the Rjwilxj j|Pf| " When a Girl " By ANN LISI.E A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife (Copyright, 1918, by King's Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Chapter XLVI Before Virginia's .dinner at the Roehambeau was over I issued invi tations to our postponed family din ner. And all during the day of my party while I was deep in nervous yet hopeful preparations for it, I remembered Jim's delight because I leaned aqyoss the table in the little card room issuing a laughing man date to Betty and Terry: "You two are included because you're our closest friends —Jim's 'war family.' So you'll break all en gagements and come, won't you?" They accepted and Virginia cried with real enthusiasm: "How jolly of you. Anne, and how equally jolly ot you two to cancel your appointments lor us." The first thing I had done to win Virginia's complete approval was to Invite Betty'Brice to dinner. That came to me next day with such force it almost caused me to drop the fish-ring I was examining with terror lest for the first time in BETTER THAN MEL Thousands Have Discovered I Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets I areaHarmlessSubstitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets—the sub stitute for calomel—are a mild but sure laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the re sult of Dr. Edwards's determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. His efforts to banish it brought out these little olive-colored tablets. The pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. They take hold of the troublear.d quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc withthegums. Sodo strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when you feel "loggy' and "heavy." Note how they "clear"clouded brain and howthey"perk up" the spirits, j 10c and 25c a box. All druggists. 1 If Your Kidneys and Liver are Sluggish Bliss Native Herb Tablets Will Restore Them To Healthy Action ' I suffered for years from defec-] tive kidneys and sluggish liver.' Nothing seemed to relieve me till I used your Bliss Native Herb Tablets. They are wonderful for I can say that I am perfectly well. They re lieved me in a very short time and ij have had no more trouble with sick ! kidneys or liver. I can't say enough' in favor of Bliss Native Herb Tab lets to any one suffering from bad! kidneys and liver. "SfltS. QUEEN TURNER, "Oak Park, Va." There is a nugget of health in every one of Bliss Native Herb Tab lets. They contain only the purest, herbs, roots, barks, and are free! Woman writes: "I am writing for advice to cure myself of pimples and boils My skin seems too oily." Answer: The organs which elimi nate waste matter need attention. Obtain Three Grain Sulpherb Tab les (not sulphur tablets) and take regularly as per directions for sev eral months. "Ohio" writes: "Can a sufferer from bronchial trouble be relieved? Doc tors do not seem to help me, what would you suggest? Answer: To relieve chronic cold, sore throat, bronchitis, I would ad vise the use of Concenrated Essence Mentho-Laxone. Purchase this at any drug store in 2%-oz. packages and mix according to directions given on bottle and you will very shortly be relieved of all bronchial trouble. This will not only relieve, but will correct, and is very pleasant to take. • * • "Parent" writes: "Should a man of forty-six find himself utterly in capacitated? Am weak, nervous, timid, setf-conscious. Do not sleep well. Arise with a tired feeling, lame back and often have severe headache in the back part of head. Fickle ap petite, but when I do eat. do not get strength." Answer: To use a common expres "y 0 " llUVt ' exceeded the speed limit and your nervous system needs the aid of an Invigorating tonic med icine. Get a tube of Three-Grain Cadomene Tablets. Take a g per di rections and continue treatment sev eral months if necessary THURSDAY EVENING, ! my career as a cook it refuse to jell. I rescued the mold, put it back on the ice prayerfully and advanced to the next course —chicken en casse ' role. By the time that was steaming away with a savory promise, my shortcake was ready to come out of the oven and cool a bit in anticipa tion of its gentle burial beneath peaches and cream. Then dame a flurry of final prep aration—setting the table, dressing and ■ superintending Jim's tie and Neal's hair. After that came the delicate task of greeting the guests in a manner that would seem unflurried and make Jim proud of his wife and full of delicious anticipation anent her party. It started with fine promise when Terry arrived and said in his rich, delightful voice: "I can see that this is going to be a top-hole party!" And it was—at first. When Virginia praised my cook ing, I thought I should expire of Joy. To think of stately Virginia's dis cussing mere food. All through din ner I felt exuberantly uncertain that my party was a real success. Even the percolator worked and the cream poured out thick and rich. The janitor's wife came up to do the dishes for me—and after Phoebe, and Neal and I had cleared the re fractory table and had returned to "play lady," as Neal put it some one suggested that we have a go at poker. That "some one" was Jim. He insisted on teaching me the game. I detest all card games ex cept bridge, and was on the verge of insisting that I'd prefer to stay out, when I caught a glimpse of Neal and Phoebe —happily esconced on the couch, quite absorbed in each other. So I played poker. Or tried to. The game ended abruptly an hour later—for suddenly Virginia discov ered that happy little group of two, PERFECT WOMANHOOD Perfect womanhood depends on perfect health. Beauty and a good disposition both vanish before pain and suffering. A great menace to a woman's happiness In life is the suffering that comes from some functional derangement which soon develops headaches, backache, nerv ousness and 'the blues." For such suffering, women find help in that famous old root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, which for three generations < has been restoring health to women ( of America. jfrom drugs containing deleterious substances. By their action, the liv er is stimulated, the kidneys cleans ed, the bowels respond gently and freely, and a healthy condition re sults. They are invaluable in cases ; of constipation, indigestion, bilious j ness, dyspepsia, sour stomach, heart burn. sick headache, rheumatism. Bliss Native Herb Tablets are put up 1 in boxes containing 200 tablets. Each , box bears photograph of Alonzo O. Bliss and guarantees beneficial re sults or money refunded. Price J1 per box. Be sure and get the genuine. Every tablet VDJ stamped with our trade mark Sold by leading druggists and local agents everywhere. ;3P v ? c % ir.Sr'itZsi&m The questions answered below are general in character, the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers will apply in any case of similar na ture. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, Col lege Bldg., Col lege-El wood streets, Dayton, Ohio, enclosing self-address ed stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address must be given, but only initials or fictitious names will be used In my answers. The pre scriptions can be filled at any well stocked drugstore. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. Miss Y. writes: "My hair is comb ing out. my scalp itches and dandruff | is much annoying, and I want some thing to cure these conditions." Answer: For hair und scalp trou bles I have never found anything to equal the beneficial results of a thor ough treatment of Plain Yellow Min yol. It is cooling, cleansing and in vigorating, and thousands now use it regularly as a* hair and scalp tonic. • * • "Sleepless" writes: "I am uneasy about my health. My kidnesy and bladder are not well. Have spells of depression, do not sleep well, have to arise frequently. Urine bad odor and color, very scant sometimes. My ankles puff and under my eyes X have 'bags.' Please prescribe." Answer: Your symptoms indicate you need treatment to tone up the functions of kidneys and gladder. Ob tain in sealed tubes Balmwort Tab lets and take as per directions for several weeks, or until relief is ex perienced. NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker has been giving free advice and pre scriptions to millions of people through the press columns, and doubt less has helped in relieving illness and distress more than any single in dividual in the world's history. Thous ands have written him expressions of gratitude and confidence similar to the following: Dr Lewis Baker, Dear Sir:—l have been taking Sulpherb Tablets for con stipation and liver trouble for two weeks, and find that they give me the most beneficial results of anything that I have taken for the past 20 years. 8 o pleased am I that I recom mend them to all my friends. I en close stamp and coupon for book "Health and Beauty," and trusting i may receive more benefits from read ing it, I am Very truly yours, T. J. O'BRIEN, 24 Pine St., Mittiaeague, Mass. Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service - By McManus 10 • ot^oLL-r. , khs ( — y \ i think this v York, Nov. 14.—Abolition of the national eight-hour day and a lowering of wartime scales are es sential If American mines and factor-' les are to continue to compete In the world of trade, according to William H. Barr, of Buffalo, president of the National Founders' Association, who addressed the annual convention of the organisation here yesterday. Declaring the liquidation of labor to be "the first and greatest problem which will demand the attention of our Industry," Mr. Barr counseled the meating of this problem "without resentment or bitterness." LIFE'S PROBLEMS ARE DISCUSSED The old cynical saying,' '"When Poverty comes in at the door Love flies out of the window," is not al ways true. As a matter of fact. Love has oft en been strengthened and saved, sometimes even been born out of the pity and sympathy and the drawing closer together due to financial re verses. What is true is that Love is very apt to fly before the advent of Stingi ness and Unfairness.'* The success 6f marriage is almost always an economic problem. With that phase of it satisfactorily settled, the other phase can generally be trusted to take care of themselves. The man who doles out the house keeping allowance as if he were giv ing alms; the woman who lets the bread-bill slide to spend the money on some bit of extravagance; the man who grouches about expense at I home and poses as a "prince" at j downtown bars; the woman who will I have, regardless of the amount of ( her husband's income—these are re sponsible for more separations and disagreements than all the vampires and novels and plays and moving and soul-mates put together. All the free-verse and free-love pictures and theoretical piffle of ev ery sort cannot change the faat that marriage is a business enterprise and as with every other business enter prise, it's success is almost entirely a matter o'f straight book-keeping. .As an exhibit along this line, I present the experience of one of my correspondents. Her letter, in con trast to most of those I reoeite, deals not with difficulties but with results, and is so clear-headed and suggest ive that I am sure it will be help., ful to many. "My dear Mrs. Woodrow, - ' she writes, "I am alwuys interested in your articles, and as you are asking your readers for some suggestions about the allowance problem I would like to. give a few practical idea. .'ln most cases I feel sure that the wife herself is chiefly in the blame. A man—if he is any man at all — will not fuss about added expense, but will admire his wife the more if she will only come to him in a straightforward businesslike fasnion I —hot complaining or fault-tinding, I but in a cheerful mood —and show ■ him by facts and figures why it is necessary for her -to have a larger I weekly amount on which to run the house. "Of course, this applies only to wives who are acquainted with the exact amount of their husbands' in comes and who know that he can afford to be more generous. But ev ery wife should "be acquainted with the amount of the income—other wise she is not a partner, but a de- i pendent. "In any case, though, let her drive ' out of her consciousness any expec- i | tation of fear dr injustice, let her I tell herself that she is entitled to a square deal and feci that she is go ing to get it; and if she approaches him in this attitude she will surely win. 1 "The following very satisfactory plan was suggested to me by my Hooray For Banana Peel "Gets-rt Only Real Way to Get Rid of Corns. Which do you prefer—a corn that] pulls or a corn that peels?. Butchery 1 or blessedness? Only "Oets-It" can get rid of your corn the peel-off way, the I blessed way. You don't need a pull. "Cams Mare* "IVooMe.Ma. I Ua 'Gate-It'" 1 Why hump yourself on the floor and with your jaws set and eyes popping; from pain, jerk and gouge and cut you:: corns? Why irritate your toes with some salve or wrap your toe into a big painful bundle with some sticky tape or plaster? Life is too short. Use "Gets-It"—it takes a few seconds to apply and there's no fussing. Corn pains go. Wear new shoes If you want. Peel oft the corn witji your fingers—the whole thing, root and all. clear and clean, and it's gone! Only "Gets-lf- can do this. Take no chances "Oets-It." the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only sure way, costs but a trifle at any drug stove. M'f'd by E. Lawrence & Cb„ Chicago. 111., Sold in Harrlsburg as the world's best corn remedy by Clark's Medicine Store. H.-C. Kennedy, O. A. Gorgas I Keller's Drug Store and F. K. Ki mlller.—Advertisement. husband a. few years ago and has proven most satisfactory in actual practice, as it gives us both a feel ing of freedom and independence, and with me especially it has been most helpful in teaching me to count the cost of a thing before buying ! and never to contract a bill unless I know when and how I am going to pay it. "This is our system: On the Ist and 15tli of each month we reckon the amount of money niy 'husband has on hand and set aside sums necessary to cover our household ex penses—the rent and the bill of the butcher, baker and candlestick maker. Then a certain fixed per centage is retained for deposit in tho bank - against a possible emergency and for saving. The remainder we divide equally between ourselves. "We both keep strict account of what we septn, and for any mutual pleasure an outing, visit to the theatre or movies, etc.—each pays halt the expense, including cart'ure, luncheon candy or whatever may come up. "It has proved such a fine busi ness arrangement that I wish oth ers would try it. There are no more disagreeable times when the bills cume in; 110 '1 can t see what you do with all the money I give you; you never have anything to show for it.' I will state, too, that our income is not very large—less than it was before we adopted this plan—but somehow we have more and get more pleasure out of it than in the old days. Also we know where it goes, and I have saved enough of my share to buy two Liberty Bonds." There is a contented woman. She does not say it. but one gathers she was not always so. A Square deal and buincss methods have been magic wands to bring happiness to her home. She feels that she is truly *J?\ rt s er ln the establishment, free o ' l } de P ont ' e nt in her own sphere Perhaps her exact plan might not suit all households, but some modi iof the bud ' et system can almost always be applied. Certainly f v e i m experi f! lce 18 a fillr criterion, it seems worth trying. Avoid Discomfort—Do Your Xmas Shopping Now The Victory's Won— Now FUp the Home For His Home Coming Some of our boys may be home very shortly—? Sr others will no doubt follow closely on, while still others may not get to see "home sweet home" for many months, nevertheless RIGHT NOW the folks at home should begin to brighten up.the home Our big stocks of Living-room, Bed-room, Dining-room and individual pieces of Furniture—all especially selected—are the kinds of Furniture that will add cheerfulness and comfort to any home and impress your boy with the fact that "all was well" while he struggled "over there." Six Exceptional Drapery Offerings Double thread mercerized Marquisette hem stitched Curtains with Linen Cluny \ Edge, $3.50 value u) dCi i Filet Lace Curtains with Linen QC / Edge and insert. Value $6.00 C 35-inch Cretonne, dark and light patterns, all / S3 '* ** *)Gjj \ desirable. Values 65c to 50c I Ain A, jA. A J Sunfast Material, all colors, 36 in- yd. \ O 9 fciJljftjJ j chcs wide. Value $1.25 /UC 42 Quaker Craft Lace, excellent yd. 36-inch Dainty Silk for boudoir curtains, blue, ™ rose and gold, something different. Cfl yd. \ * Value 79c DZ/ C Shop Earlier Than Ever Before This Christmas The Government "ou to shop early to conserve labor. You have re sponded so nobly to all other Government calls. We know you will to this one. GOLDSMITH'S North Market Square NOVEMBER 14, 1918". 1 NATIONAL PEACE HOLIDAY Washington, D, C., Nov. 14.—Presi dent Wilson has received messages from all parts of the country asking that lie proclaim a national holiday in honor of the winning of the war. Mpfl BRASSIERES worn in connection with W. B. Corsets, assure gown-fit perfection x j >-M grace and finish at bust that the give the necessary finishing touch ' Soid Exclusively in Harrisburg at Bowman „ No decision has been reached. One of the plans under consideration, it is stated, is for a general observance of Peace day on Thanksgiving, with religious services ip the morning and patriatic exercises or demonstrations in the afternoon or evening. 7