Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 14, 1918, Page 15, Image 15
Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page LEGAL NOTRE S NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Tale Mileff, late of Steelton, Dauphin County, l'u., de ceased. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate arc requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment to STEELTON TRUST COXIPANY, Or to Administrator. 11. L. DRESS, Attorney, - Steelton. I'a. NOTICE -r- Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of John A. Behui, late of Middle Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned lesiding in Middle Paxton Township, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. and those having claims will present them for settlement. ELIZABETH BEIIM. Administratrix, Dauphin, I'a. Or . R. D. HARVEY fc. KXUPP. RUSH Bldg., Harrisburg. Pa. AUDITOR'S NOTICE Estate of Catharine Amanda Dean, late of Har risburg. Dauphin County. Pa., deceas ed. The undersigned Auditor, ap pointed to distribute the balance re maining in the hands of Paul A. Kun kel. Executor of said deceased, to and among those legally entitled to the same, will sit for that purpose on Tuesday. December 17, 1918. at 10 o'clock, in the Law Offices of the Au ditor, No. 3 Russ Building. Market Square. Harrisburg, Pa., where all parties in said distribution may at tend. HARVEY E. KNUPP, Auditor. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of William Stroud Lindley, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Harrisburg. Pa., all persons indebt ed to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present tifeoi tor settlement UNION TRUST COXIPANY OF PENN SYLVANIA, Or to Administrator. GEO. ROSS HULL, Attorney-at-Law. Union Trust Bldg. In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. In re, Jacob S. llurst. Bankrupt • No. 3703, in Bankruptcy. TO THE HONORABLE CHARLES B. WITMER. Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Xliddle District of Pennsylvania, Jacob S. Hurst, of Lower Paxton Township, R. F. D., 3, Harrisburg, in the County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, in said district, respectfully repre sents: That on the 27tli duy of August, last past, he was duly adjudged bank rupt under the Acts of Congress re lating to Bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all his property, and rights of property, and has fully com plied with all the requirements of said Acts nnd of the order of the Court touching his bankruptcy. WHEREFORE HE PRAYS, that he may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from all debts prov able against his estate under said bankrupt acts, except such debts as are excepted by law from sucli dis charge. Dated this 28th day of September, A. D. 1918. JACOB S. HURST. Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON Xliddle District of Pennsylvania, ss: On this 4111 day of October, A. D. 1918, on reading the foregoing peti tion, it is ORDERED BY THE COURT, that a hearing he bad upon the came on the Tilth day of December, A. D. 1918, be fore said Court at Seranton, Pa., in said district, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon: and that notice thereof be pub lished in "Harrisburg Telegraph," a newspaper printed in said district, and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at the said time and place anil show-cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not, lie granted. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED BY THE COURT, that the Clerk shall send by mail to all known creditors, copies of said petition and this order addressed to them ut their places of residence as stated. XVITXESS, the Hon. Charles B. XVitmer. Judge of said (Seal of Court. and the Seal • the Court) thereof, at Seranton, in said District, this 4th day of October, A. D. 1918. G. C. SCHEUER. Clerk. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meeting of the Harrisburg chapter of the American National lied Cross will' he held on November 21. 1918, at 8 o'clock of said day. at Technical High School Auditorium, for the election of an Executive Com mittee or Board of Directors, consid eration of and action upon reports, and transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before the Chapter. Each member of the Chap ter is earnestly urged to he present. (Signed) HELEN XI. SPOFFORD, i Acting Secretary. Estate of John Henry Boyer. late of ' llarrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased. BETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned by the 1 Register of Wills of Dauphin County, all persons having claims or demands against the said Estate are hereby re quested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to tile said de- j cedent will make payment without delay, to MARY E. BOYER. Adniinist ratrix. 1813 North Fifth Street. , llarrisburg. Pa. B. F. I'M BERG ER. Attorney. 108 North Second Street. NOTICE Betters' of Administra tion on the Estate of Bydla A. Kinter, j hue of llarrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to ihe undersigned residing in llarris burg, Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to riiake imme diate payment, and those having claims Will present them for settle ment. KATHAR IN E KINTER. Administratrix, 1711 Susquehanna Street. Or llarrisburg. Pa. HARVEY E. KNUPP. Attorney. 3 Kuss Bldg., llarrisburg, Pa. NOTICE Is hereby given that Bet ters of Administration have been granted by the Register of Wills of Dauphin County, to the undersigned, upon the Estate of Taylor laird Snavely. deceased. All persons in debted to said Estate are hereby re quested to make immediate payment, iM il those who have claims to present shall do so without f.urthcr delay to JOHN A. SNAVELY, 1143 JCarker Street. Or Harrisburg, Pa. STRQUP & FOX. Attorneys, Russ Bldg.. llarrisburg, Pa. llarrisburg. Pa., Oct, 31, 1318. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Acme Baking Company will be held at the office of the Company, in the City of Harrisburg. upon December 31, 1918, at 11 o'clock A. 11.. to take action in approval or disapproval of the sale of the franchise and all of the property and assets of that Com pany to the Capital City Baking Com pany. in accordance with the oiler and terms, on file with the Secretary of th Cmpany. \ FRANK SLACK. Secretary r THURSDAY EVENING Assistant to Marshal Foch Takes Part in the Truce r" 3SKV3 is®■ .£ i -r ■"'SV i -iyESTF.ia>*V •VVR.SCG.e.DD | Xlajor-General XTnxime Weygand. of I tlve French Army, Assistant to Mar ■ sOial Foch, will lie present at the conference with the German armistice delegates Marshal Foch will also | have with him Admiral Sir Rosslyn XVemyss, First Sea Lord of Great ! Britain, who will, presumably, ex j plain the nuval armistice terms. Cigarets Aid Italians Trap 300 Austrians Minneapolis. Lieutenant Roberto ' <!e Violim, of the Sixth Alpine Corps, ' lias recently come to the United States on a special mission for his j government. A strategy thai was resorted to in ■ the capture of an Austrian post was 1 thus described by Lieutenant Violini: "The men lit cigarets and stuck I them on the barbed wire in front of ; tile Austrian trenches." he said. "Thou j they dropped down and made their j way lo the llank of the Austrian die vision. They found almost no one ■there, and virtually everybody was in the front tiring at the cigarets. XVe ■ took 300 prisoners and machine guns and other war material, whose use we did not even know, so inferior were we in the matter of equipment." i TWO KILLED ON NAVAL SHIP By Associated l'rcss New York, Nov. 14.—-Ambulances j were sent t <> a North River pier to day in response to u call from an ' American naval vessel that two men < had been killed in the blowing out i of a steam pipe. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters of Administra tion. e. t. a., on the Estate of Anna C. Banks, late of Harrisburg, Pa., de ) ceased, liaviilg been granted to tile undersigned residing in Harrisburg, I i'a.. all persons indebted to said Estate I are requested to make immediate pay -1 mont, and those having claims will present them for settlement. CAMP CI KTIX Tltl'ST CO.. Or to Administrator, e, t. a. ]. J'. BOWMAN. Attorney-at-Law. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE ELEVENTH WARD OF THE Cl't'Y OF HARRISBURG. THE owners of unregistered prop erties in the Eleventh XVaid, of the i City of Harrisburg, in accordance with the terms of a certain pan of the Act of Assembly, approved 27th I mne, 19X3. Pamphlet Laws of 1913, ! page 568, and Ordinance No. 11, Kile of City Council, Session of 1918-laia, ! ure hereby notifled to furnish within : thirty days lrom the 28th duy of oc ! tober, 1918, to the City "Engineer, ai j this office, descriptions of their re i spective properties, upon blanks to be i furnished by the city, and at the same ! time to present their conveyances to be Stamped by the said engineer with- I out charge as evidence of the registry thereof. Any person or persons 1 neglecting or refusing to comply with ihe provisions of tnis section for a period of thirty days after public no nce of th(j requirements thereof shall be liable to a penalty of'tive dollars, lo be iccoveieu Willi costs of suit, in the name and l'or the use of the city, l penalties for the violation of city ordinances are recoverable." Blanks 1 may ue obtained at the office of the I oiiy Engineer, lfoom 316 Common j wealth Trust Company Building, Z22 1 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. • M. B. COWDKN, . City Engineer. i NOTICE Letters of Administra ! tion on tHe Estate of Gjuro Vorkapic, j late of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the I undersigned, all persons indebted to i said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having I claims will present them for gettle -1 lip ut to STEELTON TRUST COMPANY, lOr tO Administrator. 11. L. DRESS, Attorney, Steelton, Pa. 1 NOTICE Betters of Administra tion on tin- Estate of Milan Stula, late of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make im | mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle- I me nt to • STEEETON TRUST COMPANY, i Or to Administrator. 11. B. DRESS, Attorney. Steelton, Pa. I NOTICE Betters of Administra tion on the Estate of JOJIO Dobrenic, j late of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pa., i deceased, having been granted to tile i undersigned, all persons indebted to ! said Estate are requested to make im- I mediate payment, and those having , elaim3 will present them for settle ment to ! STEELTON TRUST COMPANY. Or to Administrator. 11. B. DRESS, Attorney. Steelton, Pa. j i William W. Smith, Plaintiff, vs. Grace ] Beatty and Samuel Beutty, her liifs -1 band, Defendants. PARTITION SABE In pursuance to an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., sitting in Equity, duted October 28, 1318, the undersigned will expose to public sale, on the premises. Saturday. November 30, 1318, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described real estute: ABB that certain house and lot of ground, situuted in the Sixth Ward in tile City of llarrisburg, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point Ridge Ave nue, or Sixth street, at corner of property late of Wm. McFadden; thence along the line of same 85 ft. to an alley; thence along said alley 12 ft. 3 in. to property, now or late, of Samuel Russel; thence along the lino of same 85 ft. to Ridge Avenue, or Sixth Street: thence along Ridge Ave nue, or Sixth Street, 12 ft. 3 in. to the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a three storv frame dwelling house, known as No. 1412 North Sixtii Street. Terms of Sale Twenty per cent, of the purchase price at the time the propertv is stricken down to the pur chaser and the remainder of the pur chase price on or before January 14, 1313 the day for confirmation* of said sale by the Court. HARVEY E. KNUPP, Master in Partition. PUBLIC SALE AUCTION SABE SATURDAY. NO VEMBER 23. at Navaro Hotel. Worm leysburg. Pa., at 1:30 P. M„ Sand and ■ Coal Fleet, consisting of steamboat and equipment; one pump and equip ment: six flatsi two horses and har ness; two carts, one wagon: block and falls and other tools too numerous to mention. Terms Cash. C. WIBSON tHVARTZ. EDWARD F. DOKHNE. VICTOR BRADDOCK. Attorneys. maxwell h. HITE. Auctioneer. Henry Gregory, Former Merchant, Dies at 84 Henry Gregory, aged 84 years, a former well-known wholesale notion merchant of this city, died Tuesday evening at the Masonic Homes, Eliz abethtown. Pa. Death was due to a complication o diseases attrib utable to old age. Mr. Gregory left no survivors. The body will be taken to Heading to-morrow morn ing where burial and funeral serv ices will be.held. This evening after 7 o'clock the body can be viewed at the undertaking parlors of F. C. Neely, 908 North Second street, this city. Mr. Gregory was prominent in fraternal circles, having membership with Robert Burns Lodge No. 404. F. ter No. 21. Harrisburg Council No. 7, R. and F. M. M„ and Pilgrim Commandery No. 11, Knights Tent- j plar. MRS. SUSAN LEE Funeral services for Mrs. Susan I Lee, aged 65, will be held to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home, 020 North street, the Rev. Mr. Mac- Neil, pastor of Wesley A.*XI. E. Church, officiating. Burial will be made in the Lincoln Cemetery. Mrs. Lee is survived by live daughters, Xlrs. Frances Xlartin, Xlrs. Bertha llimes, Misses Idella and Anna Lee, this city; Mrs. Louisa Harris, Toledo; two sons, William, Jersey City; Ed ward, this city; one brother, Edwin Puller, Steelton; one grandson and one great-grandson. MRS. EM MA BIiETZ Xlrs. Emma Bret'/., widow of Wil liam Bretz, died at her residence, of North Fourteenth street, Monday. She was aged 04 years. Funeral services will be held to-morrow morning at 9.30 o'clock, the Rev. J. A. Lyter, pastor of the Deny Street 'United brethren Church, officiating. Burial will be maxlo at Elizabethville. JOSEPH C. CROWELL Funeral "services for Joseph C. Crowcll, who died at the Harrisburg Hospital Tuesday afternoon, will be held Friday afternoon at his late res idence in West Xlain street, Xiechan icslnirg, the Rev. Geoge Fulton offici ating. Burial will be made in the Silver Spring Cemetery. PERCY O. SMITH Word has been received in the city of the recent death of Percy Oliver Smith, aged 50 years, in Boston, Xlass.. after a brief illness. Mr, Smith,.who had a wide acquaintance here was connected with the bank ing house of Bates it Co., Boston, since his young manhood. His wife, who survives him, with live children, was formerly Miss Gertrude Marie. Butler, of Harrisburg," daughter of tHe late John L. Butler. She is re siding at 7 Arborway Court, Forrest llills, Xlass. .JOHN R. MILLER Funeral services for John R. Xlil ler, who died at his late home, No. 2J3 Boas street, yesterday morning, will be held at the above address Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will take place at Harrisburg Ceme tey. The Rev. -Dr. Flexer, of the Harris Street Evangelical Church, will officiate at the services. Surviv ing Mr. Miller are his widow, Xlrs. An nie .•••iler, and the following chil dren: Mrs. Eugene Secor, Harris burg; Mrs. Anna Shultz, i.liddletown; Xlrs. John Morrison, Philadelphia; Xlrs. Charles Moan, Carney's Point, XL Xliller, Harrisburg, and Joseph S. N. J.; W. S. Xliller, Paxtang; Jacob Xliller, Dayton, Ohio. MICHAEL PIXCI S Xlichael Pincus, aged 32 years, 632 Harris street, died in the Harrisburg Hospital of Spanish Influenza. There are now twenty patients at the hos pital, including two who were trans ferred from the Emergency Hospital which now has been discontinued. r MISS RUTH BUTLER • Xtiss Ruth Butler, aged 18 years, died this morning at Philadelphia. She was the daughter of Mr. and Xlrs. Wm. T. Butler, 60 Balm street. Funeral services will he held in St. Francis' Roman Catholic Church Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, the Rev. Joseph R. Murphy officiating. Burial will be made in the Calvary Cemetery. The body was brought from Philadelphia to-day by Under taker Sourbier Emanuel Bloomenthal, 17, Home With British Badge For Service at the Front Emmanuel Bloomenfhal, aged 17, son of Irving Bloomenthal, 2347 Bo gar street, is perhaps the only Hur risburger possessing the British badge for Foreign Service at the lront, which he earned as a member of the 54ih Battalion, Sixth Ammuni tion Column, Canadian Army. He is expecting in addition a badge for service at the front 4n 1!18. and still another badge for service at the front and in England. Young Bloomenthal enlisted in To ronto, Can., last November, and was sent to England and then to France, room where he finally was sent to the front line trenches at Amiens, Arras and on the Somme. Finally he was called to the battalion headquarters where it had been learned that he was under the age limit, and lie was sent home with an honorable dis charge, arriving at the home of bis father last weel:. Jewish Welfare House Opened in Carlisle | The joint celebration of the Carlisle and llarrisburg branches of- tile Jew ish Welfare boards, last evening, in honor of the opening of the Welfare I Mouse ill Pomfert street, Carlisle, was i attended by many from this city and surrounding towns. | Charles Berg presided at the meet ing and there were several speakers from the. students' Training Corps, in cluding Lieutenant Furby, command -1 ing officer. Among the speakers were: Henry Claster, of this city; Kabbi Louis J. Haas, of Ohev Sholom Temple, and Bouis gpector, in charge of the Jewish Welfare work at Camp Cpton. The latter outlined the .Work done among the soldiers. Refresh ments were served, after Miss Clara belle Claster had given several solos, accompanied l>y Miss Sara Baturin. Reorganized Army May Be Based on Universal Service Washington, Nov. 14.—Plans for the reorganization of the War De partment and the army itself now ! tire in process of formulation by the ; general stall and soon will be before I Secretary Baker. Orders for the ac |tual breaking up of the army can : not be promulgated until these plans finally are completed, as the demo bilization program is dependent to some extent upon the udoption of a reorganization policy. The Secretary has Indicated that new legislation will be necessary to carry out the reorganization and is expected to lay a definite program before Congress at the earliest pos sible moment. This may reopen the 1 whole question of universal military training and many officials antici pate a long legislative struggle be fore final action is taken on whal er >r policy Vi'. Baker may pro- HARRISBURG llffiSftS- TELEGRAPH MARKETS NEW VOIt Iv STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York—furnish the following quotations Open. Nvn. Allis Chalmers 28 28 j American Can 4647% Am Car and Foundry ... 86% 86% Amer Loco 66% 66% Amer Smelting 88% 89% Anaconda 7U 70 Atchison - 96 96% Baldwin Locomotive ... 84% 83% ! Baltimore and Ohio .... 59 59% | Bethlehem Steel 61% 62 l Butte Copper t'2% 22% I California Petroleum ... 22 22 ! Canadian Pacific 166% 166% ] Central Leather 61 61 Chesapeake and Ohio .. 61 60% I Chi R I and Pacific 1 30% 30% , Chino Con Copper 40% 41% I Col Fuel and Iron 39% 39Va | Corn Products 49 49% Crucible Steel 55% 56% Erie ...'. 20% 20% General Motors 130 130 Goodrich B F 57 57 Great Northern pfd .... 102% 102% Great Northern Ore subs 34 34% Hide and Leather 14& 15% Hide and Leather pfd ... 76 76 Inspiration Copper .... 03% 52% Kennecott 38% 39% Kansas City Southern ... 22% 22% Lackawanna Steel 69% 71% Lehigh Valley 63 63 War Ctfs 30 30 Merc War Ctfs pfd 121% 123% Mcx Petroleum 172% 174 Miami Copper 27 27 Midvale Steel 43% 43% New York Central 8- 82% NY N H and H 40% 40% New York Ont and West 23 23 Northern Pacific 100 101 Pennsylvania Railroad . 49 49% Pittsburgh Coal 48% 48% .Railway Steel Spg: .... 67% 67% Ray Con Copper 23% 23% Reading 89% 90% Southern Pacific 106% 106% Southern Ry 33 33 Studebaker 68% 68% Union Pacific 133% 134% V S I Alcohol 100 99% U S Rubber 71% 72% II S Steel 99% 99% II S Steel pfd 112% 112% Utah Copper 86 86% Westinghouse Mfg 44% 44% Willys-Overland 27% 27% Western Maryland 15% 15% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By .-IssucialeJ Press Philadelphia, Nov. 1 I. Wheat No. 1. soli, red, $2.20; No. 2, red, $2.24; No. 2, soft, red, $2.24. Bran Tlie market Is steady; soft Winter, per ton, $40.50<b47.00; spring, per ton, $44.00@> 45.00. Butter Tlie market is steady; western, extra. packed, creamery, 63c; nearby prints, fancy. 67® 69c. Eggs - Market firm; Pennsylvania, and other nearby firsts, free cases, $20.40(1} 21.00 per ease; do., current re ceipts, free cases, $19,80<1( 20.00 per ease; western, extra firsts, i'ree cases, $20.40® 21.00 per case; do., firsts, free eases, st9.Bo<t}2o.o(> per case; fancy, se lected, packed, 73®75c per dozen. Cheese The market is firm; New York and Wisconsin, full iniik, 32 it 33 %c. Corn The market is dull; No. 3. yellow, as to grade and location. $1.55(1} 1.70; No. 3, yellow, $1.55® 1.70. Oats The market is steady; No. 2, white, 79%®80c; No. 2, while, 7 8 ® 7 8 % c. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, B.4sc;,extra lliie granulat ed. 7.25 c. Live Poultry Market lower; fowls, 23®28c; spring chickens, 23® 28c; fowls, not leghorns, 31@32c; white leghorns, HOtVoi young, softmeated roosters. 24®25c; young, staggy roost ers, 20®22c; old roosters, 20®22c; spring chickens, not leghorns, 30®32c; white leghorns. 29®30e; dttcks. Peking spring, 28®32c; d0.,01d,30®35c; Indian Runner, 28®30c; spring ducks. Long Island, 34® 36c; turkeys. 34®36c; geese, nearby, 28®32c; western, 2S® 32c. Dressed Poultry—Easier, turkeys, nmiui, etioicc io tancy, . 5-:uo, do., tair to good, 32®37c; do., old, 37®38c: do., western, choice to fancy. 37®3$c; do., fair to good. 32®36c; do., old toms. :<oc: old common. 30c: fresh killed fowls, fancy, 36%®37c: do., smaller sizes,32® 36c; old roosters,2B%c; spring sizes,3stu 31C, ol<J rouolels.}/- > a o, spring ducks. Long Island, 3'J®4oc; spring fowls, tancy. 26®.i5%c, Uu., good to ducks, Pennsylvania, 39® 40c; frozen choice, 32®34c; do., smuil sizes, 28® 30c; dressed Pekin ducks higher, 34® 36c; old, 30®32c; Indian Runners, 27® 27% c; spring ducks. Long Island. 30® 40c; broiling chickens, western, 42® 45c; do., rpasting chickens, 30@31c. Potatoes —The market is steady; New Jersey, No. il, 85e®l.uo per basket; do., No. 2, 50®75c per basnet; do., 100-tb. bags. No. t, $2.50®3.00, extra quality; do.. No. 2. $1.90®2 26; Pennsylvania. 100 lbs.. $"15®2.50; New Jersey, per 100 lbs. No. 1, $2.16®2.50; do.. No. 2, 100 lbs., $1.25®1.76; western, per 100 lbs., $1.25 i i.oo, Maine, per luv tbs., l.eu® 1.80; Delaware arid Maryland, per 100 lbs., 90c®$1.10; Michigan, per 100 lb.. $1.60® 1.70; Florida. per barrel, $2.00® 4.00; Florida, per bushel, hamper, 76®S5c; Florida, per 160-!b. bags $1.5U®3.00; North Carolina, per barrel, $1.50®4.00; South Carolina, per ■barrel. $1.50®4.00; Norfolk, per oar te-i. IZ.OuW 4. i 5: Eastern per barrel. $2.00®3.75. Flour Dull; winter wheat, new, lOu per cent. Iloui. iv.ou w 10.3 a per barrel; Kansas wheat, new, $10.50® 10 85 per barrel; current receipts. $10.60® 10.85 per barrel; spring wheat, new. $10.50® 10.85 per barrel. liay —Tlie market is easier; timothy No. 1, large and small' bales. S32.OU® 33.00 per ton; No. 2, small bales, $29.00 I ®30.00 per ton; No. 3, $23.00® 25.00 per I-!., -a— ..We, v P>< Inn. uu i gr<l.- s7.su® '• I.f" ner ton. I clover Light mixed. $29.00® | $30.00 per ton; No. 1, light, mixed, I $26.00® 27.00 per ton; No. 2, light mix j.-d, $22.00®23.00 per ton; no grade, i slß.u>(® 2o.oo per ton. Tallow The market is quiet: prime city, In tierces, 19% c;, city, speclul loose. 20c; prime country. 18% c; dark, 16%®17c; edible. In tierces. 22 @22 %c. Pure Wheat Bread Now May Be Eaten; 80-20 Rule Is Lifted I'lillnilfliiliiu, Nov. 14, Howard Heinz, federal food administrator for Pennsylvania, returned" last night from a conference at Washington with Mr. Hoover and the state admin istrators and announced that the 80- 20 regulation regarding wheat flour substitutes will terminate to-day. In other words, pure wheat bread again comes Into its own. It had been originally intended that the abolition of the wheat substi tute rule would take place on Janu ary 1 but In view of the shortage of feedstuffs for cattle, it was deemed wise to abolish the substitute rule at .once. Announcement is therefore official ly made of the immediate abandon ment of the 80-20 rule as affecting the sale of flour and substitutes: in other words, consumers may pur chase flour without substitutes here after and bakers may bake traignt wheat bread. The government is formulating plana for the purchase of surplus etoclts of substitutes ac mumulated by the bakers and the trade in furtherance of substitute rules. AKHIVKB OVERSEAS Word has been received of the safe arrival overseas of Captain Henry A. Gorman, former chief resl- I dent physician at the Harrisburg Hospital *■ •* Head of German Mission ' Which Received tke Terms: •jffew-Q-;. •■' ®S K f^ i ßßi ; ' i ' 6| < - • #1 DR. MATHIAS EiaXß-ETOOEie Muthias Krzberger, the Centrist lender and member of the Reichstag, recently appointed Secretary of State, who is head of the Herman armistice delegation which crossed "No-Man's l.and" and entered llie French lines for conference with Marshal Foch. | I >r. Bribe rear was the author of the famous Reichstag resolution by which civilian Germany first feebly sought to check her militarists, and which voiced the program of the Main Com mittee of the Reichstag, July 19, 1917. as calling for 'a peace without annex ation or indemnity." This Recruit Said He Was Only 88 Years Old Fort Worth, Tex,.—The oldest re cruit in the American Army, likely j any other army, put in his appear ance at headquarters. Camp Bowie, this week, lie is a prisoner, and claimed to be 88 years old, in order to be above the draft age and es cape military service. But Lieuten ant George C. McCarthy, Acting j Judge Advocate, is determined to make a good soldier out of the 88- year-old boy. iiis name is Albert Sewing, and he is a negro from Wichita Fails. For his age, Albert is a mighty well-pre served specimen, having not a gray hair in his kinky head, not a wrin kle on his black face, and lie moved as lithely as a panther.- Albert de clared he was horn in 183-1 and knew Abraham Lincoln when lie was a hoy. There were several other negro prisoners in the Judge Advocate's of iice at the time, all charged with evading the draft. Some said they Intd' not been summoned, some didn't know about registering and ond declared he was too old for serv ice, that he was 35 at the tirst reg istration. Albert sat next to this prisoner and as McCarthy questioned him about age an idea struck Al bert. If the other negro was 35 and too old, maybe he was too old also and he'd make it 34. So when asked his age he insisted by all that is holy that he was born ill 183 4. "So you're 88 years old then," Mc- Carthy told him. Albert hadn't thought of it in thut way, but it was too late. "Yas, sab, I'se 88." "Suppose you knew Abe Lincoln when he was a boy?" "Yas, sub. sure did. Used to play with him. little Abe," lie said. But, alas, McCarthy comes from Chicago, where people 88 are bent, whitened and wrlnkletL So he *ent Albert to the prison stdekade to give him h chance to lose sixty years. Maine Mussels Will Help Food Situation Itangor, Me.—lmmense beds of mussels, which are regarded by Eu ropeans as a great delicacy and by many Americans as equal to lobster, Which they closely resemble in tuste, it ave been discovered along the ■•luine coast by Professor I. S. Field, of Clark's College, Worcester, Mass., and his assistants, after a two months' cruise in tlie United States Fisheries Commission's steamer Gan nett. The cruise extended from ICittery Point to tlie mouth of tlie St. Croix, the entire length of the coast line, and was made for the purpose of investigating the mussel beds with the view of utilizing tlie deposits as an article of food for commercial de velopment, especially in the export, trade. Surprisingly large deposits of the shellfish were found, tlie monetary value running far into the. millions, and so satisfied are the Fisheries Bu reau with the result of the invest gation that arrungemerft s already have been made with several can ning establishments to put the neg lected delicacy on the market —in cans, in their own liquor, and also dried and smoked. Confidence is expressed that a great industry will lie established as the direct result of Professor Fields' discoveries. 276 Tons of Poisoned Oats For Rats In Montana Washington.—The work in Montann during the last sea son has saved 12.7e0.000 worth of farm crops at a cost of $82,800, ac cording to the report of the Montana extension specialist in rodent con trol. The bureau of biologicul sur vey, which co-operates with the state agencies, furnished trained leader ship and contributed $12,000 from its emergency appropriation toward the cost, and Montana farmers paid the remaining $70,800. Work was carried on in tw#nty-flve counties, and 276 tons of poisoned oats were prepared in accordance with the bu reau of biological survey formula. Great numbers of ground squirrels and prairie dogs were destroyed. The increasing demand for the work, ac cording to report of the stute specialist, 1® secured it a prominent place on the programs of work of the county agents and .has made easy the introduction of othor lines of ag ricultural improvement work. AMOY, CHINA. HKJOICEB Anioy, China. Nov. 14.—News of the signing of an armistice between the Allies and Germany was re ceived here on Tuesday. By com mon consent yesterday was made a general holiday, the citizens of allied and neutral countries here participating in a spontaneous cele bration.' f siAMnr I SEALS A STENCILS Bit. I MFG&YHaG. STENCIL WORKS ■] 130 LOCUSTSt HBQiGA. It COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Treasury Department Statement of the Amounts In the Several Funds at the Close of Business October 31, 1918: GENERAL FUND Aldlne Trust Co., Phila delphia $15,000 00 American Bank, Phila delphia 50.000 00, American National Bank, Waynesboro 20,000 00 Annvllle National Bank, Annville 10.000 00 Anthracite Trust Com pany, Seranton , 25,000 00 Athens Xatlonu! Bank, Athens 10.000 00 Allentown Trust Co.. Al ientown 10,000 00 Allentown Nutlonul Bank, Allentown 10,000 00 Bank of East Falls, Phil adelphia - . .. 5,000 00 Hank of Commerce, Phil adelphia 25,000 00 Bank of Donora, Dortora - 20,000 00 Bank of North America, Philadelphia 30,000 00 Bellefonte Trust Com- pan.v, Bellefont 20,000 00 Brnddoek Trust Com pany, Braddock 30,000 00 Brookville Title & Trust Company, Brookville.. 0.000 00 Butler County National Bank. Butler 2,000 00 Brldgevllle Trust Com pany, Brldgevllle 2a,000 00 Bolivar National Bank. Bolivar 5 - 000 00 Berwick Suvlngs & Trust . Company, Berwick ... 10,000 00 Cnmn Curtin Trust Com pany, Harrisburg .... la.OOO 00 Carlisle Trust Company, Carlisle -0,000 00 Carnegie National Bank, I Carnegie 35.000 00 Carnegie Trust Company. „„ Carnegie 100,000 00 Central National Bank, Philadelphia 40,000 00 Central National Bank. York 10,000 00 Central Trust Company,. ...... .. Harrisburg 50,000 00 Charter National Bank. Media 12,000 00 Centrnl National Bank, Mount Union Citizens Hank, Freelaud 2a,000 00 Citizens Trust Company. Cannonsburg la,ooo 00 1 Chartiers Trust Com pany, MeKees Reeks . .. -0,000 00 ( Citizens Stute Bank of Salisbury, Elk Lick ... S.OUU UU Citizens National Bank, innnnoo Indiana 10.000 00 Citizens Banking Com panv. Oil City l"- 000 00 Citizens National Bunk. Meycrsdale *O.OOO 00 Citizens Title & Trust Company, Uniontown.. la,ooo 00 City Bank of MeKeesport, McKeuaport JU.uuu uu Citizens State Bank, Wil liamsport lQ.oou uu ° Carlisle DeP °* U " t 15,000 00 .50.000 00 Cl Cb-mer Na . U ? na !. • """" 10 ' 000 00 Clinton CouilVy Trust Co., ' 1.-ock Haven lo.ouu uu Columbia Avenue Trust Co:. Philadelphia ..... 20,000 00 Commonwealth Trust Co., Pittsburgh -•••-. '"'• oou 00 I Conewago Trust Coin- | puny, \\ a rren •••••;•• Con t i nental K(|ultabi ausr.frr?: j ■' ■-• •I County Trust Compan>. , Somerset ."Vl' 1. Citizens National Bunk. . Washington lba.ooo 00 j | Citizens Trust Companj. W Clarion ••••:• Clearfield National BanU. lo 000 0 o citv e ßan! c 35.000 00 CO pany e . rC HarrTsburg 10.000 00 Delaware Q°\inty Na- IftO A OO 0l ) tional Baiik. Chester.. 100.000 00 Dl piUsU.T k ° £ . .V." /"• 35-000 00 Drovers and Merchants Bank, Philadelphia .. . -0.000 UU Deposit National Bank. DuBOIH ; " • mtSburgh" - 40.000 00 E lMtUb B urK N h at ! on . al Banli - 50.000 00 Farmers Bank. Parkes burg ' Farmers Nationul Bank, Canton Farmers Trust Company. Carlisle ••••;• uu Farmers State Bank. Hanover • • • • " " ,v farmers National Bunk. Q0() 0() Farmers Nationai Bank, ,-noo 00 Montrose ••••; Farmers & Miners Trust Co., Punxsutawney ... J.UUU uu Farmers & Merchants Bank. Red Lion .... - • uu *"state"College ?!*!?*..' 5.000 00 Fa Na m tlonul 'Bunk. 0 Tyrone 5.000 ,00 Farmers & Mechanic s Trust Co., West Ches- 4|J ()00 00 Farmers i iierehants iaaoo 00 Bank, West New Jon .. 10.000 00 Farmers National Bank. Somerset * ' ' Farmers & Mechanic -r, aaa 00 Bank Northumberland iG.ooo 00 10.000 00 Fr pa"n k y? PhllldeTphia . o . m . 5.000 00 Federal Trust Company. Philadelphia First Savings & rntst 2 -, 000 00 Free port' Bank. Krue port 10.000 00 Franklin Trust Companj. Q 0# Philadelphia .• • • •• ••{? Fulton National . . Ba f J l .* 10.000 00 Fa S"pii p^'^ a !l o 't' loo ' ooo 00 First National Bank. 00 Addison ;' „'' j.' First National Bank. 0() Bedford Vi";.' First National Ban . 10 00 0 00 Berwick •••":' First National Bank, 10 000 00 Black Lick ■■■■• First National Bank. 00 Beaver balls .•• •••• •• First Nat 1 on a 1 Ban .. 00 Cherry I ree First Nat I on a 1 Bank. oo() Firif National Banic. # Q0 Carnegie i # Villi/ First Natlo na I " 20.000 00 Carrolltown First N a tlon.l Bank. Clifton Heignts •••••• First Nationa • jo.ooo 00 Cresson ••<••• ;• •■ • . First National < • jq ooq 00 Dusliore • First National ■ 50,000 00 Kbensburg ••"."n-li,' First National BanU. Glen Campbell •••• " • First National Bank. 2 . Q0 Franklin • • • • • j• First National Bank. Q 0Q 1 larrisburg .-••• ••" : • First National Bank. 4 0Q 0() Johnstown -•- "VI "C' I Fl, '. Ht N hr° n 100,000 00 Greensburg First N a tie na 1 Bank. oo Intercourse •••i *v 1 ! First National Bank. | Huntingdon •■■ • • •'':' ,' M "aWJsW'.r.r'S? i F M S o'ntram- °. " *■'•• •• • • 15.000 00 First National. Bank. • New Freedom 10.0UU uu Fi'rsl National Bank. ' olyphant ••• " 10 ' 000 uo First National Bank. .- rtnftoo Nantieoke ............ 4a,000 00 First National Bank, Pittston - •••:• io,ooo 0(J First National Bapk. Plymouth 40,000 00 First National Bank. First National Bank, Pltcalrn 10.000 00 First National Bunk, Say re 10.000 00 First National Bank, Somerfleld 10,000 00 First National Bank, _ , Spangler .............. 10,000 00 1 NOVEMBER 14, 1918.' First National Bank, Spring Grove 10,000 00 • First National Bank, Trafford City 10,000 00 First National Bank, Tyrone 20,000 00 First Nut ion u 1 Bank, Washington 26,000 00 First National Bank, Welisboro 10,000 00 First National Bank, Wilkinsburg 25,000 00 First National Bank, Weatherly 5,000 00 First National Bunk, Montoursvllle 10,000 00 First National Bank, Blatrsvllle r. . 10,000 00 First National Bunk, Canton 20,000 00 First National Bank, Charleroi 20,000 00 First National Bank, ..... Mifflintown lu.ooo 00 First National Bank, iiimersburg 10,000 00 First National Bank, Williamsport 40,000 00 First National Bank, York ................. 40,000 00 First National Bank, McKeesport 20,000 00 First National Bank, . Turtle Creek la,ooo 00 First National Bank of Salisbury, Elk Lick... 15,000 00 Glass City Union Deposit Bunk, Jeannette 10,000 00 Glen Rock State Bank, Glen Rock 5,000 00 Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Co.. Butler 20,000 00 Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Co., Philadel phia 20.000 00 Hanover Hank of Wilkes- Barre, Wilkes-Barre ... 15,000 00 Heights Deposit Bank, Wilkes-Barrd 15,000 00 Homer City National Bank, Homer City .... 15,000 00 Hamburg Savings Bank. Hamburg 10,000 00 Industrial National Bank, West Yolk 10,000 00 Jeannette Savings and Trust Co., Jeannette .. 5,000 00 Jenkintown National Bank, Jenkintown .... 15,000 00 Juniata Valley Nutlonal Hank, Mifflintown 10,000 00 Kane Trust & Savings Co., Kane 20,000 00 Kevstone National Bank. Pittsburgh 30,000 00 Keystone Hank, Scran ton 15,000 00 Liberty National Bank, Pittsburgh ••• •, 40,000 00 Lutrobe Trust Company, Latrobe 20,000 00 Lebunon County Trust Company, Lebanon ... 10,000 00 Lincoln Trust Company, Scranton 35,000 00 Littlestown Savings In stitution, Littlestown,. 10,000 00 Logan Trust Company, Philadelphia 30,000 00 Luserne County National Hank. Wilkes-Barre . . 30,000 0O Luzerne National Bank, Luzerne 10,000 00 Lycoming National Bank, Williamsport 10,010 00 Lyndora National Bank, Lyndorn 15,000 co Lincoln Deposit ic Trust " Co., Altoona 25,000 00 Marion Center National I Bank, .Marion Center. . 10,000 00 Madera National Bank, 1 Madera 20,000 00 | Murine National Bank, Erie 50,000 00 I Market Street National Bank, Shamokin 15,000 00 Mechanics Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 60,000 CO Merchants National Bank, Harrisburg 30,000 00 Merchants National Bank, Pottsville 30,000 00 Miners Bank, Wilkes- Bar re 50,000 00 Miners Deposit Bank, Ly kens • la,ooo 00 Miners Saving Bank, Pittston 100,000 00 Metropolitan National Bank, Pittsburgh 60,000 00 McDowell National Bank, Sharon 25,000 CO McKeesport Title & Trust Co.. McKeesport 80,000 00 Middle City Bank, Pliila- „. ... „. delpllia CO,OOO 10 Nanticok.e National Bank, ..... Nan*4coke • 10,000 00 National Bank of Ger mantown, Philadelphia Jj.oCO 00 National Bank of Jersey Shore. Jersey Shore... 10,000 00 National Bank of Mai- ..... .. vern, Malvern la.OOO 00 Northern Central Trust Co., Williamsport 40,000 00 North Scranton Bank, Scranton -0.000 00 National Bank of Coates ville, Coatesvllle 10,000 00 Oil City Trust Company, Oil City 50,000 00 Peoples Bank, Carnegie ]5.000 00 Palmyra Bank. Palmyra, 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Nation al Bank. Chester 60,000 00 Peoples National Bank, East Brady 25,000 00 Peoples Bank. Hanover.. 10,000 00 Peoples National Bank, ..... Lebanon • • • 10.000 00 Peoples Bank, MoKees port 5p,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Mifflin 5,000 00 Peoples National Bank, \lonot<Bon 1.1,000 oo Peoples National Bank. ....... Mount Pleasant 1 J, 222 2 Peoples Bank, Steeitou . . 30,000 00 Peoples National Bank, ..... ... Stewartstown 15,000 00 Peoples Union Savings ....... Bank, Pittston 00.000 00 Peoples Saving and Dime Bank, Scranton 14a,000 00 p, t n o e „ Br . ook . Bink :. Bl ; ,ra ": 13.000 00 Pittsburgh' Trust Com- ......... pany, Pittsburgh 100.000 CO Penna. Company for In surance on Lives and Granting Annuities. ....... Philadelphia 00.000 00 P Tion ß St . ttle . Bank '. Re • 10.000 00 Plvmouth National Bank, Plymouth 35 ' 000 00 Provident Trust Com tianv. Pittsburgh . 0,000 00 Philson National Bank. ...... Berlin 13.000 00 Reading National Bank, Reading 4j ' 000 00 Real Estate and Trust ....... Co., Washington la,ooo 00 Red Lion First National Bank. Red Lion ...... 20,000 00 Se Xlt n oona Nttt . lo ". ttl . • . BR " •' 20,000. 00 Second National Bank. ....... Meyersdale • 15.000 00 Second National Bank. Philadelphia 6,000 00 Scotdale Trust Co., Scot- ..... dale • • • • 1a.090 Security Title & Trust Company, York 50,000 oo South Philadelphia State ....... Bank. Philadelphia ... 10,000 00 Stroudsburg National "Bank. Stroudsburg ... 40,000 00 Susquehanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co.. Wll liamsport 25 - 000 °9 Swarthmore National Bank. Swarthmore ... 20.000 00 Safe Deposit Trust Co. of UasU r e nCB C ° Unty :. eW 20,000 CO Sn sT;e Sh ° e Bttnk '.. Bn ° W 5-000 00 South Side Bank. Scran- "KS&'Hitt 10 " 11 ! 15.000 00 B Ts& TrU * t .. C ?'. , .. Ha '' 20,000 00 State Batik of Elizabeth. Elizabeth 6,000 00 Third National Bank, ....... Philadelphia 20,000 00 Tower City National ...... Bank, Tower City .... 5,000 00 Turtle Creek Savings & Trust Co.. Turtle Creek 20,000 00 Rural Valley National Bank. Rural Valley... 10,000 00 Tenth National Bank, Philadelphia 10,000 00 Union Rniik, Nanty Glo 10,000 00 Union National Bank. Connellsville 22,500 00 Union National Bank. Minernvllle 21,000 00 Union Banking & Trust Company Dußols .... 10,000 00 Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 50,030 00 United States National Hank. Johnstown 10,000 0# Union National Bank, Johnstown 25,000 OS Wayne County Savings . _ Ban*, Honesdale ..... 25,000 OS Washington Trust Com- _ pany, Pittsburgh 125,000 08 West Side Bank, Scran ton ; 25,000 00 Warren Savings Bank, Warren 50,000 00 West Branch National Bunk. Williamsport. ... 20,000 OS West Side Bank, West Pittston 10,900 OS Western National Bank, York 10,000 08 Wilbur. E. P., Trust Co.. South Bethlehem 150,000 OS Wayne Junction Trust Co.. Philadelphia 20,000 08 Washington Trust Co., Washington 25,000 08 York County National Bank, York 20.000 08 York Trust Co.. York... 25,000 00 Yough Trust Co.. Con nellsyille 50,000 OS Colonial Trust Co., Pitts , burgh 309,777 5S< Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg 103,194 03' • Corn Exchange National Bank, Philadelphia ... 101,301 74> Diamond National Bank, Pittsburgh 060,650 01 Harrisburg Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 19,815 SO" Mellon National Bank. Pittsburgh 119,367 41 Qunker City National Bank. Philadelphia ... 259,429 78 Cusn on hand 137,635 83 Total Amount.ln Oen eral Fund $8,179,178 1* • SINKING FUND Anthracite Trust Coin- Scranton $50,000 00 Archbald B%nk, Arch bald 6,000 CO Bradford National Bank, Bradford 15,000 00 Commercial National Hank, Bradford 15,000 08 Commercial Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 5,000 08 Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg £8,610 f>9 Colonial National Bank, Connellsville 25,000 0® Fanners & Traders Na tional Bank, Westfleld 10,00(1 08 Farmers „ Deposit Bank. Cresson 7,590 0® Fayette City National Bank, Fayette City 20,000 08 First National Bank, Cherry Tree . 10,CCD 08 Firt National Bank. Ualeton 5 000 00 First National Bank, Knoxville 5,000 00 First National Bank, Mansfield 10,000 00 First National Bank, New Wilmington 6,00 COO First National Bank, Patton 15,000 00 First Nat ionul Bank, State College 6,000 00 First National Bank, Susquehanna 30,000 00 Grange National Bunk, Patton 10,000 00 Mechanics Trust Co., Har risburg 15,000 00 McKcan County Trust Co.. Bradford 13,000 CO Miners National Bank, Blossburg 15,030 00 M'uiongaliela Nation al Bank, Brownsville.. 50,000 00 Miners and Merchants Deposit Bank, Portage 10,000 00 Monuca National Bank, Monuca 5,(00 00 Potter Title & Trust Co., Pittsburgh ....... 15,000 00 Punxsutawney National Bank, Punxsutawney.. 90,000 00 Second National Bank, Meyersdale 10,000 00 Somerset Trust Company, Somerset 25,000 00 South Side Trust Co., Pittsburgh 30,000 00 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia ... 25,000 00 Tioga County Savings & Trust Co., Welisboro. . 35,000 00 Union Trust Co. of Penn sylvania, Harrisburg.. 35,000 00 Total Amount in Sink ing Fund $651,110 03 MOTOR FUND Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg $935 63 Harrisburg, Trust Co., Harrisburg 22,216 27 Total Amount In Motor Fund $23,150 90 GAME PROTECTION AND PROPA-, CATION FUND American National Bank, Ebensburg $25,000 00 Cambria Title Savings &. Trust Co., Ebensburg.. 30,000 00 Franklin Trust Company, Philadelphia 40,000 00 First National Bank, BlaJrsvJlle 65,000 00 First, National Bank, Jcssup 10,000 00 Union Trust Co. of. Penn sylvania, Harrisburg.. 20,000 00 Union Trust Co., Dono.'a. 10,000 00 Colonial Trust Co., Pitts burgh 21,683 76 Total Amount In Game Protection and Prop agation Fund $221,683 76 FUND FOR PAYMENT OF BOUNTIES Bedford County Trust Co., Bedford $23,000 00 First National Bank, Somerset 25,000 00 National Bank of Coates ville, Coatesvllle 25,000 00 Third National Bank, Philadelphia 60,000 00 Providence Bank, Scran ton 25.000 00 Diamond National Bank, Pittsburgh 31,575 83 Total Amount In Fund for Payment of Boun ties $181,575 8* INSURANCE FUND First National Bank, Con fluence $10,009 CO Union Trust Co. of Penn sylvania, Harrisburg .. 30,000 00 Honesdale National Bank, • Honesdule 15,000 CO First Natlonul Bank, Kane 25,000 00 Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg 21,703 35 Total Amount In Insur ance Fund $101,703 35 STATE SCHOOL. FUND Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg $11,967 34 Total Amount In State School Fund $11,967 34 PRISON MANUFACTURING FUND Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg $33,345 71, Total Amount In Prison Manufacturing Fund.. $34,345 7t FEDERAL, APPROPRIATION FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg $1,083 23 Colonial Trust Co., Pitts burgh 95,484 09 1 Total Amount In Fed eral Appropriation.. $96,587 31! FISH PROPAGATION FUND Harrisburg Trust Com pany, Harrisburg .... $8,269 7® Total Amount In Fish Propagation Fund .. $8,269 7® State of Pennsylvania, City of liars risburg—Sß. Personally appeared before m Charles A. Snyder, Auditor Harman 41. Kephart. State Treasurer., who being duly sworn according to law, salth that the foregoing state* ment Is true and correct to the besQl of .his knowledge and belief. HARMAN M. KEPHART, State Treasurer, Sworn and subscribed before -me* this 13lb day of November, 1918. CHARLES A. SNYDER. ,1 Auditor GeneraL (I Published in pursuance of the pro.# visions of Section 11, Act of Febru* ary 17, !U**6. ' <-u*rjaa A. SNYDER, I Auditor Geacfoli J 15