22 MANY A POSITION IS OPEN AND AMEtIISEID) 1 TEE EEIP WANTED COIfJIN I y •. • • jyeatbs 4III.LER Died, November 13, 1918, John Miller, in his 77th year, at his late home, 213 Boas street. Funeral services will be hold on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o viock. from the above address, to which relatives and friends are invited to attend. Interment, private, llaius burg Cemetery. NELLICiA.Y —Thomas W. Nelligan, 623 South Front street, died of pneu monia Wednesday, November 13, 1918, aged 33 years. Funeral services on Saturday morn ing. at 9 o'clock, front Sacred Heart Church. Burial pt Mt. Calvary Cemetery. ill; ritit k -On Thursday. November 14. 101 S. William S. Hetriek, aged 88 years, 6 months and 6 days. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his daughter. Mrs. 1.. Monroe Walborn, 120 South Twenty-ninth street, Pen brook. Funeral private. >UI.KIt Charles W. Spangler u'ed Monday, November 11. 1918, at 6:40, at his late residence. 1839 lle gina street, r.ged 33 years. Remains wili be taken to York on Friday afternoon, at 1 o clock, where funeral services will be held. Burial In Green Mount Cemetery. LOST AND FOUND LOST Six ten-dollar bills, on Walnut, between Second. Fourth to Market street to Square, or New Cumberland cur. Reward If returned to Charles A. ltced. 238 Hummel ave nue, Lemoyne, Pa. LOST On Monday night, a gold wrist watch, on Market street, be tween Third and Fourth streets. Re ward if returned to Harrisburg Tele graph. INSTRUCTIONS A RIGHT START IS HALF' THE BATTLE Get a THOROUGH STANDARD course in Hjirrlsbur J s ACCREDITED Business Col lege, school of Commerce. T.oup Building, lo South Market Square. Bell 485. Dial 4393. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English Bookkeeping, Pemansliip, Arlth., etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL Y EAR. Enter ally time. Bell 694 R. Dial 4016. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 Mkt. SL Chas. R. Beckley. Prln. Merle E. Keller, Bus. Mgr. 11121 1 WANTED RALE WANTED District nianugor for Harrisburg and vicinity. Seven ply labric Super Tread tires, sell for less than lighter weight tires. Must be a worker and have ability to handle salesmen. Appointment by telephone, or meet Ross K. New, Friday, Novem ber 15, at the Metropolitan Hotel. LABORERS WANTED Apply llerre tiros , on Jobs. Nineteenth and Alunuda streets. WANTED—Shipping clerk, by local manufacturing company. Experienc ed mats preferred. Address Box K, 66 46, care of Telegraph. WANTED Boy for work around store. Apply Harrisburg Wail Paper and Paint Company, 201 Chestnut street. AUTO MECHANICS TWO FORD REPAIRMEN. APPLY MAC'S GAKFAUK. I I i SOUTH THIRD ST. WANTED Night tlreman. Apply at Brcnneman's Greenhouse, Eleventh and Reiiy streets. WANTED Mun for delivery work. Salary and commission. Apply W. & 11. WALKER, 114 SoutL Second Street. WANT LD STEAMFITTERS at Ninth Street Plant, HARRISBURG LIGHT & POWER CO. Apply to U. 11. WILSON, GOVERNMENT Needs hundreds Clerks for Income Tax, Customs, In ternal Revenue. Harrisburg exami nations soon. Salury. $1,200-2,000. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars regurdlng examinations, write Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 2407 Columbian Building, Washington. WANTED Office boy. 10 years or over. Good wages and excellent op portunity for advancement. Answer in own handwriting. Address Box C, 6606, care of Telegraph. Satisfied Tenants are a landlord's best asset. Care in selection and fair treatment of tenants, re quire experience. A de partment of our business is devoted exclusively to the renting of property. Miller Brothers & Co. Ileal Estate Insurance Surety Honda l.ncust and Court .Streets Hell I'hone 130.3. Dial I'honc Jl.'tO ' ! •FRIDAY EVENING, HELP WANTKD—MAIJC . WANTED District and local I agents in every city and town in Pennsylvania. Automobile Insurance, j Excellent policy. 4u per cent, more coverage, i,o per cent, less cost, liig proposition. Address Y„ 6891, care of Telegraph. WANTED An engineer with j ability to make repairs. Good wages to right person. Fink Brewing Com ] pany. WANTED Young man to work in stationery store, Apply W. S. Tunis, 8 North Third street. MAN WANTED For position of ! shipping clerk, large corporation, j Good chance for advancement. State salary expected. Address Box L. 6931, care of Telegraph. WANTED Oflice boy, at least 16 years old. Address P. O. Box 394, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Boy—one who can go to school one day a week. Apply 200 Market street. WANTED Plumbers or gas ilttters to •take contract for gas instal lation. Write, or call, C. R. VAUGHN, Gray Building, Duncannon, Pa., or M. B. SMITH, Waverly, N. i. MEN WANTED To loud stone, 3D cents pet; ton. Can eurn s2u to $33 pur week. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax tang. WANTED A ntan, or will employ man and Wife, to do Janitor and housework. Aply 1709 North Second street. WANTED Miller to operate Burr millstone, electric power, for making chop and cornmeal. $23 per week. Steady work. Address P. O. Box 306, Harrisburg. WANTED—Two good, strong boys to learn trade. Apply Superinten- I dent. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg. HELP WANTED—FEMALE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Harrisburg, December 7. 12,000 women clerks needed. Salary, $1,200. Experience unnecessary. Women do siring government positions write tor free particulars. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 467 Columbian Building, Washington. WANTED—Two young women for waitresses. Must give references. Ap ply Stoutfer's Restaurant, 4 North Court. WANTED Women cleaners. Ap ply at Majestic Theater. WANTED Young lady to work in stock room. Good chance tor ad vancement. Apply MAC'S GARAGE. 117 South Third Street. WANTED , Girls and women for light machine work and assembly. Wo offer excellent opportunity to girls and women to be come mechanical experts in llie manufacturing of inter changeable work. To those without previous experience, we give a prelimi nary course of training in our Machine Operators' School. Good pay while learning. Apply U. S. GOVERNMENT BUREAU, Third and North Streets, Harrisburg. Industrial Concern, ELLIOTT-FISHEU COMPANY, | South Cameron Street. WANTED —Colored girl, or woman, no washing, from 8 A. M. to 2:30 P. M., by the week. Call Bell phone 3970 J. WANTED Waitress. Good pay. Good food. Working clothes turn/sh od and laundered. Nine hours a duy. : lnquite 211 Walnut street. WANTED GIRLS TO WRAP TRIANGLE MINTS. Good Pay. Steady Work. TWELFTH AND 11ERR STS. . WANTED Demonstrator for na tionally advertised food product. Ap ply Dauphin llwlel, between 7 and 8, and ask for Mr. Thomasoii. WANTED GIRLS BETWEEN THE AGES 18 AND 28. We are in need of a number i of girls for bookkeeping, ac counting and' clerical work. Girls of ordinary Intelligence we will train for clerical work. Excellent opportunity. Previous experience unneces sary. Ambition and energy only qualiitcations required. Good pay while learning. Apply U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. Third and North Streets. Harrisburg Industrial Concern, ELLIOTT-FISHER CO., South Cameron Street, Harrisburg. WANTED Girl, must he 16 years of age, to work afternoons. Call [ Rose's, Second and Walnut streets. WANTED Girl for general house work. No washing or ironing. Apply 2224 North Second street. HOSIERY LEARNERS WANTED— From 14 ydurs of age and upwards. Good wages paid while learning. Ap ply New idea Hosiery Co., Fourteenth and Mayflower streets. WANTED A good, experienced plain cook. Inquire at 2021 North Si-Mi street. WANTED One experienced cook, white or colored. Apply Railroad Cafe. 1302 North Seventh street. WANTED White woman for kitchen work. Apply Davunport • Lunch, 326 Market street. ! HELP WANTED—FEMALE I Y\ ANTED Girl, or woman, tor general housework, mornings. 801 l phone 672 M. GIRLS WANTED To work on sewing machines and i(i other depart ments. $l2 per week paid to learn ers. Belgrade Knitting Mill, New Cumberland. p a . WANTED | SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS ! .W" are wanting operators, i Die work is regular, pleasant . I >os 'Gons permanent; the high efficiency of our ntu lines, and the sunitary con- . "jt'on of our work rooms en ables all operators to earn good wages. Learners are paid $1.25 per day while learning, which consumes a week to 10 days. All operutors nre paid a bonus each pay day. We insure all of our em- , employes in the sum of $500.00 free of charge to them, and in event of death the beneficiary, whoever it may be, receives the insurance. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ,and . Fulton Sts, ; WANTED Bright, active, young girl, one who can operate a Multi graph or typewriter preferred. Ap ply Employment Bureau, Bowman & Co.. Harrisburg. WANTED Reliable girl for gen jeral housework and plain cooking. Good wages. Good home. No i North Harrisburg street. Steelton, Pa. WANTED Experienced cashier. Must furnish references. Apply Dav enport Lunch, 325 Market street. WOMAN —Wanted immediately for scrubbing and general work. Apply Sloulter's Restaurant, 4 North Court street. UELI' \\ ANTED—MuIe and Females SHOE WORKERS WANTED We need experienced opera tors, in all departments, and can guarantee steady work. All work is paid tor at piece rates, Out we guarantee every employe detinue wages. 'llie moie work you produce me inure you earn. We aiso have openings 111 ail departments lor young men and women to learn a usetui trade, wmcu will be ol value to niem alter the War. Tile shoe business is a necessary industry uuu is of much importance. Get a Job making guous tor Lucie oum it you can, but if not, then consider Lite siiue inanuiacier uig trade us wurtii wane learning, if interested, take tuts uo to tile United Estates Employment outeau ul thud aim Norm Streets, and get luu particulars, HARRIS BURG SHOE MFG. CO. 1 1402 Vernon St. SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Experi enced weavers average $3.60 to 46.60 per day. Oilier departments propor tionately. Beginners wanted also. Best pay Come ana earn Jo per cent, bonus over ! uuu übute regular wages. Apiy HARRISBURG SILlv MILL Second and North S reels. THOUSANDS MEIN WOMEN— GIRLS, 18 or over wanted immediately ] by United Stales Government. Easy oifice position? at Wusniugtun ana - in every large city. Experience unnec essary. $lOO month and up. i-itour j day. Your country needs you. Help! tier. Write iiiiineuiu,lciy lor tree list, 1 positions open. Franklin Institute, : Dept. 403 G. Kochesler. X. Y. SITUATIONS \V AN TED—MALE EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN Wants extra otlice work evenings and Saturdays. Also typewriting to do ul home. Address Box B, 6648, cure of telegraph. WANTED Young man desires po sition doing general clerical work; has had experience; best of refer ences. Adui ess is.. 1182, care of Tele graph. . WANTED Position of driving truck or privdte cur; can do lunu work or duiry work; good relerence. Address N., 0;i32, euro of Telegraph. WANT Eg Man, 34 years of age, wants an indoor position witii chunce for advancement if can prove worthy. Have hail eignl years' experience us timekeeper and on ear records. Can luitusn best of references. Address riox P. 6Stfu, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as bartender, or at luncn counter, or waiter at good restaurant. Apply 30 North Tenth street. SITUATION S WAN TiTD—lcuiulo WANTED LuUndry work, or ] days work of any kiliu, by colored! woman, cull, or uuuieas, 22u soum I Fourteenth street. | WANTED Piece washing to do i ul home. Apply 1228 Norm i-roiii! street. | WANTED Stenographer, with ] live years experience, wants a good position wila u reliuble concern; cuu I lutnisii goou reference as io her uou-1 iiy ana character. Address Box N, ! "io6B, cure ot teicgraph. WANTED A refined, young wo man, witn expe. ioice ol buyer and saleslady, aiso knowledge of minor clerical work, can give ui let noons tor service. Address it., 7421, cure of Telcgruph. j * ROOMS Foil KENT FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, on second floor, for light house keeping; corner property; an conveni ences. Call Bell plume 2658 R. FOR RENT Nicely-furnished rooms for gentlemen; city steam neut; hot water; telephone, inquiru ul 19/ south Second street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms; good location; all improve ments. Call 2130 Ureen street. | FOR RENT, 1515 STATE STREET— Attractive, large front room in private 1 family, flrst-fiass neighborhood, lor one or two gentlemen; bath; phone I 3435; clean and heated. FOR RENT Comfortably-furnish ed room, city steam • heat, electric lights and gas; next to bath. Inquire 28 South Third street, Third !• loor A partment. ' FOR RE.\T furnished ryunis.. s■> 50 per week and up: warm rooms, running tut and cold water; light housekeeping and privute bath Wil son Apartments, No. 143 South Third street. HAHHISBURG TELEGRAPH THE RIGHT POSITION FOR YOU may be had for the asking if you do your asking through the class ified columns, and make your message clear and definite. You ought to be doing the things you can do BEST. • The opportunity may be found, for * efficiency is at a premium. • REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED, TO RENT AT ONCE Modern house from six to nine rooms Inquire Emerson-Brantingham Imple ment Co, Tenth and Market streets. 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city if cheap. W nut have you to offer? Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. _____ FOK RENT Two communicating first floor rooms, and one third boor room, all furnished, within easy walk ing distance of business district. Ap ply 498 Briggs street. FOR RENT, 107 CHESTNUT ST. Fine, light, furnished room—$3.50 single, $5 double. FOR RENT Nicely-furnished rooms for light housekeeping. All conveniences. Steam heat. Apply 1814 Green street. "ROOMS FOR RENT, 113 Locust St. —Well furnished. Conveniences. Bell phone 2907 W. ROOMS WANTED REFINED COUPLE WANT Fur nished, light housekeeping rooms or small apartment. Address T., 6891, care qf Telegraph. MAN AND WIFE desire two or three furnished rooms in private family either with board or privilege of light housekeeping. Hill preferred. R e (. erences furnished if desired. Address E„ 6,937, cate of Telegraph. WANTED By young couple, three or four unfurnished rooms, or small apartment for light housekeeping 1 Call Bell phone 2794. p,ng ' j APARTMENTS Foil RENT FOR KENT Two or three-room apartments, for light housekeeping l gas and bath. Inquire at 327 South! Front street. FOR KENT Very desirable apart- ! menu 5 rooms and bath; southern ex- 1 posure; hot water heat; gas and elec- 1 trie lights; cabinet gas range; nice I yard. Adults only. Reference. Cull Bell phone 4335 W. • u " j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 2'A-story double brick, house, at While ilill 10 rooms each house all improvements cheap. Inquire A. Smitn. Camp Hill Pa. FOR SALE Two-story frame, metal roof, good conditions, yard' C..eup homo for $1,099. Inquire Store! ' "IF ITS REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDEKLIN" DERRY ST., 1334 NOW VACANT, modern 10-room, 3-story brick; all latest improvements; front and rear porches; lawn and back yard; room for a private garage; ideal location for a physician, can he bought with $699 cash. FULTON ST., 1627—N0W VACANT; corner property; 2A-t'y frame; six rooms and utile; gas und water; can be bought same as rent 9 KENSINGTON ST., 2030 8-rooms; all improvements; very cozy home; same us rent. . SCHUYLKILL ST., 618 Corner! property; 3-story brick; 9 rooms; all' improvements, front and rear porches; I good size back yard; same us rent. FIFTH ST., N„ 2138—2-story brick; 1 one side and a double house; 7 rooms | and bath; all Improvements; side and! rear entrance; same as rent. NEW CUMBERLAND, CORNER! FOURTH AND GEARY Attached] frame; 8 rooms and bath on each side;! newly painted. Right price to quick] buyer. Same as rent. SIXTEENTH ST.. S.. 544 2-story brick' 7 rooms; ull improvements, ce- | inent cellar; can be bought with $250 1 cash, NOW VACANT, STEELTON, SECOND ST.. S„ 318(4] 3-story frame; 7 rooms; water, ga M and electric lights; a very good bur gain. Same as rent. WORMLEYSBURG. SECOND ST., N„ on-' 2V4-story frame; 7 rooms, water, gas and electric lights; lot, 25x150; I price right; same tjs rent. D. A. SANDERLIN. ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG UU 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL PHONE 1390. DIAL 3573. fc , * FOR SALE 2524 DERRY ST. Modern brick dwelling all improvements steam heat large front and rear porches possession. January 1. Inquire EVANS-KINGSBURY, 36 NORTH THIRD ST., BELL PHONE 2175. FOR SALE 3-story brick on Mar ket street, near Markethouse, with storeroom, all Improvements. A bar gain If sold at ruce. C. H. Corder. 1722 Green street. Bell 660 J. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE KINK iN VLSI MEN'J. or reaiileuue piuperty uii .Nona seconu street oe tween isr.uad und stale slice Is. bYick rooms and bath. Lot, 24x125 tJ wide alley. Side and buck entrances Must be sold to settle ua estate. A a- Ul ess liox S. 6660. care of -J eieg'rapii. OWN YOUR OWN HOME ON EASV PAYMENT PLAN Let us make you acquuintcd with ihe way it is done. Now is the time to stun. Following homes can be purchased with 3ou cash or Liberty Bonds: 2123 I'enn. 2102 penn. Penn. 2025 Penn. 11)12 I'enn. 11)31) Pelin. 123 North Summit. 2127 North Fourth. 606 Keiker. 611. 613. 615 and 617 Kei ker. 1362 Vernon. We have a" large number of manufacturing, freight and several good business oppor tunities to offer. Call at A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth. Member llarrisburg Ileal Estate Board. I NOW VACANT 803 North seven teenth street, brick and stucco dwell ing, most modernly equipped, well constructed, ideal location. Key at our office. Bell Realty Co.. Uergner Building FOIt SALE 674 Schuylkill street —name semi-bungalow with 6 rooms and butli other Improvements, in cluding steam heat. Price, $2,200. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. 62.500 WILL PURCHASE a two story brick dwelling, with all im provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Brick dwelling, 1603 V 4 Derry street —• 10 rooms and bath gas electric light furnace —lot. 21x100, witli drive on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. CITY AND SUBURBAN IMPROVED PROPERTIES FOR SALE 1 Have several fine city homes. Some corner properties. Prices ranging from $l,OOO to $30,000. Also West Sid' or River improved properties, und vacant lots, that you can buy on easy payments. $lO.OO down and $5.00 monthly. Bell 4377. See CHARLES DA VIES. 204 Calder Building, Market Square. Real Estate and Rents Collected. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES—AII Improvements, front porch, bay win-I do'v. 7 rooms, n.ce yard drive' alley i room for garnee $lOO down, Pay /'I rent. Also several three-story brick* I all Improvements. r,c k* | Three smalt houses, suburbs Steelton. $lOO down, balance r ° r „r will exchange on small fern, or ® nt ' property. ! 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. A WELL-PAYING ROOMINGHOUSF FOR Is- —lO7 Chestnut street. Ileal Estate For Sale—Suburban FOR SALE A desirable Lemoyne property; all Improvements; front porch. Owner desires to leave city. Price is right. Call at 1225 North Sixth street. CAMP lIILL. PA. 3-story pressed brick; ull improvements; Spencer vupoi heal; large lawn und trees. Will sell or trade on city property. .D. A. Caley. 707 Kunltel Bldg. Bell 689. TWO ADJOINING LOTS FOR SALE j —Situated at Came .1111, Pa. Will Bell very cheap. Apply 251 Susque hanna avenue, Enola, Pa. ■ REAL ESTATE FOR RENT "WILL RENT FURNISHED HOUSE \Vliolo or part, 6 rooms and bath, on Third street. New Cumberland. Ad dress Box A. 6647. cure of Telegraph. FOR RENT 9-room brick house; gas electricity, steam heat; fine con dition. Rent. $6O 00 916 North Six teenth street. Bell 291*. . REAL ESTATE —For Salt- or Rout s i HOUSES AND OARAGES at Fifth and Curtln streets. Possession of some of the houses on thirty days notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 North see ond. Bell uhone soiJ. Ileal Estate For Sale or Exchange WANTED—TO RENT We an having a number of applica tions at this time for furnished houses, apartments and rooms. What do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company. Locust and Court streets. FOR SALE Four 2-story brick houses, all improvements, porches, bay windows, nice yard, drive alley, room for garage. Will sell on easy terms— sloo down. $25 per month, or will trude on small farm, or will take auto as part puy. C. H. Corder, 1722 Green street. Bell 660 J. • FARMS • A FARM OF 85 ACRES Close to city for rent on shares. Address F 6639, care of Telegraph. FARMS FOR sAI.G 3-ucre furiu, gocd liouse, 13 miles from Harrisburg $759. Cull 19V Chestnut street. FARMS of all sizes from 1 to "00 acres each. Some close to city. Soine close to R. R. and trolley line.' Some ;to trade on city property. c 11 Corder. 1722 Green street, Harrisburg" Bell phone 56UJ. FARMS On hand, any size from 3 to 169 acres, with or without stock 107 Chestnut. FOK SALIv—M ISCIvI.LAX' KOUS APPLES FOR SAI.E Grimes, Gol den, with a Bunutiu flavor; ciiuymaii, •Wen I onuihuns, York Imperial, euc. Some of these apples are very line. Gome and sec ilium ul It. A. Wicker | sliuin s urcliurd, oae-llalf mile cast ol ...eciiurucsbiiig, Pa. 'Trolley car stups I at orchard. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CAisii AIJ. .VlAlvEb RENTED •EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOT&ON, 205 LOCooT STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM T HEATER BOTH PHONES PRESIDENT WILSON'S favorite photograph, autographed especially for tne NCW York Atnci lean —a sepa rate supplement ready tor training— artistically reproduced in beuutil'ib gruvure 011 finest quality paper. FREE WITH NEXT SUNDAY'S NEW Y'OllK AMERICAN —hut you must order from yonr newsdealer at once. Circulation lust Sunday, 948,763 —LARGEST IN AMERICA. FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet. Only used three months. Address Box R, 6813, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE HtiefT upright piano, bench and music cabinet. Address P. O. Box 56|, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SAIIE "Buescher" Cornet, in brass, witn leather cuse, complete; Columbia Zither. No. 2V4; nickel-plate Music Rack, with leather case, com plete; Remington Typewriter, Visible, No. 10, good us new; Edison Mimeo graph, No. 12, complete; set solid Brass Andirons. Inquire 927 North Third street. Second Floor Apartment. FOR SALE—Oak store lixtures, good as new; 19 ft. wuil ease, 5 ft. display counter, four small tuoles, 16-in. elec tric fun. Master cutler, chaft'less cof fee mill. Cull or address 11. D. iiarrl | mun, 1638 North Fourth street. FOR SALE Woman's dark green velour coat. Size, 40. Satin-lined j throughout. In good condition. Price $lO. inquire 2215 Penn street. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across trotii Y. W. C. A offers you the Biggest und Best Bar gains Hi Men's and Boys' Suits. Over coats, Mackinuw Coats, Unuerweur Hals, Caps and Shoes. We are fum ous for Low Prices. Uive us a trial 1 OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth Street. 1 I FOR SALE Singer Sewing Ma- I chine, upright model, $l5. Bell phone 2794. EAGLE WATER HEATER l,ju e new. Used only three times. Reason able price. Call 2187 R. . GET your bargains In heaters and cooking stoves. We also sell general household goods of ail descriptions We pay highest cash prices. New mark <52 Cown, 308 Broad street. 1919 CALENDARS Good Assortment of Bargains. Act Quickly. 1 For good service, order at once and avoid the rush. Sample Room for Conveni ences of Customers. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO., Third and Cumberland Sts. Above Shoe Store. FOR SALE 1 Chain and Bucket Elevator, anil 3 sections, 24-inch di ameter Revolving Spreen, both good as new. 1 small Stone or Liine Crusher. 1 Contractor's Hoisting Platform, 2-barrow capacity. 1 Dump Cart,,with extra wide shafts for lurg'v horse. , 2 sets new Louden Garage Door Hangers. 1 Carload new 6-inch Sewer Pipe, some Ys and Bends. ATLAS DYNAMITE ANl> BLAST ING SUPPLIES. and SECURITY PORTLAND CEMENT in stock at all times. RUTHERFORD BROS.. Bell 352511. Paxtang, Pa. WOOD—WOOD —WOOD Fin'e wood, cut short, oak. specially cut for fireplace. F. J. Marter. Bell 39-J. Steelto t. W A NTED —MISCELI ,AX KOUS HIGHEST PBICES PAID for all kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 936. or drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Broad und Currant streets. L.-COHEN & COMPANY, York and Ash Avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber und metals und old machines. Send postal or call 3221W Bell and Diul 6223. WANTED, TO BUY Buby pen. Must be in go„od condition. Call Bell phone 262011. WANTED. TO BUY' ' — An upright piano. Must be cheap for cash. Ad dresB Box E, 7 483, care of Telegraph. MOiiRlS SAY'S save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. Hißh prices puld for furniture. Morris Kchmertz, 1039 Market. Bell 39 7lit. HIGHEST PIIICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels und Junk. Call Belt phone 4 275. B Abrums & Son. 524-832 North Seventh street. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold Highest cash prices paid Call Bell' 1381 or Dial 6847. or drop a pos tal to Max Hmeltz, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. OFFICES AND STOKEIIOOMS OFFICES FOB RENT Furnished or unfurnished, single or enst tte ol two or three rooms. Apply H. & L. l.owetigurd. 210 North 'lhird street. BUSINESS Ol I'O HI UNITIES FOR SALE Profltui ie .lewn Agency For Bate In thriving subuibun town. alioet'oom In the heart of tile business section. Start a business here. Tha Newspaper Agency will get you .Cquuinlud with llie peb ble. Address BOX K, 7474. pare of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSON A 1.9 Diamonds bought lor Cash, appraisers fur est ate. P H Cspiati Co.. yafi Mkt. IDEAS, INVENTIONS. PATENTS promoted. Send particulars. Horst Promoting Agency, Linglestown, Pa. NOVEMBER 15, 1918 BUSINESS PERSONALS RAZOR BLADES sharpened Single edge. 26c doz.; double edge, 25c doz ; old style.*2sc >euch. Gorgus Drug Store. qUl.nl.nc.— Look out -for lliul grippe I feeling, likely to catch you HUH ! changeable weather OUR LAXATIVE ] PHI SPHO-QUININE will stave It ofl lif taken In time. Groan Drug Store. | 11 9 Market alreet. Money to Loun WHEN YOU NEED MONEY to meet immediate neeeaaltiea, iiwip, consul, lilts reliable licensed. buiideu .i10...nv1d.. e11.., ..I cd bluer Pcllllsyl vunlu lov.a and liuanceu o> local peo ple in iKctf to aave borrowers Iruni c a.or lion. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN A INVESTMENT CO.. 294 CHESTNUT ST. WE SELL W. e. IS. AND THRIFT STAMPS. •MONEY FOR NECESSITIES" We are nrepared to help r'orthy people when In need of MONEY tor I immediate necessities. Cull and in vestigate our system. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. 296 BKRGNEK BLDG. WE LEND MONEY in compliance witn Act of June 17. 1915, to Individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty. business confidential, pay luYnis to suit borrower's convenience, oositively lowest rates in city, PENNSYLVANIA INVEST.Un.NT CO., 132 Walnut Street. Musical VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS I BANJOS. Band uni Orchestra lnstru i merits promptly and carefully repalr | ed. OYl.Kli'S. 14 south Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re ! pairs, just call Bell I'hone 3242J, An ' expert will be at your service at once. Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 South Fourtn street. TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repaired Ly an expert. All work promptly done and guai anlued. G'all Belt 3894R, or lii 94 Howard avenue. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line i'runsier, ai. Capita, street. Bolli pliones. AUTO HAULING —Local and long -1 distance. Furniture moving a spec i laity. Rates reasonable. Prompt ger | vice. Call Bell 623 J. local and long-distance HAULING Prompt service, A. &. B. Motor Kxpreao, all Capital street. Bell phone 1636 J. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns witu auto trucks. Only experienced and careful uiivern. call uull 3339. or Dial 2265. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULHNG--F urullure moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 636 CalUer street. Bom puouea. Bell 3636 a, ULAI 3 683. HKA\ Y HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano inov ' ing. No distance too lar. Careful Idiiver. Kaiu anu dusiproot body. a. lE. Gruboer's Truck service, lrviti 1 Aungat, Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell I piione X6R-6. j AUTO TRUCK SERVICE -- Local 1 anu loiig-uistaiice. F. J. Alarter, Hell j 39-J. Steelton. 'ALL KINDS OF HAULING and moving done CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKEK ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PRUNE 3615. j HICKS laical and Long-distance j Hauling. 424 Reily. Both Phones. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house tkOAU (iiercilfliilUlae. frivdtt} room* icdhOimUlu ruica. Ai liaui- Big ol ail Miius. U. Cuupci & Co. a vjKAGiii—in brick building, rear 4U6 Meti ivcl. llJUbciuiU gouoa uj clean, t nvv.lb 1 ooliio. tvcaauliaoic rales. f. vj. LHeliul *O6 Aiai kel airettl. | STORAGE' Private rooms for •loUoOhoiu goods 111 lirepi >ot waie ; house. $3 pel 11, on ill anu up. Lowei aiulttgfc 1441U6 UJ tJOb'Ul'ttprvJOi uouao liAiritibUJd Co., -iti* I ooUUi dcvvUU oltot'l U tnlcr takers SAMUEL S. FAUKt,Eit, bt.MiuAL DlueelVll, 1312 Deny at HELD 1939. DIAL 2123. DAY AND NIGHT CALLS promptly attended to. H. .11. Huilmun, Funeral Dnector. 3J9 Norm second street. RUDOLPH K. SPICEK, Funeiai uuecioi anu Einoalmer, all Nurth second street. BELH 232. DTAD 2145. CLMLTI HY LOTS I'UH SAIJi PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beauiiiuuj gtlUated on Mantet street east ol Tweiity-sixth, and ou tUe ..ottti and east laces tile nuw paik way The prices ul 10I* are moderate, iiner Hioa. or Co., Agents. Wliere to Dhio ALVA HOTEL AND itEsTautUal. TIIE hum a, OF aA'TTsFACXTON. STOUF FeK s RESTAURANT— Hume COOJVIUK rvu lu l>UoUlUStII10ll uhu LiUiU* JU rtCpgli UtO UitJ 1 j 00ill. Cleuuere untl byera "iT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, uyod or Repaired ul .lie best place in town. Gail and ueuvet, 'uuuulllau a. 1300)4 NOIUI aosU. Bultl 1 no Ilea. AUTUMGUILioS unE NEW CONES TOG A TRUCK uuvcied body, Guou lUa. capacity. A Gal wit htisauipnu laiihUU. Oi-D AUTOS Wanted, used, wiecaeo or oldtlmers. .. auy conuiuou. see uie Oetore sac rificing etaewuele. Gueisea Auto ~ ucniug. A, ociiiltmau, 22, 24, 2u Nortu Gaiueron atieeU Ben *b*3. AUTOMOBILES KUH bALi£ One I*l7 Huprnobila Owner exnects to be called in tho ear vice. Apply Sunulunu Ouiuku 'l7-22 North Cameron atreeL ' .vANTKD All kinds of used auto tires We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Lslerbrook. 912 Worth lUi'o street. Dial 4990. """h MAXWBLU 1a . 17 . —1 Good tires, one extra. Runs and looks like new Z rare bargain at <4OO. Indian. 1015 Model. In good running order. Burgain at $75. • A. BCHIFFMAN. 22-24-26 North Cameron. ..1 AXWbi.L Touring car In A 1 v.iapo. Must be sold, owner was carted. This car Is like new A lot or extras, wheel with new tires. An. at 125 Mouth Eleventh -treet i9i4 iv.NOX Kaeing Car, in Kood ' ! c-.iuillon. Urs. In AX con- M...VOHINE UAHAUE. Both lhor.ee. FOII SAL, 16 Dodge Tourire Car equipped with sedan top. Excelleni nunnanlcal condition. New S or Bell i 723M. CttU 131