Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 20, 1918, Image 1

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    Ki k Wrested
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# T
Sullen Stragglers
Take Highways
to Berlin
Kaiser's Officers
Seek Safety in .
Wild Flight
By Associated Press
American Army of Occupa
tion, Nov. 20.—The American
troops shoved their line across
the German frontier to-day.
The frontier was crossed at
points opposite Briey and;
Audun-le-Roman and at points
between these two places.
Further north the Duchy of
Luxemburg was entered in the
direction of the city of Luxcm
With the American Army •>r Occu
pation. Nov. 20.—With the exception I
of a few laggard units, the lust of I
Germany's armies disappeared yes- J
a. terday behind their own frontier.
From the villages located in the nar- < ;
row strip of unoccupied territory be- j
twecn the American and German
forces came reports during the day
that the stragglers had engaged in
Inhabitants true llnstc
Appeals were received from the
inhabitants that the advancing Araer
loa'ns hasten to their relief. Investi
gtion proved, however, that the vil
lagers were more excited than in
jured. anj.L that most of the damage
being done by the little groups of
Germans was to the Germans' own j
stores of food and clothing.
Other appeals were found to have j
more foundation. Those from the (
mayors of Halanzy and other neigh- i
boring towns reported the presence!
of wounded and sick in greater num- j
hers than the local physicians could-;
attend, and to those points medical |
officers and supplies were sent, after j
notification to the Germans of the.
Americans' plan.
When the Germans evacuated,these ;
towns they took with them not only
the medical and nursing staffs, but
also the hospital supplies, abandon
ing the sick and wounded to the
mercies of the townspeople and the i
army of occupation. ,
Huns \bnndon Sick
Such was found to be the case in i
the hospital at Longwy. where was I
located the Thirty-second division j
headquarters.' Six wounded Ameri- j
cans were found there, three of them j
officers. Two were aviators report- I
ed missing in October. They were |
False Statement Result of
Jealousy Gets Culprit Into
Serious Difficulty
Some weeks ago there was Impos
ed upon the Telegraph an Infamous
story affecting adversely Dr. J. E. T.
Oxley, of this city, and Miss ldeila
Fisher. a popular Steelton teacher. !
Through an inadvertence the item
found its way into the'social columns
of the Telegraph and upon the facts
being brought to the attention of'the
management steps were immediately
taken in co-operation with Dr. Oxley
to discover the culprit. Suspicion
finally pointed to a young woman
of this city, and she was. after a
thorough investigation, taken into
custody. When confronted with the
[Continued 011 Page 11.]
For >larrlhurg and vicinity 1 Fulr
and slightly cooler to-night,
with lowest temperature about
•10 degrees 1 Thursday fulr.
For Eastern I'runsylvnniu 1 Cloudy
and slightly colder to-night I
Thursday fnlri moderate west
and northwest winds.
The main river will rise slowly,
except the upper portion will
begin to foil Thursday. The ;
lower portions of the North and I
West branches will rise some- 1
what to-night and foil Tkurs
day. All other streams of the
system will foil. A stage of '
shout IS feet Is Indicated for
Hjurrioharg Thursday morning. 1
By Associated Press J
Loudon, Nov. 20.—Germany in |
the end gave way. not because 11
she had chaflged her views, but |
i because she knew she was abso- |
I lutely beaten, declared the Earl of j
j Reading in a speech in London |
j to-day. Lord Reading uttered a j
warning and said the Allied coun- j
I tries should continue to be watch-
I ful of Germany and the utterances !
! of her statesmen. I
"The Germany which is now
' anxious to fall in with the views
i of our country," he said, "has yet |
to show by her actions and not j
merely by one day or two days or
a year or two years that the whole
spirit of Germany 1 has changed.
We wish it to change before we
can ever believe in our hearts
that Germany lias changed from
what it was before the war."
flying low when attacked by six | '
Fokkers, and forced to land within j
the enemy lines.
■ The last stragglers of the Ger- j
' man forces were passing out of Brus- ,
sels on Sunday evening, it was a sad ]
1 cavalcade of sullen, depressed men ;
| tiling out along the road, heading j
! for Louvain and Liege. Brussels (
j was calm. The population refrained
' from any manifestation beyond dts
-1 datnfully shouting to the departing
' soldiers, "to Berlin." The soldiers
did not respond,- merely smiling sad
! I.v. The correspondent, who went to
! Brussels Friday has returned to
I Ghent.
il There is sufficient food in Belgium
for five weeks, according to Fernand
Baetans, of the American commls
, sion for relief in Belgium. He said,
j however, that there was need for
| rice and suggested that supplies be
j unloaded at Antwerp, Instead of at
: Rotterdam. Coal is very scarce and
) is selling at 250 francs a ton. Cloth-
I ing also is lacking,
i While the people Sunday remain- j
! ed calm, waiting until the last Ger- !
j matf left Belgian lancers were ten ,
j miles down the Ghent road, watching j
for the signal to enter the city.
! The Germans made numerous at
] tempts to fraternize with the Belgian
i Socialists, but Secretary Ruysbreck, |
I of the Socialists' headquarters, re- |
] fused to meet representatives of the •
I Soldiers' and Workmen's Council. He ,
said: I
"Tell our King, tell America, tell .
the whole world, that we absolutely I
I will have no contact with these peo- j
l pie. Our enemies we at no time con- ,
! suit as to the future. We do not 4
| know the spirit of the workmen, but
| we do know the spirit of the soldiers.
I "Belgium has recovered promptly,
i and there is no danger of Bolshevism
| here."
; German soldiers are going about |
j with huge bags of loot from the [
j quartermaster's department, selling
| shoes, blankets and socks at any
price obtainable. Good boots were
' sold for ten marks. ,
| Senator Speyer said the behavior
j of the German officers impressed him
; as • cowardly, most of them fleeing
[ toward Holland or escaping in cltl-
I zens' clothing to Berlin.
J _ !
Final Efforts Being Made to ,
Fill Every Subdivision
Date returns from outlying coun
ties of the Sixth Pennsylvania district
in the United War Work Campaign
raised the total to 1865,556. or 165,556
! more than the quota.
The campaign closes officially at 6
o'clock to-night, and the district
chairmen and workers are striving
to place as many d>alrlcts as possible
over the top before that time. Sub- I
scriptions received before midnight
will be counted in the total, and
should be telephoned to headquarters, i
The city total is estimated at 1196,000, '
with a quofa of 1180,000. Ward lead
ers who have not raised their quotas
are working to ptace their wards on
the 100 per cent, list during the re
maining few hours of the campaign.
In a telegram received from John
R. Mott, campaign director general 1 "
hearty congratulation is conveyed to i
[Continued on Page 11.]
By Associated Press
Cleveland. Ohio. Nov. 20.—Chaotic ; 1
conditions of foreign manufacture i ,
with resultdnt demands for Ameri- i '
can goods will tend to keep prices j
high for household necessities In the | i
j United States indefinitely, in the j '
opinion of delegates to the Anieri- ,
I can Specialty Manufacturers' Asso-! '
! elation, which opened a two days' !
i convention here to-day. Higher j '
j prices for soaps and soap powders ' 1
[also were predicted. ji
)■- ■ ■ i
Had Children Brought to Hist
Home at Night to Re- j
move Enchantments
Worked on Farmer's Credul-,
ity by Muttering Weird
ChiiiiilMTaliiiriE. F'a.. Nov. 20.—John ]
H. Keckler, of Waynesboro, was con
victed of a serious charge In criminal
court this morning. "Hex-doctoring,"j
witches, incantations nntl various I
ghostly matters were mingled in the]
trial, the weirdest coming before the ,
county courts in recent years.
Witnesses alleged that Keckler,
came to the home of Harry Krincr. of;
Lemasters, pointing out to him that!
his farm was enchanted by witches.
Posing as a "hex-doctor," It is charged !
Keckler made incantations and later
had Ada and Grace, Krlner's two,
daughters, brought to his home at]
night at the time of the now moon or;
thereabouts. He stated he '.vas re- i
moving a spell from them.
Finds Witches nt Work
The first witness called in the case \
was \V. If. Krlner. He stated in liis|
testimony that in 1915 Hush Heckman
brought the "hex-doctor" to the home
of Harry Kriner where the so-called i
"witch chaser" said the witches were
working on the premises.' He laid
seals on the, farm, the witness said. I
The "seals," it appears, were small ,
pieces of muslin sewed in bags. Keck- |
ler explained that someone had been [
"working" on the premises for past J
thirty years. It was declared that a I
lengthy i onference was held on the;
subject of witches. A hog on the Kri- j
tur place was ill and it was alleged;
witches had caused this sickness.'
Keckler made efforts to cure the hog,
it was stated.
Keekler was staying at the fleck-!
man house about this tirfie. it was I
testified. According to testimony, the
Heckmans asked that the two daugh
ters of Kriner be brought to their
house to be cured by Keckler. They
were to be brought into Keckler's
room at night and "to touch the hem
of his garment."
Mrs. Rebecca Kriner. wife cf W'. H. j
Kriner, corroborated the testimony of j
her husband with reference to the i
girls. She also said they were at
lleckman's place between six to
twelve times front .fitly. 1915. to No
vember. 1916, and in Slay, 1917. On |
one occasion she saw the "physician"
draw a circle around the witness an 1 j
her daughter and muttered some in-1
Grace Kriner was 17 years old on j
April 19, 1917. Ada was born Janu
ary 10. 1907. Miss Grace was mar
ried August 2. 1917. She stated in;
her testimony that she and her sister!
visited the Heckman home a half]
dozen times in 1915 and 1916 while
Keckler was there, spending the night
with him.
Governor Urges Landing
of Pennsylvania Troops in I
Philadelphia For Parade j
Governor Brumbaugh lias written !
to Secretary of War Baker and Gen- j
eral P. C. March, chief of staff, urg- j
ing that the Pennsylvania troops be I
brought home from France byway
of Philadelphia. The Governor says
in his letter that it is the "unanl-.
mous wish" that the Pennsylvania
soldiers he landed, if possible, at
Philadelphia, where "a most fitting
and cordial welcome will be accord
ed them.
After expressing this desire the i
Governor says that if It can be done
it will give "renewed assurance of
the fine co-operative spirit that has
characterized the relations between
the federal government and this
Commonwealth since the war began."
Cupid Plays Queer Prank
by Twisting Relationships
Dan Cupid is a frolicsome chap at
best und his pranks are marvelous to
behold. For instance, here's what he
did to Robert M. Sturgeon, city edi
tor of York Gazette and Daily and
forrrver Harrisburg newspaperman,
and Mrs. Emaline Strausbaugh, West
York: He made Mr. Sturgeon the
stepfather of his son-in-law and Mrs.
Sturgeon the stepmother of her
daughter-in-law. The children also
take an additional relationship to
their elders.
Sturgeon was married to Mrs. I
Strausbaugh at .Lancaster. Jonas
Strausbaugh, a son of the bride, is
married to the groom's daughter.
Elizabeth. Thus cometh the tangle'
of relationships.
Mrs. William P. Ebersole Outburbanks Even the Famous
Luther When Second Crop Ripens After First Frost
Strawberry shortcake In the
middle of November! Luther Bur
bank performs modern miracles,
but to have real, Kood-sized straw
berries growing m your own back
yard, here in Harrisburg November
20, Is something about which only
Mrs. William P. Ebersole, "4 4
South Twenty-first street can tell.
ltiglit In the backyard, a short
distnjtce from the house, Mrs. Eber
sole's strawberry patch seems to be
defying Dame Nature herself. True i
the strawbe Tics ard not so large as
a "first crop," but they are there |
By Associated Press
New York, Nov. 20. —Martial
order has been supplanted by
marital zeal In Germany. This Is
evidenced by the advertising col
umns of German newspapers re- j
oeived here. Matrimonial "ads" ij
' cover whole pages and are Insert- ||
! ed by people of all ages and walks I'
| of life. i j
A peculiar feature of these nd
! vertisements is that many make!
! appeals for husbands or wives for
j relatives. Parents, brothers, sts
i ters and even friends of those who
! seek mates invite correspondence
| front those matrimonially in- I
j clined. War invalids, wealthy .
physicians, manufacturers and j
( rich widows are among those who
: resort to publicity.
One advertiser says he is !
| a widower who has property ,
j amounting to several millions of j
j marks. He admits he is 58 years i
i old. but says lie, "looks younger." |
A physician who lias an annual '
income of 100,000 marks "seeks to j
arrange a meeting with "a beau- i
tiful., stately woman, object mat- |
Seizing of Cables Fnealled
For; Puts Newspapers in
Grip of President
i Washington. Nov. 20. —The seizure'
1 of the marine cables by Postmaster!
i General Burleson coupled with the;
1 announcement of President Wilson's]
I intention to go abroad for the peace j
conference has created a furore in!
Congress. It provoked outbursts of;
indignation nt the conference held!
by the Senate Republicans und led ]
to the adoption of a resolution serv
! ing notice upon the Democrats that ]
! the bars of war-time harmony are i
j lifted.
The resolution unanimously!
j adopted by the Republicans declares'
: it to be the sense of the conference
[Continued on Page B.]
jTuesday and Wednesday ofi
| Next Week Fixed For the
Annual Collection
The annual Thanksgiving donation]
for the Harrisburg Hospital will be!
next Tuesday and Wednesday. No- j
vember 26 and 27.
It is considered likely that the hos
pital's annua! appeal will meet with
a ready response, as it comes im
mediately after the Institution play- ]
ed a splendid part in a great muni- I
cipal crisis, the influenza epidemic.'
The work of the hospital has come l
into the public eye with considerable !
prominence through its activities
during the recent scourge, and don
ations are expected to be made with
a lavish hand In many quarters.
During the epidemic, it was largely
through the efforts of the hospital
that an emergency hospital was es
tablished. lis physicians and nurses
worked constantly to combat the dis
ease. and several of Its staff met death
in the performance of their duty dur
ing that critical period.
Because of these extraordinary de
mands upon the resources of the hos
pital, the need of free handed con
j tributlons this year is larger than
I before, it is pointed out.
Every resident of the city is being
i urged to direct itis grocer to deliver
>an order of capned goods or other
provender to the Harrisburg Hos
and enough of them to make good,
old-fashioned shortcake! The straw
berries did not ripen until after the j
first heavy frost, and now they are I
blooming like summer flowers. I
Mrs. Ebersole admits that she Is'
able lo pick only an ordinary soup l
plate full at a time, this month, bu - j
several boxes are expected to be J .
yielded, If all goes well and t!\
frosts are not too heavy. The spring i
crop from the particular patch t
which is now bloewlng, yielded bert
rles so large thiit three woplii All i
and ordinary teacup. t
j Holiday Fowls to Cost From
GO to 68 Cents a
iWnrm Weather of Last Sum
mer Has Hurt Local
j The price o 1 " Thanksgiving tur
| keys will be vetj- high, indications
| showing that the price for native
I birds in this section will run any
, where from 60 to 68 cents retail.
! Western tuykeys, sold here In stor
| age, city dressed, may run as high
-as 60 cents retail. Livestock is
j selling in the city at the present
| tinte for 4 4 and 45 cents per pound.
but this season's flocks in many
| respects do not measure up to
! standard qur/ity, the hot weather
I affecting the development of the
J birds. These prices never before
have been matched,
j At present there seems to be a
| lack of any standard prices for tur-
I keys, farmers generally asking what
] one Is willing to give when ques-;
i tioned about prices. The lack of
! market prices at present is in part
! due to the fact that tbe markets of
! the larger cities, Philadelphia and]
t New York, have not yet made defi-i
■ ntte prices for the Thanksgiving
I and Holiday seasons. The large i
range in prices, however, does not
j indicate that turkeys will be cheap.
! On the other hand, it is an indiea
t tion that they will be sold for the;
i best obtainable price.
Market Unstable
1 Some poultry producers have
i asked such ridiculous prices for tur
! keys, anticipating the highest out
continued on Page 11.]
Addresses by members of the
; faculty to newly enrolled and p'res
] ent members of the Wharton school
| extension in this city will be deliver
> ed at the session of the schaol in the
Technical building to-night. Girls
j as well as men will be admitted to
the school hereafter. '
1,580,000 HUNS
Copenhagen. Nov. 20. —Up to
October 31, 1,580,000 German sol
diers were killed and the fate of
260,000 was not known, the Vor
waerts of Berlin says it learns on
reliable authority.
Four million soldiers had been
wounded, some several times. The
newspaper adds that there were
490,000 German prisoners in hos
tile countries.
Johnstown, Wilkes-Barre and
Allentown Have Reimposcd
Closing Order, Says Rover
The iitate Department of Health
to-day announced that "numerous
j flareups" of influenza have been
I heard of the last two days and that
'an increased number of deaths are
reported from the cities of Erie,
Johnstown, New Castle, Uniontown,
Wilkes-Barre and Allentown.
The boards of health of Johns
town, Uniontown and Wilkes-Barre
have already taken steps to reim-.
pose the closing order. It is report
ed that there has been a decided
flareup In the city of Pittsbugh, but
no accurate advices have as yet
been received by the State Health
Department. It is also reported that
on uccount of the increased num
ber of influenza cases in the coal
region, of Cambria county the fuel
administration has ordered all so
loons closed in a chain of towns I
extending from Gallitzin to Port- i
Up to l/ocal Boards
Dr. B. Franklin Koyer. acting |
commissioner of health, states that ;
it is the policy of the Health De- I
purtment to leave the matter of re- I
imposing the closing ban entirely!
to the local boards of health in the j
various districts unless the epidemic I
should show tendency toward 1
spreading. Dr. Royer stuted thut |
several local boards huh consulted i
with him during the last few days '
and he had advised them thut they i
had full authority .to enforce the!
closing order If, in their opinion, i
the epidemic conditions wurranted
mch a inrasurfr
The total number of deaths from
influenza and pneumonia for a twen- !
ty-four hour period up to noon yes- ,
terday was 639. bringing the total j
number of deaths since October 1
throughout the state to 42,636. j
.. 'O
| Legislature to Be Asked to Investigate
Possibilities of Opening the Great
Susquehanna Valley to Cheap
Means of Transportation
A conference will be held in this,
city shortly of representative citi
zens of the Susquehanna valley and
i its tributaries at which plans will
[j be made to take up with the state
['authorities a survey of the Susque
| hanna looking toward the canallz
"! ing "tif tlie stream,
j This was decided upon at a mass
meeting in the Technical High school
1 1 auditorium last evening under thej
' i auspices of the Rotary Club of Har-j
1 1 rinburg and attended by representa-|
■ i tives of the Kiwanis Club, lite Cham- |
] ber of Commerce, tho Engineers']
' I Club and a delegation front Colum-J
"Ibia. The meeting followed an ad-,
'I dress by Major William B. Gray be-j
' fore a Rotary Club luncheon some j
time ago at which he said a study
i of the river convinced him that it j
• could be made navigable at reason- .
able cost. By special permission of ]
the War Department and upon tn- j
' citation of the Rotary Club he re- j
turned to the city last evening to |
': enlarge upon the subject. Both he j
1 1 and Chairman R. A. Zentmyer. of.
. I the State Wuter Supply Commission,
I' made very interesting and enlighten
• !ing addresses.
t Can Be Done at Reasonable Cost
' Major Gray and Mr. Zentmyer j
1 agreed- that the Susquehanna and
' j some of its main tributaries could be )
| made navigable at a reasonable cost I
i and that the venture would be
• i profitable and would save millions
■ i upon millions of dollars in freight
• rutes to the people residing on the
Susquehanna watershed. "Wo are
not pioneers in this," said Major
Gray. "George Washington first
urged it, having made a survey from
' the bay' to the headwaters of the
stream and from there Joining up by
canals to the Great Lakes, and of
all our statesmen Washington was
' the most fursighted."
' t Resolution Passed
'I Following the speech-making,,
which was opened by a brief ad- j
: Lehigh University Instructor
to Give Series of 23
Public lectures on social science
I will be given weekly in the city bc
| ginning to-morrow evening in the
j Central High school auditorium.
I Prof. John 1.. Stewart, instructor in
1 political economy at Lehigh Unlver
j slty, will give the lectures, which
j have been arranged for by Professor
John H. Bickley, supervisor of spe
cial activities in the Harrlsburg
school district, as a course for teach
> ers in the city.
Efforts are being made, however,
to interest everyone in the course,
| I which will include twenty-three lec- i
tures. Lawyers, physicians, bankers, 1
businessmen, workmen —in fact
everyone in the city should arrange
to attend them, Prof. Bickley said
to-day. The opening one will be
; given to-morrow evening and the
1 next one probably on the first Mon
i day night in December.
, "These lectures will include a
t careful study of all existing social
- conditions, relations and develop
s nrent," Professor Bickley explained.
, "About 150 of the city school teach
ters have already decided to attend.
1 There Is no one who will question
that there will he great social read
justments in the next few years and
these should he brought about by
rational development, not by guess
work. Every one should have more
knowledge of the problems of to-day
and to-morrow, for those social
problems will require careful judg
ment to meet changing conditions.
"The purpose of the course is to
bring about u better understanding of
society and then to be able to pro
mote a scientific program of. social
betterment. The course deals \yith
the principles underlying social or
| ganization and with the nature and
, j development of social institutions,
j It will include a study of religion,
customs and law, politics, the family,
I education and many other vital qucs
. j tions of to-day."
Woman Critically Hurt
When Run Down by Auto
Miss Mary Horstick, Paxtang. is
| iii a serious condition at the Har
i rlsburg Hospital rs the resu't of
j an automobile accident at Thirteenth
and Market streets early this morn
j ing. The driver of the machine took j
; her to the Hnrrlsbug Hospital,
•vliere he gave his name us Cyril
; Wagner. Miss Horstick was knock- j,
led to the pavemeyt under the au
; tomobile and the whrels passed oxer,'
' her lod>*. She s istu.ned serious in- .
: ternul injuries. .Vllss Horstick has.,
' but one arm, having lost the other i
, one several years ago in a railroad , ,
i wrwk 1
, dress by J. H. Ostertag. of Colum-,i
bia, John S. Musser, former pres-1
ident of the Rotary Club and head!
of the Dauphin Electrical Supply i
Company, introduced the following I
resolution, which was passed by an |
unanimous vote:
Whereas. The project of making !
the Susquehanna river a navig- j
able stream has been more or less I
| discussed for a period of years,
I and the proposition lias recently
been brought to the attention of
those Interested in the serious j
transportation problems of Bonn- !
! sylvanla through a public address ]
■ by Major William B. Gray before I
j the Rotary Club of Harrisburg: j
i therefore, be it
] Hesolved, That t lie chairman j
I of this meeting lie authorized to
appoint n committee of represen
] tatlve citizens of the Susque-
I lmnna Valley and its tributaries i
] to arrange for a conference to be .
] held in Harrisburg in the near i
] future to consider the whole mut
j ter, with a view to presenting a
recommendation to the fa-gisla- |
j ture.
The meeting was largely attended I
despite the disagrutble weather;
and enthusiastic to a marked de-!
I gree. Eli N. Hershey, president of!
j the Rotary Club, presided. The j
Chamber, of Commerce was repre- j
| sented by E. J. Stackpole and the i
[Continued on Page 16.]
15 ... &
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Tkeyare' Private* fhoraaa Walter Jonet, I
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♦ in:; larceny and embezzlement from .the state during his 9|
T r • ' •id i'iry las 4 Mon- Ma
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X at. ijx
J Rome—By a royal decree' the press censorship has •k,
•P been limited to military news, 'false reports likely to ®.'
alarm.thVpublic, reports of troubled,internatoinal rela- ML
X tions and matter which in hrelf is baßi's for prosecution. JH
i ""1
IT Mnrtifi 1., \\ clkrr and Hutu M. Hurßnrr. ( hml.rriburßl Ctaarle* J,
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Surrenders U-Boats lo British,
Admiral Off Harwich r
at Sunrise
Twenty More Yield to Victors
Tomorrow; Like Number
on Friday
| London, Nov. 20. —Twenty Ger
■ man submarines were surrendered to
I Rear Admiral Reginald W. Tyrwhitt,
| thirty miles off Harwich this morn
j ing at sunrise, according to a Press
Association dispatch. are the
j first U-boats to be turned over to
i the Allies by Germany.
I Admiral Tyrwhitt received the sur
j render of the German craft on board
! his flagship, a British cruiser.
! The surrendered submarines will
, proceed to Harwich in charge of
their own crews. Tho U-boats then
! will be boarded by British crews and
interpreters and proceed to Parke
; ston Quay, nearby. The Germans will
l leave the submarines there and
i board transports for their return to
! Germany.
Twenty additional submarines will
! lie surrendered on Thursday and
' twenty more on Friday. The ro
! mainder of the U-boats to be handed
| over in accordance with the armis
| tlce terms will be given up later.
| Harwich, mentioned in the forego-*
| ing dispatch, has one of the best
I harbors on the east coast of England.
I it is in the county of Essex, north-
I east of London.