Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 14, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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Bakery Blaze in Ohio
Starts $250,000 Fire; Eats
Into Business District
Upper Sandusky, Ohio, ffov, 14,=
Fire destroyed the heart or the bual
nreit district of Upper Sandusky this
morning with more than $280,008 jasa,
A dozen mercantile houses and their
contents are a total loss, Including
the three-Btory Hotel Fetter and "9'
born lodging house and the opera
Ten pereons were eaught tinder
• felling brlolt waJl and two were In
jured probably fatally.
Ten persons were rescued from the
■econd-story of the Osbom rooming
house by firemen on ladders.
The fire Is thought to havo origi
nated in a bakery,
Leaden, Nov. 14. —The Allied fleet
arrived oft Constantinople yesterday
having passed through the Darda
nelles Tuesday, the Admiralty an
nounces. British and Indian trooos
occupying the forts paraded as the
ships passed.
If Your Child Hawka and Coughs,
Simply Apply Camphorole
to Throat and Chest
So many people neglect their children's
cough until It may develop into whoop
ing cough, croup or bronchitis. Then
you would wish you had a jar of CAM
PHOROLE handy. It quickly touches the
■pot and gives sure relief. The remark
able success of CAMPHOROLE is entirely
duo to Wlntergreen, Menthol and Cam
phor, prepared in a synthetic way to
give results.
CAMPHOROLE Is recommended for
Whooping Cough, Croup. Broncho-pneu
monia, Asthma, Sore Throat. Tonsilltis,
Pleurisy and Neuralgia At all druggists.
Manufactured In Atlantic City, NT J.
All Loud In Praise of "Ncutronc
I*rescription 99"
They all say "it does beat the
Dutch" how quick "Neutrone Pre
scription 99" got rid of that Rheu
matism. It's almost magle. "Neu
trone Prescription 99" gets all forms
of rheumatism every time as sure as
the sun rises. The first few doses
show results. Those horrible Rheu
matic pains stop, those poor Inflamed
Joints go down, and oh! what a
blessed relief. Ever try anything
like that? Well, its true. There's
no moro fiery, vllo smelling lini
ments. Just a good clean internal
remedy that purifiers the blood,
drives all impurities out of the sys
tem—makes you feel like now, like
doing things. Don't delay, get a bot
tle to-day and your troubles are
over. 50c and SI.OO.
For sale in Harrisburg by Q. A.
Gorgas, 16 N. Third St. and P. R. R.
How often have you heard that
•ad cry from the victims of disease.
Perhaps the disorder has gone too
far for help, but oftcner it is Just
in Its first stages and the pains and
aches are only nature's first cries for
help. Do not dispair. Find out the
cause and give nature all the help
you can and she will repay you with
health. Look after the kidneys. The
ltldneys are the most overworked or
gans of the human body, and when
tney fail in their work of filtering
and throwlnc on the poison that con
stantly accumulates in the system,
everything goes wrong. GOLD
MEDAL Ilnrriem Oil Capsules will
give almost immediate relief from
kidney and bladder troubles and
their kindred ailments. They will
free your body from pain in short or
der. But be sure to get GOLD
MEDAL. Look for the name on every
box. In three sizes, sealed pack
ages. Money refunded if they do not
help you
"Just a Little Bit
Is the usual reply of those recovering from
grip or influenza. Something-is needed to quicken
the vital impulse.
Blood and Nerve Tablets
composed of Iron, Nux Vomica, and
Gentian with other tonics in a
stronger and more active form than
the well-known regular Dr. Chase's
Tablets, have an almost instant effect
and are highly recommended for use
in cases of general debility, exhaus
tion or physical weakness follow
ing the Grip or Influenza.
Weigh Yourself Before Taking
Special—Tablets Stronger and More Active—9oc Box
It's Cheaper to Buy Five Boxes at a Time!
224 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
"The biggest work and the great
est opportunities of the United War
Work agencies in France lie be
fore and not behind them."
This statement was made here
to-day by Dr. Nolan R. Best, well
known editor of The Continent, who
arrived in New York 'yesterday on
his return from six months' service
as a Y. M. C. A. worker with the
American Expeditionary Forces.
"Britain and France," Dr. Best
oontinued, "have been practically
stripped of able-bodied men in or
der to maintain their armies at full
strength. On the other hand, the
manpower of the United States has,
in comparison, only been touched.
This means that the British and
French must demobilize first in or
der t'o free the Tommies and Poilus
for the great tasks of reconstruction
The American forces, during this
period, will have garrison duty to
do all ovor Europe. In other words,
for almost a year the Yanks will be
needed as International police.
"In addition to this, it must bo re
membered that eighteen months
have been required to get our boys
Brisbane Quiz Will
Expand to a General
Probe of Breweries
Washington, Nov. 14.—The Sen
ate Judiciary subcommittee named
to investigate political activity of
brewers and the purchase of the
Washington Times by Arthur Bris
bane through money furnished by
the brewery interests decided yes
terday to extend the scope of the
inquiry into the activities of the
brewery interests. The hearing will
begin Tuesday.
Chairman Overman announced
the committee would devote its at
tention at first to the brewers and
later also 'would conduct an inves
tigation into the activity of German
' propagandists.
i "We are going into this matter
[ very fully," said Senator Overman,
referring to the brewers' phase, "but
from an impersonal standpoint.
France Aims to Try All
Royal Plotters of War
Paris, Nov. 14. —Several members
of the Chamber of Deputies yes
terday proposed in the chamber
a resolution requesting the govern
ment to enter into an agreement
with the other Allied governments
for the trial of all former rulers who
were responsible for the great
European war. Upder the resolu
tion tho extradition of the rulers
would be requested, no matter in
what country they have taken
Mott Street Is Great
Wall of Chinatown
Now York. —One of the most un
tiEual and Interesting parts of New
York in that quaint triangle cut off
by Mott street which curves the
Bowery in a half-moon, commonly
known as Chinatown. John K. Win
slow, in tho World Outlook, says that
Mott street is the Great Wall of
He further says that the first Chi
nese settled there in 1850, and to-day
there are over 5,000 in the little tri
angle—and nearly three times as
many scattered and lost throughout
the rest of the great city. Not only
do its balconied houses, its narrow,
crdckcd streets and its scarlet bulle
tin boards make it distinct from the
American city, but it has a constitu
tion and government of its own.
On the charge of larceny, Russell
Jones was arrested by Detective Mtir
nano last night. Russell' had been
tampering with the cash box of the
pay telephone located in the lobby
of the Post Office Building. He
succeeded in removing $7.18 and
hid the box which had held the
money among some bushes in Berry
hill street.
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
Colds Cause Grip find Influenza
remove the cause.' There is only one ;
"Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S
signature on box. 30c.
to France. The transportation was
accomplished under tremendous
pressure. It is inconcelvabe that
they can be brought home in less
time than two years. During all
this period, the United War Work
agencies will be indispensable.
"A soldier hit it right with a new
definition of war. He said, 'war is
damn dull, damn dirty and damn
"Americans at home, accustomed
to having the glorious side of war
played up, must not forget that per
haps the worst of the three is'dull
ness. Fighting brings unbounded
joy to the American soldier's heart,
but the waiting periods are all but
"If hostilities are suspended, the
wap will be less dirty and less dan
gerous for our men, but ten times
more dull. Just herp the United
War Work agencies come in. Amer
ica must think of these seven or
ganizations, not alone as great mor
ale-builders during the fighting per
iod, but also as dispellers of dull
ness both during the waiting inter
vals and the months following the
cessation of hostilities."
British Fleet Lets Go
in Celebrating War's End
London, Nov. 14\ —A marvelous
night scene was witnessed off the
Scottish coast when the Grand
fleet celebrated the armistice. On a
thirty-mile line, warships of every
description were illuminated sim
ultaneously. Myriads of sirens blew
off, with awesome sounds. Hun
dreds of searchlights played fan
tastically. Fireworks and star shells
were sent up.
The celebrations, after lasting an
hour, ceased as suddenly as they
Wilson Sends Medal
to Marshal Joffre
Pari*, Nov. 14.—General Pershing,
in the name of President Wilson, pre
sented at the Military Academy yes
terday morning the distinguished
service medal to Marshal Joffre. the
hero of the Maine.
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
I. Charles C. Kerns, employed for
nearly eighteen years at the Harris
burg Post Office, have been removed
by Frank C. Sites. On Monday, May
15. 1 received an order signed by
Chas. H. Hoffman stating 1 would be
transferred from the Maclay Street
Station on May 20 to the muin Post
Office, the hours of duty to be from 3
p. in. to 11 p. m., permanently. 1
took the matter up with the clerk
at the Maclay Street Station and lie
took the matter up with C. H. Hoff
man at the main office when inform
ed through the clerk of the Maclay
Street Station that I should write to
the Postmaster and state reasons for
not being able to obey the order,
stating physical inability. The Post
master never gave me the courtesy to
reply to my letter. May 20, the day
the change was to take place I again
renewed ray statement with the clerk
of Maclay Street Station to advise
the main Post Office I cannot meet
the order. 1 likewise had my phy
sician send a certified statement on
account of partial paralysis and con
sequent disability that all possible
consideration be extended me.
The day the order went into effect
1 was informed by the clerk of the
Maclay Post Office that Chas. H.
Hoffman said if I didn't take the work
assigned to me I could not work at
I all. This was a gross violation of
the civil service laws. The post
master does not have the power to
give an immediate suspension, much
less does any subordinate, and fur
thermore, if an employe commits
the most serious or flagrant offense
the postmaster must send a telegram
immediately to the First Assistant
Postmaster General and receive the
department's approval before any
suspension is made, and follow with
a letter to the department with par
ticulars. This was not carried out
in my case. May 22 I received a
registered letter from the postmaster,
stating lie wished me to call at ills
office to have an interview concern
ing this work. I called and instead
of conversing relative to work he
berated and used offensive language
to me. The following day I receiv
ed a letter preferring three charges
against me: (1) Disobeyed official
orders; (2) Absent without, leave:
(3) Insolence to superior and refusal
for duty after personal conference
with postmaster. I answered his
charges with an affidavit stating the
charges are absolutely without foun
j dation. I iMso sent a copy to the
Postmaster General calling his atten
| tion to my case, stating that Frank
iO. Sites, postmaster at Harrisburg,
is going to ask for my removal and
1 would he pleased to have an in
spector investigate. Before I ans
wered the charges I spoke to In
spector H. E. Lucas and told him I
was going to ask Washington to
send an inspector. He said "ask
them to send some one outside of
Harrisburg office." I judged by that
request he didn't care to be assign
ed to my case but the department
turned the case over to him anyway.
June 14, I received a letter from
the First Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral, J. C. Koons, advising me that
the department had not received any
charges against me from the post
master of Harrisburg. Why -the post
master of Harrisburg didn't turn
over to Washington answers to his
charges and left seven days pass by
is a mystery to me. July 30. becom
ing impatient. I called up H. E. Lucas
and asked him if he had my case.
He said he had and would send for
me in a day or two. July 31 I re
ceived a letter requesting me to call
at ihis residence, 2150 Green street,
for an interview and investigation.
He made iw> investigation, but tried
to scare me and used slurring re
marks. 1 also took the matter up
with our Congressman and he in
turn took it up with the Post Office
Department at Washington, and they
assured him and myself that my case
would be thoroughly investigated he
fore a final decision was given. Au
gust 17 I received a copy of a letter
purporting to be from Washington,
from the postmaster of Harrisburg.
stating that the department at Wash
ington does not deem Mr. Kerns a
suitable person for retention in the
service and he is removed because
ho refused to obey orders. Tills un
just. decision by the Post Office De
partment and bias statements of the
inspector, and the postmaster spur
red me on to continue my fight for
Justice. I also sent a petition of
about three hundred of Harrisburg's
most prominent citizens, asking for
the evidence that was submitted to
Washington and the grounds for
Justification for removal. Tho Post
Office Department totally Ignored this
petition. Through these men I have
loßt a position 1 earned uu merits.
Being idle since May 20, with nq In
come from any source, 1 have lost at
least SI,OOO, and was compelled to
soli the two Liberty Bonds 1 owned In
order to keep my two motherless
children as well as my aged mother.
Picture In your mind the mental
anguish we have endured' since, the
20th of May, living in a supposed
civilized and Christian country with
no Income, Yet these same men are
crying at the top of their voices:
"Don't leave your position; stand by
your country; buy Liberty Bonds and
help In the fight for true democracy
so that all mankind tile world over
shall havo peace, freedom and Jus
tice, 1< urthermore as far as the civil
service laws are concerned in the
Harrisburg Post Office, years of serv
ice and efficiency don't count for any-
ItiS Green atreet.
Capital City Lyceum
Course to Open Monday
at Stevens Memorial
The Capitol City Lyceum Course
makes its bow to the Harrisburg
■public next Monday evening in Stev
ens Memorial Methodist Church,
i Thirteenth and Vernon streets, when
the first entertainment will be pro
vided there by the St. Claire Four
Sisters, a Chicago company acting
under the direction of Mis Velma St.
Claire. A distinctive,and unusualy
interesting program is promised.
Other entertainments of the course
are: Will A. Rogers, "The Funny
Man," November 25; lecture by
Bishop J. F. Berry,* of Philadelphia,
December 2: "The Navy Girls,"
popular musical organization,* De
cember 10; the Indian Princess Wa
tahwasco and party, December 10,
and tltfe Plymouth Singing Party,
whose poseponed program from last
month will be announced in a few
days. Entertainments to take place
after the first x>f the year will be
announced later by Dr. Clayton Al
bert Smuclf er who has chargs of the
Lyceum course.
Miss Wilson's Singing
Stirs Town of Nancy
Nancy, Nov. 14.—Miss Margaret
Wilson, daughter of President Wil
son, arrived here on Tuesday. She
was received by the prefect of the
city and later visited the French
and American hospitals.
In the evening Miss Wilson sang
at a concert given at the Y. M. C.
A. Her songs were received with
great enthusiasm and she was the
recipient of numerous bouquets. On
leaving the city hall Miss Wilson
was warmly acclaimed by the
McCabe Reiterates He's Not
Mr. Wilson; to Grow Beard
New York, Nov. 14.—James J.
McCabe reiterated to-day he is not
President Wilson. This time he was
believed. But when he walked up
Fifth avenue, at the height of New
York's celebration, his resemblance
to the President was so marked
that the crowds fairly mobbed him
in their enthusiasm.
McCabe, who really is a district
superintendent of schools In Brook
lyn, wa sconslderably the worse for
wear to-day. He declared he was
going to grow a full beard.
lEnds Stubborn Coughs j;
in a Hurry . ;;
< >
For real effectiveness, this old homo- 1 >
made remedy has no equal. Baa- * *
tly and cheaply prepared. * J
You'll never know how quickly a
1 bad cough can be conquered, until you
try this famous old home-made remedy,
i Anyone who has coughed all day and
all night, will suy that the immediate
relief given is almost like magic. It
is very easily prepared, and really
there is nothing better for coughs.
Into a pint bottle, put ounces
of Pinex; then add plain granu
lated sugar syrup to make a full
I tint. Or you can use clarified mo
asses, honey, or com syrup, instead
of sugar syrup. Either way, the full
pint saves about two-thirds of the
money usually spent for cough prepara
tions, and gives you a more positive,
effective remedy. # It keeps perfectly
end tastes pleasant—children like it.
) You tan feel this take hold instant
ly, soothing and healing the mem
b'ranes in all the air passages. It
promptly loosens a dry, tight cough,
and soon you will notice the phlegm
thin out and then disappear altogether,
i A (Jay's uio will usually break up an
ordinary throat or chest cold, and it is
: also splendid for bronchitis, croup,
; whooping cough, and bronchial asthma.
Pinex is a most valuable concen
■ trated compound of genuine Norway
: nine extract, the most reliable remedy
tor throat and chest ailments.
To avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for "2% ounces of Pinex"
with directions and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give abso
lute satisfaction or money refunded,
! The Pinex Co., ft. Wayne, Ind,
Create Gas, Sourness and Pain.
How To Treat.
Medical authorities state tha<
nearly nine-tenths of the cases ol
stonuich trouble, "Indigestion, sour
ness, burning, gas " bloating, nausea
etc., are due to an excess of hydro
chloric acid in the stomach and noi
as some believe to a lack of diges
tive juices. The delicate stomach
lining is irritated, digestion is delay
ed and food sours, causing the dis
agreeable symptoms which every
stomach sufferer knows so well.
Artificial digestents are not needed
in such cases and may do real harm
Trv laying aside all digestive aids
and instead get from any druggist i
few ounces of .Bisurated Magnesb
and take a teaspoonful in a quarte.
glass of water right aftei
eating. This sweetens the stom
aeh, prevents the formation o!
excess acid and there Is no sourhest
gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (ii
powder or tablet form —never liquic
or milk) is harmless to the stomach
inexpensive to take and is the mos
efficient form of magnesia for stom
ach purposes. It Is used by thous
ands of people who enjoy their meal:
with no more fear of indigestion
G. A. Gorgas.
Just get out that bottle of
Sloan's Liniment and
"knock it galley-west"
Don't say "It will be all right to
morrow." Rheumatic twinges won'
relievo themselves. It takes thi
counter-irritant of Sloan's Liniment
to bring quick relief. Effective, toe.
for nearly every external aclie anc
pain that man's heir to.
Put it on and let it penetrate with
out rubbing. Cleafl. sure, economical
Once tried, it becomes a lifelong
friend. Your druggist lias It, Gel
<♦ ♦nrlnV.
Liniment I
Kills Pain
fl IIIIA Sufferers, writ* to
■|s day for my word*
1L Willi of value KREE
about Weak Lungs
•nd how to treat Lung Trou
bles. Address M. Bcaty, M. D..
102 Cincinnati, O,
L —. 1
Influenza Still
Much in Evidence
The epidemic of influenza has by
no means subsided in many sections
of the state according to reports
cf outbreaks announced last night by
the States Department of Health.
- /
SHE is just thd average girl. What will her lot be tomorrow? Will
she train herself to meet the demands which war placed upon the
women and girls of America, and which will not be lessened when
peace comes?
JT is time that every one thought seriously about education busi
ness education. Boys and girls, young women and young men,
should turn from non-essential studies to practical, helpful knowl
edge—knowledge that will aid America in the handling of the great
est wave of prosperity the world has ever known, and aid themselves
in progressing to the top.
THERE is a demand today for the TRAINED boy and girl. The
draft took office assistants into the army—young boys and girls
must fill their places. Greater business after Peace comes—de
mands ever increasing numbers of young men and young women to
do the work.
A BUSINESS education will always be an asset no matter whether
one follows business as a career or not.
ENROLL today; start learning that you may better serve your
country and yourself.
WE are constantly receiving requests for trained office help. Let
us prepare you to fill one of them. I nvestigate at once. All
branches of modern business taught. Specialists in
each department. Any combination of subjects
wanted. ENROLL TODAY. *
School of Commerce
Harrisburg's Leading and Accredited Business College
Bell 485—Day and Night School—Dial 4393
Write, phone or call. Send for catalogue.
A representative will call upon request.
The death toll from Influenza and
pneumonia since October 1 Is de
clared to have passed the forty thou
sand mark and a total of BIX hun
dred and twelve deaths from In
fluenza and pneumonia are reported
for the twenty-four hour period.
Conditions still continue serious
in the city of Erie where new cases
* NOVEMBER 14, 1913.
are reported daily. There were more
than throe, hundred caseß reported
from Cresson, Cambria county, and
many new from PortaKe.
Jeanette, New Florence and Saline
In Westmoreland county all report
new cases developing dally 'and sev
eral deaths. Morrlsdale in Clear
field county and Coalmont,and Broad
Top In Huntingdon county report
that the epidemic la still raging to
their districts.
Dr. B. Franklin Royer, acting
commissioner of health, announces
that there is still an urgent need
for doctors In vicinities where th
epidemic is still raging. The number
of nurses now available seems to bs
adequate to care for the situation.