Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 14, 1918, Page 3, Image 3
Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six BELL 1081 23.10 UNITED .Friday Bargains and Sale of Outer Apparel !i 'pHEIR work has in no small degree sup- || ported the morale of our armies, and thus have gloriously associated themselves |I j in the common work that shall bring about jlj ij l our victory. 1 desire to join my most sin cere wishes for the unqualified success of the financial campaign, which >*>u are newly commencing with the view to the develop ment and support of your work. jjl |1 jj, G. Clemenceau, ill jl Premier of Preoeo || UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN IB Lj 1 [ Draperies 52-inch Rep for por tieres in old blue, and rose. Friday sale, yd.. 85c Lot of Curtain Edges in white and ecru. Fri day sale, yd., 5c Filet Net in neat de sign in white and ecru-- 36-inches wide. Friday sale, vd., 25c w 30-inch Poplin in niu'.r berry only—good finish. Friday sale, yd., 39c BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. . Children's Dresses Children's Dresses in gingham —2 to 6 years, small check and plaid— short waist with white cuff and collar; slightly soiled. Friday sale, 75c Baby Sacques Hand crotched Baby Saques in white with pink and blue—slightly soiled. Friday sale. SI.OO Children's Hats Tailored with band and trimmed styles—assorted colors; closing out. Fri day sale, $1.50 1 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Domestics 63-i nch Unbleached Sheeting in remnants lengths of 1 to 2J4 yds., this is an extra nice quality of sheeting while the lot last. Friday sale, yd., 42'/ 2 c Light Calico in pinks and blue and tan plaids, double fold. Friday sale, yd-# a 15c 36-inch Outing Flan nels, light pattern in use- lengths, about 100 yds. Friday sale, yd., 37>/ 2 c Bed Blankets in white and grey, pink and Blue bordered, good weight and n a p—size 55x76. Friday sale, pair, $2.69 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor * THURST)~AY EVENING Georgette Waists .Including all smart styles—some embroidered and bead trimming with high or low necks, round and square collars in I flesh, white and gray, all sizes. Friday sale, each, $4.90 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Handkerchiefs Men's Handkerchiefs with narrow and wide hems, initial and fancy corners, made of fine cambric some slightly soiled. Friday sale, 10c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Mirrors Ebony and Mahogany Mirror makes a good and practical Christmas gift which is always appre ciated—fine beveled glass with long handle. Friday sale, IOC, 45C, 69< . and 9.> C BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Shoes W omen's tan Calf Shoes with turn soles, Louis heel. Friday sale, pair, $9.98 Women's gray Ki.d Shoes with cloth tops, welt soles. Friday sale, pair. $7.95 Women's Patent Vamp Shoes with kid and cloth tops. Friday sale, pair, $1.98 Women's turn soles solid comfort soles,—a clean up of surplus sizes; 3, 4. 8 and 9. Friday sale, pair, $1.98 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. . Hosiery Men's Hose with high spliced .heels, double soles, white and black, also riavy. Friday sale, pair, 15c Women's Stockings, with wide garter tops and high spliced heels, black and white only. Friday sale, pair, SI.OO Women's Boot Silk Stockings in black, white and a few colors. Friday * sale, pair. 59c ; | All Discriminating Choosers and J I Thrifty Buyers will find in this | I " I | ■ Coats, Dresses 1 | H An Opportunity of -Pii |||l Unusual Importance . I# "EpVjERY favored new style is represented in IBra this special lot of Suits, Coats, and Dresses |||s Another of several exceptional purchases made within the last two weeks. Hundreds of these J* garments have been sold and hundreds of wo men will avail themselves of this chance to choose from this new arrival of warm coats, jrr stylish suits and beautiful dresses. They are mk ft carefully selected fashions that we know will sjjti /u • appeal to you, and we offer them to you'at 7 I greatly under price because of the price ad- Jjj A vantages we secured, due to unusual conditions v jllfih 1 Dresses $29.50 and $35.00' I I' " Suits $39.50 Coats $39.50 ; | IS BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. f\i SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY | The Popular Style "G" ffljlgjj} AT7 /*\T" T* AkT ffl St y le U Aeolian Vocalion in fC )l J/\N \7T\r AT TrMVT II Nifll M UNIVERSAL TONE ARM—will ▼ Pi P la y standard makes of records. Including records, albums and MfeffilSl H N ° additional attachments required. accessories-complete outfit, $125.00. j | ,:|| ; |lf§ M RECORDS—S 10.00 worth of rec pi 1 jp'w Tpfifllp W$ ords or youf own selection from our r-v i. . i , r , SII If If'! Hiflllllf ifl complete libraries of Vocalion records. Delivered to your home tor a mod- ; !' X' ]j,,( | I!: 0 Ijil PP .1 . i i ii •^ 1 j||l NEEDLES—2OO Aeolian Vocalion i erate down payment, balance monthly. |B?|| nee dl Avoid Discomforts—Do Your Xmas ' 1 " j| This instrument is equipped with m (V j| • the Graduola with which you may Shopping Now !J play the record yourself, if you wish. ' Aeolian Parlors, fifth Floor. HAJEtRISBTJRG TELEGRAJPI^ JSjoum&nZ HARRISBL'ar., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1018. NOVEMBER 14, 1918. Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six * Express Wagons Pony Express Wagons, substantially made with solid block wheels. Fri day sale, $3.25 ' Soiled Dolls Dolls slightly soiled and some slightly broken. Priced accordingly for Friday sale, Soiled Toys Odds and ends some slightly imperfect* others odds and ends. Child's Automobile Shopworn but mechan ically perfect. Friday sale, $6.00 Ocean Wave A whirling interesting and amusing Toy. Fri day sale, ' 19c and 49c Parchesi The old fashioned game, more popular- than ever. Friday sale, 69c Gas Heating Stove Cylinder Stove wit h good hot bunson burner. The top can be used for boiling a kettle or toast ing. Just the stove for heating a small room. Friday sale, $1.98 Cut Glass An opportunity to pur chase a Christmas gift that looks much more than SI .69. Lot com prises bowls, compotes, . celery trays, flower bas kets. and mint jars. Friday sale, $1.69 BOWMAN'S—Basement . Sample Neckwear 432 pieces of sample Xcckwear. Materials are organdie, gorgettc, pique collars and sets excel lent values. Friday sale, each, 25c 288 pieces of sample • Collars •and sets of or gandies and georgette new clean up to date styles excellent value. Friday sale, 50c Ribbons Lingerie Ribbons ill pink and white, widths are No. 1 and l'/j. No. I—piece of 10 yds., 29c No. V/i —piece of 10 yds., 39c Laces Good quality lto 3 inches wide very good patterns mostly white— suitable for curtains, dresser scarfs, .buffet covers, e'tc. Friday sale, yd., 9c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 3 FQUNDED IST Gloves Misses' and Children's Silk Gloves with double finger tips; two clasp in black only. Friday pair, 10c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. "* White Goods Special Hemmed Crochet Red spreads size 78x88 -h good weight. Friday; sale, each, $2.50 White Nainsook 3on inches wide. Friday sale, yard, 19c Heavy Turkish Bath I owels double Terry Cloth, size 23x46 sub ject to slight mill imper fcctions. Friday sale, not more than 6 to a cus tomer; each, ,39c Union Linen Crash with red borders, bleach ed. Friday sale, yd., 25c BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. r Silks Cut lengths from 2 to 6 yds. in many colors and weaves suitable for dress, suit, skirt, waist, or lin ing in such weaves as satin, messaline, taffeta, crepes, fancy silks also, voiles. These silks in many instances you can not duplicate at double the price; all in wide f widths. Friday sale, yd., SI.OO I Woolen Goods Two distinct lines of Dress Goods—batiste and French serges; 36-inches wide in a most complete color assortment of me dium and dark shades in ' eluding plenty of navy and black; exceptional value. Friday sale, yd., 79c Remnants, all lengths, weaves and colors of strictly all wool dress goods, for waists, dress or skirt. You will find no difliculty in selecting just what you need for cut or future require-' inents and the savings ' that can be effected will astonish you. Friday sale, yd., $1.4.1, $2.21 and $'2.5.1 Wash Goods 36-inch line gra d e Percales—light and 'kirk, 300 pretty styles to select from. Friday sale, yd., 25c 36-inch fancy plaids in a silk and cotton mixture i most suitable for child-i I rcn's wear fine color I combination. Friday 1 sale, yd., 69c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor — Corsets A lot of fine quality Coutil Corsets including some popular makes in medium and low bust, long free hip, good strong supporters. Friday sale, $1.29 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 'I Union Suits Women's Union fleeced lined broken lines. Friday sale, $1.75 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor,