16 Yankee, Thought Dead, Flees Austrian Camp Trieste. Nov. 14.—Aviator C. O. Young, lies Monies. lowa, who was supposed to have been killed has nt rive'd here with a number of Allied prisoners, who succeeded in escaping from Austrian concentration camps, owing to local riots. With him was Paul G. 1 tat lilt, ol Drew. M-iss.. who escaped front a prisoners' camp November 4. IttM'HS ON 111 > IMWI'.H Provlilcnce* Nov. ll.—l.illy Suml.i> has to "go some" to shock Ma Sun day, but be succeeded when lie re- j CcivciV the news the kaiser bad been! booted off bis throne and had slipped hurriedly a-ross the Holland border . "Bill" and "Ma" were lunching at i their private table in the diningroom, of the Hotel Crown when the news came in. With one yeP, "Bill was i: the middle of the table among "he dishes and choice viftnds. I luits \\lls , "Ma" was shocked. SAVING LIVES TIMELY WARNING --————— You are in danger of catching the grip if you are weak and run-down. The grip germ finds its earliest victims among those whose resisting power is lowest. The pure food elements in Father John's Medicine build energy to resist grip germs. The gentle laxative effect, of Father John's Medicine helps to drive out impuri-j ties. You are sate when you take Father John's Medi cine because it is guaran teed free from alcohol or dangerous drugs in any form. DANGER AFTER SPANISH INFLUENZA OR GRIPPE .'ilow It Can Be Avoided and Treated. Simple Rules to Be Followed. No Occasion for Panic No need of anyone being afraid of the after effects and slow recov ering from Spanish Influenza, hard colds or Grippe, if they will use common sense and start in build ing up their health and strength the right way. The main tiling Is to get the blood rich, red, and pure, so it can carry life-giving oxygen and strength to every part of the body. l.mpure lilQod is the cause of so many slow recoveries and set-backs. Doctors say: "Get the blood right and the rest is easy, that nine-tenths of.all sickness is due to lack of iron and phosphates; the healthy strong, vigorous man or woman's blood is always loaded with these two life giving elements". Physicians also claim with fresh air and nourishing food nothing equals Phosphated Iron as a blood Carter's little Liver Pills You Cannot be A Remedy That Constipated jMwiSi JX e , S ;S and Happy Worth Living Small PiU MPIILS Genuine bears signature Small Dote TiN. ■* a ' - AS .tHSLSpARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces but will greatly help most pale-faced people The C || HOTEL MARTINIQUE t Broad way, 32d St., New York One Block from Pennsylvania Station Equally Convenient for Amusements, Shopping or Buaineis 157 Pleasant Rooms, with Private Bath, $2.50 PER PAY 237 Eicllent Room,, -ill. Rri nH Bath, facing street, southern exposure $3.00 PER DAY Alse Attractive Rooms from 91.80 The Restaurant Prices Are Most Moderate ——— THURSDAY EVENING, LETTERS FROM FRANCE Young Ilarrisluirg Lieutenant Conducts General McCoy to Observation Post Since the official censorship of news-front overseas has been modi fied to some extent it is expected that the American soldier will feci more free to tell the thrilling experiences through whieli he has been passing since America entered the war. Re cent letters (written in October) in dicate the terrific nature of the light ing in which llarrisburg and other soldiers have been engaged. Lieu tenant Albert 11. Stackpole, .of the One Hundred Thirteenth Field Ar tillery, narrates some interesting incidents of the bloody conflict in the Argonne sector. Referring to letters from the home folks, he says. "The last big bunch—August ones —came when 1 was lying irt a litt.c pit not much more titan a shellhole while my battery v. as giving them h—l a little distance froth inc. The hole was my lied, dlnlngrootn. etc. Rather suggested a grave in appear ance and darn lucky 1 cm that it wasn't. We had two boys wounded in that position and the batteries on both sides of us lost several killed." "Hello! Here's a chance to he old Mrs Santa ('laus herself! I'nt writing in pencil and in a hurry that it I the Christmas label | may reach >ou in time for consideration. Only three pounds, but such a variety of little things to eat —namely, the old Christmas standhys: clear toys, sand tarts (Oh, boy!), etc.. ad infinitum." Under date of October 19, Lieu tenant Stackpole writes: "We moved our position two nights ago away front the Roche dugouts and 1 was bewailing our fate, hut. joy of joys, we relieved n French battery, and if you know how tlie French construct their po sitions —well! The captain and I have a little place all to ourselves, with table, a good stove, soft bunks and all that sort of thing; and last night we sent a detail down to 11 -, an evacuated Hun village on the plain twe're on top of the hill) and you should have seen the plunder they brought back. Anything in the world we could wish for to make ourselves more civilized —pots and pans for the kitchen, vegetables from Rodie gardens, mirrors, tables, a small bathtub, buckets, table linen, towels, crockery enough to equip three or four messes—well, it was surely a sight. So this morning we sorted it out and arranged things. We've got a line little home now. "Last night and this morning we had a French lieutenant of the de parting battery as a guest and hav ing discovered a new cook. I had them prepare a fine mess. If it does not bore you, I'll recite the menu of the last two meals, which are the best by far that 1 have had in sev eral months. . "For dinner we began with some ; fine old fat sardines, garnished with | piehles and what not; passed front them to steak and beans with to i mato dressing, having on the side : hot Southern biscuits and toast witli jjam. Then for dessert awfuly good pears and coffee. Altogether it was i a most successful feast, and the I Frenchman certainly did mop it up, | which was a great compliment. This | morning, having spread the Boehe tablecloth and iiut his dishes and i cups out, we served peaches and hot I cakes and syrup, with butter, too | (I mention these because everything j is awfully hard to get—we had no • butter for dinnerl; steak and French fried potatoes and coffee. It was an meal and I'll admit Ithe Frenchman thought so, too, but J we're only eating twice a day and it has to be large. If they'll only I let us alone for a while 1 can't ask I for anything better than just to live I here. 1"On the way to this town Ta tow-n near his battery position] I passed through a quartermaster headquar tonic and health builder. Phospliat ed Iron takes hold from the (irst (lose. Results are seen and folt; strength returns, food digests, appe tite picks up, sleep is restful, there is a color in the cheeks und a spar kle to the eye that only blood charged with iron and phosphates can give. it is the duty of everyone who has had Spanish Influenza, Grippe or a hard cold to build up their system with nature's tonic, Pliosphated Iron. It sure is health protection. Safety first. The results will repay you many times. Give yourself a show. Special notice: To insure doctors and their patients getting the genu ine Phosphated Iron we have put in capsules. Do not take pills or tab lets. Insist on capsules. On sale by G. A. Gorgas. the drug gist, and leading druggists every where. ters of the Meade bunch. by Uio way. and ran inlo "Dick" Robinson. 1 was tickled to death to see him: in vited me to his mess and we talked for quite a while, exchanging news. Sam Fleming must he somewhere near, but I haven't been able to locate hint as yet. Our artillery brigade is temporarily supporting that division. "Tlie news we had this morning [October 19| was wonderful. Night before last we heard a heavy barrage off our right flank, but didn't know what it was: this morning they tell us the American Army has pushed forward twelve kilometers on a.front of thirty kilometers. Not bad, what! And, at the same time conies the news that Ostend and Lille have fallen and that the German army is in full retreat all along the line. The news has cheered my battery up tremendously. They've all been rather sick lately l —weatfevr's been rotten —but that news, coddled with the knowledge that we had a good part in these recent drives, has just put them on their feet again." Under date of October 21. writing to the home folks. Lieutenant Stack pole says: "Our lot- here continues to he a happy one —quiet, rest, con tentment and regular, well-cooked, hot food. All this for the lirst time in almost two months. The only thing to crab about is the weather — which, to be thoroughly consistent as a witness to 'sunny' France, must perforce pour down buckets all the time. I'm only hoping that the snow won't come down iti the same whole sale quantities, not that it matters very much' for we're sure to be out of the mountains and on the plains again before it begins. "I'm wondering how the people in the States are taking the wonderful news which comes in here day by day: whether they crowd around the bulletin boards to devour it and eagerly buy first editions from the boys, or whether the continuance of this sort of news has rendered them blase and careless of it. 1 often wonder, to, if they can visualize the scenes of these huge advances, and imagine the toll! Rut why dwell on the rotten side of the war when it has glorious parts and interesting events to it'.'" In this letter the young Harris burg ofticer also refers to a meeting with General Frank McCoy, of Lew istown, whose division came into the Argonne lighting about the time the letter was written "As I told you," lie says. 'X was up at an Infantry reginiental P. C. where lie was tem porarily stationed, and in my ca pacity as liaison officer I guided him and my own colonel out to where my artillery observation post was lo cated—at that time on the crest of the hill, several hundred yards away from the main infantry line, among tlie outposts. We got. there safely and esconced ourselves in tlie little two-feet-deep holes that were our life-savers, and then phoned back for the tirst battalion to open up. They did so, and Brother Boclie fol lowed suit —just peppered that ridge of ours with 77s and 150s. Every l'ew seconds it would he an express train shriek and we'd crush ourselves into little balls. Then a deafening crash and lumps of dirt falling all over us. or the shell would pass over and explode down the hill. Ex citing enough, but not too pleasant and awfully bothersome for obser vation. The General certainly had a wonderful control and coolness — didn't bother him a bit." Prayers For Victory Are Given by Presbyterians "At our feet lies Austtria and Germany,wrecked, scorning her fugi tive kings. Our work has only just begun. God grant that our noble soldiers, our womanhood, glorious in activity, may be spared for the great work of reconstruction. May they be the instruments to bring about God's I great plan." j So spoke the Rev. Dr. T>. S. Mudge j last night at an impressive prayer and praise service held in the Pine j Street Presbyterian Church corn | memorating the victory of Allied I arms. "It is the handwriting on the wall." Dr. Mudge continued, "and ; the nation that disobeys God shall j surely suffer while the nation that | serves God shall receive its reward. The opportunity is at hand. We pray ! God that American strength of char- I acter and rightful purpose may be | the means of rescuing the fallen na tions." HI RXKD JIV WIRK According to police three persons were burned about the face last night when feed wires broke in front of the Federal building while a street car was passing. The names of the persons could not be learned. R. T. Wheeler, of 32 7 Dauphin street, was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital suffering from a burned palm. FIRST WIRE BRIEFS IN THE DAY'S NEWS | I'nrlx. The signing of the armis tice was the occasion for celebrations in numerous towns in Hpain. Santiago. The steamer Pennsyl vania, loading saltpetre at lnique, has been completely destroyed by (ire. No members of the crew were injured. New York. ISx-President Roose velt passed a restful night at the Roosevelt Hospital here. YVnahliiKtmi. The War Industries Board removed all restrictions placed on tne use of tin plate in the manu facture of tin containers. YVashington. A high official said last night it will require twice as much time to get out of the war as it did to go through with it. New York. Charles M. Schwab said last night 416,000 tons of ship ping were placed in operation during October, bringing the total tonnage built by the Kmergency Fleet Cor poration above the 3,000.000 mark. New York. Demobilization of the. three Lutheran organizations and plans for the great ecclesiastical merger which will unite them under the name of the i'nited Lutheran Church in America again occupied the attention of the convention here this forenoon. YY nnhlngtoii. Statistics here show 300,000 t.utherans are In uniform and 100 chaplains are with the Army and Navy. Washington. Fuel Administrator Garlield announced the signing of the armistice will not affect the status of the Fuel Administration, and regula tions and supervision will continue l until the signing of tire peace treaty. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH! Hapsburgs Take Oath ' as Hungarian Citizens Herne, Xov. 14.—Budapest newspa pers received here contnln details of a remarkable ceremony In which Archduke .losef of Austria and his son, Josef Francis, took oath to the. Hungarian constitution as simple Hungarian citizens named Itapsb'lrg. ; The newspapers this was the lirst Instance in 40 years when such a re- j nouncement was made. All privileges were given tip by the archduke and ills son. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Friday's Sales Promise Big Savings on Wanted Merchandise No Friday Specials Sent C. O. D. or Mail or Phone Orders Filled. Household Needs Specially Priced $5.00 Westingnouse 6-lb. Elec tric Irons, complete with cord and socket. Special Friday only $3.35 S2.CO Wear Ever 5-quart Alutnnium Windsor Kettles, with cover. Special Friday only s>.9B $1.20 Wear Evpr Aluminum extra-deep Corn or Muf fin Pans. Special Friday only, 98c Ssc Indian Bass Fiber Brooms. Special Friday only 99c f>9c dust-absorbing Mops, with handle attached. Special Friday only *>sc 75c Granite Double Roasting Pans, 13 inches in diameter. Special Friday only 59c Decorated Dinner Ware Specials Bread and Butter Platpß Special, each Pie Plates Breakfast Plules P* Dinner Plates II Fruit Saucers Hound and oval Fruit Dishes IOC Platters, in assorted siaes, 10c Cups and Saucers >oe Dinner Sets —Special 4 2-piece Sets, in gold floral decorations, with blue border band; regularly 55.00. Special Friday only $1.19 42-piece pinner Sets, in gold garland decorations; regularly $5.98. Special Friday only, 81.75" 50c decorated China Rame kins and Plates. Special Fri day on* 30c China Bone Dishes, with gold band decorations. Spe cial Friday only l°c 60c Haviland Ice Cream Plates. Special Friday only. 25c Table and Floor Lamps $5.98 Electric Boudoir Lamps, with Japanese base and painted shade to match; in blue, rose and green. Special Friday only $5.00 Maho ga n y-flnislied Floor Lamps, fitted lor electricity, with silk shade, fringed and gold braided; in rose, blue and brown. Special Friday only, $13.98 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. • Colored Dress Goods $2.50 Army Cloth, in khaki; 54 inches wide. Special Friday only, yd $1.98 $1.25 French Serge, 42 inches wide. Special Friday only, yd., * - 95c $2.25 All-Wool Santoy, 4 2 inches wide, in ten shades. Spe cial Friday only, yd $1.89 SI.OO French Serge, 36 inches wide; in good colors. Special Friday only, yd 99c $3.50 IS'avy Costume Serge, 50 inches wide. Special Friday only, yd $2.95 $4.95 Olive Drab Coating, 54 inches wide. Special Friday only, yd. $2.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Bhck Dress Goods $3.50 All-Wool French Serge, 54 inches wide. Special Friday only, yd. $2.95 $4.00 Broadcloth, 4 8 inches wide. Special Friday only, yc}., , $2.95 $2.25 All-Wool Santoy, 42 inches wide. Special Friday only, yd $1.89 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor,. Silk and Cotton Dress Weaves $1.25 Satin Stripe Faile, silk and cotton, in solid shades. Special Friday only, yd. .. 8c 85c Silk Cords,' half silk, in solid shades; 36 inches wide. Special Friday only, yd. .. 3c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Inflow of Christmas Parcels For Soldiers Heavy at Red Cross Hundreds of llarrlsburg boys will \ have their Christmas day brightened ■ by the receipt of packages of Chrlst i mas cheer front Harrlaburg mothers, ; if tlie inflow of people to Christinas Parcel Inspection headquarters at ! River and Market streets, next to the Hotel Senate Is any criterion. Hun | dreds of mothers have already ' brought their parcels to the liead- I quarters. t In sending ■ Christmas parcels, the A Sale of Wm. Rogers Guaranteed Silverware In the Notably Beautiful Lincoln Design No matter how re lined a home may be, and no matter how costly the furnishings, you're sure to find Wm. Rogers Silverware holding a prominent, intimate part in the dining room. Rarely is the privilege given to anuounce a special sale of Rogers guaranteed Silver ware—and on this occasion the announcement comes just at the moment when preparations for Thanksgiving and Christmas are being made These Are Savings That You'll Be Glad to Enjoy Tea Spoons, dozen, . .$1.25 Salad Forks, <•> dozen. 82.118 Butter Knives 19c H, V mn •-, Oyster Forks, Vi dozen, 82.25 Sugar Shells 19c 2 Sugar Shell and liutter Knife, Knives and Folks, *2 dozen, Dessert Spoons, M dozen, ge( ifl.oo ; each $1.98 $2.25 Fruit Knives, •' dozen, 82.25 1 Hollow Handle Knives and Coffee Spoons, ',i dozen, $1.89 OraVy Ladles sl,Oll Flat Forks, % dozen, each, $8.98 Orange Spoons, ti dozen. Berry Spoons $1.89 j 26-plece Chest containing u $1.98 Soup Lad'es 82.50 knives, 6 forks, 0 table spoons, Bound Bowl Soup Spoons, V& Cold Meat Forks 8c ti tea spoons, butter knife and dozen $2,59 Baby Spoons 39c i sugar shell ..$10.98 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Stieet Floor UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN JEWISH WELFARE YIT COMMUNITY SERVICE _ JFL AMERICAN LIBRARY SALVATION ARMY Jl Why you should give twice as much as you ever gave before! The need is for a sum 70% greater than any gilt ever asked for since the world began. The Government has fixed this sum at $170,500,000. By giving to these seven organizations all at once, the cost and effort of sue addi tional campaigns is saved. Unless Americans do give twice as much as ever before, our soldiers and sailors may not enjoy during 1919 their: 3600 Recreation Buildings 2500 Libraries supplying 5,000,000 books 1000 Miles of Movie Film 85 Hostess Houses 100 Leading Stage Stars 15,000 Eig-brother "secretaries" 2000 Athletic Directors Millions of dollars of home comforts When you give double, you make sure that every fighter has the cheer and com forts of these seven organizations every step of the way from home to the front and back again. You provide him with a church, a theatre, a cheerful home, a store, a school, a club and an athletic field—and a knowledge that the folks back home are with him, heart and soul! You have loaned your money to supply their physical needs. Now give to maintain the Morale that is winning the war! I* Avoid D iscomforts-DoY our ChrislmasShop ping Now Suit Linings 95c Venetian, in plain and fancy brocades. Special Friday only, yd 49c 69c Farmers' Satin, 40 inches wide. Special Friday only, yd., 59c 39c Satine, In a range of good colors and black. Special Friday only, yd 35c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Women's Boots Two hundred pair Wo men's Boots with military and Louis heel, all grey kid and black calf vamps with grey cloth tops. Special Friday only, $4.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Street | giver must first recelv a label from a soldier overseas. This label is { presented at the Inspection hend- I quarters w here a carton for sending I the gift is given. When the package I is filled it is taken to Red Cross in ! sped ion headquarters again where, j if It passes inspection, the package j is sealed and a label and necessary postage are attixed. Under the I spices of tiie Red Cross the package Is then sent on its way overseas to gladden the heart of a soldier. Though the headquarters were opened a week ago. the corps of vol unteer workers under the leadership of Miss Mary Cameron, chairman, are Women's Ribbed Cotton Underwear $1.75 white cotton ribbed Union Suits of medium weight; low neck, sleeveless, Dutch neck, apd elbow sleeves; slight im perfections. Special Friday only $1.39 Women's 39c white cotton ribbed Vests, light weight, low neck and sleeveless. Special Friday only 29c Dives, Pomei ov & Stewart, Street Floor. Men's and Women's Hosiery Men's 50c Silk' Plated, Seam-' less Socks; in black and cor dovan. Special Friday only, <• Women's 73c Thread Silk Boot Hose, with lisle tops and fashioned feet. Special Friday only 85c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, v Street Floor. NOVEMBER 14, 1918 | very busy attending to the wants of the hundreds of Harrisburg mothers. ' Believing that they will make the I Christinas of their boys as homelike j as possible, these mothers have speed- I ed hundreds of gift parcels across the | sea to sons in khaki. | There, are sweethearts and wives, j too, of the boys, who come to the ! headquarters with their packages. All of them are proud of the work done jby the boys. Much comment on the excellent work of the Americans in the fighting Is heard and every send er of a parcel shows pride In the achievements of her special laddie in khaki. Boys' Tan Calf Shoes Boys' $3.00 tau Russia Calf skin and Patent Coltskin Shoos, button and blucher styles, with heavy stitched soles. Special Friday only #2.39 Children's $1.15 Gun Metal Calf Button Shoes, with stitched soles and spting heels; sizes 6 to 8. Special Friday only, #1.39 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Grocery Specials Sanl-Flush. Special Friday only, 6 cans #I.OO Peter's Superlative Cocoa. Special Friday only, 22c cans, lttc; 10c cans, Bc. Pie Filling, all flavors. Spe cial Friday only 19c Sauerkraut, large No. 2 crfns. Special Friday only 29c India and Ceylon Tea of good quality. Special Friday only, pound .. . , 39c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, CANTEEN WORK MUST CONTINUE IX)II MONTHS The work of Iho canteen commit tee of the Harrisburg Chapter, American fted Cross, will continue unabated for a long time to come, it "was stated yesterday, regardless of the fact that hostilities have teased. There is much work for the workers, it was said. HEI'KUtSM!* DRIVING Charged with running an aulovne bile while intoxicated, Adam LUCAS and George Stulich were arrested yesterday in Market Square by Of ficer Hicks. Cotton Petticoats . Satine percaline and cot ton taffeta Petticoats, black /•.round with colored stripes or floral patterns, tailored flounce, $1.50 and $1.95 values. Special Friday only, 9.">0. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Street Cap and Scarf Sets $1.25 and $1.50 Cap and Scarf Sets in brushed wool, Copenhagen, rose, green, brown and garnet. Special Friday only, 8.0. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 1 Men's Store Khaki Handkerchiefs Patriotic Calendars with six khaki handkerchiefs, SI.OO value. Special Fri day only, 740. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store Canvas Gloves Leather palm canvas Gloves. Special Friday only, 31)0. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewarr, Men's Store Boys* Sweaters $1.50 Oxford Sweaters with roll collar. Special Friday only, $1.19. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store Men's Cloth Hats $1.50 and $2.00 Cloth Hats in dark and fancy mixtures. Special Friday only, .140. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store Ostrich Plumes Lot of black and fancy Ostrich Plumes, $5.00 value. Special Friday only, $3.50. Dives, Pomeroy & Stawart, Second Floor Front Ribbons in Mill Ends Huir Bow Ribbons, G inches wide, in lengths of 1 to 5 yards; plain and flowered patterns and stripes; extra special, yard..29c Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor A Basement Sale of Cotton Goods Indigo Blue Prints, in neat styles . Special Friday only, yd., 17e 36-inch Percales, In figures and fancy stripes. Special Friday only, yd 27c Apron Ginghams, in blue checks. Special Friday only, yd. . . 22c 39c Japanese Crepe, in plain shades and colored stripes. Special Friday only, yd. .. 25c 4 5c plain Chambray, 30 inches wide, in twelvo shades. Special Friday only, yd. .. 20c Dives, Poineroy & Stewart. Women's Winter Shoes Very Specially Priced Women's $3.50 Patent Colt skin Button Slices and black Kidskin Lace Shoes, with cloth tops, welted soles and Cuban heels. Special Friday only, 92.75 Women's $3.00 black Kidskin Button and Shoes, with welted and stitched soles and low Cuban heels; sizes 2% to 4 on B and C lasts. Special Friday only $1.89 Dives, Pomeroy & Steward Street Floor, Rear.