Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 11, 1918, Peace Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Officers Remove Epaulettes
When Military Goes
Over to People
llrrllß. NOT. 10.—With regard to
the ineidents of November 9 in Ber
lin the semi-official Telegraph Bu
reau. wording under the control of
the Workmen's and Soldiers' Council,
issued the following report:
"This morning at 9 o'clock the
workers of the greatest industrial
undertakings commenced a general
Red Flag* Carried
"Processions hastened from all the
suburbs to the center of the city.
,Hed (lags were carried at the head
of the processions in which marched
armed soldiers and all classes.
"The first procession arrived from
the Ackerslrasse and Brunnestrasse.
As a preliminary the soldiers and of
ficers were urged to remove their
cockades and epaulettes. In the ma
jority of cases this to6k place vol
Soldier* Knthuainstie
"There was a general fraternisa
tion of soldiers and workmen. The
workmen penetrated* the barracks
where they received an enthusiastic
reception from the soldiers.
"The military occupants of fac
tories mingled in common with the
workers, left the works and treated
with them in common.
Only One Clash
"So far as known the only clash
between the masses and "-armed
forces took place on the occupation
of the so-called 'cockshafer' bar
racks. In that was a guard of fusi
liers but only two officers fired.
'Three persons were killed and
one was injured. This is to be re
Take Over I'nlilic Building
ihe taking possession of a ma- j
Jority of the public buildings and
establishments was completed with- ,
out difficulty once it was clear that
the military had gone over to the
Price of Boston Papers
Go Up at Week's End
Boston. Nov. 9.—Publishers of
Boston daily and Sunday papers
voted to-day to advance'the price
next Friday to 2 cents morning and
evening, and S and 7 cents on Sun
days. To-day all the Boston evening
papers sell for 1 cent, except the
Transcript, which charges 3 cents,
and all the morning papers for 1
cent except the Boston Globe, which
sells for 2 cents, and the Christian
Science Monitor, which sells for 3 :
cents. All the Sunday papers sell
for 5 cents.
Boston is the only large city in
the country in which there still re- j
malned 1-cent newspapers, and the!
increase to 2 cents has been under.
consideration for some time. Largely j
increased operating expenses and the !
jumping price ot print paper have j
miade the 1-cent paper impossible.
Must Fill War Chest, Even
if Peace Comes, Says Mott
New York. Nov. 9.—To guard
against the demobilization period be- j
coining one of "mental, moral and '
physical slackues and deterioration"
in the Ante dean army and navy, the i
seven welfare organizations united !
in next week's war work campaign j
require, even more urgently than if I
hostilities continued, the full support !
of the public, John R. Mott, chair- j
man of the drive, declared here yes- I
terdav at a rally of the Merchants' j
Not merely $170,500,000 set as the 1
goal of the campaign, but fully !
$250,000,000 will be needed to serve |
the men in khaki and blue for the :
year or more that will elapse before [
they re-enter private life, he said.
WITH a great military victory
and a triumphant peace Im
pending, it is the opinion of
many thoughtful people of Har
risburg that any public demon
stration should e in harmony
with the ideals of the war and
the great causes which led the
L'nlted States to participate In the
There is a disposition too often
to make of these occasions a mere '
lollitication without meaning and '
contrary to the spirit of sepious i
purpose underlying the alliance
for righteousness and liberty and
Justice. In a premature celebra
tion the other nig.,t upon a false
rumor of peace, there was mani
fest a disposition to treat the
whole thing as a Hallowe'en or
i Mardi Oras festival might have
been treated.
The gro-' sacrifices of the war
have touched many homes, and
while there should be great Joy
and rejoicing over the termination
of hostilities and the coming of
peace, there ought also to be a
serious appreciation of what has ,
been achieved and wTiat the vie- !
tory means for the country and
the world.
The Telegraph believes that,
above all else, there should be a
recognition of God in appt-opri- 1
ate services in all the churches, j
Of course, there should also be a
great public demonstration in har
mony with the Ideals and purposes
of the war. But all mere carni
val features should be eliminated.
It ought, In short, to be a fine pa
triotic expression of the Joy of
the people along the line of sev
eral of the imposing demonstra
tions which have marked the
progress of the war in Harrlsburg.
There is no necessity for any
hasty celebration. It ought to i
follow quickly, of course, after
the declaration of .peace, but
whatever is done should be done
after some thought as to the char
acter of the celebration and the
proper arrangement of details.
It would seem that even now
Mayor Kelster might call into
conference the chairman of the
Committee of National Defense
and others who have been promi
nent In the war activities—men
and women—with a view to out
lining a program to the end that
there may be no celebration that
will reflect adversely upon a com
munity that has acquitted Itself
so admirably throughout the war.
Looks as if it W ; as Going to Be a Close Finish
i • s —^
*• /;■ /. fffcrfe
1 ; - ,v i
Pink Teas and Theatre
Suppers Discouraged
Washington. Nov. 10-—The Ar -
i ericnn people are asked by the food
administration to discontinue after
noon teas, tneater supper parties,
and all meals except the usual three
a day. Conservation of cereals and
sugar is now of vital importance,
i said the appeal, which character
! izcd the consumption of sandwiches,
! cakes and sugar at "extra meals" as
; an unnecessary waste of foodstuffs,
i "While the food administration
| recognizes the value of social gath
! erings where refreshments are ser
! Ed," the statement said, "it believes
! that the hours for these functions
I can should be so regulated that they
j take the place one of the three reg
• ular meals. Indeed, such a meal
| may well serve as a lesson in intel
: ligent food conservation."
"In France and England no meals
j are served after 9.30 o'clock at night,
and in both countries public eating
| places are closed for a definite per
i iod during the afternoon. The food
! administration now asks the I'nited
j States to fall in line and cut out
I theater suppers, hfternoon teas and
I all 'fourth' meals and make the
| banquet, club luncheon or church
(supper a simple substitute for one
j of three daily meals."
Berlin's Public Buildings
Turned Over to Socialists
By Associated Press
; Berlin, Saturday, Nov. 9. — (Ger
man wireless to London) Nov.lo. —
j The social Democratic party is in
-1 terceding with the people's govern
ment. The guards which had been
( stationed at the public offices and
other buildings have been with-
I drawn. Friedrich Ebert, vice presi-
I dent of the social Democratic party,
is carrying on the chancellorship.
London. Nov. 9.—Delegates of the
| revolutionary German army arrived
i in Berlin on Friday, according to
a dispatch from Copenhagen to the
Exchange Telegraph Company. They
conferred for several hours with the
minister of marine and with mem
bers of the Reichstag majority par
ties. It is stated that Hugo Haase,
| a socialist leader In the Reichstag,
Has the situation at Hamburg in
' hand.
- J&*. ** 4 t"T' *^ll
■ - mmewwm"iir I "miwuf i ii>riiiii>fii"irwwv , wv'' • -
The Kaiser and his six sons in the heyday of their glory ore show n In this photograph, taken shortly before
the great war. This Is the Pots-Damn family, responsible for the European conflagration
Emperor Karl of Austria, whose 1
empire was torn from his grasp i
shortly preceding the German su>
render. An ally of the Kaiser, Karl
was forced by victorious Allied
armies, combined with internal dis-'
turbanoes, to surrender unoondi
' tionally.
Scavengers of Sea Haunt
Wakes of Enemy U-Boats
On Hoard an American Destroyer
In French Waters.—Sharks and sea
gulls. the scavengers of the sea. have
: learned to follow in the wake of the
submarine and watch and wait for
the food likely to come from the
wreckage pf merchant vessels de
stroyed by the German wolves.
This fact has been observed by the
commanders of American destroyers
and is used as a clue to hunt down
the Hun at sea.
The presence of schools of sharks I
and Hocks of seagulls puts the men !
of the American destroyers on the
tiptoe of expectation when they are
hunting for a periscope in the path
of American transports. One com
mander returning to port the other
day said: "We saw a good many
sharks and flocks of seagulls—and
these, you know, are a pretty good
sign of submarines.
"After several years Of sinkings by
submarines, the sharks and sea fowl
have formed the habit of following
in the wake of submarines, knowing
that food is likely to come from the j
wreckage. Whether it is cargo i
thrown overboard from the freighter |
or wreckage thrown up from the .
torpedo explosion makes no differ- i
ence; the appearance, of sharks and j
birds usually means 'that .there are ;
submarines around."
Fumigation Causes Fire
Alarm At D. P. & S. Store
Firemen were summoned to the big ■
Dives, Pomerby and Stewart store on
Market street last night when a pass- j
erby saw smoke at the rear end of
the building. Breaking Into the
structure, the firefighters found the
blaze to be a flash from Instruments
lof fumigation. The store manage
ment was safeguarding customers by
thoroughly fumigating the entire
, building.
I '
German Courier Reaches
Grand Headquarters
i Paris Nov. 10. (Havas). The
German courier from the meeting
; place of the armistice negotiations
1 arrived at the German grand head
quarters at 10 o'clock this morning,
according to an official statement is
sued here to-day.
| Jaw Broken in Buttle Near
Verdun; Captain Hupp
Convalescing In a base hospital In
France, after having been wounded
'in tlv e different places in one en
gagement. Lieutenant J Wilbur
■ Towsen, writes an interesting. if
i somewhilt giuesome letter 10 his par
! ents. lit unit Mrs. T. F. Toivsen,
!iili> North Second street.
Lietllenant Towsen was engaged in
the vicinity ot Verdun in the opera
tion* which 'took place September
P-2J Although lie was wounded In
rn eiigHgcni-nt on the latter date In
the law. hip, toot, a lip and wrist, ne
was able to walk from Ihe lines, and
did not eem lo led the effects of Ins
wounds until attei lie hud left the
j gone >i excitement. His nuns' serious
wound Is lh' ihe law. which was
i broken.
His left hand, it (s claimed by
Lieutenant Towsen, was saved by
his wrist watch, a llying missile hav
ing struck him in the wrist of ihat
i hand and lodged against the watch
case. with such force as to have
otherwise severed his hand or made
amputation necessary. Lieutenant
I Towsen reports that when leaving
the battle lines, he saw Captain
Hupp lying on the ground wounded
and, us he thought, dead,
j It was thought that the Captain
Kupp referied to was a Slnrenians
lown man, however such report
could not be confirmed 10-day. Some
say that the Captain Kupp referred
; to may he a man, formerly
connected with the Governor's
| Troop.
Lieutenant Tows&n is u member
j °f Company L>, Three Hundred and
| Thirteenth Infantry. He received his
i training and commission at Fort
1 Niagara, N. V., and later was sent 10
Camp .Meade before sailing overseas
i in June.
r -
Mother and Girl Killed
During Peace Celebration
. Xctv York, Xov. 9.—Mrs. Louise
j Thompson, widow of Howard N.
j Thompson, one-time correspondent
I of the Associated Press at Paris and
i Petrograd, and her daughter. Mar-
I garet, 10 years old, were killed at
j the height of the celebration in
Yonkers over the false armistice re
i ports, when an automobile struck
I and hurled them under a trolley car.
I They were caught in a pocket in .
the crowd while crossing a street 1
shortly before midnight. The driver
of the motorcar was arrested
charged with homicide.
Mrs. Thompson, who lived in Os
sining, was a violinist of more than
local repute, having studied in this i
country, France. Italy and Germany.
She was born in Columbus. Ohio and i
her daughter in Paris. Mr. Thomp
son died in Paris.
Clemenceau Greeted
as Savior of France
Paris, Nov. 9.—Premier Clemen- 1
ceau appeared for a moment last
night in the lobby of the senate after
a sitting of that body which had de- j
clared him, in traditional phrase, to I
have "deserved well of his country."
The premier's approach to the j
group of senators lingering after the '
adjournment was the signal for an 1
ovation to him. He was speedily sur- i
rounded by numbers of the senators. '
who pressed forward\to shake his |
hand. \ •
"You are the savior of France!" I
cried one.
"No. no," replied the premier, I
shrugging his shoulders, "it is the
country which has done evervthing
Battleplane Kills Two
Spectators at Scranton
Scranton. Pa., Nov. 9—When a
big battleplane which had alighted
at Olyphant yesterday attempted to
take the air it crashed into a crowd
of spectators, with the result that
a boy and a man were killed and
seven others hurt. The machine was i
being driven by Lieutenant Zieg- j
man, of St. Louis. The -crowd gath- !
ered too close to the machine as it I
started, and Lieutenant Ziegman, !
seeing that it would be impossible j
to clear their heads, turned the !
machine into the ground, wrecking j
it. It was when the machine turn- j
ed turtle that the spectators were |
killed and injured.
French and British
Vouch Syrian Liberty
Paris, Nov. 9. —Th'e French and J
British governments have issued a
joint declaration assuring the peo
ples between the Taurus region and
the Persian Gulf of assistance in se
curing full autonomy.
The declaration says that France
and Great Britain will encourage
and aid the estabishmeat of native
I governments and administrations
jin Syria and Mesopotamia, already
I liberated or in the process of being
1 liberated, and will give recognition
| to these governments as soon as they
j are effectively established.
Dallas, Texas, Nov. 9.—A thirty
-1 six-hour rain threatens damage from
| floods in North Central Texas. The
I Trinity and BraZos rivers, with their
j tributaries, have reached flood stage.
; Thousands of acres of bottom land
i are inundated between Fort Worth
I and Handley and in the Trinity bot
; loms between Fort Worth and Trin
j idad, and the crest of the flood has
: not yet been reached.
Dauphin. Pa., Nov. 9. —Members
of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Lu
theran Church which meets month
ly/ were entertained as the home
of Mrs. Harry B. Grcenuwali- on
Thursday evening. After the regu
lar business meeting and n social
hour, refreshments were served to
Mrs. W. F. Heed, Mrs. Harry 1. Gcr
oerich, Mrs. D. W. Seller. Mrs.
1 George VV. Klnter. Miss Anna Hotf-
I man and Mrs. Harry B- Groena
! wait. I
The opening meeting ol a series
to continue through the winter.
1 scheduled to tie held in Fahncstock
Hall to-rnoriow afternoon has been
! postponed because of the activities
lin connection with the L'nilc-w War
I Wnrli ilrivn.
| O WW**.' 18 ** ~
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American commander whose victory with Pennsylvania troops
at Chateau Thierry started the downfafl of the Hun. '
Harrisburg tyiparcntly lias set no
limit to the extent of its celebration
in honor of the victory won by the
Allied and American armies.
Thousands of persons were inform
ed of the good news within a few
minutes after the Associated Press
wires into the offices of the HarriS
burg Telegraph had carried the offi
cial tidings. Mayor Keister and mem
bers of the Chamber of Commerce at
once got busy on the manner of cele
Because of the desire of every
Copenhagen, Nov: 10.—8.34 A. M.—lt is officially announced
from Berlin that the war ministry has placed itself at the dis-1
posa! of Friedrich Ebert, the Socialist leader, whose appointment ,
as imperial chancellor was forecast yesterday by the decree of !
Prince Maximilian. This action was for the purpose of assuring'
the provisioning of the army and assisting in the solution of'
demobilization problems.
London, Nov. 10.—10.09 a. in.—When revolutionary!
soldiers attempted to enter a building in which they sup-j
posed a number of officers were concealed shots were;
[tired from the windows. The reds then began shellingj
the building. j
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War and peace crises grip the European continent. The Inter-Allie I War Conference at Versailles XI)
Is engaged in fixing armistice terms t 0 submit to Germany. A new drive bby the British. French and Belgian
troops is it. progress on the west front (2). Czecho-Slovaks have cut. the Berlin to Vienna railroads -<
Bod eh bach (.1). The beaten Austria ns are being pursued in Italy (4). Flume (5) lias been handed over to
the Croatian* a-d is the center of political ferment in Hungary. The Allied armies in the Balkans ha,vp
have reached the Hungarian frontier (6). An armistice between Turkey and the Allies'has been signeduVt
Mud res on the Island of Lentmcs t"7, by which the Dardanelles and Bosporus (8) are opened to trade. Nil
tuul.vu amiv io Bvrla (9i has come to a halt with tho surrender of Turk , ~n
NOVEMBER 9, 1918.
, man, woman and child in the eoni
] inanity to give vent to his feelings,
the celebration is not taking on
thing like a formal program. Hands
have been engaged and flags passed
out for the walkaround which is sur
! passing anything witnessed in the
1 city in years.
Word that the Kaiser's agents had j
I signed the armistice terms imposed
{ upon them by Marshal Foch passed
i quickly and it was only a short time ;
; before the whistles and bells were |
1 announcing the news to the whole !
i city.
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tlon of'Alsace—Lorraine,' air. rmi
mouthal cost additional light on tho
statement issued by Andre Tardleu7
a presentation of facts that startled!
j the financial world.
M. Tardieu, secretary of Franco-
American War Affairs, summarized
his nation's post-bellum needs. Ho
said that France would require, "la
bor, credit, raw materials and ships,"
j American analysists of financial
problems expressed the opinion that
startling as were the statements of M:
Tarlieu, America was ready to shoul
der the wheel resolutely on a basis
of sentiment and love for France,
Ample Itasls of Credit
Yesterday, however, -M. Blumfen
thai described the importance of the
restoration of Alsace-Lorraine '"to
France and told how the wcalfh'attd
resources of 5,60 are miles of
Alsation territoryfh'ould offset' fniny
economic handicaps and provide am
ple liasis of credit. He said:
1 "The patriotism of France knows
no such thing as being measured by
the dollar. And the love of America
and other allied nations for France
probably would ask no basis for any
amount of credit. But it is singular
ly fortunate, aside from the senti
mental viewpoint, that France in this
hour has Alsace-Lorraine, with its
vast resources, its farmlands, its in
dustries and its mines.
"Undoubtedly Franco will appeal
for credit on a large scale.
France's Pica to Bo Slot
"Money, labor and materials will
be necessities. And France in pre
senting her needs at the doors of
the nations which have helped her
: bear arms will not knock in vain,
j Kvexi if France were utterly wreck
| ed and ruined by war, her plea for
; credit would be met by her beloved
| associates. •
raine's coal and iron production is
"But the fact that Alsace-Lor
to be taken front the Germans and
give France that her very fertile
lands and cattle industry-is to help
France, that her great wine output
and attendant revenues are to lie
devoted to the coffers of the French
government, and that all taxes that
are levied will be given France—
these things are an indication that
France's credit will be enhanced in
a very material way, even though
the spirit of to-day is for free na-*
tions to help the French regardless'
of commercial arguments.
Potash Fields a Factor
"Potash from the important Al
sace-Lorraine fields will ho import
ant in restoring fertility t,o ail
France. The potash of this tejfiitqjiy
was one of the main reason#,
Germany disliked giving up
Lorraine. The iron and coal,
beyond estimate, that used to go to
German industries, notably tjt tho
Kssen munition centers, will now go
to France, and many of the.mlmg
] being under governmental
will represent a revenue of huge
I proportion.
Bled By the Germans j\. ,
"There was constant abuse of Al
satian business. For instance the J
j German government required Al- ■
j saee-Lorraine to bear the expense of
- custom service on goods exported
j from France to Germany. The prolix?
| of such taxes were divided among
I German empire units and when the
reckoning came. Alsace-Lorraine aL
I ways had a deficit on account ot
I providing the machinery for collec
! tion."
I According to experts on economic
| conditions in Alsace-Lorraine, Get
i many collected taxes of $15,00G,0u(l
i per annum as a minimum before the
! war. The population in 1905 was
! about 1,800.000. It is thought that
in view of decimation of population
| due to the war, tho present popula-
I tion is not in excess of 1905 figures.
Polond Has Assumed
Control of Galicia
Amsterdam, Nov. 10. —Professor
Lammasch, the Austrian premier has
i received official notification, says
! dispatch from Vienna, that Polarv'
I has assumed sovereignty ov'ct
J Galicia.
Galicia is a crownland of Austrta-
Hungary, north of tho Carpathians.
- It has an area of 30,307 square mitfrs
| and In normal times had a popula
| tlon of some seven million.
Amsterdam, Nov. 10.—An official
! dispatch from Larmstadt, capital of
the Granduchy of 'Hesse, announced
I that the Grar d Duke of Hessb has
decreed the formation of a council
of state to take over the business of
the government "until a final settle
ment of the questions arising fr<ygi
the present situation." , ,