Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 14, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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"overnor Calls For an Observ
ance in Honor of the Allied
Empire December 7
Governor Brumbaugh late to-day
issued a proclamation calling upon
the people of Pennsylvania to ob
serve Britain day In honor of the
T *art played by the British empire
m the great war.
The proclamation says:
"Whereas, God has graciously
given victory to our cause and has
through this war taught us the fine
quality of manhood and womanhood
to be found In Great Britain and in
pther countries that with us have
heroically borne the burden of this
war: and
"Whereas, We must never forget
the steadfast sentries of the sea—the
British Navy—that walled us about
and held us harmless in our homes
and property and rendered impotent
the proud vauntings of the German
naval officers; and
"Whereas, The innumerable kindly
acts of the British people have
again revealed them as the steadfast
friends of the Republic;
"Now, therefore, I, Martin G.
Brumbaugh, gratefully acknowledg
ing the steadfast heroism of the
British Navy and Army, and mind
ful of the splendid service they have
given the cause of democracy and,
resolved that the sacrifice willingly
made to save Belgium and France
from complete annihilation, do here
by set aside
upon which day let us by proper
planning commemorate in formal
ways in press and pulpit and public
assemblies the part Great' Britain
has had in the momentous war now
happily and honorably concluded."
Lew lutown, Pa.. Nov. 14. —Mrs. El
mer Burlew, of Lewistown Junction,
has received a telegram Informing
her that her son. Private E. Lawrence
Burlew arrived at No. 2, Debarkation
Hospital, at St. George, Long Island,
a day of two ago. Young Burlew en
listed In Company M. Eighth Penn
sylvania Infantry. June, l!tl6, and
was on the Mexican border. He went
with them to France on July 25 and
was seriously wounded In the Marne
William B. Kearns is the first
wounded soldier to reach Lewistown
from the western front. He was
wounded severely In one foot and was
sent to a New York Hospital and later
to his diome here.
Marietta, Pa., Nov. 14. Funeral
services of Musician Raymond Ar
nold were held yesterday and the
Liberty band, of which he was a mem
ber was present. The Rev. W. J.
Hunftsinger, of the Lutheran Church,
officiated and burial was made in the
Marietta cemetery. His brother is
111 and his father was burled ten days
l'nrl*. Nov. 14. lt is stated at the
War Office that no further official
statements detailing events on the
battlefront will be issued. From time i
to time, however, there may be of
* flcial reports regarding the move- I
ment of troops in occupying districts '
west of the Rhino.
. ' jfVictory!
■ Jf; Autocracy has been
II dethroned. The arm that \v,
n wielded the iron fist has been ,\\
J* w c |; palsied. Democracy reigns tri- : | Avo id Discom- '
M Keep the boys | uni p| iant- The sublime words of j J
Y Smiling. Di g I justice for all of President Wil- forts _ Do y our
* , sqn will go down through the ;ll
Down Deep for i ages. God speed the day ,JI
the United War V when "our brave boys' / Xmas Shopp.ng
shall return home. , r //
Work Fund. VV Now.
' 4 *f
• " J*
V The Globe's Liberty Sale r
| of Suits and Overcoats at \
\ s 2s= - >
Is Simply Wonderful
We say WONDERFUL because duplicates of the
suits and overcoats offered at this popular price are
not to be had.
Every suit and overcoat is ALL-WOOL.
.' There's a clean-cut saving of at least five.dol
-1 lars on every garment.
You'll see the extra value instantly. See them Ike I
in our windows. J
0 The Suits-- The Overcoats-- '
All-wool All-wool
/ I MvN3)l an( * fancy Form & loose-fitting 9
/ 1 Pa 2A O x * or( i G ra y s and Ulstercttes
/<=J ue Serges Plain and fancy / I \
Volunteer Force Selections
Will Be Only Reappoint
ments For Rest of War
The final com
r\\ f 77j missions for men
A\\ to be volunteer
fit/ state policemen
{ ar ° now in pro
"K, cess 01 iss uance
nt State Cup
'to'" ® ver 13,000
men have been
~ 5 JSSHI-- commissioned in
this force, prac-
Rgp £tlcally every coun
ty being repre
sented, and as the authority confer
red is only for the duration of the
war it is improbable that any addi
tional parchments will be sent out.
The volunteer policemen were
treated, to be appointed by the Gov
ernor, under authority of the act of
July 18, 1917.
The men commissioned have been
acted upon by the Governor after
tho State Council of National De
fense has approved the recommenda
tions of local councils. They were
to serve in emergencies and were
given a special equipment.
In some localities the volunteer po
licement were members of the home
defense force.
Engineers Leave Members of
the engineering forces of the State
Highway Department left here early
to-day for a tour of sections of the
Lincoln highway and observation of
the work of erecting snow fences.
The engineers spent last evening In
conference and will visit half a dozen
counties to study method of construc
tion and way devised to maintain
state main roads under heavy army
track and industrial traffic. Turn
pikes recently taken over will also
he visited.
New Magistrate—Governor Brum
baugh has appointed Lloyd N. Avery,
of Covington, to be justice of the
peace of the new township of Put
nam, Tioga county. This is the first
appointment of the kind in months.
Friday Hearing—The Public Ser
vice Commission will to-morrow hold
its first Friday session for hearings
in Harrisburg in many months. The
large number of cases listed after
the suspension because of influenza
has caused this plan to be adopted.
The hearings here will be gas rate
and service cases from the Lebanon
Valley and in Philadelphia com
plaints against sewerage rates in vi
cinity of that city.
Underdrain Work —The State De
partment of Agriculture has issued
a bulletin calling attention to ♦the
importance of underdrainlng land
for the increased crops desired for
next year. Well underdrained land,
it is "stated, "will produce from 50
to 100 per cent, more than In its for
met wet and soggy condition," the
Harrisburg's Leading and Accredited Business College
Bell 485 Day and Night School Dial 4393
Write, Phone or Call—Send for Catalog
A Representative Will Call Upon
bulletin says. The outlet should be
carefully chosen, Is the advice given
by the department's drainage expert.
Mow Superintendent —Dr. Nathan
C. Schaeffer, state superintendent of
public instruction, to-day appointed
W. P. Trostle, of Houtzdulo, as
county Bcbool superintendent of
Clearlleld county, to succeed Cyrus
A. Welsberger.
Must Classify 801110 —State Draft
Headquarters Is issuing notices to all
local draft boards to-day that all
registrants between the ages of 18
and 36 are to be classified. Hoards
are also cautioned to see that thor
ough examinations are made of "
persons called for the Navy.
0110 llqiidrcd Ten Report—One
hundred and ten commissioners
named to take the votes of soldiers
and sailors have- filed their returns
at the Capitol. The returns filed to
day Included Forts Sill and Leaven
Case Goes Over Commissioner
Jam p s Alcorn late yesterday contin
ued until December 10 the complaint
of C. F. Quinn against the G-cent
fare and service of the Harrisburg
Railways Company to permit counsel
for the complainant to gather addi
tional evidence. The heading yester
day was practically all about the
company's business, the corporation
submitting voluminous tables show
ing its receipts and expenditures in
great detail. It also camo out that
passengers had decreased last month
as compared with other months.
Boston Bandit, Paroled
to Army, Dies in Action
Boston. William J. Manogue.
alias William J. Clayton, former ban
dit, who made daring daylight rads
on railroad ticket offices In many
cities in 1913, and was paroled from
the Massachusetts state prison so
he could go to war, was killed in ac
tion in France, October 18. Officials
at the prison received word to-day
from Ottawa that Manogue fell while
lighting with a Canadian unit.
Manogue was captured in Boston
in 1913 after he had held twelve
clerks at bay while he ransacked the
tills. He had served less than one
half of a ten-year sentence when he
was paroled. . .
"Cold in the Head"
is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh.
Persons who are subject to frequent
"colds in the head" will find that the
T.TNE will build up the System,
cleanse the Blood and render them
less liable to Colds. Repeated attacks
of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chron
ic Catarrh.
taken internally and acts through
the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System.
All Druggists, 75c. Testimonials
sloo.oo for any case of catarrh
will not cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Historical Society Plans
Big Memorial Meetings
The meeting: of the Historical So
ciety of Dauphin County, this evening:,
at the Kelker Memorial Building:, in
Front street, at 8 o'clock, is a public
one. The Penn memorial service, in
response to Governor Brumbaugh's
proclamation, will be held, at which
rf er^u WiU be an Blustrated talk by
r, Thomas Lynch Montgomery, and
also brief addresses by Dr. George P.
plains. Dr. Silas C. Swallow, Dr. Ellis
N Xremer, George W. Parsons and
T interesting paper on "The
George >• ?' , WUI Presented by
vice for tJ m emorial ser
presided of e °, < i ore B ' Klein - late
president of the society, will be an
important feature of the evening.
°' little "Benny" Shatto,
der fW e Cf y months ' say it s no wo "-
■?I_ c . t .?. ry canie so soon for the
wlth Sen" being the proud in
-7.1. l!.. Possessor of twenty-three $5
Biberty Bonds, the gift of his
grandfather and grandmother, Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Gorgas, of 1914 Ken
sington street. Lester BoA'man, of
troop No. 26, Boy Scouts of America,
who sold most of the bonds to Mr.
and Mrs. Gorgas, thinks the Kaiser
got cold feet when he learned that
baby "Ben" was on the Job with the
monetary "makins" of war.
"The Live Ttore" . , "Always Reliable"
t •
Avoid Discomforts—Do Your Xmas Shopping Now
—Will you, Mr. Doutrich, said a k|'
customer, why YOUR store is always so busy? *
The only store I can compare it with is a "five" and
"ten" cent store on a busy day except, that YOUR store "
is that way all the time, there must be a reason. jnMi
Well said Mr. Doutrich in the first place
we have the "best" merchandise that is to be had and carry
larger stocks of every thing than most stores I believe the buying •
public have utmost confidence in this store; we try hard to keep them / '
thinking that way, by giving them square-dealing and greater values; ' '
you know we never change our pol icy, it's just the same NOW as it ""
was the day we opened our doors in Harrisburg; this in a measure is
playing a great part of our phenomenal growth Then we try to have
C ?i lT iP < i^ sa^e8 P eo P^ e by paying them salary enough to be good; it If|k
a lelps for every employe-is deeply interested in the welfare and a|§|§^ll J Ijlj l| ISI ||
success of this store. ' I |j v[ U| II |a|',
I get your point replied the customer, YOU don't believe in trying
to operate your organization all "yourself," you feel that it's better to have the co-operation
of your employes, no wonder you have such hard-working, enthusiastic co-workers 1 have never seen in
all my travels a store quite like DOUTRICHS The crowds who are HERE RIGHT NOW at your
• o
Proves that YOUR store stands well and measures up to a high
standard among your customers; everywhere you go they're talking about the way YOUR
store does things and how reliable and dependable Y OUR merchandise is l'm glad Harrisburg can boast
of such a store lt makes it a safe store to trade in.
Don't Miss the Overcoat Fair
This Is the Store Every Body Is Talking About
} •
t- N
Market Street
Twenty-two Nations Foes
of Germariy's Ambition
Washington, Nov. 14. When the
armistice was signed on Monday
morning last eighteen nations were
a| war with one or all of the Central
Powers, four others had severed diplo
matic relations. These are the nations
allied or associated against Germany,
Austria, Bulgaria or Turkey, together
with the date of their entry Into the
Belgium, August 4, 1914,
Brazil, October i! 6, 1917.
China, August 14, 1917.
Cuba, April 7, 1917.
France, August 8, 1914. *
Great Britain, August 4, 1914,
Greece, November 83, 1916.
Uuatemaja, April 21, 1918.
Haiti, July 12, 1918.
Honuuras, July 19, 1918.
Italy, Day 24, 1918.
Japan, August 23, 1914.
Liberia, August 4,'1917,
.Montenegro, August 9, 1914.
Nicaragua, May 6, 1918.
Portugal, November 23, 1914.
Rumania, August 27, 1916.
Russia, August 1, 1914.
Serbia, July 28, 1914.
Slam, July 22, 1917.
N United States, April 6, 1917.
The following nations severed diplo
matic relations with Germany, but did
not declare war:
Bolivia, April 14, 1917.
Ecuador, December 7, 1917,
Peru, October 5, 1917.
Uruguay, October 7, 1917.
gjgjjagifgLiiAy-- 1
Scenes of Last Two Sessions
Will Not Be Repeated;
Leaders Back Sproul
According to the Philadelphia news
papers the Republican leaders in that
city have decided that there shall be
no contest for Speaker of the next
House and that they will back Gov
ernor-elect William C. Sproul in his
desire for a capable Speaker, a good
legislative program and a short ses
The Philadelphia Inquirer speaks in
a very positive way to-day about the
matter, saying:
"Governor-elect Sproul has Inform
ed the Republican leaders that he is
in favor of a short Bession of the Leg
islature, which convenes on the llrst
Tuesday of January next, and ~lt has
been tentatively agreed to support a
resolution calling for final adjourn
ment of the General Assembly on
either April 17 or April 24 next." The
i.quirer also .snys the Speaker has
not been decided upon.
The Philadelphia Record says that
the Penrose and Varo factions un-
NOVEMBER 14, 1918.
nounced that Governor Sproul would
name the next Speaker and that there
would be no contest over the coveted
position at the beginning of the now
state administration. As the General
Assembly Is overwhelmingly Repub
lican, it is conceded that the Repre
sentative selected by the next Gov
ernor will be elected on the fli'st bal
lot. It was also learned yesterday
that the next Speaker will not bo a
The North American says: "Repub
lican leaders have decided that the]
next session of the Legislature, \vhich
opens in January will be short. Gov
ernor-elect Sproul is opposed to a
long sesslqn and Senator Vare has
told his follows that he is opposed to
long recess periods."
Senator Vare gives his views exten
sively in the Public Ledger, which
consistently opposes him.
"I am going to' propose a session
that will last not more than 100
days." said Senator Vare. "X am going
to make that an issue at Harrisburg.
It can be done If the members get
down to work and quit wasting time
by long vecesses. Legislative sessions
usually last about six months. Every
thing that we have to do can be done
in from ninety to one hundred days
if the members make an earnest effort
to accomplish that end. Of course, if!
the usual rule of working two-or
three days eacli week is followed, the |
session will be needlessly protracted
. at great loss of time and greater ex
pensc to the state. If a definite pro
gram is mapped out at the beginning
and conscientiously followed, there ia
no reason why everything that is to
be done cannot be done in Just half
the time the Legislature usually is in
session. Nothing need be slighted;
legislation need not bo railroaded.
Thorough consideration can be
given all legislation in three months .
ff the members will consent to work."
Governor-elect Sproul's plana for
a constitutional convention to bring
about necessary changes in the con
stitution of the state undoubtedly
will win the support of the Vare wing
remarks the Ledger. Senator Vare
was asked his opinion on this matter
yesterday. He replied that he express
ed himself in favor of a constitutional
convention two years ago and still
was of the same mind.
No other remedy will so
surely and quickly correct
stomach ailments, regulate
the liver and improve the
general health as a dose of
' Ltrml Sle of Aay Medietas in (We World.
bw.J everywhere. In Boxes. 10c., Uc.
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