Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 14, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
MANY PLACES AT SOLDIERS'CALL Interesting Bulletin Prepared byihe Department of Labor and Industry Bureau Almost 50,000 positions have been offered by employers of Pennsylvania to men who may be disabled in the great war according to a bulletin is sued to-day by the Department of Labor and Industry, which has been conducting an extensive survey the subject in the United States ana Canada. Sixty counties of the state made offers, 900 firms being repre sented. The great bulk of them were industrial in character. In the places offered for soldiers and sailors were jobs for men with out arms or legs, who had lost speech, were deaf, suffered facial dlstigurements. partially or wholly blind and otherwise incapacitated from doing their former work. The opportunities included munitions manufacture, mining, chair-making, cigar making, printing, textiles, brick making, milk condensing, box packing, machinery, boiler work, chemical manufacture, automobile finishing, hospital duty, building, farming, clerks, beverages, leather manufacture, lumber, shoe making and selling, bottle and cutlery mak ing. Washington offers the most places LOOK AT CHILO'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH Hurry, Mother! Remove poisons from little stomach, liver, bowels. Give "California Syrup of Figs" at once if bilious or constipated. Look at the tongue, mother! If ■ coated, it is a sure sign that your lit- | tie one's stomach, liver and bowels ) need a gentle, thorough cleansing at j once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, i doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act na turally. or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat,, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a fe. hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested* food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love Its delicious taste, and It always makes them .'eel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs." which has directions for babies, chil dren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that It is made by "California Fig Svrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt. RED BLOODED MEN WIN OUT They Are Always on Top In Every YValn c 1 Li'a Tt li a fact that red blooded men and women are at the top in every walk of life. Men and women with the driving force of red blood, rlcli In Iron and Phosphates do things, they get results. Red blooded women are tho heads of the happiest and most contented homes, they have tho will and the desire to bo real' companion j and helpmates. Leadership and happiness li only for the men and women who aro willing to keep their blood and nerves strengthened and nourished ivitu Iron and Phosphates. A prominent doctor says, "Tt Is n irtue that so many men and women lack tho rich, red blood and strong steady nerve to achieve their am pftlons. It FA nil the more PO because thin, watery blood Is unnecessary, as rich, red blood and strong nerves arc within the grasp of everyone. Phosphsted Iron makes pure blood by making new blood. It gives strength, brings color to tho cheeks. Increases the weight and appetite, drives away the blues and those siecpless nlphts. steadies arvd renews pour nervous energy, makes you feci like a livo ono once again". „There must be something to It Everyone who tries it Is loud In praise of Phosphated Tron. and vou have got to show people these days. To Insure physicians and their patients receiving the genuine Phos phated Iron It has been put up In capsules only. Do not allow dealers to give you pills or tablets. Insist en capsules, G. A. Gorgas and leading druggists everywhere. Wi| To Help Make Mil Strong, Keen ll| Red-Blooded J W-Americans & Now U D Being used by over three million peo ple annually. It will increase (the strength of weak, nervous, run-down folks in two weeks' time in many in stances. Ask your Doctor or drug gist about Ik THURSDAY EVENING. with Philadelphia, Allegheny, Elk, Clinton and other counties looming up. One of the tables included in the bulletin classiflfles the employment opportunities by disability of work ers; another table classifies the open ings by counties, numbers of plants, kinds of firms and numbers of open ings in each class of employment. One series of tables shows at what tasks several hundreds of disabled men are now employed by the Philadelphia and lleuding Hallway Company. The bulletin is issued by the De partment of Labor and Industry as a step toward obtaining complete co operation of employers and employes of Pennsylvania in the rehabilitation oeogram, by making uvuilnbte infor mation on the project of placing dis abled men at suitable taks. One chapter presents a brief outline of the Act of Congress under which the nation-wide work of rehabilitating disabled soldiers and sailors is being | developed. | Another chapter on "Placement Disabled Soldiers and Sailors in | Employment" gives a general review iof the placement subject, outlining | conditions that may be expected and | methods that may be employed in ! locating each disabled soldier and | sailor at a specified task in Pennsyl- I vania plants. j Casualties of war and industry ure I compared in another chapter in I which it is shown tjiat more men are injured in industry than in war fare on a general average. Illustra tions in the bulletin portray work | that is being conducted in reliabiita tion of disabled soldiers by the in- I valided soldiers' commission of the j Dominion of Canada. I The counties, number of firms of fering places and positions tendered are as follows: Adams, 3 firms, 13 places; Alle gheny, 102 and 4,907; Armstrong, 4 I and 97; Beaver, 15 and 198: Bed ford, 4 and 4 35: Berks, 33 and 1,4 87; | Blair, 12 and 717: Bradford, 1 and 4; Bucks, 8 and 185;' Butler, 7 and | 583; Cambria. 24 and 446; Cameron, 2 and 36; Carbon, 4 and 81: Center, 2 and 67>; Chester, 9 and 145; Clar ion, 2 and 48; Clearfield. 6 and' 167; Clinton, 6 and 1,145; Columbia, S and 4 09; Crawford, 6 and 835; Cum f rf-lund, 3 and 19; Dauphin. 15 and 360; Delaware, 13 and 347; Elk, 6 and 2,034; Erie, 28 and 568; Fayette. 16 and 176; Franklin, 6 and 406: Huntingdon, 3 and 86; Indiana, 4 and 127; Jefferson, 7 and 138; Lackawanna, 16 and 2,882; Lancas ter, 25 and 998; Lawrence, 14 and 660; Lebanon, 13 and 133; Lehigh, 18 and 810; Luzerne. 25 and 1,811: j IVyoming. 14 and 876; McKean, IS and 352: Mercer, 9 and 233; Mifflin, ; 2 and 138; Monroe, and 47; Mont-j gomery, 27 and 1,084: Northampton, 1 21 and 1,726; Northumberland, 9 : and 243; Philadelphia, 187 and; 5,271; Potter. 5 and 134; Schuylkill, 20 and 1,433; Snyder, 2 and 45: Somerset, 7 and 506: Sullivan, 1 and 105; Susquehanna, 3 and 221; Tioga, 1 and 2: t'nion, 1 and 1; Venango, 18 and 244; Warren, 11 and 135; Washington, 14 and 9,661; Wayne.' 5 and 1,222: Westmoreland, 21 and 3.448; Wyoming, 1 and 9; York, 56 ; and 687. In all there were 900 firms making , offers. ' Those concerned offered 16 agricultural places, 908 clerical and commercial; 47,321 industrial, 1,127 miscellaneous places, a total of 4 9,- 417. Will Use Draft Boards to Demobilize Army Local draft boards have been noti fied by Provost Marshal General Crowder that they may be used as local agents in the demobilization of the Army. This notice was sent out from Washington yesterday to all boards in this city. The plans for demobilizing the Army overseas and the men in the cantonments have not been completed. General Crowder announced that men between thirty-six and forty-tiVe years of age need not till out their questionnaires, but return them to their local boards. The boards are instructed to cancel all entries re lating to men of this class and these men will no longer be bound by the selective service law. TO OPEN CLEARING HOUSE FOR RECOVERY OF AUTOS The Clearing House for the Re covery of Stolen Automobiles will be established in rooms 400-1-2-3 of the Trustee building Monday. The clear ing house hus been established through the Pennsylvania Police Chiefs' Association. Clerks and de tectives will be hired whose duties j will be to run down thefts reported to the Clearjng House. Automobiltsts especially will be protected by the I new organization. When an automo bile is stolen, the theft is to be re ported to the nearest chief of police, he will notify the clearing house and within a short time every police de partment in the state will be notitied and furnished a description of the machine, and in addition the Clear ing House detectives will be on the | hunt. Automobilists have been re quested to join the Clearing House. The fee is nominal, which fur nishes the motorists considerable protection against theft. Two Harrisburg Soldiers Officially Reported Missing t. w t, •wt WBSBB J f frPßr SAMUEL KOONS Two local boys are reported missing in action. They are Cor poral Robert H. Hoke, of Paxtonla. and Samuel Koonrs, 649 Boyd'street! Word was received recently by Hoke's father. Robert S. Hoke, that his son had been missing since Sep tember 26. He is a member of Company D. 316 th Infantry, and was an undertaker at Mt. Holly be fore entering the service. " Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koons. par-'i ents of Private Koons, stated thai in a recent letter from their son they were led to believe that he is safe. 1 Wheat Flour Ruling Abrogated by Peace Wheat flour can now be purchased without accompanying percentage of substitutes. Such was the announce ment last evening of Dauphin County l'"ood Administrator McCormtck. The frpTORE OPENS AT 9 A. M.—CLOSES AT 5:30 P. M. I Tomorrow Friday [ Bargain Day In Conjunction With | Hundreds Stunning New Fashionable Goats Shopping | Read V For A Great Day On Friday flQyy 1 Paint the bb Town° n ßed Hc if Season's Most Sumptuous Materials and Styles at Prices ————— TZSS&fdgjSt JmT That Only Kaufman's Can Name In The November ' T tJafet" I rf,o d i,to? ; no B ho„ U £ Unveiling Dm.n,trati,n Sale For All! bTbUeneTwS f YOUR Block is jnissed. 3s. ■ : l\ extra work on account Co B ur House" 74 COCItS COCItS I l\ l' he So a yo y u°cin 1 Give 7 times as much as you 7 ,• .. ... , ... . .. . , , , , . ' < i lor Womrn nnd For Women and For Women and For Women and \ S _ I / would give for one drive. Mi.e* siuwe. iii>. Hie. I sIL. I r J Jjtl doing your Christmas _ K/7 I nk] I Vv L"0 *7 y shopping now, instead I JO) $12.50 $16.50 $19.50 $32.50 ES"" 1 11* ' i ' [ ''jf In Valour, In Silvertlp, Sil- 1/ "U • f | ————. Ka I yUQK Velour Cloths, Wool Velours, Egyptian Plush. vertone, velour, I J L ' Kfl 111 Wnmfitl c Hneieru O H i lA. I KSFt I good assortment Egyptian Plush. Cheviot and Pompoms, Kerseys 1/ 'A , / ■ 111 py rr umtn S nusiery iPy.f of colors and sizes fßurella Cloth, Khaki—a splendid and. Broadcloths; I) i \A| H m I—V1 —V Y *3 A T D ' t An I fif- ( n y.f( —misses', 14 to 20; half-lined, all col- style range and in black, taupe, J (CJ It /I g v l\ I nil IWO I air tor j i ./ women's, 36 to 41. ors: some with all the wanted Burgundy, Rein- /l/l /\l I'M MtSftlt /at) // Some of the self-collars; black, colors. At this deer, African- I /V i A J1 V Wl Black Cotton Hose, with slight 1m- l iMft M j smartest Coats Navy, taupe. Bur- tempting price luotyn and Pekin; I I | -A. w-ML. * A. 1 K1 perfections; wonderful value: supply at \ ,VuLiL you liave seen at gundy, dark these Coats are some are all lined, j 1 Rl 111 once. \ ( ' anywhere near brown, green and simply remark- others are half- i A - J ||u li 9 K nufman'*—First Floor. Q\ 1 \ m the price. khaki. able values. lined. I 1 tICrC AF€ \jOOu \ MttCS 13 H —— \ \ n 1 For Friday ffl 1 IZZLr'y 29c ™ Coats at $24.50 Coats 24.50 to 49.50 A Over-u, jg | "w Broadcloth and Pompom; Sil- Coats for misses and women, In \ I SDCCISI fill to,v°slilht k lmoVrfe W ctioL" b | r wonderfA! Jt \ vertones. in Taupe. Burgundy and Bolivia. Sllvertone, Duvetyne, M. ' y—' Double-breasted and conservative h| IS value itnperfections, a wondett gt m Pekin; Velours, in Black, Navy, Broadcloth. Crystal Cloth. An T(T\ models are in the lot; handsomely j?| Kaufpinit's—First Floor. W Taupe, Burgundy. Brown and almost endless range of models. | I \A made. gj] IJ W Green. Some are full lined, others many of them one only, and in f \ *\\\ If nr in _ V half-lined. Big plush collars or odd colors, as well as staple shades; /A V\ nvurrnafe 1 O I - A |v| Women s Fare 1 OC fur collars. beautiful collars and soft linings. j ' v/vcrwuaia, ■ lsi Silk Hosierx 1 *5/3 1 ' Special, lUUV UIIK ItUiiery .... . All sizes; newest Trench models; |§| Hy Tind"® Dresses Dresses i Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Full puiternu. 'I Is i -"""JSSS- Floor. _sssir>sr iJSjNsswrsa n - A fi iSj of All-NVool Serge; of All-Wool* 1 lench ot Men s \W.ai >eige. . j>urk Brown f braided mod- i lmrmeiiMr—A won- l/VCrCOHiS. Cll 'S gi dainty models ai- Serge; the newest .splendid new- su-lej. martl? fj:, n Black. Navy. ilerful style variety; . . ' // J|| Si M l U/Awi/jfi'o A wmi rived yesterday—in nmdols; all fioni we ha\e them in .all Y r . n , n >,.\i with hraid* L Brown, Green, the newest models; QrtAAial JmmAt M] llj rr On\€fl S IlQllQfl A P"* sizes for misses and 1 misses' size 16 to sizes tor women and ;■ 1 Taupe; all sizes for all the wanted colors; SpCCIEI, Igj n . IB .. . f women. women's size 4b. misses. ' ' ' misses nnd women, sensational values. All sizes; newest Military models; ms.lt Vests $9 50 $12.50 $15.00 $12.50 $16.50 524.50 555k c sSrVffiSi n - d "* ,n ox "" < ' I Sfc Fine quality, straight front and IV ' g shoulder straps; coior. are white and forilurOV O AC 1 1 Knuf """ , "- F ' r, ' < Floor - /f ; " Pants, at || RMedPanu". 45c Special Purchase & Sale of Waists | ■ ' 2 ? Involving the greatest assortments we have assembled in many Men's Cheviot 2.49 I B— T ri "" - a day at such really surprising low prices. Sale starts tomorrow 1 yJ Ladies' Ribbed Supply your winter's Waist needs at these prices. It's a real opportunity 7 i m Union Suits J 200 y Men/s Corduroy AQC Ij anll'^nee^'ungVhsran^excen'ent 1 Imrgafn Stunning. Dr essy, PailtS, .. ■ | LM for Friday. i lTnr\ xr 32 to 44 waist; a real dull-lined L* S Kaufman'.—Fir.t Floor. NeW k f .v vffj *| flf j NCW .Wavy^ft^ 1 " ne Hb | As9c Waists/ • '/HI! *&£&*** 5.95 s Merino Vests and Pants, in a good _ / f /[ f I ffl-r-lifMs A' L\ \ *1 lW V f ± A " slzeß i a line rlb - dr b shade lil liS assortment on Friday at this small CLt B I IP I f CLt we\'f co°nstructcci heavily lilled and Ka'tlfmnn'.—First Floor. M/\ NV I KnufmanV—First Floor. iffi! |C3iSS? .lASsf® v 52.93 Ti.,.,.0.. i M Brassieres, at w H \ 1 . Oil, Large Can 2aJC | iS Knnfman's—First Floor. georgette vest 1 <_/ \\ v / . jl' /X !t / IS A 111 !rl ■ V pleated and em- SSi § ' . , „... . TKUrffiSJfa yAM- T iJI fSSWS'Kaa Thimbles, 3 For 10c I rn Ladies Ribbed Og S': n i p ;. J .:"3K 'X fr] TuVl J&'f J {\\ ffl.A.d'KiSi JST I gi Cotton Vests OOC Ajrll I' \ IBWIiW . BSfE-'BSSf. c " ~ § ■ "I,""" <•",( v...., win !-r'7„d "'iiiSi 4AXI U\ TfflllYA. SSSSfiaJK ?, n p Fl tener, card 3c ■ gj neck lid shoulder straps; Friday necks; white, r ,|§jgg>| | ('■ d, ' rful v 'ue at ' j.Blnck white, in assorted sizes; a (tM Kiiiifinan's—First Floor. Navy and black. * low price. ' IN |o.r.wfCMb OO Georgette and Crepe WOO ? Stoat Waist. 2.9S - 4.9 *4 O 2 Paclg., Ph. for 5c | S r * ' de Chine Waists, at. * SUv " * Georgette Waists ... / p*- g [TJ Cotton, 0 spools . . I'lMln tucked and embroidered fronts, button India Silk and Crepe do t bine. p|,. Ht ed and self embroidered, round, square V,„ QP_ |l__l III!] Nt Black and white in nil .. trimmed, square nock, convertible and sailor plain, pleated and eiiibroldered iln(1 .. v nec i { . pi ea ted. square and plain hem- Yam J/DC 3 Hank Ss (S|| cio.uv, n v t .n i .• numbers. collar, white, flesh, maize, tea rose and combine- fronts. V nfck square, stitched collars; white, flesh, beige, taupe, gray Bucilla Knitting Yarn worsted Rl Hi Cotton Coats Spool t ion colors, and Navy and black; sizes 36 to 46. neck; white, flesh and black. plum, orchid. Navy, Black and two-tones khakl regufar hm°k P Sf| Kaufman's—First Floor. V - _JJ —^ n sCv ® | Friday Friday—A Big Day For Boys || I q g C November Underselling Demonstration Prices Mean Large Savings H -3 J TOILET PAPEK—Six big rolls t rope Toilet LAUNDRY SOAP—Eight takes of good l atin- J ° Tl> S I)[ S'pnoc 24c 39c Boy's Polo 4.95 j Boy's Heavy r.95 Norfolk 1 u % ZIZIZZTZZIZII Overcoats * Mackinaws ** Suits, at * " \Jp |*s. € limiAX —20-Mulo Team washing powder, one- BATH SOAP—Swift's Wool Soap, ror bath and \ Ages 3to 8 years; Ages Bto 17 years ; Aire* Bto 18 vetrs • x" 9 " .f Si Hi M pound box 10r Toilet; special, 35 C C neat mixtures in belted back and con- ' ytXTF\. \ f<>l ' cakes lor \ double breasted mod- vertible collar, good r,cucst military e ' s ' button to the patterns; very well mode!; fine homespun /1 \ i mm Wgm I | Extra Special Boys' Rompers I I Extra Special % ('lollies Baskets | Hand Brushes Gas Iron i Electric Irons Shopping IPiskcts 4 2to 6 . QCp shades, worth .1 CQ A // njj C* Round Oak Good strong Hand Fully guuran- Nickel plated; fully Mexlun Pulml years %/ %J dollar V/ i/ " V\ L- EN ■ Chip Clothes Brushes, with han- teed Gas Iron: guaranteed; special— Shopping Ba s- J \Ts C Baskets. CQ r die. OK- steel 4*9 /1Q each CQ QC kcts. 750 ■ i Iwr I i Special... ! Each <ZOC tu blng. VO.ZtD S p CL . ia i... IDC y | W JIVJ ] stair Treads Coal sifters Casseroles , Brooms o ( ixtra Special Boys' Blouses Extra Special—Boys' Overseas ft I I cxiß inch. le r Good heavy Nickel Plated Good, heavy TOWEJLb # Made of Madras; tapeless Hats—Four different models, \\ j IS each *•**' Japanned Coal Casseroles, white Coin Brooms; Huck Xowc's. extra \ models; ages 6to /*A all khaki shade; 1 Af\ \ I 9xlß inch, 1 ! Sieves. *}Q r and brown QC r strong. OQ KOO d size; plain white. Mia rwM/* i > I XIM : A ) 1(J leach - c ! Special.... flllers .... yOC Special, f ed bonde ; : P f 16 years V7t only Vlttt/ 1 \ SILKS SILKS SILKS Sheets and Pillow Cases 1 c # lll | Taffeta Messnliiics Good quality ■ Boys' Military Q C mA SJ ■ s HARRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH announcement was made by Mr. Mc- Cormtck upon the receipt of a tele gram from Federal Administrator Hoover that this ruling had been re moved. The old ruling called for the use oj twenty' per cent, substitutes with | eighty per cent, of wheat flour. Al- I though the ban has now been removed (.from the purchase of wheat flour without substitutes, it was stated by the local food administrator that the need for conservation Is Just as great as ever. Despite reports to the contrary. Mr. McCormtck stated that the cattle, survey In Dauphin county will be Carried out without change. The sur vey will be Nevomber 19, und the blanks sent out by the administration are expected to be turned In accord ing to previously announced plans. t'HARUKD WITH BUOTLBU6I9U Caught in the act of selling a quart of whisky to n soldier at Fifth and Walnut streets late last night, Early Jackson, was arrested and will be given a hearing this afternoon at 2 o'clock. NOVEMBER 14. 1918 WILMUX WORKED ALL NIGHT j Washington, I>. C., Nov. 14.—1t has j been learned that President Wilson | was at work until 2 o'clock in the morning on Ills address to Congress Monday announcing armistice terms. He had the address ready and hud been asleep half an hour when news that the armistice had been signed reached him. CuticuraSoap and Ointment for Skin Troubles All dnifririats: Soap 28. Olntmant IS ft BO Talcum 25. Samola each fire of ' Cailwa. Dal 1. ftoataa." 5