a single trick." "It ain't so hard," was the rather startling rejoinder of the other, "s>ut of course you have to know mere than the dog."—Exchange. New York, Nov. 20. —John A. Heydler, secretary-treasurer of the National League and acting presi dent since the resignation of John IC. Tener, will be elected president without opposition when the league holds its annual meeting in New j York, on December 10. Many others have been mentioned for the vacancy, but only Heydlor's name will come before the meeting, lie is to become, like Ban, Johnson, president-secretary-treasurer of his league. Heydler has grown up in baseball, and was a National League umpire in the twelve-club days. He had been the man of every presi dent since Harry Pullman and fre quently has held the National League reins. Following the death of Pullman, in 1900, Heydler became acting pres dent. He was a candidate for the presidency at the December, f I9OO, election, but hip supporters shifted to Brown in the celebrated Ward- Brown deadlock, which ended with the election of Thomas Lynch as the compromise candidate. Lew Moren, former pitpher for the Philadelphia and Cincinnati Nation al League baseball clubs, is at Get tysburg, where he will become a member of the United States Tank Corps. He enlisted in the "Treat 'Em Rough" outiit long before the Sep tember 12 draff went into effect, but owing to the order of Provost Gen eral Crowder curtailing enlistments, i Lew was forced to wait until this late dato to "get in." Lew broke into pro fessional baseball in 1907 with the L Jersey City Club, of the Internation al League. After a short period with ) this club he was drafted by the Phillies along with George McQuil lian. He remained with the Philadel- I phia Club until 1911, when lie figur i ed in the four-cornered deal which , sent him to the Cincinnati Reds. i Reading, Nov. 20.—Two knock i outs marked the Maennerchor's box ' ing show here last night. Freddy i Corbett, of Reading,, with a right - swing to jaw sent Buddy McCarty, II Phoenixville, Into dreamland In the i second round of the windup after s one rr.nute of fast drilling. The pair s swapped punch for punch in the i opening round and had the crowd . wild. Corbett sent McCarty to-the 3 mat for s the count of nine with a left , upper cut to the Jaw as tho second 3 round opened, following with the l knockout blow. Battling Paskos, Reading, shaded 3 Young gharkey, Norristown, in the semiwlnd up, after a whirlwind bout. Earl MacFarlane, Reading, sent L Young Terry Martin, Pottsville, via i the knockout route in the third i round preliminary with a right hook to the Jaw, while Bud Lewis, Read t ing, bested Young Gibson, Mana - yunk, the bell saving Gibson from a . knockout at the finish. SNOODLES By . 7 Nouj YoO T /% Lf fsA M / JeT . fMM OA RAOTHT \ C =^R L J_ AX * \ 6<\A< WITH • V" F T MAPE \ ~ "foess. i "fou? / /7\. Jr ( i- ' f V> ''V. TIV KW< TIGHTWAD -:- -;- -:- -;- -;- -;- -;- -;- ,;. .... ... < .;. . ; . .... BY GALE (RJTTL~L SAVI AN*\ FW ELL, THAT (BUT (^A^USSNT 1 -) -- O AUTOMOBILE SKID I MOTH/NO TO ) J voo ABOUT IT— \. I THE TOWN'S FULL( I MOW Ml> THE OTHER. DAV- ( L BRA6 ABOUT.'] ( I WTVCR SAW AN (OF EM JANDTHEV | jBE SEVBE*L vi "t UTHER. DAY-J AUTOMOBLE SKID S VALL LOOK ALIKE! \ J MORE do BV IAI TMR NE*?) ,Kr I*: A 1* H„ / LEMME Do IT ? t Season's Biggest Game When "Yellow Jackets" Meet Pitt i . No football game scheduled in years has aroused so much interest as is being manifested in the big bat tle between Pitt and Georgia Tech, carded for November 23, and judging from reports from the South similar enthusiasm is being shown in Dixie land, The meeting of the Panthers and the Goldei Tornado is the sole sport topic throughout the South at present. It develops, in this tfonnec tion, that the Yellow Jackets will not lack rooters or supporters at Forbes field when they line up against the Warnerites next Saturday. Atlanta advices say that the fans of that sec tion are so wrought up over the con test that . a large number of them are planning a layoff from Novem ber 21 to 24 in order to make the long trip to Pittsburgh for the pur pose of attending the game. Not only that, but many Southern foot ball enthusiasts now located in the north are coming to Pittsburgh on the day if the game. It is said that Coach John Heisman has received many letters of encouragement from Southerners in the north, particular ly Southern college men, not only from Tech, but from Sewanee, from Auburn and other institutions, who are now at training camps in the northeastern saying they will be at Forbes field to make a Southern holiday on November' 23. Evidently the home team will have no corner on the rooting. Weather conditions were very bad Joe Tinker Predicts Great Baseball Season The leading minor league baseball magnates are not only determined to resume the sport in their circuits next year, but they confidently pre dict the season will be an extraordi narily successful one. Joo Tinker, the former star short stop, now president of the Columbus, Ohio, club of the American Associa tion, is one of the most optimistic. He declares thrft the last barrier has been removed and that baseball is due for one of its greatest years. "We anticipate there will be no gov ernment opposition to the playing of the national game next year," said he. "Thfc armistice has been signed, permanent peace is on tho way, therefore why not baseball? We of the American Association heartily favor a resumption of the game and we are certain that the fans will flock to the parks as they did before the war. In fact, we expect larj er crowds. Athletics and athletes have done much to win the war. Baseball GERMAN GUN POSITIONS ON BELGIAN COAST NEAR QSTEND - psRUs ** t, , mmmmm mm seram •id | ■ ~ '.sf* ; •. -v % • .. • • .. < 5 > 5 ; ,*ri^X'-V."Vi ~ -*iT . . ... „. „ ■ . ... . " " \ a<~ 1' UTtw nEVEJrsnY NEAR- OSTEifD. &Jt/rrr* oswt Aw- A view of part of the elaborate <1 efense built by the OeTumtw on tho Belgian coast near Osfend. These | positions were taken by the British nuval forces without any lighting, the enemy having evacuated hup- j riedly, leaving practically everythln g intact. Note the unlired shells lyl ng about giving evidence to the naste I with which the Huns departed. * i 1 i i for ffootball practice yesterday, but ' Coach Glenn Warner could not af ford to lose the time In preparation ; for the biggest game of his cajjer • next Saturday, when Pitt will have to stretch to come out on top. While i rpany experts like Bob Folwell, Bill i Hollenback and Ralph Hutchinson : have gone on record publicly as fa voring the Blue and Gold, it is well known that Coaoh Warner is not i going to let the Fanthers get too confident, and he has never let up In his drilling into their heads that this is the game that will make or break their reputation of being the i greatest football machine in the country to-day. McLaren and Easterday were the only men who complained yesterday, the former having been slightly lamed since last week, while Easter day strained his heel In Saturday's game. However, these two players took part in the signal work and the blackboard lesson. The Panthers have lost their Jaunty air in the past few days, on account of the coach's timely warning against over-confidence, and every man on the team is at" the point of morale needed by Warner. Kicking and | running was all modified yesterday | the only strenuous thing about the j practice being the instructions of the coach. The men were closely muf fled and suffered no consequences 1 from the cold rain. was played near the firing line and many soldiers were converted Into baseball fans. We do not want the Impression to go abroad that we are less patriotic now that the war has been won, but we feel that the game will now be hailed with delight throughout the land, and we are keen to serve the public." Serious Flareback of Influenza in Franklin Co. ChnmberNburg, Pa., Nov. 20.—Influ enza has shown a flareback cf alarm ing proportions in Franklin county. About St. Thomas the epidemic rageß worse than fiver, one physician. Dr. S. H. Swan, having ninety-nine cases since last Friday. Health Officer J. H. K inter has resumed activities to rup-, press the disease. The Franklin County Medical So ciety devoted its regular meeting to a symposium on influenza. Dr. How ard Hull, of the State Health Depart ment at Harrlsburg, was present and spoke. The society passed a minute commending the state department's course in handling the epidemic. MITCHELL FOR CUB'S PRESIDENT Aggressive Manager to Be Hoisted as Successor of " Weeghman MITCHELL, CHICAGO CUBS' MAN AGER. If merit has its reward, Frerf Mitchell, manager of the Chicago Club, 1918, champlohs of the Nation al League, will be elected president of the club to succeed Charles Weeghman, Is announced authorita tively yesterday. The change will be made within two weeks. Weeghman, however, will retain his financial interest in the club. Weeghman was one of the backers of the Federal League and he be came president of the Chicago Na tionals when the club was absorbed by himself and associates. Mitchell came to the club t,wo years ago fropi Boston, where he was scout, coach and utility man to George Stallings. Mitchell was named manager of the Cubs two years ago, succeeding Joe Tinker. Up to that time he was considered an able assistant and coach of young pitchers, but none of the magnates took him seriously. Fred had a hard time the first , year, but last season stepped out and won the championship of the Na tional League. He fell down in the world genes, but few expected him to beat the Red Sox. Mitchell, like Pat Moran, treats his players as though they were hu i man and not a gang of hired men. He believes in giving the players a free hand, allows them to do their own thinking and never "rides" a man all afternoon for making a poor play. He always gives his athletes I credit fo'r trying and assumes they are doing their best. That is the se cret of his success. It is not known who wil succeed Mitchell as manager of the club, it is reported that Otto Knabe will be offered the Job. f Standing of the Crews HAHRISBLKG SIDE Philadelphia Division The 131 crew first to go after 4 o'clock: 103, 124, 106, 132, 128. Engineer for 106. Conductor for 124. Brakemen for 131, 124, 132. Engineers up: McCurdy, Connelly, Rutherford, Koller, Glnderman, Hall, Ryan, Frickman, Gemmill, Small, Ream, Schwartz, Tarney. Firemen up: Wilhlde, McLaughlin, | Plank, Shiskoff. Fryslnger, Westfall, : Rissler, Stewart, Johns. Brakemen up* Lupp, McCarty. Bel ford. Walker, Mohler, Miller, Shultz, ' Kassman, Scharr, Murphy, Smith, Hammon, Singleton, Brunner. I Middle Division —The '36 crew first I to go after 12.45 o'clock: 16. 33, 26. 17. 231, 248, 29, 235, 31, 234, 306. Laid I off: 29, 28, 15. Engineer for 33. Firemen for 36. 33, 20. Conductor for 81. Brakemen for 16. 33, 26. Engineers up: Smith. Sheely. Leib, Stone. Cope, Snyder, Heisey, Lelter McAltcker, Smith, Dunkle, Gipple, | Sweigart, Kauftman, Dlmm, Hawk, Gladhill, Rowc, Gray, Kreps. Firemen up: Johns, Freed, Benson, Holslnger. Turnbaugh, Lewis, Lesh er, Hertzler, Denk, Campbell, Wright, McLaughlin, Furtenbaugh, Sevick, Humphreys, Gutshall. Conductors up: Cope, Lower, Ben nett, Ross. Brakemen up: Gladfelter, Lentz, Beers, Shade, Kreps, Lauver, Young, Woodward, Dennis, Ewing, Dare. Baker, Forbs, Bell, Warner, Clouser. Yard Uonrd —Engineers for 6C. 5- 7C, 11C, 2-15 C, 5-15 C, 6-15 C, 26C. 32C. Firemen for SC, 6C, 3-7 C, 10C, 12C, 1-14 C, 5-15 C, 6-15 C, 23C, 35C. Engineers up: Keiser, Ferguson, Snell, Auman, Miller, Essig. Nye, Revie, Ulsli, Bostdorf, Schifer, Rauch, Weigle, Lackey, Cookerly. Firemen up: Kistler, Shawfleid, Mumma, Rhine, King, Beard, Rheam, Yost." Shaub, Weaver. ENOL V SIDE Philadelphia Division The 235 crew first to go after 3.45 o'clock: 216, 225. 206, 231, 208, 210. 212, 220. 205. 224, 237. Engineers for 208, 210, 220, 224. Firemen for 206, 210, 237. Middle Division— The 119 crew first to go after 1.45 o'clock: 232, 218, 114, 253, 220, 229. Laid off: 107. Engineer for 114. Fireman for 114. Brakeman for 119. Y'ard Board —Engineers for 3d 126, 3d 129, Ist 132, 137, 149, 152. Firemen for 2d 126, 3d 126, Ist 132, 149, 152. Engineers up: Fenlcle, Books, Myers, Zeidere, KowelL Lutz, Potter, Bair, Huggins, Hanlon. Firemen up: StolL Bruce. Ready, Groff, Sanders, Perry, Henderson, Blessner, Allen, Jenkins, Cessna, Mil ler, Chapman, Shaffner, Fake. PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Engineers up: Pleam, Osmond, Welsh. Kennedy. Firemen up: Floyd. Everhaxt. Hus ton. Cover. . Middle Division Engineers up: Crlmmel, Graham, Smtth, Keane, Jas. Keane, Crum, Schreck, Buck, Delozler, Kelley, Keiser. Firemen up: Stauffer, Sheats, Craig. Johnson, Howard, , Bruker, Belsel, Connor, Stephens, Hunter, Kuntz, Hummer, Hoffman, Morris, Wilson, Steele, Smith, Snyder, Forsythe, Kohr. THE READING The jG6 -crew first to go after 12.00 o'clock: 67, 8, 5, 15, 55, 11, 14, 52, 62, 21, 53, 57. Engineers for 53, 62, 5. Fireman for 63. Flagman for. 6. Brnkemon for 53, 85, 62, 66. S. Engineers up: Bowman. Clouser. Ruth. Griffith, Anders, Linn, Hoff- j man. Little, Bates, Bruaw. Firemen up: Relnntch, Huber, Mor t rlson, Slough. Flagmen up: Stahl, Lehr.ian, Spang i ler. Carl, Travltz, Rldell, Tolbert, Kelner, Sheet/.. Brakemen up: Ryan. Kendrlck, Rlssal, Neely, Ryan, Hory, Engle, Bashore, Braugh, Wray, Unman, Good rcn. Boat Torpedoed on Day Before the Armistice London, Nov. 20.—The British mine sweeper Ascot was torpedoed and sunk on November 10, the day before the armistice was signed, with all aboard, the admiralty announced to night. "Six officers and forty-seven men are mifslng; there are no survivors," the statement says. Life's Problems Are Discussed Slacker! It is a word of disdain ful meaning, a term of reproach coined at the beginning of the war to designate those who in one form or another shirked service for their country. But It was too pat, too expressive to be localized, and Is now frequently used to describe any one who evades his responsibilities or lies down on his Job. After all. Isn't the manner In which we meet our responsibilities the final I test of character? Tile slacker simply doesn't meet them. He goes all around Robin Hood's barn to avoid making their acquaintance. As an illustration of the faultless and fin ished slacker, 1 submit the follow ing letter: "Dear Madam: I have been mar ried twenty years. I slmpLy wor shipped my wife. I would do so still if she were only half way square. We have several children, but for a number of years she has been In the habit of departing from home whenever she chose, leaving myself i and the children for weeks at a time, going about where she pleased and receiving many attentions from men. "She neglects the house, neglects the children, neglects everything but her own selfish desires. Thsf result ■is that the children are showing the effects of the poor food and care they receive, and are growing very anemic. "I havls been not only willing but anxious to do the right thing by my wife and children, and have done it to the best of my ability. Now. though, I am utterly discouraged. 1 am at work all day and return tired to my disorderly and uncared-for home. I provide proper food and comforts, and my wife is well dress ed. Can you explain the incon sistency of such a character? There are plenty like her. They gad from Play Safe-- ; | I Stick to KING OSCAR CIGARS e the quality is as good as ever it They will please and satisfy you \ ;rtli it JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers morning to night, reach home about three minutes before their husbands do, and then deliberately lie about how hard-worked they are. "Respectfully, X." It is an exceeding bitter cry, and who could blame the pqor man. He certainly puts his finger on one of the slacker's most marked character istics the effort to camouflage his or her worthlessness by moaning about multiple and onerous duties. Since she has been married for twenty years, this woman cannot offer excuses on the score of youth and inexperience. She ha# made a deliberate choice of the tilings which A she consider# worth while, and by thie M choice is she to be Judged. Women of this type regard them selves as respectable. They achieved honorable marriage; theySi have contributed future citizens the Republic; they would be more than grieved, they would be in sulted if any one were to insinuate that instead of being an ornament to the fetate, they are a menace he cause they have voluntarily assum ed certain obligations and then welshed on the payment. The State, by the way. fs becom ing very much Interested in Its lit tle children. Ways and means of conserving their health and saving them ftom the dire effects of Im poper feeding and malnutrition are being thoroughly discussed and considered. It is becoming more and more generally underwood that the health, happiness and usefulness of the adult depends upon the Intelli gent care which he has received in infancy and his early years: In spite of some conspicuous and suffering examples, the great ma jority of persons find that their suc cess fn life, their capacity for ap plication, Is largely measured by ' their strength of constitution. The beasts that perish give their youth all the care necessary to thetr growth. It has remained for some human mothers to exhibit indiffer ence, -cruelty and negLect of their offspring. i . The woman who is described In thts letter is not the only one of her kind. Every community knows her prototype. Her husband, her chil dren. her home is her capital the only reael capital she will ever have. ' She should be drawing from it an income of love and gratitude and ap preciation which would gladden her life and her life's end. Instead, there is no income. She has squan dered her capital recklessly, and the end is bankruptcy. Is there a more terrifying sight than those fading, dissipated women / clutching at life's tinsel as If It were I gold and precious stones, trying to snatch all the shallow, empty amuse ment they can from the passing hour* and storing up MO> JlUßgy for the fu- j ture? If the husband Is able to—J.&-' shelter, food and the comforts " of lifo for his children and fails to do so, the law compels him. But un fortunately and tragically the arm of the law does not reach to the woman in such cases of flagrant and crimin al neglect. 13