Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 16, 1918, Image 6
IJRG TELEGRAPH 3 ER FOR THE home > ounded 1881 nings except Sunday by IRAI'H PRINTING CO. i tiding, Federnl Squnro .STACKPOLB t and Editor-in-Chief , B minds Manager METZ, Managing Editor. , ER, Circulation Manager. ( ecntlve Board t ,OGGH. I M. OGELSBY, ( R. OYSTER. , GUS. M. STEINMETZ. J ie Associated Press—The ' Press is exclusively en- I 3 use for republication of , matches credited t.o it or so credited in this paper i io local ntftvs published ( republication of special 1 herein are also reserved. Member American t ira Newspaper Pub- WSSjLrrVtSI Ushers' Associa ■ tion, the Audit Bureau of Circu iation and Penn ■ sylvanin Assocl- I tfeS U Btell Dallles ' raw** m 9EB l 2) Eastern office, H ? SSk V- 4<M >5l Story, Brooks A: H EBB nl Finlcy. Fif th Jm Avenue Building. "* "-S if New York City; Western office, Store, Brooks & ■ Finley, People's Gas Building, Chicago. 111. at tho Post Office in ITarris- Pa., as second class mutter. Bv carrier, ten cents a . , week; by mall, $3.00 a year in advance. BjLet vs he of good cheer , however, ;/ that the misfortunes to bear me those which never — Lowell. BaTVKDW, NOVEMBER 16, 1918 J ■ HARRISBL'RG MEMORIAL I Bp! IE thought of the Harrisburg |J community is now turning to the { Br consideration of a proper mem- | ( ■rial for the men who have fought | j B„d tiled for their country and the ] peoples of the world. Just | B&t form this memorial should Kke is a matter for serious consider- Bffen and there ought not to be a decision. B. Svdhe erection of a permanent many things must be kept it ghould not only be orna- Ihental; it ought also to be useful, tho growth of Harrisburg it Hpobvious that we must have a modern, well-equipped and Hid< quate hospital. Why not make an institution a memorial of activities not only of the soldiers the men who have served in the ■thtlng forces, but also a proper ■lcognition of the splendid service | Kit the Red Cross, the National War j Bild and the other organizations that ; Biave contributed so largely to the ■omfort and welfare of those who Biave gone forth to battle for right- Bwusness and justice. K No argument Is necessary to con- Bfince the average person in this Kcpnimunity that we are now con- Hbonting a serious situation with re ■feard to hospital facilities. The old , ■lnstitution at Front and Mulberry ■gtreets, is no longer able to meet the ■ demands upon It. Nor is the newer ■hospital at Front and Harris streets Adequate for the increasing demands ■g the community. Both have done ■Wonderful work, but we must now ! ■ think of a hospital such as a city ■ like Harrisburg requires. And what ■ could be more suitable as a me- Hporial of a great struggle for hu- B| Of course, there are many other Bttttractive forms of memorial struc tures, but we doubt whether any Ijpould be more useful or appropriate #han a great modern hospital erected ton a spacious site and with proper environment. p- This newspaper would be very happy to give publicity to any sug tgestions looking to the permanent .{memorial which will be the expres sion of the sentiment and desire of the entire community. This war was jlargely fought for the relief of suf |ferlng humanity and a hospital "would constantly remind the future ' generations of the purposes and raims of the world war. It would be the good Samaritan visualized in a 1 permanent structure, dignified in its proportions and equipped with the latest life-saving facilities. [j What a fine yellow streak has de veloped in the valorous Hun. He never showed pity and he should have . none of it. [ THE HIGHWAY PROGRAM ' TT develops as the election returns I are computed that next to Sena- I ■ tor William C. Sproul, the road f? loan was the favorite "candidate." | Indeed, it may happen that although the total vote for the loan is much smaller than that cast for the head of the ticket, the majority for the loan may be larger. The turnover of votes in Dauphin county, since the loan was up before, was more than 6,000. Popular education is large ly responsible for this changed • attitude on the part of the people. Formerly tho farmers were against It in very large numbers, because they had been led astray by professional politicians who opposed the loan for their owp selfish Interests. The Mc- Cormlck newspapers in Harrisburg tried to hoodwink the voters again this year, but failed miserably. .Just how much the education of the people had to do with the passage of the road loan is indicated by the following letter received yesterday SATURDAY EVENING. by the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Good Roads Association, which put out a bulletin favoring the loan and explaining its objects Just previous to the elections: I have just been handed a C °PV of your pamphlet called "Build the Maintenance Into the Road, and after reading it I was cer tainly sorry I voted against the bond issue for fifty million dol lars. I wish I had seen it sooner. Please send me copies of all your pamphlets. Here we have the answer. As soon as the people were convinced that the road loan was a good measure they approved it, and in the face of the uncertainties of the reconstruc tion period they may now congratu late themselves that they have $50,- 000,000 at their disposal for expendi ture should the time come when there are more seekers for jobs than there are Jobs. Fifty million dollars would be a god-send to the working people of Pennsylvania should dull times come. "The Watch on the Rhine" is soon going more than a mere song to the Yanlts. ITALY'S PART WE READ in a recently issued bulletin of the Committee on Public Information that— A project has been outlined and a subscription started by the Ital ian newspaper, II Progresso Italo- Amerieano, among the Italians in this country, for the erection of a • monument to America. This monu ment, which will be placed either In New York or in Washington, will be a mark of the gratitude which the Italians feel toward America for her participation in the war for the cause of freedom and democracy, and especially for the help we have given Italy in the realization of her national aspirations. A plan is also being discussed to build a similar monu ment in Rome. Both monuments are to be the work of one of the greatest Italian sculptors and will be of such size and artistic im portance as to be worthy of the sentiment they are intended to express. That is like the Italians, generous 1 and grateful to a fault. But what , about our gratitude toward the Ital- ( ians? In the recent peace talk there i has been all too little mention of,' Italy's part. The war would be over j ( now If Italy had not come in—but < it would have ended with the Kaiser J in Paris. , The blood and treasure of Italy , were freely spent in the successful I effort to put Austria-Hungary out of ! the war. While Italy's efforts were '■ not confined to the Austrian front, , 1 her contribution to the Allied success j '■ was greater there than in the other j places where her troops fought the ;, battle of civilization. Her financial j i and industrial efforts have been ! ( equal to her military effort, and in j, all these directions Italy has not 1 lagged behind her allies. Since the beginning of the war Italy lias called to the .colors little less than 5,500,000 men and has suf- 1 fercd a loss of almost 1,500,000 of them. Of that loss nearly 350,000 died in battle, and 100,000 from dis ease. Over 550,000 are totally in- 1 capacitated, either by blindness, loss of limb or tuberculosis. At the pres ent moment the strength of the Ital ian army .s 4,025,000, including the j class of men born In 1900, who have I been called to the colors recently. It ! may be said, then, that the nation's man-power has suffered a permanent loss of nearly a million. But, serious as is this loss, Italy has inflicted an even greater punish ment upon the foe. In Austrian pris oners alone she has taken approxi mately a million. In the June offen sive on the Piave alone over 200,000 Austrian dead were left on the field. Aside front their achievements in other theaters of the war, Italy's sol diers have fought through fifteen fu rious offensives on the Isonzo and the Piave, inflicting terrible losses on the foe in each. These campaigns were carried on in mountainous re gions and under rigorous weather conditions that taxed to the utmost the genius of the military engineers and the endurance of the troops. The foe, when hostilities opened, was entrenched in carefully prepared and j seemingly impregnable positions, backed by a network of military roads and railroads. On the Italian side were deep gorges, unscalable cliffs, almost impassable glaciers, j passes filled with snow and com- j manded by Austrian guns. There j were no suitable roads or bridges, j The surmounting of these difficulties | has challenged the admiration of the j engineering world. Over 2,500 miles of roads have! been constructed on the mountains ; of Italy and of Albania, and 1,000 I ! miles of aerial cable railroads (Tele -1 feriche) have been built to carry ' food, ammunition and guns over ■ deep ravines. 1 The magnitude of this military ef ! fort can be fully appreciated only when one takes into consideration the economic structure of the nation and the nature and number of its | population. One must remember that' out of 36,000,000 inhabitants in Italy i at the beginning of the war only! [ 17,000.000 were male. This seeming ! disproportion is caused by emigra- | 3 tion, which was largely composed of ■ male adults. Out of those 17,000,000 1 only 9,000,000 were adults econom ically productive. Consequently, the 1 subtraction of the mobilized forces > has had an acute reaction on the 1 economic life of the nation. It is 5 estimated that on an average only p 196 adults remained in each town or 5 village to provide In each case for 1 some 320 children below the age of . fifteen. 1 Instead of accepting monuments from Italy we ought to dedicating t them to the Italian armies. r . j The Kaiser boasted that he would sacrifice a million lives to take Paris. r The war he started has cost 10.000,000 " lives. Is he to be allowed to live out f his own life in ease and comfort in a 1 Dutch castle? ( Bully for the State Department of Labor and Industry, which Is prepar -8 ing to furnish employment for the 9 disabled soldiers and sailors when 1 they come back. Every city and town and hamlet should co-operate in this important work. Every man who re turns after the war should be given the best possible job. so bo may real ize that the appreciation of the home folk is not expressed in words only. So the Clown Prince has not been shot, but is staying at the residence of the Governor of Limburg. The name of his present location is at least in harmony with his general makeup, as the odor of his presence must sug gest the principal product of the town. The problem of keeping labor profit ably and constantly employed Is quite sufficient to prevent the President from attending the peace conference. Another name for Bolshevik is an archist. lk By the Ex-Commlltccman Governor-elect William C. Sproul will probably have an old-fushioned inauguration. Had the war continu ed it is believed that the Governor elect's personal wishes would have prevailed and he would have been inducted in very simple manner and witthout any dislay, but the coming of peace has caused mhny men to suggest that the cermony be in ac cord with the time of rejoicing and also show the popular character of the new executive. There is a dispo-. sition' among men cqfning here on business at the Capitol since the election to call for an elaborate function befitting the tremendous approval of the candidate evidenced at the polls. The question of election was taken up with the new Governor by W. Harry Baker, secretary, of the Sen ate and tho burden bearer upon such occasions, and Adjutant General Frank D. Beary, but he expressed a desire that things could be made very simple. Since that time the gen eral feeling about the state has manifested itself and it is probable that there will be an inauguration such as has not been seen here since the Pennypacker day. But at the same time there are hopes that tho weather may be less atrocious. The induction of the Lieutenant Governor-elect will take place in the Senate Chamber in accord with the traditions of that body and for tho first time in memory of living resi dents of the Capitol two Senators will be advanced to the highest of fices in the gift of their fellow citi zens and incidentally receiving tho greatest pluralities on the records. The new Secretary -of Internal Af fairs, James F. Woodward, will bo sworn in next May. Governor Brumbaugh is already gathering ideas for his farewell mes sage to the Legislature which will be read the day it meets on the first Tuesday of January, a little more than |ix weeks away. The Governor will prepare to remove from Harris burg immediately after the holidays. —According to Philadelphia news papers the speakership of the next House of Representatives of Penn sylvania is "far from being definite ly settled." And It Is also evident that some of the journals are do ing their best to make it appear that there is a division over the matter. The Philadelphia Record, with char acteristic Democratic enterprise, says that while many Republican leaders favor George W. Williams, the Tioga county "dry," Aaron B. Hess, of Lan caster, "enjoys the backing of Sena tor Edwin H. Vare" and also adds that the Williams candidacy "is not meeting with much favor among the Vare leaders." —The Philadelphia Ledger says the only man "considered a likely candidate" is Williams and follows the same line of thought as the Record in declaring that Governor elect Sproul has the leaders of his party guessing about his attitude on appointments. —The Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Press decline to get excited over the matter and inti mate that the speakership and the launching of the legislative program of the new Governor, which is ex pected to be comprehensive, will be taken care of in due season and with every one behind them at the proper time. The Inquirer's frank admission that Williams was loom ing up is regarded here as very significant. —The retiring administration is showing considerable concern over reports that a general overhauling of the whole state governmental sys tem is likely. There are many men in office which the present Governor would like to see retained. —The comments of newspapers in < Scranton, Wllkes-Barre, Erie and Altoona are that the Governor-elect ; should be allpwed to work out his program unhindered. They point to i the fact that Pennsylvania is for tunate in having a man of ripe leg islative experience and remarkable business ability for Governor and that he should be generally support ed because his majority shows that the people are with him. The Pittsburgh Gazette-Times started something when it printed the story of the efforts made to have Senator Charles H. Kline appointed the successor of Judge John W. Kep- i hart on the Superior Court bench. This prospective vacancy seems to be causing more disturbance than I the Speakership. A Philadelphia ru mor is to the effect that Kephart may stay on the Superior Court until well into January because of some pending cases. Again, say other newspapers, he may not. —With soldier votes costing the state $6 apiece it is probable that one of the first actions by the next Legislature will be the overhauling I of the soldier vote act. Why it was ; not changed last, session no one knows. There is much unfavorable comment about the naming of so many commissioners this year. —Washington is sending two "dry" Republicans to the Legisla ture. _ —The Philadelpha Press remarks to-day: "If Governor-elect Sproul should not find time to fill the var ious appointments at his command, there are any number of politicians ready to take the job off his hands; but that would not suit the public." —One of the most remarkable statements credited to a liquor man in politics for a long time is in the Noi*h American to-day. This man says the liquor interests have no intention of making a light for speaker. "All we want," he is quoted as saying, "is a man who will be fair." Filters Don't Stop Influenza (From the London Times) Recent researches conducted by MM. N'icolle and Lebailly, of the Pasteur Institute of Tunis, have proved that the microbe of influ enza is what is known as a "filter passer"—that is, it is so small as to pass through any filter, no matter how minute thef interstices may be. HARHISFLURG TELEGK3LPS THAT GUILTIEST FEELING ByBRIGGS YOU WE RE 30 SURE THAT / LIST EW- , I I YOO COULD HOLE OUT OM A HOLE OUT" \ \ ON(_V THAT FFTR \ I TWTELUE INCH PUTT THAT EVERY PUTT \ THE HOLE- I \ YOU CARELCSSLI' USED ONLY CAREFULLY NO \/ I ONE HAMO AMD MLSSEP TY MRTT6R IF YOU US£O TUVJO HMN£>.5- / I OF COURSE YOOR OPPOMEIUTS ARE ONLY AN \ OUGHTA - 1 COUNT TNE STROKE A\S IT OJES, INCH FROIK TNE. \ C C£CI£D , T J „ DIFFER- 1 OF £~4E~ A \ 1 kfe-R . "•■•' "M'lll'J 1 " •'" l "~ * -* sriiltillllll' 111 //);/,f WAR .45 AN EDUCATOR [From the New York Mail] The most interesting subject in the world is Man, the next most inter esting i 3 Earth, Man's home. Our knowledge of geography has been doubled, nay trebled, since the war began. Four years ago the ignorance of the rank and file of us regarding the ; superficies of the planet on which we live was stupendous. If the reports of the school ex aminations prior to 1914 are to be believed, the children in the grammar schools, and the students in the high schools as well, were deplorably oil when it came to geography. Fortunately, all is different now. To-day the knowledge of geography among us, from the little boys and girls up to the oldest of us, is go ing ahead by leaps and bounds. Fol lowing the war news, we learn some thing new every day of countries and cities, of nations and tribes. In the battle accounts we learn of the terrain, of the flora, and, to a cer tain extent, bf the fauna, of many regions. From little San Marino to vast Si beria we have learned things of which, before the war, we had never so much as dreamed. We know now how very small San Marine is, as well as where it is; and as for Si beria, we know—what many of us did not know four years ago—that it is as big as the United States, and, instead of being a waste of desert, tundra and ice, is potentially one of the finest and richest portions of the earth's surface. And the war news that has come to us from Allenby, Maud and Mar shall has opened our eyes as they had never been opened regarding the old Bible lands, Syria, Palestine and Mesopotamia. Every one now knows just how the famous rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, look; as well as the physical fea tures of the ancient lands through which they flow. As a teacher of history the great war ha£ done a wonderful work. It has brought to our minds in won derfully graphic and striking fash ion what Denmark, and Poland, and Bohemia used to be, and what tney are striving to be again. About the absorbing interesting story of Alsace-Lorraine we all know I much more than wo did in August, 1914; and of international law, the rules of war, the usages of war, an cient and modern, the nature of gov ernment in general and democratic ! government in particular, we have : learned much that was hidden from ' us a few years back. > The groat war is not only "making | the world safe for democracy," it is ' showing what denuicracy is, and | what the world is. | As an educator the war is discount ing all the schools and universities. Facts and Fancy Herein differs fact from fancy, thin.vs as they befall us from things as we would have them, human ends from human hopes; that the tirst are moved by a thousand, the last on two wheels only, which (being named) are desire and fear. Hope, of course, is nothing more than a desire with a telescope magnifying distant matters, overlooking near ones; opening one eye on the ob jects, closing the other to all objec tions. And if hope be the future tense of desire, the future of fear is religion—at least with too many of us.—R. D. Blackmore. LABOR NOTES There is an actual shortage of housing accommodations in Germany and this shortage will probably be aggravated after the war. Women in England do 60 to 70 per cent, of all the machine work on shells, fuses and trench warfare sup plies, and have contributed 1,450 trained mechanics.to the Royal Fly ing Corps. Thirty-one of the branch offices of the Federal Employment Service now have women's divisions, each in charge of a capable woman skilled in placement work. Three Syrians employed by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation recently earned 670 by a night's work in which they broke the world's rec ord for riveting, averaging more than Ave rivets a minute. The War Labor Policies Board has prepared contracts for government use which require the observance of state labor laws, with especial refer ence to child labor, convlot labor and factory statutea- LETTERS TO THE. EDITOR AS TO COMPENSATION To the Editor of the Telegraph: After having studied the article "To the American Public" by T. M. Gilmore, I wish to submit a letter i which 1 hope the Telegraph will pub j i lish, not as its opinion but us the opinion of many good church going people. First let us sum up Mr. Gilmer's message to the American public by | saying that the compliments he I pays to our (government are true j and not overdrawn and that we be- I licve our congressmen are sound to the core, and that, furthermore, we believe they will remain so and that we as the public will have the same and even better opinions of them after they have served us faith fully and put from our state the booze cui-se —but feel that those who favor the liquor traffic may alter theii* opinions, and their flattery may had been in vain, for let us hope that with a dry governor we are at last to have our dreams realized. During the recent epidemic, it was a pleasure to pass the closed saloon door as the guzzlers were not on the steps about the corners as the case may be to oggle the women as they passed by. If you are a close observer you will notice that the ruined down at-the-heels fellows were nowhere to be seen near their old familiar place, but when the doors once more ! opened, they, the ones who might have been decent and useful mem bers of society came back, and their appearance should bo enough to cause every good-minded citizen to set-face-about to do away with the evil stuff. How dare Mr. Gilmore say experi ment of prohibition! Experiment in deed? Well let us allow him to have his way and let us "experiment of prohibition" also and let us go far ther and say that the experiment hus been tried and it has been found a "ripping success." Oh! How nice the Compensation problem if gotten away with would sound to the "wet-folks." We have already paid compensa tion in the forms of the life and health of our young and unsuspect ' ing men and women, —the wives of J drunkards have not only paid by the sweat of their brow but by the j life-blood, and the pious fathers and j mothers have passed through their I Gethsemane because of their erring i sons; children have gone .ragged and j hungry and have found early graves, becuuse of the "well organized liquor i people." They have paid the com j pensation. Those who suffered be | cause members of their families, or they themselves were intemperate have paid the compensation in drops of blood and the brewer and distiller have become fatter and ugliei", wealthier and greedier; in fact so greedy that they want to be paid to discontinue a nuisance. In other words they have become pirates. While yet it is young in our minds let us say that there was a man named Bill, who created a great disturbance, and even deceived the people for many years just as it used to bo noised abroad that the Government of the United States could not exist were it not for the liquor revenues —propaganda gotten out by the manufacturer, to de ceive the people. Well, you all know just what happened to Bill, and we did not pay him to get off the nest, —we ousted him, because he was a nuisance and a menace to the progess and civilization of the world. Mr. Gilmore says "then let con gress appoint a commission to de termine if the hundreds of millions j that will be lost by the experiment of national prohibition shall fall upon distillers, brewers, winemakers and the like or upon the people as a whole. What a beautiful thought! The public has been tortured by the dis tillers and the brewer's products, families have been ruined physically, and financially women, whose husbands used their products, have toiled over wash tubs, while the wives of the great liquor men have had lives of ease and luxury. When there is no more liquor to be bought, miserable husbands will return to work and their wives will have a happy and comfortable life so we suggest to the manfacturers that they get themselves decent jobs and if they are too rum-soaked to be of any further use, let the wife take to the .wash tub. Reversed circumstances often teach valuable lessons. t When a man has no more shame than to publish in the paper that he has been thirty-five years in the liquor-business, —he is past putting ito shame, but the sad part is that he gave to the devil's works years that might have been devoted to great usefulness. We know aboift the babes that the Beast of Berlin slew! How about the babes fhat booze slowly persecutes and tortures. Ah! Friend and neighbor we have awakened to the fuct that booze must go and must go without the manufacturer getting one cent of compensation. "Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute." Our governor says, "whiskey is not good for soldiers" so we realize fully that it is not good for civil ions. Gilmore also says "but for the demand of the public for wines, beer and whisky, there would be no liquor traffic." True the demand has come from the youth of land but the fathers and the mothers have taken things into their hands and when they are through legislating there will bo no further demand for the liquor people's valued product. How they will miss the harvest they once reaped and how hard it will be to get to work! Bill will miss his ease and luxury also. This is a day of uprooting evils and we will let no stone unturned. Yours truly, JEFF WILSON. THE DUMB MOTHER To the Editor of the Telegraph: Some time ago a bitter complaint from Australia of savage cruelty to j fur-bearing creatures was published, j About three million opossum skins are yearly exported from that land, I and an eye witness stated that it I was a common sight in Australia to see the poor mother opossum lying dead or dying in the steel trap, while her starving little ones crowd ed round her, seeking the nourish ment she could not longer give. This spectacle seemed to call for ven- Igenee on the cold-hearted land which permitted such things, but does it not call more loudly for retribu tion on those who make themselves \ responsible by buying and wearing the skins of those hapless dumb mothers? "When Henry Bergh started his crusade against the cruelty of trap i ping he was interrupted in his work through lack of funds. Monsieur ! Bonnard, a Canadian Frenchman, ■ who had made a fortune in the fur I trade, by trapping, left it to further j Bergh's work, for he had seen I such cruelties practiced on animals j in his business, "memory had become I a horror," and so the fortune wrought from the blood and terror I of the animal heart, went to Its balm and succor." Discourage the use of furs. Fur animals caught in traps (which are not visited often, or are neglected) sometimes suffer terrible agonies for days before they die. And the cause of all this suffer ing is VANITY the desire to ornament the human body with the heads, tails, claws and skins of our furry little brothers of the wood. Yours for, HUMAN EDUCATION. SLAVES TO FEAR [From The Protestant, by Burrls A. Jenkins, Christian Century Press] One Saturday night, anxious to ef- I fervesce —I started to say brain weary, but that is a presumption, too many men with a thimbleful of brains complain of that killing fatigue, it is killing, isn't it? —I called up a minister on the telephone : and suggested that we go to the thea ! ter together—to an excellent show, a high class drama or comedy. "Well, ah, brother," he hesitated, "I—ah " "Oh, you have something else on hand?" said I. "No, but, ah —you know ■' Then I began to comprehend, and, to relieve the tension on the tele phone wire, 1 said: "Oh, I see. Conscientious objec tions? You don't go to the theater?" "Well you see," came the hesi tant reply. "It is not on my own ac count —I have no conscientious scru ples, you know, but my young peo ple " Now if that is not slavery, I don't know what it is. One is a slave of Jiis children who banishes from the table an article of food that is whole some for grownups, but bad for chil dren. One is a slave who hides a thing and surreptitiously partakes of it when the children are not looking. He is worse than a slave —a Pharisee. One is a slave who does not dare to follow his conscience and do What he knows is good for him because of some young person THE REFUGEES Slowly they come—these mutely sor rowing Folk, These newly risen Dead, these sad Rememberers, Back to their fields —back to thoso places whore Of old the heartlifires burned. Noth ing is left. Out of those days but tears —the "tears that live In mortal things"—ashes and tears. For these — These who have tasted Sorrow's deepest cup And lived, they know not why, and died, they know Not how—then lived again what shall be done For these, Grief's children, in the days to be? Back from the tomb —slow Lazar uses—they come With wounds so deep that even God has not Long while the power to ease them or to cure- Back Into sudden sunshine! How shall these Remember to forget the days that were? How lose the old deep horror of the ways ? How fly from madness of remem bered days? Lo, Life is still the answer—Life that comes, Tenderly bearing gifts and clothed anew. With healing Freedom. Life will light again Those darkened faces through World Brotherhood ' And touch dry eyes to tears, mute lips to speech. The dawn of great Tomorrow will give back The upward looking and the light again, i And Love will lay her fingers on their hair And touch their hearts to singing. Hope Will walk all ways. But they who snatched the torch And left these lampless in an utter night— How shall they answer In that Latter Day. What shall they render In the Reckoning? MARY SIEGRIST. Now Unmuzzle the Press [From the North American Review War Weekly] With the end of the war should vanish every excuse for that uncon | stitutional muzzling of the press to which the' country with amazing I patience has now so long submitted, j There is no longer danger of news i leakage that might be of Informative I value to the enemy. He is not in a | position to make use of it if he had ' it. There is no longer danger of | treason preachments. They would | be perilous only, to those who were I fools enough to utter them. The only conceivable purpose for con tinued gagging of the press might perhaps lie in the political exigencies of the. party in control of the Ad ministration. How far force of habit may lead those in authority at Wash ington along that line of endeavor remains to bo seen. Clearly it is a road just now very far from safe for the p\ ticular brand of Democ racy Involved. The Administration's policy of free press suppression has been so grad ually and, in some Instances, so adroitly imposed that the general | public probably has not fully real ized what an alarming growth this most hateful form of autocracy has become. In an article in the last number of tho North American Re view Mr. Richard Barry presents the matter In a plain narration of fact which is startling. He clearly shows that, all but unconsciously to our selves, we have grown Into a t.lmid ' acceptance of a form of coercion I utterly at variance with all our tra j ditlons and convictions. By citation ! of specific cases In point he detnon- I strates that under strained applica- I tions of the Espionage Act, the i supervision of the military censors, | the direct orders of the War Indus tries Board and the adroit manipula tions of the Politicalmaster General, the great masses of the American people find themselves about as ef fectually barred from full, free, un supervised access to the news of the l day and uncensored Interpretive comment thereon as Potsdam itself might desire. Domestic Veteran Knlcker—How do you keep your cook so long? Bocker —We give her a service stripe for each dar Earning (Efyat Painting on the big sign board at the courthouse of the standing In the United War Work campaign calls to mind that the Dauphin coun ty temple of justice for more than a century has been the point of in terest when anything of a publla character was going on. The sign board has had many predecessors, although none of them was hardly as big and when anything of real importance was before the people the big brick space in front of the courthou-o was in years gone by used to keep them Informed. Old newspapers tell of the days when the front of the original courthouse which was built back in the early days of the last century, was used for transparencies on occasion of elections.- These transparencies were lig squares covered with muslin and containing many candles. They seem ed to have been a favorite method of showing elation over snything. At time of Perry's victory the front of the courthouse must have been much adorned with such devices be cause the newspapers refer to an un usual display. In later days the courthouse was much used for dis plays attending political campaigns or elections and some of them must have been notable. It is interesting to note that during tho War of 1812 when tho celebrations occurred sev eral times that the courthouse was the temporary capital of Pennsylva nia. Tho state government moved here from Lancaster in tho latter part of 1813 and tho Legislature and some of the departments used the courthjvse until tho completion of the first State Capitol in 1822. This old c.nuthouse was torn down and replaced in the forties and the present budding erected some twen ty \ears la*er. Owing to the lack of a city hall llanisburg has had the courthouse as its official headquar ters and through an act of the Leg islature the city is entitled to offices in the building • • Hickory, Blue Ball, Bald Eagle and Black Ash are among the places selected for sessions of the farmers' institutes during the coming winter. In the neighborhood of 200 sessions Will be held and the fact that they are for dwellers in the rural dis tricts is certainly indicated by the names of the sites selected. Many of the places are mere hamlets; others j ire cross roads, but all are conveni ent for meeting when sleighing has to be employed to travel. Some of the places have been centers of rural lite aul some have had meetings for years. But the nomenclature is the thing that is interesting the Capitol this year. It is the rarest yet. Wash ington'county presents a choice se lection in Lone Pine, Ginger Hill, Cross Creek and Hickory, while Armstrong very appropriately sub mitted Rural Valley as the plane tor its meeting early in January. Friends' Cove and Yellow Creek will be two of Bedford's places; Berks has Amityville and Blair Geesey town. Bucks will have sessions at Blooming Glen and Butler at Pros pect Cambria selected Salix as one place, Curbon, Big Creek, and Center Stormstown. Chester will have a meeting at Honeybrook, Clarion at Limestone, Dauphin at Union De posit, Delaware at Village Creen, Fayette at Old Frame, Franklin at Dry Run; Greene will hear'lectures at Jollytown, while Indiana will re joice with truthful sessions at Cherry Tree and Trade City. On Lancaster's list are Paradise and Blue Ball and ♦ McKean very properly will have agricultural meetings at Ceres. Mon tour has selected Exchange, North ampton Stone Church, Cumberland is to the front with Hickory Corners and Tioga with Job's Corners. Pot ter has Germania and Sweden and Philadelphia will have its farmers' meeting in Bustleton. Venango will have a meeting at Diamond, Wavne at Pleasant Mount and York farmers will foregather at Hellam, Sunny burn and historic Red Lion. —From all accounts thcro have been few violations of the closed season on the ruffed grouse which was decreed by the State Game Com mission this yfcar to prevent extermi nation of the bird. A few arrests have been reported from here and there about the state, but In the main the sportsmen have taken things into their own hands and have been jealously watching the situation. It is recognized that it is well nigh impossible to obtain grouse from other parts of the country and that It will be a matter of care whether there will be grouse in appreciable numbers next fall when the season for shooting will be restored. This has been a good hatching season and if the birds are watched and fed this winter there should be a good return on the investment in 1919, in opinion of men connected with the commis sion. There have been a good many men out after quail and rabbits, but neither has provided the shooting, that squirrels gave this year. • • * Men familiar with the advance in the productive capacity in the indus trial establishments of Harrisburg during the war are of tho opinion that it will not bo so hard to readjust tho processes so that there will be articles of Importance in peace times manufactured instead of materials and munitions for war. Tho big plants here are manufacturing things which are the basis of many prod ucts used In everyday life and thoso which are specializing can be of value in meeting the demands of transportation and construction. 1 WELL KNOWN PEOPLE | —Senator E. W. Patton, re-elect ed in Philadelphia, was for years a select councilman In that city. —Senator W. Clayton Hackott, ol Easton, donated a park to the peo ple of that city where he was born. —Senator William E. Crow, just re-elected, likes to talk of the day* when ho was a newspaper reporter, —James M. Campbell, elected ta tho Senate from the Mercer district, served in that body several sessiona ago. —Senator Charles W. Sones, of th Williamsport district, is a bog lura ber manufacturer. —Senator-elect Wallace J. Barnes, of Wayne county, served as pro thonotary of that county. He will fill the old Hardenberg chair. —Representative Harry Zanders, tallender of the House list, served for years on Carbon county school boards. | DO YOU KNOW —Tliat it will be fine to hare an old-fashioned inauguration , again? J HISTORIC HARRISBURG Harrisburg was one of the flrsl cities In which the present arc llghi was used experimentally, u