Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 14, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday Club Gives
an Informal Reception
Officers of the Wednesday Club ar
ranged a pleasant innovation in a
gathering of the \f>ting members,
held yesterday afternoon with the
president, Mrs. William L. Keller, at
her residence, 2225 North Front
The Idea was to bring the working
members of the club in closet- touch
and to become acquainted with the
newer members. In the receiving
line with Mrs. Keller were Mrs. Jos
hua W. Sharpe, of Chambersburg,
the president of the club at its or
ganization in 1882, and Miss Nancy
Funeral Flowers—
| Flowers for the sick—
I • Gift Flowers—
A complete I-'lower Service.
I both In Cut Flowers from
■ >ur own Greenhouses, and
I Decorative Plants for all
I. purposes. Shop at a com- I
I plete Flower Shop.
Harvard. Mill and Merode I
I IMn?-I?U/FV\ r High, medium or low neck; long
(V• VI I VfuSivi sleeves, elbow sleeves or no sleeves i
-fJJ at all; knee or ankle length; all want-
Ct/tv ed fabrics.
CO/77/y 34 t0 48 Bust
/JKZ\ Union Suits
/ \ Wool with Silk *
.<•/! \ Wool with Cotton
/( \ | \ Cotton with Silk
• r? ( . *. Cotton niul Lisle :
; I ! Same also made in
\ I \ J Drawers, Vests aud lights
\ Wj/ V Prices and Quality Incomparable. j
X -....P""' SI.OO to $5.00 \
?olfe Corset and Lingerie Shop
Ladies' Bazaar | 8-10-12 S. 4th St. | Ladies' Bazaar
Two Last Dars of Our
Overstock Sale of Ladies' Suits,
, Coats and Dresses
Friday and Saturday
Your last chance to buy stylish garments that are the last word in style, color
and quality at prices that in many instances barely cover their cost to us.
Serge Suits Silvertone Suits
Jrr $21.95 $34.95 to $59.95
nf k Vnlura to 920.03 -A number of attractive Suits In a
U A, alt.tDn/ii o dozen different models in tine quality
detachable' niush collar fifred coa"' Silvertone in a variety of shades.
I 1 I belted model, button trimmed. Navy
/ v -5& ° nl> Velour Suits
Oxford Cloth Suits $24.95
iffTA I Values to 934.85
'P" A\ tpXi7. Z/t) All-wool Velours, pleated flare
/ £ 1 .l\ j , back, belted models, plush col
f n . Belted models. 3-box pleats in lar, silk lined, in all shades.
I \\ back, pockets, button-trimmed an I
n*. I \l 1 exceptional value. c .j . 0 .
ro J I UiL' Silvertone Suits
I Po " u " Su j' s $34.95
}] s9l Qk Values to 950.00
- 1 —- I Tj J.. %JU ; Silvertone Cloth Suits, in two
/ Values to 821)03 tailleured one belted, the
J ? In . other Plain; ffowered pussy-wil
. [ I Gabardine Suits Broadcloth Suits
Jr-rr 1 $27 95 $29.95
Lj I •• VV Values to 930.03
r |\ Vni... <„ Tfiv High-grade Broadcloth Suits, cuffs
I I ... tallies to 93i.D3 an( j detachable collar of near-seal,
I kg Ail-wool Gabardine Suits, silk Belding guaranteed silk lining, bett
w lined, belted model, pockets, button ed model, button trimmed, variety of
trimmed, in Navy and black. shades an exceedingly good value.
Kersey, Velour and ! Silvertone Coats
Broadcloth Coats $29.95 *5
$19.95 to 930.05
Silvertone Cloth Coats, full lined ]/,,)]
Values to 920.05 belt models,, pockets, large buttons, [y II I
variety of shaues, an exceptional value. / g I
Choice of all-wool American Kersey, Other Silvertone Coats, 932.05 to • Js, // /
Velour and Broadcloth Coats, in three 940.05. /
different models, belt and pockets, half
and full lined, in a variety of shades. I
Silver Tipped Velour \i\r~\
Pom Pom Coats Coats \ / |/r-H
$17.95 $34.95 to $69.95 l/f
Made of Pompom cloth, full lined belt, j Garments of elegance in belted mod- I
pockets, large buttons, in taupe and, els, pockets, lined throughout, plain I
Burgundy only. I and fur trimtned, ip a variety of shades. " I
$12.95 All Wool Serge Dresses $7.95 \
Unusually good bargain _ — pleated model, braid trimmed. Navy only.
Other Serge Dyesses, in many models and a variety of shades, I /Tys.
$12.95 to $29.95 - . \ Jgri U
Avoid Discomforts—Do Your Xmas Shopping Now
$5.00 T Serge, Pop
°g£ ladies Dazaar
.Ss 81012 S. FOURTH ST.
Irwin Shunk, who is now vice-presi
dent. Mrs. John W. Roily presided
at the tea table and was assisted by
Miss Martha IS. Snavely, Mrs. Roy
G. Cox, and Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris.
C. A. 0. Societies Meet
Wednesday Evening
The Misses Evelyn and Lillian
Speakman entertained their clubs,
the C. A. O. Society, classes of 17
and 18, of Central High school, at a
joint meeting at their home, 709
North Seventeenth street, last even
ing. The guests included;
Misses Helen Wall, Gertrude Wes
ton, Getha High, Margaret Landis,
Martha Crosswell, Romaine Boyer,
Mary Alma Allen, Helen Leavy,
Elizabeth Lady, Beatrice Bacon and
Elizaboth Watts.
Mrs. William Reed and Miss Ella
\X 9 Reed, of Hummelstown, spent
yesterday in the city.
Miss Pearl Ogden went home to
Pittsburgh this morning after a
week's stay among old friends in
town. •
Boston, Nov. 14.—Senator-elect
David I. Walsh promised his support
10 the federal suftrugc amenumont
at a victory demonstration in Fa
noull Hall last night. He praised the
purt American women had taken in
war work.
Soldiers From Middletown
Hosts at Victory Celebration
and Farewell Dance
A dance was given last night by
the 503 rd Aero Squadron of Middle
town, of which Lieutenant H. C.
Meyers is commanding offlcer. Win
terdale Hall was the scene of the
victory celebration; Allied flags
were used as decorations and chry
santhemums added a floral touch.
Sourbeer's Orchestra played for the
One hundred and fifty members
of the squadron in full military at
tire entertained. Sergeant James
Trimble, of Flint, Michigan, chair
man of the entertainment commit
tee, was assisted by Sergeant Hugh
Logue, of Pittsburgh. Sergeant-Ma
jor Henry Mauer, of Detroit, with
Commandant Cheston, recently as
signed to the field, and Mrs. Ches
ton, Adjutant Carl J. Westerllnd and
Mrs. Westerllnd received the guests
who came from Harrisburg, Middle
town and Steelton.
The dance program was relieved
by an informal entertainment and
musical numbers furnished by Ser
geant Lobdell. a cornet soloist; Pri
vate Percy Weller, baritone, and the
"glass eater" and "strong man," also
members of the squadron. The wo
men were presented with cotsage
bouquets and novelty favors. Re
freshments were served to four hun
dred guests.
The patriotic soiree was also in
the nature of a farewell, as the
squadron will be assigned to other
camps or perhaps sent overseas,
after being, stationed at Middletown
for some time.
Miss Elwinda Owens, of Brooklyn,
is stopping for a while with old
friends in this city and York.
Mrs. George Preston Mains leaves
to-morrow for New York to remain
for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Emerson
started to-day for their home in
Colorado Springs after an eastern
visit, including a fortnight's stay
with Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Jackson,
in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy D. Long, of
Elmira, N. Y., are spending a few
days in this vicinity with old friends.
Little Tot Gathering
Baby Bonds Through Year
i '
■ ■
L' -V --i. • v -v.~ v '
Little Ella Elizabeth Wunbaugh,
the eleven-month-old daughter df
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wanbaugh, 1409
South Cameron street, is the proud
possessor of a Baby Bond for each
month of her young life. She will
celebrate her first birthday, Satur
day, November 30.
Miss Meyers to Marry
Ensign J. Bertron Redus
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Meyers,
of 213 North Front street, have an
i nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Mary Elizabeth Mey
the United States Naval Reserve
Forces. The marriage date has not
ers to Ensign J. Bertron Redus of
been set.
The bride-elect, one of the most
attractive young women of the city
was educated at the Seller school
and Miss Baldwin's school, of Bryn
Mawr. She is chairman of the book
committee of the naval auxiliary to
the Red Cross and one of the active
workers of the canteen committee of
the same organization.
Ensign Redus, a son of Dr. and
Mrs. William Redus, of Port Gib
son, Kansas, is an alumnus of the
University of Virginia and was for
merly connected with the Harris
burg Light and Power Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Wilette have
gone to Jersey City after a week's
stay with relatives in the West End.
Dr. and Mrs. Park Austin Deck
ard, of 709 North Third street, are
registered at the Hotel Strand, At
lantic City, where Mrs. Deckard is
recuperating after an attack of
. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan E. Hause,
of Bellevue Park, will go to North
ampton, Mass., the last of the month
to spend Thanksgiving Day with
their daughters, the Misses Marjorie
and Frances Huuse, students of
Smith College.
Miss Nelle Hepford, of 304 North
Second street, is spending several
days with friends in New York City.
Meeting of Junior Club
The C. A. B. Club of the junior
class of Central High school will
meet to-morrow evening at the home
of Miss t Harriet Bastian, 311 Emer
ald street.
Girls' Basketball Meeting
About thirty-five girls of Central
who are interested in basketball, met
at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon with
Professor Bertram W. Saul to dis
cuss the possibilities of a girls' team.
A new coach must be secured as
Ed Wallower who held the position
last year is now a member of the
S. A. T. C. at Dickinson College. The
girls were unanimous in their vote
for a man as coach.
Practice is to begin just after
Thanksgiving. Although no definite
has been determined upon
Professor Saul expects to have at
least four evening games at home.
Other home games will be played
Saturday afternoon.
Members of last year's varsity team
\;oted Mildred Shupp as Captain for
'lB-'l9. Names of the choice of
manager are to be handed in to Mr.
Saul to-morrow. From these names
he and Mr. Severance will choose a
Members of last year's varsity
team still interested in the game
are: Mildred Shupp, Bachael Longs
dorf, Virginia Watts, Florence Frank
and Emily Sites. •
C. A. O.'H Have Jolly Evening
The C. A. O. Society of Central
High school, held a meeting last
evening at the home of Miss Mil
dred DeShong, 236 Peffer street. Af
ter a business session the girls en
joyed dancing and music. The mem
bers present were: Miss Virginia
Downes, Miss Hazel Coljier, Miss
Gertrude McDevitt, Miss Charlotte
Grove, Miss Dorothy DeVout, Miss
Elizabeth Howard, Miss Margaret
Good, Miss Grace Peake, Miss Char
lotte Ferguson, Miss Helen Koehen
derfer. Miss Eleanor Eby, Miss Eliza
beth Lloyd, Miss Mildred DeShong
and Miss Virginia Forrer.
Senior Class President Ross S.
Hoffman announced today that there
will be a class dance this Friday
evening at Hanshaw's Hall, Third
and Harris streets. "Suds" Sour
bier has been engaged to furnish the
music. The new system of using
tickets will be strictly enforced.
The H. A. Society held its first
meeting, since the influenza ban, last
night at the home of William Mc-
Brtde, Eighteenth and Regina
streets. Carl B. Stoner was Initiated
into the society, and although he
was the only one taken in, the edi
tor-in-chief took his medicine with
out flinching. A short business meet
ing preceded the Initiation in which
the members voted to change the
meeting nights from Wednesday to
Monday. The usual H. A, "feed"
followed the initiation. Those pres
ent last night were Stewart Wagner,
Clyde Hocker, Ross Hoffman, Rob
ert Crist, Richard Quigley, Alton
Smith, Louis Rimer, Carl Stoner and
William Mcßride.
The boys In the afternoon session
received the usual weekly military
instruction yesterday afternoon. The
officers of the Harrisburg Reserves
picked corporals from the ranks
and immediately placed them in
charge of squadg. .The boys in the
morning session will be drilled on
Monday morning at 11 o'clock.
Arthur Hlbler, a member of the
senior class, is confined to his home
as the result of a severe cut in the
leg received while at work aL the
plant of Swift and Company. /
Records of Visiting Nurses'
Association For Past Month
Show Great Work Done
The board of directors of the Visit
ing Nurses' Association held a meet
ing yesterday in their new rooms,
210 and 211 Arcade building.
The reports for the month of Oc
tobe show that the people of Har
risburg were, as usual, generous in
their donations of money and gave
freely of time and energy to allevi
ate the suffering of the victims dur
ing the epidemic. Three hundred and
eighty visits are recorded for the
association and 516 visits donated
by the Metropolitan Life Insurance
Company, totaling 596 visits ior the
Automobile service Vas supplied
day and night for four weeks by the
Harrisburg Chapter of the " Red
Cross; also Red Cross nurse aids and
pneumonia jackets were furnished.
Mrs. E. S. Herman, chairma-n of
the diets, was authorized by the
Red Cross to supply broths, gelatine,
custards, puddings, oranges and
money for eggs for the many needy
families (which the nurses had un
der their care) when there was no
one to prepare food for the sick and
help in kitchen work' could not be
obtained.' Mrs. Herman's calls for
food donations were promptly and
freely answered.
Cure For tlic Siok
In cases where families were un
able to buy even necessities, eggs,
oranges, castor oil, olive oil and
money contributions were donated
by one of the members.
Oranges and eggs were given by
the Junior Aid Society and the Sun
shine Society to families where they
were needed.
The association thanks the teach
ers of the Harrisburg schools, who
were prompt in lending assistance
when asked to aid.
The members of the boards of the
Visiting Nurses' Association solicit
ed meats and made broths and sup
plied twelve families witti pudding
and gelatine for two weeks through
the aid of the nurses. The untiring
efforts cf this association during such
a crisis as that through which the
city just passed will be remembered
with gratitude.
Junior Aid Meeting
The Girls' Aid Society to the Visit
ing Nurses' Association also met yes
terday afternoon at the headquar
ters. Plans for the winter's work
were discussed. Supplies needed by
the nurses in their calls are made by
the members of this aid.
Edward E. Bastian accompanied by
Victor Orn, of Corry, Pa'., is spend
ing a few days' furlough at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. E.
Bastian. 311 Emerald street. Bastian
was a graduate of Tech class of 'l7
and upon enlisting was sent to Camp
Fremont, California, but was later
transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y.,
where he is now stationed.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Dimm. of 2618
North Sixth street, announce the mar
riage of their daughter. Miss Jennie
Eva Dimm. to William Henry Bit
ting, of Millerstown. The ceremony
was performed on Wednesday even
ing. November the sixth, at the Pres
byterian Manse, Millerstown, Pa., by
the Rev. C. A. Waltman.
John Grass and Alvin Colestock,
are spending several days in this city
on a furlough from Camp Mills, N. Y.
Frank P. Snodgrass, o'f the Elks
Club, *left yesterday for New Bloom
field, Pa.
[All announcements under this head
ing must he accompanied hy name
fo assure accuracy.]
Mr. and Mrs. Landis D. Thomson,
of 206 South Thirteenth street, an
nounce the birth of a daughter. Mary
Ellen Thomson, November 5, 1918.
Mrs. Thomson prior to her marriage
tl'as Miss Mary Emma Hollinger.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Fitzgerald, 511
Harris street, have announced the
birth of a son, Earl R. Fitzgerald,
Jr., November 7, 1918.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace D. Jackson,
of Colonial Acres, announce the birth
of a daughter. Mary Louise Jackson,
on Sunday, November 10, at the Har
risburg Polyclinic Hospital.
Solid gold eyeglass and spec
tacle mountings have been dis
continued for the duration of the
war. Filled goods havo been lim
ited in the manufacturing that
means much higher prices when
the present stock is consumed.
12 N. Market Square, 2nd Floor
i ■ i—'
Our repair department Is a big factor
in our establishment.
We have the skill, the experience, and
are at your service always.
Prices commensurate with good work.
Bring your broken glasses here
Eyesight Specialist
■chletsaer Building
Lieut. Henry M. Gross, of this
city, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Z. Gross has received a promotion
to captain, on the staff of General
William H. Hay. Capt. Gross went
abroad with the lirst detachment of
i the Rainbow Division and has seen
some hard service in France.
Mrs. Edward F. Dunlap, of the
Avoid Discomforts—Do Your Christmas Shopping Now
Soutter's 25c Department Store
~Buy Here not alone because Prices are "lower, "but "Because Qualities are Better |
Attractive Values In Art' Needlework
and Knitting Supplies and Notions
You will find this department in a state of completeness that will enable you to supply
all of your Art Needlework and Knitting wants at liberal savings. .Compare these prices,
and they'll induce you to come here and com pare qualities, and your comparison of quali
ties will induce you to buy here.
Stamped Goods Miscellaneous Art Needle- Yarns
Lollies' Gowns .. $1.30 and $1.50 WOrk Novelties KnltMng Worsted, khaki, e.nv
"<,i iiiinntH).. Suits H.V i,si "3 a,,, l colors $1.19
Corset Covers .... " 39e and 50c 10 14,111 12 - ,nch Crocheted Dollies, 4 „n<l 8-rold Gcrmantown Yarn,
Dressing Sucqucs 500 ani ' ~" >c ' skein 30c
Boudoir Cups 25c Scalloped Centerpieces. Shetland Floss, skein 29c
Stamped Made Up Children's , a Vienna, white, black and colors;
Dresses, white anil colors SOe 18x18 Drawn work Covers 2.0 imll 50c and 05c
to $125. ' 30x30-lnch Lace Trimmed Center- Anenret. pray, white and black;
Towels 150, 19c. 25c and SOe . P ,OCC3 .•••• ,'® c ball 59c
30-inch Union Linen Ccnternleees Lace Trimmed Cretonne plain Snxnnv. ail colors, skein 35c
35c to 69c hemstitched and scrim scarfs, white Imported Angora, ball 8c
18, 27 and 32-inch White Linen „ 39q to 75c Domestic Angora, hall 69c
Ccntcririet'es nn<i \n Kcmiaisfwincc Covers. . ,59c ■ > ■
.v-CrSTuS' Crochet Cottons
Scarfs, white and tan, 35c. 50c, 75c Rc ", t ' y : n,ndc Cpctonne Cußh '°" Clark's Crochet Cotton, white.
t£t!ZSKߣ32&i-*SS "gg.*
"vaSTr? ® <- -a c.. c.
Card Tui>le Covers CV smi Bath Robe Sets, set..SOe and 69e ton - ' )al1
All-Llncnl unrb.oi,' rioH. it Cretonne Covered Cushions, £> al <* Mercer .. ...... . 10c np
... 11 . „ lilclieon Cloths, $1.25 HB „ Fori T.nster Pearl Cotton, white
All-Linen Stamped Cushion Sets. and colors, ball 35c
$1.25 .. .e. i i .. i Princess Pearl Cotton, ball, 10c
PH10,.,., o.„ 50 „ Dexter Cotton, ball 7c
Art Needlework Notions crash covers' 25c to 85c s| H fatcon . n colors, bail sc
Bootees, pair 10c r> f • 1 r>
Embroidery Noodles, pack, sc, 10c Bibs 10c and 15c LmbrO'derV Cottons
Sock Needles, four in set.... 21c Caps 7 25c and 30c
Bodkins .., 2 for 5c Dresses 50c and 85e O. N. T. Embroidery Cotton,
Crochet Needles 8c and 10c skein .".... 5c
Stillettos 5c and 23c Innanoeo RacLrefc Rovnl Society and Princess Em-
Kiiitting Nqjjdle Shields, 10c, I9c Japanese uasncis liroiderv Cotton. 2 skelns-for 5c
Knitting Needles, all sizes, 19c, All kinds of Fruit and Sandwich Society and Utopln Em
-25e, 290, 35e and 40c. Baskets 50c to $1.25 broidery Cotton, strand floss,
Steel Knitting Needles, set... 19c Waste Paper Baskets. 49c to $1.19 bull 10c
Tatting-Shuttles 10c and 15c Lamp Shades, silk lined, 69c, 98e,
Stitch Holders, each 5c to 15c $1.39 and $1.69. Fnhrnirlorv Silks
Finger Shields 5 C Vases 08c UrOIULry OIIKS
New styles of Bag Rings, all sizes. Jardinieres 30c AH ooio- RleGe-dson's Embro I ''-
P a 'r 19c to 98c All sizes-sweet Grass Baskets, cry Silks, skein 6e,
Metal Bag Rings, ail sizes, pair, 35c to $1.49 Royal Society Celesta c
15c and 25c Sweet Grass Mats ...,10c to 29e Crystal Rope' 6c
Rag Roils, large assortment, pair, Chinese Work Baskets, 69c to Gcrmanln. 2 skeins for 6c
19c to 59c $2.25. Roman Floss, skein 6c
All kinds Gate" Tops.. .23c to 75c Japanese Novelties... ,10c to 98c All colors. Richardson's Crochet
Large assortment Bag Frames. 1 s " k > ''all 45c
Ornaments for Bag Trimmings 9Bo Instruction Books Foundation Letter*
„ 19c to 50c All kinds "Yoke" Books, Lace and Foundation Letters
All colors Seed Beads, used for and Insertions, and Yarn In- All sizes and kinds of Rois Foun
Free Instructions in Knitting and Art Needlework
Our patrons will be-interested in our free demonstrations in crocheting and
knitting which are given here daily by an experienced teacher, Mrs. Any
i one purchasing materials here will receive instruction gratis.
Every Home Will Want One Of These
Oilettes of General Pershing and Marshal Foch
They are copies of the original oil paintings by Lotave. Attractively mounted,
with calendar, they make a desirable acquisition to any home—an appropriate and
acceptable gift. Two styles to choose from—one of General Pershing, the other of
Marshal Foch, showing each officer in uniform, in colors. Sold in other cities at $1.50.
Here, special, choice, *
See them on display in our windows.
This is surely the place for
Stylish Millinery
At Prices You Will Welcome
because you will find them to be lower than you will find else
where, quality for quality and style for style.
Hats of the Finest Quality Lyon's Velvet, Hatter's Plush, Beaver, Etc.,'
For Misses and Children
Trimmed Hats *" Untrimmed Hats
$1.98, $2.29, $2.69, $2.98, $3.48, $1.98, $2.29,
$3.98, $4.48, $4.69 $2.98, 93.19, 93.48, 93.88, $4.48,
Tailored Hats Children's Trimmed Hats
,1.98 $2.48, $2.88, $3.48, $3.98, $1.98, $2.48 and $2.98
' $4.48, $4.98 and $5.48 Trimmings
Volrtnr Wflto ilew Ostrich Fancies, in all staple and
V eiOUi xidlb leading colors at lower than elsewhere
$2.98 to $6.98 prices.
■ O 25c Department Store
Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
215 Market St Opposite Coorthonse
NOVEMBER 14, 1918.
Rodearmel apartments, loaves to
morrow for Northampton, Muss., to
spend the week end with her daugh
ter, Miss Helen Dunlap, who Is a
senior at Smith College.
George H. Sourbier, of the Sour
bier undertaking establishment, 1310
North Third street, was in Philadel
phia to-day on' business.
Victory Dances
Every Night This Week
250 and 500